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Ayrell/Logs/Diplomacy With Dragon Priests Part Two/10092021
Event Occurred on the 25th day of the 7th month of Moliko, the Balance in the year 439. (10/9/2021) Log is from the view of Ayrell Evyntine.
[Shard, Temple of Light]
Gold-veined white marble columns set upon square gilt bases support an arching roof with a fresco depicting the final battle between the Immortals and the World Dragon. Hushed voices echoing from hidden alcoves soothe all who enter with melodious chants. Candles burning in niches lining the walls between the pillars provide soft illumination. A pair of embossed silver doors leading out onto the street stand wide open. You also see a dim alcove emanating faint candlelight.
You say, "While everyone is preparing, I will go over a few small details."
Madigan snaps to attention and hails Isabol with a crisp hand salute.
Tweedee leans on his greatsword.
Navesi whispers something to Yraggahh.
Isabol bows to Madigan.
Kintryn snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.
Hoshii nods to Wintidal.
Navesi smiles at Tirost.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Dytt quietly says to Yraggahh, "Well enough. just got back from the Muspar'i."
Yraggahh makes a disgusting grunting noise.
Navesi says to Tirost, "Good man. Thank you."
Yraggahh nods to Dytt.
Tirost smiles at Navesi.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Dytt quietly says, "Therengian food is too bland."
Kintryn curtsies to Whiteburn.
Yraggahh asks Dytt, "How is the Sun's jewel?"
Dytt chuckles.
You say, "When we leave the Temple here, we will make our way toward the war camp, where we agreed to meet with the Dragon Priests previously."
Zymi takes a sip of her ale.
Dantia nods to Tichond.
Kintryn says to Dytt, "A few here would argue that the ham is pretty tasty."
Maxilot asks, "Who's leading?"
Remyngton nods to Dantia.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Dytt quietly says to Yraggahh, "Hot, dry and a lot of sandstorms, so pretty much normal."
Brisknite bows to Whiteburn.
Kintryn asks, "Yes, Who is leading?"
You say, "Along the way, there will be a point where everyone will need to go through a hole in order to follow. I will pause there for everyone to come through before we continue on."
Wintidal smiles at Nilme.
You say, "I will, for now."
You smile.
Dantia smiles at Remyngton.
Soul Surgeon Zynell's group just arrived.
Kintryn joins your group.
Maxilot joins your group.
Aaiyaah joins your group.
Wintidal joins your group.
Navesi joins your group.
Tirost joins your group.
Nilme joins your group.
Lupdels joins your group.
Miskton joins your group.
Dytt joins your group.
Zymi joins your group.
Maxilot nods politely to Madigan.
Temple Scribe Faethe just arrived.
Isabol joins your group.
Aaiyaah leans over and whispers, "Do you want my shield?"
Dantia joins your group.
Zynell joins your group.
Madigan joins your group.
Remyngton joins your group.
Tichond joins your group.
Telamont joins your group.
Wintidal waves to Zynell.
Vanzok joins your group.
Karthor joins your group.
Sothios joins your group.
Wintidal waves to Sothios.
Hoshii joins your group.
Zynell grins at Wintidal.
Dantia nods to Madigan.
You say, "I will lead us to an area that is safe, just outside the war camp. Once there, Brisknite has offered to banner the war camp so we can all safely wait there to see if the Ecclesiarch will speak with us."
Aaiyaah nods to Kintryn.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Tirost nods to you.
Tichond nods.
You whisper to Aaiyaah, "I would appreciate it greatly, if it is no trouble."
Maxilot nods.
Dytt quietly says, "Makes sense."
Yraggahh says to Dytt, "Be wary of any offer the Priests make, they are just biding their time."
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Keirran joins your group.
Atuen whispers something to Zymi.
Remyngton takes a sip of his coffee.
Atuen scowls at Zymi.
Sorhhn joins your group.
Hoshii looks at Zynell and shrugs.
Whiteburn says, "That is likely."
Hoshii nods to Zynell.
Zynell grins at Hoshii.
Aaiyaah moves into position to block attacks against you!
Zymi rolls her eyes.
Aaiyaah stops guarding Kintryn.
Aaiyaah moves over to guard you.
Brisknite shakes Aaiyaah's hand.
Protector of Gnomes Razilak just arrived.
Aaiyaah shakes Brisknite's hand.
Aaiyaah grins at Brisknite.
Dantia beams at Isabol!
Isabol beams at Dantia!
Brisknite grins.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Aaiyaah nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.
Dantia just hugged Isabol.
Dantia just touched Isabol.
You say, "Our hope in this meeting is to acquire a few more answers to the questions that arose following our last meeting with the Ecclesiarch."
Madigan nods to Aaiyaah.
Razilak leans on Tweedee.
Wintidal praises Hoshii.
Dantia touches you.
You feel a warmth radiate from Dantia's touch.
You have a brief sensation that leaves your wounds tingling.
Isabol just hugged Dantia.
Wintidal looks at Hoshii, obviously trying not to grin.
Dantia beams at Isabol!
Whiteburn gets some holy water from inside an ornate chalice carved from stormy-grey quartz trimmed with silver.
Whiteburn sprinkles some holy water on herself.
Whiteburn puts her water in a heavy linen rucksack.
You say, "We do recognize that it is possible they will not wish to speak with us. And it is also possible that some of them may take offense to our presence. So we should all remain on our guard."
Tichond smiles at Remyngton.
Wintidal glances at Hoshii.
Remyngton winks at Tichond.
Ezerak moves over to guard you.
Zynell giggles.
Dantia nods to Tirost.
You say, "Even if they agree to speak with us, we should remain on our guard."
Tirost smiles at Dantia.
Maxilot nods to you.
Razilak bows to Dantia.
Atuen whispers something to Whiteburn.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Brisknite waves to Dantia.
Dantia smiles at Razilak.
Dantia waves to Brisknite.
Brisknite waves to Madigan.
Madigan grins at Kintryn.
Madigan pivots in Brisknite's direction and salutes him with his flame-bladed zweihander, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.
Navesi says, "Bards, anybody spot the one who shot me -- get them."
Navesi gives a slight nod.
(Dytt slams her gauntlets together)
Zynell leans on Dantia.
Dantia grins at Zynell.
Hoshii flashes a quick grin at Navesi.
Tichond smiles at Zynell.
Zynell grins at Tichond.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Ezerak adjusts the fit of his sword belt.
Hoshii says, "Don't trust the Dragon Priests. Check."
Maxilot nods to Hoshii.
Tirost grins at Hoshii.
Remyngton chuckles.
Atuen glances at Hoshii.
Wintidal jots down some notes.
Maxilot waves to Remyngton.
Hoshii jabs an elbow into Wintidal's ribs. The honeymoon must be over.
Remyngton waves to Maxilot.
Hoshii appears to be trying hard not to grin.
You say, "I sent a letter advising of our desire to speak. Should the Ecclesiarch decide to acquiesce the request, I will provide a greeting and thank her... and then we can proceed to attempt to ask our questions, though I ask that it be conducted in an orderly fashion, like before."
Maxilot waves to Tichond.
Wintidal winks at Hoshii with a playful sparkle in his eyes.
Wintidal moves over to guard Hoshii.
Vanzok leans on his ava.
Navesi nods to you.
You say, "If you have a question, let it be known, and we will allow them to be asked one at a time."
Yraggahh grins at Whiteburn.
Brisknite takes a bite of the ham.
Vanzok furrows his brow.
Brisknite takes a bite of the ham.
Tichond nods to Dantia.
Whiteburn nods at Yraggahh, obviously agreeing with his views.
Remyngton nods to Dantia.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Navesi says, "We used hand raising last time, for what it's worth."
You say, "Well, I say allow. That is not the best choice of words. I have no control over anyone."
Dantia grins at you.
Dytt quietly says, "Someone else might wish to ask about the Kra'hei then, I know my attitude can be abbrasive."
You say, "But, it is my request that we retain order."
Vanzok chuckles.
Sorhhn chuckles.
Dantia raises an eyebrow in Vanzok's direction.
Miskton nods politely to Dantia.
Vanzok nods to Dantia.
Vanzok says to Dantia, "Go ahead."
Dantia smiles at Vanzok.
Hoshii gently kisses Wintidal on the cheek.
Madigan says, "Good looking crew."
You smile at Madigan.
Aaiyaah grins at Madigan.
Madigan grins.
You nod in agreement.
Sorhhn whispers something to Yraggahh.
Yraggahh nods.
Dantia just nudged Vanzok.
Remyngton nods to Dantia.
You say, "Yes, I am pleased to see so many of you here."
Tichond nods.
You smile.
Vanzok chuckles.
Yraggahh goes west.
Brisknite offers Dantia a savory hickory-smoked ham.
Dantia chuckles at Brisknite.
Dantia accepts Brisknite's hickory-smoked ham.
Tweedee says, "Last time we passed a ham too, for what its worth."
Tweedee fixes Navesi with an acute, keen-witted stare.
You say, "If everyone would like to take one more roisan to finish their preparations, we will head out momentarily."
Brisknite whispers something to Dantia.
Dantia grins at Brisknite.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Miskton says, "And when things wrap up, you're all certainly invited to come back to the city for the vision discussion meeting."
Aaiyaah shakes Miskton's hand.
You nod to Aaiyaah.
Dantia chuckles at Brisknite.
Vanzok frowns.
Dantia nods to Hoshii.
Dantia just touched Hoshii.
Kintryn grins at Karthor.
Tweedee chuckles.
Hoshii beams at Dantia!
Dantia nods at Hoshii, obviously agreeing with her views.
A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.
Kintryn peers through the Moongate.
Sorhhn peers through the Moongate.
Nilme peers through the Moongate.
Whiteburn peers through the Moongate.
Navesi peers through the Moongate.
Vanzok softly says to Maxilot, "Please be careful about overwriting spells with minimum-mana versions."
Maxilot peers through the Moongate.
Martial Artist Dytt went through a blue Moongate.
Brisknite peers through the Moongate.
Atuen peers through the Moongate.
Martial Artist Dytt came through a blue Moongate.
Dantia peers through the Moongate.
Tweedee peers through the Moongate.
Aaiyaah peers through the Moongate.
Dytt joins your group.
Ezerak peers through the Moongate.
Miskton says, "Mazrian on the way shortly."
You nod.
You say, "We shall wait for him before departing, then."
You peer through the Moongate...
[The Crossing, Hodierna Way]
The hustle of crowds making their way between the secular and religious centers of town that converge here carries you along with its momentum. The granite and marble facade of the First Provincial Bank catches your eye, standing before you as solid as its name. A Gor'Tog guard armed with pike and crossbow is posted at the door, while a few well-dressed merchants congregate outside. You also see a large parchment and a big orange sign with a picture of a smiling Dwarf.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest.
Mazrian's group came through a blue Moongate.
[Shard, Temple of Light]
Gold-veined white marble columns set upon square gilt bases support an arching roof with a fresco depicting the final battle between the Immortals and the World Dragon. Hushed voices echoing from hidden alcoves soothe all who enter with melodious chants. Candles burning in niches lining the walls between the pillars provide soft illumination. A pair of embossed silver doors leading out onto the street stand wide open. You also see a blue Moongate, a grey cat that appears rather calm, a gaunt watchsoul that appears rather calm, a Elf assistant that appears rather calm, a scruffy lynx that appears rather calm, a gigantic fire-maned lion with an enruned collar and crystal blue eyes that appears rather calm, a ghostly white banner, a blue-eyed ebony kitten and a dim alcove emanating faint candlelight.
Also here: Nepenthe Kethrai, Apprentice Warrior Mage Anuril, Mazrian, a calmed Martial Artist Dytt, a calmed Protector of Gnomes Razilak who is shrouded in ghostly flames, a calmed Bastion of Life Karthor, a calmed Mastermind Telamont, a calmed Sothios, a calmed Soul Surgeon Zynell who is emanating a bright holy aura, a calmed Sir Madigan, a calmed Doctor Remyngton, a calmed Tichond, a calmed Carnage Darling Dantia, a calmed Court Advisor Aaiyaah who is shrouded by swirling grey fog, a calmed Battle Lioness Kintryn, a calmed Templar Maxilot, a calmed Langen Esturi Nilme, a calmed Telo'Getha Tirost who has a stony visage, a calmed Ghost Sorhhn, a calmed Atuen who is shrouded in ghostly flames, a calmed Isabol, a calmed Mountain Lord Ezerak, a calmed Philomath Miskton who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, a calmed Vanzok, a calmed Exile's Bane Navesi, a calmed Healer Keirran, a calmed Pious Zymi, a calmed Battler Tweedee, a calmed Depth Preserver Lupdels, a calmed Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura, a calmed Bladesinger Hoshii, a calmed Phoenix Wintidal who is shrouded in ghostly flames, a calmed Boltproof Brisknite who has coalesced into a battle of light and shadow, each warring for dominance and a calmed Storm Maiden Constantia who has a stony visage.
Obvious exits: north, east, west.
Dytt peers through the Moongate.
You smile at Mazrian.
A blue Moongate collapses in on itself.
Dantia smiles at Hoshii.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Mazrian smiles.
Tirost grins at Mazrian.
Miskton nods politely to Mazrian.
You nod politely to Tirost.
Brisknite waves to Mazrian.
Vanzok nods.
Tirost says to Mazrian, "You made it."
Constantia nods to Mazrian.
Remyngton nods to Dantia.
Wintidal sweeps a damite great helm off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Dantia at the same time.
Whiteburn nods politely to Mazrian.
Dytt grins at Mazrian.
Zynell giggles at Mazrian.
Tichond nods to Dantia.
Dantia smiles at Wintidal.
Aaiyaah lays his palms against Mazrian's in a quick, yet deliberate movement.
Lashes lowered, Hoshii sinks down in a deep curtsy before Dantia.
Madigan raises an eyebrow.
You notice as a pudgy dog pads into the room.
The pudgy dog begins to watch the goings on carefully.
Mazrian nods.
Madigan raises an eyebrow in Vanzok's direction.
Mazrian says, "A little late, but hopefully not forgotten."
Mazrian smiles.
Tweedee gasps!
Mazrian joins your group.
Kintryn grins at Mazrian.
Maxilot waves to Anuril.
You smile at Mazrian.
Anuril nods to Maxilot.
You say to Mazrian, "Never forgotten."
The pudgy dog sits down.
Tweedee guzzles down some of his ale and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
You wince as a pudgy dog barks loudly at a Elf assistant.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
You say, "Though we will be heading out here very soon."
Tweedee lets loose with a loud belch and rubs his belly!
Ezerak asks, "Wait, who are we talking about?"
Mazrian nods at Kintryn, obviously agreeing with her views.
Ezerak appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Tweedee opens his mouth wide as a thunderous belch rolls up from the pit of his stomach.
Anuril joins your group.
Mazrian chuckles.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Tweedee chuckles at Zymi.
Kintryn chuckles at Ezerak.
Remyngton nods to Tichond.
Tweedee says, "That was the last of it."
Mazrian says, "Everyone join Ayrell, please."
Kethrai joins your group.
Remyngton beams at Tichond!
Anuril nods to Mazrian.
Maxilot pets the pudgy dog.
You wince as a pudgy dog barks loudly at a Elf assistant.
Maxilot grins at a pudgy dog.
Tichond tips his helm to Anuril with a courteous nod.
Mazrian says, "A couple more folks at the moongate site."
Zymi grins.
You nod.
Mazrian smiles at Isabol.
Yraggahh just arrived.
Miskton gestures.
A fierce blue-white glare forces you to avert your eyes for a moment. When it subsides, a blue Moongate stands before you, rippling slightly.
Navesi peers through the Moongate.
Sorhhn peers through the Moongate.
Nilme peers through the Moongate.
Kintryn peers through the Moongate.
Wintidal sticks out his tongue at Hoshii and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from his lips!
Whiteburn peers through the Moongate.
Keirran takes a sip of his whiskey.
Isabol smiles at Mazrian.
You say, "Once they arrive, we will head out."
Fiery Doom Zalinyar's group came through a blue Moongate.
Whiteburn nods to you.
Mazrian nods to Zalinyar.
Miskton peers through the Moongate.
Dantia smiles at Kethrai.
Mazrian lays his palms against Zalinyar's in a quick, yet deliberate movement.
[Shard, Temple of Light]
Gold-veined white marble columns set upon square gilt bases support an arching roof with a fresco depicting the final battle between the Immortals and the World Dragon. Hushed voices echoing from hidden alcoves soothe all who enter with melodious chants. Candles burning in niches lining the walls between the pillars provide soft illumination. A pair of embossed silver doors leading out onto the street stand wide open. You also see a blue Moongate, a pudgy dog that appears rather calm, a grey cat that appears rather calm, a gaunt watchsoul that appears rather calm, a Elf assistant that appears rather calm, a scruffy lynx that appears rather calm, a gigantic fire-maned lion with an enruned collar and crystal blue eyes that appears rather calm, a ghostly white banner, a blue-eyed ebony kitten and a dim alcove emanating faint candlelight.
Also here: a calmed Field Medic Darkewolff, a calmed Fiery Doom Zalinyar, a calmed Yraggahh, a calmed Nepenthe Kethrai, a calmed Apprentice Warrior Mage Anuril, a calmed Mazrian who has a stony visage, a calmed Martial Artist Dytt, a calmed Protector of Gnomes Razilak who is shrouded in ghostly flames, a calmed Bastion of Life Karthor, a calmed Mastermind Telamont, a calmed Sothios, a calmed Soul Surgeon Zynell who is emanating a bright holy aura, a calmed Sir Madigan, a calmed Doctor Remyngton, a calmed Tichond, a calmed Carnage Darling Dantia, a calmed Court Advisor Aaiyaah who is shrouded by swirling grey fog, a calmed Battle Lioness Kintryn, a calmed Templar Maxilot, a calmed Langen Esturi Nilme, a calmed Telo'Getha Tirost who has a stony visage, a calmed Ghost Sorhhn, a calmed Atuen who is shrouded in ghostly flames, a calmed Isabol, a calmed Mountain Lord Ezerak, a calmed Philomath Miskton who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, a calmed Vanzok, a calmed Exile's Bane Navesi, a calmed Healer Keirran, a calmed Pious Zymi, a calmed Battler Tweedee, a calmed Depth Preserver Lupdels, a calmed Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura, a calmed Bladesinger Hoshii, a calmed Phoenix Wintidal who is shrouded in ghostly flames, a calmed Boltproof Brisknite who has coalesced into a battle of light and shadow, each warring for dominance and a calmed Storm Maiden Constantia who has a stony visage.
Zymi smiles at Zalinyar.
Kethrai nods to Dantia.
Wintidal taps himself on the chest.
A blue Moongate collapses in on itself.
Maxilot adjusts his war plate into place.
Lupdels stretches his arms.
Mazrian asks Zalinyar, "Join Ayrell, please?"
Zalinyar smiles at Dantia, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Tirost says to Miskton, "Lunar magic is an utter enigma to me, but it's a pleasure watching you work."
Ezerak doffs his top hat at Zalinyar.
Darkewolff joins your group.
You smile at Zalinyar.
Darkewolff smiles at you.
Tweedee joins your group.
You smile at Darkewolff.
Zalinyar smiles at Ezerak, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Miskton chuckles.
Whiteburn nods graciously at Navesi, giving her a polite smile.
Ezerak doffs his top hat at Darkewolff.
Zalinyar says, "Hello everyone."
Darkewolff shakes Ezerak's hand.
Tweedee nods to Keirran.
Karthor waves to Zalinyar.
Dantia smiles at Zalinyar.
Darkewolff shakes Ezerak's hand.
Wintidal gazes thoughtfully at Hoshii.
You say, "We will be moving in five."
Keirran takes a sip of his whiskey.
Tirost smiles at Zalinyar.
Wintidal holds his hand up before his mouth and begins to cough, his shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!
You say, "Please be ready."
You say, "Remember, when we pause, you will need to go through the hole and we will meet on the other side."
Anuril nods to you.
Zalinyar asks, "Can we buff a moment longer?"
Tweedee chuckles.
Wintidal laughs!
You say to Zalinyar, "We have already delayed for a while. There will be time once there."
Razilak joins your group.
Zalinyar says, "Alright."
Tweedee exclaims, "Time to go!"
Zalinyar nods to you.
Atuen says to Zalinyar, "You can, but doubtfull it will do you any good, Dragon Shield."
Lupdels lets out a hearty cheer for Tweedee!
Tweedee lets out a hearty cheer for Zalinyar!
Atuen casually observes the area.
You say, "Moving now."
Zalinyar laughs at Atuen.
Aaiyaah nods to you.
Atuen puts his rasp in his dreamweave lootsack.
Kintryn glances at Atuen.
Sephetis just arrived.
[Shard, Sunstone Street]
The strained sense of purpose that permeates the rest of the busy city is blanketed by the presence of the temple, a classical building made of a light amber material. Thirteen pillars uphold the slightly sloped roof, each support carved with a face of one of the the major gods of Elanthia, representing their benevolent aspects. Rippling steps smoothed from two hundred years of feet lead up to a dark archway where figures in beige wool robes stand, their hoods drawn down.
Obvious paths: east, west.
Razilak, Tweedee, Darkewolff, Kethrai, Anuril, Mazrian, Dytt, Sorhhn, Keirran, Hoshii, Sothios, Karthor, Vanzok, Telamont, Tichond, Remyngton, Madigan, Zynell, Dantia, Zymi, Miskton, Lupdels, Nilme, Tirost, Navesi, Wintidal, Aaiyaah, Maxilot, Kintryn, Ezerak, Whiteburn, Constantia and Brisknite followed.
You go west, leading your group.
(Travel Edited)
[Seord Kerwaith, Squat Cavern]
The interior of the small cavern is carved from the heart of the black stone, the walls covered with the chiseled gouges of pickaxes. Several shallow stone basins hung on rusted chains from the wall bathe the area in a pale yellow glow. The frigid breeze of the valley outside meets with the unexplainably warm air filling the narrow space, condensing on the wall in crystal-clear droplets of water. You also see a pudgy dog and a gouged stone wall.
Also here: Heiress Angel who is darkened by an unnatural shadow, Tichond who is lying down, Apprentice Warrior Mage Anuril who is lying down, Mazrian who has a stony visage, Doctor Remyngton who is lying down, Inquisitor Whiteburn who is emanating a malevolent holy aura, Depth Preserver Lupdels who is lying down, Mountain Lord Ezerak who is lying down, Storm Maiden Constantia who is lying down and Templar Maxilot who is lying down.
Obvious exits: none.
Brisknite crawls in through the dark hole.
Angel gets down on the ground and crawls through the dark hole.
Hoshii crawls in through the dark hole.
Darkewolff crawls in through the dark hole.
Miskton crawls in through the dark hole.
Razilak crawls in through the dark hole.
Aaiyaah crawls in through the dark hole.
Anuril stands up.
Remyngton stands up.
You stand back up.
Hoshii stands up.
Dytt crawls in through the dark hole.
Constantia stands up.
Miskton stands up.
Dantia crawls in through the dark hole.
Brisknite stands up.
Ezerak stands up.
Tichond stands up.
Lupdels stands up.
Aaiyaah leaps to his feet!
Wintidal crawls through the dark hole.
Madigan crawls in through the dark hole.
Dantia stands up.
Razilak stands up.
Maxilot stands up.
Zynell crawls in through the dark hole.
Madigan stands up.
Dytt stands up.
Wintidal stands up.
Hoshii lets out a hearty cheer for Wintidal!
Nilme crawls in through the dark hole.
Tweedee crawls in through the dark hole.
Brisknite whispers, "where now?"
Zynell stands up.
Navesi crawls in through the dark hole.
Nilme stands up.
Tweedee leaps to his feet!
Navesi stands up.
Darkewolff nods.
Mazrian nods to Madigan.
Vanzok crawls in through the dark hole.
Telamont crawls in through the dark hole.
Telamont stands up.
Darkewolff stands up.
Vanzok stands up.
Kethrai crawls in through the dark hole.
Darkewolff says, "Good grief."
Tirost crawls in through the dark hole.
Hoshii snickers.
Anuril tries to pull Kethrai to his feet, but cannot.
Tirost stands up.
Sothios crawls in through the dark hole.
Sothios stands up.
Kethrai stands up.
Zymi crawls in through the dark hole.
Karthor crawls in through the dark hole.
Karthor leaps to his feet!
Kintryn crawls in through the dark hole.
Zymi stands up.
Remyngton says, "That hole is going to become a tunnel at this rate."
Lupdels chuckles.
Kintryn stands up.
Sorhhn crawls in through the dark hole.
Sorhhn stands up.
You nod to Navesi.
Maxilot pets the pudgy dog.
Anuril takes a sip of his espresso.
Mazrian nods to Navesi.
Anuril takes a sip of his espresso.
Hoshii hugs Nilme, who wraps her arms around Hoshii with a warm smile.
Whiteburn gets a silver cotton towel embroidered with a nostalgic scene from inside her pilgrim's satchel.
Whiteburn vigorously rubs her feet with a silver cotton towel embroidered with a nostalgic scene, drying herself off as much as possible.
Nilme hugs Hoshii, who wraps her arms around Nilme with a warm smile.
Zynell gets a fluffy celestial-blue kitchen towel delicately embroidered with magnolia blossoms from inside her encompassing shadows.
Whiteburn squeezes a damp cotton towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.
Nilme smiles.
Whiteburn wrings a fluffy cotton towel, knotting it into a ball.
Zynell vigorously rubs her body with a fluffy celestial-blue kitchen towel delicately embroidered with magnolia blossoms, drying herself off as much as possible.
Whiteburn puts her towel in her pilgrim's satchel.
You say, "We may need to meet up again on the other side of the wall as well."
Zynell squeezes a damp kitchen towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.
Zynell wrings a fluffy kitchen towel, knotting it into a ball.
Keirran leaps to his feet!
Maxilot nods to you.
Zynell offers Telamont a fluffy celestial-blue kitchen towel delicately embroidered with magnolia blossoms.
Madigan adjusts his icesteel cuirass.
Remyngton pets Anuril's grey cat.
Telamont accepts Zynell's kitchen towel.
Zymi snuggles up to Keirran.
Telamont vigorously rubs his body with a fluffy celestial-blue kitchen towel delicately embroidered with magnolia blossoms, drying himself off as much as possible.
Remyngton pulls upwards on his sword belt, settling it more comfortably upon his waist.
Vanzok says, "I believe we won't, but it'd be worth taking a moment to confirm once past it."
Telamont squeezes a wet kitchen towel, wringing out a stream of water.
You whisper to Brisknite, "We will need a banner at the war camp. I will lead us to just outside it and then we can banner while everyone waits safely."
Tirost pets Anuril's grey cat.
Telamont wrings a fluffy kitchen towel, knotting it into a ball.
Whiteburn pushes directly on the joints of her left hand with the palm of her right. Not unlike the sound of corn popping, her knuckles release several snaps as they succumb to the pressure. Next, she steeples her hands together and presses the left hand's fingers firmly backward, causing them to crack yet again. Finally, Whiteburn clenches and unclenches her fist a few times after the grueling ritual.
Brisknite reaches up and pulls on a stone basin and a gouged stone wall opens up.
Keirran just kissed Zymi.
Boltproof Brisknite went through a gouged stone wall.
Telamont offers Zynell a fluffy celestial-blue kitchen towel delicately embroidered with magnolia blossoms.
Zynell accepts Telamont's kitchen towel.
Mazrian nods to Madigan.
Zynell offers Sothios a fluffy celestial-blue kitchen towel delicately embroidered with magnolia blossoms.
You say, "We shall see."
You smile.
You say, "Moving in five."
Madigan mumbles a word of general praise.
Anuril gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around him.
Sothios accepts Zynell's kitchen towel.
Maxilot cracks his knuckles.
Sothios vigorously rubs his body with a fluffy celestial-blue kitchen towel delicately embroidered with magnolia blossoms, drying himself off as much as possible.
Kethrai says to Anuril, "Thank you."
Sothios squeezes a damp kitchen towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.
You say, "Moving."
Anuril smiles at Kethrai.
[Cragstone Vale, Tunnel]
Sothios offers Zynell a fluffy celestial-blue kitchen towel delicately embroidered with magnolia blossoms.
Zynell accepts Sothios's kitchen towel.
Zynell puts her towel in her encompassing shadows.
[Cragstone Vale, Korograth Lair]
You go east, leading your group.
[Cragstone Vale, Granite Canyon]
You go east, leading your group.
[Cragstone Vale, Granite Canyon]
[Cragstone Vale, Roadway]
You go northwest, leading your group.
[Cragstone Vale, Corral]
You go west, leading your group.
[Cragstone Vale, Corral]
You go north, leading your group.
[Cragstone Vale, Corral]
[Cragstone Vale, Roadway]
The overgrown roadway stretches to the southwest, while a section of crushed fence leads to a rocky shelf above. The sound of rushing water can be heard
from the north where a huge, fallen tree has been toppled away from the road, creating a narrow void through the underbrush.
Obvious paths: southwest.
Razilak, Tweedee, Kethrai, Anuril, Mazrian, Dytt, Sorhhn, Keirran, Hoshii, Sothios, Karthor, Vanzok, Telamont, Tichond, Remyngton, Madigan, Zynell, Dantia,
Zymi, Miskton, Lupdels, Nilme, Tirost, Navesi, Wintidal, Aaiyaah, Maxilot, Kintryn, Ezerak, Whiteburn and Constantia followed.
Navesi gets a slender helical warhorn trimmed with orichalcum knotwork from inside her canvas rucksack.
Navesi sounds a fierce call from her warhorn that would warn away almost anything!
Navesi puts her warhorn in her canvas rucksack.
Boltproof Brisknite wandered up a crushed fence.
Brisknite whispers, "on the other side of the fence?"
Whiteburn studies the faces around her.
You whisper to Brisknite, "The war camp is just on the other side of the fence, yes."
You smile at Brisknite.
Brisknite whispers, "banner is up"
Boltproof Brisknite wandered down a crushed fence.
Wintidal adjusts his heavy plate gauntlets.
Anuril smiles at Dantia.
Dantia smiles at Anuril.
Atuen's group wandered up a crushed fence.
Templar Maxilot wandered down a crushed fence.
Ezerak searches around for a moment.
Boltproof Brisknite wandered up a crushed fence.
Brisknite whispers, "I'll stay there to make sure it stays up, but its up"
Anuril nods to Constantia.
Mazrian asks, "So far, so good?"
Boltproof Brisknite wandered down a crushed fence.
You say, "For those who need a moment to cast a few more spells, feel free to do so now. Then we will move into the war camp."
Constantia nods to Anuril.
Remyngton casually observes the area.
Templar Maxilot wandered up a crushed fence.
Mazrian says to Constantia, "Nice to see you again."
Maxilot joins your group.
Constantia smiles at Mazrian.
Navesi whispers, "Sanctuary is up."
Ezerak doffs his top hat at Constantia.
Mazrian smiles at Constantia.
Wintidal leans back against Hoshii with a loving smile.
Genkin joins your group.
Constantia says to Mazrian, "Likewise."
Remyngton nods to Dantia.
Hoshii wraps her arms around Wintidal in a loving hug.
Maxilot gets a steel tachi from inside his weapon harness.
Tempest Knight Saragos just arrived.
Tempest Knight Saragos wandered down a crushed fence.
Navesi whispers, "Prevents spawn but also locates and mirrors, in case you want those."
Tichond nods.
Maxilot bows his head and chants a mantra.
Tweedee kneels down.
Constantia nods to Anuril.
Tweedee leaps to his feet!
Mazrian nods to Whiteburn.
Genkin exclaims, "Oh wow! Its the heros of Basalt! Mind if I tag along?!"
Dantia chuckles.
Navesi smiles at Genkin.
Mazrian says, "Heroes might be overselling it a bit."
Mazrian chuckles.
Maxilot grins.
Madigan nods to Dantia.
Constantia ponders.
Tirost says to Mazrian, "Speak for yourself."
Navesi says to Genkin, "A fashionably dressed man such as yourself is usually welcome -- but be aware that there may be danger."
Genkin exclaims, "The stories the bard all should hear them!"
Tirost flashes a quick grin at Mazrian.
Dantia whispers something to Madigan.
You whisper to Navesi, "That is alright. My largest concern is keeping everyone as safe as possible, for now."
Dantia nods to Mazrian.
Navesi nods to you.
Dytt quietly says, "In my thoughts for just a moment."
Genkin grins at Navesi.
Madigan grins at Dantia.
You say, "The war camp has been bannered. I will move us all there, if everyone can ready themselves."
Maxilot nods to you.
Dytt quietly says, "Agreed."
Constantia nods.
Miskton nods.
Kethrai dusts himself off.
Whiteburn nods to you.
You say, "Moving in five."
Atuen fixes Kintryn with a cold, reptilian stare.
Raikage grins at Zynell.
Wintidal gives Hoshii a wry grin.
Razilak joins your group.
Tweedee yells, "Moving!"
Zynell makes a rumbling noise of contentment in Raikage's direction.
You nod to Tweedee.
You say, "That, we are."
You smile.
Genkin chuckles.
Arrival to War Camp and Meeting with the Pivuh
[Cragstone Vale, Corral]
The mountain's flank flattens, creating a broad ledge between the cliffs above and the forest below. A fence of stout mikkalbamar logs has been erected around the area to create an enclosure in which the Dragon Priests train their war mounts, but some great force has left the barricade in ruins here. You also see a Elf assistant that appears rather calm, a trampled barrier and a ghostly white banner.
Also here: a calmed Boltproof Brisknite who has coalesced into a battle of light and shadow, each warring for dominance.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south.
Razilak, Genkin, Maxilot, Tweedee, Kethrai, Anuril, Mazrian, Dytt, Sorhhn, Keirran, Hoshii, Sothios, Karthor, Vanzok, Telamont, Tichond, Remyngton, Madigan, Zynell, Dantia, Zymi, Miskton, Lupdels, Nilme, Tirost, Navesi, Wintidal, Aaiyaah, Kintryn, Ezerak, Whiteburn and Constantia followed.
Maxilot nods to Vanzok.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
A shimmering mirror of shadows appears momentarily in the air above, briefly revealing Eonon's face.
You say, "This is where I advised the Ecclesiarch we would wait. So... now we wait."
Atuen's group wandered up a trampled barrier.
You wince as a pudgy dog barks loudly at a Elf assistant.
A shimmering mirror of shadows appears momentarily in the air above, briefly revealing Katywhisper's face.
You smile.
Brisknite nods to you.
Ezerak smiles at you, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
Whiteburn nods to you.
A swirl of green smoke puffs into existence, quickly forming into a rather docile blue-green pivuh.
Tweedee exclaims, "And we eat!"
Brisknite whispers, "got the banner up just fine"
Hoshii winces.
Tweedee gets a large square-headed throwing hammer with a short leather-wrapped handle from inside his fighter's belt.
The blue-green pivuh peers around curiously, watching you.
Tweedee puts his hammer in his fighter's belt.
Hoshii stands near Wintidal.
Dytt quietly says, "That was quick."
Kethrai glances at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Miskton gazes at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Whiteburn gazes at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Tweedee gets a savory hickory-smoked ham from inside a pulsating eddy of light restrained inside the maw of a mechanical glaes skull.
Ezerak peers quizzically at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "}Tweedee I like eating."
Maxilot nods to Vanzok.
Mazrian says, "Well, alright then."
You glance at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Tweedee asks, "Anyone need a ham?"
Lupdels glances at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
You see a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
The blue-green pivuh is in good shape.
It is wearing nothing!
It is carrying nothing!
Razilak gets a savory hickory-smoked ham from inside his haversack.
Razilak takes a bite of the ham.
Tweedee holds a savory hickory-smoked ham high into the air for all to see.
You nod politely to a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Zynell gives a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes a studious look.
Maelstrom Raikage wandered up a trampled barrier.
Hoshii glowers darkly at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
The pivuh stands near Tweedee, as if expecting ham.
Tweedee puts his ham in a pulsating eddy of light restrained inside the maw of a mechanical glaes skull.
Navesi glances at Tweedee.
Kethrai's tail lashes sharply at the air as he trills worriedly in Anuril's direction.
Tweedee gets a glass of Katamba-black whiskey from inside his weapons tote.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
You say, "Well, good evening."
Tweedee offers Razilak a glass of Katamba-black whiskey.
You nod to a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Miskton strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.
Razilak accepts Tweedee's Katamba-black whiskey.
Vanzok chuckles.
Vanzok nods to Brisknite.
Miskton asks, "She did say something about pivuh last time, didn't she?"
Razilak takes a bite of the ham.
Tweedee gets a glass of Katamba-black whiskey from inside his weapons tote.
Tweedee guzzles down some of his whiskey and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
You nod to Miskton.
Tweedee guzzles down some of his whiskey and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
The pivuh glances up at Tweedee, shaking its head. It apparently is disinterested in whiskey.
You chuckle to yourself.
Anuril frowns at Mazrian.
Dytt quietly says to Miskton, "It appeared just as we settled down so it being the messanger would be logical."
Anuril shrugs.
Tweedee gets a savory hickory-smoked ham from inside a pulsating eddy of light restrained inside the maw of a mechanical glaes skull.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "You seem like a very well-armed diplomatic party. Intriguing. This should prove entertaining."
Tirost gives a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes a studious look.
Dantia raises an eyebrow.
Miskton frowns.
Hoshii whispers to your group, "I'd estimate 66 arms, yes."
Tweedee squints at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
You say, "We come in peace. But caution."
Brisknite sniffs at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Maxilot nods.
Maxilot sets his jaw, narrowing his eyes menacingly.
Dytt whispers to your group, "and I found that fairly aggresive"
You nod at Dytt, in complete agreement with her views.
Keirran pulls his greatcloak closed, enveloping himself in its ample folds.
Anuril nods to Mazrian.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Ah! And you bring the one who provoked the Ecclesiarch. Very entertaining, indeed. I admit, I enjoyed watching Suulnir losing that stoic demeanor."
Tirost frowns.
Lupdels bows to a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Whiteburn glances at Atuen.
Navesi glances at you.
You say, "We bring those with interest in conversation."
Mazrian whispers to your group, "Oh HO...not a fan of Sulniir's?"
Atuen quietly says to Raikage, "I think they are talking about the Inquisitor."
Heiress Angel just arrived.
Atuen motions to Whiteburn.
You hear someone chuckling.
Fashionably Late Everburned just arrived.
Everburned says, "Ah, there's the party."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "And Suulnir is quite interested in conversation, I will give you that. Never seems to cease liking the sound of the Ecclesiarch's own voice."
Ezerak waves to Everburned.
Everburned waves to Ezerak.
You smile at Everburned.
Field Medic Darkewolff just arrived, leading his group.
Angel smiles at Darkewolff.
Eyst gives a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes a studious look.
Angel joins your group.
Darkewolff joins your group.
Everburned says to you, "Hai."
Vanzok says, "The banner ought prevent any serious physical provocation, regardless of the source. Even against... pivuh."
Angel stands near Tirost.
Dytt whispers to your group, "one of the "Last Vanguard" ?"
Tirost smiles at Angel.
Angel gently kisses Tirost on the cheek.
Zalinyar joins your group.
You quietly say, "Interesting."
Genkin quietly asks Everburned, "Nice outfit! Worth the wait?"
Everburned joins your group.
Angel nods to Tirost.
Aaiyaah smiles at Zalinyar.
Eyst asks, "A familiar?"
Lupdels asks, "And whose voice do we have the pleasure of listening to now?"
Zalinyar curtsies to Aaiyaah.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "It's entirely too bad that the Ecclesiarch was too busy with experimentation to have received your missive. A shame, really, truthfully."
Everburned says to Genkin, "Always."
Aaiyaah sweeps a tyrium great helm off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Zalinyar at the same time.
Tichond nods to Dantia.
Madigan grins at Dantia.
Dantia gazes at Madigan.
Mazrian says to Eyst, "A something, certainly."
Dantia nods to Madigan.
Anuril frowns at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Vanzok says to Eyst, "Not such as I can tel, but a non-traditional form might defy the traditional tools."
Constantia frowns.
You say, "That is alright. We understand she is... busy."
Dytt quietly says, "So you aren't from her..."
You say, "She indicated as much."
Atuen quietly says to Sephetis, "This branch of the cult are easily provoked, be on your guard."
Dantia smiles at Aaiyaah.
Dantia hugs Aaiyaah, who wraps his arms around Dantia with a warm smile.
Atuen nods to Sephetis.
Aaiyaah just hugged Dantia.
Sephetis nods to Atuen.
Tirost gazes at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Mazrian whispers to your group, "This person almost certainly intercepted the missive and is here for their own purposes."
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Zalinyar whispers to your group, "which person"
Anuril whispers to your group, "the Pivuh."
Dytt whispers to your group, "agreed"
Whiteburn whispers to your group, "This pivuh reminds me of a warrior mage's familiar, with its disregard for its mistress."
Mazrian nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.
Mazrian whispers to your group, "Whoever is speaking through the Pivuh."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Fortunately, your missive was not unheard. I am quite happy to accept your surrender of the lands between the gates of Raven's Point and Horse Clans."
Razilak puts his ham in his haversack.
You ask, "Is there anything you would wish to discuss with us in her stead?"
Razilak puts his whiskey in his haversack.
Ezerak whispers to your group, "Some of the Lich's creatures are lurking."
You arch your eyebrow.
Sephetis rummages about her person, looking for something.
Angel peers through her tinted monocle at the blue-green pivuh.
Dantia grunts at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Aaiyaah ponders.
You ask, "Surrender?"
Dytt sneezes.
Miskton raises an eyebrow.
You say, "We will not be offering any such thing. With all due respect."
Dytt whispers to your group, "this is smelling more and more like a baited snowbeast trap"
Mazrian whispers, "This is likely not a representative of Suulnir's. May be a rival - that would be better."
Hoshii nods emphatically at Dytt.
Tichond nods.
Angel whispers to your group, "My tinted monocle cannot determine it's creator or owner."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Why, yes. After all, the gates of Shard will be quite safe, I assure you. And Suulnir will never need to know of your surrender. I certainly won't tell the Ecclesiarch."
Angel peers through her tinted monocle at the blue-green pivuh.
Angel puts her monocle in her nightsilk handbag.
You chuckle to yourself.
Lupdels asks, "Surrender to whom, fair emissary who has made themselves available while the Ecclesiarch is most shamefully busy?"
Lupdels smiles at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Dytt chortles softly at some secret joke.
Everburned waves to Hoshii.
Tirost glances at you.
Anuril grins at Lupdels.
Hoshii smiles at Everburned.
Zalinyar whispers to your group, "I am also unable to identify it, it is not elemental."
You say, "Well, I am sorry to disappoint. We come in peace, but not surrender."
You say, "We would never."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Why, the Black Spire. Surely you have heard of it. You've come all this way to its gates."
Ezerak says, "We couldn't even if we wanted, we do not represent any sort of provincial authority."
You nod at Ezerak, in complete agreement with his views.
Anuril whispers to your group, "Maybe if we make a ruckus Suulnir will come to see what all the fuss is about..."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Ah! But you come to represent a provincial authority, surely."
Dantia grins at Anuril.
Dantia whispers something to Anuril.
Lupdels asks, "Emissary of the Black Spire, my name is Lupdels, surely you have a name as well?"
Maxilot shifts his weight.
Lupdels bows to a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Angel whispers to your group, "Sephetis might be another person to add to our "list" unless someone knows them? Atuen nodded to them."
Hoshii whispers to your group, "Burning it to the ground with al the filth beneath it surely makes a ruckus."
Anuril smirks at Dantia.
Dantia whispers to your group, "Sephetis is a Raven."
The Elf assistant says, "You waste your breath, pivuh. They wish no peace. They desire domination and subjugation to their way of thought only"
Mazrian whispers to your group, "This may be a rival of Suulnir's? That could actually be better."
Dytt whispers to your group, "You heard them Atuen, you already ticked her off once, what's a second time"
Constantia whispers to your group, "She considers herself Atuen's student."
Vanzok whispers to your group, "Sephetis is a close associate of Atuen, and empath."
Whiteburn glances at a Elf assistant.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Oh, little old me? I'm just a figment of sinew and goo. Lots of goo."
Hoshii shudders.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "I don't think anyone bothered to name me, truthfully."
The Elf assistant says, "this is merely a weak attempt to buy time to study and learn about you"
Mazrian searches around for a moment.
Angel peers through her tinted monocle at the Elf assistant.
Miskton ponders.
You say, "Quite an assumption."
Angel whispers to your group, "Nefis created that assistant and is speaking"
Angel nods to Ezerak.
Whiteburn asks, "Goo? Prithee, could you elaborate, Pivuh?"
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "I'm a pivuh. I'm made of goo, I think."
Whiteburn gazes up at the sky.
Dytt sniffs at a Elf assistant.
Brisknite chuckles.
Dytt sneezes.
Maxilot glances at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Zalinyar asks, "That sounds.. messy?"
Angel whispers, "Tweedee is in your group? Is he on our side or a spy?"
Mazrian dryly says, "You don't seem too fond of Suulnir."
Angel raises an eyebrow.
Ezerak nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.
Hoshii whispers to your group, "Are we allowed to ask questions?"
You ask, "Is it safe to assume you are not here on the Ecclesiarch's behalf, then?"
Lupdels says, "A most splendid pivuh, glorious scales, not nearly as glorious as say a dragon, but certainly your reknown as a pivuh is why you have been selected for this task to demand our surrender."
You nod to Hoshii.
You whisper to Zalinyar, Darkewolff, Everburned, Angel, Constantia, Whiteburn, Ezerak, Kintryn, Aaiyaah, Wintidal, Navesi, Tirost, Nilme, Lupdels, Miskton, Zymi, Dantia, Zynell, Madigan, Remyngton, Tichond, Telamont, Vanzok, Karthor, Sothios, Hoshii, Keirran, Sorhhn, Dytt, Mazrian, Anuril, Kethrai, Tweedee, Maxilot, Genkin, and Razilak, "Of course."
Hoshii bows to you.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes asks, "If you were in our shoes, would you particularly trust anyone who claims to use magic that is even tangentially related to your gods?"
Maxilot idly picks at a steel tachi.
Hoshii asks, "If Suulnir is involved in the creation of new, er, wonders, did she have anything to do with creating you?"
Dytt whispers to your group, "Lup I should warn ya I'm allergic to bull manure"
Atuen says, "Goo.....representing what these Dragoin Priests are reduced to these days."
Dytt grins at Lupdels.
Razilak asks Tweedee, "You think pivuhs eat ham?"
Atuen's tail undulates in an agitated fashion.
Mazrian whispers to your group, "Ok, now we're getting somewhere."
Tweedee says, "I tried, the goo didnt take my ham."
Clown Druesyllia just arrived.
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Sorhhn says, "We are being toyed with."
Sephetis whispers something to Atuen.
Sephetis nods to Atuen.
Anuril nods to Sorhhn.
Tweedee says, "I think you all are giving the Goo more attention than it deserves..."
Atuen nods at Sephetis, obviously agreeing with her views.
Whiteburn says to Sorhhn, "Indeed."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Trust is not requisite. Only agreement. We have agreed not to bring our knives to your gates as long as Suulnir's experiments with the dragon continue. We intend to keep that promise."
Tweedee says, "Doesnt even eat ham... stupid goo."
Dantia raises an eyebrow.
You say, "Experiments? How intriguing."
Hoshii asks, "Who is we? Pivuhs in general? A few specific folk?"
Hoshii tilts her head, clearly curious about something.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Lupdels nods to Hoshii.
Eyst ponders.
Hoshii asks, "Do you, er, even have opposable thumbs?"
You ask, "We do have an interest in science. Perhaps you could tell us a bit about these experiments?"
Ezerak asks, "What sort of experiments?"
Whiteburn asks, "What dragon do you speak of, Pivuh? The World Dragon?"
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes asks, "However, you could be of use, even if you don't surrender." The pivuh appears to scratch its tiny pivuh chin. "Tell me, how many of you have experimented with the divine?"
Vanzok raises an eyebrow.
Karthor narrows his eyes.
You whisper to Zalinyar, Darkewolff, Everburned, Angel, Constantia, Whiteburn, Ezerak, Kintryn, Aaiyaah, Wintidal, Navesi, Tirost, Nilme, Lupdels, Miskton, Zymi, Dantia, Zynell, Madigan, Remyngton, Tichond, Telamont, Vanzok, Karthor, Sothios, Hoshii, Keirran, Sorhhn, Dytt, Mazrian, Anuril, Kethrai, Tweedee, Maxilot, Genkin, and Razilak, "We should try to be cautious of asking too much at once."
Whiteburn frowns severely and fixes the pivuh with a cold, ophidian stare.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes asks, "Does it require a connection to the gods themselves?"
Brisknite ponders.
Dytt whispers to your group, "this is smelling more and more"
Maxilot whispers to your group, "does this goo represent the leadership of the priests?"
Mazrian asks, "Why not ask Suulnir?"
(Navesi quietly begins sketching in her volume.)
Mazrian raises an eyebrow.
Vanzok chuckles.
Dytt quietly asks, "After all she is interested in such, yes?"
Lupdels tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Suulnir's not here, and we'd prefer some -- verification."
Miskton ponders.
Constantia ponders.
Navesi raises an eyebrow.
Vanzok asks, "Why ought we divulge such information, even assuming we could come to a consensus on it?"
Dantia nods to Angel.
Mazrian says, " she's not sharing her research with you, either."
Angel whispers something to Tirost.
Heiress Angel walks east.
Tichond grins at Remyngton.
Heiress Angel just arrived.
Dantia smiles at Angel.
Heiress Angel walks south.
Dytt quietly asks Mazrian, "Most fascinating, would you not agree?"
Eyst says, "I'm curious what an experiment with the divine would even entail."
Tirost whispers to your group, "Can you get an answer for Whiteburn's question, Ayrell? It seems to know something of dragon experiments. It would help to know more."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "If that's a question you're unprepared to answer, that's fine. Perhaps tell me the difference between Hylomorphic and Antinomic magic. Surely, one of you has experimented with either, or both."
Mazrian whispers to your group, "The Dragon, in this context, would be Alex, their Emperor."
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Navesi looks at Mazrian and sighs.
Tirost frowns.
Zalinyar nods to Mazrian.
Heiress Angel just arrived.
Angel joins your group.
You whisper to Angel, Miskton, Zalinyar, Darkewolff, Everburned, Constantia, Whiteburn, Ezerak, Kintryn, Aaiyaah, Wintidal, Navesi, Tirost, Nilme, Lupdels, Zymi, Dantia, Zynell, Madigan, Remyngton, Tichond, Telamont, Vanzok, Karthor, Sothios, Hoshii, Keirran, Sorhhn, Dytt, Mazrian, Anuril, Kethrai, Tweedee, Maxilot, Genkin, and Razilak, "Yes, I believe that is the dragon of which it speaks."
Whiteburn stiffly says, "Meddling with the divine is ill-advised, Pivuh."
Lupdels whispers to your group, "Riddles and questions, perhaps we should try answering, and then asking in return. An answer for an answer"
Vanzok whispers to your group, "I might avoid calling them Alex aloud."
Dytt whispers to your group, "I assume the experiement is involved with Alex "Ascending" or whetever"
Navesi whispers to your group, "Ael'tharaxus, not Alex, in case anyone doesn't know."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Ah, so you're saying Clerics should not be trusted. Noted."
Tweedee exclaims, "Ha!"
Mazrian whispers to your group, "Alex is a lot easier to say."
Atuen says to Eyst, "I have many come to seek my teaching, i am sure they would gladly tell you what it is like to experiment with the divine."
Tweedee exclaims, "I like this goo!"
Atuen casually observes the area.
Tweedee glares at Razilak.
Tweedee says, "They shouldent be trusted..."
Constantia peers quizzically at Atuen.
Whiteburn sneers disdainfully and flicks the tip of her tail downward.
Tweedee squints at Razilak.
Angel chuckles at Tweedee.
Zynell grins mischievously.
Navesi whispers to your group, "What are these Hylomorphic and Antinomic magics it's talking of? Does anyone know?"
Aaiyaah shakes his head at Navesi.
Tirost glances at Navesi.
Zynell giggles.
Druesyllia joins your group.
Anuril glances at Navesi.
Lupdels whispers to your group, "Some things are best not discussed"
Kethrai whispers to your group, "And it sounds like they're trying to learn how to power Divine spells by pulling from this dragon instead of from the Immortals? Could that be done?"
Hoshii rubs Wintidal gently, massaging his muscles.
Razilak says to Tweedee, "I'm the most trustworthy cleric you know."
Telamont stands near Zynell.
Vanzok whispers to your group, "Antinomic sorcery is a perversion of names and law. Hylomorphic sorcery is a perversion of form and substance."
Sothios leans back against Zynell with a loving smile.
You ask, "Such knowledge is not something everyone is willing to admit to possessing. Perhaps you could elaborate as to your interest in such to explain why you desire the information?"
Navesi blanches.
Atuen says to Zynell, "Pawning yourself to those who need their soul at no cost is not something to grin so mischeiviously about."
Miskton whispers to your group, "I am not familiar with all of the details, but they are forms of sorcery."
Angel whispers to your group, "Corrupt Sprcery, supposedly the Warrior Mages can handle it."
Navesi writes something on a page in her oak-bound volume.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes asks, "Alright. Perhaps a different approach is in order. Is Hylomorphic magic the same as Antinomic? Magically, I mean. Cut out the weird explanations, at the core of it, are they the same?"
Zalinyar whispers to your group, "the use real weapons and spells, not profane though right?"
Eyst says to Atuen, "Perhaps you could prevail on them to enlighten our pivuh friend instead."
Zynell says to Atuen, "You have broken the rule. that will be delt with later."
Angel whispers to your group, "Hylomorphic Sorcery that is."
Tirost whispers to your group, "Is it possible they trying to create a divine being - or perhaps elevate their emperor?"
Sephetis asks Zynell, "What rule do you claim he broke?"
You say, "I do not dabble in sorcery. That answer may be best provided by someone else."
Miskton says, "That might depend on exactly what you mean, but for most purposes I would say they are not the same."
Anuril stares blankly at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Navesi looks at you and shrugs.
Mazrian dryly says, "You're asking for a lot of knowledge. Forbidden knowledge, at that."
Vanzok whispers to your group, "The Profane Aegis some are under is the foremost example of antinomic sorcery, though there are others. At least 'other.' The two schools are not the same in the slightest, and ignorance of such is telling of this creature's... insignificance."
Miskton says, "Not that I can speak to the finer details of either."
You say, "A curious inquiry, however."
The pivuh glances around, peering at each of you. "Not forbidden, just theoretical understanding. I don't pretend to understand either -- I'm just a goo formed pivuh, after all."
Dytt sneezes.
Everburned smirks.
Madigan chuckles.
Dytt quietly says, "Sorry I'm allergic to manure."
Whiteburn slowly says, "It is, indeed, ill-advised to discuss such things. Sorcery is a forbidden art."
The pivuh peers around. "Surely, one among you knows how to use magic."
Mazrian asks, "What sort of sorcery does Suulnir claim to be performing?"
Mazrian raises an eyebrow.
Maxilot says, "Nope."
Navesi says, "Not that sort of magic."
Maxilot says, "Not me."
Maxilot shrugs.
Hoshii quietly says, "I'm very interested in your goo. You seem to be a bit more obsessive about mentioning it than we are with our flesh."
Mazrian says, "If it sounds similar, perhaps we could research it for you."
Lupdels asks, "Sorcery, the divine, such topics that interest many, but why would they interest His Ascendency? Surely he has moved beyond such mere magical arts of those among us?"
Angel whispers to your group, "the pivuh is not trained in magic and has no spells on it."
Atuen says to Whiteburn, "You obviously havent seen the pattern hues of half the people here."
The Elf assistant says, "It is laughable how many here claim how bad sorcery is, then hypocritically use it..."
Arcane World Ender Voranos just arrived.
You say, "As I said, I do not dabble in sorcery. Of any kind."
Atuen says, "The assistant speaks a truth."
Dytt shrugs.
Dytt quietly says, "The immortals don't seem to care about what I do, so I'm not about to stop doing it."
Vanzok frowns.
Karthor says, "Huh, the abomination said somethin' sensible. What a day."
Atuen says to Dytt, "That you know of."
Mazrian asks, "Assuming for a moment that the Hylomorphic and the Antinomic are different...what does that mean to a pivuh?"
Karthor peers at a Elf assistant over the rim of his spectacles.
A Elf assistant gazes about with a calm look on his face.
Dytt quietly says to Atuen, "Mrod is welcome to tell me at any time."
Angel smiles at Karthor.
Madigan nods to Dantia.
The pivuh shrugs. "You tell me things, I tell you things. That's the sort of trade I thought you had hoped to make. If you're not interested, I can move on with my goo-filled day."
Madigan shakes Voranos's hand.
Lupdels smiles at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Voranos hugs Dantia, who wraps her arms around Voranos with a warm smile.
Zalinyar gazes at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Voranos leans over and scratches Madigan's back.
Zalinyar ponders.
Whiteburn says, "You seem to have an unhealthy interest in forbidden magics, Pivuh."
Tweedee says, "Ohh id love to trade something..."
Dantia grins at Voranos.
Tweedee left the group.
Lupdels whispers to your group, "Someone amuse the pivuh and play along, surely we have mages here who have opinions on the fundamental nature of magics"
Tweedee leans on his greatsword.
Tirost asks, "Let us say we know something of sorcery, about the nature of mana and the laws that can be bent. Are you suggesting Suulnir has accomplished something unique?"
Tweedee says, "But i don't do magic."
The pivuh shrugs at Whiteburn.
Zalinyar says, "We tell, you tell, we understand. You go first."
Vanzok makes a grunting noise.
Tweedee chuckles at Brisknite.
Atuen says, "Unlike the Inquisitor, not all of us would see things as unhealthy."
Voranos nods to Dantia.
Maxilot pets the pudgy dog.
Atuen nods to a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Dytt whispers to your group, "sorry, I was raised to see it as a tool, no different than a hammer or a sword"
Vanzok says, "Antinomic and Hylomorphic sorceries are different. They use different mixtures of mana, and accomplish different effects, which are universally vile and ill advised to practice."
Mazrian carefully says, "Theoretically speaking."
The pivuh glances at Tirost. "We simply would like to understand what Suulnir claims, and verify what we can. Sadly, not all of us tend to attune to the Divine. I wonder why."
Tirost nods to a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Navesi whispers to your group, "I've never studied such sorceries, even in theory. The most I know, now that I think of it, is that Hylomorphic sorcery supposedly allows the mage to change the rules of the elements. Like making electricity behave like water."
Whiteburn asks, "Us? There are others such as yourself?"
Hoshii asks, "And what is it that Suulnir claims?"
Anuril whispers to your group, "the pivuh is trying to fact-check claims suulnir has made internal to the spire"
You ask, "Is there a suspicion as to which type of magic the Ecclesiarch is using which has piqued your curiosity?"
Atuen gazes at Whiteburn.
Dytt quietly says, "It does sound like some in the Spire may not be in total agreement with Suulnir."
You say, "Perhaps, if we know that information, we could better assist."
Tweedee says, "Don't think its with Suulnir, listen to the goo."
Atuen says to Whiteburn, "More than you know."
The pivuh nods at Vanzok. "That makes sense to me, but we will need to research further. Very well. I will answer one question."
Vanzok grunts at you.
Hoshii covers her mouth with her hand.
Navesi asks, "What sort of things are you offering to tell us, pivuh, in exchange for this knowledge?"
Vanzok says, "I cede my question to Ayrell."
Vanzok nods to a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Navesi asks, "Anything we ask?"
Vanzok whispers to your group, "I've disclosed little more than is on Asemath's shelves, so a cheap bargain, I suppose."
Zynell asks, "Who are the Shunned?"
Sephetis says to Navesi, "You have now asked 2. Two wasted questions."
Atuen grins at Sephetis.
Lupdels chuckles.
Navesi rolls her eyes.
Constantia glances at Sephetis.
You say, "Yes, that is a good question."
Atuen says to Sephetis, "Leave them to their idiocy."
Whiteburn folds her arms across her chest.
Atuen nods to Sephetis.
The pivuh shrugs. "You can ask, but I may choose to answer one of the other questions, depending on what you ask. After all, I've heard quite a few."
Sephetis nods to Atuen.
Sorhhn says, "I would like to congratulate your leader, Pivuh. It seems just a bit of politeness and bluster has lulled the smoothskins into a stupor where they are content to listen to your ramblings and prevarications."
Dantia grins at Madigan.
Angel pets a blue-eyed ebony kitten.
Tirost whispers to your group, "What questions will yield us the most useful information? It sounds likely this creature believes Suulnir is using Antinomic Sorcery, but to what end?"
You say, "You will have to forgive our curiosity. We all have a great many questions."
Zalinyar whispers to your group, "we should have one person ask the questions"
Tweedee glances at Sorhhn.
Sorhhn says, "But I followed the attackers on the Ru'atin Peri'el through their Moongate and was sacrificed to your Wolrld Dragon for my trouble. I will not be so easily fooled."
Tweedee asks, "What?"
Navesi whispers to your group, "Or Hylomorphic sorcery. Or both."
Miskton shifts his weight.
The pivuh nods to Sorhhn. "You did. Your sacrifice was well-received. Thank you."
Dantia smiles at Aaiyaah.
Tirost nods to Navesi.
Atuen grins like an idiot.
You whisper to Angel, Miskton, Druesyllia, Zalinyar, Darkewolff, Everburned, Constantia, Whiteburn, Ezerak, Kintryn, Aaiyaah, Wintidal, Navesi, Tirost, Nilme, Lupdels, Zymi, Dantia, Zynell, Madigan, Remyngton, Tichond, Telamont, Vanzok, Karthor, Sothios, Hoshii, Keirran, Sorhhn, Dytt, Mazrian, Anuril, Kethrai, Maxilot, Genkin, and Razilak, "It is important that everyone have a voice. But we should decide as a group which single question to ask, rather than shouting out several, in order to ensure the best question is asked."
Aaiyaah grins at Dantia.
Hoshii whispers to your group, "I thought all sacrifices were voluntary, according to Suulnir last time?"
Atuen's tail undulates passively just above the ground.
Mazrian whispers to your group, "Who are the Shunned seems like a good place to start?"
Brisknite joins your group.
Hoshii nods to Navesi.
Whiteburn asks, "Your mistress claimed that all sacrifices to the World Dragon were to be voluntary?"
Constantia nods to Mazrian.
Tweedee joins your group.
Dytt whispers to your group, "apparently that was supposedly a seperate group tha one that is in power now"
Angel whispers to your group, "We have the list of spells lingering on Suulnir from my perceiving her aura, nothing seemed to jump out as these types of Sorcery?"
Tichond nods to Remyngton.
Hoshii pulls Wintidal to her in a tight hug.
Zynell asks, "Would you please tell us more about the Shunned?"
The pivuh chortles. "Suulnir is not my mistress. Suulnir is no Emperor."
Wintidal moves over to guard Hoshii.
Madigan adjusts his icesteel cuirass.
Atuen says to Whiteburn, "Some just dont know how they volunter... that is not the problem of a Dragon Priest."
Zynell nods to a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Mazrian asks you, "This is your show, Ayrell. Pick one and go?"
Navesi whispers to your group, "Who are the Shunned is a good question. What is the dragon's ascension is another."
You say, "I believe our question of choice of which we desire an answer is with regard to the identity of the Shunned."
Navesi nods to you.
Sorhhn searches around for a moment.
Navesi writes something on a page in her oak-bound volume.
You ask, "Can you tell us who they are?"
Dytt whispers to your group, "so this goo is commanded by one of the "last vanguard" that attacked the Sisters"
Atuen raises an eyebrow.
Tirost whispers to your group, "The creature sounds like something studying Suulnir. It doesn't sound like it serves her."
The pivuh shrugs. "I can, yes."
You ask, "But, will you?"
Tweedee chuckles.
Ezerak chuckles.
You say, "As the answer to our one earned question."
Whiteburn whispers to your group, "It toys with us. "
Atuen quietly says to Sephetis, "At least they didnt waist the question."
Remyngton whispers, "are you aware twee joined the group?"
Aaiyaah whispers to your group, "Agreed."
Dytt whispers to your group, "and Atuan annoys as always"
The pivuh raises a single tiny finger. "I will count that as the next question." The pivuh winks, and seems to have something resembling a wry grin.
Zalinyar whispers to your group, "think of the RIGHT question to ask. make it a riddle"
Sephetis says to Atuen, "Maybe they can be taught afterall."
Atuen says, "Stop toying with them, and answer their question."
Atuen's tail undulates in an agitated fashion.
Angel whispers to your group, "the same way Suulnir spoke in circles."
Atuen frowns.
Zynell grins.
Tirost whispers to your group, "It has told us that she and the emperor are experimenting with sorcery - divine sorcery, it seems. To what end?"
You say, "Yes, we did not come here for games. We answered your question... all forms of it."
Mazrian whispers to your group, "We have yet to actually ask it a direct question."
Aaiyaah whispers to your group, "I am liking where this line of thought is going"
Aaiyaah grins at Madigan.
Angel chortles softly at some secret joke.
You say, "You said you would answer one question. Our question is... who are the Shunned."
Voranos whispers to your group, "who are the shunned or did you want names?"
Kethrai whispers to your group, "We may learn more from the questions it asks us than from its answers to ours. So far we have. Maybe offer to answer another?"
Whiteburn whispers to your group, "I am beginning to wonder if there is truly any merit in further quibbling with this ill-mannered beast."
Mazrian nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Anuril nods to Kethrai.
Angel nods to Whiteburn.
Karthor whispers to your group, "I was wonderin' the same thing."
Tirost whispers to your group, "Let us see if it knows what Suulnir might wish to accomplish, if she is attempting to create a diety or deify someone or something."
Vanzok whispers to your group, "Unless we've been fed a red herring. By a talking lizard."
You whisper to Angel, Voranos, Miskton, Druesyllia, Zalinyar, Darkewolff, Everburned, Constantia, Whiteburn, Ezerak, Kintryn, Aaiyaah, Wintidal, Navesi, Tirost, Nilme, Lupdels, Zymi, Dantia, Zynell, Madigan, Remyngton, Tichond, Telamont, Vanzok, Karthor, Sothios, Hoshii, Keirran, Sorhhn, Dytt, Mazrian, Anuril, Kethrai, Tweedee, Maxilot, Genkin, and Brisknite, "I will give it a moment to see how it replies. If it continues its games, we shall offer to answer another question."
Tirost flashes a quick grin at Vanzok.
Dantia chuckles.
Lupdels whispers to your group, "Focus! The king is sick, a healer has been summoned, but the court does not know if the cures have worked. That is the situation before us. The dragon is being experimented on by an outsider, and his followers do not know if it's working. If a Cleric among us with knowledge of the divine could offer their services, that may help us. Otherwise, continue this game of riddles."
Zalinyar whispers to your group, "if it wants riddles, phrase your next one as a riddle."
The pivuh offers a wry smile. "Truthfully, the real question we had was about the necessity of the Divine. You answered that, quite clearly. Thank you." The pivuh waves a tiny hand, and then appears quite less intelligent.
Dantia nods to Madigan.
Hoshii mumbles something unprintable.
Miskton gazes at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Tweedee says, "Trap set, and sprung."
Karthor peers at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes over the rim of his spectacles.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes paces, its eyes burning with rage and teeth exposed in a snarl.
Tirost frowns.
You sigh.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes paces, its eyes burning with rage and teeth exposed in a snarl.
Whiteburn growls low in the back of her throat.
Constantia frowns.
Hoshii raises an eyebrow.
Eyst says, "Mm."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes paces, its eyes burning with rage and teeth exposed in a snarl.
Remyngton casually observes the area.
Dytt growls ferociously!
Tirost says to you, "There was more than a little arrogance displayed in that exchange."
Dantia chuckles.
Karthor says, "Goo indeed, this thing's not much use."
Karthor makes a grunting noise.
You nod at Tirost, in complete agreement with his views.
You wince as a pudgy dog barks loudly at a blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes.
Miskton says, "So, apparently control of an actual pivuh."
Hoshii whispers to your group, "Is this where it becomes pivuh ham?"
Tirost nods to Miskton.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes paces, its eyes burning with rage and teeth exposed in a snarl.
Vanzok slowly asks, "Arrogance? In a meeting between Dragon Priests and adventurers?"
Vanzok stares blankly into the distance.
Tirost chuckles at Vanzok.
Whiteburn whispers to your group, "We have been played for fools by these heretics."
Vanzok slowly says, "No, that's not right."
Hoshii gives Vanzok a wry grin.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes jumps awkwardly into the air, its stubby wings carrying it southeast.
Conversation After Pivuh's Departure
Wintidal nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views.
Hoshii exclaims, "Pivuh!"
Hoshii points southeast.
Lupdels says, "It got away."
Zalinyar puts her scimitar in her weapon harness.
Navesi says, "Somehow I doubt it intends to answer any more."
Maxilot says, "We need real representation, not a goo."
You say, "It was not our prisoner."
Tirost nods to Navesi.
Miskton says, "Well, I am afraid the moons are currently in a state where I can not offer transportation. But I will be making my way back to Shard for the vision discussion meeting."
Hoshii asks, "Not far. Shall we erm, make it gooier?"
Dytt sneezes.
Zalinyar nods to Miskton.
Eyst says, "I'd say it gave at least one thing away however. It mentioned experiments with the dragon."
Navesi nods to Miskton.
Vanzok says, "It likely cannot answer any more. It was a vessel for another consciousness."
Angel smiles at Miskton.
Miskton says, "I invite you all to join us, if you wish."
Maxilot nods to Vanzok.
Whiteburn says, "The pivuh has departed our company."
Tirost nods at Vanzok, obviously agreeing with his views.
Anuril frowns.
You say, "Yes, it told us more than it realizes."
Dantia nods to Madigan.
Dantia waves to Madigan.
You say, "And we told it little more than anyone could read in a book."
Sir Madigan goes southeast.
Tichond chuckles at Remyngton.
Remyngton grins at Tichond.
Vanzok takes a bite of an apple.
Zalinyar says, "Perhaps, there will be visions to discuss at the next meeting."
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Vanzok says, "To be fair... it couldn't. No thumbs."
Kintryn nods to Aaiyaah.
Vanzok says, "And I doubt the librarians would let it wander in."
Dytt whispers to your group, "I find that it apparently wasn't being controlled by one of Suul's group interesting in itself"
Remyngton nods to Dantia.
Hoshii grins at Vanzok.
Navesi chuckles at Vanzok.
Tichond nods to Dantia.
Sephetis nods.
Tirost nods to Dytt.
You say, "Yes, it cannot read a book. But the information we gave it is not secret."
Dantia nods to Tichond.
Hoshii whispers to your group, "One who wasn't willing to show its face."
Lupdels whispers to your group, "Who said the priestess even had a group? "
Kintryn left the group.
Aaiyaah joins Kintryn's group.
Vanzok slowly says, "I'd suspect we told it more than simply that, but that's the nature of groups of individuals. Nothing related to its inquiries, I think."
Dytt whispers to your group, "I mean a group that doesn't agree with her"
Battle Lioness Kintryn's group wandered down a trampled barrier.
Vanzok makes a grunting noise.
Mazrian nods to Voranos.
Tichond brushes his lips against Remyngton's in a loving kiss.
Dytt whispers to your group, "and apparently one being cautious enough to not reveal themselves to possible spies"
Tichond goes east.
Whiteburn whispers to your group, "We still do not even know who commandeered the beast."
You nod to Whiteburn.
Tirost nods to Whiteburn.
You say, "We will need to be cautious."
Ezerak says to Whiteburn, "Could be anyone."
Ezerak sighs.
Whiteburn says, "Indeed."
Dytt quietly says, "Agreed."
Hoshii nods.
Zynell slowly empties her lungs.
Tirost glances at Zynell.
You say, "Especially with any future correspondence with the Ecclesiarch."
Lupdels loudly exclaims, "I don't know why you'd jump to accusations of spies here, when it's just as possible that the emissary was frustrated by the boneheaded questions from some!"
Sothios rubs Zynell gently, massaging her muscles.
Voranos searches around for a moment.
Everburned ponders.
You say, "Let us all try to remain calm."
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Constantia nods.
Tweedee fixes Lupdels with an acute, keen-witted stare.
Tweedee says, "Ironic."
Angel whispers something to Voranos.
Tweedee chuckles at Lupdels.
Dantia nods at Whiteburn, obviously agreeing with her views.
You say, "We came here to ask questions. Questions were asked. And some information was gained."
Atuen whispers something to Whiteburn.
You hear someone chuckling.
Atuen fixes Whiteburn with a cold, reptilian stare.
Lupdels asks, "Twice now we've had efforts at diplomacy that end with more questions than answers, will we have yet another discussion that argues we need yet more efforts at diplomacy?"
You say to Lupdels, "You seem upset."
Dytt whispers to your group, "maybe because Atuen tried to kill the Priestess last time we tried to talk, Lupdel"
Zalinyar exclaims to Brisknite, "Such a cute puppy!"
Raikage grins at Voranos.
Dantia chuckles at Mazrian.
Atuen says to Lupdels, "Oh they are not doing what you demand? how terrible."
Dytt rubs Lupdels gently, massaging his muscles.
Navesi calmly says to Lupdels, "Be calm, guild brother. We will be acting more decisively, don't worry."
Dantia looks at Mazrian and sighs.
Navesi says to Lupdels, "We need you now to continue your research."
Remyngton peers quizzically at Dantia.
Atuen whispers something to Whiteburn.
You say, "We knew going into this that it was possible we would leave with more questions than answers. Such is the nature of those with whom we desired to speak."
You sigh.
Dytt quietly says something in Rakash.
Dytt rubs Lupdels gently, massaging his muscles.
Angel nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You say, "That does not mean it failed."
Remyngton nods to Dytt.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Everburned pours herself a shot of vintage Tsovian rum from her flask.
Hoshii says, "The puppetmaster controlling the creature seemed obsessed with its 'goo.' Suulnir said their breeding pits were churning out new creations. I feel like we need to learn more about this before something even worse is unleashed."
Hoshii paces back and forth.
Lupdels asks Atuen, "Certainly you would defend yourself as decisive? You took action last time, did you not?"
Angel rubs your right hand.
You nod at Hoshii, in complete agreement with her views.
Lupdels says, "Perhaps we all have something to learn from Atuen."
Remyngton nods to Dantia.
Remyngton pats Dantia on the back.
Dantia chuckles at Mazrian.
Voranos chuckles.
Psaero nods to Tweedee.
Ezerak says, "There's certainly a lot to learn here."
Tirost frowns thoughtfully, resting his forearm on the hilt of haralun bastard sword.
Dantia nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.
You say, "Yes. There has been talk of research. I think that is a sound idea."
Voranos leans on his axe.
Mazrian says, "We know at least one thing we didn't know before. There are apparently factions that are not convinced by Alex's proposals."
Navesi frowns.
Hoshii nods to Nilme.
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Mazrian says, "And are skeptical of the brave new future."
Ezerak nods in agreement.
You say, "That alone is helpful information."
Hoshii says, "And presumably willing to continue their attacks on the rest of us regardless of Suulnir's statements."
Hoshii folds her arms across her chest.
Ezerak says, "They certainly do not seem as unified as Suulnir told us."
Mazrian says, "It's something."
Angel dusts herself off.
Mazrian shrugs.
Navesi whispers something to Lupdels.
You nod to Mazrian.
Everburned takes a sip of her rum.
Dytt quietly says, "If not a ruse, but it is info we need to consider in planning out next step."
Dytt nods to Lupdels.
Atuen says, "Now....."
You ask, "Shall we find our way back toward Shard for the Visions meeting? Perhaps we can meet for discussion afterward?"
Constantia nods to you.
Maxilot nods to you.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Navesi nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Anuril nods to you.
Dantia left the group.
Dantia nods to Remyngton.
Darkewolff asks, "Are we there yet?"
Dantia smiles at Whiteburn.
You say, "I will lead us back to the city, as Miskton advised the moons are not going to cooperate."
Dytt chuckles at Darkewolff.
Anuril grins at Darkewolff.
Remyngton joins Dantia's group.
Darkewolff snickers.
Angel nods to you.
Maunderer Aislynn just arrived.
Dantia hugs Mazrian, getting a smile in return.
Angel smiles at Brisknite.
Brisknite smirks.
Hoshii says, "Lots and lots of sentinels and such in the direction the pivuh went."
Remyngton waves to Mazrian.
Mazrian leans over and scratches Dantia's back.
Darkewolff says, "I could not help myself."
Aislynn quietly says, "Oh, there it is."
Darkewolff smiles.
Aislynn nods.
Dantia grins at Mazrian.
Mazrian flashes a quick grin at Remyngton.
Tirost quietly says to Constantia, "Glad you came."
Constantia smiles at Tirost.
Brisknite chuckles.
Tirost smiles.
Everburned takes a sip of her rum.
Wintidal gazes off to the southeast.
Constantia says to Tirost, "Ah...thank you."
You say, "We will not pause long on the other side of the hole, however. Unless someone is able to assist in making the area safe while we wait."
Carnage Darling Dantia goes southeast, leading her group.
Hoshii stands near Wintidal.
Whiteburn left the group.
Atuen asks Psaero, "Shall we visit the north?"
Whiteburn says, "I will not be joining the visions meeting at this time. I have other duties to attend to."
Brisknite grins at Voranos.
Voranos grins at Brisknite.
Psaero says to Atuen, "Intrest must be collected, sir."
You say, "For any who wish to remain behind, by all means, do not feel obligated to leave with us."
Everburned takes a sip of her rum.
Psaero nods to Atuen.
Sothios left the group.
Tirost nods to Angel.
Brisknite yawns expansively.
Sothios joins your group.
Voranos says, "I need ham."
Voranos stretches out a hand imploringly to Tweedee.
You say, "If I do not have a chance to say before everyone departs, thank you all for joining us."
Angel nods to Tirost.
Darkewolff says to you, "I think I have heard all I need to. Please, Lady Ayrell, lead on."
Angel nods to Darkewolff.
Druesyllia left the group.
You say, "We will be moving in five."
Angel nods to you.
Kethrai nods to you.
You say, "Moving."
You go south, leading your group.
Quick Reference - Pivuh Dialogue & Actions
A swirl of green smoke puffs into existence, quickly forming into a rather docile blue-green pivuh.
The blue-green pivuh peers around curiously, watching you.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "}Tweedee I like eating."
The pivuh stands near Tweedee, as if expecting ham.
The pivuh glances up at Tweedee, shaking its head. It apparently is disinterested in whiskey.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "You seem like a very well-armed diplomatic party. Intriguing. This should prove entertaining."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Ah! And you bring the one who provoked the Ecclesiarch. Very entertaining, indeed. I admit, I enjoyed watching Suulnir losing that stoic demeanor."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "And Suulnir is quite interested in conversation, I will give you that. Never seems to cease liking the sound of the Ecclesiarch's own voice."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "It's entirely too bad that the Ecclesiarch was too busy with experimentation to have received your missive. A shame, really, truthfully."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Fortunately, your missive was not unheard. I am quite happy to accept your surrender of the lands between the gates of Raven's Point and Horse Clans."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Why, yes. After all, the gates of Shard will be quite safe, I assure you. And Suulnir will never need to know of your surrender. I certainly won't tell the Ecclesiarch."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Why, the Black Spire. Surely you have heard of it. You've come all this way to its gates."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Ah! But you come to represent a provincial authority, surely."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Oh, little old me? I'm just a figment of sinew and goo. Lots of goo."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "I don't think anyone bothered to name me, truthfully."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "I'm a pivuh. I'm made of goo, I think."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes asks, "If you were in our shoes, would you particularly trust anyone who claims to use magic that is even tangentially related to your gods?"
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Trust is not requisite. Only agreement. We have agreed not to bring our knives to your gates as long as Suulnir's experiments with the dragon continue. We intend to keep that promise."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes asks, "However, you could be of use, even if you don't surrender." The pivuh appears to scratch its tiny pivuh chin. "Tell me, how many of you have experimented with the divine?"
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes asks, "Does it require a connection to the gods themselves?"
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Suulnir's not here, and we'd prefer some -- verification."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "If that's a question you're unprepared to answer, that's fine. Perhaps tell me the difference between Hylomorphic and Antinomic magic. Surely, one of you has experimented with either, or both."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes says, "Ah, so you're saying Clerics should not be trusted. Noted."
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes asks, "Alright. Perhaps a different approach is in order. Is Hylomorphic magic the same as Antinomic? Magically, I mean. Cut out the weird explanations, at the core of it, are they the same?"
The pivuh glances around, peering at each of you. "Not forbidden, just theoretical understanding. I don't pretend to understand either -- I'm just a goo formed pivuh, after all."
The pivuh peers around. "Surely, one among you knows how to use magic."
The pivuh shrugs. "You tell me things, I tell you things. That's the sort of trade I thought you had hoped to make. If you're not interested, I can move on with my goo-filled day."
The pivuh shrugs at Whiteburn
The pivuh glances at Tirost. "We simply would like to understand what Suulnir claims, and verify what we can. Sadly, not all of us tend to attune to the Divine. I wonder why."
The pivuh nods at Vanzok. "That makes sense to me, but we will need to research further. Very well. I will answer one question."
The pivuh shrugs. "You can ask, but I may choose to answer one of the other questions, depending on what you ask. After all, I've heard quite a few."
The pivuh nods to Sorhhn. "You did. Your sacrifice was well-received. Thank you."
The pivuh chortles. "Suulnir is not my mistress. Suulnir is no Emperor."
The pivuh shrugs. "I can, yes."
The pivuh raises a single tiny finger. "I will count that as the next question." The pivuh winks, and seems to have something resembling a wry grin.
The pivuh offers a wry smile. "Truthfully, the real question we had was about the necessity of the Divine. You answered that, quite clearly. Thank you." The pivuh waves a tiny hand, and then appears quite less intelligent.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes paces, its eyes burning with rage and teeth exposed in a snarl.
A blue-green pivuh with a glint of awareness in its eyes jumps awkwardly into the air, its stubby wings carrying it southeast.