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The First Land Herald/439-09-38
Article Number: 68 |
Dateline: 439-09-38 |
ANDRESHLEW RISES AGAIN Again we were welcomed onto the inimitable leviathan, or Zemmunhu, for an aerial view of the rising of the great city of Andreshlew, the home of the Merelew. Speaker Kolanem greeted onlookers cheerfully at the forward observation deck of the magnificent, flying sea serpent. The rising of the isle, viewed from above, is one of the pinnacle experiences in life. The rush of air around me, the expanse of ocean below, the tiny lights scattered across the mainland brought into focus the immensity of existence and our own minute places among it. As I watched the city bubble up from the waters, it looked like a perfect miniature. A large flash of lightning struck the sea just ahead of the city, signaling the pleasure of Drogor, our mighty god of the depths. Bridges wrung with radiant crystal globules and arcing rooftops shaped with scalloped ridges hissed as water poured out to the ocean, revealing the sea-sculpted city, a series of domed towers rising from it. Another festival within the fabled living island has begun! Dolphins can be found at most docks, willing to carry shoppers and revelers through the sea to Andreshlew. I'm told the rather expensive fish found in the barrel at the Andreshlew docks can make them travel very quickly. Speaker Kolanem was kind enough to answer a few questions for you, my dear readers. The most pressing matter in my mind was whether the tactics taken by the Trickling Sun faction, a group of ecologists and students of nature, worked to heal Andreshlew. Kolanem seemed pleased with the results. "Biggest pieces of spider corruption removed, yes, cleaned. Little pieces remain. Trickling Sun not promise immediate solution, only that they have best. And not arguing with results. They say it like spilling bad things into reef. Life dies, cannot handle poison. But slowly life chips away at poison, takes it into self, and dies, and carried away, and so on and so forth. Poison diminishes, life returns." When I asked whether the factions continue to argue, as they did the last time we saw Andreshlew, he said, "Is factions arguing, that funny, you funny. Two Merelew in room, three opinions." He added, though, that politics continue on. "Merelew courts in more chaos than usual, but also feeling more like politics as usual. Gillborn hiding in shadows, rebuked by King and Court. Which seems make them only stronger, more everywhere." The new topic of argument are the Voidgazers we have encountered. "That not surprise to be problem, that bothering all Merelew. No one agree on what to do about them. Most not sure what to do at all. Is maybe all the death being over the Reshal Sea? Islands valleys very dangerous lately. Merelew do not be going there." Saragos asked him if the Voidgazers have made any statements about what they want. He shook his head, saying, "Talk with Voidgazers like talking to pufferfish. It nudge, get scared, get angry, lots of spines, no one seems to learn much from exchange... I don't [know what to do]. I used to respect them when they were Merelew who lived in depths and tended to their own and to the dead. But they not that. I both sorry for them, and angry with them. My thinking maybe Voidgazers overwhelmed by Reshal Sea of late. The lots of death? The Lich? Voidgazers maybe saw too much void. Too close to battle. Merelew mostly avoid [Basalt Isle]. Dangerous. Voidgazers used to tend to its borders... Maybe is being close to it has made them mad." He confirmed that no battle extended undersea, to the Merelew, though. "Stupid kraken stayed clear of Zemmunhu's guarding us. The krakens not smart, but not want die again." We also spoke of lighter topics, and he gave us some more information on Merelew culture. The Zemmunhu he mentioned as being very old. "This one young, but that like saying mountain less tall than other mountain." Some of them remember the time when Grazhir shattered and rained shards into the sea. He described the one we were riding as "very happy," and said that it "likes flying and listening." He also told us, "Merelew very much like meats. Eat lot of fish, and lot of different fish, but very impressed with mainlander meats as well... See, this funny mainlander obsession, food with no meat, often with lots of sugar. Sugar and honey hard to come by in Merelew cuisine, for obvious reason. Merelew tend to very much enjoy these styles... Grow up eating fish, things inside shells, drinking kelp wine. Mainlander dishes very different, lots very good. Whale cheese very good too. Hold other things well, mix well." "Other thing. Merelew mostly hunt with spears. Tridents favored too, though little heavier. Some Merelew like swords, but prefer straight swords, blade both sides. Easier to use underwater. Thrusting weapons with reach favored. Many creatures of ocean faster than even Merelew, important to stay at range." I asked him a little about the Merelew religion, and if it is different from ours. He said, "In some ways, yes! As you know, mainlander holds Aluna is three entities. Merelew holds Aluna is one. All same sun, giving and taking of life. Merelew theologians recognize validity of mainlander Temple - different view, same faith. The wave crashing on the island shore is still the wave crashing on the mainland shore." I asked if Aluna grants favor that allows return from death, and he said, "Aluna brings back those she holds may return with the aid of the Supplicants." Finally, he informed me that Cotovatre will be returning, for those looking forward to seeing her again. Enjoy your cultural visit, mainlanders and islanders alike. Take in the magnificent Zemmunhu and the multitude of shops. The Gillborn may be crabby, and the Voidgazers have clammed up, but all the new shops are sure to make waves. You'll definitely find something that floats your boat. Keep your friends close and your anemones closer, Navesi Daerthon |
Real Date: Unknown Date |
Subject(s): Andreshlew Basalt Isle Cotovatre Drogor Eluned Galpelus Gillborn Loyalists Grazhir Jeihrem Kolanem Merelew Reshal Sea Supplicants of the Tide Trickling Sun Voidgazer |
Author(s): Navesi |