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Random Crafting Material Rewards: Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 03:05, 16 November 2018
Zasele, Poltu and Bradyn wander the Baby Spider section of the Hollow Eve festival grounds.
For a fee of 5 gold dokora, the task givers will request items from you in exchange for a woven sack which will include some coin, some common gems, some crafting materials and 8-12 Hollow Eve tickets.
Getting Started
To start the task process once you locate your task giver, ASK <NPC> FOR TASK to begin. ASK <NPC> FOR TASK a second time to get the details of the offer.
ACCEPT TASK when you agree to the terms or you can also DECLINE TASK if you do not wish to proceed.
After you have crafted your requested items, GIVE <item> to <NPC> to fulfill the task requirements and receive your woven sack.
Zasele accepts items created using the Outfitting skill. Items will need to be 4 volumes or larger. The full information she gives when you ask her for tasks can be found on the Zasele page.
Hollow Eve 414 Task Details
Here are the terms. I'd like for you to make [6-8] tailored items, leatherworking will work as well. There are many that will do, but when analyzing its craftsmanship, I will be most interested in the following options:
- finished cloth accessory
- finished knitted clothing
- finished tanned shield
- finished leather container
Poltu accepts items created using the Forging skill. Items will need to be 6 volumes or larger. The full information he gives when you ask him for tasks can be found on the Poltu page.
Hollow Eve 414 Task Details
Dealer Poltu from the metal spider wants you to craft some wares for his efforts. You think [6-8] more will satisfy his request. He was quite insistent that only your hands should do the work, and that he would only accept things that were well-made or better in quality. These types of crafted wares will satisfy his requirements:
- - large metal bladed weapon
- - two-handed metal bladed weapon
- - large metal blunt
- - two-handed metal blunt
- - metal chain armor
- - metal plate armor
- - metal forging tool
- - metal engineering tool
Bradyn accepts items created using the Engineering skill. There is currently no minimum volume count for the stone item, 6 volume of material for bone items. The full information he gives when you ask him for tasks can be found on the Bradyn page.
Hollow Eve 414 Task Details
Dealer Poltu from the metal spider wants you to craft some wares for his efforts. You think [6-8] more will satisfy his request. He was quite insistent that only your hands should do the work, and that he would only accept things that were well-made or better in quality. These types of crafted wares will satisfy his requirements:
- - large stone block
- - stone carved tools
- - stone carved furniture
- - bone carved furniture
- - bone armor
Turn-In Check
Starting with the 414 (2014) festival, the task givers will also check to make sure that the items being turned in not only meet the above requirements, but that the person turning in the item was the one that crafted it. If you go to turn in something you did not make, they will tell you:
Seamstress Zasele takes the cloth towel and studies it. At last, she reaches for her quill and writes, "I've noticed this craftsmanship elsewhere. I don't recognize it as your own. I'm [sic] need to know I can trust you for the safety of my charges. Sorry, but I can't accept this."
Crafting Material Rewards
Along with the below rewards, you are also given 1-2 gold worth in coins and some small gems. Most items below do look to be received with 99 quality, but not always, so check your deed or APPRAISE CAREFUL your item before combining things if your material quality matters.
- badger bone
- barghest bone
- bear bone
- bison bone
- blackened bone
- bobcat bone
- bulbous bone
- caracal bone
- charred bone
- cougar bone
- crocodile bone
- crystal bone
- deer bone
- desumos bone
- fey bone
- frog bone
- ghoul bone
- goblin bone
- horse bone
- jackal bone
- jaguar bone
- kobold bone
- lava drake bone
- leucro bone
- mammoth bone
- moradu bone
- morgawr bone
- prereni bone
- rat bone
- reaver bone
- rotting bone
- serpent bone
- sickle bone
- sluagh bone
- sprite-bone
- stalker bone
- troll bone
- wolf bone
- wood drake bone
- wraith bone
- wyvern bone
These will be 10 or 15 count.
These will be 15 - 25 count.
- amber-scale leather
- antelope-skin leather
- ape-pelt leather
- azure-scale leather
- arzumos-pelt leather
- badger-pelt leather
- bark-hide leather
- bear-pelt leather
- black-goblin leather
- black-hide leather
- black-leucro leather
- blood wolf pelt leather
- blue-scale leather
- bobcat-pelt leather
- brown-scale leather
- caracal-pelt leather
- cave-troll leather
- cloud-white leather
- corrugated-hide leather
- crimson-scale leather
- crocodile-skin leather
- crusty barkhide leather
- damaska-skin leather
- dark-scale leather
- deer-skin leather
- desumos-pelt leather
- diamond-hide leather
- droluger-hide leather
- eel-skin leather
- firecat-skin leather
- frog-skin leather
- gargoyle-hide leather
- goblin-hide leather
- goblin-skin leather
- green-scale leather
- grey-scale leather
- gryphon-pelt leather
- horse-hide leather
- hound-pelt leather
- inkhorne-skin leather
- jackal-pelt leather
- jaguar-pelt leather
- kobold-skin leather
- korograth-hide leather
- lava drake-hide leather
- mammoth-hide leather
- marble-hide leather
- morgawr-scale leather
- ogre-skin leather
- onyx-hide leather
- prereni-skin leather
- pivuh-skin leather
- puffy-white leather
- punka-hide leather
- quartz-hide leather
- rat-pelt leather
- reaver-pelt leather
- red-leucro leather
- red-scale leather
- salt-encrusted leather
- seal-pelt leather
- serpent-skin leather
- serpentine-hide leather
- shadowleaf leather
- sharkskin leather
- sheepskin leather
- silver-leucro leather
- sluagh-hide leather
- stalker-pelt leather
- storm-bull leather
- troll-skin leather
- warcat-pelt leather
- white fox pelt leather
- white-pelt leather
- wolf-pelt leather
- wyvern-hide leather
- zombie-skin leather
These are all given as deeds.
- These will be a branch, a limb, a log or a thick log.
- Wood types were added to the possible rewards during the 428 festival.
These will be between 10 and 25 count (in increments of 5).
- alabaster
- amaranth
- amber
- amethyst
- apple
- apricot
- aqua
- aquamarine
- auburn
- azure
- beige
- bistre
- black
- blood-red
- blue
- blue-green
- blue-violet
- brass-colored
- brick-red
- bronze
- brown
- burgundy
- carmine
- cerise
- cerulean
- charcoal-grey
- chartreuse
- cherry
- chestnut
- chocolate
- cinnamon
- cobalt
- copper
- coral
- cornflower-blue
- cream
- crimson
- cyan
- daffodil-yellow
- ebon
- ecru
- eggshell-white
- Elothean-red
- emerald
- flax
- forest-green
- fuschia
- goldernrod
- gold-colored
- ghost-white
- green
- grey
- heliotrope
- hunter green
- icy-blue
- icy blue
- ichor-green
- indigo
- jade-green
- jaundice-yellow
- lavender
- lilac
- lime-green
- magenta
- maroon
- mauve
- midnight-blue
- nomlas
- olive
- olive-green
- off-white
- onyx
- orange
- orchid
- peach
- pearl
- periwinkle
- pink
- plum
- puce
- pumpkin
- purple
- red
- Rissan orange
- rose
- rot-brown
- russet
- rust
- sable
- saffron
- salmon
- sapphire
- sea-green
- sepia
- scarlet
- silver-colored
- steel-blue
- sunny yellow
- sunset-orange
- swamp-green
- taffelberry
- taffelberry-bla [sic]
- tan
- tangerine
- taupe
- teal
- turquoise
- twilight purple
- umber
- violet
- violet-red
- viridian
- white
- wine
- wisteria
- yellow