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Vykathi builder

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Vykathi Builder
Creature Levels:
    Overall 23
    Level Variance -
    Natural Attack 22
    Weapon Attack 0
    Defense 25
    Player Estimated -
Potential overall skill: 92
Skill Cap 120 to 170
Skinnable No
Has Coins No
Has Gems No
Has Boxes No
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons Unknown
Alignment No
Corporeal Yes
Construct No
Casts Spells No
Attack Range Melee
Stealthy No
Special Attacks No
Special Defenses Yes
Body Type insect
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
Premium-Only Unknown
Manipulatable Yes
Skill Required ? / ?
Teaching Cap ?


Vykathi are an infamous race of carnivorous insects. Their builders go about on all six legs, crushing rock in their powerful jaws and secreting a sticky substance which quickly hardens into stone.

In Depth

Despite having opposing utility functions vykathi builders and excavators are otherwise very similar with equivalent attributes and combat capabilities. As such, both are inferior combatants to the vykathi harvesters who swarm hive intruders. Hunting builders or excavators without engaging harvesters is unlikely. Thus, adventurers attempting to do so without the ability to adequately defend against superior opponents (i.e. multiple vykathi harvesters) will be in great peril. Additionally, vykathi builders and excavators present no value, especially for the risk, as neither can be skinned nor carry any equipment or loot.

Both vykathi builders and excavators will occasionally depart the room directly from combat, ignoring their engagement state. They can and will go directly from melee to another room without first having to retreat.

Area Information

Vykathi builders and excavators are responsible for the ever changing maze that is the Vykathi Hive. Vykathi builders will sometimes seal exits they pass through. This can occur when a builder exits a room, when it enters one or both.
Departure Example:

LOOK: Obvious exits: north, east, south.
A vykathi builder crawls through the tunnel leading east, filling it in as it goes.
LOOK: Obvious exits: north, south.

Arrival Example:

LOOK: Obvious exits: north, south, west.
A vykathi builder arrives from the west, filling in the tunnel behind it.
LOOK: Obvious exits: north, south.

Vykathi builders will also enter (lumbers into view) and exit (lumbers <direction>) rooms without changing anything. A builder might seal the exit in their departure room while leaving the exit in their arrival room open, or vice versa, thus creating one way tunnels.
The vykathi excavator is the opposite. Instead of sealing exits it creates them.

Skill Caps

  • Weapons: Soft cap (1/34) at or before 170 (10/19/2020).
  • Tactics: Hard cap (0/34) at or before 258 (10/19/2020).


  • With Defenses around 225 the vykathi builder is a relatively easy opponent. It would train quite badly.
  • With Weapons at 170 (300+ Mastery) the vykathi builder is a creature completely beneath your notice. It would train quite badly.

Special Attacks


Special Defenses

  • Vykathi are immune to stuns, both physical and magical (such as Arc Light).
  • APPRAISE CAREFUL info: The builder appears immune to slicing.

Slice damage tends to do nothing more than scuff a vykathi's carapace.




Body Parts

  • ARRANGE INFO: The builder cannot be skinned, so you can't arrange it either.


  • Spawn: A vykathi builder lumbers into view.
  • Entrance1: A vykathi builder lumbers into view.
  • Entrance2: A vykathi builder arrives from the <direction>, filling in the tunnel behind it.
  • Exit1: A vykathi builder lumbers <direction>.
  • Exit2: A vykathi builder crawls through the tunnel leading <direction>, filling it in as it goes.
  • Death1: A vykathi builder twitches helplessly on the ground for a few moments before it lies still.
  • Decay: A vykathi excavator decays away.

Recall Knowledge

You recall everything noteworthy about a vykathi builder... which is apparently nothing.
They are not known to cast any recognized spells.
They are not known to carry loot in locked boxes.