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| Wild Magic Theory Presentation|| (6/22/2024) || Milene's Rose - Shard || A meeting hosted by Ayrell Evyntine to present information, history, lore, and pertinent details related to the ongoing research regarding the recent disruptions to magic, including new information obtained from the encounter with the Kather, Anmuva. Presentation included Ayrell's current theories about "wild magic" followed by an open-floor discussion for others to express their thoughts and ideas as well as other potential steps that could be taken to progress research efforts. || [[Ayrell/Logs/06222024/Wild_Magic_Theory_Presentation|Event Log]]
| Wild Magic Theory Presentation|| (6/22/2024) || Milene's Rose - Shard || A meeting hosted by Ayrell Evyntine to present information, history, lore, and pertinent details related to the ongoing research regarding the recent disruptions to magic, including new information obtained from the encounter with the Kather, Anmuva. Presentation included Ayrell's current theories about "wild magic" followed by an open-floor discussion for others to express their thoughts and ideas as well as other potential steps that could be taken to progress research efforts. || [[Ayrell/Logs/06222024/Wild_Magic_Theory_Presentation|Event Log]]
|Diplomacy With Dragon Priests || (6/27/2024) || Temple of Light - Shard || An extension of the previous meetings held with the Dragon Priests, but with a change in purpose to focus on acquiring any information that might be obtained from the Dragon Priests regarding their experience with wild magic, or any additional details they may know based on their unique connections, practices, and knowledge. || [[Coming Soon]]
|Diplomacy With Dragon Priests || (6/27/2024) || Temple of Light - Shard || An extension of the previous meetings held with the Dragon Priests, but with a change in purpose to focus on acquiring any information that might be obtained from the Dragon Priests regarding their experience with wild magic, or any additional details they may know based on their unique connections, practices, and knowledge. Note: The Dragon Priests did not appear for discussion. No information learned. || [[Coming Soon]]
| Seeking Commodore Khoheke || (7/5/2024) || Village Tavern - Acenamacra || An attempt to meet with Commodore Khoheke Moglin regarding the recent disruptions caused by the sudden appearance of wild magic. Some research of the magic addressed concerns about weakening of the Bulwark, a subject of which Commodore Khoheke is known to possess knowledge. With few options at the disposal of those who seek answers and a means to correct the erratic magic, a meeting was requested in hopes that the Commodore might journey from Ratha to enlighten the curious with any information he might have. || [[Coming Soon]]
| Seeking Commodore Khoheke || (7/5/2024) || Village Tavern - Acenamacra || An attempt to meet with Commodore Khoheke Moglin regarding the recent disruptions caused by the sudden appearance of wild magic. Some research of the magic addressed concerns about weakening of the Bulwark, a subject of which Commodore Khoheke is known to possess knowledge. With few options at the disposal of those who seek answers and a means to correct the erratic magic, a meeting was requested in hopes that the Commodore might journey from Ratha to enlighten the curious with any information he might have. Note: Letter to Khoheke appeared to have been intercepted as the pirate, Srinoja, appeared in his stead, pretending to be the Commodore and leading an assault against the area. || [[Coming Soon]]
| Wild Magic and the Zaulfung Stones|| (7/8/2024) || Pierless Inn - Riverhaven || A gathering hosted by Ayrell Evyntine and Avrenka to discuss the Zaulfung Stones (on location) and to conduct an experiment with Othersight to see if the stones have, in any way, been disrupted as a result of either the cause or the side-effects of Wild Magic. No information was discovered during this attempt. || [[Event Log - Coming soon]]
| Wild Magic Research & Exploration|| (7/10/2024) || Milene's Rose - Shard || A combination history lecture and exploration effort led Ayrell Evyntine discussing topics involving the Heralds and the destruction of the Sraan Mehath. History topics also included the War of Tears and the Resistance War, followed by an exploration of the area at the base of the Dragonspine Mountains where the final battles of the Resistance War took place. The aim was to determine if any imprint or indication had been left behind that might provide additional information about why the wild magic research brings to mind memories of the Sraan Mehath, or any clues to indicate why the Heralds took such an interest in the magic being cast at that time. Following the exploration, the group traveled to the observation dome of Chyolvea Tayeu'a for a second history lecture on the Heralds and the point in history known as, "the day magic died." Note: No information learned from the exploration. || [[Event Log - Coming soon]]
| Wild Magic Research at Zengmodaleth|| (7/12/2024) || Ancillary Rear Containment - Zengmodaleth || Research and experiment hosted by Ayrell Evyntine and Saragos and Navesi Daerthon at Zengmodaleth to investigate the area and to initiate an Othersight attempt on the Olkan Rae Audrus in search of potential information about both the area as well as any connections/indications it may have regarding the ongoing Wild Magic concerns. || [[Event Log - Coming soon]]

Revision as of 07:40, 11 July 2024

Ayrell EvyntineAyrell1.webp
Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Warrior Mage
Instance Prime
Relatives Ezerak, Asilyia, Sayara, Ineyl, Maraisel, Aerivyn

A loyal Mountain Elf of the prominent Evyntine family from Elamiri, Ayrell served as Lieutenant of the Ilithi Mountain Guard under Commander Fierolan Vanyahin during the Outcast War. Following the Outcast War, Ayrell shifted her attention to working more directly for the Mountain, conducting various duties as assigned by Fierolan in his new role as the Queen's Consul.
While serving as Emissary to the Mountain for the Ilithi Court under Ferdahl Aemmin, Ayrell diligently strived to maintain relations and communication between Shard and Elamiri, working closely with the Queen's personal guard Herrick Iocaste and Prince Fayne Sunderstone. On several occasions, Ayrell had the honor of meeting Queen Morganae and served as a personal guard and escort for Prince Fayne when he visited the Crystal City.


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Lady of Elamiri Ayrell Evyntine, Archmagess of Ilithi, an Elf.
She has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and exquisite lashes accentuating lustrous sapphire eyes. Her deep blue-streaked raven hair is hip length and wavy, and is worn in an elegant upswept arrangement threaded with an ornate silversteel chain twined with pale mistglass Elamiri roses. She has fair skin and a gracefully slender figure.

She is wearing a pair of sparkling earrings cast as climbing Elven ivy with sapphire blossoms, an ornate choker of lilac moonsilver woven amidst a labyrinth of sapphires, a brushed silver locket gypsy-set with duskbloom sapphires, a sinuous cloak of rippling ebony nightsilk clasped by a faceted sapphire swan, a curved silver earcuff tipped with a phantom sapphire, a stunning gown of ethereal Elven snowlace shimmering with ice sapphire beadwork, a tri-sectioned silver armband linked by platinum chains dangling tear-shaped sapphires, a dainty lilac moonsilver bracelet linked to a sapphire ring by intricate chains, a lifesculpted moonsilver wedding band cradling a trillion-cut twilight sapphire, a gleaming silver signet ring bearing an intricate family seal, a spiraling lilac moonsilver engagement band crowned by a blue Elamiri sapphire, a braided silver sword belt inset with scintillating swan medallions, a twining ivy anklet of lucent lilac moonsilver with variegated sapphire blooms and a pair of exquisite Elven snowlace slippers adorned with sparkling ice sapphires.


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Her familiar is a majestic snow white mountain lynx with glowing sapphire eyes by the name of Elursoye.
Keen sapphire eyes sparkle like vivid blue gemstones, their glittering depths filled with cleverness and constant vigilance. Slender and agile in its movements, the body is an image of feline grace, carrying itself with majestic poise. The animal's thick niveous-toned coat is pristine, white like freshly fallen snow, and smooth with a glossy sheen save for a subtle tufted section of lilac-hued fur in the shape of a lightning bolt on its right hind leg.

Notable Information

  • Lieutenant of the Ilithi Mountain Guard during the Outcast War
  • Recruited to work undercover on an undisclosed mission to gather information for the Queen (mission completed)
  • Aided the city of Shard in their fight against Xerasyth
  • Fought in the battle against Lyras and The Hunger
  • Was the first ever Emissary to the Mountain Elves
  • Member of the Locksmith Union (Retired 449)
  • Founded the Ilithi Socialites (Year 433)
  • Founded The Crystal City Players - An unofficial theater troupe in Shard (Year 442)
  • Founded the Mountain Guard - an unofficial militia for Ilithi (in honor of her former military unit, the Ilithi Mountain Guard) (Year 442)
  • Helped lead and conduct an experiment to research the storm over Stormwill Tower.


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Ayrell is very reserved when it comes to speaking of her family, most specifically her past which led to her departure from Elamiri in her youth. She only speaks of her parents to those with whom she is close and has bestowed her trust, though it is known that her parents both died while she was still young, by Elven standards. At the time of her mother's death, Ayrell left Elamiri and came to Zoluren where she lived on the streets for many years, struggling to survive and make ends meet. Eventually, she decided to join the Warrior Mage guild, not only to learn to defend herself, but to defend her half-sister, Maraisel Issalde who had come to be in her care, as well as for other reasons which she does not openly disclose. Her only other known relative is a cousin through her maternal line, Aerivyn Eiryse-Lyssae.

Marriage with Xelten Tyrsin

In the year 382, after returning from some time away following her service to Ilithi throughout the Outcast War, Ayrell returned to Shard and was recruited by her former Commander, Fierolan Vanyahin, to work undercover on a mission for Her Majesty, Queen Morganae. During this mission, she was introduced to a fellow agent of the Queen by the name of Xelten Tyrsin, with whom she came to work very closely over the next few years. As partners in this mission, they spent so much time in each other's company, Ayrell describes them as having "fallen together," not really knowing at what point they transitioned from partners to something more. Both Ayrell and Xelten were quite young, by Elven standards, and Ayrell possessed no experience with love or marriage prior to undertaking the mission which brought her and Xelten together in what ultimately became a turbulent and short-lived relationship. The Naivety of youth combined with complications from their mission saw the two married and divorced within a span of less than three years from the time of their introduction to the time of their unbonding. In that time, Ayrell and Xelten celebrated the birth of their one and only child together, a daughter by the name of Asilyia Evyntine. It was for Asilyia's sake that Ayrell and Xelten attempted to remain friends following their separation, however, too much conflict and too many painful memories remained, causing them to eventually part ways entirely. For this, and several other personal reasons, Ayrell and Asilyia packed up their belongings and returned to Elamiri for nearly three decades before finally deciding it was time to return to Shard and rebuild the life they left behind. Several years after her return to Shard, Fate saw fit to cross her path with Xelten's again, who had also taken a lengthy leave from public life to reflect upon the follies of his youth. With three decades between their past and their present, Ayrell found Xelten to be a different man than he once was, though they both agreed their acquaintance served them better as friends than anything more. With a mutual loyalty to Her Majesty and a desire to serve their people, they decided to form an alliance which allowed them to work together, solely as associates of the Queen, until Xelten again chose to depart from society on a journey westward in the year 444.


Marriage with Ezerak Vershir

A few years after Ayrell returned to Shard from her time of recovery in Elamiri, she found herself once again in the company of her long-time friend, Ruea Shai'lin. It was by Ruea's request that Ayrell accepted the role of Lady Snow in a play Ruea wrote for the Theren Theater, titled "For Honor and Truth: The Paladin's Way." Ayrell was only newly returned to the society she left behind so many years ago and lacked familiarity with many of the faces around her when she arrived at the theater for the performance. Among them was an Elven male whom Ayrell had never seen before, though something about his presence piqued her curiosity. They were never introduced, and Ayrell knew him only as "the young paladin," his role in the play, which was whispered to be his debut performance within the theater. It was not until a year later that Ayrell received an introduction to the man, following another production of Ruea's at the Theren Theater. Ayrell's half-sister, Maraisel had been cast in the play alongside the male, and was with him, Ruea, and the rest of the cast at an after party held at Taelbert's Inn following the show. Ruea and Maraisel reached out to Ayrell to request she join them. As she was busy conducting research in the Warrior Mage guild library of Crossing, she initially declined the invitation, however, Ruea and Maraisel were persistent and she eventually gave in. By the time she arrived, Ruea, Maraisel, and the Elven male were the only three cast members still celebrating at Taelbert's. It was then that Ayrell learned the male's name, one Ezerak Vershir, surprising Ayrell even more to discover Ezerak to be of Mountain Elf descent. Before departing the tavern, Ruea made a request of Ezerak and Ayrell to work together on composing a song for an upcoming play she was planning to write. Their draw to one another required only a single meeting after that night for them to realize they were destined to be together. Within the month, their courtship became official, their love such that they held no doubt of their connection being that of soulmates. Just shy of a year later, Ezerak invited Ayrell to the rooftop stage of the Shard theater to watch the sunrise at which time he asked for her hand in marriage. In the 3rd month of Lirisa the Archer in the year of the Silver Unicorn, 434, Ayrell and Ezerak were married. Two years later, on the same date, they solidified their bond by performing the Gelinajaun Ruh ceremony, as per the custom, to forever bind their two souls into one. As they already suspected, Ruea has since admitted that she never had need of the song she asked them to write, confessing that it was merely an excuse to trick Ayrell and Ezerak into seeing each other again. Together, Ayrell and Ezerak have one daughter by the name of Sayara Evyntine-Vershir and one son, Ineyl Evyntine-Vershir. To this day, Ayrell and Ezerak remain active in support of the Mountain Elves in Elamiri and the Ferdahl in Shard.

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Ayrell was raised with the mindset of a diplomat and the strict upbringing of a lady with manners and etiquette ingrained into her mentality and behavior. Because of this, her conduct is to the extreme of prim and proper, tending toward formal speech patterns and actions. Overall, she prefers to watch, listen, and learn, though when a topic is of interest to her, she finds her voice more easily and reveals the passion she keeps concealed beneath the learned and almost habitual façade of calm composure. She possesses an abundance of patience and an inherent desire to help those in need, willing to place her own life on the line to save any who require her protection. Her largest passion is history and she can generally be found tucked away in a library with her nose in a book. Where magic is concerned, Ayrell is adamantly against sorcery, in any form, necromantic or otherwise. She refuses to dabble in it, in any capacity, large or small, and absolutely abhors how common its use has become over the years.


Having been brought up as a gently bred lady, Ayrell is proficient in most instruments and possesses a love for singing. Her favorite instrument is the lyra viol, though she has always held a particular fondness for all variations of the harp as well. Although she is not one for being in the theatrical spotlight, she associates with many who participate in such, therefore, has been convinced to perform on several occasions, at both the Shard and Therenborough theaters. Her theatrical debut was as the love interest in Love Story, written by Ruea Shai'lin and performed at the Shard theater.It was a chance, last roisan request by Ruea for Ayrell to accept the role of Lady Snow in For Honor and Truth: The Paladin's Way at the Therenborough theater that led to Ayrell meeting the love of her life, Ezerak Vershir. Ezerak was cast in his theatrical debut as "the young paladin" in this production, which led to their paths crossing for the first time. It was nearly a year later, however, before they would cross paths again and receive the introduction which inevitably led to their happily-ever-after. Given their mutual love for the theater, and a desire to bring people together again in Shard, Ayrell founded a group, with Ezerak as her partner, known as "The Ilithi Socialites" and began work on their own productions in Ilithi. Their first endeavor was a concert, to which Prince Fayne, himself, graced the audience as well as the Honorable Tower Steward Rylento. Subsequently, they arranged a "Night at the Improv" and a play co-written by Ezerak and Ayrell titled "Rescue on the Reshal" which received overall positive reviews from those in attendance. Additionally, Ayrell was cast alongside Ezerak yet again in the Therenborough Theater production of Through it All, written by Ruea Shai'lin, in which she played the sweet and gentle Nimai, love interest and eventual wife of Ezerak's character, Mavrid. Over time, the availability of willing volunteers to act as cast in Shard became increasingly difficult, bringing their work on the theater to an unfortunate halt for a few years. Eventually, Ayrell decided to focus the Ilithi Socialites more toward social gatherings in Shard, hosting picnics and balls, while working to found a theater group known as the Crystal City Players. After holding auditions, members were chosen, and Ayrell once again started working to bring entertainment back to the stage in Shard.

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It is an indisputable fact among Ayrell's friends that she possesses a particular love for rare gems, most specifically those of the sapphire family. Collecting rare sapphires has become a pastime for Ayrell over the years, her collection a constant work-in-progress that she is always looking to grow. Aware of her own slight obsession, Ayrell is known to poke fun at herself, having written a song titled "Sapphires are a Girl's Best Friend" which she performed at the first concert hosted by the Ilithi Socialites and again at the Variety Extravaganza hosted by the Crystal City Players. Despite various efforts to curb her collecting habits, one need only look at her to know she has yet to succeed, and likely never will.


Despite her choice of profession, Ayrell has always been a lover of peace, preferring diplomacy over violence, which led her toward Albreda at a young age. Her history as an orphan also played a role in turning Ayrell's devotion to the dove, seeking comfort from the peaceful goddess in her youth, and guidance from Albreda in adulthood now that she, herself, has become a mother. It is from Albreda that Ayrell draws her strength, seeking peaceful solutions and alliances above all else, and relying on her skills as a Warrior Mage to offer protection to those around her during times when peace proves impossible.


Meeting of the Mountain

The Meeting of the Mountain is a recurring event Ayrell hosts every other month in an effort to bring together those who claim heritage to the Mountain Elves, as well as anyone with an interest in Mountain Elf culture or history. The meetings are mostly informal and intended for both social and intellectual purposes.

Mountain Guard Patrols and Events

As part of Ayrell's defense efforts with the Mountain Guard, patrols are scheduled on a semi-regular basis during which the Mountain Guard members as well as outside supporters gather at Milene's Rose before heading out to conduct a thorough patrol of Shard to ensure the streets remain safe. After the patrol, a brief meeting is then held at Milene's Rose to discuss current events and any relevant threats about which the Mountain Guard should be aware.

Note: Although there has been some confusion due to the name of the unit and Ayrell's connection to the Mountain Elves, the Mountain Guard is NOT a Mountain Elf group, nor is it in any way connected to the Mountain Elves. Ayrell's decision to utilize the name "Mountain Guard" was a nod to her former Shard military unit in which she served as a Lieutenant during the Outcast War, known then as the Ilithi Mountain Guard. Although the Ilithi Mountain Guard was led by Commander Fierolan Vanyahin, also of the Mountain Elves, the unit was never restricted to any Clan or race, and was named based on the part of Ilithi for which it was charged to defend. During the Outcast War, the Ilithi Mountain Guard was tasked with patrolling and protecting the northern lands of Ilithi, including the Dragonspine Mountains, thus the reference in the unit's name. When Ayrell decided to revive the Mountain Guard in this new iteration, "Ilithi" was removed from the title in order to avoid any confusion as to the unofficial nature of the militia.

Event Name Event Date Event Description Event Log
Recruiting for the Mountain Guard (8/11/2022) A recruiting meeting to gather together those with an interest in joining the Guard. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (9/9/2022) A meeting and group patrol of the city to ensure the streets are safe and secure. N/A

Following the first patrol, a letter was delivered to Ayrell's door from a local who voiced an interest in the Guard and the possibility of attending one of the upcoming meetings to observe.

=== Letter from Shashra Malk'eti ===
A young Elothean courier arrives at the entrance to the black marble hall in Coral Crescent, Shard, straightening his plain white tunic and dappled cloak, and running a hand through the foppish mess of brown curls that surround his pronounced forehead.  With some trepidation, he approaches, knocking gently, before dropping a scroll on the stoop and sprinting away.  When you open the door, you are left with a courier's scroll case containing a crisp vellum letter sealed with a wax stamp depicting a pyramid.  It smells faintly of draconaeia and phofe, with a hint of jadice.  The letter reads as follows in a sweeping, precise script, crisp and in black ink:

To the esteemed Ayrell Evyntine-Vershir:

<I understand that you have held meetings about the defense of our fair city at Milene's and would be quite interested in observing.  While I am no expert on matters of defense, my family has established both roots in the city, and a financial interest, such that protecting it is of great importance to us.  I would be interested to hear what your plans are for the defense of our beloved city, given the recent incursions of both wildlife and the unnatural.  I hope that I would be welcome, though I do not have much to directly offer to its aid directly.  I am certain you have ways of finding me, though correspondence addressed to me can be left at my family home on Bloodstone Way.
Shashra Malk'eti

Upon reading the letter, Ayrell drafted a reply and sent it in the reliable possession of her familiar for delivery to Sashra prior to the next meeting at Milene's Rose. In her response, she advised Shashra their presence would be more than welcome and that the Guard looked forward to seeing them.

Event Name Event Date Event Description Event Log
Mountain Guard Patrol (10/21/2022 A group patrol of the city to ensure the streets are safe and secure, followed by a brief meeting to discuss potential threats for members of the Guard to be aware of. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (11/17/2022) A group patrol of the city to ensure the streets are safe and secure, followed by a brief meeting to discuss potential threats for members of the Guard to be aware of. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (12/09/2022) A group patrol of the city to ensure the streets are safe and secure, followed by a brief meeting to discuss potential threats for members of the Guard to be aware of. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (01/20/2023) A group patrol of the city to ensure the streets are safe and secure, followed by a brief meeting to discuss potential threats for members of the Guard to be aware of. Patrol extended to include Steelclaw Clan, the Whistling Wood, and south of Shard to Corik's Wall. Threats encountered - Champion and veteran thugs outside the south city gates. Coming Soon
Mountain Guard Patrol (2/10/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Patrol extended to include Steelclaw Clan, the Whistling Wood, and south of Shard to Corik's Wall. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (3/18/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Patrol extended to include Steelclaw Clan, the Whistling Wood, and south of Shard to Corik's Wall. N/A
Emerald Knight Support Hunt (3/25/2023) A hunt hosted by the Mountain Guard to show support for the Emerald Knights by gathering at Corik's Wall to help defend against the threats within the Dark Hand so the Emerald Knights can enjoy a reprieve, or at least a brief bolstering of their numbers. Coming Soon
Mountain Guard Patrol (4/15/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Patrol extended to include Steelclaw Clan, the Whistling Wood, and south of Shard to Corik's Wall. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (5/20/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Warning received prior to patrol of possible threat. Mountain Guard ambushed by mercenaries with a direct assault against Ayrell and Miskton made by Mercenary Kasizva. Patrol Log
Mountain Guard Patrol (6/10/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Focused on the city, due to recent attacks. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (7/15/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Focused on the city, due to recent attacks. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (8/19/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Focused on the city, due to recent attacks. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (9/16/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Focused on the city, due to recent attacks. Threats encountered: Flayed snowbeasts out the eastern gate. Patrol Log
Moving Mountains Charity Social (9/22/2023) Charity event to gather donations for Shard locals in need and including performances by the Crystal City Players. Coming Soon
Mountain Guard Patrol (10/21/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Focused on the city, due to recent attacks. Meeting included important information about training, structure, and expectations of members. Meeting Log
Mountain Guard Patrol (11/11/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Meeting included vote of members regarding change in leadership title. Coming Soon
Mountain Guard Patrol (12/9/2023) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (1/20/2024) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Coming Soon
Mountain Guard Patrol (2/17/2024) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (3/16/2024) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (4/20/2024) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (5/11/2024) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. N/A
Mountain Guard Patrol (6/15/2024) A brief meeting to discuss reports of any new or ongoing threats to the local area followed by a group patrol of the city. Threats encountered: Plague wraiths resulting from an unknown force taking advantage of the vulnerability left by the disturbances in the mana that occurred immediately preceding the patrol. Coming Soon

Ilithi Socialites

When the idea first struck Ayrell to begin a revival of the social scene in Ilithi, she knew it would be a difficult task to attempt on her own. Reaching out to friends and family, she recruited her husband, Ezerak, as well as her sister and cousin, to form a group known as the Ilithi Socialites. While the initial intent was to focus on the Shoan a Sidelkuloa theater in Shard, Ayrell eventually found her footing and gained more confidence to spread her wings and her efforts to larger scale events and activities, helping to bring the locals together as well as providing opportunities for others to visit and see the beauty Shard has to offer.

Event Name Event Date Event Location Event Description Event Log
A Shard Concert 9 Nissa 433 (3/14/2020) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater - Shard A collection of performances by local talents. Notable guests in attendance: Prince Fayne and Tower Steward Rylento Performance Log
A Night at the Improv 1 Uthmor 434 (5/1/2020) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater - Shard A performance of improvisational games and comedy. Performance Log
Rescue on the Reshal Sea 1 Nissa 434 (6/20/2020) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater - Shard An original play co-written by Ayrell and Ezerak. Performance Log
A Re-Telling of "Love Story" 37 Shorka 438 (6/4/2021) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater - Shard An encore performance of the emotional play originally written by Ruea Shai'lin. Performance Log
The Shard Sapphire and Silk Gala (1/22/2022) Hall of Feasts - Great Tower - Shard A sapphire and silk themed social event with food and dancing as well as a best-dressed to theme contest. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine. N/A
The Winter's Muse Ball (2/26/2022) Ballroom - House of the Floating Reed - Shard A winter themed social event with food, dancing, and a winter-themed fashion show. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine. N/A
A Fall Harvest Picnic (8/19/2022) Garden of Lights Gazebo - Great Tower - Shard A picnic with an autumn theme, including food, drinks, and trivia. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine. N/A
Sunset Hues Social (3/4/2023) Ballroom - House of the Floating Reed - Shard A sunset/sunrise themed social event with food, dancing, and a best-dressed to theme contest. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine. N/A
Ten'ra Agalith 9 Dolefaren 445 (6/17/2023) Temple of Darkness - Shard A celebration of the Ten'ra Agalith holiday and ritual to bestow offerings and prayers upon the Dark Immortals to spare Shard from their wrath. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine and Maraisel Issalde Event Log
Stormy Night Gala (9/8/2023) Hall of Feasts - Great Tower - Shard A storm themed social event with food and dancing as well as a best-dressed to theme contest. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine. N/A
Prayer Vigil to Asketi (9/30/2023) Temple of Darkness - Shard A prayer vigil dedicated to Asketi in an effort to spare Shard from her wrath for the upcoming new year. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine and Maraisel Issalde Coming Soon
Prayer Vigil to Asketi (1/5/2024) Temple of Darkness - Shard A prayer vigil dedicated to Asketi in an effort to spare Shard from her wrath for the upcoming new year. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine and Maraisel Issalde Coming Soon
The Rainbow Gala (TBD) Ballroom - House of the Floating Reed - Shard A rainbow themed social event with food, dancing, and a best-dress to theme contest. Hosted by Ayrell Evyntine. N/A

History on the Rooftop Lecture Series

History on the Rooftop is a lecture series Ayrell originally hosted under the umbrella of the Ilithi Socialites. Taking into account her love of history, Ayrell sought a way that she could share this love with others as well as helping to spread knowledge of past events to those who might be willing to listen. While some topics are chosen by herself, she also accepts requests, and does her best to accommodate, so long as the requested subject is one with which she has the knowledge to share. The lectures, themselves, are held on the rooftop stage of the Shoan a Sidelkuloa theater in Shard.

Event Name Event Date Lecture Topic Event Description Event Log
History on the Rooftop 17 Lirisa 439 (8/28/2021) Stormwill Tower A lecture providing a detailed history of Stormwill Tower as well as information on the Mage of Storms and the eternal storm that remains over the Tower to this day. Lecture Log
History on the Rooftop 21 Uthmor 439 (9/18/2021) Dragon Priests An in-depth detailing of the Dragon Priests and their history. Lecture Log
History on the Rooftop 13 Dolefaren 441 (5/14/2022 Resistance War A brief overview of the Resistance War followed by personal accounts of information not documented in the history books. Lecture Log
History on the Rooftop 18 Shorka 444 (1/20/2023) Mountain Elves By request - an in-depth history of the Mountain Elves and the former Dwarven city of Garnedhren. Lecture Log
History on the Rooftop 1 Nissa 444 (3/17/2023) Kather and the World Dragon By request - a detailed overview of the Kather, focusing on their culture, castes, and religion as well as a detailed origin story of the World Dragon. Lecture Log

Crystal City Players

Although Ayrell enjoyed some success with the Shoan a Sidelkuloa theater with her efforts under the Ilithi Socialites, she enjoyed the idea of bringing others into the fold beyond her family and close friends, to create a group that could focus more on the theater while the Ilithi Socialites could direct their attention more to the social aspect of entertainment in Shard. It was from this idea that the Crystal City Players was born, starting as a dream in Ayrell's mind and quickly building into a reality once the auditions were scheduled. From these auditions, Ayrell welcomed Siendra Vauns'Arotru, Senthic Lupercus, and Shaylynne Kendiahle into the membership, along with Ezerak whose prior work with her regarding the theater made him an integral part of the group.

Event Name Event Date Performance Location Event Description Event Log
A Variety Extravaganza 30 Dolefaren 442 (8/26/2022) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater Inaugural performance - A Variety Show including singing, dancing, dramatic readings, and a little of everything in between. Performance Log
Eve of Mercy 6 Uthmor 443 (10/19/2022) Order of the Dragon Shield - Banquet Hall - Riverhaven A collaboration with the Jackals of Eylhaar in celebration of the goddess of peace in death, the play was a "stage" adaptation of the story "The Gift of the Maiden." Script written by Siendra. Performance Log
A Celebration of the Seasons 18 Uthmor 443 (10/22/2022) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater A performance designed to celebrate all that is good and wonderful about each of the seasons. Each act was designed to tell a story while illustrating popular and common themes for each season, interspersed with poetry for an additional touch of art. Play written by Ayrell. Winter poem written by Siendra. Spring poem written by Ayrell. Summer poem written by Senthic. Fall poem written by Shaylynne. Closing poem written by Ezerak. Performance Log
Aim for the Heart 37 Moliko 444 (2/24/2023) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater A "comedy of errors" play written as a collaboration by Siendra, Shaylynne, Senthic, and Ayrell - performed by the Crystal City Players cast. Performance Log
A Divine Variety 37 Arhat 445 (5/25/2023) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater A Variety Show with acts dedicated to and in honor of the Immortals/the Triquetra/Rakash Gods, including singing, dancing, dramatic readings, and a little of everything in between. Performance Log
Interview with a Spy 17 Uthmor 446 (8/18/2023) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater A play in the spy genre filled with action and espionage, written by Ayrell Evyntine and Ezerak Evyntine-Vershir - performed by the Crystal City Players cast. Notable guest in attendance: Shashra Malk'eti Performance Log
Moving Mountains Charity Social (9/22/2023) Garden of Lights Gazebo - Great Tower - Shard Collaboration with the Mountain Guard of Shard to gather donations for locals in need. Charity event with performances by members of The Crystal City Players. Coming Soon
A Trio of Trouble 9 Ka'len 448 (2/2/2024) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater A comedy/drama about three young boys who summon three witches to do their chores. Script written by Siendra and performed by the Crystal City Players cast. Performance Log
Songs of Fire & Ice 13 Lirisa 449 (5/23/2024) Shoan a Sidelkuloa Theater A concert with songs and poems written to the theme of fire and ice. Performance Log

Researching the Storm

For nearly two years, Ayrell entertained conversations with both Ezerak and Xelten regarding the storm over Stormwill Tower in Shard and whether or not it might be possible to quell it. She looked at this more as a fascination than anything more until the same idea was brought forward one evening by Woten at a Town Hall meeting in Shard. Through further discussion, Ayrell and Woten debated the matter, after which Ayrell agreed to attempt a gathering to see if there were others of like-mind who might be willing to help with the endeavor. Following the first meeting Ayrell hosted at Chyolvea Tayeu'a, Court Mage Miskton agreed to send a letter to the Great Tower in request of their blessing to move forward with the research. In addition, Ayrell sent an inquiry and request to Guildmistress Melear to seek her approval and blessing as well. Not long after, a letter was delivered to Ayrell, written by Guildmistress Melear's hand, advising of her willingness to allow the research to take place, requesting only that safety of the locals be kept in mind and to try not to electrocute any of the Sentinels. With this authorization in hand, Ayrell arranged for a second meeting, during which ideas were discussed for first steps in the research process. This research remains ongoing at this time.

Event Name Event Date Event Location Event Description Event Log
Researching the Storm (8/12/2022) Chyolvea Tayeu'a - Chamber of All A meeting to discuss the history of Stormwill Tower and the possibility of helping quell the storm. Coming Soon
Researching the Storm (9/16/2022) Chylovea Tayeu'a - Chamber of All A follow-up meeting regarding ideas for how to quell the storm. Permission obtained from the Great Tower as well as Guildmistress Melear to proceed, though with caution. Coming Soon
Researching the Storm 2 Arhat 443 (10/28/2022 Stormwill Tower - Shard First attempt to conduct research into the origin of the storm. Scholar of the Grove Uryutis in attendance. Event Log
Researching the Storm (2/25/2023) Chylovea Tayeu'a - Chamber of All A follow-up meeting regarding the previous experiment and ideas for next steps. Coming Soon
Researching the Storm (5/6/2023) Stormwill Tower - Shard An investigatory effort in conjunction with bards and other guilds to search Stormwill Tower for any potential residual clues that may have been left behind as a result of the research conducted by the Mage of Storms. Coming Soon
=== Letter from Melear ===
You are welcome to focus your scholarship upon the storm, so long as you proceed cautiously and make efforts not to exacerbate the already tenuous tempest.  Captain Cierzen has also approached me, having received word of your group's interest, and we are in agreement on this.  He did mutter something as he left about his sentinels likely being electrocuted, so please take extra care not to let his doomsaying come to pass.

Dragon Priest Investigations

The matter of the Dragon Priests is one that can only be referred to as a group effort, with many different views for as to how best to address the Priests and their unusual activity over the recent years. The following list of events is far from a complete compilation of all the work that has gone into the matter, and instead focuses more on the events with which Ayrell, herself, was more heavily involved in the planning and execution. Due to Ayrell's reputation as somewhat of a diplomat, she was approached by Navesi with an invitation to join her and several others of the Bard Guild, in attempting a diplomatic mission into the Black Spire. Previous attempts to fight through the Dragon Priests for answers had turned up little to explain what the Priests were doing, leaving everyone with the hope that a more peaceful approach might prove more fruitful. Ayrell agreed to assist and accompanied Navesi and the other bards to the Black Spire where they were greeted by the Ecclesiarch, Suulnir. With this diplomatic mission having proven mostly a success, in so much that the Dragon Priests appeared willing to entertain discussion, Ayrell took it upon herself to plan a second diplomatic mission in hopes that more information might be able to be obtained. This mission, however, provided "success" in a different form, though it became clear that Ayrell's correspondence with Suulnir had been intercepted, leaving the diplomatic group to be confronted by an entity in the form of a Pivuh who appeared to hold some animosity toward Suulnir, as well as against the adventurers who joined Ayrell for the mission. After this, it was decided that further conversation with the Dragon Priests would be unlikely to turn up sufficient information to answer the questions everyone had regarding what was going on with the Dragon Priests. With what little information was gleaned from both diplomatic meetings, as well as an investigatory mission led by Navesi into the Black Spire, it was determined that the Dragon Priests were trying to hide the location of several other strongholds throughout Ilithi and Hibarnhvidar. In an effort to uncover these strongholds, Ayrell worked in collaboration with the S'kra Yraggahh to conduct a scouting mission, though no additional information was uncovered. After some time had come to pass, with no news and no answers, Ayrell decided to revive the investigation and hosted another scout to try and uncover details as to where the Dragon Priests might be hiding (and what they might be doing.) This scout also proved fruitless, though Ayrell has not given up, and the investigations remain ongoing at this time.

Event Name Event Date Event Location Event Description Event Log
Diplomacy with Dragon Priests 1 Shorka 439 (9/3/2021) Temple of Light - Shard/Black Spire An initial attempt, headed by Navesi and the Bard Guild, with Ayrell as the designated speaker, to seek communication with the Dragon Priests regarding their recent activity. Encountered: Ecclesiarch Suulnir Event Log
Diplomacy with Dragon Priests - Part II 25 Moliko 439 (10/9/2021) Temple of Light - Shard/Black Spire A second attempt, hosted by Ayrell Evyntine-Vershir, to seek communication with the Dragon Priests regarding their recent activity. Encountered: Pivuh Event Log
Scouting Mission 1 Lirisa 441 (3/12/2022 Temple of Light - Shard A collaboration between Ayrell Evyntine-Vershir and Yraggahh in an effort to scout Ilithi and surrounding areas for possible locations of Dragon Priest strongholds. No Dragon Priest contact made (aside from noticing their preparations to defend the Spire), though Ayrell's group made unrelated contact with the Kather, Anmuva while investigating areas in Forfedhdar. Coming Soon
Dragon Priest Investigation 22 Ka'len 443 (9/23/2022) Temple of Light - Shard A second scouting mission led by Ayrell Evyntine in further efforts to locate Dragon Priest strongholds and to seek potential clues as to the Dragon Priests' recent activity. No Dragon Priest contact was made and no other interactions occurred. Coming Soon
Dragon Priest Investigation 17 Lirisa 446 (7/29/2023) Temple of Light - Shard A third scouting mission led by Ayrell Evyntine in further efforts to locate Dragon Priest strongholds and to seek potential clues as to the Dragon Priests' recent activity. Search of Steelclaw Clan with clues leading to Wyvern Mountain. Contact with Suulnir via gweth indicating the Dragon Priests were doing something on Wyvern Mountain. Investigative group attacked by Dragon Priest assassins and intercessors while attempting to reach Wyvern Mountain. Event Log
Dragon Priest Investigation (4/27/2024) Temple of Light - Shard A scouting mission led by Ayrell Evyntine in an effort to search Wyvern Mountain for evidence or clues of what the Dragon Priests were doing at the peak when their location was discovered during the previous investigation. Two groups were formed, one to investigate and one to remain in Shard as defense. No evidence or indication was found on Wyvern Mountain. (Forwent log due to no information obtained as well as game outage mid-way through the event that created a break in continuity.) Log N/A

Wild Magic Investigation

After suffering a momentary severance from her attunement to the elemental forces around her, Ayrell joined the growing crowd of worried adventurers in search of answers for what could have caused it. Efforts to reach for the mana streams provided fruitless for a time until contact finally returned, but with a sense of instability that left the world in a state of unease. Mana surges became to appear without warning as a result of spells being cast while some people found themselves "burned up" from an overabundance of attunement. Word quickly began to spread of something called "wild magic" of which research began to return disturbing images and and information indicative of impending catastrophe, the likes of which appeared comparable to the eradication of the S'Kra Wind Clan and, in some cases, to the destruction of Grazhir. As more information came forward, Ayrell decided it was necessary to take action, stepping forward to call her fellow adventurers to action in an attempt to learn as much as possible, and quickly, so as to try and stop this catastrophe from occurring.

  • Pain stabs through your mind and body as your attunement to the elemental forces around you is suddenly severed!
  • Your body trembles as your mind instinctively reaches toward that place where you usually feel your connection to magic. It is cold.
  • You feel a surge of mana reaching toward you! You instinctively reach out to grasp it. You struggle to hold on, but it slips away again, leaving you feeling exhausted.
  • You sense a fleeting trace of mana. It briefly grows stronger, but quickly fades away again.
  • Your senses explode and you are momentarily blinded! Mana overfills your being, and you struggle to control the flow! Just as suddenly, it seeps away, leaving you empty.
  • You feel a deep sense that something has changed. Your attunement to the elemental forces around you is restored, but it does not feel controllable!
Event Name Event Date Event Location Event Description Event Log
Wild Magic - A Call to Action (6/15/2024) Milene's Rose - Shard A meeting hosted by Ayrell Evyntine to discuss the recent disruptions to magic, theories as to the cause of it, and next steps to move forward with finding out more about this new, highly erratic, and seemingly volatile "wild magic." Event Log
Wild Magic Theory Presentation (6/22/2024) Milene's Rose - Shard A meeting hosted by Ayrell Evyntine to present information, history, lore, and pertinent details related to the ongoing research regarding the recent disruptions to magic, including new information obtained from the encounter with the Kather, Anmuva. Presentation included Ayrell's current theories about "wild magic" followed by an open-floor discussion for others to express their thoughts and ideas as well as other potential steps that could be taken to progress research efforts. Event Log
Diplomacy With Dragon Priests (6/27/2024) Temple of Light - Shard An extension of the previous meetings held with the Dragon Priests, but with a change in purpose to focus on acquiring any information that might be obtained from the Dragon Priests regarding their experience with wild magic, or any additional details they may know based on their unique connections, practices, and knowledge. Note: The Dragon Priests did not appear for discussion. No information learned. Coming Soon
Seeking Commodore Khoheke (7/5/2024) Village Tavern - Acenamacra An attempt to meet with Commodore Khoheke Moglin regarding the recent disruptions caused by the sudden appearance of wild magic. Some research of the magic addressed concerns about weakening of the Bulwark, a subject of which Commodore Khoheke is known to possess knowledge. With few options at the disposal of those who seek answers and a means to correct the erratic magic, a meeting was requested in hopes that the Commodore might journey from Ratha to enlighten the curious with any information he might have. Note: Letter to Khoheke appeared to have been intercepted as the pirate, Srinoja, appeared in his stead, pretending to be the Commodore and leading an assault against the area. Coming Soon
Wild Magic and the Zaulfung Stones (7/8/2024) Pierless Inn - Riverhaven A gathering hosted by Ayrell Evyntine and Avrenka to discuss the Zaulfung Stones (on location) and to conduct an experiment with Othersight to see if the stones have, in any way, been disrupted as a result of either the cause or the side-effects of Wild Magic. No information was discovered during this attempt. Event Log - Coming soon
Wild Magic Research & Exploration (7/10/2024) Milene's Rose - Shard A combination history lecture and exploration effort led Ayrell Evyntine discussing topics involving the Heralds and the destruction of the Sraan Mehath. History topics also included the War of Tears and the Resistance War, followed by an exploration of the area at the base of the Dragonspine Mountains where the final battles of the Resistance War took place. The aim was to determine if any imprint or indication had been left behind that might provide additional information about why the wild magic research brings to mind memories of the Sraan Mehath, or any clues to indicate why the Heralds took such an interest in the magic being cast at that time. Following the exploration, the group traveled to the observation dome of Chyolvea Tayeu'a for a second history lecture on the Heralds and the point in history known as, "the day magic died." Note: No information learned from the exploration. Event Log - Coming soon
Wild Magic Research at Zengmodaleth (7/12/2024) Ancillary Rear Containment - Zengmodaleth Research and experiment hosted by Ayrell Evyntine and Saragos and Navesi Daerthon at Zengmodaleth to investigate the area and to initiate an Othersight attempt on the Olkan Rae Audrus in search of potential information about both the area as well as any connections/indications it may have regarding the ongoing Wild Magic concerns. Event Log - Coming soon


Since Ayrell's return to Shard after her years away, she has made an effort to help in any way that she can, both politically and socially. Although many of her endeavors are part of a larger group of activities, some of them have been conducted as standalone events, and have been documented on the list below.

Event Name Event Date Event Location Event Description Event Log
History & Trivia at Chyolvea Tayeu'a (9/29/2018) Chylovea Tayeu'a - Chamber of All A social event in collaboration with the Lorethew Mentor Society to discuss the history of the Warrior Mage Guild followed by a trivia contest. N/A
An Elementalist Ball (3/21/2020) Raven's Court - Ballroom A Warrior Mage themed social event, hosted by Ayrell as part of the Unified Warrior Mage Guild Committee. N/A
Parley with the Gorbesh (6/19/2020 Sanrisi Tree near Dirge A diplomatic attempt to speak with the Gorbesh and help them to understand the glitch in time and to try and learn how they came to be in the present from the past. N/A
Dragon Research Symposium (1/17/2024) Vela'Tohr Edge, Secluded Grove An informational and educational gathering at which a handful of presenters delivered lectures regarding various topics related to dragons, with examples including Dragons in general (Life/Elemental),The World Dragon, The Kather, Anmuva, and more. Hosted by the Grey Dragons, Ayrell was invited to present as one of the speakers regarding the World Dragon and the Kather. Event Log
Dragons 101 Lunch & Learn Lecture Series (3/20/2024) Town Hall, Public Meeting Room An informational and educational consisting of a series of lectures at which presenters were invited to speak on various topics related to dragons. There were four lectures, all of which were hosted by the Grey Dragons, with Ayrell Evyntine as the presenter of the first to discuss the World Dragon. Event Log

Elemental Plane Experiments

Ayrell was honored to have been among the original group of Warrior Mages selected by Perune to conduct an experiment to learn more about the elemental planes, initially aimed with a specific interest in Aether. Over time, these experiments drew the attention of Grove Scholar Uryutis, increasing interest in the project, and extending the efforts to grander goals. Throughout these efforts, Ayrell participated in each and every experiment, including the creation of a stable Aetheric anomaly that allowed a glimpse into the Plane of Aether, itself, (year 433). Following this success, Ayrell was again honored to be granted an opportunity to work more closely with Perune, Saragos, and Mazrian for the next step in the experimental process which led to the successful opening of a portal to the Plane of Electricity (year 434). (Zengmodaleth)

Basalt Isle Raid

Although Ayrell was not among the original organizers of these events, she took an interest in their endeavors and eventually came to work more closely with those leading the charge, doing what she could to help with the planning efforts. Ayrell was selected to head a diplomatic team in attempting talks with the pirate Srinoja, having the opportunity to lead a small group onto Srinoja's ship in an attempt to sway her into helping defend against the lich, Jeihrem. Regrettably, this meeting was interrupted by an assault on the shores, and ended with no promise of support. Despite this setback, Ayrell continued to work with the organizers and fought on the side of Khoheke Moglin against the lich Jeihrem in the historic raid on the Basalt Isle.

Favored Possessions

Mountain Elf

Ayrell is very open about her loyalty to Queen Morganae and the Mountain, therefore, she tends to display the Queen's symbol, a swan, prominently on her person and several of her belongings. Among the most notable are a sword belt she had designed in the likeness of one worn by the Queen, a cloak bearing a swan clasp to represent her heritage, and armor proudly designed to bear both the swan and Queen Morganae's crown.

  • Sword belt: a braided silver sword belt inset with scintillating swan medallions

Tiny blue sapphires sit in the eye of each swan as the medallions dangle like chimes from brilliant platinum chains. Silver braids weave through circular steel links polished to an exquisite gleam. The belt is crafted to rest low on the hips, designed to elegantly secure a single blade.

  • Cloak: a sinuous cloak of rippling ebony nightsilk clasped by a faceted sapphire swan

Countless smooth facets gleam with a dark brilliance from the surface of the gemstone brooch at the neckline of the cloak. A single large sapphire has been cut in the likeness of a demure swan with an elegantly arching neck. The single cut forming the swan's eye gazes solemnly into the inky darkness of the flowing nightsilk, as if it were deep in thought. Each subtle movement causes the cloth to shudder, rippling like the surface of a vast underground lake, with the lone swan floating serenely upon it.

  • Armor: some faeweave armor graced with a swan issuing from an Elven crown

Contrasting against the somber fabric, delicate cloth-of-silver embroidery forms complex geometric patterns. Twilight sapphires adorn the crown of Queen Morganae, each gloaming stone reflecting light in the shape of a star.


At the time of her mother's death, Ayrell was forced to flee her home so suddenly, she was unable to bring anything with her. It wasn't until years later, when she returned to Elamiri, that she was gifted one of her most favored possessions: The Evyntine family ring her mother used to wear, the cherished possession having been passed down through generations of Evyntine women, signifying the eldest daughter as the family heir.

  • Ring: a gleaming silver signet ring bearing an intricate family seal

The noble Evyntine crest consists of an elegant Elven sword pointed downward in a defensive posture and wrapped in a spiral of jagged lightning, further encircled by a wreath of flames. Tiny diamonds form the ring's electric shroud, and flecks of blue sapphire make up the flame.

Engagement & Gelinajaun Ruh

Among Ayrell's other most cherished possessions are her engagement ring and her wedding ring. When speaking of her engagement, Ayrell is known to fondly advise that Ezerak knew of her love for rare sapphires, therefore he didn't just get her one sapphire in her ring, but chose to get her ALL the sapphires in her ring. The wedding ring for the Gelinajuan Ruh ceremony was designed to complement the engagement band, as was the bracelet Ezerak presented Ayrell as a wedding gift prior to the ceremony.

  • Engagement Ring: a spiraling lilac moonsilver engagement band crowned by a blue Elamiri sapphire

The fine, luminous metal glows from within to create a spiral of violet moonlight, causing the cacophony of rainbow, phantom, duskbloom, and haze sapphires inset along the band to cast a multi-hued shimmer across the surface of the large Elamiri sapphire. The delicate lover's band is designed to wrap perfectly around the finger, each priceless stone chosen to complement the rare ocean-blue tones of the large center stone while a tiny Idon's sapphire rests beside the engraving within the band. There appears to be something written on it.

A moonsilver engagement band reads: "Escu we escu." (Forever and ever)

  • Wedding Ring: a lifesculpted moonsilver wedding band cradling a trillion-cut twilight sapphire

Twin strands of luminescent moonsilver are masterfully woven to entwine as one, wrapping around the wearer's finger in a swirling, eternal embrace. The delicate, braided band lends a feminine appeal to the elegantly ethereal design, winding together at the center to showcase a faceted trillion-cut twilight sapphire. In complement to the starry gem, two sets of smaller Idon's sapphires hug the sparkling stone from either side, lending their subtle strength from within the band's soft, moonlit glow. There appears to be something written on it.

A moonsilver wedding band reads: "As one forever, my rose of Elamiri."

  • Wedding Bracelet: a dainty lilac moonsilver bracelet linked to a sapphire ring by intricate chains

Luminous links of lilac metal embrace the wearer's wrist in an intricate labyrinth of softly glowing chains tapered in a V along the back of the hand, held in place by a slender ring designed to rest over a feminine finger. Twilight sapphires set at each diamond-shaped intersection of the lustrous web lend their unique sparkle to the accessory, further accented by a single cobalt Elamiri sapphire glinting from the ring's trillion-cut setting.


In addition to the moonsilver and sapphire bands and bracelet for Ayrell's engagement and wedding, Ayrell embraced the opportunity to design an entire set of custom sapphire and moonsilver items to complete the ensemble Ezerak started for her. This set was completed with a matching choker and a matching anklet.

  • Choker: an ornate choker of lilac moonsilver woven amidst a labyrinth of sapphires

Delicate chains of luminous metal create an elegant yet complex maze of metallic filaments designed to embrace the neck and splay across the collarbone when worn. The subtle lilac glow casts a radiant shimmer over the stunning array of rainbow, phantom, and duskbloom sapphires entwined along the strands. Wreathed within the choker's forefront is a cobalt blue Elamiri sapphire encompassed in an opulent frame of sparkling night diamonds, the striking centerpiece adding a unique beauty to the regal accessory.

  • Anklet: a twining ivy anklet of lucent lilac moonsilver with variegated sapphire blooms

Molded of luminous lilac metal, the dainty accessory mimics the delicate curvature of an Elven ivy vine, designed to spiral in an elegant coil around a feminine ankle when worn. Vivid green leaves formed of faceted spring emeralds add their radiant sparkle amidst a stunning array of Elamiri rose blossoms composed of rainbow, phantom, and duskbloom sapphires, each gem meticulously fashioned to complement without overshadowing the large cobalt Elamiri sapphire bloom that shimmers from the spiral's center.

Appearance During Her Time as Emissary

Onden Andre Ayrell Evyntine, Wizardess of Ilithi, an Elf.
She has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and sparkling sapphire eyes. Her deep blue-streaked blue-black hair is long and wavy, and is worn arranged in ringlets. She has fair skin and a svelte figure.
She has a tattoo of a white rose encircled by a blood-stained thorny vine on her ankle.

She is wearing a delicate silver circlet embellished with blue sapphire roses, a pair of sparkling earrings cast as climbing Elven ivy with sapphire blossoms, a silver choker suspending tiered labyrinthine chains set with elegant sapphires, a sinuous cloak of rippling ebony nightsilk clasped by a faceted sapphire swan, a gold Emissary's insignia, a fitted sleeveless gown of black Elven silk with a gracefully flowing skirt, a tri-sectioned silver armband linked by platinum chains dangling tear-shaped sapphires, a sapphire-adorned bracelet linking labyrinthine silver chains to a slender ring, a gleaming silver signet ring bearing an intricate family seal, an alluring sapphire-lined platinum ring centered by an exquisitely cut diamond, a braided silver sword belt inset with scintillating swan medallions, an intricate anklet of platinum Elven ivy with dozens of blooming sapphire buds and some supple black slippers with thin leather straps.

Other Notable Appearances/Outfits

Appearance at the History on the Rooftop lecture: Mountain Elves

You see Lady of Elamiri Ayrell Evyntine-Vershir, Archmagess of Ilithi, an Elf.
Ayrell has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears accented by a pair of elegant Elamiri sapphire earrings set in chandeliers of Elven gold and exquisite lashes accentuating lustrous sapphire eyes. Her deep blue-streaked raven hair is hip length and wavy, and is worn in an elegant upswept arrangement threaded with an ornate silversteel chain twined with pale mistglass Elamiri roses. She has fair skin and a gracefully slender figure.
She appears to be an adult.
Ayrell has a mesmerizing tracery of glittering ice sapphires sweeping across one side of her face.

She is wearing a delicate Elven gold choker dangling a swan-shaped Elamiri sapphire pendant, an exquisite gown of golden petalette bejeweled with Elamiri sapphire traceries, a spiraling lilac moonsilver engagement band crowned by a blue Elamiri sapphire, a lifesculpted moonsilver wedding band cradling a trillion-cut twilight sapphire, a gleaming silver signet ring bearing an intricate family seal, a braided silver sword belt inset with scintillating swan medallions and some golden petalette thigh boots adorned with faceted Elamiri sapphire swans.

Appearance at the Sunset Hues Social

You see Lady of Elamiri Ayrell Evyntine-Vershir, Archmagess of Ilithi, an Elf.
Ayrell has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and exquisite lashes accentuating lustrous sapphire eyes. Her deep blue-streaked raven hair is hip length and wavy, and is worn in an elegant upswept arrangement threaded with an ornate silversteel chain twined with pale mistglass Elamiri roses. She has fair skin and a gracefully slender figure.
She appears to be an adult.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a pair of ornate sungold earrings suspending a waterfall of molten-core diamonds, an open collar necklace of sinuous sungold strands set with molten-core diamonds, a posh gown of ethereal sunkissed chiffon crowned with an ornate sungold bodice, a lifesculpted moonsilver wedding band cradling a trillion-cut twilight sapphire and a pair of exquisite sunkissed chiffon ankle boots dressed with sungold chains.

Appearance at the OWR Jeolandu Masquerade Ball

You see Lady of Elamiri Ayrell Evyntine, Archmagess of Ilithi, an Elf.
Ayrell has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and exquisite lashes accentuating lustrous sapphire eyes. Her deep blue-streaked raven hair is hip length and wavy, and is worn in an elegant upswept arrangement threaded with an ornate silversteel chain twined with pale mistglass Elamiri roses. She has fair skin and a gracefully slender figure.
She appears to be an adult.
She has a mesmerizing tracery of glittering ice sapphires sweeping across one side of her face.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a striking pair of icesteel earrings suspending an elegant fall of ice sapphires, a sweeping necklace of crystalline icesteel draped with ice sapphire snowflakes, a majestic gown of wintry Elven snowlace spangled with motes of ice sapphire, a spiraling lilac moonsilver engagement band crowned by a blue Elamiri sapphire, a lifesculpted moonsilver wedding band cradling a trillion-cut twilight sapphire and a pair of exquisite Elven snowlace slippers adorned with sparkling ice sapphires.

Won Best Dressed to Theme at the event

Appearance at the Ten'ra Agalith - year 445

You see Lady of Elamiri Ayrell Evyntine, Archmagess of Ilithi, an Elf.
Ayrell has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and exquisite lashes accentuating lustrous sapphire eyes. Her deep blue-streaked raven hair is hip length and wavy, and is worn in an elegant upswept arrangement threaded with an ornate silversteel chain twined with pale mistglass Elamiri roses. She has fair skin and a gracefully slender figure.
She appears to be an adult.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a pair of ravishing Idon's sapphire earrings set amid lucent moonsilver strands, a lustrous moonsilver lariat necklace ornamented by Idon's sapphire roses, an alluring cowl-necked gown of lapis-hued songsilk strewn with Idon's sapphires, a gleaming silver signet ring bearing an intricate family seal, a lifesculpted moonsilver wedding band cradling a trillion-cut twilight sapphire, a spiraling lilac moonsilver engagement band crowned by a blue Elamiri sapphire and a pair of sultry lapis songsilk thigh boots strung with ropes of Idon's sapphire.

Appearance at the Dragon Research Symposium

You see Lady of Elamiri Ayrell Evyntine, Archmagess of Ilithi, an Elf.
Ayrell has elegant arched eyebrows, pointed ears and exquisite lashes accentuating lustrous sapphire eyes. Her deep blue-streaked raven hair is hip length and wavy, and is worn in an elegant upswept arrangement threaded with an ornate silversteel chain twined with pale mistglass Elamiri roses. She has fair skin and a gracefully slender figure.
Skillfully applied cosmetics accent her natural beauty, giving her a hint of glittering silver along her lids to emphasize her eyes.
She appears to be an adult.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a pair of dragon's scale sapphire earrings set in a cascade of blued moonsilver, a chic bluefire velvet gown with a bodice cloaked by dragon's scale sapphires, a lucent blued moonsilver cuff bracelet bestrewn with dragon's scale sapphires, a lifesculpted moonsilver wedding band cradling a trillion-cut twilight sapphire, a spiraling lilac moonsilver engagement band crowned by a blue Elamiri sapphire and a pair of bluefire velvet thigh boots stratified with dragon's scale sapphires.