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Ayrell/Logs/06162024/Wild Magic Research Meeting

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[Milene's Rose, Tavern]
Roomy and rectangular, the tavern for Milene's Rose is always busy, but strangely never so full that it becomes unbearably crowded. A booth in the corner allows for privacy, and a bar offers service for the thirsty and the hungry. There is little sign of disarray anywhere. You also see a russet lynx that is sitting and the publican.
Also here: Ruea, Tempest Knight Saragos, Dzive Asini Leayne, Phantom Judge Crobin, Belzor, Truthseeker Elurora whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light and Heart Tender Kethrai who is sitting.
Obvious exits: east.

Elurora laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Kethrai asks Ruea, "In the future, if you see a gentleman walking around without a shirt... perhaps leave well enough alone?"

Elurora snaps to attention and hails you with a crisp hand salute.

You smile.

Belzor says to Elurora, "Some sort of energy thing came in and injured Lady Ayrell."

Elurora giggles at Kethrai.

You curtsy gracefully.

Crobin hugs you, and you give him a smile in return.

Elurora blinks at Belzor.

You hug Crobin who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of falling rain clings to his fur.

Elurora glances at you.

Belzor nods to Elurora.

Ruea asks Kethrai, "Would you like me to arrange to have them all remove their shirts now?"

You hug Ruea who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of violets clings to her skin.

Elurora says to Belzor, "She appears healthy now at least."

Ruea hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Elurora hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Belzor nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Leayne grins at Ruea, her dimples flashing into view.

Crobin says, "You heard it hun...I have to take my shirt off now."

You hug Elurora who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of honeysuckle clings to her skin.

You smile at Elurora.

Kethrai says to Ruea, "Oh, no, too much business to take care of. Would only be a tease."

Leayne softly says, "Go ahead."

Ruea chuckles.

You say, "Ah, yes. There was a mana surge, I believe."

Crobin puts his almanac in his kirmiko pocket.

Elurora nods to you.

Crobin chuckles at Leayne.

Belzor says to Elurora, "It was hypnotizing a bit. Just to see that raw energy moving about."

Elurora says, "I thought maybe there had been another wraith attack."

Crobin says, "Should of been on the boat we were on."

Leayne tickles Crobin, grinning mischievously.

Crobin says, "Almost capsized up a few times."

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Belzor bows to you.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Crobin.

You say, "A cleric wandered through, as they tend to do here, and when they attempted to bless their beverage, it generated a surge."

You nod.

Elurora winces.

You curtsy gracefully to Belzor.

Belzor quietly says to you, "Good afternoon, milady. I was just telling her about the ..."

Kethrai says to Crobin, "Wish I had been... Tell the apocalypses to wait on us, if you would."

You smile at Belzor.

Elurora says to you, "Folks are going to need to be more careful now."

You nod at Elurora, in complete agreement with her views.

Crobin chuckles.

Belzor says, "Oh, sorry."

Belzor nods.

Leayne gets a glass of sweet sherry from atop a bar.

Belzor blushes a bright red color.

Leayne takes a sip of her sherry.

Crobin says, "We had ran to Throne City to investigate a bit after Miskton spoke of the vision or dream he had."

You notice as a russet lynx sniffs the ground.

Elurora nods to Crobin.

Miskton just arrived.

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Crobin says, "Speak of the devil."

Miskton nods politely.

Patron of the Arts Shashra just arrived.

Elurora says, "I felt that it was better I stay and make sure Shard was safe with Commander Ayrell."

Belzor scratches his russet lynx.

Crobin chuckles.

Elurora bows to Miskton.

Crobin pats Miskton on the back.

You curtsy gracefully to Shashra.

Miskton begins to listen to Crobin teach the Perception skill.

Kethrai asks, "Throne City... What led him there?"

You nod to Elurora.

Miskton says, "Good afternoon, all."

Leayne smiles at Miskton, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Shashra nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Leayne softly says, "Hello."

Elurora bows to Shashra.

You say, "Yes, I was not about to leave Shard at such a vulnerable time."

Belzor nods politely to Miskton.

Elurora nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

You say, "Even without magic, I can use my blade to defend."

Leayne dimples at Shashra.

Kethrai bows to Miskton.

Kethrai bows to Shashra.

Shashra says, "Good afternoon, and thank you for your service to the city."

Elurora says to Kethrai, "Mister Miskton had a vision about it blowing up."

You smile at Shashra.

Crobin says, "That was our plan if the problem was there...stab what I could, and ride a mana surge home like a wild stallion."

Kethrai quirks his ears outward for a moment, blinking in surprise at Elurora.

Leayne takes a sip of her sherry.

Miskton nods.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Elurora nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai asks, "The same one as before, with the torches in the sewer, or?"

You notice a russet lynx sniff at Shashra for a moment.

You say, "Even when we felt the magic returned, we felt it best to utilize it as little as possible while we were defending, since it remained so unstable. As it still is."

Miskton says, "It may have been that Throne City featured in the vision due to being an area with a focus on magical research."

Shashra glances at the russet lynx sniffing at her gown, which instinctively backs away.

Kethrai nods to Miskton.

Elurora nods to Miskton.

You nod to Miskton.

Crobin says, "I was a bit beside myself, cause for the first time in my life I could not only feel mana...but see it."

Elurora grins at Crobin.

Kethrai asks, "Both Moon and Warrior Mages have done planar research there, right?"

Elurora says to Crobin, "That must have been strange."

Crobin nods to Elurora.

Crobin says, "Yes...and then I figured I could see it, touch it, I tried to taste it."

You ponder.

Elurora asks, "Did it have taste?"

Kethrai giggles at Crobin.

Elurora tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Leayne giggles at Crobin.

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

Leayne nods.

Crobin says, "It didn't come near me."

Shashra says to Crobin, "You certainly have interesting exploration approaches."

Ralthas just arrived.

Crobin says, "It was odd, it sort of went through everyone else but avoided me."

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Crobin smiles at Shashra.

Kethrai says to Shashra, "We come by it honestly."

Ralthas nods.

Miskton says to Kethrai, "Definitely, though I don't recall off hand what more recently Warrior Mages might have been up to there."

Belzor goes east.

Crobin says, "When we were on the comet I was going to try and climb through the moongates we could peer through...but I was rebuffed."

Truthseeker Elurora goes east.

Crobin says, "Broke my heart a bit."

Saragos says to Kethrai, "I can't speak about Moon Mages, but yes for Elemental Mages. The Imperial College of War Magic certainly was up to all sorts of things there. And, famously, there were experiments at binding a familiar without a talisman that happened in Throne City."

Truthseeker Elurora just arrived.

You nod at Saragos, in complete agreement with his views.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Saragos says, "I don't know if that's what you're thinking of for "planar research"."

Leayne takes a sip of her sherry.

Crobin says, "So I understand you all working with magic and sort of researching it."

Crobin asks, "Could this be a sign to...Not?"

Kethrai says to Saragos, "Beings from other planes seems to count."

Leayne gasps at Crobin!

Elurora leans against a bar.

Crobin says, "I am not saying don't cast your spells love."

Crobin says, "I just mean...if you push things to some breaks."

You say, "I think this could potentially be more than that."

Saragos says to Kethrai, "Of note, the destruction caused there by the experiment was due to an Aether selrek being loose. In our times, we've seen Electricity selreks pop out of the rogue Custodians from the Plane of Electricity."

Kethrai says to Crobin, "Problem is, we're not entirely sure what direction we were pushing that was too far."

Crobin nods to Kethrai.

Leayne frowns.

Crobin says, "Again I know between little and nothing of actual magic."

Ralthas wanders east.

Saragos quietly says to Crobin, "It was Sorcery. It's always Sorcery."

Elurora says, "The research I was able to do on it suggested rather strongly to me that our widespread and lopsided practices of magic are shaking the Bulwark loose."

Crobin says, "I have learned much from your OA meetings, and from being with Leayne."

Elurora gazes at a cup of honeyed milk.

Ralthas just arrived.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Crobin says, "BUt I am just a lonely sneak."

Kethrai says, "I have my suspicions about the common use of sorcery, sure. Can't prove anything though."

Crobin chuckles.

Crobin says, "Not lonely as in alone."

Crobin gazes at Leayne.

Crobin says, "But lonely as in...not a magic person."

Leayne softly says, "]crob but I have been sharing the messages I get when I cast."

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Ralthas gets a mug of Stone Clan beer from atop a bar.

Ralthas takes a sip of his beer.

Saragos says, "What I can say from my experiments with the Wild Magic is that it seems very reminiscent of the work of Sraan Mehath - Wind Clan. Which was pretty definitely Sorcerous."

Leayne smiles at Ralthas, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Crobin says, "I wish I understood more."

Kethrai says to Crobin, "If it makes you feel better, at OA I am going to suggest people be much more careful about the kinds of spells they're casting, and avoid sorcery where possible."

Saragos says, "Though I think, from what I've seen, that there are bigger problems afoot."

You nod.

Leayne softly says, "I'm not doing any casting."

Ralthas takes a sip of his beer.

Kethrai says, "But, well... Telling people not to use sorcery hasn't been very effective, historically."

Elurora gives Kethrai a slight nod.

Shashra says to Leayne, "That is much more my style of approach to this, as well."

Elurora says, "They do seem attached to it."

You say, "Yes, at one point I distinctly felt as if something was taking advantage of the chaos."

Elurora nods to you.

Roughneck Rileos just arrived.

Elurora says, "That was right before the wraiths attacked."

Crobin says, "Most people find power in something...they want it and use it more."

Crobin says, "Not all, but many."

You nod at Elurora, in complete agreement with her views.

Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Kethrai glances at Rileos.

Elurora bows to Rileos.

Kethrai asks Rileos, "You trying to get us all killed, man?"

Leayne smiles at Rileos, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Rileos says to Kethrai, "Only a bit."

Crobin asks, "You think wands are a problem as well?"

Ralthas takes a sip of his beer.

You say, "That is why I have pondered the possibility that the wraiths were less connected to the severing of our connection to the mana and more to... whatever was taking advantage of our vulnerability."

You say, "But that is, of course, mere speculation at present."

Crobin puts his almanac in his kirmiko pocket.

Kethrai says to Crobin, "I've heard tell of wands causing mana surges as well, yeah. Haven't seen it myself though."

Saragos nods to you.

Crobin says, "Aww...will have to watch for that."

Rileos says, "I hadn't heard of that or seen it, I'll keep my eyes open."

Rileos nods.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Saragos says, "We might have a cascade of other problems not strictly related to the source of the problem."

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Kethrai frowns at you.

Pilgrim Nawain just arrived.

Nawain carefully lifts the puppy by the scruff of its neck and then tucks it gently into the crook of her arm.

Nawain gives her saluki puppy a scratch behind the ear and places it carefully on the ground. It gazes about while wagging its tail.

Nawain waves.

Leayne smiles at Nawain, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai says to you, "That definitely makes sense."

Leayne hugs Nawain, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Crobin just hugged Nawain.

Nawain hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Nawain's body is dripping water everywhere.

You nod to Kethrai.

Nawain beams at Leayne!

Nawain hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Nawain hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Elurora bows to Nawain.

Nawain hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Crobin grins mischievously before leaning over to lick Leayne.

Elurora just hugged Nawain.

Nawain waves to you.

You say, "It certainly indicates there may be more than one thing at play."

Elurora grins at Nawain.

Nawain waves to Ruea.

Kethrai says, "But it would also suggest a 'someone' to be doing the taking advantage."

You wave to Nawain.

Nawain waves to Saragos.

Kethrai twitches an ear nervously.

Nawain waves to Miskton.

Nawain just hugged Rileos.

You say, "We have the cause of the mana disturbances... and those that would use it to their advantage."

Shashra asks Kethrai, "And whom or what would you surmise is taking this advantage?"

Nawain's body is soaked.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Leayne takes a sip of her sherry.

You say, "Whoever or whatever it is would have to have significant power to be able to summon the wraiths."

Kethrai says to Shashra, "Beings who can summon creatures like that without using mana in the way we do. Demons, or the Dark aspects."

Ralthas takes a sip of his beer.

Saragos says, "I don't think it has to be a 'someone' taking advantage. Think of it this way - your roof was damaged by a fire. Now it's cold in your house. When it rains, there are leaks. None of those are related to the one who started the fire."

Crobin asks, "Did anyone see or notice ill effects on people who had spells cast on them who don't have spells of their own?"

Crobin says, "One told me they saw a light floating around them, and then was knocked off their feet."

Saragos asks Crobin, "You mean like from wands?"

Kethrai says to Saragos, "But if someone summoned the rain because they saw your roof was damaged, that's who I'm worried about. Not suggesting they necessarily lit the fire."

You say to Saragos, "Yes, which is why I suggested the two are individual of each other."

Crobin says, "No."

You nod to Saragos.

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Crobin says, "From spells."

Saragos nods to Kethrai.

You say to Saragos, "If your house has caught fire and created a hole, a burglar may use that hole to gain entry."

Saragos says, "Lot of 'usual suspects' that might become a problem."

Nawain grins at Elurora.

Elurora grins at Nawain.

Rileos scratches distractedly at his stubble.

Ralthas takes a sip of his beer.

Nawain gets an ebonwood ritual vessel shaped like a hollow crow skull from inside her watersilk bag.

Nawain taps something inside her ritual vessel.

Nawain puts her vessel in her watersilk bag.

Nawain gets a grusana kaft forged in viridian tursa from inside her slender rugursora.

Nawain gets some burnt incense from inside her watersilk bag.

Nawain strikes a piece of black flint against a grusana kaft forged in viridian tursa, causing a shower of sparks over the burnt incense which smolders, then bursts into flames.

Saragos says, "I've got an idea, by the way. I'm going to schedule an experiment to use Othersight to probe and see what we can find. It's something I was thinking about for the Plane of Electricity."

Nawain waves some burnt incense over herself.

A wisp of smoke settles around Nawain, surrounding her with the scent of smoke.

Nawain snuffs out her burnt incense.

Nawain puts her kaft in her slender rugursora.

Nawain puts her incense in her watersilk bag.

Nawain gets an ebonwood ritual vessel shaped like a hollow crow skull from inside her watersilk bag.

Nawain sprinkles some holy water on herself.

Nawain puts her vessel in her watersilk bag.

Nawain takes a deep breath and then raises her hands, murmuring prayers under her breath. A strong white light fills her, exploding outward and blinding you momentarily. When the light fades Nawain is standing with head slightly bowed, looking exhausted but happy.

Elurora asks, "Othersight?"

Crobin says, "Pup wants to play love."

Elurora tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Ruea says, "I apologize, I was in my thoughts."

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Saragos says, "Mana sits on the Aether lattice. Probing it might give us some information about what's going on."

Shashra says, "This is, admittedly, more esoteric than my typical pursuits of gossip and rumors. I am afraid I am quite out of my depth."

Elurora grins at Shashra.

Leayne softly says, "I am."

Leayne frowns.

You say to Saragos, "I would be happy to help with any planning, should you need."

Elurora says, "Me too."

Shield of Starlight Betlind just arrived.

Leayne smiles at Betlind, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Betlind bows.

Kethrai hugs Betlind, who wraps her arms around Kethrai with a warm smile.

Elurora hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Kethrai touches Betlind with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Betlind hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Betlind hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Betlind hugs Elurora, who wraps her arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Betlind hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Betlind hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Betlind beams!

You say to Shashra, "I think we are all a bit lost at present, but we are hoping to put some pieces together. Or at least try."

Betlind bows to Kethrai.

You smile at Shashra.

Elurora nods to you.

Kethrai says, "Going to step outside to cast, a moment."

Kethrai stands up.

Heart Tender Kethrai glides east.

Saragos says to Elurora, "Uh, briefly, we can send a ripple down the web of Aether that makes up the backdrop of everything and then study the results to get an idea of what's going on. Uryutis used it to locate us doing an Aethe experiment."

Elurora furrows her brow.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Kethrai takes a seat near a bar.

Saragos says, "Explaining it more fully would require hijacking this meeting, which is probably not the right thing to do."

Elurora asks Saragos, "Is that ripple likely to upset things more or is it more like a breeze than a wild wind?"

Betlind begins to listen to Crobin teach the Perception skill.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You say, "One of the things I wanted to address with this gathering is some of the disturbing things I am hearing are being learned through this research of this wild magic."

Betlind bows to Crobin.

Kethrai nods to you.

Kethrai puts his orb in his rose-colored haversack.

Crobin asks, "Why you bowing to me?"

Crobin angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Betlind.

Leayne nods.

Ruea raises an eyebrow in Kethrai's direction.

Nawain hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Elurora says to Crobin, "Because Betlind."

Betlind says to Crobin, "Sharin' ya knowledge on seein' things. I'm terrible at it, so..."

Betlind bows to Crobin.

You say, "Quite frankly, it is... extremely disturbing. Frightening, even."

Elurora grins at Crobin.

Ralthas takes a sip of his beer.

Elurora nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Betlind nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin babbles incoherently.

Betlind grins at Elurora, her dimples flashing into view.

Kethrai quietly says to Ruea, "To absorb any object lessons from the research that I'd rather not retain."

Leayne softly says, "My research got me two new spells."

Saragos says to Elurora, "Short answer, it shouldn't. Very tiny ripples. Think of it like putting ripples in a pond, and seeing how long they take to return. Or how a bat navigates."

Ralthas wanders east.

Elurora nods to Saragos.

Nawain cheerfully says, "I know Ripplegate! ... Not that I can cast it. But I know it."

Ruea quietly says to Kethrai, "I was going to ask where you got that ysin."

Elurora slowly says to Saragos, "I think I understand. It would be useful to know more about what is going on within the mana itself."

Crobin asks, "Ripplegate?"

Nawain nods to Crobin.

Crobin asks, "What is that?"

Kethrai quietly says to Ruea, "Oh. Custom."

Crobin asks, "Is it like a moongate...but in water?"

Leayne softly says, "I got nonhalance and resonance."

(Saragos scribbles down some things on a scrap of paper and hands them to Elurora.)

Miskton says, "I've been learning a number of spells as I continue research, trying to see if I can get the calculations to point toward anything other than destruction."

Nawain says, "One-location moongate, I think. Sadly, I'd need to also know Braun's Conjecture for it to work."

Nawain nods to Crobin.

Saragos says to Elurora, "These sources might show you a bit more, if you want to look into it."

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

You say, "One of these such snippets of information I have heard is reference to a time with Katamba unburnt and Grazhir whole, the golden age of near-effortless Lunar miracles. All lost now, and the threads are converging on a similarly disastrous trajectory."

Miskton says, "Including briefly knowing the spell pattern for Sidhlot's Flaying, which was distasteful."

(Elurora accepts the papers, juggling them slightly with her glass of milk.)

Elurora says to Saragos, "Thank you, Sir."

Nawain winces.

Kethrai twitches an ear at you nervously.

You say, "I think we all know enough about history to know why this is not a good thing."

Ruea leans on you.

Shashra says to Miskton, "Quite."

Crobin says, "I have had that spell cast on me Miskton."

Kethrai asks you, "Out of curiosity, did you hear that from a Lunar magic user?"

Crobin says, "Was...interesting."

Saragos nods to you.

Elurora puts her milk in her square lunchbox.

You nod to Kethrai.

Kethrai ponders.

Kethrai says, "It feels... hm."

Crobin nods.

Kethrai asks Elurora, "You felt like there was an imminent threat to the Bulwark, right?"

Elurora nods to Kethrai.

Rileos says to Kethrai, "I see where you're goin with this."

Rileos nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai says, "It feels almost like everyone is seeing a different kind of apocalypse, tailored to the most... salient apocalypse they'd understand."

Nawain ponders.

Saragos asks Kethrai, "What if they're related?"

Crobin asks, "Like you are actually seeing visions of things that may happen?"

(Elurora props and elbow on the bar while she reads over the papers, glance up every so often as she continues to listen.)

You say, "From an elemental practitioner, there was also mention of a prickle at one's mind concerning the lore of Sraan Mehath. For those who may not be familiar with the S'kra Wind Clan, they are... extinct. Completely wiped out by magic."

Kethrai ruefully asks Saragos, "Then Immortals help us all?"

Betlind blinks.

Crobin says, "Leayne has been sharing with me the feelings she gets when casting spells before the big event last night."

Crobin says, "I will say they do not sound fun at all."

Saragos asks, "Let me throw something out there. I don't know if this is accurate, but hey?"

Crobin asks, "But are you actually seeing things now?"

Nawain quietly says, "I sensed that Divinity itself is suffering from an attack on the Font of Creation."

Nawain shifts her weight.

You nod to Saragos.

Leayne frowns.

Betlind frowns.

Kethrai gazes at Nawain.

Rileos quietly says to Betlind, "Sorry, crossed my eyes tryin to keep up and didn't see ya show up."

Rileos hugs Betlind, who wraps her arms around Rileos with a warm smile.

Saragos says, "Ok, so I saw the cycle of renewal for Elemental mana failing, and the power slowly petering out. This reminds me of what was seen about the Holder of Storms in Zengmodaleth slowly dimming. It's not much of a stretch to see them as related."

Ruea asks, "Before we go any further... is everyone in dress code?"

Betlind hugs Rileos, who wraps his arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Ruea gazes off into the distance.

You chuckle at Ruea.

Betlind smiles at Rileos, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Leayne nods to Saragos.

Kethrai nods to Ruea.

Ruea says to you, "I mean, priorities. Magic and mana are important but really."

Nawain nervously asks, "There's a dress code? Does it involve moss?"

Nawain spreads out the edges of her tutu with both hands and does a little dance step.

Rileos asks Ruea, "Oh gods there's a dress code for meetings now? Aren't meetings hard enough?"

Ruea fixes Rileos with a serene, lofty stare.

Saragos asks, "We don't know what that big tower is generating all of that power FOR. Given the connection to Firulf, it's possible it may be linked and providing power... to something? The Font of Creation? The Bulwark? Both?"

Elurora slowly asks, "Dress code?"

Elurora glances at Ruea.

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Ruea winks at Elurora.

Kethrai nods to Saragos.

You nod to Saragos.

Elurora asks, "My bits are covered, is that enough?"

Elurora grins at Ruea.

Betlind snickers at Elurora.

Rileos nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nawain grins at Elurora.

Ruea gazes thoughtfully at Elurora.

Saragos says, "So you'd have a cascading failure. Elemental mana fails, and thus the device it powers fails, and the things taking power from the device fail."

Betlind adjusts her lamellar lorica into place.

Ruea says to Elurora, "I think so."

Shashra says to Rileos, "Dress codes are simply our way of keeping you focused on proper attire."

Elurora looks at Betlind, obviously trying not to grin.

Betlind exclaims to Elurora, "It counts!"

Elurora quietly says to Betlind, "Oh good, I was worried I'd missed something."

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Betlind giggles at Elurora.

A coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood watches the publican with ears alert and tail held high.

Betlind waves dismissively.

Saragos says, "I might be seeing it as linked to Elemental mana because of my focus. But I think it likely that we're seeing a cascading failure of linked things, rather than ALL of the chickens coming home to roost all at once."

Nawain says, "Leave the nice man alone, Miss Wiggles. He's working."

Nawain pets a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood.

Without warning, the saluki puppy lets out a joyful bark that fills the air with its exuberance.

You say, "I think we can all agree that, all the information being learned through this research, is indicating that we are heading toward something very dangerous. Deadly."

Kethrai says, "Or... well. The saying goes, if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. I wonder if there may be something like... If you're a Moon Mage, every apocalypse looks like the destruction of Grazhir."

Rileos nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai says, "And we might all be seeing some inkling of an oncoming threat, but seeing it in our own mental imagery."

Betlind nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Leayne nods.

Nawain nods in agreement.

You nod to Kethrai.

Miskton says, "Well, maybe not every one. But the calculations for this one seem to indicate something on the same scale, not necessarily of the same type of events."

You say to Kethrai, "That is my thought as well."

Leayne gets a flute of silver wine from atop a bar.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Rileos gets a glass of clear water from atop a bar.

Rileos takes a sip of his water.

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Kethrai says, "If it is truly literal, and all of these different threats are occurring because they're linked... well, I guess I sure hope it's the other reason."

Leayne takes a sip of her wine.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Rileos.

Saragos says to Kethrai, "But it might all be linked. The destruction of Grazhir may be related to some activity of the Immortals, perhaps opposed by the Dragons in some way. There have been interesting signs in comparing the legends of the kather with our own. In another way, we could look at the balance our world sits in as one enginneered by the Immortals... and that balance could be coming loose."

Elurora says to Rileos, "That's still weird."

Rileos says to Elurora, "I don't like it either."

Elurora laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Elurora grins at Rileos.

Crobin says, "I think I am for sure a fish out of water here."

Elurora says, "That is...a thought."

Elurora gazes at Saragos.

Rileos says, "Although if a moon is gonna explode or the bulwark collapse, it seems silly to not break out the kegs."

You say, "It seems like the information is mainly drawing attention to something drastic, but in a way that will paint a disturbing picture in a way each of us will feel in our own way, based on our experience. But could also be connected. But may not be."

Rileos scratches distractedly at his stubble.

Elurora says, "Maybe we could ask the Kathar, I heard from a Ranger that they think the Life Dragons know what's going on."

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Betlind ponders.

Saragos nods to Elurora.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Elurora.

Elurora says, "I'd say we could ask a dragon but..."

Saragos says to Elurora, "I think that's a really good idea."

Elurora grins.

You say to Elurora, "I heard something similar as well."

Crobin puts his almanac in his kirmiko pocket.

Elurora says, "I've never seen a dragon and I have seen a Kathar."

Betlind beams at Elurora!

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Saragos says, "The dragons might not answer us, but we might be able to use the kather as an intermediary."

Elurora nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Crobin asks, "Kather?"

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Miskton nods to Saragos.

Ezerak smiles at you, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Elurora grins at Ezerak.

Elurora bows to Ezerak.

Nawain says to Crobin, "The other other dragon priests."

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Leayne just left.

Nawain says to Crobin, "The sort of nice ones."

Elurora chuckles at Nawain.

Ezerak doffs his top hat at Shashra.

Leayne just arrived.

Crobin clasps Leayne's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.

Elurora says, "I wouldn't call them Dragon Priests, though they do worship dragons."

You say to Elurora, "That they are making efforts to protect their lands but are withholding their counsel."

Kethrai says to Crobin, "Mostly underground city dwelling people who live out farther west, who worship dragons."

Betlind chortles softly at some secret joke.

Ezerak waves to Elurora.

Saragos says to Crobin, "A small gnome-like race from the west of Forfedhar."

Nawain asks, "Dragon shamans?"

Elurora nods to you.

Nawain shrugs.

Betlind bows to Ezerak.

Saragos nods to Kethrai.

Crobin says, "Gotcha."

Elurora says to Nawain, "That seems less confusing."

Elurora smiles at Nawain.

Nawain grins.

Ezerak quietly says to you, "Sorry that I am late."

Crobin pats Ezerak on the back.

You say, "Yes, I think the Kather would not want to be described as Dragon Priests."

Saragos says, "Yeah, 'Dragon Priests' has enough baggage as a term that referring to them that way is more misleading than enlightening."

Kethrai says, "We've had visits by Anmuva, one of the Kather. Including fairly recently. But he's hard to summon at will."

Nawain ponders.

Elurora nods to Kethrai.

You ask, "Perhaps we could attempt to reach out to Anmuva?"

Saragos asks Kethrai, "Maybe if we say pretty please?"

Ruea ponders.

Elurora asks, "He might come if we go way out away from cities and try?"

Ruea leans on Rileos.

Betlind asks, "Is it like he shows up in places and for things he's curious about?"

Miskton says, "Getting in touch with him on purpose is tricky, but it seems like he does keep an eye on things."

Leayne nods.

Nawain says to Saragos, "Kather are short? Anmuva seemed rather tall."

Kethrai says, "The Grey Dragons seemed to have at least some rapport with him, they might be able to get in contact."

You nod to Miskton.

Saragos nods to Kethrai.

Leayne takes a sip of her wine.

Elurora says, "Anmuva is a shapeshifter, I'm not sure we know how he really looks."

Saragos says to Kethrai, "I was just about to say that."

Elurora nods to Kethrai.

Nawain says, "True enough."

Nawain nods in agreement.

You ask, "Perhaps one of the rangers here would be willing to help us reach out?"

Miskton's barrier of light dims and gently fades away.

Betlind nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Saragos says, "I would suggest that someone here reach out to Waydren and organize an outreach to the kather."

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You say, "We could arrange a location outside the city, where Anmuva would feel more comfortable."

Elurora says, "I heard he showed up when the Grey Dragons held a lecture out way past Hib."

Rileos quietly says to Ruea, "I like that dress, very striking."

You nod to Elurora.

Kethrai says, "Yes... One of the rangers here..."

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Kethrai squints at Rileos.

Elurora casually observes the area.

Rileos glances at Kethrai.

You smile at Rileos.

Betlind grins at Kethrai, her dimples flashing into view.

Elurora glances at Rileos.

Shashra nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ruea quietly says to Rileos, "Thank you! I haven't gotten to wear it much."

Elurora says, "Yup, still weird."

Ezerak grins, revealing his dimples.

Elurora gets a cup of honeyed milk from atop a bar.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

You ask Rileos, "If you prefer not to write it, I could write it for you and let you sign it?"

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Betlind giggles at Elurora.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Shashra says to Rileos, "Her dresses are always exsquisite."

Crobin stops teaching.

Crobin exhales softly on his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Rileos asks you, "I was distracted looking at her dress, what do y'all want me to do now?"

Ruea says to Shashra, "You're going to make me blush darling."

Ezerak says to Shashra, "It is nice to see you again."

Belzor just arrived.

Elurora asks Betlind, "Isn't it though?"

You notice as a russet lynx pads into the room.

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Elurora grins at Betlind.

You say to Rileos, "I am looking for a ranger who might help me reach out to arrange a meeting with Anmuva."

Betlind asks Elurora, "The world's upside down right now, what can I say?"

Ezerak takes a sip of his rum.

Betlind looks at Elurora and shrugs.

Elurora giggles at Betlind.

Leayne smiles at Ezerak, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Nawain raises her hand.

Rileos says to you, "I got no earthly idea how to do that, but if you do I'll help."

You nod to Rileos.

Elurora giggles at Rileos.

You nod to Nawain.

Betlind praises Rileos.

You say to Rileos, "Of course."

Betlind flashes a wide grin.

You smile at Rileos.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Nawain politely asks, "'I have a question. Besides the herb cabinet here in Shard's triage, and the two in Crossings, does anyone here know of any others? Maybe some in Theren?"

Betlind says, "Lead the ranger to water and all of that."

Betlind nods.

For no reason you can determine, the mana streams fluctuate wildly for several moments.

Elurora asks, "Is there one in the Empath guild here?"

Shashra says to Ezerak, "You as well."

Rileos says to Betlind, "I already got water, though."

Rileos takes a sip of his water.

Kethrai says, "We should keep our expectations a little bit grounded, though. Even if the Life Dragons know something, it may just be that they're sensing the same disturbances we are, since they are very attuned to magic."

You nod to Kethrai.

Ezerak says to Rileos, "Well, first, you have to get a large burlap sack. Then, you have to lie down in the woods, and stay very, very still..."

Betlind says to Rileos, "...You got me there."

Elurora glances at Ezerak.

Nawain asks Elurora, "Is the empath area the same place as the triage building?"

Betlind giggles at Rileos.

You say to Kethrai, "Yes, I am thinking we can reach out, and gather... but go in knowing that Anmuva may not show."

Elurora giggles.

You say, "Which is why I think we should perhaps brainstorm some other possible next steps as well."

You say, "Not putting all our eggs in one basket, so to say."

Shashra asks Ezerak, "You have interesting hobbies. How has that worked out for you?"

Leayne softly says, "I can check."

Elurora says to Nawain, "It is not, triage is by the East gate, the Empath guild is between the North and West gates."

Betlind nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Nawain nods to Elurora.

Kethrai says to Nawain, "The Empath guild is in Stormwill Tower here, which is across the city from the triage building."

Nawain says to Elurora, "I'll check there."

Leayne nods to Elurora.

Ezerak grins at Shashra, his dimples flashing into view.

You say, "I liked Saragos's idea of attempting to utilize the Othersight."

Kethrai nods to you.

Crobin scratches his head.

Rileos says, "I also don't imagine dragons are very forthcomin with their secrets and plans, just as a rule, even if it works out."

Ezerak says to Shashra, "Oh, I don't try to contact the Kather, I just provide the instruction."

You ask Saragos, "Perhaps we could arrange something with that as well? In case we can sense anything through that means?"

Rileos waves dismissively.

Darkewolff just arrived.

Darkewolff walks east.

You say to Rileos, "Yes, I expect we would be deciphering some riddles."

Elurora says, "I'm terrible at riddles."

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Rileos says to you, "I'm likin less and less what you're ropin me into."

Shashra says, "I had presumed the Kather are a rumor that we tell our children about to scare them out of going near the woods."

Betlind leans on Elurora.

Elurora smiles at Betlind.

Elurora leans on Betlind.

You smile sweetly at Rileos.

Crobin pats Rileos on the back.

Elurora shakes her head at Shashra.

Crobin says, "You will be fine I am sure."

Kethrai says, "Speaking of dragons. Um."

Elurora says to Shashra, "I've seen one and I saw him shift."

Ezerak says to Shashra, "I thought that once, too."

You nod at Elurora, in complete agreement with her views.

Betlind says to Elurora, "You say that, but considering the amount of lore and knowledge you know, I honestly would put you as my first choice for riddle decipherin'."

Elurora laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Kethrai says, "I wonder if... the Dragon Priests might actually be useful allies in these investigations."

Ruea ponders.

Nawain blanches.

Kethrai says, "I suspect they want the world to end as little as we do."

Elurora says to Betlind, "Only if it's about the Paladin guild, and even then, if it's in riddle form..."

Darkewolff just arrived.

Elurora moves a cup of honeyed milk to her left hand.

Saragos says, "Does someone here want to take responsibility for trying to arrange something with the kather? Doesn't have to be a Ranger, just someone who wants to make it happen."

Ruea asks Kethrai, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

You say to Kethrai, "If others are in agreement, I would not be opposed to reaching out... but I would expect riddles from them as well."

Kethrai says, "Wouldn't be there for them to conquer..."

Betlind giggles at Elurora.

Elurora hugs Darkewolff, getting a smile in return.

Shashra says to Kethrai, "If the tales of Suulnir are true, I would suspect they may know a handful of things you may not."

Nawain says to Kethrai, "I'm very curious what they're thinking."

Elurora gets a creamery butter cupcake piled high with whiskey-flavored frosting and chocolate shavings from inside her square lunchbox.

Saragos says, "Waydren, I'm sure, would jump at the chance."

Nawain ponders.

Elurora offers Darkewolff a creamery butter cupcake piled high with whiskey-flavored frosting and chocolate shavings.

Darkewolff accepts Elurora's butter cupcake.

Darkewolff smiles.

Crobin says, "Dragon Priests helping huh."

Leayne smiles at Darkewolff, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Elurora grins at Darkewolff.

Crobin says, "May have to go and try to talk to one."

Saragos says, "Actually, let me see if he's available."

Darkewolff says to Elurora, "Nice choice."

Darkewolff smiles.

Crobin says, "Made a goblin friend."

Crobin says, "What do you think hun."

Darkewolff rummages about his person, looking for something.

Rileos says to Saragos, "You're my favorite person alive right now."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Darkewolff gets a glass of fresh milk from inside a black spidersilk duffel bag embroidered with a complex design.

Crobin asks, "Think I can make a Dragon Priest friend?"

You say, "So... I will assist Rileos in sending a letter to Anmuva. Perhaps Saragos can move things on an experiment with the Othersight. I can... attempt to reach out to Suulnir."

Darkewolff moves a creamery butter cupcake piled high with whiskey-flavored frosting and chocolate shavings to his left hand.

Darkewolff moves a glass of fresh milk to his right hand.

Rileos takes a sip of his water.

Elurora begins chortling at Rileos.

Darkewolff offers Elurora a glass of fresh milk.

Miskton says, "It might be possible to at least talk to Suulnir, though she didn't seem happy with us when we last heard from her. After... whatever that was she was up to on the mountain."

Elurora accepts Darkewolff's fresh milk.

Leayne softly says, "Don't even try that."

Betlind frowns.

Crobin waves to Darkewolff.

Ezerak ponders.

Crobin's ears droop for a moment.

Crobin says, "Okay."

Elurora quietly says to Darkewolff, "Thank you."

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Darkewolff nods politely to Crobin.

Darkewolff smiles.

Elurora asks, "Might I ask who Suulnir is?"

You nod at Miskton, in complete agreement with his views.

Betlind says, "Even if the Dragon Priests knew something, they're more likely to tell us the opposite and pray for our demise... I... don't like this plan."

Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Crobin says, "Though I am willing to speak to them if it comes down to it."

Betlind gnaws on her lip.

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

You say to Elurora, "The Dragon Priest Ecclesiarch."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Crobin says, "Maybe not friends, but I seem to have a way with people."

Elurora says, "Oh."

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at you.

Crobin says, "Or so I am told."

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Betlind says to Elurora, "I take back everything I said."

Elurora says, "I think I agree with Betlind, I don't know that they'd tell us the truth even if they knew it."

Elurora glances at Betlind.

Crobin nibbles on Leayne affectionately.

Betlind giggles at Elurora.

Betlind ducks her head.

You notice Betlind slip into a hiding place.

Elurora laughs!

Elurora points at Betlind, ruining her hiding place.

Elurora just tickled Betlind, making her laugh.

Betlind begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Betlind squirms.

Miskton says, "From a faction of the Dragon Priests who claim they aren't interested in open hostilities."

Saragos gets a lynx talisman from inside his firesilk tote.

After a moment's silence a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes appears, lands, and glances up at Saragos expectantly.

The storm-grey lynx pads off.

Crobin says, "Even if they don't tell the truth, you may be able to learn something."

Elurora exclaims to Betlind, "That isn't Paladin history!"

Betlind laughs!

Elurora looks at Betlind, obviously trying not to grin.

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Betlind nods to Elurora.

The field of silver-blue light dissipates from around Betlind.

You say to Elurora, "That is possible, but I think we are at a point where we are considering all possibilities, even if they land us nothing new."

Kethrai says, "They might not tell us the truth, but they might give us information based on what they do or don't tell us."

Elurora says to Betlind, "Unless you count the whole Dragon Priests are tangled in with just about everything, then, sorta."

Rileos nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

You nod to Crobin.

Betlind holds up her hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

Crobin nods to Kethrai.

Betlind says to Elurora, "Suulnir castin' holy spells is startin' to pull us into the loop, I feel."

Crobin says, "Always willing to put my nose where it doesn't belong."

Crobin says, "Mom said that is why its pushed in."

Elurora nods to Betlind.

Nawain nods to Kethrai.

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

You ask, "That gives us three possibilities of actions we can take. Does anyone else have anything else they think may be worthwhile to attempt?"

Elurora says to you, "Sometimes what people don't say is useful too, though it's harder with the Dragon Priests, they always seem to talk in half everythings."

Elurora wrinkles her nose.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

You nod at Elurora, in complete agreement with her views.

Belzor gazes at you.

Crobin says, "Enough half everythings leads to a full somethings."

Nawain ponders.

Betlind asks, "I feel the Dragon Priests version of 'not saying things' is, ya know, attacking us?"

Miskton says, "I'll be continuing to keep an eye on the web of fate for any additional movement there."

Elurora grins at Betlind.

You say, "With such a potentially devastating outcome, I think it is important that we move as quickly as we can on any possibility that may move us closer to an answer."

Elurora nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

Avrenka waves.

Elurora grins at Avrenka.

Ruea says, "I've heard a remarkable number of people who are furiously angry about the whole thing, I find it very entertaiing."

Elurora bows to Avrenka.

Leayne takes a sip of her wine.

Avrenka bows to Elurora.

Miskton says, "And rerunning the calculations from magical research into this wild magic, just in case I'm missing anything that might change the results."

Elurora grins at Ruea.

Leayne smiles at Avrenka, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You nod politely to Avrenka.

Avrenka exclaims, "Looks like I'm .... right on time!"

Ruea says, "Apparently having to pay attention when hunting is a lot of work for some people."

Avrenka begins to listen to Crobin teach the Debilitation skill.

A coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood gives a russet lynx a perfunctory sniff.

Nawain says, "There's been a few beseechings of various Gods for more information. Perhaps we're trying to call out to the wrong Gods."

Elurora giggles at Avrenka.

Nawain ponders.

Saragos gets a distant look on his face.

You nod to Nawain.

Kethrai nods emphatically at Ruea.

Elurora asks, "Is there a God of puzzles?"

Elurora grins at Nawain.

Kethrai ponders.

You ask Nawain, "Ah, yes. That can be something else. Perhaps Jaelia would be willing to arrange a prayer gathering?"

Kethrai asks, "Kerenhappuch?"

Nawain says, "It's entirely possible that Meraud and Firulf are exceedingly busy trying to keep magic from erradicating everything."

Ruea says to Elurora, "My mother, but only when she's in a mood."

You ask Nawain, "Or you can, if you like?"

You smile at Nawain.

Elurora giggles at Ruea.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Nawain says to you, "We both could. There's nothing saying a continuous prayer circle isn't a good idea."

Avrenka asks, "Wasn't there a cleric who had a revelation that something was stymieing the Font of Creation and Divinity itself was suffering for it?"

Ruea asks Kethrai, "Why not just move the meeting here?"

Nawain grins at you.

You nod at Nawain, in complete agreement with her views.

Nawain nods to Avrenka.

You say to Nawain, "I think it is an excellent idea and very much worthwhile."

Avrenka says, "Could be the gods are quite preoccupied themselves."

Kethrai says to Ruea, "Tradition."

You nod to Avrenka.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Kethrai says to Ruea, "Also allows people to attend whose papers aren't in order to get to Ilithi."

Avrenka says, "I for one think we should investigate the Basalt Isles for a legendary weapon to reinforce the Bulwark."

Elurora says, "I can't blame her for not wanting to walk far in those heels."

Elurora glances at Ruea.

Betlind points at Avrenka.

Ezerak nods to Darkewolff.

Avrenka says, "But ... don't know if that's possible."

Leayne shudders.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Betlind says, "I'm with him."

Elurora asks, "Why would that be there?"

Elurora tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Betlind looks at Elurora and shrugs.

Rileos says to Saragos, "How dangerous is that electric hole? You're bringin it up about all this and I ain't never seen it, so I'm gonna go fix that once this is all wrapped."

Elurora grins at Betlind.

Ezerak sighs i.

Kethrai says to Rileos, "Not very, for you."

Avrenka says, "That's a good question ... it was on a ship, not on the Isles."

Elurora grins at Avrenka.

Rileos says to Kethrai, "I'll take it."

Rileos nods.

Betlind says to Rileos, "You'll be fine."

Betlind nods to Rileos.

(Nawain murmurs to herself, "Maybe we'll just annoy the eastern pantheon enough to at least come down and tell us to please stop bothering them.")

Leayne stands near Crobin.

Ruea smiles.

Ruea winks at Shashra.

Saragos says, "Safe, until you go to where the custodians are."

Kethrai giggles at Nawain.

Rileos guzzles down some of his water and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Rileos guzzles down some of his water and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

You say, "So we have a letter to Anmuva, a letter to Suulnir, an experiment involving the Othersight, a prayer gathering..."

Rileos gets a long burnt orange cigarillo printed with yellow suns from inside a velvet-lined gold cigarillo case.

Rileos gets an indurium and orichalcum phoenix from inside his tobacco pouch.

Rileos points his orichalcum phoenix at a long burnt orange cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Rileos puts his phoenix in his tobacco pouch.

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning burnt orange cigarillo.

Rileos allows a line of smoke to rise from his mouth. Rileos exhales through pursed lips, as if he just sucked on a lemon. The dissipating smoke flavors the air with a distinct citrus smell akin to a ripening orchard of fruit trees. The invigorating scent of fresh dirdel flower emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the air with a piquant, lemony aroma.

Ezerak nods.

A crooked line of smoke dissipates into the air.

You say, "Any other suggestions? Even if your idea is not fully fleshed out, feel free to mention it and we can perhaps work on it together."

You smile.

Saragos asks, "I missed this about Suulnir. What's going on with that?"

Leayne softly says, "I'm wondering why more people aren't here."

Dragon's Shadow Waydren just arrived.

You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes pads into the room.

A storm-grey lynx snarls at Belzor.

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Rileos's burnt orange cigarillo as it burns.

Kethrai bows to Waydren.

Saragos says to Waydren, "Hey, there you are."

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Elurora says, "As much as I hate to suggest it, since I didn't like him, there was that Paladin fellow who probably brought the Bulwark weapon thingy and someone could write him..."

Crobin waves to Waydren.

Leayne smiles at Waydren, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Elurora glances at Betlind.

Waydren asks Saragos, "Your lynx, I assume?"

Crobin says, "Speak of the Grey Dragons."

Avrenka asks, "Is ... Commodore Khoheke still alive?"

Elurora looks at Avrenka and shrugs.

You say to Saragos, "It was suggested that it may be worthwhile to see if they have heard or sensed anything we may not know."

Betlind blinks at Elurora.

Betlind ponders.

Shashra says to Avrenka, "Khoheke is quite alive, or so I have heard."

Betlind asks, "Who was that?"

Ruea says, "Bulwark..."

Ruea chuckles.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Kethrai says to Avrenka, "Last I saw, he was."

Ruea gets a flute of silver wine from inside her hunting pack.

Betlind says, "Oh oh oh."

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

You nod.

Waydren asks Crobin, "There has been speaking of the Grey Dragons?"

Elurora says, "Khoheke."

Avrenka flashes a quick grin.

Elurora grins at Betlind.

Avrenka says, "Let us find him."

Crobin says, "There was."

Betlind says, "I thought you meant like purchased it after the battle."

The storm-grey lynx sits down.

You say, "Perhaps a letter to Khoheke would be a good option as well."

Rileos says to Elurora, "That's a good idea."

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Crobin's direction.

Shashra asks Waydren, "Life, or Elemental?"

Shashra observes Waydren with fascination.

Elurora smiles at Rileos.

You ask, "Would anyone like to volunteer to reach out to him?"

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Rileos's burnt orange cigarillo as it burns.

You smile.

Saragos says, "Khoheke was only sort of behind the Sanyu Aes."

Betlind nods to Saragos.

Elurora says to Saragos, "I wasn't sure who was fully, just that he was involved."

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Rileos says, "Well, it'd be nice if he could be sort of behind another one right now."

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning burnt orange cigarillo.

Crobin puts his almanac in his kirmiko pocket.

Rileos allows a line of smoke to rise from his mouth. Rileos exhales through pursed lips, as if he just sucked on a lemon. The dissipating smoke flavors the air with a distinct citrus smell akin to a ripening orchard of fruit trees. The invigorating scent of fresh dirdel flower emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the air with a piquant, lemony aroma.

Kethrai says to Saragos, "He delivered it and led the use of it, at least."

Avrenka nods in agreement.

Leayne takes a sip of her wine.

Saragos says to Waydren, "Yes, my lynx."

You nod at Rileos, in complete agreement with his views.

Waydren nods to Saragos.

Avrenka says, "Hopefully he still has it."

A crooked line of smoke dissipates into the air.

Rileos asks, "Ain't it melt?"

Ezerak asks, "If all else fails, perhaps Khoheke could advise us who to reach out to at the temple?"

You say, "I believe this is what we would call 'grasping at straws' so we are mostly looking at any straw we could potentially grasp."

Kethrai nods to you.

Waydren asks Shashra, "Life or Elemental? Magic? Dragons?"

Elurora grins at you.

Betlind says, "He was still able to operate it and thus knew some of the mysteries behind some of the paladin guild's history."

Miskton says, "I believe Zauldin was involved with the actual creation of the Sanyu Aes, and he is no longer around to question."

Avrenka says, "At the very least, we can ask him who created the weapon ... and supplant that person."

You nod to Miskton.

Betlind nods to Miskton.

Rileos casually flicks some ashes off the end of his burnt orange cigarillo.

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Rileos's burnt orange cigarillo as it burns.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "Good idea. We will want to know who has custody of the Sanyu Aes just in case. I think our problem is too big for what it does right now, but if we can find something to point it at, it might be helpful."

Saragos says, "Yes, Zauldin is no more."

Saragos frowns.

Shashra asks Waydren, "Indeed. Which dragons do you speak of?"

Waydren says to Saragos, "What did you need? I don't often linger in town."

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Kethrai says to Waydren, "Anyway, people were talking about the Grey Dragons because we were hoping to ask Anmuva some questions about this... wild magic, and you all seemed to have more rapport with him than anyone."

Waydren smiles at Shashra.

Avrenka says, "If only Tirost was here, he would know more about this surely."

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Shashra says to Kethrai, "Oh! I see. This is an organization."

Darkewolff takes a bite of the cupcake.

Saragos says to Waydren, "What Kethrai said."

Shashra says, "Not a literal dragon."

Kethrai nods to Shashra.

Betlind says, "Khoheke himself was almost lost while using the weapon. He was, erm, fading away before our eyes while focusing the weapon and instructing us how to operate it."

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Avrenka.

Betlind says, "And I do recall it getting destroyed not long after."

Betlind nods.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Elurora says to Betlind, "Pity."

You say, "So our list is now... a letter to Anmuva, a letter to Suulnir, an experiment with the Othersight, a prayer gathering, and a letter to Khoheke."

Avrenka ponders.

Ezerak ponders.

Leayne softly asks, "What weapon was this?"

You say, "I am pleased to see our list growing."

Ezerak asks Shashra, "Do you know much about dragons?"

Avrenka says, "It seems Khoheke is our only lead in that area then."

Waydren says to Kethrai, "A rapport might be more generous than exists. We have encountered Anmuva more than most, this is true. But we treat him as one does a wild lion or drake...with a healthy deal of respect, while walking quietly."

Betlind says to Leayne, "The Sanyu Aes, used during Basalt Isle."

Leayne nods.

Leayne softly says, "I was there."

Leayne shudders.

Shashra says to Ezerak, "A wise man once suggested that dragons might find us delicious, and I took that under advisement."

Betlind gives a slight nod.

Betlind frowns.

You chuckle at Shashra.

Ezerak nods at Shashra, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin rubs Leayne gently, massaging her muscles.

Kethrai asks Waydren, "Fair enough, but meeting with him in the first place seems to be the biggest obstacle, and you might know how to do that?"

Rileos asks, "We could get a big enough gatherin of guilded folk and pointedly not cast anything for a little while? See if that calms things down, if only a bit?"

Rileos shrugs.

You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes scratches itself.

Belzor rummages about his person, looking for something.

Saragos asks Waydren, "I think, given what's going on, that it might be time to try something. The Kather might be able to shed a bit of light on what's going on. I'm sure you've been researching the problem from your end - have you heard of what others have seen?"

Avrenka asks Leayne, "Any leads as to who we might contact for use of that weapon again?"

Belzor gets a mug of steaming hot coffee from inside a hand-stitched traveler's pack.

Crobin says, "I just need to know."

Leayne softly says, "I was a young empath at that time, I only healed."

Waydren says to Kethrai, "We have a firm guess as to where he makes his home. We intentionally do not trod directly in it, but instead walk the outskirts."

Avrenka nods to Leayne.

Crobin asks, "Should I go to the Dragon Priests here and there to speak with them...or try to?"

Leayne softly says, "The paladins would know."

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Saragos says to Waydren, "If there are rumblings from the Dragons, we might be able to get some pieces from them. Or perhaps they might be able to shed a different light on this problem, which seems to have been eons in the making."

You say to Crobin, "I will attempt to send a letter directly to Suulnir to see if she will meet with us."

Crobin produces a muffled snap with the pads of his furry fingers.

Crobin says, "Take all the fun out of it Ayrell."

Saragos whispers, "Why the heck do we want to meet with Suulnir?"

Perking up its ears as if it heard a noise, a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes quickly pads off.

Saragos puts his talisman in his firesilk tote.

Ezerak chuckles.

Kethrai says, "The last time we saw Anmuva he warned us about the use of 'twisting magic' -- and now, we're beset with what could well be described as just that."

Miskton nods.

Nawain nods in agreement.

Ezerak nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Betlind nods to Kethrai.

You whisper to Saragos, "Their emperor is a dragon. The rangers have found reason to believe in their research that the dragons know what is going on. It is simply another potential straw."

Leayne nods to Kethrai.

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning burnt orange cigarillo.

Waydren says, "I suggest approaching Paglar and Roopardua. They are far more easily found than Anmuva, but can likely point the way to him. After all, Anmuva and Roopardua are those who taught the Dragon Magics to us."

Rileos exhales through pursed lips, as if he just sucked on a lemon. The dissipating smoke flavors the air with a distinct citrus smell akin to a ripening orchard of fruit trees. The invigorating scent of fresh dirdel flower emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the air with a piquant, lemony aroma.

You nod to Kethrai.

Rileos's burnt orange cigarillo glows faintly as it burns down.

Waydren says, "This is what I intend."

You nod to Waydren.

Avrenka asks, "But why would our usage of mana cause these disruptions?"

Saragos whispers, "I see. Tenuous link, but we all share the same problem."

Rileos puts his almanac in his hunting pack.

You nod to Saragos.

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "You know, remembering that conversation, it certainly sounds like sorcery is likely causing the problem."

Betlind nods in agreement.

Nawain slowly says, "'Seems to me like the nature of mana itself is changing. All mana, everywhere."

Nawain shrugs.

Avrenka says, "I do not think we are the cause of this."

Leayne frowns.

The publican places a snifter of Milene's brandy on the bar.

Darkewolff gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Rileos will not complain if I let him off the hook.

You say to Waydren, "Would you like to take on the task of attempting to make contact with Anmuva? I am sure Rileos will not complain if I let him off the hook."

Rileos's burnt orange cigarillo glows faintly as it burns down.

Betlind asks Elurora, "Your research mentioned something along the line of 'lop-sided magical practices' or something, yeah?"

Saragos whispers, "Was the letter to the Kather left in your lap?"

You smile at Waydren.

Elurora nods to Betlind.

Nawain says to Avrenka, "We don't need to be the cause to feel the effects."

Betlind nods.

Betlind ponders.

Ezerak grins at you, his dimples flashing into view.

Saragos whispers, "If so, I'd like to push Waydren to move on that."

Leayne nods.

You whisper to Saragos, "I am already on it."

Ezerak asks you, "It'd be more fun to leave Rileos on the hook and watch him squirm?"

Betlind giggles at Ezerak.

Leayne giggles.

Rileos squints at Ezerak.

Waydren says to you, "I often keep a look out for Anmuva in our travels. Our Domain is adjacent to his."

Ezerak grins at Rileos, his dimples flashing into view.

You nod to Waydren.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Saragos asks Waydren, "Do you think you can work with Ayrell to try to make some sort of meeting happen?"

Crobin asks, "Anything you want me to do or focus on?"

Avrenka says, "I believe a bard's research revelation uncovered that this imbalance was a result of an ancient plan that all beings, divine and demonic, are powerless to stop."

You say to Waydren, "Our hope is to try and speak with him. We were going to have Rileos attempt to reach out and arrange a potential meeting location outside the city. We understand Anmuva may not show, but it seemed worth a try."

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Rileos's burnt orange cigarillo.

Waydren says to Saragos, "Convincing Anmuva to meet anyone else at all is a tall task. He seems to barely tolerate us, and that is because we respect his Domain."

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Waydren says, "However, never let it be said that the Grey Dragons shrink from a challenge."

Sofina just arrived.

Betlind says, "So sounds like we need to show up with lots of nice offerings then."

Avrenka asks, "Anmuva ... the druid near the Velatohr forest, no? How could he help?"

Elurora nods at Betlind, obviously agreeing with her views.

Waydren says to Avrenka, "He seemed to warn us of a similar outcome to what we've been experiencing most recently when last he appeared."

Saragos rolls his eyes.

Avrenka says, "Mm."

Waydren says to Avrenka, "And our own research implies that the Life Dragons know more than we do here."

Saragos searches around for a moment.

Miskton says to Avrenka, "We might as well try to do something about it anyway. If it's possible to stop, well, maybe we do it. If it's impossible to stop... we probably don't need to worry about afterwards."

Crobin puts his almanac in his kirmiko pocket.

You say to Waydren, "At this point, considering the potential direness of the situation involving the magic, we are what I would call... desperate... and willing to try anything."

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Betlind begins chortling at Miskton.

Leayne studies her scholar's tome closely.

Kethrai says, "If it's impossible to stop, I'd rather go to my grave knowing that I tried."

Avrenka says, "If I know druids, he's more likely to say "None of my business" or "None of your business."

You say to Waydren, "Even if it leads to nothing. At least we can say we tried."

Nawain nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

You nod at Kethrai, in complete agreement with his views.

Waydren says to you, "I'm happy to make the attempt. That you thought of others first, though, is interesting to me."

Waydren gestures.

Dark stripes form upon his skin, rippling with feral power.

Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Waydren searches around for a moment.

Waydren points at Sofina, ruining her hiding place.

You say to Waydren, "It was not that I thought of others. I was merely looking at who was present at the time."

You say to Waydren, "Please, I hope you do not take it as an offense."

Avrenka says, "Excellent ... perhaps Sofina can contribute her opinions on these matters."

Kethrai says to Waydren, "Rileos had the bad luck to be the only Ranger in the tavern at the time we were talking about it."

Betlind nods to Avrenka.

Nawain snorts, loudly.

Waydren says to you, "Offense stems from actions, not from words."

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Sofina say in Ilithic, "I just showed up, havent heard much of opinions yet."

Rileos's burnt orange cigarillo goes out and crumbles away.

You sigh.

You say, "I was only trying to help."

Shashra says to Sofina, "Child of Lirisa, for someone who likes to listen in, you have quite a way of making yourself appear like you intend to take adverse action."

Crobin brushes the surface of his bone amulet and begins to reel! He clutches his head in pain!

Ruea raises an eyebrow in Crobin's direction.

Leayne rests her hand on Crobin's arm with a soft smile.

Crobin says, "Thank you love."

Saragos says to Waydren, "We're all scrabbling at a ledge that's collapsing beneath us, grabbing for what support seems at hand. No offense was intended."

Betlind asks, "Sofina, would you be willing to share any information you have on your own research into this event?"

Kethrai stands up.

Ruea chuckles at Rileos.

Kethrai dusts himself off.

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Sofina say in Ilithic, "All I know, is that all these negative effects others are having, they arent effecting me."

Elurora tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Betlind asks, "Erm, and if possible, in Common, please?"

You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Sorry."

Kethrai says, "I'd like to get to Overhealers Anonymous a few roisaen early, so I'm going to head up there."

You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Thank you."

Betlind smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You hear the voice of Sofina say, "All I know, is that all these negative effects others are having, they arent effecting me."

Crobin says, "SHe is not affected by what is going on."

Betlind blinks.

Rileos nods to Kethrai.

Betlind says, "Interesting."

Waydren says to Saragos, "And yet it was delivered. The Grey Dragons are the foremost experts on Dragonkind and the Kather."

Ruea chuckles.

Heart Tender Kethrai glides east.

Betlind asks, "Did you do any direct research into wild magic?"

Betlind cocks her head.

Leayne nods.

Avrenka says, "Does that mean Sofina is immune to the mana storms that sweep the area as well? Or just the personal mana burn issues."

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Sofina say, "I was listening to the gweth the other evening and everything that was bothering people, I've yet to experience it. Yes, I have. I get a lof of the positive effects, the accuracy and boost in potency."

Waydren asks Betlind, "Who were you addressing?"

Betlind nods.

Betlind says to Waydren, "Apologies, that question was for Sofina."

Waydren nods to Betlind.

Ezerak says to you, "Sounds like he isn't interested then. We'll just make Rileos do it. Or I'll try and help, though I am not sure I would warrant a response from Anmuva."

Waydren raises an eyebrow.

Rileos says, "Oh no, he's the expert, I don't know nothin about none of this and he does."

Rileos points at Waydren.

Betlind says to Rileos, "You've been promoted from searching for Beren for searching for Anmuva. Congrats."

Saragos says to Waydren, "You can feel how you want to about it. You were called because an idea was had by someone here and you're an expert. You may be the foremost, but others can have ideas without you present. Given the situation, I think it behooves us all to set aside petty differences."

Betlind shakes Rileos's hand.

Waydren asks Ezerak, "That was your takeaway from me saying yes?"

Avrenka grins at Betlind.

Rileos glares at Betlind.

You say to Waydren, "I do apologize for any perceived offense. You are, of course, the first person I would think to have handle a matter as sensitive as the Kather."

Waydren bows to you.

Nawain's skin gleams with a fiery lustre, her eyes determined and ready.

Betlind hums to herself.

Waydren says to you, "Forgiven. We are happy to assist."

You smile at Waydren.

You nod politely to Waydren.

Ezerak says to Waydren, "Seemed like a lot of words about offense for something as simple as a yes. But thank you for your assistance."

Waydren holds out both palms and slowly raises them, sweeps his hand under his chin and then nods his head.

You say to Waydren, "If there is anything I can do to assist in the planning, I am, of course willing to do what I can. But I trust your expertise far exceeds my own on the matter."

Avrenka says, "Perhaps we might want to inquire of a Grandmaster Moon Mage as well ... since interplanar issues seem to be our forte."

You nod.

You say to Avrenka, "Another excellent idea."

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

You ask Miskton, "Is there a member of your guild you think we might reach out to?"

Miskton ponders.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Ezerak says, "Letters to everyone. Shake all the trees, see what falls out."

Elurora grins at Ezerak.

You nod to Ezerak.

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Rileos nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Waydren asks you, "Is Miskton not a Grandmaster Mage?"

Miskton says, "We could try reaching out to a few people, since some might not deign to respond."

Avrenka says, "I wonder if Taisidon, the area where the Plane of Abiding and Probability is most blurred, has been affected in anyway."

Crobin chuckles.

You smile at Waydren.

Darkewolff says to Ezerak, "Write enough letters and there will be no trees."

Saragos raises an eyebrow in Avrenka's direction.

You say to Waydren, "He certainly is. But I think we are all looking for those above our pay grades."

Avrenka says, "And also the obilisk near the Dragonspine Mountains might warrant a look as well."

Ezerak grins at Darkewolff, his dimples flashing into view.

Waydren smiles.

Waydren nods to you.

Ezerak says to Darkewolff, "Fair point."

Saragos asks Avrenka, "Taisidon has a connection to the Plane of Probability?"

Saragos asks, "You mean Taisgath?"

Avrenka says, "Sorry Taisgath."

Avrenka says, "Same difference."

Avrenka cackles!

You nod to Miskton.

You ask Miskton, "Would you like to take on the task of writing those letters? Please?"

You smile at Miskton.

Ruea smiles at Miskton.

Miskton nods to you.

Waydren nods to Nawain.

Betlind exclaims, "I'm gonna run off and attend the Empath meeting up north. Thank you all for sharing the information you have!"

Elurora hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Betlind exclaims to you, "And thank you for gathering us all up!"

Nawain exclaims, "I need to get back to my remedies. Be safe!"

Nawain waves.

Avrenka asks Miskton, "Who are you thinking of writing to?"

Betlind hugs Elurora, who wraps her arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

You smile at Betlind.

Ezerak waves to Betlind.

Elurora bows to Nawain.

Pilgrim Nawain skips east.

Leayne softly says, "We should too."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Lowering her head in reverence, Betlind takes a step backward and bends into a formal bow.

Shield of Starlight Betlind goes east.

Miskton says, "I'll reach out to the different guildleaders and the grandmaster."

Crobin asks, "OA love?"

Crobin puts his almanac in his kirmiko pocket.

You say, "I think that gives us five or six straws to pull from."

Leayne nods.

Elurora nods to you.

You say, "That is better than we had when we arrived, so I would call that progress."

You smile.

Elurora says, "Hopefully one takes us somewhere."

Crobin says, "You all have a good evening, we have another meeting to make it too."

Leayne softly says, "Thank you for this meeting."

You smile at Leayne.

Leayne waves.

You smile at Crobin.

Leayne softly says, "Be well."

Crobin hugs you, and you give him a smile in return.

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Crobin just hugged Ruea.

Waydren says, "I go to meet with the other Dragons."

You hug Crobin who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of falling rain clings to his fur.

Crobin pats Waydren on the back.

Crobin gives Rileos a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Ruea hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Ruea with a warm smile.

Elurora bows to Waydren.

You say to Waydren, "Thank you again."

Leayne just hugged Ruea.

Crobin pats Ezerak on the back.

Saragos nods to Waydren.

Ruea hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Ruea with a warm smile.

You curtsy gracefully to Waydren.

Waydren says, "And we shall see about what we can do to track down Anmuva."

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Saragos quickly salutes Waydren by bringing two fingers to his brow.

Crobin nods to Shashra.

Ezerak waves to Crobin.

Rileos says to Crobin, "Gods I hate these meetings."

Crobin pats Miskton on the back.

Rileos appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Crobin hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Elurora chuckles at Rileos.

Elurora hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Elurora hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Waydren shakes Saragos's hand.

Crobin says, "Have fun all."

Waydren hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Waydren with a warm smile.

Crobin asks, "Ready love?"

Waydren bows to you.

Crobin just hugged Waydren.

Elurora says to Rileos, "I think you just hate meetings."

Leayne nods.

Dragon's Shadow Waydren goes east.

Phantom Judge Crobin saunters east, leading his group.

Rileos says to Elurora, "S'what I said."

Rileos nods to Elurora.

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Ezerak teasingly asks Rileos, "Because we try and make you work?"

Elurora nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Rileos says to Ezerak, "Absolutely that, yes."

Ezerak chuckles.

Belzor says, "Inf."

Miskton gazes skyward and traces the planetary alignments in the air.

Belzor blushes a bright red color.

Shashra says, "I should likely find a drink. Good luck in deciphering this mystery."

Belzor coughs.

Miskton nods politely to Shashra.

Belzor gets some Kygar's roast coffee from inside his encompassing shadows.

You smile at Shashra.

Ruea smiles at Shashra.

Elurora pats Belzor on the back.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Patron of the Arts Shashra just went east.

Ezerak chuckles.

Miskton gestures.

Miskton's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.

Ezerak says, "She's too fast."

Ruea says, "I do enjoy her."

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

You say, "Okay. So, Waydren is handling the letter to Anmuva. I will write to Suulnir. Nawain and Jaelia will handle the prayer gathering. Miskton will write to members of the guild. Someone will write to Khoheke."

(Ayrell ticks off the items on her fingers.)

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Elurora says, "I would offer but I dislike the man and I fear my letter would reflect that."

Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Ruea says, "I'll do it if you'll explain to me who he is."

Avrenka asks Elurora, "Whyfor do you dislike him?"

You ask Saragos, "I do not recall, were you for sure about the Othersight experiment?"

You smile at Saragos.

You chuckle at Ruea.

Elurora says to Avrenka, "He threatened harm on an innocent village if a group of us didn't behave."

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Avrenka says, "Mm."

Elurora says, "He said the weapons of his ship were turned on the village and he would order them to fire upon it."

Avrenka says, "A paragon of paladin behavior, I see."

Elurora shrugs.

Ruea says, "Oh how charming. I'll write to him."

Elurora slowly says, "Some Paladins perhaps, not this one."

Elurora dusts herself off.

Belzor smiles.

Elurora just touched an ornate aldamdin trinket graced with a vedda dove.

Elurora takes a sip of her milk.

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Avrenka says, "Clearly a man of action who only respects force."

Belzor takes a sip of his coffee.

Elurora slowly says, "Action is not always bad, violence upon the innocent goes against what I believe."

Darkewolff inhales deeply of the drink.

You say to Ruea, "I think that went fairly well, all things considered."

Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Ezerak says to you, "Something of the beginning of a plan, at least."

You say to Ezerak, "Some options more desperate than others, but..."

Rileos says, "Gotta start someplace."

Avrenka says, "I wish I knew more famous moonmages, I'm wracking my brain but I can't think of any."

Elurora nods to Rileos.

You say, "The Suulnir one I have reservations on, but... at this point, as the suggestion was presented by others, I am willing to try."

Elurora asks you, "Worst comes to worst he burns your letter and laughs, I guess?"

You nod to Elurora.

You say to Elurora, "Or the Crone intercepts again."

Elurora nods to you.

Avrenka asks, "Remind me ... who is Suulnir?"

Miskton says, "A leader of one of the factions of the Dragon Priests."

Elurora says, "I'm glad it wasn't just me."

Elurora grins at Avrenka.

You say to Avrenka, "Suulnir is the Dragon Priest Ecclesiarch."

You say, "We met with her several years back, now."

You ponder.

You say, "Goodness, it really has been some time now."

Darkewolff inhales deeply of the drink.

Elurora slowly asks, "Could what they've been up to have donen this?"

Elurora fidgets nervously.

Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Avrenka asks, "Dragon priests? The guys who try to destroy the world thru the world dragon?"

Miskton says, "Might have contributed to it, if sorcery is the cause."

Elurora nods to Avrenka.

Elurora nods to Miskton.

Avrenka says, "Wonderful."

Avrenka chuckles.

Elurora says to Miskton, "A good point, we must account for our actions as well and folks are very free with sorcery."

Elurora gazes off into the distance.

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "Well, some of them do. Some of them maybe don't? We're not real sure what this bunch is up to."

You say to Avrenka, "Well, they worship the World Dragon. They try to destroy everything by other means."

Elurora searches around for a moment.

You say to Ezerak, "The answer to that is "no good," of course."

Avrenka says, "From what I understand, a Herald dragon warned of them and their actions."

Elurora nods to you.

Darkewolff peers quizzically at Elurora.

Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Avrenka says, "They're more likely to be the cause than an aid."

Elurora says to Darkewolff, "I was seeing if we still had hidden company, or trying to anyway."

You say to Avrenka, "I think this is bigger than even them."

Ezerak says to you, "It certainly felt vaguely malevolent, when we spoke to her."

Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Darkewolff smiles at Elurora.

Darkewolff seems to be concentrating intently on something.

Elurora fixes Darkewolff with a serene, lofty stare.

Darkewolff grins slowly.

Elurora asks Darkewolff, "Isn't it a bit late for that?"

Elurora gives Darkewolff a playful poke in the ribs.

You say, "If the issue stems from sorcery, their actions may have played a part in it, but no more than the actions of others who practice sorcery."

Darkewolff deftly removes the assassin's blade from his sash.

Ezerak says, "I am curious if they are experiencing similar anomalies."

Darkewolff gazes at his blade.

You nod at Ezerak, in complete agreement with his views.

Elurora leans on Darkewolff.

Darkewolff glances at Elurora.

Elurora grins at Darkewolff.

Darkewolff glances at a silversteel assassin's blade etched with sinuous pictograms.

Elurora says to Darkewolff, "Try it if you want, I don't mind."

Darkewolff hangs his assassin's blade from his sash. It rattles against the grey sabre hanging from his sash, and he adjusts them.

Darkewolff smirks.

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Rileos scratches distractedly at his stubble.

Avrenka says, "I am still skeptical that mere every day sorcery was the cause of this."

You say to Avrenka, "It may not have been the cause. But it is not impossible, so we must consider it."

Rileos glances at a glowing Tamsine orb.

Avrenka nods to you.

Ezerak takes a sip of his rum.

Ruea grins wryly.

Rileos says, "Honestly, at this point if you just told me Meraud was playin a prank for the fun of it, I'd believe it. No idea what is goin on."

Elurora grins at Rileos.

Belzor smiles at Rileos.

Elurora says to Rileos, "What a prank this would be."

Rileos nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora asks, "Aren't pranks more Huldah's domain though?"

Ezerak asks Rileos, "If that is the case, what's next? Everild giving us wedgies?"

Elurora glances at Ezerak.

Avrenka says, "The gods have been silent despite Jaelia's best efforts ... I wouldn't be surprised if they remained silent."

Rileos says to Ezerak, "We've got it comin talkin about studies and letter writin and all this."

Ezerak grins at Rileos, his dimples flashing into view.

Avrenka says, "Perhaps the magic disruptions are affecting them as well ... perhaps to an amplified degree."

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "That is an interesting idea."

Miskton says, "It seems like some magical research results do indicate the Immortals are impacted by this."

Belzor casually observes the area.

Elurora says to Darkewolff, "You're lucky Paladins aren't about revenge."

Avrenka asks, "If we lowly mortals are overcome by the mana flares, what of a god?"

Darkewolff says to Elurora, "Depends on the paladin, I suppose. I know of one that would."

You nod at Ezerak, in complete agreement with his views.

Ezerak says to Elurora, "They prefer vengeance."

Rileos says to Elurora, "Don't say that, you can still be about revenge."

Ezerak appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Elurora grins at Ezerak.

Elurora laughs!

Elurora exclaims, "I yield!"

(Elurora holds her hands up, palms out.)

Ruea grins wryly at you.

You ask Avrenka, "That is a possibility. Maybe with a large enough prayer gathering, they might find a way to send us a distress signal, if so?"

Darkewolff says, "A particular paladin that I am aware of does revenge quite nicely."

Avrenka says, "I once hired a paladin to strike down a bandit who took an empath friend's life ... he was all too happy to oblige, especially after the coin purse I offered him."

Darkewolff asks, "A Rakash, I believe you all know him or know of him?"

Elurora asks Darkewolff, "Does he have a name?"

Rileos says, "Was a paladin for a long time, I love revenge. It's the best."

Rileos nods.

Ezerak chuckles at Rileos.

Avrenka wryly says to you, "We've attempted two large gatherings, to no avail ... I'm not gonna hold my breath on any subsequent ones."

Darkewolff says to Elurora, "You show know him, since he is part of that pack that you visit often."

Elurora asks Darkewolff, "Do you mean Sir Khearkrash?"

Darkewolff nods to Elurora.

Darkewolff smiles.

Elurora nods to Darkewolff.

Darkewolff gazes at a snifter of Milene's brandy.

Darkewolff takes a sip of his brandy.

Miskton says, "Well, I am going to do some additional research into the wild magic, so I'll be stepping out of town. Take care, all."

Miskton nods politely.

Elurora says, "Perhaps it would be better to say that it would take more for me to decide revenge is fitting."

Elurora grins at Darkewolff.

Elurora bows to Miskton.

Ezerak waves to Miskton.

Belzor nods politely to Miskton.

Elurora says to Miskton, "Be careful."

Miskton strolls east.