Crafting Materials: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Rare Fabric: numbers for jaspe cloth)
(→‎Rare Fabric: jaspe... hopefully it saved right this time)
Line 382: Line 382:
| [[Jaalmin]] || || || || || ||
| [[Jaalmin]] || || || || || ||
| [[Jaspe]] || 60 || 30 || 30 || 60 || 60 ||
| [[Jaspe]] || 70 || 40 || 30 || 50 || 80 ||
| [[Khaddar]] || 70 || 65 || 50 || 40 || 80 || 4.6-5.6
| [[Khaddar]] || 70 || 65 || 50 || 40 || 80 || 4.6-5.6

Revision as of 16:49, 7 November 2013

These are the raw materials from which crafted items are constructed. As more systems are released, this section will be expanded.

Alchemy Materials

Catalysts used in Alchemy can be metal, plant, bone, or even creature parts.

Common Metals

Material Workability Potency Efficacy Solubility Toxicity Value* Source**
Coal 50 50 50 30 40 - S
Pewter 70 80 80 80 85 220 3 Tin : 2 Lead

*: Value is in Lirums/volume, at 99 purity.
**: I = Igneous, M = Metamorphic, S = Sedimentary, Formula = Alloy

Rare Metals

Material Workability Potency Efficacy Solubility Toxicity Value* Source**
Electrum 30 80 10 90 50 4,500 I
Muracite 70 30 60 90 50 900 M / S
Niello 15 50 10 60 30 Unknown Unknown
Niniam 20 50 30 10 25 5,000 I / S
Orichalcum 10 80 60 60 ? 14,000 Unique

Common Plants

Material Workability Potency Efficacy Solubility Toxicity Source
Seolarn Weed 50 35 60 60 60 Foraged

Forging Materials

Metals are the primary materials used in the crafting disciplines of Blacksmithing, Weaponsmithing, and Armorsmithing, and can be found in nugget, shard, fragment, tear, and lump forms by mining. They can also be found in bar, ingot, and fist forms elsewhere.

Note that the crafting quality of an ingot is solely related to its purity, unlike the same information for completed items. Ingot quality caps at 99 (masterfully-crafted) regardless of the maker's skill.

With the release of DR 3.0, all metal loot drops are now fully craftable. Note however that once a material has been processed it can no longer be sold to a gem appraiser.

Alloys can not be mined directly. They can be obtained from loot drops in small quantities, or produced in a crucible from their component metals. These do NOT have to be made using pure source materials (a tin-alloy ingot and a copper ingot will still mix to bronze and what ever else was in the tin-alloy ingot).

Common Metals

Material Hardness Durability Workability Elect Therm Physical Density Value* Source**
Brass 40 25 60 30 40 40 5.8 120 2 Zinc : 3 Copper
Bronze 80 65 70 35 55 80 6.2 100 1 Tin : 4 Copper
Coal 5 5 50 80 80 5 1 - S
Copper 25 40 70 10 15 25 7 100 I / M / S
Covellite 35 80 65 25 85 80 2 50 I / M
Iron 70 40 50 30 50 75 5 100 I / M / S
Lead 20 30 80 40 70 20 8 40 I
Nickel 25 15 50 30 25 25 6 80 I / M / S
Oravir 40 20 70 95 15 25 1 40 M / S
Pewter 25 45 70 40 70 25 5 220 3 Tin : 2 Lead
Silver 15 25 50 5 10 15 8 2,000 I / M
Steel (1)*** 80 80 40 30 50 80 5 200 1 Iron : 1 Coal
Steel (2)*** 85 60 50 30 50 85 5 150 1 Iron : 2 Coal
Steel (3)*** 90 25 35 30 50 90 5 200 1 Iron : 3 Coal
Tin 25 75 40 35 25 25 3 30 I / M / S
Zinc 25 20 60 50 25 25 4 70 M / S

*: Value is in Lirums/volume, at 99 purity.
**: I = Igneous, M = Metamorphic, S = Sedimentary
***: The number indicates the volumes of coal per volume of iron in the steel.

Rare Metals

Material Hardness Durability Workability Elect Therm Physical Density Value* Source**
Animite 15 10 10 65 65 15 4 35,000 S
Audrualm 92 40 5 55 90 95 3 12,000
Damite 80 70 10 90 40 95 6 11,000 M
Darkstone 85 50 75 70 35 75 5 700 M
Electrum 20 20 30 20 20 20 8 4,500 I
Glaes 95 50 10 60 40 75 4 13,000 I
Gold 10 20 40 15 15 10 9 5,000 I / S
Haralun 95 60 20 70 75 80 8 11,000 I / M / S
Icesteel 90 75 20 80 95 85 4.5 20,000 Unique
Kertig 95 70 5 40 55 90 7 15,000 M / S
Lumium 75 50 15 60 75 90 3 5,200 I / M
Muracite 70 55 70 55 55 85 4.7 900 M / S
Niello 5 5 15 85 25 25 8
Niniam 80 70 20 75 75 70 5 5,000 I / S
Orichalcum 30 50 10 40 40 30 6 14,000 Unique
Platinum 20 15 20 30 10 20 9 10,000 I / M / S
Silversteel 95 90 2 20 80 95 2.2 22,000 Unique
Tyrium 99 80 40 70 70 99 6 50,000 Unique
Vardite 88 75 45 80 45 99 6.1 47,500 Unique

*: Value is in Lirums/volume, at 99 purity.
**: I = Igneous, M = Metamorphic, S = Sedimentary, Unique = Quest, Contest, and/or Treasure Rewards
Bolded materials are Very Rare


Size Volume
Tiny 1
Small 2
Medium 3
Large 4
Huge 5
Massive 10
Enormous 20

Engineering Materials

Engineering materials are currently stone and bone, but wood is also expected in the future.

Common Stone

Material Hardness Durability Workability Source Pebble-Stone Weight Check
Alabaster 25 20 90 Metamorphic 10 - 187 Y
Andesite 75 30 50 Igneous 11 - 210 Y
Basalt 20 20 80 Igneous 12 - 225 Y
Breccia 30 35 55 Sedimentary 10 - 195 Y
Dolomite 35 30 60 Sedimentary 11 - 210 Y
Gabbro 60 20 25 Igneous 12 - 225 Y
Granite 75 50 40 Igneous 10 - 202 Y
Jade 60 40 30 Metamorphic 12 - 240 Y
Limestone 35 40 45 Sedimentary 9 - 172 Y
Marble 30 15 60 Metamorphic 10 - 195 Y
Obsidian 80 20 15 Igneous 12 - 225 Y
Onyx 70 30 20 Metamorphic 10 - 202 Y
Pumice 55 15 20 Igneous 4 - 75 Y
Quartzite 80 45 30 Metamorphic 10 - 195 Y
Sandstone 40 20 70 Sedimentary 9 - 172 Y
Schist 50 40 50 Metamorphic 11 - 210 Y
Serpentine 50 40 35 Sedimentary 10 - 187 Y
Soapstone 20 20 95 Sedimentary 11 - 210 Y
Travertine 40 30 60 Metamorphic 10 - 202 Y

Rare Stone

Material Hardness Durability Workability Source Pebble-Stone Weight Check
Diamondique 99 65 2 Quest
Felstone 95 50 20 Darkbox 8-410 (?)


Size Volume*
Pebble 1
Stone 2
Small Rock 3
Large Rock 4
Boulder 5

*: This means that if you have a boulder (Volume 5) and make it into a stirring rod which requires 4 volume ('a large rock') to make, you will have 1 volume (a pebble) left over.

Common Bone

Material Hardness Durability Workability Elect Thermal Physical Density Size Value*
Striped Badger 40 45 45 45 45 40 3.25 4 125
Shaggy Black Barghest 80 85 15 50 50 80 5.25 4 600
Bear (Black/Cave/Frostweyr) 75 50 35 30 30 60 4.6 5 300
Bison 75 60 25 25 25 80 4.6 5 376
Bobcat (Spotted) 45 40 65 30 30 60 3 4 175
Cougar 55 45 60 25 35 60 3 4 300
Blue-belly Crocodile 65 50 30 35 35 70 4.5 4 450
Brocket Deer (All types), Deer 40 40 60 35 35 65 3.25 4 300
Heggarangi Frog 30 50 60 60 60 10 3 3 75
Ghoul 40 45 40 50 50 60 4.25 4 325
Goblin Zombie 35 40 40 40 40 30 4.5 4 50
Jackal (Golden/Side-striped/Black-backed) 60 50 55 20 40 65 3.25 4 300
Kobold 50 25 70 20 20 65 3.5 4 400
Silver Leucro 50 50 50 30 40 80 4 4
Goblin (Field/Forager/Scavenger/Wildland) 45 15 75 25 25 50 2.8 4 250
Ship's Rat 35 50 50 35 35 40 3 3 100
Faenrae Reaver 65 5 10 80 10 75 3 4 375
Piruati Serpent 55 35 45 30 30 75 3.25 4 425
Sluagh (Lesser/Greater) 45 40 40 25 25 85 2.75 4 400
Snow Goblin 55 15 75 25 25 50 4 4
Faenrae Stalker 80 10 8 70 10 80 3.3 5 500
Rock Troll 50 60 40 30 20 75 4 4 250
Wolf, (Bone) 70 35 55 35 35 65 3 4 375
Lava Drake 60 80 30 20 85 80 5.4 5

*: Value is in Lirums/volume, at masterfully-crafted.

Rare Bone

Material Hardness Durability Workability Elect Thermal Physical Density Size
Blackened 40 40 15 75 80 95 4.5
Bulbous 30 95 20 68 32 92
Fey 88 70 25 55 40 90
Jaguar 50 55 40 40 60 40 3.4
Mammoth 75 90 2 60 60 99 5.4
Rotting 35 40 40 40 40 30 4.5
Sickle 95 50 15 32 40 75
Young Desumos
Wraith 15 10 5 95 95 10

Common Wood

None yet.

Rare Wood

None yet.

Outfitting Materials

Fibers from plants (and possibly animals) will be used to create fabrics and leathers made from creature skins are the primary materials for Outfitting.

Common Fabric

Material Durability Workability Elect Thermal Physical Density****
Burlap/Jute 60 70 45 35 85 4.5-5.5
Cotton 70 40 30 50 80 3-4
Linen/Flax 65 50 30 50 80 3-4
Silk 60 20 35 50 85 2-3
Wool 80 60 65 65 75 4.5-5.5

Rare Fabric

Material Durability Workability Elect Thermal Physical Density****
Arzumodine 65 20 80 85 92 2.75-3.75?
Bourde 60 20 35 50 85 2.1-3.1
Dergantine 55 90 95 95 60
Farandine 45 60 45 55 88 2.65-3.65?
Felt 60 30 30 60 60 3.25-4.25?
Imperial Weave 70 10 65 75 99
Jaspe 70 40 30 50 80
Khaddar 70 65 50 40 80 4.6-5.6
Ruazen 20 35 55 55 90 2.5-3.5
Titanese 90 22 65 65 94 4-5
Zenganne 40 15 90 50 97 1.75-2.75?

****: Density depends on thickness. Lower value is for fine, higher value is for heavy. Other three types fall in between.

To avoid duplication and confusion, PLEASE list by the CREATURE and not by the resulting hide/skin/pelt name.

Common Leather

Material Durability Workability Elect Thermal Physical Density Size
Antelope skin 70 20 50 50 50 5.0 5
Armored Shalswar hide 50 30 45 45 85 5.7 5
Bear skin (Black/Cave/Frostweyr) 50 50 40 40 75 4.8 5
Bison hide 90 35 40 40 75 6.0 5
Black Ape pelt 50 35 45 45 85 3.8 4
Black Goblin hide 50 60 35 35 70 4.1 4
Black Marble Gargoyle hide 40 40 50 50 80 4.2 4
Blight Ogre skin (Giant/Lithe/Stumpy) 10 10 40 20 70 4.9 5
Blue-belly Crocodile skin 80 40 30 50 80 5.3 4
Blue-green Pivuh skin 25 60 55 20 80 3.3 4
Bobcat pelt (Spotted) 35 40 50 30 60 3.7 4
Cave Troll skin/hide 50 50 30 30 80 4.0 5
Caracal pelt 30 50 30 30 85 3.0 5
Clouded Arzumos pelt 80 35 60 30 80 5.6 4
Cougar pelt 30 75 25 25 75 4.0 4
Damaska Boar hide 75 30 40 50 75 6.0 5
Deer skin 40 60 50 40 50 3.9 5
Faenrae Reaver pelt 20 10 80 10 75 2.9 4
Faenrae Stalker pelt 40 10 80 10 80 3.0 4
Ghoul skin 20 30 80 10 40 4.1 4
Giant Black Leucro pelt 50 60 35 35 75 3.6 4
Goblin skin (Field/Forager/Scavenger/Wildland) 35 75 30 30 50 4.0 4
Granite Gargoyle hide 60 50 50 35 85 3.8 4
Grass Eel skin 20 85 15 15 75 3.0 3
Greater Shadow Hound pelt 50 5 20 15 20 2.7 4
Grizzled Red Leucro pelt 50 60 30 50 75 3.8 4
Gryphon pelt (Fledgling/Young) 30 25 30 30 75 2.6 4
Heggarangi Frog skin 35 75 20 40 40 4.0 3
Horse hide 40 30 40 30 65 4.0 5
Isundjen Conjurer skin 85 20 40 40 70 2.8 3
Jackal pelt (Golden/Side-striped/Black-backed) 30 70 30 30 75 4.0 4
Kobold skin 15 90 20 20 60 2.8 4
Lava Drake hide 63 30 25 85 80 4.8 5
Lesser Shadow Hound pelt 30 80 30 30 50 3.2 4
Lesser Sluagh hide 15 25 20 20 70 3.2 4
Maelshyvean Cinder Beast hide 60 20 15 80 75 3.4 4
Maelshyvean Shadow Beast hide 60 20 15 80 75 3.4 4
Meadow Ram sheepskin 20 35 50 50 50 3.6 4
Merrows hide (Azure) 40 50 50 40 80 3.4 4
Merrows hide (Crimson) 40 50 50 40 80 3.2 4
Merrows hide (Dark) 40 50 50 40 80 3.3 4
Muscular Firecat skin 60 20 10 75 85 3.5 4
Piruati Serpent skin 50 65 50 30 70 3.0 4
Poloh'izh hide (Amber) 60 20 50 35 85 3.4 4
Poloh'izh hide (Azure) 60 50 50 35 85 5 4
Poloh'izh hide (Brown/Green) 60 50 50 35 85 4.4 4
Poloh'izh hide (Grey) 60 50 50 35 85 4 4
Quartz Gargoyle hide 40 40 50 50 80 4.2 4
Razortusk Boar skin 60 40 45 45 75 3.1 4
Red Brocket Deer skin (Adult/Elder/Young) 40 60 50 40 50 3.9 5
River Boa skin 50 65 50 30 70 3.0 4
Rock Troll skin 30 80 20 20 75 3.5 4
Shaggy Black Barghest hide 70 30 40 40 80 5.2 4
Shark hide (Blacktip/Bull/Spotted/Tiger) 10 20 30 40 88 2.7 4
Ship's Rat pelt 35 75 30 40 45 4.5 3
Silver Leucro pelt 45 60 30 30 70 3.5 4
Snow Goblin hide 40 40 30 50 70 4.2 4
Snowbeast pelt 30 20 40 40 50 2.8 4
Spotted Kashika Serpent skin 50 65 50 30 70 3.0 4
Striped Badger pelt 40 70 30 40 55 4.5 4
Storm Bull hide 60 30 75 10 85 5.0 4
Trollkin hide 40 70 50 50 40 3.9 4
Wild Boar skin 60 40 45 45 75 3.1 4
Wolf pelt (Blood/Bone) 50 45 35 35 80 4.2 4
Vicious Warcat pelt 60 40 50 30 80 3.3 4
Yvhh La'tami hide 40 60 20 40 80 3.1 4
Zombie Goblin skin 30 80 30 30 40 3.5 4

Rare Leather

Material Durability Workability Elect Thermal Physical Density Size
corrugated 70 10 80 99 95
diamond hide 85 5 75 60 99 2.8
droluger-hide 50 40 70 70 25
korograth-hide 70 30 40 40 85
mammoth hide 95 8 90 90 90 6
onyx hide 60 40 65 55 92 3.9 4
salt-encrusted 40 25 50 35 90
serpentine hide 40 25 50 35 90 4

Enchanting Materials

Sigils are the primary material for Enchanting. These materials are not yet released and may change.

Primary Sigils

Sigil Effect
Induction Bring into being
Abolition Destroy
Congruence Align two things
Permutation Alter an existing thing
Rarefaction Refine or purify

Complex Sigils

Sigil Composition
Paradox I + A
Nurture I + C
Metamorphosis I + P
Evolution I + R
Antipode A + C
Decay A + P
Ascension A + R
Integration C + P
Unity C + R
Clarification P + R

Disjunct Sigils

Sigil Guild
Justice Paladin
Wrath Barbarian
Verdant Ranger
Divinity Cleric
Sacrifice Empath
Conjuration Warrior Mage
Deception Thief
Spatial Moon Mage
Fugue Bard
Acquisition Trader
Blight Necromancer

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