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|eventname=The Custodian Disc
|eventname=Custodian Makes Pulsing Song and Lights
|log=[Scador li Darva, Entrance]
|log=[Scador li Darva, Entrance]

Latest revision as of 00:54, 23 February 2022

Event Name: Custodian Makes Pulsing Song and Lights
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2021-08-21
Game Date of Event: 439-02-26
Point of View: Navesi
[Scador li Darva, Entrance]

An expansive facility sprawls to the south, enormous workshops pumping and churning strangely glowing sheets of crackling energy into bizarre and unrecognizable constructions. Rows of towering shelves hold perfect geometric forms bound in glossy silvery fiber, and a veritable army of custodians move in carefully choreographed service to the enterprise. A circular entryway is the sole disruption to an otherwise perfectly featureless wall to the north.
You also see an unstable voltaic custodian that appears rather calm, an enormous airy fissure and a ghostly white banner. Also here: a calmed Philomath Miskton who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Archmage Xelten who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Untethered Angel who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, a calmed Qetu who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Ruea who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Mistress of Defense Kintryn who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Elemental Aegis Tekhelet who has a stony visage, a calmed War's Fury Grymmlen who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Mastermind Telamont who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Faenella's Fist Salubrie who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Soul Surgeon Zynell who is emanating a bright holy aura, a calmed Ambassador Sliayyl who is shining with a dark golden glow, a calmed Tempest Knight Saragos who has a stony visage, a calmed Carnage Darling Dantia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Bastion of Life Karthor who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Storm Lord Jeruliath who has a stony visage, a calmed Storm Maiden Constantia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Philosopher Yvela who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Mathematician Messica, a calmed Telo'Getha Tirost who has a stony visage, a calmed Life Defender Matis, a calmed Mountain Lord Ezerak, a calmed Lady of Elamiri Ayrell, a calmed Esotericist Eyst who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, a calmed Mazrian who has a stony visage and a calmed Sir Madigan who is surrounded by a shimmering shield.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest.

The custodian suddenly ceases all movement, the electrical arcs that pass for appendages freezing in place.

The frozen custodian suddenly performs a series of complicated involutions, the orichalcum coil expanding and spiraling around itself in a complex dance. Shedding sparks, the core expands to a broad disc.

Though still evidently malfunctioning and hesitantly shedding sparks, this custodian appears to no longer view you as a threat. It has taken on the form of a rotating disc, and you believe you could STUDY it to learn more.

> desc cust Perhaps you should try to LOOK at the custodian-disc rather than DESCRIBE it.

> study cust The custodian-disc appears to be doing something strange, but you are not quite sure what to make of it. You believe you could POKE it, or SQUINT at it to try and better understand what is happening within the orichalcum core, or LISTEN to it to try and make sense of the signal it is emitting.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

Pulsating with blue and green, the custodian-disc emits a series of high pitch chirps in precisely ordered sequence. The chirps are repeated by the other custodians in the area, and soon a deafening song echoes throughout the facility.

[Miskton's] You focus your magical senses on a stabilized voltaic custodian-disc.
You focus on the custodian-disc, and though a magical pattern is obvious, it is far too complex for you to understand. The orichalcum coil core shivers within a writhing sphere of lightning as several appendages dissolve and are replaced by newly sprouting lightning extensions.

(POKE) Tirost pokes at the custodian-disc, but it moves away, repelled by arcs of static.

(LISTEN) Messica tilts their head slightly, listening to the custodian-disc.

(SQUINT) Ezerak squints at the custodian-disc, eventually looking away.

Concentrating on the chirping softly emanating from the custodian-disc, you listen for a pattern. There is an unmistakable tonal progression that is repeated, and carried by the other custodians in the area. The almost song has quieted, but clearly echoes throughout the area.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

As the custodians repeat the chirps, they slow and begin to retreat to deeper areas of the facility. The custodian-disc continues chirping, and the pitch begins to descend lower and lower, until it can barely be heard.

The chirping from the custodian-disc quiets slightly and begins to spin slowly, lightning appendages repositioning as the creature rotates.

Concentrating on the chirping softly emanating from the custodian-disc, you listen for a pattern. There is an unmistakable tonal progression that is repeated, and carried by the other custodians in the area. The almost song has quieted, but clearly echoes throughout the area.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

The custodian-disc chirping begins to quiet, and with a crackle, it's rotation slows to a stop. After approximately one repetition of the chirping song, the custodian-disc begins to rotate again, and the chirping song returns.

The custodian-disc extends several crackling tendrils of lightning outward experimentally, and seems to focus on a nearby piece of machinery. The custodian-disc probes the machination for a long moment before moving onward.

(Navesi raises her voice in a series of soothing tones, mimicking those coming from the custodian.)

You feel the chirping resonating in an understandable pattern, and you try and repeat it back to the custodian-disc. As you get halfway through the sequence, the custodian-disc *chirrups* loudly and changes the tonal sequence. Curious.

Qetu says, "It appears the 6th and 9th flash are different."

Miskton says, "It seems to be alternating between delays on the sixth and ninth pulses, and on the fourth and seventh. Depending on the tone that it's making."

The custodian-disc flashes in a sequence of repeating colors - blue, red, blue, green, blue, red, blue, yellow - before repeating the pattern. On the third repetition, you notice the third flash of blue is skipped. Curious.

The custodian-disc chirping begins to quiet, and with a crackle, it's rotation slows to a stop. After approximately one repetition of the chirping song, the custodian-disc begins to rotate again, and the chirping song returns.

The custodian-disc suddenly seems to lose power entirely, and falls to the ground with a clatter! The chirping song ceases, and the surrounding custodians cease their own repetitions. After a moment, the custodian-disc sparks with electricity, and slowly levitates, the coil crackling in a building thrum as the ball of lightning slowly rebuilds.

Xelten says, "The fourth and seventh are dimmer, whereas the sixth and ninth are shorter."

The custodian-disc begins to vibrate and almost violently casts about, raking electrical appendages across the ground and whipping nearby machinery! As everyone scatters, you notice the custodian-disc tilting slightly on its axis, though it rights itself after a moment and returns to whatever passes for normal disc behavior.

Squinting at the custodian-disc, you see some more of its core, the coiling orichalcum glowing hot as it forms a broad circle. As your eyes adjust, you notice the wire pulsating in sequence. The sequence appears to be ordered, though every sixth and ninth flash is either delayed or a moment too short. Curious.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

The custodian-disc chirping begins to quiet, and with a crackle, it's rotation slows to a stop. After approximately one repetition of the chirping song, the custodian-disc begins to rotate again, and the chirping song returns. Strange.

As the custodians repeat the chirps, they slow and begin to retreat to deeper areas of the facility. The custodian-disc continues chirping, and the pitch begins to descend lower and lower, until it can barely be heard.

(Mazrian attempts to replicate the color pattern used by the custodian, cycling colors on his ethereal shield with the pattern hues cantrip.)

Concentrating on the chirping softly emanating from the custodian-disc, you listen for a pattern. There is an unmistakable tonal progression that is repeated, and carried by the other custodians in the area. The almost song bears several tonal deviations from each repetition to the next as it echoes throughout the area.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

(Mazrian omits the blue pulse on the third repetition)

The custodian-disc begins to vibrate and almost violently casts about, raking electrical appendages across the ground and whipping nearby machinery! As everyone scatters, you notice the custodian-disc tilting slightly on its axis, though it rights itself after a moment and returns to whatever passes for normal disc behavior.

Angel says, "There are tiny tears in it's electrified laminae."

Zeteivek says to Angel, "That would be my doing."

Squinting at the custodian-disc, you see some more of its core, the coiling orichalcum glowing hot as it forms a broad circle. As your eyes adjust, you notice the wire pulsating in sequence. You cannot make sense of the sequence, and look away.
Roundtime: 10 sec.

The custodian-disc suddenly seems to lose power entirely, and falls to the ground with a clatter! The chirping song ceases, and the surrounding custodians cease their own repetitions. After a moment, the custodian-disc sparks with electricity, and slowly levitates, the coil crackling in a building thrum as the ball of lightning slowly rebuilds.

The custodian-disc flashes in a sequence of repeating colors - blue, red, blue, green, blue, red, blue, yellow - before repeating the pattern. On the third repetition, you notice the third flash of blue is skipped. Curious.

(Mazrian tries an interation on the color pattern, this time stressing the third flash of blue on his shield.)

The custodian-disc begins to refold itself, forming a half-circle that continues to slowly spin. Curious.

The custodian-disc extends several crackling tendrils of lightning outward experimentally, and seems to focus on a nearby piece of machinery. The custodian-disc probes the machination for a long moment before moving onward.

The custodian-disc begins to vibrate and almost violently casts about, raking electrical appendages across the ground and whipping nearby machinery! As everyone scatters, you notice the custodian-disc tilting slightly on its axis, though it rights itself after a moment and returns to whatever passes for normal disc behavior.

As the custodians repeat the chirps, they slow and begin to retreat to deeper areas of the facility. The custodian-disc continues chirping, and the pitch begins to descend lower and lower, until it can barely be heard.

(Navesi gently sings out the tones of the newer sequence back to the custodian.)

You also see an unstable voltaic custodian that appears rather calm, a stabilized voltaic custodian-disc, a large airy fissure and a ghostly white banner.

You feel the chirping resonating in an understandable pattern, and you try and coax more from the custodian-disc. As you get halfway through the sequence, the custodian-disc *buzzes* loudly and screeches in a series of minor chords! Ominous!

(Saragos gestures and conjures a will o' wisp, using Pattern Hues to alter its color. He repeats the pattern of blue, red, blue, green, blue, red, blue, yellow, with the blue being skipped on the third repetition.)

The custodian-disc refolds itself once more, becoming a quarter-circle that continues to slowly spin. You sense that something is about to happen...

The custodian-disc begins to vibrate and almost violently casts about, raking electrical appendages across the ground and whipping nearby machinery! As everyone scatters, you notice the custodian-disc tilting slightly on its axis, though it rights itself after a moment and returns to whatever passes for normal disc behavior.

The custodian-disc begins to spin rapidly, casting appendages in all directions. As the precessing disc spins faster and faster, the chirping grows in intensity, until the disc is a blinding whirlwind of lightning screaming a deafening song! At once, several things happen!

The custodian-disc erupts with light and electricity and song. You are barely able to notice what can only be described as a... variance in the structure. An extra coil in the core, a flicker of variation in the spectrum, a flat note in the song. It is gone before you can make sense of it.

The custodian-disc lashes several long tendrils of lightning outward, blasting everything in the area! You find yourself thrown backwards, your body tingling with the surge of energy.

Once the afterimages and ringing abate, you realize the custodian-disc is gone. The other custodians are all completely stationary and silent.

A tide of electrical energies tear the ghostly banner apart!

In the distance, you hear heavy machinery restarting, and a loud thrum as the custodians begin to reactivate.

You also see a stabilized voltaic custodian-disc, a large airy fissure and a ghostly white banner.

You also see a large airy fissure.

Mazrian says, "Join up, let's get set. We will take a walk around the area with Sanctuary up."

You innately sense that fate has smiled on you, and the world seems just a bit brighter than it did before.
[You have received a role-playing award! Type RPA HELP to review how to use it.]

You follow Mazrian southwest.
[Scador li Darva, Static Looms]
Dozens of looms are arrayed here, silvery metal framework holding filament thin glowing wires of the warp taut, heddles vibrating too fast to follow, weft carriers oscillating back and forth in a blur. Wound static fiber is delivered from below, the custodians ensuring a steady supply of the thread-like material for processing. Performing esoteric adjustments to the machines, the custodians gather the finished weave on thick rollers and carry the cloth deeper into the facility. To the southeast, a steady clanging of metal striking metal can be heard.
You also see a lesser voltaic custodian, an unstable voltaic custodian, a lesser voltaic custodian, a lesser voltaic custodian, a lesser voltaic custodian, a lesser voltaic custodian, a lesser voltaic custodian, a lesser voltaic custodian, a lesser voltaic custodian, an unstable voltaic custodian and an unstable voltaic custodian.
Also here: Esotericist Eyst who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Lady of Elamiri Ayrell who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Mountain Lord Ezerak who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Life Defender Matis who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Telo'Getha Tirost who has a stony visage, Mathematician Messica who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Philosopher Yvela who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Storm Maiden Constantia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Storm Lord Jeruliath who has a stony visage, Bastion of Life Karthor who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Carnage Darling Dantia who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Tempest Knight Saragos who has a stony visage, Ambassador Sliayyl who is shining with a dark golden glow, Soul Surgeon Zynell who is emanating a bright holy aura, Faenella's Fist Salubrie who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Mastermind Telamont who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, War's Fury Grymmlen who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Elemental Aegis Tekhelet who has a stony visage, Mistress of Defense Kintryn who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Ruea who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Qetu who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Untethered Angel who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Archmage Xelten who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Philomath Miskton who is surrounded by a shimmering shield and Mazrian who has a stony visage.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast, down.

A lightning selrek roars with a voice of thunder.

The eyes of a lightning selrek intensify to a coruscating white.

>desc selrek
The lightning selrek is a crackling mass of solidified power, bound in the shape of an androgynous, skeletally thin Elf. It has lurid carmine eyes and no other distinguishable features.

> recall selrek
Scholars of elemental life have been divided on the classification of the uncommon elementals known as selreks. Despite exhibiting certain traits associated with natural elementals, they bear the hallmark of reconfigured elementals: Selreks are invariably Elanthian in shape -- always humanoid -- irrespective of which Elemental Plane they hail from. Of interest to martial thinkers, even the lightning selreks are substantial, quasi-fleshy manifestations that may be dispatched without esoteric means.

They are known to cast Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.

They are not known to carry loot in locked boxes.
Roundtime: 2 sec.

The ground becomes electrified with a shrinking net of light. A lightning selrek arises from the condensed energies.

Tekhelet uses EE. His POV

The lightning selrek effortlessly grabs hold of your spell pattern and pours itself into it, traveling across the mana lines and into your brain. Mercifully, your shorted-out nervous system does not register the rest. Immense electric currents flow through your body, shaking your limbs with bonebreaking convulsions as smoke effuses from every orifice. In those surreal moments of death, you can somehow glimpse inside you -- the devastation this creature has wrought. Amidst a miniature thunderstorm, the lightning selrek reemerges explosively from the well and truly cooked remains.

* Tekhelet was just electrocuted!
Outside POV

The lightning selrek suddenly discorporates into a geometric pattern of sparking lines that crisscross the distance between it and Tekhelet.
Instantly Tekhelet's eyes burn out, and he succumbs to bonebreaking convulsions as smoke effuses from every orifice. In those surreal moments of electrocution, you can somehow see through Tekhelet -- his bones, his heart stopping, and the thousands of little veins and arteries traced in light before they all turn to ash. Amidst a miniature thunderstorm, the lightning selrek reemerges explosively from the well and truly cooked remains.

>app selrek careful
The selrek appears immune to electricity.


Messaging from Miskton (unsure of its place in the timeline)

Squinting at the custodian-disc, you see some more of its core, the coiling orichalcum glowing hot as it forms a broad circle. As your eyes adjust, you notice the wire pulsating in sequence. The sequence appears to be ordered, though every fourth and seventh flash is slightly dimmer or bluer than the others. Curious.

Messaging from Saragos (unsure of its place in the timeline)

You poke at the disc, but are unable to make contact -- bristling static arcs push back at your hand, harmlessly moving the custodian-disc out of reach. The custodian continues to spin.
Roundtime: 10 sec.