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Flying Company

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Caution.png Note that the following article is not necessarily accurate due to this group's status as a player-run organization. Because these types of articles are maintained by players about players, there is always the risk of alteration due to malice or desire for anonymity. This page will be monitored by the staff; please do not allow it to become a battleground. -The Elanthipedia Moderators


Council Mazrian


A stylized sword impales the outlined image of Kermoria. Large wings spread outward from the hilt, each sinuous line of the steelsilk feathers shimmering regally with every turn into the light. A flowing banner surges across the image to display a motto in elegant script.

Motto: "Five provinces -- One Purpose"


The Flying Company is a small group of specialists who attempt to protect the five provinces against external threats, bring civilization to the unsettled lands of Kermoria, and fight to uphold the manifest destiny of the eleven races.

The Flying Company is not affiliated with any political or ruling entity, though the group does contract itself on the short to medium term to entities with compatible agendas. The Flying Company, like many mercenary groups, actively seeks out lucrative contracts, sometimes meeting with both sides of a conflict to see which can make the most attractive offer.

In times of peace, the Flying Company hosts events such as Tournaments, Sparring Nights and Triage Training, most of which are geared toward creating a more battle-ready populace.

The group is small, and has been since its inception. Most of its members fulfill a specific function in the group, with little redundancy. In times of war the Flying Company serves to augment forces already in place -- working with local groups and providing leadership when necessary. The Flying Company fighters often form one large, roaming contingent, which goes to augment local forces wherever the fighting is most brutal. In areas with little military presence, the Flying Company can be the most organized fighting entity available. The company's triage section, while much smaller, often sets up a small but efficient secondary Triage location, which the fighters can fall back to if they suffer casualties.

The Flying Company has been welcomed to Ilithi and Zoluren, but their reception in Therengia has always been very cold. Baron Gyfford stated that he does not welcome a company of unaffiliated fighters, and that the Flying Company members are to be given no aid when on Therengian soil. Flying Company Members have been killed by Therengian operatives while attempting to help fight off invading forces in Therengia. Several of the Company's members are effectively banned from Therengia, though in practice the lower-profile members are not bothered if they do not cause trouble.

The Flying Company has yet to establish relations with the governments of Qi'reshalia and Forfedhdar.

Flying Company members are identifiable by a patch they are issued upon joining: a smoke-grey patch embroidered with silvery steelsilk.