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Ilithi Socialites/Logs/05012020 A Night at the Improv
Performed in the year of the Silver Unicorn, 434 years since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 1st day of the 5th month of Uthmor, the Giant. It is currently summer. (5/1/2020)
Director/Performer - Ezerak Evyntine-Vershir
Co-Director/Hostess - Ayrell Evyntine
Performer - Mazrian Daemondred
Performer - Fariden Morsileo
Performer - Maraisel Issalde
[Shoan a Sidelkuloa, Stage]
A row of lights illuminates the boards and those who take their place upon them. Dark curtains block sight of the wings.
Also here: Treasure Seeker Fariden, Mazrian, Maraisel and Swashbuckler Ezerak.
Swashbuckler Ezerak's group came through a thick dark curtain.
Mazrian says, "Just like giving birth. It's going to happen, so relax and do what comes naturally."
Mazrian casually observes the area.
Maraisel laughs!
Ezerak chuckles.
Fariden chuckles.
Ezerak says, "Good evening! Tonight, for your entertainment, our cast will be performing some of the improvisational games actors sometimes use to warm up for stage performances."
Ezerak says, "Without further delay, I'll turn it over to Ayrell to introduce our first performance."
Ayrell smiles.
Ayrell says, "Hello, everyone. I will be serving as hostess this evening for our games."
Ayrell curtsies gracefully.
Game One - Scenes From a Hat
Ayrell says, "To begin, we will start with a game called "Scenes From a Hat." In this game, I will draw random suggestions from a hat..."
Ayrell taps a black silk hat that she is holding.
Ayrell says, "And our wonderful cast of players will step forward when they think of an idea for the suggestion. This game will start with Ezerak, Fariden, and Mazrian."
Mazrian waves.
Ayrell smiles.
Fariden quickly catches an emerald-green jade dragonfly in his hand, stopping its flight.
Fariden puts his dragonfly in his hunting pack.
Fariden hums to himself.
Ayrell chuckles.
Ayrell asks, "Is everyone ready?"
Ezerak shakes his head at you.
Fariden says, "I am... now."
Fariden nods.
Mazrian nods to you.
Ezerak appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Ezerak nods to you.
Ayrell chuckles at Ezerak.
Ayrell smiles at Ezerak.
Ezerak gazes fondly at Ayrell.
Ayrell says, "Okay, the first scene is..."
(Ayrell draws a slip of paper from inside the hat.)
Ayrell says, "Bad times to break out into song."
Ayrell says, "Just a quick step forward and a funny line or a funny demonstration of the moment."
Ezerak ponders.
(Fariden steps forward.)
Fariden sings in a baritone voice:
"I'm just a Hound that loves to burn..."
(Mazrian steps forward.)
(Mazrian pantomimes climbing through a window, rummaging through a dresser, then hearing a sound. He puts a hand to his ear then hurry-creeps back to the window. Suddenly, he belts out a riff!))
Ayrell laughs!
Ezerak chuckles.
A little bit of laughter floats over from the audience.
Ezerak ponders.
(Mazrian steps forwrad)
Mazrian says, "When in bed with your wife."
Mazrian coughs.
Ayrell laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Mazrian glances at Ezerak.
Mazrian says, "Or in bed with his wife."
Ezerak laughs!
Ayrell blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Ayrell chuckles.
Ezerak asks, "I was going to say, is that a bad time?"
(Fariden steps forward.)
Fariden asks, "I love standing in front of windows! Why's the guildleader coming over...?"
Mazrian says to Ezerak, "If you don't know you'd better learn in a hurry."
Ayrell chuckles at Mazrian.
Ezerak grins at Mazrian, his dimples flashing into view.
(Fariden steps forward.)
Fariden says, "Ok, the teleportation trap went off..."
Mazrian grins.
Fariden sings in a baritone voice:
"The leg bone's connected to the hip bone..."
Mazrian ponders.
Mazrian gestures, and a water ball forms in his hand.
(Mazrian steps forward, sticking his head into the water ball. "blorhohldkkhlfhkhlhe")
Ayrell chuckles at Mazrian.
Ezerak laughs at Mazrian.
Fariden laughs at Mazrian.
Mazrian tosses the water ball up into the air, then catches it roughly between his open palms. Water splashes everywhere, soaking him thoroughly.
(Ayrell draws another slip of paper from the hat.)
Ayrell says, "Well, this idea could be dangerous, but we shall see..."
Ayrell ponders.
Ayrell says, "Things you can say to your pet, but not your wife."
(Fariden steps forward.)
(Mazrian steps forward)
Mazrian says, "Stop licking my face."
Mazrian grins.
Fariden says, "Stop, stay. Good girl."
A little bit of laughter floats over from the audience.
Mazrian's body is dripping water everywhere.
Ezerak nods at Fariden, obviously agreeing with his views.
Ezerak says to Fariden, "Was just going to say that one."
Fariden grins at Ezerak.
From the seating area you hear Aislynn yell, "Hah!"
(Mazrian steps forward.)
Maraisel grins.
Mazrian exclaims, "Roll over and play dead!"
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Ayrell chuckles.
Ezerak exclaims, "Not on the sofa!"
Mazrian's body is soaked.
(Mazrian steps forward)
Mazrian firmly exclaims, "Get that out of your mouth!"
Ayrell laughs!
(Fariden steps forward.)
Laughter flows through the air, coming from the audience area.
Ezerak laughs at Mazrian.
Fariden reluctantly says, "Alright, I'll let you out in a couple of roisaen..."
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Fariden appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Ezerak asks, "Have you been rolling around in the mud again?"
(Fariden steps forward.)
Fariden exclaims, "Stop sniffing his butt!"
Ayrell chuckles at Fariden.
Mazrian grins.
(Ezerak steps forward.)
(Mazrian steps forward "Why do you smell like dead bird?)
Ezerak says, "Roll over, let me get that belly."
Ayrell chuckles at Ezerak.
Ayrell says, "Yes, that would not end well."
Ayrell nods to Ezerak.
Mazrian whistles a merry tune.
Ayrell chuckles.
(Ayrell draws another suggestion from the hat.)
Ayrell says, "Worst advice to give a new adventurer."
Fariden ponders.
Mazrian exclaims, "Point at the lynx and it does an amusing trick!"
Ezerak chuckles at Mazrian.
Ayrell laughs at Mazrian!
Ayrell asks Mazrian, "But it is a classic?"
(Fariden steps forward.)
Fariden says, "Everyone on the gweths is your friend."
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Ezerak says, "Lick your sword twice before you go into battle."
(Mazrian steps forward)
Mazrian says, "Keep your gweth ON at the end of your date."
Maraisel grins at Mazrian.
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Ezerak says, "Moongates are great for learning how to climb."
Fariden scratches his head.
(Ayrell draws another suggestion from the hat.)
Ayrell says, "Next... First lines of the worst poems ever written."
Mazrian exclaims, "Yes, you can get tasks at the bathhouse!"
Ayrell laughs at Mazrian!
Mazrian says, "Oh, I'm a little late."
Mazrian casually observes the area.
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Ezerak recites:
"There once was a man from Shard..."
Mazrian says to himself, "' for either one, I guess."
(Fariden steps forward.)
Ayrell chuckles at Mazrian.
Ayrell nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.
Fariden says, "Ahem. An ode to a wood troll."
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Ezerak recites:
"Her eyes were blue, her hair was orange."
Ayrell says, "We will be waiting forever to hear how that poem rhymes."
Ezerak nods at Ayrell, obviously agreeing with her views.
Mazrian nods at you, obviously agreeing with her views.
(Ayrell pulls another suggestion from the hat.)
Ayrell says, "Things not to say when trying to pick up a date. Or worst pick-up lines. Either one works."
(Fariden steps forward.)
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Fariden exclaims, "I've recently been promoted from swabbie! And never heard of a bathhouse!"
Ezerak asks, "Does this drink taste like duskberry to you?"
Fariden grins at Ezerak.
(Mazrian steps forward.)
Ayrell chortles at Ezerak.
Mazrian smoothly asks, "'Hey girl, are you a goddess? Why don't I rub your orbs and you grant me some favors?"
Maraisel laughs!
Ezerak laughs at Mazrian.
Laughter flows through the air, coming from the audience area.
(Fariden steps forward.)
Fariden says, "Is it just me or am I just that amazing? It's me, isn't it."
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Ezerak says, "I'm not a SERIAL killer."
Mazrian laughs!
The sound of unanimous applause rises in volume. Glancing over the audience members, you notice Ruea, Selarr, Everburned, Oreva and Melv are applauding and cheering.
(Fariden steps forward.)
Mazrian says, "I'm more a parallel killer."
Fariden says, "I'm just looking for a little tail."
Looking playful, Fariden curls the tip of his tail into a curve.
Ezerak chuckles at Fariden.
Ayrell says, "One more for this game."
(Ayrell draws a final suggestion from the hat.)
Ayrell says, "Worst ideas for a secret society."
Mazrian smoothly says, "'Are you training for a marathon? Cuz it's getting exhausting stalking you around."
Ayrell chuckles at Mazrian.
(Fariden steps forward.)
Mazrian casually observes the area.
Fariden quietly exclaims, "Welcome to the secret brotherhood of THE REALLY LOUD PEOPLE!"
(Ezerak steps forward.)
Ezerak says, "Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department."
Maraisel asks Mazrian, "Late again?"
Maraisel grins at Mazrian.
(Mazrian steps forward)
Mazrian says, "Compulsive Liars Anonymous, where we guarantee discretion."
Mazrian winks.
Ayrell chuckles at Mazrian.
Ayrell says, "I think we covered those topics more than sufficiently. Let us move on to the next game."
Game Two - Questions Only
Ayrell says, "Our next game is rather self-explanatory and is for the entire cast to play. It is called Questions Only."
Ayrell say, "In this game, our players can only speak in the form of a question."
Fariden asks, "Why?"
Fariden flashes a wide grin.
You notice Aislynn cheering for Fariden from the seating area.
Ayrell chuckles at Fariden.
Mazrian asks, "Because?"
Ayrell says, "For this scene, you are all Paladins in the Baron's Hall, about to meet the Baron."
Mazrian raises an eyebrow.
Ayrell says, "You can begin when you are ready."
Ayrell says, "Since you already have."
Ayrell chuckles.
Fariden asks, "Anyone seen my armor polish?"
Ezerak asks Fariden, "Oh, are you here to see the Baron?"
Maraisel asks, "Does this armor make me look fat?"
Ezerak asks Maraisel, "Are you sure it's the armor?"
Ezerak ducks his head.
Maraisel laughs!
Fariden asks Ezerak, "Is there another reason to come here?"
Maraisel asks Ezerak, "Do you want to live to see the Baron?"
Ezerak asks Maraisel, "Do you know, I'm still trying to come up with a reply to that that is a question?"
Ezerak chuckles.
Mazrian asks Maraisel, "What if it's all he's lived for?"
Maraisel chuckles at Ezerak.
Mazrian raises an eyebrow in Maraisel's direction.
Fariden asks Ezerak, "Why are you trying so hard?"
Maraisel asks Mazrian, "To meet the Baron or to die from calling me fat?"
Ezerak asks Maraisel, "Why not both?"
Fariden asks Maraisel, "So truth is worthy of death?"
Fariden ducks his head.
Maraisel asks, "Do both you boys have a death wish?"
Ezerak laughs at Fariden.
Maraisel chortles softly at some secret joke.
Maraisel asks, "Does the Baron even know we're coming?"
Maraisel ponders.
Mazrian dryly asks Maraisel, "Didn't you send back the missive?"
Fariden worriedly asks, "Is anyone else coming? Does anyone else have a bad feeling about this?"
Maraisel asks Mazrian, "Wasn't Ezerak supposed to send it back?"
Maraisel glances at Ezerak.
Fariden asks, "Was he even sober that day?"
Maraisel asks, "Are any of us sober today?"
Ezerak asks Fariden, "Is he ever?"
(Fariden pretends to try to open a door.)
Fariden asks, "Why are the doors locked?"
Fariden asks, "Are we all trapped in here?"
Ezerak asks, "Are we going to die?"
Maraisel chuckles.
Maraisel asks, "Are your faces really the last thing I'm going to see?"
Maraisel rolls her eyes heavenward and mumbles, "Why me?!"
Ezerak asks Maraisel, "Wouldn't that be unfortunate?"
Fariden asks, "Can anyone here pick a lock? Are we all Paladins?"
Mazrian asks, "I want to say we are? Maraisel, slap Ezerak and see if you burst into tears?"
Ezerak asks Fariden, "Pick a lock? What does that even mean?"
Maraisel laughs!
Maraisel asks, "Can I choose that one?"
(Maraisel points at a door.)
Fariden asks Ezerak, "Haven't you heard the other guilds mutter about boxes? Those dumb square things we leave after killing something?"
Maraisel asks, "Do you think we could knock a door down?"
Fariden hopefully asks, "Shall we try?"
Maraisel asks, "Should we all ram it together?"
Maraisel mutters something into the air about that's asking for trouble.
Ezerak raises an eyebrow in Maraisel's direction.
Ezerak asks Maraisel, "Isn't that what he said?"
Maraisel grins at Ezerak.
Fariden asks, "Isn't that what she wanted?"
Maraisel laughs!
Fariden ducks his head.
Maraisel asks, "Should we all count to three and run at it?"
Maraisel asks, "Do you all know how to count to three?"
Maraisel ponders.
Maraisel gazes upward.
Ezerak asks, "What comes after one?"
Mazrian frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.
Mazrian slowly asks Ezerak, "Ooooone?"
Mazrian slowly asks Ezerak, "Twooo?"
Ezerak chuckles.
Mazrian asks Ezerak, "And next is...?"
Ezerak asks Mazrian, "Isn't it four?"
Fariden asks, "Is it seven? Isn't it hard to count with all this armor on my hands and feet?"
Fariden asks, "Where's my abacus?"
Mazrian haggardly says, "Sound good enough."
Maraisel asks, "What did I do to deserve this?"
Maraisel asks, "Are we ready?"
Fariden asks, "Wait, so go on three? Or is it one, two, three, go?"
Ezerak asks Fariden, "Wouldn't that be a four count?"
Maraisel asks, "Why am I waiting for you knuckleheads?"
(Maraisel rushes the door.)
Maraisel falls over.
Ezerak asks, "Wait, have you tried the handle?"
Maraisel asks, "Would that have been easier?"
Maraisel rises to a kneeling position.
Maraisel stands up.
Maraisel dusts herself off.
Fariden asks, "Oh, was it a pull, not a push?"
Fariden sighs.
(Maraisel opens the door.)
Maraisel gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Fariden lets out a hearty cheer for Maraisel!
Maraisel asks, "Would you boys like to go get some drinks?"
Fariden asks, "Have I ever said no to that?"
Ayrell laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Ayrell says, "I think we will go ahead and call that a scene."
Mazrian applauds.
From the seating area you hear Aislynn yell, "Huzzah, paladins! "
(Mazrian raises his hands for the crowd, clapping encouragement.)
Game Three - Let's Make a Date
Ayrell says, "Next game."
Ayrell smiles.
Ayrell says, "This one will be for all of our players. It is called "Let's Make a Date."
Ayrell says, "In this game, Maraisel will be playing our blushing bachelorette..."
Ayrell glances at Maraisel.
Ayrell chuckles.
Ayrell says, "And she will be participating in a game in which she has been presented with three bachelors from whom she is to choose one for a romantic date. The only problem is that all three bachelors have... particular quirks... about them, which Maraisel will have to deduce and try to guess at the end. Our audience can see if they can guess as well."
Mazrian chuckles.
Ayrell says, "This will be our final game, so hopefully it is a good one."
Ayrell winks.
Ayrell asks Maraisel, "Are you ready for your bachelors?"
Maraisel says, "Always."
Maraisel grins.
Fariden snorts, loudly.
Ayrell says, "For ease of discerning who is who, Fariden will be bachelor number one. Ezerak is bachelor number two - and Mazrian will be bachelor number three."
(Mazrian waggles his arched brows.)
Fariden waves.
Maraisel nods.
Fariden quickly says, "Happy to be here, very happy."
Maraisel says, "I'll start with bachelor number one, then."
Mazrian winks.
Maraisel asks Fariden, "Hello, bachelor number one. What is your idea of an ideal date?"
Maraisel grins.
Fariden quickly exclaims, "A whirlwind sightseeing tour of all the lands! Never know where we might end up!"
Fariden mutters something into the air about people leaving trash everywhere.
Maraisel nods.
Maraisel says, "Yes, some people are quite the little litter bugs."
(Mazrian stage whispers "Bachelor number one is all about peoples' junk.")
Ayrell laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Ezerak chuckles.
Fariden sticks his tongue out at Mazrian.
Maraisel asks Ezerak, "How about you, bachelor number two? I like long walks on the beach and tequila. Do you like the water? And beaches? And drinks with frilly umbrellas?"
Ezerak clears his throat.
Ezerak exclaims, "Nanoo boowee!"
(Ezerak suddenly drops to his hands and knees and begins rubbing up against Fariden's ankles.)
(Maraisel sticks her finger in her ear and appears to clean it.)
Maraisel gazes at Ezerak.
(Fariden pats Ezerak's head.)
Maraisel says, "That must be the effect of a new drink I haven't tried yet."
Maraisel says, "Looks amazing..."
(Fariden notices the knocked over stool that Ezerak vacated and quickly picks it up and pockets it.)
Maraisel asks Mazrian, "Bachelor number three, if you could take me anywhere for an evening, where would you take me?"
Mazrian gazes thoughtfully at Maraisel.
Mazrian glances at Ayrell.
Ayrell smiles at Mazrian.
Maraisel ponders.
Maraisel asks, "Will I need one of bachelor number two's drinks?"
Maraisel chuckles.
Mazrian chuckles.
Mazrian slowly says to Maraisel, "Mmmmmm. I would take you for a long ride up a mountain trail to sip wine next to a pristine pool."
Mazrian smoothly says, "Then I'd pick you a white rose, to complement your tattoo."
Maraisel slowly asks, "My.... what?"
Maraisel pats herself down looking for something!
Mazrian says, "And see if I couldn't see a little more ankle."
Mazrian leans forward.
Maraisel gazes thoughtfully at Mazrian.
Maraisel says, "Well, that's... fascinating..."
Maraisel says, "I don't... have a tattoo, but..."
Fariden sternly says to Mazrian, "Hey! Keep it clean, pal."
(Mazrian waggles his eyebrows again.)
Ayrell chuckles at Fariden.
Ezerak holds his hand up before his mouth and begins to cough, his shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!
Maraisel says, "So... bachelor number one."
Maraisel coughs.
Maraisel ponders.
Fariden nods to Maraisel.
Maraisel asks Fariden, "You seem to prefer little litter... do you cook? Would you prepare a meal for me on our date?"
Fariden loudly exclaims, "I will be back to answer that question in one roisaen!"
(Fariden vanishes in a poof.)
Mazrian chuckles.
Ezerak chuckles.
Maraisel casually observes the area.
(Fariden returns to his spot.)
Fariden says, "No, cooking is messy. Let me take you some place neat and tidy where they take your flagons when you are done with them."
Maraisel says, "Ah. A dinner out then. That is lovely, too."
Maraisel smiles.
Maraisel says to Ezerak, "Bachelor number two."
Maraisel asks Ezerak, "I really love flowers. Would you bring me a bouquet if we were to have dinner?"
(Ezerak hisses up at the stage lights.)
(Ezerak crawls over to Mazrian, sits in his shadow, and curls up to take a nap.)
Maraisel gazes thoughtfully at Ezerak.
Maraisel slowly says, "Interesting..."
Fariden says to Mazrian, "As long as he stays by your feet, he's fine."
Mazrian pats Ezerak on the back.
Maraisel says to Mazrian, "Well, then, I suppose that brings us back to bachelor number three."
Maraisel smiles at Mazrian.
Mazrian nods to Ayrell.
Mazrian grins slowly.
Ayrell chuckles.
Maraisel ponders.
Mazrian playfully says to Maraisel, "Ask away."
Maraisel asks Mazrian, "What sort of things would you like to do with me for fun... on a date, of course. Any hobbies you would like to share with me that we could do together?"
Mazrian ponders.
Maraisel chortles softly at some secret joke.
Mazrian slowly says, ""Weeeeelll."
Mazrian slyly says, "I love to eat out..."
Mazrian seems to be waiting for something.
Mazrian matter-of-factly says, "At fancy restaurants around Shard."
Mazrian ponders.
Maraisel laughs!
Maraisel clears her throat.
Mazrian says, "And I love the improv. There's a great troupe with this amazing host who I think you'd just love."
Mazrian admiringly says, "'She's got the prettiest black hair and we're both Warrior Mages and killer fashion sense."
Mazrian confidently says to Maraisel, "I know you'd like her."
Ezerak snores.
Ayrell laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Maraisel says, "Alright, I think I'm ready to guess."
Maraisel chuckles.
Maraisel says, "Because I'm pretty sure I've dated bachelor number two before."
A little bit of laughter floats over from the audience.
Maraisel asks, "Bachelor number one is very clearly a neat freak of some sort?"
Mazrian grins.
Maraisel says, "He would not like to see the inside of my house..."
Maraisel asks Fariden, "A maid?"
From the seating area you hear Aislynn yell, "The janitor!"
Maraisel laughs!
Fariden shakes his head.
Mazrian laughs!
Ezerak chuckles.
Fariden says to Maraisel, "'I'm sorry. If you'll excuse me, I have to turn into a fog bank or a scavenger troll or a horde of squirrels and rush off..."
Maraisel says, "Well, I'm not opposed to having a janitor take me out for dinner."
Maraisel grins at Fariden.
Maraisel says, "The audience did better than me on that one."
Fariden exclaims, "Nice job, Ais!"
(Maraisel winks at the crowd.)
Fariden waves.
You notice Aislynn cheering in the seating area.
Maraisel says, "Bachelor number two is either very drunk, or is a shadowling."
You notice Aislynn cheering for Maraisel from the seating area.
Maraisel asks, "It really could go either way?"
Ezerak looks at Maraisel and applauds!
Maraisel chuckles.
Maraisel says, "And bachelor number three..."
Maraisel gazes thoughtfully at Mazrian.
(Mazrian waggles his eyebrows. Again.)
Maraisel chuckles.
Maraisel says to Mazrian, "You really like the host's tattoo..."
Mazrian dryly says, "I don't usually ask this on a first date, but..."
Mazrian matter-of-factly asks, "Do you have a sister?"
Maraisel laughs!
Ayrell laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Maraisel says, "As a matter of fact..."
Maraisel says to Mazrian, "Something tells me you'd rather take her out to that... fine dining... establishment in Shard than you would me."
Maraisel winks at Mazrian.
Mazrian grins.
Ayrell clears your throat.
Ezerak chuckles.
Mazrian says to Ayrell, "Carrot and oyster pie."
Mazrian says to Ayrell, "Carrots so you can see in the dark and oysters so you have something to look at."
Mazrian nods to you.
Ayrell laughs!
Ezerak laughs!
Ayrell says to Maraisel, "You are pretty much right in your guess. Bachelor number three is secretly infatuated with the host."
Maraisel grins.
Maraisel says, "Well, if I have to pick from the three, I think I'll go with the janitor. He'll come in handy at home."
Maraisel nods.
(Fariden pats himself on the back.)
You notice Aislynn cheering for Fariden from the seating area.
Ayrell says, "Well, I think that is good for that game."
Ayrell smiles.
Fariden says to Maraisel, "I have this very special place I have to show you."
Fariden says, "I call it 'The Lost and Found'."
Maraisel chuckles.
(Mazrian stage whispers 'Those underthings of yours that went missing? He's got them there.)
Fariden appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Maraisel says, "I feel like that needs to be added to our worst pick up lines list."
Ayrell chuckle.
Ayrell says, "I think that is about all we have time for this evening."
Ayrell says, "I hope everyone enjoyed the show. I will go ahead and turn things back over to Ezerak."
Mazrian grins.
Ayrell curtsies gracefully.
Mazrian waves.
Curtain Call
Ezerak says, "Thank you all for coming out tonight, we hope you had as much fun as we did! Our cast..."
Ezerak says, "Maraisel Evyntine."
Ezerak looks at Maraisel and applauds!
Maraisel bows.
Maraisel grins.
Maraisel waves.
Ezerak says, "Mazrian Daemondred-Rudeone."
Ezerak looks at Mazrian and applauds!
Mazrian bows.
Mazrian waves.
Ezerak says, "Fariden Morsileo."
Fariden sweeps a jaunty forest green top hat sporting a long glittering plume off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.
Ezerak looks at Fariden and applauds!
The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder. Glancing over the audience members, you notice Kados, Elec, Ruea and Everburned are applauding and cheering.
Ezerak says, "And our hostess, Ayrell Evyntine."
Ezerak looks at Ayrell and applauds!
Ayrell curtsies gracefully.
The rushing sound of unanimous applause rises in volume. Glancing over the audience members, you notice Cerelum, Annais, Kados, Elec and Ruea are applauding and cheering.
You notice Ruea cheering in the seating area.
Ayrell smiles.
Ezerak bows.
Fariden looks at Ayrell and applauds!
Mazrian looks at Ayrell and applauds!
You notice Aislynn cheering for Ezerak from the seating area.
Aislynn applauds.
Maraisel exclaims, "And our other host, Ezera Vershir!"
The rushing sound of unanimous applause lowers in volume. Glancing over the audience members, you notice Cerelum, Selarr and Everburned are applauding and cheering.
You notice Aislynn cheering for Ezerak from the seating area.
Maraisel says, "Ezerak, even."
Maraisel coughs.
Ezerak smiles at Maraisel, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
Maraisel says, "Tequila."
Maraisel shrugs.
The sound of unanimous applause maintains intensity. Glancing over the audience members, you notice Cerelum, Elec and Ruea are applauding and cheering.
Ezerak nods to Maraisel.
Fariden says to Maraisel, "Probably should not improvise names."
Ezerak says to Maraisel, "Sounds like a wonderful idea."
Maraisel grins at Fariden.
Maraisel nods in agreement.
The sound of unanimous applause lowers in volume. Glancing over the audience members, you notice Cerelum and Kados are applauding and cheering.
Ezerak waves.
Ayrell waves.
Swashbuckler Ezerak's group went through a thick dark curtain.
After Party and Conversation with Tower Steward Rylento
**From the view of Ayrell Evyntine**
You go north, leading your group.
[Silver Eye, Bar]
A tall Elothean stands behind a slender obsidian bar serving drinks and food. Pale silk cloths cover round wooden tables. The thick scent of elven wine permeates the air. Flickering candle lights hover softly, their soft illuminations casting shadows around the room. You also see a slender obsidian bar with several things on it and a smokewood door.
Also here: Swashbuckler Ezerak, Mazrian, Maraisel, Web Healer Aislynn, Unchained Everburned, Treasure Seeker Fariden, Oreva, Tower Steward Rylento and Scurrilous Reprobate Enthien.
Obvious exits: south.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from atop a slender obsidian bar.
Enthien puts her whiskey in her beverage holster.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from atop a slender obsidian bar.
Enthien puts her whiskey in her beverage holster.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from atop a slender obsidian bar.
Enthien puts her whiskey in her beverage holster.
Enthien hums to herself.
[Silver Eye, Meeting Room]
Dominating the room is a large circular table covered with a pale silk cloth. Smokewood chairs with plush seats encircle the table and a small obsidian bar rests against the back wall. The thick scent of Elven wine permeates the air from the nearby bar and flickering candle lights cast shadows around the room. You also see a long obsidian buffet draped with a lacy cloth with several things on it.
Obvious exits: out.
Oreva, Fariden, Everburned, Aislynn, Maraisel, Mazrian and Ezerak followed.
You chuckle.
Ezerak chuckles.
Fariden grins.
You say, "Looks like she found her whiskey."
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Ezerak says, "Here I was going to buy her a bunch."
Mazrian says, "Nice spread."
Ezerak blinks.
Mazrian gets a generous snifter of Rayner's Rissan reserve whiskey from inside his black backpack.
Everburned says, "Oh my."
You say, "There is food and drink here."
You say, "Everyone is welcome."
You smile.
Ezerak says, "Errr, the Tower Steward is here."
Scurrilous Reprobate Enthien just arrived.
Ezerak points out.
You say, "Oh.."
Fariden scans the area briefly.
Enthien nods.
Enthien says, "Bar's out there."
Mazrian says, "Oh, so he is."
You ask, "Shall we go say hello?"
Ezerak nods to you.
Mazrian nods.
Aislynn quietly asks, "Did someone do something naughty?"
Aislynn raises her head slightly, uttering a brief, inquiring trill.
You go out, leading your group.
[Silver Eye, Bar]
A tall Elothean stands behind a slender obsidian bar serving drinks and food. Pale silk cloths cover round wooden tables. The thick scent of elven wine permeates the air. Flickering candle lights hover softly, their soft illuminations casting shadows around the room. You also see a slender obsidian bar with several things on it and a smokewood door.
Also here: Oreva, Treasure Seeker Fariden, Unchained Everburned, Web Healer Aislynn, Maraisel, Mazrian, Swashbuckler Ezerak and Tower Steward Rylento.
Obvious exits: south.
You smile at Rylento.
Scurrilous Reprobate Enthien just arrived.
Ezerak tips his fedora to Rylento with a courteous nod.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
You curtsy gracefully to Rylento.
Rylento smiles at you.
Mazrian says, "Evening."
Rylento says, "Lady Ayrell."
Aislynn makes a chirring noise in Rylento's direction.
Oreva gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from atop a slender obsidian bar.
Mazrian bows to Rylento.
Oreva gets a fluted glass of sparkling white wine from atop a slender obsidian bar.
Enthien chuckles.
You say to Rylento, "Steward. How lovely to see you again."
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Mazrian takes a sip of his whiskey.
You put your bouquet in your sturdy backpack.
Rylento says, "You left a breeze earlier."
Rylento chuckles.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Aislynn puts her almanac in her hitman's backpack.
You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.
Rylento grins at Enthien.
Oreva takes a sip of her wine.
Ezerak chuckles.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
You say, "Everyone was anxious for food."
You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.
Mazrian quietly says to Maraisel, "Absolute best behavior, now, of course. None of that thing. Or the other thing. And the third one? Right out."
Oreva licks her lips.
You say, "And drinks."
Maraisel grins at Mazrian.
Rylento asks, "I guess I wasn't the only one looking for drinks tonight?"
Rylento chuckles.
Maraisel quietly says to Mazrian, "I'll try..."
Ezerak says to Rylento, "We often have parties in the meeting room here."
Everburned gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from atop a slender obsidian bar.
You smile at Rylento.
Oreva guzzles down some of her wine and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Everburned takes a sip of her whiskey.
Oreva guzzles down some of her wine and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Rylento says, "I don't mean to keep you out here if you prefer the meeting room."
Enthien says to Ezerak, "But this is where the bar is."
Rylento asks, "May I join you?"
You say to Rylento, "We just closed out a show at the theater and were celebrating not falling off the stage."
Ezerak says to Rylento, "Please do."
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
You say to Rylento, "Yes, by all means. Join us."
Rylento joins your group.
You smile at Rylento.
Oreva gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from atop a slender obsidian bar.
>go door
[Silver Eye, Meeting Room]
Dominating the room is a large circular table covered with a pale silk cloth. Smokewood chairs with plush seats encircle the table and a small obsidian bar rests against the back wall. The thick scent of Elven wine permeates the air from the nearby bar and flickering candle lights cast shadows around the room. You also see a long obsidian buffet draped with a lacy cloth with several things on it.
Obvious exits: out.
Rylento, Oreva, Fariden, Everburned, Aislynn, Maraisel, Mazrian and Ezerak followed.
Oreva's ears perk up happily.
You say, "There are some rather lovely desserts on the buffet here."
Rylento asks, "The theater, was there another show?"
Oreva oddly says, "Whishshee."
Rylento says, "I'm losing track."
Ezerak nods to Rylento.
Scurrilous Reprobate Enthien just arrived.
Everburned takes a sip of her whiskey.
Rylento says, "Don't tell the Leader..."
Rylento winces.
You say, "It was rather spur of the moment."
You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.
Enthien frowns and shakes her head in an expression of disbelief before resting her face in the palm of her hand.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Fariden says, "Might even call it improvised."
Fariden grins.
Ezerak says to Rylento, "This one was a bit short notice."
Enthien says, "It's okay, darlings, I got the whiskey."
Rylento says, "Spur of the moment is good. Spur of the moment is an excuse."
Aislynn takes a bite of the diakasuur.
Ezerak grins at Enthien, his dimples flashing into view.
Mazrian chuckles at Fariden.
You say, "We had an idea to do a Night at the Improv. Turns out even the scheduling was improvised."
Rylento nods in agreement.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Enthien offers Ezerak a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey.
Rylento smiles at you.
Oreva guzzles down some of her whiskey and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Ezerak says to Enthien, "The tequila is quite good here too."
Grinning, Aislynn pulls a swig from a prickly pineapple cup garnished with a bright red-orange hibiscus flower.
Ezerak accepts Enthien's dark-hued whiskey.
Enthien says, "Psh."
Rylento says to you, "Imrpovised down to the very minute."
Ezerak shakes his head as if clearing it.
You see Tower Steward Rylento Alishar of Ilithi, an Elothean.
Rylento has a softly angular face, tilted almond-shaped violet eyes and a small nose. His platinum hair is short and wavy. He has rosy skin and a lean build.
He is slightly under average height for an Elothean.
He appears to be an adult.
He is clean shaven.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a fluted glass of sparkling white wine in his right hand.
He is wearing a regal black cashmere longcoat with a vivid violet nightsilk lining, an open-necked black Elothean silk shirt, a carved Ilithic applewood pick, a leather instrument case embossed with the crest of the House of the Silk Strings, a black velvet pouch embroidered with deep purple lotus blossoms, some onyx jaalmin pants hemmed in violet madun and some glossy onyx-hide leather boots.
Ezerak says to Enthien, "If you like that sort of thing."
Oreva rubs her neck.
You nod at Rylento, in complete agreement with his views.
Aislynn puts her cup in a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps.
Enthien says to Ezerak, "The whiskey is swill, but it's better than tequila."
Mazrian leans against a long obsidian buffet draped with a lacy cloth.
Everburned takes a sip of her whiskey.
Aislynn takes a bite of the diakasuur.
You say to Rylento, "We think it went rather well. We are considering doing it again."
Mazrian takes a sip of his whiskey.
Rylento asks, "What ended up being performed?"
Ezerak takes a sip of his whiskey.
You say, "A few old acting games I learned years ago. Ones played to help actors warm up before shows."
Fariden nods.
You say, "They help the cast think on their feet."
Enthien says, "I prefer to think lying down."
Oreva takes a sip of her whiskey.
You say, "Giving them scenes to try and perform on the spot."
Enthien hums to herself.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Oreva fans herself.
Mazrian says, "And whether it's very good or very bad, it ends up being comedy."
Maraisel grins at Enthien.
Rylento says, "Huh."
Mazrian flashes a quick grin at you.
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Rylento says, "That kind of sounds like my job these days."
Ezerak nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.
Rylento laughs!
Ezerak chuckles at Rylento.
Aislynn laughs!
You chuckle at Rylento.
Oreva sticks her tongue out at Fariden.
Aislynn flicks her tongue mischievously at Rylento and draws a tiny circle in the air with her tail.
Aislynn takes a bite of the diakasuur.
Mazrian raises an eyebrow.
Rylento says, "Except your version sounds more entertaining."
Oreva wipes her mouth.
You say, "We hope it was."
You smile.
Mazrian says, "You sound like you could use another glass of wine. Why don't I just find one."
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
You say, "This was our first try. I think the next one will be better."
Mazrian takes a sip of his whiskey.
Aislynn quietly says to you, "It was."
Mazrian takes a sip of his whiskey.
Fariden says, "I still think it went quite well."
You smile at Aislynn.
Mazrian asks, "Anyone else need anything?"
Mazrian raises an eyebrow.
You nod to Fariden.
Rylento asks Mazrian, "This one isn't empty yet. Are you trying to make me drink?"
Rylento squints at Mazrian.
Ezerak chuckles.
Mazrian says to Rylento, "I would never try to make you do anything."
You say, "It is always difficult to know exactly when to end a game so it does not drag on. But... practice."
Mazrian says, "Facilitate? Encourage? Well."
You chuckle at Mazrian.
Rylento comes and stands near you.
Rylento glances at Mazrian.
Maraisel grins at Mazrian.
You smile at Rylento.
Ezerak says, "The silver wine on the bar here is quite good, as well."
Ezerak nods to Mazrian.
You chuckle to yourself.
Mazrian gazes at his whiskey.
Enthien says to Rylento, "Darling, drink up. It makes this lot that much more entertaining."
Mazrian says, "Bit of a downshift."
Ezerak chuckles at Enthien.
Mazrian gives Ezerak a wry grin.
Mazrian takes a sip of his whiskey.
Rylento smiles at Enthien.
Maraisel says, "Nonsense. I am hilarious even sober."
Maraisel says, "No, I mean, when you all are sober. Not me."
Maraisel ponders.
Mazrian chuckles at Maraisel.
Maraisel taps a tiny tower-shaped glass of Crystal Tequila garnished with a twist of lime that she is holding.
Rylento says to Enthien, "I know you can keep the whiskey flowing, but even with all those shots on the bar you weren't -pushing- them."
Rylento smiles at Enthien.
Maraisel grins.
Fariden asks Maraisel, "I was going to say, when are you sober?"
Maraisel says to Fariden, "No one ever knows."
Enthien says to Maraisel, "I wouldn't know. I haven't been sober since 415."
Maraisel winks at Fariden.
Maraisel grins at Enthien.
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
Maraisel says to Enthien, "I like you."
Maraisel nods to Enthien.
Enthien flashes a quick grin.
Raising her Crystal Tequila to Enthien, Maraisel gives her a toast.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Maraisel takes a sip of her Tequila.
Oreva leans against a long obsidian buffet draped with a lacy cloth.
You chuckle at Maraisel.
You offer your silk hat to Ezerak, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Everburned ponders.
Rylento asks, "So who performed?"
You smile.
Ezerak has accepted your offer and is now holding a black silk hat.
Ezerak puts his hat in his rucksack.
You gesture at Ezerak.
You gesture at Mazrian.
You gesture at Fariden.
You gesture at Maraisel.
Oreva scratches one ear, looking bemused.
Fariden sweeps a jaunty forest green top hat sporting a long glittering plume off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.
(Mazrian bows, with a little flourish, then claps Ezerak and Fariden on the back.)
Ezerak smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
You say, "I acted as host, while they demonstrated their brilliance."
You smile.
Maraisel grins.
Mazrian says, "Maraisel...if only I had three hands."
Maraisel grins at Mazrian.
Maraisel says to Mazrian, "If you did, I am sure..."
Maraisel says, "Oh, wait."
Maraisel says, "Behaving."
Ezerak says to Mazrian, "Don't give her ideas."
Maraisel takes a sip of her Tequila.
Ezerak chuckles.
Ezerak takes a sip of his whiskey.
You gaze upward.
Mazrian says, "I don't think that's how the ideas are going to flow."
Mazrian chuckles.
Maraisel nods to Mazrian.
You chuckle.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
You say to Mazrian, "Oh, look. They even have coffee."
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Enthien asks, "Coffee?"
Enthien scoffs.
Mazrian flashes a quick grin.
Ezerak says to you, "And tea, too."
Oreva stretches out a hand imploringly to Enthien.
Ezerak takes a sip of his Tequila.
You nod to Ezerak.
Oreva ponders.
Aislynn takes a bite of the diakasuur.
You pour yourself a fluted glass of pale silver wine graced with a petite strawberry. Cheers!
Oreva slinks out.
Mazrian says to Rylento, "It's a wonderful way to let off steam, acting. Doing a job, sometimes, is all about not expressing what you feel."
You take a sip of the wine.
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
Enthien throws a slice of chocolate cupcake at Ezerak.
The chocolate cupcake hits a wall and falls to the floor!
You laugh at Enthien!
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Enthien hums to herself.
Rylento smiles at Mazrian.
You say to Mazrian, "Yes. It is a bit of an escape."
Aislynn takes a bite of the diakasuur.
Ezerak chuckles at Enthien.
Oreva just arrived.
Mazrian says, "But acting, now, it's about finding what you want to express and letting it right out."
Oreva takes a sip of her mead.
Aislynn shakes her head as if clearing it.
Enthien says to Mazrian, "Careful, darling, you might hurt yourself puffing up like that."
Oreva sits down on the smokewood chair.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Maraisel chuckles.
Ezerak chuckles.
Rylento says to Mazrian, "Huh, I never thought of it like that. I can see your point though."
Mazrian says to Enthien, "I'll pop soon enough. Just let me enjoy it."
Mazrian flashes a quick grin at Enthien.
Ezerak laughs at Mazrian.
Enthien chortles softly at some secret joke.
Rylento says, "Letting go a bit."
Rylento smiles.
Maraisel grins at Mazrian.
Mazrian nods at Rylento, obviously agreeing with his views.
You nod at Rylento, in complete agreement with his views.
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian says, "It helps. A man, like a crossbow, can't stay strung all the time."
Oreva guzzles down some of her brandy and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Oreva studies the faces around her.
Ezerak chuckles at Mazrian.
You say to Rylento, "If you would like to watch our next improvised performance, I can send word to the Tower of the date when we have it scheduled. We will be sure to plan in advance for the next one."
You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.
Oreva guzzles down some of her brandy and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Enthien says to you, "Plan. I'm not sure I understand this word."
Enthien says, "Seems like work."
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Ezerak grins at Enthien, his dimples flashing into view.
Rylento says to you, "Oh, you should always let them know. I can't promise they'd always be able to send someone, but you can bet I'd keep a special eye out."
Rylento smiles.
You smile at Rylento.
Ezerak smiles at Rylento, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
Enthien asks Rylento, "So, dear, tell us about what's going on in that big tower of yours?"
You say, "That would be wonderful."
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Rylento laughs at Enthien.
You say, "We understand not always having someone available, but we do so love to see you when you are able."
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Enthien says to Rylento, "Yes, love to see you so you can share all the stories. Promise we won't tell."
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Ezerak says to Rylento, "And we're hoping for a play in the near future, as well. If the playwright would write a little faster."
Rylento says to Enthien, "I'm mostly running errands, especially for Leader Osur."
Ezerak appears to be trying hard not to grin.
(Oreva props her elbow on the table and plasters the her face into her paw, puffing out her other cheek.)
Enthien says, "This lot needs something to act about."
Mazrian coughs.
Enthien asks, "What errands?"
Mazrian takes a sip of his wine.
You chuckle at Ezerak.
You grin at Mazrian.
You say to Mazrian, "Not you."
You chuckle at Mazrian.
Rylento says, ""
Mazrian quietly says to you, "Ah, I'm off the hook, for the moment."
You say to Mazrian, "Ezerak has been delaying on his writing as well."
You chuckle at Mazrian.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Oreva waves her hand distractedly.
You say to Mazrian, "But we are still excited to see what you put together, when you are able."
You smile at Mazrian.
Ezerak says to Mazrian, "I meant my own play. It's taken me far longer than I expected."
Mazrian nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.
Enthien says to Rylento, "That's terribly dull."
Ezerak chuckles at Enthien.
Rylento says, "Honestly keeping a bit of eye on the happenings about the city if some of the most exiting stuff I've been able to do."
Rylento nods to Enthien.
You say, "But important, I am sure."
You nod to Rylento.
Rylento asks you, "I mean important people need important coffee, I guess?"
Enthien asks, "And what goings on in the city?"
Rylento smiles at you.
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian dryly says to Ezerak, "When I try to write something fun I draw a blank, and when I wrote what I know I get depressed."
You nod at Rylento, in complete agreement with his views.
Oreva guzzles down some of her mead and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
You say to Rylento, "Helps keep them awake to do their important duties, I suppose."
Ezerak nods at Mazrian, obviously agreeing with his views.
Rylento says to Enthien, "Most recently it was the different groups hosting events around the city."
Mazrian smiles.
Ezerak says to Mazrian, "Mine started to write itself, while I was busy writing my song for the concert, and then rudely stopped writing itself when I could devote my attention to it."
Enthien says to Rylento, "This one would like to know if you play dice."
Enthien motions to Oreva.
Rylento asks, "The Task Force and the...other one?"
Mazrian chuckles at Ezerak.
You smile.
Mazrian nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.
You say to Rylento, "The Ilithi Socialites."
You say, "Or, us, I suppose."
You chuckle.
Rylento exclaims to you, "Yes that one!"
Rylento looks at you and blushes.
You smile at Rylento.
Rylento says, "I'm so sorry."
You say to Rylento, "It is okay. There is a lot to keep track of, I am sure."
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Mazrian says, "Sounds like a great premise for a musical."
You say, "And with our focus mainly on the theater, we have not had as many gatherings as the Task Force has, as of yet."
Oreva bursts out in laughter, snorting mead through her nose.
Rylento matter-of-factly says to you, "It's really not the names that stand out, as much as the products. And the quality."
Oreva coughs.
Rylento winks at you.
Enthien praises Oreva.
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian says, "The Task Force and the Ilithi Socialites. This town isn't big enough for the both of them."
Fariden chuckles.
You say to Rylento, "Our goal is always quality over quantity."
Oreva rubs her neck.
You chuckle at Mazrian.
Ezerak chuckles at Mazrian.
Enthien says, "It's not the size that matters."
Enthien nods.
Ezerak laughs at Enthien.
Mazrian coughs.
Oreva guzzles down some of her mead and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Maraisel says, "It's how they..."
Maraisel says, "Ugh."
Enthien hums to herself.
Maraisel says, "Behaving."
Maraisel takes a sip of her Tequila.
Ezerak praises Maraisel.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Oreva guzzles down some of her mead and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Fariden says, "How did their 'opera' go? Wait, that's a different group."
Oreva lets loose with a loud belch and rubs her belly!
Fariden shrugs.
You say, "We regrettably had rehearsal at the same time and were unable to attend."
You nod to Fariden.
Ezerak says to Fariden, "Related group, but yes, slightly different."
Fariden says to you, "I know. I was with you."
You chortle at Fariden.
You nod to Fariden.
Ezerak winks at Enthien.
Mazrian says to you, ""Suddenly you can't throw a rock without hitting an entertainer in this town."
You say to Fariden, "Indeed you were."
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Enthien says, "I prefer darts to rocks."
Enthien gets a tiny dart from inside her archeologist's toolbelt.
Enthien gazes at her dart.
Oreva smirks.
Enthien puts her whiskey in her hitman's backpack.
Ezerak says to Mazrian, "Please no throwing rocks at the entertainers."
Enthien puts her dart in her archeologist's toolbelt.
Ezerak says to Enthien, "Or darts."
You say, "We had our idea to bring shows back to the stage here and suddenly there were people everyone looking to entertain."
Fariden says, "No darts either, please."
You sigh.
Ezerak chuckles.
Mazrian says, "I would never. Water balls, now..."
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Ezerak nods to you.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
You say, "Everyone... everywhere... Almost the same word."
You gaze upward.
Oreva gazes thoughtfully at you.
Mazrian takes a sip of his wine.
You say, "And to think I have only had a single sip of wine.."
You take a sip of the wine. Subtle flavors flow across the palate, highlighting the wine's light taste with notes of citrus, peach, vanilla, strawberry and the barest hint of thyme.
Enthien says to you, "Have some whiskey, dear."
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Aislynn gazes at you.
Enthien offers you a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Aislynn ponders.
You accept Enthien's offer and are now holding a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey.
Aislynn rummages through a sculpted leather beverage holster searching with intent, but it quickly becomes apparent she's not got a clue where to look.
Ezerak says to you, "You have some catching up to do, my love."
You chuckle at Enthien.
You nod at Ezerak, in complete agreement with his views.
Aislynn gets a tiny tin tea kettle with a spiraling straw sticking out of its spout from inside a sculpted leather beverage holster.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Aislynn offers you a tiny tin tea kettle with a spiraling straw sticking out of its spout. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Ezerak observes Aislynn with fascination.
Mazrian asks Rylento, "You must have some good stories?"
You put your wine in your sturdy backpack.
You accept Aislynn's offer and are now holding a tiny tin tea kettle with a spiraling straw sticking out of its spout.
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
Aislynn gazes at Ezerak.
Ezerak asks Aislynn, "How many beverages do you have in there?"
Ezerak chuckles.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
You take a sip of the whiskey. The woody-flavored liquid warms your throat.
Aislynn gets a topsy-turvy root beer bottle fitted with a leak-proof cap and gravity-fed straw from inside a sculpted leather beverage holster.
You take a sip of the whiskey.
Aislynn offers Ezerak a topsy-turvy root beer bottle fitted with a leak-proof cap and gravity-fed straw.
Ezerak accepts Aislynn's beer bottle.
Aislynn quietly says to Ezerak, "More than many."
The tip of Aislynn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
You take a sip of the whiskey.
You finish off the rest of it, and set the glass aside.
You chuckle at Aislynn.
Ezerak chuckles at Aislynn.
Grinning, Ezerak pulls a swig from a topsy-turvy root beer bottle fitted with a leak-proof cap and gravity-fed straw.
Rylento says to Mazrian, "I have to be at least half your age, I'd think I have at leas half the stories."
Rylento chuckles.
Ezerak moves a tiny tower-shaped glass of Crystal Tequila garnished with a twist of lime to his left hand.
Ezerak moves a topsy-turvy root beer bottle fitted with a leak-proof cap and gravity-fed straw to his right hand.
Ezerak offers Aislynn a topsy-turvy root beer bottle fitted with a leak-proof cap and gravity-fed straw.
You smile at Rylento.
Aislynn accepts Ezerak's beer bottle.
Mazrian chuckles at Rylento.
Aislynn puts her bottle in a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps.
Oreva rubs her head.
You offer your tea kettle to Aislynn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Mazrian says, "It's possible, definitely possible."
Mazrian ponders.
Aislynn has accepted your offer and is now holding a tiny tin tea kettle with a spiraling straw sticking out of its spout.
Fariden pats Oreva on the back.
Aislynn puts her kettle in a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps.
Aislynn hums to herself.
Enthien snorts, loudly.
You say to Mazrian, "We did just have that story night the other evening."
You chuckle.
Rylento says, "Most of my time has been with my family, and now in the Tower."
Rylento looks at Mazrian and shrugs.
You smile at Rylento.
Rylento says, "I bet your stories are way better."
You get a fluted glass of pale silver wine graced with a petite strawberry from inside your sturdy backpack.
Enthien says to Rylento, "A steward's life seems rather boring, dear. Please let me know if you're ever up for a little... excitement."
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Mazrian says, "I have a long life full of many mistakes and hijinx to draw on."
Mazrian chuckles.
Ezerak grins at Mazrian, his dimples flashing into view.
You nod to Mazrian.
You say, "I think we all do, to some extent."
You chuckle to yourself.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Oreva shrugs.
Mazrian quietly says to Maraisel, "There was the first time I'd ever worn a dress, for example."
Aislynn stands near Oreva.
Ezerak chuckles at Mazrian.
Maraisel raises an eyebrow in Mazrian's direction.
Maraisel says to Mazrian, "That sounds like a story I absolutely need to hear."
Maraisel nods to Mazrian.
Ezerak says to Mazrian, "Now that sounds like a story."
Aislynn makes a chirring noise in Oreva's direction.
Fariden asks, "Aren't those called kilts?"
You chuckle to yourself.
(Oreva looks up at Aislynn and makes a small little burp.)
Ezerak chuckles at Fariden.
Mazrian says to Fariden, "Oh, no, it was a beautiful strappy red gown with a little slink to it."
Aislynn grins at Oreva.
Fariden grins at Mazrian.
Maraisel asks Mazrian, "Did it show a little leg?"
Enthien says, "At least it was red."
Mazrian says, "Oh, it showed all the leg."
Fariden asks Mazrian, "And the high heels were for working on your balance, right?"
Maraisel laughs!
Mazrian says, "Here's how it went down."
Maraisel appears to be listening intently for something.
Ezerak observes Mazrian with fascination.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Enthien rummages through a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps searching with intent, but it quickly becomes apparent she's not got a clue where to look.
Aislynn hums to herself.
Mazrian says, "It was more than fifty years ago, now. I was living in Theren, and I'd just been promoted."
Oreva nods emphatically.
Oreva stands up.
Mazrian says, "Made Sergeant in the Northern Watch. A proud day in a man's life."
Enthien gets a tapered demonscale helm darkened to a deep abyssal black from inside her hitman's backpack.
Oreva slinks out.
Enthien puts her helm in some dark encompassing shadows of twilight dreamweave.
Maraisel says, "Sounds like a wild party."
Oreva just arrived.
Mazrian chuckles.
Oreva wobbles, looking a bit faint.
Oreva sits down on the smokewood chair.
Mazrian says, "And it was, oh yes, right out on the North road near Theren."
Raising her dark-hued whiskey to Aislynn, Oreva gives her a toast.
Ezerak peers quizzically at Oreva.
Oreva guzzles down some of her whiskey and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Mazrian says, "Me, some friends from the unit, and we were all horsing around."
Oreva holds up her hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Mazrian says, "As one does."
Ezerak grins at Oreva, his dimples flashing into view.
Mazrian says, "And we got to drinking a little. And then a little more."
[General] Your mind hears Aislynn thinking, "oreva He is prestigious, and they rarely get to see him. Also, you've probably had too much to drink, and now are drunk."
Aislynn winces.
Mazrian says, "As one does."
Aislynn pats Oreva on the back.
Oreva hiccups.
Maraisel says, "As all good stories require."
[General] Your mind hears Sortny thinking, "Thank ye for sharing, Aislynn"
Maraisel nods to Mazrian.
[General] Your mind hears Aislynn thinking, "Of course!"
Rylento smiles.
Rylento takes a sip of his wine.
Oreva oddly says, "I dwuhn."
Oreva giggles a little oddly.
Oreva nods to Aislynn.
Aislynn nods at Oreva, obviously agreeing with her views.
Rylento asks, "It's really way too later. Or early?"
Fariden nods to Oreva.
Mazrian says, "And so we had ourselves a little wager. Five shots, five chain lightning bolts."
Everburned suddenly slips into the shadows and disappears.
Oreva guzzles down some of her whiskey and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Mazrian says, "I was a proud young man, full of vigor and other fluids, you understand."
Mazrian says, "So I couldn't back down from that."
Mazrian says, "So we set up, there on the road."
Mazrian says, "And I lined up the perfect spell."
Ezerak chuckles.
Mazrian says, "And just as I cast, in walked not one but BOTH of my Lieutenants."
Aislynn winces.
Mazrian says, "And because I set up the perfect cast, they both dropped smoking and stone dead."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Aislynn laughs!
Rylento frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.
Mazrian says, "Needless to say."
Mazrian coughs.
Mazrian says, "They were not amused. And that was the end of the party for that day."
You say, "This makes my promotion to Lieutenant here in Ilithi sound rather dull. The Commander and my fellow Lieutenant, sitting at Milene's Rose, sharing a glass of wine, then off to patrol... No death or dresses."
Mazrian says, "When everyone was back up and walking, they fetched the commander and dressed me down in front of everyone they could assemble."
You chuckle to yourself.
Enthien says, "Okay, but did they walk the starry path? If not, it really doesn't matter."
Mazrian says, "For disorderly conduct, irresponsible behavior.."
Mazrian says, "But not, let me stress, for poor aim."
Mazrian says, "This elf hits what he aims at."
Enthien says, "Overreaction, truly."
You chuckle at Mazrian.
Enthien says to Mazrian, "You were treated poorly."
Mazrian chuckles.
Rylento asks you, "Enlisted here, huh?"
(Oreva holds up a finger, a gurgle rising in her throat. She turns to Aislynn as if to say something, lets out a tiny mewl, and tips over sideways, bringing her chair down with her. She is snoring before she hits the floor.)
Ezerak chuckles.
You nod to Rylento.
Aislynn winces.
Ezerak shakes his head as if clearing it.
Ezerak sighs.
Aislynn pats Oreva on the back.
Oreva just left.
Mazrian says, "Well. After a lengthy dress down, I had to dress up. The penalty was to walk the moat for a day, on patrol, in that red dress."
You say to Rylento, "I was Lieutenant under Commander Fierolan Vanyahin of the Ilithi Mountain Guard during the Outcast War."
You smile at Rylento.
Rylento frowns.
You sigh.
You nod to Rylento.
Mazrian says to Maraisel, "I have to say, I think I wore it better than anyone else."
Maraisel nods to Mazrian.
Maraisel says, "I wasn't there, but I imagine you looked stunning."
Maraisel grins at Mazrian.
Ezerak chuckles at Maraisel.
Mazrian flashes a quick grin.
Aislynn quietly says to Mazrian, "Oh, how I wish some talented young artist had made their mark on the world by painting that."
Aislynn sighs.
Mazrian chuckles.
Enthien says, "There was a time I was a member of the militia here. Can't recall what I was. Some kind of officer? I dunno. They pointed me at things and I killed them."
Ezerak ponders.
Ezerak gives Mazrian a studious look, as if committing him to memory.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Ezerak taps an oceanic blue alerce writing kit that he is wearing.
Mazrian says, "It's a funny story, sure."
Mazrian smiles at Aislynn.
Enthien says to Mazrian, "Not with lightning, mind you."
Rylento says to you, "The Leader doesn't talk about it much with me, but me mom gets sad every time she talks about the War. And mad."
Aislynn ponders.
You nod to Rylento.
Ezerak nods to Rylento.
Mazrian nods at Enthien, obviously agreeing with her views.
You say to Rylento, "It certainly does conjure some very painful memories for us all, I believe."
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
You say, "Those of us who lived through it, anyway."
Mazrian nods to you.
Aislynn quietly says to Mazrian, "Have there been any Outcasts amongst the returned, yet? I don't think so."
Aislynn ponders.
Mazrian says, "No Outcasts, at least not yet."
Enthien asks, "The returned? Is that what they're being called?"
Mazrian shakes his head.
You shake your head at Aislynn.
Aislynn nods.
You say to Aislynn, "We continue to patrol the city here during the assaults, just in case they make an appearance."
Ezerak nods to you.
Aislynn quietly says to you, "It's going to happen. There are too many directions left for that temporal schemer to potentially delve in his little pocket for me to imagine they won't reappear."
Aislynn ponders.
Enthien says, "The timelost haven't bothered the south, have they? Spent their time up in Zoluren and Therengia if I recall."
You nod to Aislynn.
Ezerak nods at Enthien, obviously agreeing with her views.
Mazrian says, "I don't think they're very lost."
Mazrian shakes his head.
Ezerak says, "We have yet to find them in or around Shard, so far."
You say to Aislynn, "It is why we continue to patrol. It is about the time we start to believe the city is safe that it may cease to be. And I refuse to let that happen."
Aislynn nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Aislynn clicks her claws together.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Enthien asks Rylento, "What says the Queen?"
Rylento ponders.
You smile.
You take a sip of the wine.
Mazrian says to Enthien, ""For one, the Gorbesh were coordinating with V, at least for the first attack. For another, they're shifting tactics in response to ours."
Rylento nervously asks Enthien, "Who do you mean?"
Mazrian says, "...not that Queen."
Enthien gazes off into the distance.
Mazrian coughs.
Aislynn gazes at Rylento.
Mazrian says, "At least, I imagine not."
Rylento says to Mazrian, "Well there's not exactly another Queen in Ilithi."
You ask Enthien, "Do you refer to Queen Morganae, or the Ferdahl Aemmin?"
Enthien smirks.
Mazrian nods at Rylento, obviously agreeing with his views.
You nod to Rylento.
Enthien asks, "Queen Morganae. Should not the Ferdahl be in discussions about this terrible threat that might come south at any moment?"
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Mazrian says, "Ah, well then, that Queen after all."
You smile at Mazrian.
You take a sip of the wine. Subtle flavors flow across the palate, highlighting the wine's light taste with notes of citrus, peach, vanilla, strawberry and the barest hint of thyme.
Mazrian guzzles down some of his wine and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Maraisel takes a sip of her Tequila.
Mazrian says, "Ah, there we are."
Mazrian takes a sip of his brandy.
Ezerak takes a sip of his Tequila.
Rylento says, "I barely know what's happening around the Tower. I *definitely* don't know what's going on in the Mountain."
Rylento blushes a bright red color.
You smile at Rylento.
Aislynn makes a chirring noise in Rylento's direction.
Enthien pityingly says to Rylento, "The life of a steward must be very very dull indeed."
Ezerak smiles at Rylento, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
Fariden says, "Or far too exciting."
Fariden chuckles.
Maraisel grins at Fariden.
You take a sip of the wine.
Aislynn quietly says, "If it's exciting, someone else is doing something wrong."
Aislynn makes a grunting noise.
Rylento says to Enthien, "It's just kinda of...I don't know. I'm sorry, I feel like I'm letting you down..."
Rylento gazes down at the floor.
You shake your head at Rylento.
Aislynn quietly says, "Like starting wars, or fires, or plagues."
You say to Rylento, "Not at all."
Aislynn gazes upward.
Enthien says to Rylento, "It's quite alright, dear."
You smile at Rylento.
Rylento says, "It wasn't a job I asked for."
You gaze at Rylento.
Rylento gazes sadly at Enthien.
Ezerak says to Rylento, "Don't mind Enthien, her expectations for excitement are unreasonably high."
You ask Rylento, "Did you not apply for the position?"
Ezerak sticks his tongue out at Enthien.
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
Aislynn quietly asks Rylento, "Is it one you would want someone else doing?"
Ezerak grins at Enthien, his dimples flashing into view.
Enthien just blew Ezerak a kiss.
Ezerak chuckles.
Rylento says to you, "More like it found me. My parents were thrilled to help make it happen. It's not like they didn't get to know me before I came on."
Enthien flashes a quick grin.
Enthien looks over Fariden very closely.
Mazrian nods to Rylento.
You say to Rylento, "Do you enjoy the work? Most days, anyway? I think everyone can say their work is not enjoyable every day."
Enthien studies the ground for a moment.
You chuckle to yourself.
Rylento smiles.
Enthien pats herself down. Whatever.
Enthien gives a slight nod.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Rylento says to you, "The Leader is really very kind. I like helping him do his work."
You smile at Rylento.
You say to Rylento, "That is really what matters then."
Rylento says, "Everyone else has always been perfectly appropriate."
You ponder.
You say, "Perfectly appropriate? What a wonderful descriptive."
Enthien slowly asks, ""Appropriate?"
You smile.
Ezerak chuckles.
Maraisel chuckles.
Ezerak says, "I think I like that."
Rylento takes a sip of his wine.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Maraisel says, "One that has never been used to describe me."
Maraisel grins.
Rylento chuckles at Maraisel.
Ezerak looks at Maraisel and sighs.
Enthien winks at Maraisel.
Maraisel grins.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
You say to Maraisel, "This is true."
Maraisel nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Mazrian asks Rylento, "Do you drink at the Silver Eye often?"
Ezerak takes a sip of his Tequila.
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
You smile at Rylento.
Rylento says to Mazrian, "I've been trying to get around the city more often these days. The Leader has asked me pointedly to keep a pulse on things if I can."
Mazrian winces.
Rylento says, "He's very interested in life around the city."
Ezerak takes a sip of his brandy.
Mazrian says, "You're not in any trouble, I hope? There's pointedly and.."
Mazrian pointedly says, "Pointedly."
You smile at Rylento.
Aislynn chuckles at Mazrian.
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Ezerak takes a sip of his brandy.
Ezerak chuckles.
Rylento says to Mazrian, "Oh, I mean, it was just more than a request for coffee is all."
Rylento asks, "I don't think I was in trouble. Was I?"
You chuckle.
Mazrian chuckles.
Rylento says, "Oh no..."
Rylento gazes at Mazrian.
Aislynn runs her fingers lightly over her leather fob, and it shines brightly for a moment. Suddenly, a large mug of pecan praline coffee appears in her hand!
You say, "Unless you consider having drinks with us a punishment."
You chuckle to yourself.
Aislynn offers Rylento a large mug of pecan praline coffee.
Mazrian says, "You'd know, don't worry."
Mazrian pats Rylento on the back.
Rylento offers Aislynn a fluted glass of sparkling white wine.
Fariden says, "Unless someone is waiting on the coffee."
Rylento accepts Aislynn's praline coffee.
Aislynn accepts Rylento's white wine.
Enthien says, "Punishment isn't always bad."
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Rylento smiles at Aislynn.
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
Mazrian says, "Here, drink brand."
Aislynn beams at Rylento!
Maraisel grins at Enthien.
Mazrian coughs.
Mazrian takes a sip of his brandy.
Maraisel nods at Enthien, obviously agreeing with her views.
Mazrian says to Enthien, "Too right."
Ezerak takes a sip of his brandy.
Mazrian nods.
Aislynn quietly says to Rylento, "Might I try a sip? Some don't like to share drinks, but I promise, I'm healthier than you."
Aislynn grins at Rylento.
Rylento says, "I think he's just interested in what's going on. And in who is making positive goings on happen."
The tip of Aislynn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
Rylento says to Aislynn, "It's all yours. I'll stick to the coffee, it's delicious. Thank you."
Aislynn beams!
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
Aislynn takes a sip of her wine.
Aislynn's tail rolls up and down in a smooth undulation.
Ezerak takes a sip of his brandy.
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Lovely!"
Mazrian says, "You've found the right folk, then."
Mazrian pats Ezerak on the back.
Mazrian gestures at you.
You smile.
Ezerak smiles at Mazrian, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
You say, "We are certainly trying, anyway."
You smile at Mazrian.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Ezerak says, "We certainly do try."
Mazrian says, "These newlyweds are making theatre...well, it's still theatre...but it's a lot of fun, besides."
You smile at Mazrian.
Rylento smiles.
Rylento nods.
Rylento says to Mazrian, "They do keep showing up."
Rylento nods in agreement.
Mazrian chuckles.
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian says, "Half of life is showing up."
Rylento says, "No surprise, given the history you describe."
Enthien says, "Seems like a boring life."
Rylento smiles at you.
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian says to Enthien, "Well, that depends on the other half."
Rylento asks you, "Question is, do you prefer the front lines or the improv stage?"
Rylento chuckles.
Enthien flashes a quick grin at Mazrian.
Mazrian raises an eyebrow in your direction.
You say, "A little of both, I suppose. When the front lines is necessary, I do my best to be there. But when the front lines are not... I do rather enjoy finding ways to bring joy to others."
Ezerak looks at Enthien and blushes.
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
You say, "Some of my fondest memories were my days serving on the Ferdahl's Court here in Ilithi."
You say, "Shard will always hold a special place in my heart."
Rylento smiles at you.
Enthien says to you, "Tell us a story, darling. I'm sure the steward would love to hear."
You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.
Rylento exclaims, "I would!"
Mazrian smiles at you.
Rylento nods at Enthien, obviously agreeing with her views.
You say, "I am terrible at stories."
You chuckle to yourself.
You ponder.
Mazrian says, "It's like improv, but you have some material to start from."
You nod at Mazrian, in complete agreement with his views.
Ezerak gives you a gentle poke in the ribs.
Ezerak says, "Are not."
You say, "Most of my work on the Court was purely political. I was Emissary to the Mountain, so I spent most of my time in communication with Queen Morganae and her family."
Enthien says to you, "Tell us more, dear."
Enthien takes a sip of her whiskey.
You say, "My family is originally from Elamiri, so it was an absolute pleasure to work with them."
Ezerak smiles at you, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
Rylento asks you, "Do you keep connections still?"
You say, "I do try to keep the connections open. I believe that is how my letter reached Prince Fayne for him to attend our concert not long ago."
You smile at Rylento.
Rylento exclaims, "Oh!"
Enthien says, "The Prince is an interesting one. His life certainly does not seem dull."
Rylento asks, "So I have you to thank for almost passing out and also dying and maybe freezing in place a little all at the same time?"
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
You chuckle at Rylento.
Ezerak laughs!
Aislynn laughs!
Mazrian chuckles.
You nod at Enthien, in complete agreement with her views.
Aislynn pats Rylento on the back.
Aislynn takes a sip of her wine.
Rylento looks at you and blushes.
You say to Enthien, "I did have the honor of serving as his personal bodyguard once, when he came to the city. During my time as Emissary."
Aislynn gets an itsy-bitsy Ilithic applewood keg reinforced with howlite-studded leather straps from inside a sculpted leather beverage holster.
Enthien whispers, "Personal... bodyguard? How fantastic."
Grinning, Aislynn pulls a swig from an itsy-bitsy Ilithic applewood keg reinforced with howlite-studded leather straps.
You say, "He made it home to Elamiri without a scratch, so I consider my work a success."
Mazrian takes a sip of his brandy.
You chuckle to yourself.
You smile at Enthien.
Aislynn quietly says, "Eeef! Fratvarit."
A nervous tic starts up around Aislynn's eye.
Aislynn puts her keg in a worn grey hitman's backpack with fraying straps.
Enthien says, "Without a scratch? I would have expected at least a few."
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
You look at Enthien and blush.
Enthien hums to herself.
Mazrian chuckles.
Ezerak holds his hand up before his mouth and begins to cough, his shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!
Raising his Rekave's brandy to Enthien, Mazrian gives her a toast.
Rylento asks, "Did anyone else get a scratch?"
You shake your head at Rylento.
You say, "I belive the entire visit was a success."
You smile.
Rylento smiles at you.
You hear a voice say, "Good, I didn't miss the after party."
Ezerak says, "No you didn't, friend."
You smile at Kados.
Rylento ponders.
Aislynn makes a chirring noise in Kados's direction.
You hug Kados. A faint scent of fine tobacco clings to his skin.
Enthien offers Kados a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey.
Kados says, "Again, job well done all."
Ezerak shakes Kados's hand.
Kados accepts Enthien's dark-hued whiskey.
Maraisel grins at Kados.
Raising his dark-hued whiskey to Enthien, Kados gives her a toast.
Maraisel says to Kados, "I was told we have to be on our best behavior."
Aislynn takes a bite of the cupcake.
Kados snaps his fingers.
You chuckle to yourself.
Kados says to Maraisel, "If they insist."
Ezerak says to Kados, "No dice this time."
Ezerak chuckles.
Kados grins at Maraisel.
Aislynn takes a bite of the cupcake.
Enthien says to Maraisel, "To be clear, they said you were to be on your best behavior. They said nothing to the rest of us."
Maraisel says to Kados, "And pants are apparently a requirement."
Kados guzzles down some of his whiskey and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Mazrian says, "Perhaps we could relax to second best. The Steward here seems like good people."
Mazrian smiles at Maraisel.
Maraisel chuckles at Enthien.
Rylento asks, "I'm sorry. This isn't my fault, is it? Should I leave so everyone can misbehave?"
Maraisel grins at Mazrian.
Kados chuckles at Maraisel.
Rylento blushes a bright red color.
Ezerak shakes his head at Rylento.
Aislynn chortles softly at some secret joke.
You say to Rylento, "Oh, goodness, no."
Fariden exclaims to Maraisel, "Bah, no one shall make me wear pants!"
You smile at Rylento.
You say to Rylento, "We enjoy your company. They are just trying to make a good impression."
Kados says to Rylento, "Ah no, old stories and all."
You chuckle.
Kados chuckles.
Mazrian nods in agreement.
Mazrian takes a sip of his brandy.
You say, "Maraisel and Kados have a bad history with parties and tequila."
You glance at Maraisel, a female Elf.
Rylento chuckles.
Kados asks, "Bad history?"
Kados snickers.
Fariden asks, "And dice?"
Maraisel says, "I wouldn't call it bad."
Ezerak nods at Fariden, obviously agreeing with his views.
Maraisel says, "Then again, I didn't lose at dice."
Enthien looks over Rylento very closely.
Ezerak says to Maraisel, "It could've been worse, I suppose."
Aislynn takes a bite of the cupcake.
Maraisel grins at Kados.
Maraisel nods at Kados, obviously agreeing with his views.
Rylento says, "The sun is definitely coming up now, we should probably all switch to coffee."
Maraisel nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.
Aislynn moves a dense chocolate cupcake topped with a bright purple spun sugar lotus to her left hand.
Enthien begins chortling at Rylento.
You take a sip of the wine. Subtle flavors flow across the palate, highlighting the wine's light taste with notes of citrus, peach, vanilla, strawberry and the barest hint of thyme.
You finish off the rest of it, and set the glass aside.
Aislynn runs her fingers lightly over her leather fob, and it shines brightly for a moment. Suddenly, a mug of dark coffee appears in her hand!
Enthien says to Rylento, "You're adorable."
You chuckle to yourself.
Rylento looks at Enthien and blushes.
Kados grins at Enthien.
Aislynn offers Fariden a mug of dark coffee.
Mazrian puts his brandy in his black backpack.
Mazrian takes a sip of his coffee.
Mazrian says, "It's not a bad idea."
You nod in agreement.
Fariden accepts Aislynn's dark coffee.
Enthien says to Rylento, "Darling, I could teach you a few things."
Enthien gets a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey from inside her hitman's backpack.
Enthien offers Rylento a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey.
Aislynn runs her fingers lightly over her leather fob, and it shines brightly for a moment. Suddenly, a large mug of pitch-black coffee appears in her hand!
Fariden smiles at Aislynn.
Maraisel laughs!
Ezerak chuckles at Enthien.
Aislynn hums to herself.
Fariden says, "Bitter..."
Mazrian says to Rylento, "If you'd like to learn about life in Shard, that would be a fine offer to take."
Ezerak takes a sip of his brandy.
Aislynn offers Maraisel a large mug of pitch-black coffee.
Mazrian says, "Just by way of free advice."
Maraisel grins at Aislynn.
Mazrian smiles.
The tip of Aislynn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
Maraisel accepts Aislynn's pitch-black coffee.
Aislynn runs her fingers lightly over her leather fob, and it shines brightly for a moment. Suddenly, a mug of maple coffee appears in her hand!
Rylento asks Mazrian, "The drink or the teaching?"
Aislynn grins.
Enthien grins slowly.
Enthien says, "Yes."
Mazrian says to Rylento, ""Most assuredly both."
Aislynn offers you a mug of maple coffee. Enter ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Ezerak chuckles at Enthien.
You say to Rylento, "You are always welcome to join us. We do like to gather at Milene's, or here at the Silver Eye on occasion."
You accept Aislynn's offer and are now holding a mug of maple coffee.
Aislynn runs her fingers lightly over her leather fob, and it shines brightly for a moment. Suddenly, a mug of maple coffee appears in her hand!
Aislynn offers Enthien a mug of maple coffee.
Enthien declines Aislynn's offer.
Enthien winks at Aislynn.
Rylento gazes off into the distance.
Aislynn chortles softly at some secret joke.
Aislynn offers Kados a mug of maple coffee.
Rylento glances at a pear-shaped glass of dark whiskey.
Kados accepts Aislynn's maple coffee.
Rylento glances at something on top of an obsidian bar.
The tip of Aislynn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
You say to Rylento, "Not always for drinking. Sometimes just to discuss life."
You chuckle to yourself.
Aislynn quietly exclaims, "Finally!"
Kados asks Aislynn, "My favorite, how did you know?"
Aislynn takes off a stained leather fob bearing a small copper coffee pot.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Aislynn puts her fob in her pivuh skull.
Kados grins at Aislynn.
Kados says, "Thanks."
Maraisel moves a tiny tower-shaped glass of Crystal Tequila garnished with a twist of lime to her left hand.
Maraisel moves a large mug of pitch-black coffee to her right hand.
Maraisel offers Aislynn a large mug of pitch-black coffee.
Aislynn gets a leather fob bearing a small pewter teapot from inside her white apron.
Aislynn hums to herself.
Aislynn laughs!
Aislynn puts on a leather fob bearing a small pewter teapot.
Aislynn accepts Maraisel's pitch-black coffee.
Maraisel takes a sip of her Tequila.
Aislynn takes a sip of her coffee.
Aislynn hums to herself.
Kados takes a sip of his coffee.
Aislynn takes a bite of the cupcake.
Rylento quickly pours his whiskey into his coffee, pretending like maybe no one noticed!
Rylento takes a sip of his coffee.
You smile at Rylento.
Aislynn adjusts her dark-lensed goggles into place.
Aislynn nods at Rylento, obviously agreeing with his views.
The tip of Aislynn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.
Kados asks Rylento, "I'm late and this probably was already talked about but which was your favorite part of the performance?"
You offer your maple coffee to Aislynn, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Aislynn takes a sip of her coffee.
Enthien says to Rylento, "He can be taught."
You pour yourself a steaming mug of midnight black coffee. Cheers!
Aislynn puts her coffee in her white apron.
Aislynn has accepted your offer and is now holding a mug of maple coffee.
Aislynn grins.
Mazrian chuckles at Enthien.
Rylento asks Kados, "The part where I missed the whole thing I guess?"
You nod politely to Aislynn.
You chuckle to yourself.
Ezerak chuckles.
Kados chuckles.
Aislynn beams at you! What a warm feeling!
You smile.
Mazrian says, "Ouch, that wounds a little."
Mazrian chuckles.
Rylento says, "I mean not really, I wish I hadn't."
Rylento says, "I'm sorry that sounded bad."
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian gazes thoughtfully at Rylento.
Mazrian asks, "Do you always apologize this much?"
You say to Rylento, "We understood what you meant."
You chuckle.
Mazrian raises an eyebrow in Rylento's direction.
Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
Kados says, "Ah, I thought you were there, many folks and I couldn't keep track of everyone."
Rylento asks Mazrian, "It's um, well, I mean I don't know. Maybe?"
You smile at Rylento.
Aislynn shakes her head as if clearing it.
Rylento asks Mazrian, "I guess if I mean it?"
Rylento gnaws on his lip.
Aislynn observes Rylento with fascination.
Aislynn observes Mazrian with fascination.
Aislynn quietly asks, "Are you playing the question game?"
You chuckle at Aislynn.
Mazrian asks Rylento, "We could be?"
Aislynn chortles softly at some secret joke.
Mazrian raises an eyebrow.
Aislynn takes a bite of the cupcake.
Kados chuckles.
Rylento says, "The truth is I don't know how much I apologize, compared to all the things I say."
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
Maraisel says, "Ah. Statistics."
Enthien says to Rylento, "Darling, did you come here looking to drink alone and discover us? It's okay, really."
Rylento laughs!
You chortle softly at some secret joke.
Ezerak grins at Kados, his dimples flashing into view.
Kados chuckles.
You take a sip of the coffee. Unbelievably strong with a bitter edge left unsoftened by cream or sugar, the thick beverage is guaranteed to leave you awake at night.
Ezerak takes a sip of his brandy.
Rylento says to Enthien, "You all were definitely a surprise! But it's nice to talk with such interesting people."
You smile at Rylento.
Ezerak smiles at Rylento, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
Enthien flashes a quick grin at Rylento.
Maraisel says to Rylento, "Just make sure you only report the good things about us, if asked."
Maraisel winks at Rylento.
Ezerak grins at Maraisel, his dimples flashing into view.
Ezerak nods at Maraisel, obviously agreeing with her views.
Kados chuckles.
Mazrian smiles at Rylento.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Mazrian says, "Or be honest, gods help us all."
Rylento says, "Pretty sure my only report is going to read: There was an improv show and folks had fun, including me. The End."
Mazrian chuckles.
Kados asks Maraisel, "Of course, what could he say bad about you?"
You smile at Rylento.
Maraisel says to Kados, "I somehow managed to behave, so not much bad, for once."
Maraisel chortles softly at some secret joke.
Mazrian gets a snifter of Rekave's ridiculously refined brandy from inside his black backpack.
Ezerak says to Kados, "I could think of a few things."
Kados adds to Maraisel's praises.
Ezerak sticks his tongue out at Maraisel.
Maraisel says to Ezerak, "Yes, well... you know me."
Maraisel grins at Ezerak.
Ezerak smiles at Maraisel, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
Mazrian asks, "We could play a game. An appropriate one, of course?"
Ezerak says to Maraisel, "We love you anyway, though."
Maraisel winks at Ezerak.
Aislynn clicks her claws together.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Aislynn takes a sip of her coffee.
You ask Mazrian, "What game do you have in mind?"
Enthien gazes upward.
Mazrian asks, "Well, a simple game of "I never". I'm sure you know it?"
Maraisel asks, "Does it involve dice?"
Ezerak laughs!
Rylento says, "It's been too long now for me, the sun is already up. I'll let you all keep going with the games and let loose. Thanks for being friendly."
Rylento smiles.
Ezerak asks Mazrian, "I thought you said appropriate?"
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian chuckles at Ezerak.
Aislynn chuckles.
You say to Rylento, "Feel free to join us any time."
Mazrian says to Ezerak, "Don't spoil it.."
Enthien says to Rylento, "Offer stands, darling, would love to teach you things."
Rylento says, "Just don't go causing a big mess or anything."
You say to Rylento, "We can help provide information for your reports."
Enthien winks at Rylento.
Rylento nods to you.
Ezerak says to Rylento, "Yes, our offer certainly stands, to join us here or the Rose any time."
Kados nods to Rylento.
You smile.
Rylento says, "Thanks, I'll keep an eye out. If you send letters in to the Leader I always review them."
Rylento smiles.
You smile at Rylento.
Mazrian says to Rylento, "Look forward to seeing you again. By the by, there's a good tea shop in Undershard."
You say to Rylento, "We will be sure to do so."
Rylento says, "Have a good day."
You nod.
Mazrian says, "If you should ever be looking for a thrill."
Kados waves to Rylento.
You curtsy gracefully to Rylento.
Rylento glances at Mazrian.
Ezerak bows to Rylento.
Rylento gulps.
You chuckle at Mazrian.
Tower Steward Rylento goes out.