Guildfest 423: Difference between revisions

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*'''Start Date''': Friday, June 2, 2017 (Chandu, 25 Skullcleaver 423)
*'''Start Date''': Friday, June 2, 2017 (Chandu, 25 Skullcleaver 423)
*'''End Date''': Monday, June 12, 2017 (Elandu, 23 Dolefaren 423)
*'''End Date''': Monday, June 12, 2017 (Elandu, 23 Dolefaren 423)


==Special Events==
==Special Events==
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Latest revision as of 17:23, 27 June 2021

Check out the FEST command for more information in game!


All instances:

  • Start Date: Friday, June 2, 2017 (Chandu, 25 Skullcleaver 423)
  • End Date: Monday, June 12, 2017 (Elandu, 23 Dolefaren 423)


Special Events


  • Prime: Friday, June 9, at 9 p.m. Eastern (13 Dolefaren 423)
  • Plat: Saturday, June 10, at 9 p.m. Eastern (17 Dolefaren 423)

Glaes Spatula Cooking Competition 423

Location and Map

Therenborough Fairegrounds

GuildFestMap 2.gif


  • See instructions below before editing this table.
  • Please check shop inventory before confirming if inventory is accurate/complete
  • Bolded shops have new and/or updated inventory.
  • More shops may be added. Add to list when needed.
Room Entrance Shop Name Inventory Restrictions Shop
B large bin of miniature figurines large bin of miniature figurines siegery figurines, containers, jewelry, gems appears occasionally Yes
B large crate of miniature figurines large crate of miniature figurines siegery figurines, containers, jewelry, gems appears occasionally Yes
C massive canvas pavilion capped with fluttering pennants Imperial Pavilion merchant consultations/alterations N/A No
C sooty tarp-covered shop Pyromaniacs' Corner naphtha holders; fire-themed weapons, shields, clothing Rotating yes Yes
C colorful wagon painted a myriad of cheerful colors Nytingale's Instruments instruments yes No
D large canvas tent Sebastien's Fine Print ledgers, ledger cases, contract cases Traders Yes
D sturdy grey canvas tent As the Caravan Turns caravan items yes Yes
D blue silk pavilion Elven Accoutrements Ilithic-language items yes No
E banner-strung oak table sheltered with an attached umbrella Glaes Spatula Cooking Competition 423 food created by contest winners (free) yes No
E opulent velvet tent trimmed with golden tassels Goods for Life Empath-related items, brawling gear, food-themed throwing weapons, bone and cloth armor yes No
E umber tent draped with mammoth hides Sound the Hunt warhorns Barbarians/Bards No
E large cake-shaped tent with pink canvas awnings Fromage's Delights pastries, candy, cookies Rotating yes No
F elegant mahogany caravan draped with purple tapestries Visions in Crystal aevanstone jewelry yes No
F ticket gate with a sign on it Faeries' Wheel ride N/A Yes
G brightly painted wagon Tisk's Wagon gnome-sized armor; weapons, containers, cambrinth, instruments, fluff, game Gnomes Yes
G charred ruins Uwresari's Exotic Blunders destroyed in a fire at end of Guildfest 401 N/A Yes
G brick shop with a large caravan painted on a wooden sign Primp My Ride caravan exteriors Traders** yes Yes
G brick building painted with pieces of furniture sitting before a caravan Custorian's Creations caravan interiors, cambrinth orbs, and clothing Traders** (closed) No
H vivid silvery tent The Bardic Journey Bard-related items Bards* No
H massive oak caravan with a green-and-white striped awning Natural Magic foraging aprons, gourds (belt-worn containers), flower charms, life-attuned cambrinth Empaths yes Yes
H tattered tent The Web of Fate sanowret crystals, sigilbooks yes No
I blue velvet tent trimmed in strands of pearls Marine Marvels pearls and ocean-themed jewelry yes Yes
I huge wagon Gemfire Mountains Leathercrafters sheaths yes Yes
I massive azure tent capped with fluttering gold pennants Inner Vision guild-themed bindis (forehead gems) Necromancers*/Thieves* yes No
J gaudily clothed barker Ring Toss Game game N/A Yes
K deep crimson yurt Gersvinda's Natural Studies anatomy charts and compendiums Empaths yes Yes
K pine wagon with rough plank sides Farmer in the Dell utility knives, hats yes No
L dilapidated stall Magikul Stuff cambrinth jewelry and mana lenses yes No
L polished leather tent with russet silk pennants Nahja's Knickknacks jewelry, masks Rangers* yes No
L rough wooden wagon covered in hides The Great Outdoors fletching/tanning supplies, containers, jugglies, Ranger-themed items Rangers No
M gaudily clothed barker Three Frog Monte game N/A Yes
N reinforced ironwood wagon with a heavy steel roof The Crystal Pilgrim weapons, pilgrim's badges, prayer bead chains Clerics/Paladins No
N gold and purple striped tent Crested Attire men's guild-themed clothing yes No
N large caravan decorated with festive banners Guildly Pleasures guild-themed containers, cloaks, home decor, dolls; roar helms yes No
N well-oiled hide tent The Wandering Woodsman Ranger-themed weapons, armor, clothing, jewelry, containers; trail maps yes No
O ramshackle booth set away from the main path Sister Seendra's Salvation Station throwing weapons, crossbows yes Yes
O mahogany-colored tapestry tent Altared Visions prayer bead chains, jewelry, bead carving yes No
O orange tent with purple stripes Bunglefoot's Tent cambrinth, clothing, furniture, leather armor, jewelry Halfling*/Gnome* yes Yes
P beige canvas tent Empath Emporium Empath-related fluff; shields, leather armor yes No
P tattered purple tent The Mind's Eye G'nar Pethian clothing, scarabs G'nar Pethian
Moon Mages
Q simple tent Ties for Things toolstraps; crafting belts; Kaldaran alteration fodder yes No
Q driftwood wagon Perpetual Blossoms of Mer'Kresh floral-themed items yes No
Q wooden rotunda with a domed canvas roof Guild Life housing items Paladins/Warrior Mages No
R blood-red hide tent covered in brands Fire and Skin brands for Barbarians Barbarians** N/A Yes
R long caravan pulled by black and white bears Flowering Furniture flower-themed housing items yes Yes
R airy white pavilion The Foraging Emporium herb containers that stack herbs by type yes Yes
S small brown tent Stamped! Barbarian face stamps Barbarians No
S large paint-splattered hide tent Osgeth's Barbarian war paint, weapon/armor dyes, crafting dye tubs, dyes, face paint Barbarians* yes No
T lurid pink tent covered in all sizes of hearts Touch of Love scroll stackers, love-themed clothing yes No
T rustic log wagon Slice and Dice belt-worn carving and skinning knives yes Yes
T simple oak caravan Beppo's insulting badges yes Yes
U carved stone hut on heavy oak wheels Fancybeards beard worn jewelry & things; fake beards and mustaches yes Yes
U modest canvas tent displaying a compass rose on a flag Merit Badges soulstone items and pilgrim's badges yes Yes
U colorful canvas tent Delightful Decor season-themed housing items yes No
U large semicircular caravan Hide and Seek item-hiding clothing and jewelry Traders*/Thieves* yes No
V azure painted wagon with a silk green banner Inner Illuminations soulstone accessories (including racial items), Paladin-themed rings Paladins No
W web-covered black canvas tent Arcayne Attyre wizard-themed clothing and weapons yes No
W crimson-trimmed cedar wagon Crimson Crane Couriers calling cards yes Yes
X black tent lavishly trimmed with colorful silk scarves Abu Hassan Ali ibn Bekar's Fineries guild-themed clothing/jewelry yes Yes
Y purple wagon painted with wispy clouds Weather Beaters parasols, sun goggles, umbrellas, rainwear yes No
Z crowned alpaca-felt yurt painted with pizazzy tridecagons Akaterina's Cassocks clerical robes yes No
Z straw-thatch hut flanked by pots of celosia Vocational Grace Cleric-related items Clerics No
2 bright red tent Gerkin's Apple Show game (apple bobbing) yes Yes
multiple hanging bags Candy Bags guild-themed chewing gum Yes
roaming dark-eyed gypsy lass dark-eyed gypsy lass jewelry, clothing yes No
roaming gnarled Dwarf peddler gnarled Dwarf peddler Paladin soulstone amulets No
roaming whittler Roakin whittler Roakin carvings yes No
hidden hidden Darker Shade of Night Thieves Yes
hidden hidden Discreet Deceptions Thieves Yes
hidden hidden Frieden's Fabulous Frivolities Thieves No
hidden hidden Pirate Hideaway Thieves Yes
hidden hidden Dirty Shack tattoos Necromancers*** no Yes
hidden hidden In Plain Sight Necromancers no No
hidden hidden The Knife's Edge knives, containers, clothing Necromancers no No
hidden hidden Repurposed Shipments item hiders Necromancers Yes
hidden hidden 'Toggish Barbecue Necromancers Yes
hidden hidden Visage of Obfuscation enchanted jewelry Necromancers no No

*Some rooms in the shop are open to everyone.
**Anyone can enter, but only these people may buy.
***Anyone can enter or buy, if they can find the area, but items may have in-game consequences associated with this guild.

Instructions for Editing Shop Tables

Please do not check these columns unless you have personally verified the information.

"Shop Done" means:

  • All of the inventory and prices are listed
  • Inventory and prices are for the current version (some shops have more than one version with different inventory or prices)
  • Store At A Glance has been completely filled out (including the item types)
  • All items have at least a basic link.
  • Rotating: This shop has rotating stock that may be missing.
  • Limited: This shop has limited stock that may have sold out before archiving.

"Items Done" means:

  • Every item in the shop has been blue-linked and completed fully. This is now handled automatically by the template.

Use the following code for the shop list:

{{fest|room|entrance|shop name (true name)|shop name (display)|inventory|restrictions|done?}}


Room Bag Item
C dingy pouch set atop an irregular stone pyramid glowering candy Warrior Mage
E hemp sack tied to the end of a barbed spear dancing candy Barbarian
F silk pouch tied to the end of a broken telescope robed candy Moon Mage
G silvery pouch atop a narrow ivory pedestal armored candy Paladin
H ale-stained bag hanging from a wooden rack smiling candy Bard
I brown canvas feedbag slung across a broken caravan wheel winking candy Trader
K sturdy burlap backpack slung across the shoulder of a makeshift dummy nondescript candy Commoner
L frayed bag hanging from the branch of a potted sapling crouching candy Ranger
O grey pouch swirled with light and dark hues resting on a simple altar praying candy Cleric
P pale gauze bag resting on a miniature white cabinet bandaged candy Empath

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