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Maelshyvean cinder beast
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Part of a collective legion that functions as the sword-arm of corrupt demigoddess Maelshyve, the cinder beast is a hulking beast in the vague form of a man with unnaturally frightening musculature and covered in glistening metallic-red scales. Stout ebon spines run down its neck, back, and arms. Sizable tusks jut from beneath its fearsome maw. It towers a few feet above even the tallest Gor'Tog, dwarfing you further with a pair of talon-tipped black wings that spire skyward from behind its back. Gruesome ebon claws adorn its thick arms and legs, each tined with three individual spikes. A radiant green glow burns furiously within its deep-set eyesockets, illuminating its slavering blood-drenched maw.
In Depth
- Soft cap at 550 (Very slow)
- Hard cap at 625 (Stand Still)
- High perception: Backstab at 350 is ineffectual most of the time with 400 hiding/stalking
- Able to learn skinning at 240 ranks and start get occasional skins at 250 ranks.
- TM slows considerably after 500 ranks.
- Debilitation & Tactics still effectively learning after 550.
- Able to open their boxes with effective agility 78, with 250 ranks locksmithing.
- Dissect starts succeeding enough to be worth it around 380 ranks of First Aid.
WARNING: The Cinder Beasts' equipment is cursed.
a black visored helm, some black steel gauntlets, some black steel full plate
a gruesome black steel greatsword
a massive black steel maul
a heavy black steel morning star, a battle-worn black steel tower shield
a heavy black steel broadsword
a gruesome black steel pike
Special Attack
They may explode upon death. Protection from Evil and Ethereal Shield spells ward off the explosion.
Uses a special attack in order to get out of any type of stun. This occurs almost immediately upon being stunned, however, they retain their off-balanced state. If the beast is knocked prone, it will return to a standing position as well.
A Maelshyvean cinder beast releases a violent roar as a blood-red cinder sparks within the green glow suffusing its eyes. Flames rapidly wash outward, consuming its platemail-like scales and leathery wings like brittle parchment. Its now-skeletal figure drops to its knees as its bellowing grows to an unbearable, cacophonous din.
The beast raises its claw to the sky in a final gesture of supplication to its mistress Maelshyve as the flames erupt in a whirling dance around it!
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