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The First Land Herald/415-06-14
Article Number: BI27 |
Dateline: 415-06-14 |
ELPALZI LIEUTENANT GEVA - SUNFALL HUB TO OPEN - PIE-MAKER WANTED ELPALZI LIEUTENANT SPURNS TALK OF PEACE Several andaen ago, ELPALZI LIEUTENANT GEVA made her first known appearance during a vicious assault on the Crossing. Second to GENERAL ALRET, she possesses both a keen wit and a strong distaste for the non-Elpalzi occupants of Zoluren. She mocked citizens for “hiding” in the Healerie, where she could not attack personally, and sent instead many GIDII BOMBS to disrupt the triage. Local Moon Mage Ibakha Sartuul says that Geva is trained as a Lunar Mage, and a fighter professed her to be of significant skill, able to best at least mature gryphons, and likely even more skilled opponents. Several good citizens and locals did attempt to speak to her, via the gwethdesuan, of PEACE between the Elpalzi and the Zoluren Principality. However, she thoroughly rebuffed all attempts, saying, “We were promised this land… I have no desire to discuss things peacefully. That time has passed… [You are] a people not worth this land, to be culled like vermin.” The promise she spoke of, naturally, came from Lord Sorrow, and not any member of Zoluren royalty. She made several comments about her GRANDFATHER, saying, “My grandfather and Alret’s would have done well to raze this place when they had the chance,” and, “My grandfather didn’t lose. He betrayed… You lot seem to think he did some good, when all he did was lose us what we were promised.” These comments strongly suggest her grandfather was ELPALZI LIEUTENANT PARNORE, who served Lord Sorrow and later brokered the Elpalzi peace with Zoluren. At this time, we at the Herald believe that ELPALZI GENERAL SHARTUG was grandfather to Alret, owing to their likeness and the similarity between their ruby rings. Thus the two grandfathers served Lord Sorrow together, and now it appears their grandchildren desire again what he promised their ancestors. Geva also made mention that only she and Alret are officers of the Elpalzi people.
RA’YUREKO paid a visit to a small gathering of Zoluren citizens a few andaen ago. He brought welcome news: DARKALI, also known as RABBIT and the leader of SUNFALL HUB, has consented to the opening of her Hub to visitors. She wishes to lead the first group in herself, and so she will likely appear in the near future to do so. Yureko stressed that this event would be historic, especially given that such access would allow the outsiders near the kits. Neither Yureko nor Darkali is concerned about the Elpalzi, with their home so close to Sunfall, given the Hub’s natural protection and the strength of the Prydaen warriors there.
Local Warrior Mage MAZRIAN DAEMONDRED seeks a person of palate to produce a profusion of perfect pies. “Please,” he says, “Ply me with pies.” The gentleman stresses that skill is secondary to passion. Enthusiasm and experimentation will be rewarded. Delicacy is appreciated. Payment will include no less than 10 platinum per month, in addition to room and board at one of Zoluren’s most serene and highly protected manors. Chances for advancement are good. Enquire with Mazrian.
Seeking one bodyguard. Therengian based with plenty of opportunity for travel. A chance to be part of something bigger than yourself. Enquire with editor Navesi Osirit.
Navesi Osirit |
Real Date: Unknown Date |
Subject(s): Alret Crossing Darkali Elpalzi Geva Ibakha Mazrian Moon Mage Navesi Parnore Prydaen Rayureko Shartug Sorrow (person) Sunfall Hub Therengia Zoluren |
Author(s): Navesi |