Category:Trader spells: Difference between revisions

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rect 0 20 120 80 [[Fluoresce|Fluoresce(Debilitation)]]
rect 0 20 120 80 [[Fluoresce|Fluoresce(Debilitation)]]
rect 160 20 280 80 [[Blur|Blur (Augmentation)]]
rect 160 20 280 80 [[Blur|Blur (Augmentation)]]
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rect 320 250 440 310 [[Arbiter's Stylus|Arbiter's Stylus (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 320 250 440 310 [[Arbiter's Stylus|Arbiter's Stylus (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 480 250 600 310 [[Starcrash|Starcrash (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 480 250 600 310 [[Starcrash|Starcrash (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 705 250 825 310 [[Enrichment|Enrichment(Augmentation)]]
rect 480 350 600 410 [[Avtalia Array|Avtalia Array (Metamagic)]]
rect 480 350 600 410 [[Avtalia Array|Avtalia Array (Metamagic)]]
rect 640 350 760 410 [[Stellar Collector|Stellar Collector (Utility)]]
rect 640 350 760 410 [[Stellar Collector|Stellar Collector (Utility)]]

Revision as of 16:00, 7 June 2018

A category for Trader spells.

Spell tree

Fluoresce(Debilitation)Blur (Augmentation)Avren Aevareae (Augmentation, Debilitation)Mask of the Moons(Warding)Elision (Warding)Regalia (Utility)Bespoke Regalia (Metamagic)Trabe Chalice (Warding)Crystal Dart (Targeted Magic)Arbiter's Stylus (Targeted Magic)Starcrash (Targeted Magic)Enrichment(Augmentation)Avtalia Array (Metamagic)Stellar Collector (Utility)Noumena (Utility)Finesse (Augmentation)Nonchalance (Warding)Membrach's Greed (Augmentation)Resumption (Metamagic)Last Gift of Vithwok IV (Augmentation)Platinum Hands of Kertigen (Augmentation)Turmar Illumination (Augmentation)Trader Spells2.png
About this image

Summary of spell information

Bolded spells are signature spells.

Name Effect Type Skill Target Contest Prep
Duration Slots Mana
Arbiter's Stylus (ARS) Slice damage, Cold damage cyclic targeted {{{19}}} 6-31 80-800 Indefinite 1 {{{18}}}
Avren Aevareae (AVA) +Thievery skill, +Stealth skill, +Light, -Thievery skill, -Stealth skill standard augmentation, debilitation, area of effect {{{19}}} magic \ fortitude 10-66 80-800 2-10 2 {{{18}}}
Avtalia Array (AVTA) Passively charges worn cambrinth/gaethzen when outdoors while Noumena is active. metamagic {{{19}}} 2 {{{18}}}
Bespoke Regalia Allows CAST {armor type} {area of coverage} metamagic {{{19}}} 1 {{{18}}}
Blur +Tactics, +Evasion standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 3 {{{18}}}
Crystal Dart (CRD) Puncture damage, Slice damage battle targeted {{{19}}} 2-50 10-600 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Elision (ELI) Prevents opponent attacks at the cost of Starlight Aura. ritual warding {{{19}}} 400-900 400-1,250 30-90 3 {{{18}}}
Enrichment Buffs Trabe Chalice, Regalia, Arbiter's Stylus, Starcrash, and Avtalia Array battle augmentation {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 2-10 4 {{{18}}}
Finesse (FIN) +Charisma (stat), +Agility (stat), +Trader Bonus standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 {{{18}}}
Fluoresce (FLU) Damage Enhancer battle debilitation, area of effect {{{19}}} spirit \ reflexes 1-66 0-400 Instant 1 {{{18}}}
Iridius Rod (IR) Elemental damage reduction. Ablative barrier. standard warding {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 0- 1 {{{18}}}
Last Gift of Vithwok IV (LGV) +Shield Usage skill standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Mask of the Moons (MOM) Spells cast at you will sometimes go awry cyclic warding {{{19}}} 5-25 250-1,000 Indefinite 2 {{{18}}}
Membrach's Greed (MEG) +Outdoorsmanship skill, +Skinning skill standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 {{{18}}}
Nonchalance (NON) Ward against Charm and Fear spells standard warding {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Noumena (NOU) Allows Starlight Aura regeneration under cloud cover or in daylight.

Allows spells that use Starlight to be cast during inclement weather.

standard utility {{{19}}} 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Platinum Hands of Kertigen (PHK) +Forging skill, +Outfitting skill, +Engineering skill standard augmentation {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 10-40 3 {{{18}}}
Regalia (REGA) Creates crystal armor battle utility {{{19}}} 15-100 80-800 11-40 2 {{{18}}}
Resumption (RESUM) Preserves memories after death metamagic {{{19}}} 1 {{{18}}}
Starcrash (STAR) Impact damage, Cold damage battle targeted, pulse damage {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 Instant 2 {{{18}}}
Stellar Collector (STC) Allows collection and storage of starlight energy standard utility {{{19}}} 30-100 250-1,000 61-0 2 {{{18}}}
Trabe Chalice (TRC) Damage reduction: Slicing and Puncture protection. Ablative barrier. Impact damage can shatter it temporarily. Vitality barrier. standard warding {{{19}}} 1-100 0-400 10-40 1 {{{18}}}
Turmar Illumination (TURI) +Intelligence (stat), +Perception skill standard augmentation {{{19}}} 5-100 10-600 10-40 2 {{{18}}}