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Ysselt Ja'Haadraan
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Bard
Instance Prime


At the time of her wedding to Mazrian, 389AV. (1/5/08)

Ysselt Ja'Haadraan, Lady-in-Waiting of Zoluren, an Elf.
She has almond-shaped pale jade eyes accentuated by dark arched eyebrows and opaline skin with a faint rosy blush on her high cheekbones. She has thick, waist-length blue-black hair with red-gold streaks that is braided into a labyrinthine arrangement favored by the Forest Elves.
Her oval face is elongated somewhat by a long classical nose.
She is short for an Elf.
She has a tattoo of a king snake twining around her right forearm down to her wrist. A labyrinthine pattern of tiny vela'tohr blossoms forms the serpent's body, each band alternating between blue-black and silvery white. The ink slithers across the skin before wending its way along the palm to the tip of the ring finger on her hand.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a pair of small lazurite hoops, a necklace of five cabochon rubies strung together with black pearls, a full-skirted scarlet watersilk gown with a tightly laced bodice, a polished platinum ring bearing the Ja'Haadraan family crest, a brushed platinum bracelet set with brilliant Imperial rubies and black pearls, a wide platinum Celestial Elf betrothal bracelet, a wide platinum wedding band bezel-set with a vivid cabochon Teiro's Hate ruby and a strappy pair of black sandals accented by a triple-tiered strand of onyx beads.

Current Appearance - 397AV
You see Ysselt Ja'Haadraan, Waerd Cui of Elanthia, an Elf.
Her features are hidden behind an expressionless Elven silver half-mask sculpted into a woman's countenance.
She is in good shape.

She is wearing a pair of small lazurite hoops, a thin silver necklace with a pendant displaying a huge smoky moss-green jade, a deeply-cowled monk's robe, a sana'ati pilgrim's badge varnished to a dusky sheen, a sturdy leather harp case, a string of banded carmine jade and ivory beads and a pair of fine leather sandals with crisscrossing straps.


Born in Leth Deriel to a displaced Mountain Elf named Jaraant Haadraan and to a spoiled Forest Elf, Yulianne Sora'Zuhaich at the family home called Zuhaich Hall. Ysselt was raised in an environment of comfort and if not opulent, then at least decadent wealth. After spending fifteen of her formative childhood years in fostering with an Aesry seamstress the twenty-five year old Ysselt returned home. From that moment on, Yulianne tried to bring Ysselt up to understand subtleties of various court atmospheres and provided her daughter with training in etiquette and other skills that she felt the girl would need. It was obvious from the start that Yulianne planned this child to go into service as a lady's maid to a high ranking noble and fulfill a dream that she herself did not.

It was unfortunate then, for Yulianne to be married to the man she was. For every proper fork placement and lace handkerchief folding session Ysselt had with Yulianne, Jaraant provided two more lessons in fun and excitement. If her mother did not think it was important or seemly for her to learn to play an instrument, Jaraant bought two instruments and taught her (or hired someone to teach her) to play both. With this hodge-podge of education Ysselt grew to disdain her mother's teachings and rapidly fell into a rambunctious course of life with her father that including riding, hunting and falconry.

When Ysselt was old enough to chose her own way in life, she toyed with the idea of joining clerical service. Finding the life not for her she settled, quite by accident, into the Bard's Guild much to the dismay and objection of her mother who did not think the profession suitable. During her time adventuring, she met her half-brother - the product of one of her father's many conquests, Taleek Ana-Kaidin (now Rippentropp).

Time passed and Ysselt grew in her chosen profession, as well as aged, her parents began to seek a suitable husband for her. Not wanting to be married to someone she did not know, Ysselt objected strongly to this as she had found the person she would call the "one great love" of her life. Unfortunately, this love was also highly unsuitable. Although Ysselt tried for many years to get her parents to relent, she could not even charm her father into letting her have her own way. It was with a heavy heart that she had to ostensibly break relations with Alzbar Raizonglin.

Ysselt tried very hard to find someone who would both please herself and her mother's hard nosed snobbery. and a number of potential suitors came and went. Her mother was not pleased until Mazrian Daemondred presented himself. Ysselt never knew that a conversation between Mazrian and her mother took place, only that a few days after a benefit date auction to raise money for the Zoluren Orphanage, she was informed that she would be marrying this man of whom she knew so little. Furious at first, Ysselt soon came to accept the arrangement as one that would bring honour to herself and her family name, however she has refused to speak with her mother or father since then, blaming her father for not getting her out of the situation which she found distasteful. During the time the couple were married both claimed to have respect for the other, although it is not known if this was actually true.

Ysselt remarried Pormithius Zengel, an associate of Mazrian's in the Flying Company in late 395AV, until he sold. he sold his account and his character and another person was playing it and she decided she was no longer married to him. that's what happened folks

Affiliations, past and present

At one time affiliated heavily with only the Bard's Guild, Ysselt has moved away from dependency on only her guild members for support. Some have gone so far as to say that she shuns the guild entirely but it is not generally known her feelings on this matter. As her association with only her guild waned, she began to take on research jobs and tasks. It was her love of history and pursuit of knowledge that led her to join the group which would become known as The Sanguine Eye.

Joining the Eye with the intention of being inducted as a high ranking member was not Ysselt's original plan. She intended to only assist the founder, Meanne DeIredescence in a historian type position. When this was found not to be Meanne's intention rather than leave immediately, Ysselt stayed on as she was eager for the new knowledge the group could provide her. Eventually her ties with the group were severed and her loyalty shifted.

After severing her ties with the Eye, Ysselt began something of a search for herself. Unmarried at the time, she would sequester herself for days in her home. It was after a year of such behaviour that she was asked to accompany Paschein, former Zoluren Court Advisor, on a mission to Ulf'Hara Keep. During this visit, Ysselt found Princess Arilana quite ill, having suffered her first miscarriage. With the other assembled parties, Ysselt tried to soothe the Princess the best she could, and found herself rather drawn to the seemingly fragile woman.

After this, Ysselt was asked to place her name in the ring to become Princess Arilana's Lady-In-Waiting, a position recently vacated by Natashya's lady Alrina. The Princess, whom Ysselt once saw as frail was not so. During her interview Ysselt felt it best to hold nothing back and freely admitted her dealings with The Sanguine Eye and it was as well she had, for she later learned the Princess was already aware of it. Despite her past transgressions, Ysselt was chosen for and accepted the position as Arilana's Lady-In-Waiting.

On 389 years, 340 days AV, 9th month of Dolefaren the Brigantine, Iron Toad (2/19/2008) after nearly four years in service of Princess Arilana and Zoluren, Ysselt submitted her resignation to the Princess. This resignation was accepted, and as such, Ysselt is no longer officially attached to the Zoluren Court.

Lost, and without a sense of purpose, Ysselt decided (for unknown reasons) to venture to Ilithi and try her hand at the militia. The life was not for her however, and she resigned after little more than four short months, shortly after the Shosandu for the year 392 AV. Shortly thereafter, her then husband, Mazrian, began a group of mercenary-type warriors calling themselves the Flying Company, a group that Ysselt is not affiliated with - although she is on good terms with all the members.

In 393AV, Ysselt had the great honour of meeting Queen Morganae and her son, Prince Fayne in Ilithi, along with a handful of other citizens. After being called to speak, Ysselt was given the unenviable task of being nursemaid to Lady Alrina, a position she held until Alrina retired to the Chateau on Ain Ghazal, the home of the Rose Sisters with Sister Vethine.

When interviews for positions in the Shard court opened up in 394AV, Ysselt applied for two positions, Court Historian and Emissary to the Mountain Court. Never expecting to get the Emissary position, she applied herself to focusing more on the Historian position and was shocked when she was actually named Emissary. Unfortunately, not everyone agreed with the announcement, and while she was making her way to the dais of the Great Tower to meet the Ferdahl, an incident occurred in which Xelten Tyrsin murdered Ysselt. With trepidation, Ysselt tried to do her best at the position, though some say the murder shook her confidence and she never quite recovered from it. When all Ambassadorial positions were terminated by order of the Ferdahl in 397AV, Ysselt became unattached to the Ilithi Court.

Personality and Tidbits

Ysselt is a quiet woman with an obvious dislike of her mother and open adoration for her father. Owing to her father's lavish attentions, she is spoiled and sheltered despite being well-read. Her naivety is balanced by her willingness and ability to communicate well with the people around her, although she is extremely shy around strangers, and has bouts of stubbornness.

  • Is a published artist, her piece entitled "The Ja'Haadran-Daemondred Marriage" currently hangs in the Raven's Court Art Gallery.
  • Appointed Nursemaid to Lady Alrina by specific command of Queen Morganae in 393AV, position ended in late 394AV when Alrina was rendered into the care of Rose Sister Vethine and removed to Ain Ghazal.
  • Appointed Lady-in-Waiting to Princess Arilana of Zoluren in 385AV until her resignation upon her marriage to Mazrian in 389AV.
  • Appointed Emissary to the Mountain Court in 394AV until termination of the position by Ferdahl Aemmin in 397AV.
  • Married to Mazrian Daemondred 389AV to 395AV, they have one child, a son named Laertas who was born in 394AV on the 21st day of Akroeg the Ram, in the year of the Golden Panther.
  • Married to Pormithius Zengel in 395AV until 398AV.
  • Half sister to Taleek (Ana-Kaiden) Rippentropp.

OOC Information

You may view a livejournal that is kept by the player of Ysselt for the purposes of information. Please be very cautious about what information from the journal is taken in-game as hardly anything would be available to players, and anything that would be would be either directly told to them by Ysselt or a loose lipped confidante. The journal is currently friends only, so you must have a livejournal account (free) to read it, and submit a friend request. The journal is part of a larger community effort project, The Book of Tales.

Ysselt's Journal [1]
Book of Tales Community [2] AIM: Ysselt