Category:Targeted abilities

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Battle spells that use the Targeted Magic ability and are contested in the same manner as a melee or ranged weapon.

Currently Targeted Abilities

Bolded spells are signature spells.

Name Effect Type Skill Target Contest Prep
Duration Slots Mana
Abandoned Heart (ABAN) Fatigue damage, Spirit damage, Area of Effect. cyclic targeted, area of effect {{{19}}} 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 3 {{{18}}}
Beckon the Naga (BTN) Impact damage, Summon a lesser naga to attack your foe. Uses Heavy TM timer. standard targeted, heavy offensive {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 3 {{{18}}}
Breath of Storms (BOS) Puncture damage, Cold damage, Electrical damage, Single target. Will of Winter changes it from puncture/electrical to puncture/cold. battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Phoenix's Pyre (PYRE) Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Area effect pulsing damage. Will of Winter changes it from fire/impact to fire/cold. Ignites and increases the duration and damage of naphtha. cyclic targeted, area of effect {{{19}}} 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}
Aesrela Everild (AE) Impact damage, Fire damage, Pulsing single-target attack. battle targeted, pulse damage {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 3 {{{18}}}
Chill Spirit (CHS) Slice damage, Cold damage, Spirit damage, Spirit heal, Single-strike spirit siphon. battle targeted {{{19}}} 7-50 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Divine Radiance (DR) -Balance, Knock-down. Holy damage amplification. Light source. standard, battle targeted, utility {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 10-40 3 {{{18}}}
Fire of Ushnish (FOU) Fire damage, Electrical damage, AoE with a second, half-power attack. battle targeted, pulse damage, area of effect {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Fists of Faenella (FF) Impact damage, Fire damage, Single target multi-strike. battle targeted, multistrike {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Hand of Tenemlor (HOT) Impact damage, Fire damage, Single-strike attack and offensive dispel. battle targeted {{{19}}} 7-50 80-800 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Harm Evil (HE) Fire damage, Electrical damage, Undead/Demonic/Cursed-only single-strike attack that bypasses shield and armor. battle targeted, shield ignoring, armor ignoring {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Harm Horde (HH) Fire damage, Electrical damage, Undead-only AoE attack that bypasses shield and armor. battle targeted, pulse damage, area of effect, shield ignoring, armor ignoring {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 3 {{{18}}}
Heavenly Fires (HF) Allows AE's bolts to redirect to new target after first is dead. metamagic targeted {{{19}}} 1 {{{18}}}
Horn of the Black Unicorn (HORN) Puncture damage, Cold damage, Single-strike attack. battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Soul Attrition (SA) Slice damage, Cold damage, Spirit damage, Shield-ignoring single target. cyclic targeted, shield ignoring {{{19}}} 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}
Time of the Red Spiral (TOTRS) This is a Heavy TM metaspell that periodically empowers your Harm Evil or Harm Horde spell. metamagic targeted, heavy offensive {{{19}}} 2 {{{18}}}
Calculated Rage (CR) -Defensive Factor, Puncture damage, Impact damage, Pre-cast TM. Gives uses of RAGE command to make attacks. battle targeted {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 1-10 3 {{{18}}}
Icutu Zaharenela (IZ) Slice damage, Cold damage, converts TOUCH into an attack cyclic targeted {{{19}}} 15-45 400-1,250 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}
Paralysis immobilizes and knocks down (single target) battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Burn Puncture damage, Fire damage, Single target DFA. battle targeted, shield ignoring {{{19}}} 7-50 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Dinazen Olkar (DO) Slice damage, Cold damage, Single target. battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Partial Displacement (PD) Puncture damage, Impact damage, armor piercing, single target. battle targeted, armor piercing {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Sorrow (spell) (SORROW) -Balance, Cold damage, Electrical damage battle targeted {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 3 {{{18}}}
Starlight Sphere (SLS) Impact damage, Cold damage, pulsing single target. battle, cyclic targeted {{{19}}} 6-33 250-1,000 Indefinite 1 {{{18}}}
Telekinetic Storm (TKS) Puncture damage, Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Multi-strike AoE. Damage type varies with object used. battle targeted, multistrike, area of effect {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Telekinetic Throw (TKT) Puncture damage, Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, multi-shot single target, damage type varies with object used. battle targeted, multistrike {{{19}}} 1-50 0-400 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Acid Splash (ACS) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Electrical damage, Random pair of damage types. Single-target. battle targeted {{{19}}} 1-50 0-400 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Blood Burst (BLB) Impact damage, Fire damage, Balance reduction battle targeted {{{19}}} 10-66 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Book Burning (BB) Impact damage, Fire damage, Summon a wearable torch that may attack targets you cast an offensive spell on. Light source. ritual targeted, utility {{{19}}} 300-800 250-1,000 30-90 3 {{{18}}}
Siphon Vitality (SV) Fire damage, Cold damage, Vitality heal, Single target, restores vitality to caster battle targeted {{{19}}} 10-66 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Universal Solvent (USOL) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Impact damage, Fire damage, Cold damage, Electrical damage, Cyclic AOE. Randomized damage types. cyclic targeted, area of effect {{{19}}} 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}
Vivisection Puncture damage, Slice damage, Single-target TM. Magical snipe attack. battle targeted {{{19}}} 20-66 250-1,000 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Strange Arrow (STRA) Puncture damage, Electrical damage, single target. battle targeted {{{19}}} 1-50 0-400 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Footman's Strike (FST) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Impact damage, Damage type determined by weapon used. battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Rebuke (REB) Impact damage, Fire damage, multi-strike damage; knockdown battle targeted, multistrike {{{19}}} 10-66 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Smite Horde (SMH) Slice damage, Impact damage, multistrike AoE. battle targeted, multistrike, area of effect {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Carrion Call (CAC) Slice damage, Fire damage, Less damage than normal, but tends to hit wounded body parts. battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Devitalize (DEVI) Impact damage, Cold damage, Fatigue damage, Single strike. battle targeted {{{19}}} 10-66 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Eagle's Cry (EC) Puncture damage, Cold damage battle targeted {{{19}}} 1-50 0-400 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Stampede Impact damage, Fire damage, multi-strike damage battle targeted, multistrike {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Arbiter's Stylus (ARS) Slice damage, Cold damage cyclic targeted {{{19}}} 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 1 {{{18}}}
Crystal Dart (CRD) Puncture damage, Slice damage battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Starcrash (STAR) Impact damage, Cold damage battle targeted, pulse damage {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Aethrolysis Cold damage, Electrical damage battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Air Lash (ALA) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Single target. battle targeted {{{19}}} 1-50 0-400 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Blufmor Garaen (BG) Puncture damage, Slice damage, Impact damage, Cold damage, Enable actions that cause damage. Physical damage type varies with the action battle targeted, multistrike {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Chain Lightning (CL) Fire damage, Electrical damage, AoE. battle targeted, area of effect {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Dragon's Breath (DB) Puncture damage, Fire damage, Enables actions that deal damage. battle targeted, heavy offensive {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 10-40 2 {{{18}}}
Fire Ball (FB) Impact damage, Fire damage, Single target + short range AoE damage. battle targeted, pulse damage, area of effect {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Fire Rain (FR) Impact damage, Fire damage, AoE multistrike. cyclic targeted, multistrike, area of effect {{{19}}} 7-37 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}