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===satinwood desk===
===satinwood desk===
The keys are an unlimited box opener with a twenty-four hour cooldown and the telescope is an extremely high quality telescope for a discerning astronomer.
<!-- XXX
{|class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
|{{sloot|i|XXX}}|| ||XXX||
|{{sloot|i|rusted key dangling from a frayed leather strap}}|| ||400||24 CD box opener
|} -->
|{{sloot|i|gleaming platinum key tied to a royal purple cloth}}|| ||400||24 CD box opener
|{{sloot|i|plain silversteel key hanging from a short thread}}|| ||400||24 CD box opener
|{{sloot|i|bocote telescope fitted with uthamar-rimmed clear Xibar topaz lenses}}|| ||400||High quality telescope

===card table===
===card table===

Revision as of 22:25, 20 January 2023

Bolded items are new for 2023.

Stone Hut

lifesculpted branches

These lifesculpted weapons all have a nature flare and can be used for showy displays.

Item Type Cost Details
lifesculpted akabo wrapped in thick verdant vines 130
lifesculpted sledgehammer flourishing with growths of greenery 130
lifesculpted scythe grasping sungold-inlaid stones 130
lifesculpted glaive clutching moonsilver-inlaid stones 130

silversteel anvil

The rings on the anvil are magical repair items that will repair once a day. The wolverine ring repairs armor, the welkin ring repairs tools, and the mongoose ring repairs weapons.

Item Type Cost Details
polished kertig mongoose ring clutching a golden rutilated quartz Repair 1750 Repairs Armor
gleaming sungold welkin ring with luminous dreamstone eyes Repair 1750 Repairs Tools
fierce wolverine ring of flawless vardite Repair 1750 Repairs Weapons

sandstone display

The silk belt sash will display up to two weapons of the appropriate size off of it. The silversteel assassin's blade attached to the sash is also hanging on the wall for easier viewing and appraisal. The sash and blade are sold together as a set.

Item Type Cost Details
Musparan silk belt sash with a silversteel assassin's blade hanging from it medium edge 100 Radiant Weapon Flare

weapon rack

The staff has a radiant flare, the nightstick and mace have an electric flare, the mallet has a nature flare, and the longsword has a frost flare.

Item Type Cost Details
petrified spiritwood wizard's staff carved with an intricate pattern of open eyes quarterstaff 60 Radiant Flare
diamondwood nightstick banded with purple gold short staff 60 Electric Weapon Flare
steel mallet inlaid with green gold on the handle large blunt 60 Nature Weapon Flare
matte finished steel flanged mace with a spike topped pommel medium blunt 60 Electric Weapon Flare
silversteel longsword with a black diamond pommel large edge 60 Frost Weapon Flare

enormous fangs

These are rags that will apply a 500-use vampiric effect on your weapon. The spidersilk rag will steal spirit when the weapon wielder is low on spirit. The kirmiko rag will steal vitality when the weapon wielder is low on vitality.

Item Type Cost Details
blood-soaked kirmiko rag with green fringe vampirism enchantment 50 500 use life steal
blood-soaked spidersilk rag with white fringe vampirism enchantment 50 500 use spirit steal

violet peg

The chain shirt has an electric flare enchantment. The moonsilk armor have a frost flare enchantment. The Imperial weave robe has an electric flare enchantment. The cotton robe has a glitter flare enchantment.

Item Type Cost Details
inky black diacan chain shirt mantled with dark feathers chain armor 70 Electric Armor Flare
luxurious silvery moonsilk shirt buttoned with starstones light armor 70 Frost Armor Flare
black moonsilk robe belted with a swathe of zenganne light armor 70 Frost Armor Flare
violet dreamweave ritualist's robe lined with a pattern of goldweave eyes light armor 70 Electric Armor Flare
glittery blue lipka cotton robe sprinkled with cosmic zircons light armor 70 Glitter Armor Flare

blue peg

The war shield has an electric flare enchantment. The heater shield has a higher tier fire flare enchantment.

Item Type Cost Details
inky black diacan war shield large shield 60 Electric Armor Flare
moss-covered glaes heater shield erupting with shattered spikes large shield 60 Fire Armor Flare

green peg

The diacan chain balaclava and the wraith-bone helm have an electric flare enchantmnet.

Item Type Cost Details
iridescent diacan chain balaclava crested with inky black feathers chain armor 45 Electric Armor Flare
wraith-bone ritualist's helm beneath a draping violet Imperial weave shroud light armor 45 Electric Armor Flare

yellow peg

The chain armor has an electric flare enchantment. The cloth armor has a frost flare enchantment. The bone armor has a frost flare enchantment.

Item Type Cost Details
tundra shaman's frozen-bone greaves blanketed in animalistic uthamar icons 30
tundra shaman's frozen-bone vambraces blanketed in animalistic uthamar icons 30
tundra shaman's frozen-bone gloves trimmed in knarn fur 30
glittery blue lipka cotton hood haloed with cosmic zircons 30
silvery moonsilk hood haloed with glittery starstones 30
inky black chain gloves with diacan knuckleguards 30
inky black diacan chain greaves embossed with feathers chain armor 30 Electric Armor Flare
silvery moonsilk gloves fit with starstone buckles light armor 30 Frost Armor Flare
black moonsilk vambraces stitched with obscure symbols light armor 30 Frost Armor Flare
black moonsilk pants cuffed with pale blue zenganne light armor 30 Frost Armor Flare
dreamweaver ritualist's gloves with embroidered gold eyes on the palms light armor 30 Electric Armor Flare
dreamweaver ritualist's sleeves draping from scarab-shaped spaulders light armor 30 Electric Armor Flare
glittery blue lipka cotton gloves clasped with cosmic zircons light armor 30 Glitter Armor Flare
pair of inky black chain gloves with diacan knuckleguards chain armor 30 Electric Armor Flare

red peg

The moonsilk armor has a frost flare enchantment. The cotton armor has a glitter flare enchantment. The bone armor has a frost flare enchantment.

Item Type Cost Details
tundra shaman's frozen-bone aventail trimmed in knarn fur 20
elaborate tundra shaman's frozen-bone cap strung with snow owl feathers 20
fitted black moonsilk mask accented with dangling starstones light armor 20 Frost Armor Flare
glittery blue lipka cotton mask light armor 20 Glitter Armor Flare

egg basket

The pouches on the basket contain exo-armor orbs that are fully unlocked to spawn at Tier 6 and self-repair. The sage pouch contains a brigandine armor orb, the saffron pouch contains a cloth armor orb, the grey pouch contains a chain armor orb, and the violet pouch contains a leather armor orb. These orbs will bond to the first person that interacts with it and the bond can't be removed or transferred. Exercise caution!

Item Type Cost Details
dappled sage pouch with riveted steel plates brigandine armor 355 Contains an indigo orb filled with a murky liquid that becomes some chitinous carapace
vibrant saffron pouch with satin ribbons cloth armor 355 Contains a viscid orb coated in vitreous enamel depicting an intricate pattern of scarabs that becomes some waxy violet armor
pale grey pouch with chain mesh ties chain armor 355 Contains a violet orb with tenebrous striations twisting and writhing beneath its surface that becomes some waxy carapace armor
dark violet pouch with leather toggles leather armor 355 Contains a clouded onyx orb wrapped with goldwork resembling a single darkened eye that becomes some waxy ridged armor

wire strings

These Energy Bow weapons will use the wielder's concentration, fatigue, mana, or spirit to create ammunition. They will not work for dual loading. White gold uses Spirit, rose gold uses Fatigue, blue gold uses Mana, and purple gold uses Concentration.

Item Type Cost Details
rough-cut sandstone skirmisher's bow veined in rose gold 1000
rough-cut sandstone composite bow veined in white gold 1000
rough-cut sandstone longbow veined in purple gold 1000
rough-cut sandstone shortbow veined in blue gold 1000
rough-cut sandstone farmer's crossbow veined in purple gold 1000
rough-cut sandstone heavy crossbow veined in blue gold 1000
rough-cut sandstone arbalest veined in rose gold 1000
rough-cut sandstone light crossbow veined in white gold 1000

gold-flecked stand

The feathers will upgrade the ammo created by energy bows and crossbows. The copper-tipped feather will upgrade energy crossbow bolts to be Tier Four. The bronze-tipped feather will upgrade energy bow arrows to be Tier Four.

Item Type Cost Details
brilliant copper-tipped feather etched with golden sigils along the quill 150
brilliant bronze-tipped feather etched with golden sigils along the quill 150

gold case

The ribbons will change the type of energy used to create an energy bow or energy crossbow's ammo. White uses Spirit, purple uses Concentration, black uses Fatigue, and red uses Mana.

Item Type Cost Details
shimmering white ribbon embossed with golden sigils 65
shimmering purple ribbon embossed with golden sigils 65
shimmering black ribbon embossed with golden sigils 65
shimmering red ribbon embossed with golden sigils 65

gold shelf

The different oils will change an eligible bow or crossbow weapon into an energy bow that takes its user's energy to create the weapon's Tier Two ammo. White uses Spirit, purple uses Concentration, black uses Fatigue, and red uses Mana.

Item Type Cost Details
small vial of coruscating red oil flecked with gold 1450
small vial of coruscating black oil flecked with gold 1450
small vial of coruscating purple oil flecked with gold 1450
small vial of coruscating white oil flecked with gold 1450

satinwood showcase

The staves on the showcase have a few fun interactions and contain 200 mana capacity cambrinth.

Item Type Cost Details
lifesculpted Aesetani applewood staff canopied with cambrinth leaves quarterstaff 200
crooked felwood staff entangled in the embrace of a copperhead viper quarterstaff 200
midnight-black grimwood staff mounted with a cambrinth skull quarterstaff 200
sparkling white diamondwood staff sculpted into a unicorn horn quarterstaff 200

Stone Home

firestained mantle

These containers will stack up to fifteen kirmhiro draughts, regardless of how many sips are left.

Item Type Cost Details
cracked black leather draught holster set with a vivid fire whirl ruby 150
flowing sea-green avia draught bag pinned with a polished dewdrop diopside 150

copper stand

This extraordinarily magical item will raise a user from death under the right conditions, and can be worn. STUDYing the wolf on the stand will help explain what they do. [OOC: The device uses a favor to invoke and will resurrect you if you die while under its effect. Spell scrolls will not be lost with this type of resurrection. Resurrection will use up a charge, but the devices can be recharged with infuser stones.]"

Item Type Cost Details
nightfire opal wolf strung on a chain of moonsilver 1750 From a careful study of the wolf you recognize it as a magical device that can, under the right conditions, raise the user from death.

stone altar

This extraordinarily magical item will raise a user from death under the right conditions. It will still function from your bag, but cannot be worn. STUDYing the shell on the altar will help explain what they do. [OOC: The device uses a favor to invoke and will resurrect you if you die while under its effect. Spell scrolls will not be lost with this type of resurrection. Resurrection will use up a charge, but the devices can be recharged with infuser stones.]

Item Type Cost Details
ghostly white Phelim shell carved in low relief 1500 From a careful study of the shell you recognize it as a magical device that can, under the right conditions, raise the user from death.

sungold disc

The pendant regenerates concentration, the wristcuff regenerates mana, and the salamander regenerates vitality.

Item Type Cost Details
gently curved dewdrop diopside salamander hung on a copper chain regen item 300 vitality
etched frozen-bone wristcuff regen item 300 mana
brass monk pendant regen item 300 concentration

silver holder

The dreamstone ouroboros is a magical omni-hider.

Item Type Cost Details
pallid dreamstone ouroboros fretted into a knot hider 200 omnihider

kertig salver

The spectacles and goggles are unlimited-use identifiers of summoned creature owners, such as familiars, guardian spirits, and other controlled pets. The ebony eye is an unlimited-use backtrace identifier.

Item Type Cost Details
pair of silversteel spectacles with prismatic lenses 150 reveals pet owner, 1-hour cooldown
dark leather goggles with swirled lenses 150 reveals pet owner, 1-hour cooldown
carved ebony eye 150 backtrace, 1-hour cooldown

glass orb

The idols are belt-worn reusable favor orbs with fifty charges that bond to the first person to use them and can't be unbonded. One infuser stones will add an additional twenty-five charges and potency crystals can be used to unlock tiers that lower the amount of experience needed for favor sacrificing, up to twenty-five percent.

Item Type Cost Details
glittering sun idol of radiant-cut aurora opals strung upon faesilk filaments Favor orb 130 Favor EXP reducer
luminous dreamstone moon idol caught within a frame of pure white spiritwood Favor orb 130 Favor EXP reducer
glistening star idol of brilliant-cut cosmic zircon constellations Favor orb 130 Favor EXP reducer
dusky bloodfire shell idol lashed with smokewhorl ties Favor orb 130 Favor EXP reducer

moon-shaped vanity

Gaze into the different mirrors on the vanity to see what they will make your eyes look like. Some change eye color and some change eye character!

Item Type Cost Details
cloudy grey mirror painted with haunted eyes features 45 Haunted [color] eyes
pallid puce mirror painted with gloomy eyes features 45 Gloomy [color] eyes
dappled taupe mirror painted with veiled eyes features 45 Veiled [color] eyes
dull black mirror painted with shadowed eyes features 45 Shadowed [color] eyes
glossy white mirror painted with prismatic eyes features 45 Prismatic [color] eyes
narrow copper mirror painted with blood-red eyes features 45 Blood-red eyes
delicate rencate mirror painted with scarlet eyes features 45 Scarlet eyes
heavy asini mirror painted with amaranth eyes features 45 Amaranth eyes
carved ruby mirror featuring a blank face with Yavash-red eyes features 45 Yavash-red eyes
carved sapphire mirror featuring a blank face with Xibar-blue eyes features 45 Xibar-blue eyes
carved onyx mirror featuring a blank face with Katamba-black eyes features 45 Katamba-black eyes
carved ivory mirror featuring a blank face with Grazhir-white eyes features 45 Grazhir-white eyes
gold-flecked mirror painted with lavender eyes features 45 lavender eyes
wavy platinum mirror painted with lilac eyes features 45 lilac eyes
burnished bronze mirror painted with orchid eyes features 45 orchid eyes
silver filigree mirror painted with amethyst eyes features 45 amethyst eyes

glass eyeball

Each use of the lenses on the eyeball will temporarily change the appearance of your eyes until death, moonskin changes, or thirty days, whichever comes first. You can use them 6 times.

Item Type Cost Details
pair of hardened colored lenses streaked with silvery spiderwebs features 2
pair of hardened black lenses streaked with silvery spiderwebs features 2

glass hook

The mistsilk pouch will stack up to fifty tiny glass orbs.

Item Type Cost Details
mistsilk pouch fastened with a strand of miniature glass orbs stacker 100 capacity: 50 tiny glass orbs

jewelry tray

There is strong magic on the cloak pin, asini charm, and diacan brooch. If someone rubs the item while wearing it, others will see strange and interesting things surrounding you.

Item Type Cost Details
Katamba-black diacan brooch set with a large moonstone post room string 200 Your post room string will be set to who is wreathed in Katamba-black shadows.
blued moonsilver cloak pin tipped with a Xibar topaz post room string 200 Your post room string will be set to who is awash in Xibar-blue light.
Yavash-red asini charm swirled with flecks of dreamstone post room string 200 Your post room string will be set to who is encircled in Yavash-red light.

gold pedestal

The various items on the pedestal can be redeemed for a special title.

Item Type Cost Details
faded writ title 25 Explorer of Su Helmas
rolled and tattered scroll title 25 Archaeologist of Su Helmas
waxy proclamation title 25 Climber of Su Helmas
weathered parchment title 25 Archivist of Su Helmas
stained document title 25 Ruins Crawler
crisp declaration title 25 Clockwork Slayer
orchid-hued tablet title 25 Entropy's Bane

portfolio showcase

The portfolios on the hook will hold sixty sigils each! Please be careful that you pick up the correct portfolio!

Item Type Cost Details
sigil of abolition portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of unity portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of rarefaction portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of permutation portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of paradox portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of nurture portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of metamorphosis portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of integration portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of induction portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of evolution portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of decay portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of congruence portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of clarification portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of ascension portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25
sigil of antipode portfolio sketched with the ziggurat jungles sigil book 25

silversteel counter

The containers on the counter will stack twenty of its set item and make them weightless inside the container. Please STUDY the containers to see what they will stack.

Item Type Cost Details
sturdy snow-white icethorn crate banded by blackened diacan stacker 350 wine
pale blue faesilk incense bundle clasped by a gilded wren-shaped clasp stacker 350 incense
elegant purple gold canister speckled with godsmarked turquoise beads stacker 350 lavender
glowing truegold vessel bejeweled with spring emeralds stacker 350 sage
gleaming uthamar tin topped by temptress beryl stones stacker 350 chamomile

Stone Building

obsidian pillar

The frozen-bone wand is an 'Ice Patch' wand.

Item Type Cost Details
twisted frozen-bone wand ensnaring a faceted Syrin's heart wand 350 Ice Patch

metal shelf

Item Type Cost Details
book of master crafting instructions Crafting 500 Contains all crafting instructions currently sold for all of the various crafting disciplines. Belt worn. Can be used while worn.

gold sun

The greenhouse and pyramid are both Wayerd pyramids that are powered through cambrinth.

Item Type Cost Details
angular Wayerd pyramid inlaid with cambrinth moons 175
pocket glass greenhouse framed by cambrinth vines 175

glass worktable

The items on the worktable are quality tools used for enchanting.

Item Type Cost Details
silversteel imbuement rod topped with a large oval-cut starstone 25
glittering augmenting loop of dark blue starstones 25
polished silversteel burin set with glittering starstones 25
small silversteel brazier scattered with glittering starstones 25

smooth plank

Item Type Cost Details
green pouch embroidered with a pair of tongs Tongs 65 Contains some clockwork-enhanced tongs with an attached shovel head

rough plank

Item Type Cost Details
yellow pouch embroidered with a pair of scissors Scissors 50 Contains a pair of clockwork scissors sporting jeweled gears
red pouch embroidered with a pair of pliers Pliers 50 Contains a pair of pliers with clockwork additions
blue pouch embroidered with a set of bellows Bellows 50 Contains a set of bellows augmented with clockwork mechanisms

alabaster pedestal

The spiritwood wand is a 'Protection from Evil' wand. The platinum poppet is a 'Finesse' wand. The windsteel dodecahedron is a 'Swirling Winds' wand.

Item Type Cost Details
pure white spiritwood wand inlaid with glowing moonsilver sigils Protection from Evil wand 300
glittery platinum poppet with stormfire topaz eyes Finesse wand 300
small windsteel dodecahedron burnished with a whorled finish Swirling Winds wand 300

marble sundial

The dial will allow you to change the percentage of mana for a runic tattoo or inkpot.

Item Type Cost Details
iridescent inkpot-shaped dial etched with esoteric runes consumable 30 Changes the prep of a spell tattoo

rectangular tray

The orange-striped inkpot contains a 'Senses of the Tiger' runic tattoo, the sea-green glass inkpot contains a 'Wisdom of the Pack' runic tattoo, and the blown-glass inkpot contains a 'Turmar Illumination' runic tattoo.

Item Type Cost Details
sea-green glass inkpot tattoo 200 Wisdom of the Pack
orange-striped inkpot tattoo 200 Senses of the Tiger
fragile blown-glass inkpot tattoo 200 Turmar Illumination

paint palette

The inkpot on the paint palette is an empty inkpot with the tattoo appearance of a stylized purple Seed of Entropy with lurid black streaks and wickedly sharp thorns.

Item Type Cost Details
purple inkpot painted with a Seed of Entropy 10 empty inkpot

canvas map

These are teleportation tattoo inkpots that are set to fixed locations. They are unlimited use, but do require a moon to be up and have a twenty minute cooldown. There is also a very small chance that you may be teleported to a random different location. Please read the inkpots for their set location and use at your own risk!

Item Type Cost Details
wild inkpot wrapped in vines teleportation tattoo 500 Ain Ghazal
unassuming inkpot painted with two crossing rivers teleportation tattoo 500 Crossing
stout inkpot covered in sailcloth teleportation tattoo 500 Ratha
stone inkpot painted with the Theren Keep teleportation tattoo 500 Therenborough
splintered inkpot made from bog oak teleportation tattoo 500 Langenfirth
sand-colored inkpot painted with a lush oasis teleportation tattoo 500 Muspar'i
sana'ati inkpot painted with a sleepy village teleportation tattoo 500 Leth Deriel
ringed inkpot painted with pink and violet stripes teleportation tattoo 500 Mer'Kresh
horrific inkpot painted with a pair of eyes teleportation tattoo 500 M'riss
fortified inkpot carved from quartz-flecked granite teleportation tattoo 500 Rossman's Landing
filthy inkpot covered in matted cat fur teleportation tattoo 500 Riverhaven
crystal inkpot in the shape of the Great Tower teleportation tattoo 500 Shard
coal-black inkpot with a hammered iron lid teleportation tattoo 500 Inner Hibarnhvidar
bowl-shaped inkpot with four tiny pillars protruding from its rim teleportation tattoo 500 Aesry Surlaenis'a

silversteel globe

This is a teleportation tattoo inkpot that will apply a tattoo that can be reset to different locations as many times as a user wishes. It is unlimited use, but does require a moon to be up and has a twenty roisaen cooldown. There is also a very small chance that you may be teleported to a random different location. Please use at your own risk!

Item Type Cost Details
teeny inkpot inlaid with a swirled moonstone dragon teleportation tattoo 2000 Resettable destination

round dish

The silver inkpot contains a 'Major Physical Protection' runic tattoo. The obsidian inkpot contains a 'Ward Break' runic tattoo.

Item Type Cost Details
silver inkpot runic tattoo 350 Major Physical Protection
fractured obsidian inkpot runic tattoo 350 Ward Break

velvet pillow

The crimson heart and mistglass tetrahedron are sorcery backlash absorbers.

Item Type Cost Details
lucid crimson crystal heart sorcery backlash absorber 50 absorbs minor backlash, reduces moderate/severe backlash
lucid mistglass tetrahedron sorcery backlash absorber 50 absorbs minor backlash, reduces moderate/severe backlash

mahogany rack

The electrum tuner is an implantable Elemental mana tuner. The gold tuner is an implantable Holy mana tuner. The copper tuner is an implantable Life mana tuner. The silver tuner is an implantable Lunar mana tuner.

Item Type Cost Details
shining gold tuner Upgradeable mana tuner 85 Holy unlocked
bright silver tuner Upgradeable mana tuner 85 Lunar unlocked
patinated copper tuner Upgradeable mana tuner 85 Life unlocked
scintillating electrum tuner Upgradeable mana tuner 85 Elemental unlocked

wirework cage

The scarab, seed, codex, and tart are targeted magic foci. The scarab gives a large bonus to accuracy, the seed gives a large bonus to damage, the codex gives a large bonus to mana efficiency, and the sandstone tart gives a moderate bonus to both accuracy and damage.

Item Type Cost Details
ribbed sandstone tart filled with indurium jelly TM Focus 380 moderate bonus to accuracy and damage
diacan codex inlaid with moonsilver TM Focus 380 large bonus to mana efficiency
thorny amygdaloid seed carved from petrified purpleheart TM Focus 380 large bonus to damage
winged tyrium scarab clasping a golden eye TM Focus 380 large bonus to accuracy

marble leaf

The items on the leaf are unlimited-use universal ritual foci.

Item Type Cost Details
small fey-bone fetish bundled with glossy black feathers Universal Focus 55 generic worn
luminous moonsilver clasp pierced by a field of stars Universal Focus 55 generic worn
clear glass charm etched with a floral motif Universal Focus 55 generic worn

moonsilver planter

The phofe flower is an unlimited-use universal ritual foci.

Item Type Cost Details
ethereal phofe flower of lilac moonsilver Universal Focus 70

Stone House

toy castle

The figurines are siegery soldiers while the mountain city is a siegery castle.

Item Type Cost Details
miniature Sunderstone mountain surrounding a glittering Elamiri sapphire city Siegery toy 30
hulking sandstone golem figurine veiled in a persistent cloud of dust Siegery toy 30
miniature Y'shai Guardian figurine encased in seamless black armor Siegery toy 30

precarious pile

The pouch contains a random incidental item found in the Su Helmas Expedition site.

Item Type Cost Details
moonsilk arm pouch embroidered with stylized eyes 10 random incidental

glitter pillow

These toys can be used to spray ink.

Item Type Cost Details
peachy plush sand sprite with flowing golden hair Toy 60 General worn, verby
pristine white plush unicorn with a golden horn and rainbow-colored tail Toy 60 General worn, verby

silver stand

Item Type Cost Details
infuser stone 30
potency crystal 30

gelapod statue

The silversteel bucket functions as a portable waste bin.

Item Type Cost Details
portable silversteel bucket with a flared rim 200

granite brain

The brain boost token will grant a F2P player the Brain Boost which will last for 90 days. WARNING: Subscribers can REDEEM this, but it won't do anything for them.

Item Type Cost Details
platinum brain boost token 240

treasure chest

The treasure hunter's badge will grant a F2P player a Treasure Boost which will last for 90 days. WARNING: Subscribers can REDEEM this, but it won't do anything for them.

Item Type Cost Details
platinum treasure hunter's badge 95

ceramic plinth

The canopic jar will bind two items together if they are well-suited to being bound. Hold two similar items in your hands and show one to the jar to see if they'll bind.

Item Type Cost Details
canopic jar with a jackal head automated ForgeBinding 250

moonsilver bookstand

The weighty almanac is a random-skill almanac that picks from the MAGIC skillset with a 10-minute cooldown.

Item Type Cost Details
weighty almanac bound in rich purple leather and a golden closed-eye clasp almanac 2500 magic skillset

satinwood desk

The keys are an unlimited box opener with a twenty-four hour cooldown and the telescope is an extremely high quality telescope for a discerning astronomer.

Item Type Cost Details
rusted key dangling from a frayed leather strap 400 24 CD box opener
gleaming platinum key tied to a royal purple cloth 400 24 CD box opener
plain silversteel key hanging from a short thread 400 24 CD box opener
bocote telescope fitted with uthamar-rimmed clear Xibar topaz lenses 400 High quality telescope

card table

glass hand

obsidian spike

curio cabinet

mosaic display

diamondwood altar

Moongate sculpture

glass showcase

Plaza, Southern Area

cursed tree with a grinning hollow

Tall Elderly Mage

Plaza, Northern Area

Incidental Trade-Ins


See Su Helmas: Make Haste! 444/Raffle for rules, prizes, and winners.