The Arthe Dale Concert and Performing Series/Vixonia/9-8-2022

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Arthe Dale Concert: Vixonia Toryan 9-8-2022
Arthe Hollow Inn, Arthe Dale, Zoluren
Recorded by Dromond Revelstone

In Attendance

Stardust Aetheline who is surrounded by a golden cloud of glitter
Moon Warrior Allye
Little Howler Almarius
Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor
Pack Sister Dallylia
Doctor Dromond
Lady Knight Elurora
Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma
Tracker of the Wind Halari
Folk Researcher Iryta
Nikabi Tokaru Ishimmer
Alshabi Kamisama who is crawling with shadowy tendrils
Heart Tender Kethrai
Philomath Miskton who is darkened by an unnatural shadow
Langen Esturi Nilme
Darkling Ruecolle
Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers
Sonic Sonance Sonatina whose form wavers within a roiling cloud of blue smoke
Stray Stelling
Knight of Meraud Tirost
Fala Sorgin Useff
Dancer Vixonia who is trailed by softly glowing silvery-blue musical notes


Arthe Hollow Inn, Common Room
The room is filled with jovial conversation, laughter, much toasting and a layer of smoky haze. Guests of all races mingle at the long, low tables. A Halfling holding a very large mug of beer jumps in front of the stone fireplace, lets out a whoop and bursts into a spontaneous song. Daisy Burdock, the inn's waitress, maneuvers adeptly through the crowd carrying a tray of mugs and occasionally glancing out the window. A menu is posted at the archway next to a prominent sign.
You also see a smoke image of a surprised deer, an adorable jet black kitten, an open doorway, some wooden stairs, a polished wooden bar with several things on it and a wooden menuboard.
Obvious exits: out.


Dancer Vixonia Toryan, Speaker of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Prydaen Bard

Vixonia has a triangular face, tufted ears, cat-slitted crystal blue eyes and a narrow nose. Her raven mane is long and wavy, and is worn in a tousled mass of locks that tumbles over her shoulders. She has silver fur accented by a cascade of delicate blue gold sharizas, a deceptively fragile-looking tail guard of mistglass mail sheathing a curving tail and a gracefully slender figure. She is a bit over average height for a Prydaen. She appears to be young.

She is wearing a fine platinum necklace etched with an elaborate triquetra pattern, a shimmering nightsilk blouse designed to be tied around the midriff, an elaborate multi-tier hip chain dangling delicate triquetra charms, a sinuous nightsilk skirt fitted to drape low on the hips and some cut silver toe bells with an intricate knotwork pattern.

Set List

  • Sword Dance
  • Cizayu
  • Those Left Behind
  • Nightingale Story
  • Winter's Gifts
  • Almost
  • Butterfly Dance
  • Tipsy Barmaid
  • Drinking Song

Log of Event

Nilme recites:

"We'll be getting started just shortly!"

Daisy places a Taffelberry fizz on the bar.
Allye gets a Taffelberry fizz from atop a polished wooden bar.
A smoke image of a surprised deer dissipates into the air.
Iryta hums to herself.
Allye takes a sip of her fizz.
Almarius exclaims to Kaedan, "Ohhhh wow! I've nevah heard of you before! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I'm Almarius! SOoooo pleased to meet you! I'm a gnome bard!"
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
You smile at Daisy. Daisy smiles back.
Elurora quietly says to Aetheline, "He can be friends with your bird."
Ylixia grins.
Nilme hugs Vixonia, who wraps her arms around Nilme with a warm smile.
Iryta snorts at Almarius.
Aetheline beams!
Aetheline nods emphatically.
Allye grins.
Ylixia waves to Stelling.
Iryta just touched a frosted seaglass cowbell inlaid with oravir sea-calves along the rim.
Vixonia hugs Ylixia, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.
Kaedan shakes Almarius's hand.
Aetheline gives a miniature skeleton wielding a rusted scimitar a hug!
Ylixia waves to Kaedan.
Ylixia hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.
Vixonia waves to Miskton.
Almarius hugs Sonatina, who wraps her arms around Almarius with a warm smile.
Sonatina trills softly at Almarius.
Iryta smiles at Baelor, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Baelor grins.
Iryta winks at Baelor.
Ears tilted forward, Ishimmer curls his tail around Vixonia's waist loosely.
Vixonia leans on Ishimmer.
Ishimmer shakes his flask.
Allye takes a sip of her fizz.
Gridaksma glances at a weasel skeleton.
Ishimmer puts his flask in his viperskin cloak.
Gridaksma shakes his head.
Almarius giggles at Sonatina.
Elurora raises an eyebrow in Gridaksma's direction.
Ylixia begins to listen to Nilme teach the Parry Ability skill.
Nilme nods to Vixonia.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.
Miskton gets some mulled sicle cider from atop a polished wooden bar.
Baelor begins to listen to Nilme teach the Parry Ability skill.
Miskton takes a sip of his cider.
Gridaksma smiles at Elurora.
Vixonia hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.
Iryta waves to Tirost.
Tirost smiles at Vixonia.
Tirost hugs Vixonia, who wraps her arms around Tirost with a warm smile.
Tirost waves to Iryta.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Tirost gazes fondly at Allye.
Almarius grins at Vixonia, her dimples flashing into view.
Almarius hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.
Allye grins at Tirost.
Almarius hugs Tirost, getting a smile in return.
Allye hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.
Tirost smiles.
Tirost hugs Almarius, who wraps her arms around Tirost with a warm smile.
Tirost hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Tirost with a warm smile.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Tirost!
Tirost grins at Aetheline.
Allye takes a bite of a ripe tomato and chews carefully on it.
Iryta looks at Baelor, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.
Iryta nods to Baelor.
Tirost softly says to Allye, "Had me worried for a moment."
Gridaksma says to Elurora, "Gods have terrible timing to want to talk."
Allye flashes a quick grin at Tirost.
Elurora blinks at Gridaksma.
Allye struts around, tooting her own horn. Call an Empath, she's going to hurt something trying to pat herself on the back like that!
Saslisena takes a seat near a polished wooden bar.
Iryta laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Aetheline peers quizzically at Gridaksma.
Baelor hails Tirost with a superior nod.
Tirost laughs!
Allye exclaims to Tirost, "No worries!"
Iryta says to Elurora, "He's not kidding."
Aetheline giggles at Allye.
Iryta shakes her head.
Kaedan gets a Taffelberry fizz from atop a polished wooden bar.
Iryta sighs.
Elurora grins at Iryta.
Kaedan bursts out in laughter, snorting fizz through his nose.
Allye winks at Aetheline.
Aetheline giggles at Allye.
Allye laughs at Kaedan.
Saslisena hums happily to herself.
Nilme observes Kaedan with fascination.
Vixonia chuckles.
Kaedan takes a sip of his fizz.
After sniffing and scenting the air, an adorable jet black kitten wriggles underneath a polished wooden bar, then gets out.
Nilme beams at Dromond.
Useff gets a huge bucket of popcorn smothered in butter from inside a large canvas sack.
Nilme grins at Useff.
Useff says, "I'm ready."
Darkling Ruecolle just arrived.
Sonatina gets a glass of cloudy absinthe from inside a little melon lunchbox painted with the portrait of a Prydaen.
Miskton stops listening to Stelling.
Useff walks over and sits down on the stool with a relaxed sigh.
Kaedan moves a Taffelberry fizz to his left hand.
Nilme grins at Useff.
Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Kaedan gets a ripe tomato from inside his traveler's pack.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Sonatina stares up with a look of wonder.
Iryta bows her head, acknowledging Miskton.
Kaedan says to Useff, "Me too."
Baelor waves to Ruecolle.
Tirost beams at Miskton!
Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.
Aetheline exclaims, "Me three!"
Nilme grins at Vixonia.
Tirost says to Miskton, "Thank you, Miskton."
Ruecolle nods to Baelor.
Miskton nods politely to Iryta.
Nilme casually observes the area.
Almarius exclaims, "Me seventy two!"
Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!
Nilme grins at Almarius.
Aetheline holds her hand out towards Almarius for a highfive.
Miskton says to Tirost, "You're welcome."

Almarius chants in a sopranino voice:

"Bell Buddy! Bell Buddy! Bell Buddy!"

Kaedan takes a sip of his fizz.
Ruecolle smiles at Miskton.
Allye giggles at Almarius.
Almarius and Aetheline highfive each other and follow it up with simultaneous finger snaps. Sassy!
Vixonia giggles at Almarius.
Vixonia shakes her hips teasingly, making her hip chain chime quietly.
Tirost quietly asks Iryta, "Can I trouble you to take me to your kegs when you've got time?"

Nilme recites:

"Hi! My name is Nilme Iondu'il and on behalf of The Arthe Repertory Team (TART), I'd like to welcome you to the Arthe Hollow Inn for another in the Arthe Dale Concert Series."

Elurora grins at Baelor.

Nilme flashes a wide grin.

Raising his pear mead to Nilme, Stelling gives her a toast.
Dromond applauds..
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Raising her hot chocolate to Nilme, Elurora gives her a toast.
Almarius giggles at Sonatina.

Nilme recites:

"Daerlynn Soulmyste founded the Series and presented solo performers in approximately 20 concerts per year between 360 and 387 AV. It's very meaningful to see the concerts begin once again, and rewarding to provide the opportunity for performers to present their work."

Vixonia trills softly at Nilme.

Saslisena beams at Nilme!
Useff moves a huge bucket of popcorn smothered in butter to his left hand.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Miskton takes a sip of his cider.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Iryta smiles at Nilme, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Almarius exclaims, "Hiiiii Nilme!"

Nilme grins.

Dallylia lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Elurora giggles at Baelor.
Elurora nods to Baelor.
After sniffing and scenting the air, an adorable jet black kitten wriggles underneath a polished wooden bar, then gets out.

Nilme recites:

"Many years ago, my dear friend - our performer's Aunt Nivenya - stood here and presented a concert. Talent runs in the family and today we are excited to feature her niece - an incredible and versatile performer in her own right, and my very close friend, Vixonia!"

Several Halfling men stride purposefully up to the fireplace. They deftly climb atop one another to form a tower of Halflings. The man at the top grabs a beer mug from the mantel and passes it down. They tumble off of each other and proudly walk back to their table.

Raising her hot chocolate to Vixonia, Elurora gives her a toast.
Nilme beams at Vixonia!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Nilme pulls Vixonia to her in a tight hug.

Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Nilme.
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia trills softly at Nilme.

Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Allye beams at Vixonia!

(Nilme gazes fondly at Vixonia, observes those in attendance, and smiles warmly.)

Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Useff says, "I remember that one."
Tirost leans on Almarius.
Ylixia looks at Vixonia and applauds!
After sniffing and scenting the air, an adorable jet black kitten hops up on top of a polished wooden bar, then gets out.
Aetheline looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Useff looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Nilme recites:

"Vixonia was brought up in the arts by a mother who loved to write and an aunt who loved to perform. Early on, she learned many songs about her kin, the Prydaen people, and has developed a passion for writing and collecting performance art pieces about them and her family in particular."

Aetheline gets a Taffelberry fizz from atop a polished wooden bar.
Almarius giggles at Tirost.
Tirost gets a snifter of Rissan brandy from inside his watersilk bag.
Almarius grins at Tirost, her dimples flashing into view.
Nilme smiles warmly.
Tirost smiles at Almarius.
Aetheline beams!
Iryta beams at Vixonia!

Vixonia quietly exclaims to Useff, "Let's hope I can live up to her tall standards!"

Nilme recites:

"Fascinated with learning about other cultures, she decided to travel and came to the Crossing, where she was introduced to the Tavern Troupe Performing Order and promptly became a member. Some odd twist of fate, that she still doesn't quite understand, landed her in the role of Speaker for the order and her path was set."

Saslisena cocks her head.

Nilme recites:

"She loves to learn and grow and continues to explore her inner muse and to write about the fascinating people that surround her. And we're so glad she does."

(Nilme turns and smiles warmly at Vixonia, gesturing for her to come up.)

Almarius giggles at Tirost.
Ishimmer chuckles.
Allye puts her tomato in her tapestry carpetbag.
Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Nilme recites:

"Please join me in welcoming the lovely, Vixonia Toryan!"

Sonatina trills softly at Kethrai.
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling leans against a polished wooden bar.
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Useff lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Sonatina hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Sonatina with a warm smile.
Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Iryta gives her a toast.

Vixonia smiles at Nilme and takes her place center stage, turning to face the audience as she clasps her hands in front of her and leans forward.

Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Allye looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Kethrai looks at Vixonia and applauds!
After sniffing and scenting the air, an adorable jet black kitten clambers inside of a stone fireplace, then gets out.
Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Miskton lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Ruecolle opens her oilcloth moneybelt.
Elurora lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Kethrai hugs Sonatina, who wraps her arms around Kethrai with a warm smile.
Saslisena looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Elurora takes a sip of her chocolate.
Dallylia lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Sonatina lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia exclaims, "Wow, so many great friends out there!"

(Nilme grins at Vixonia and finds her seat next to Useff.)

Ylixia looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Daisy places a hot toddy on the bar.
Nilme sits down on the stool.
Ishimmer carefully lifts the kitten by the scruff of its neck and then tucks it gently into the crook of his arm.
Nilme scoots over a little closer to Useff.
Allye grins at Vixonia.
Ruecolle slips something into her oilcloth moneybelt.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ishimmer tucks his jet black kitten into its comfortable-looking small-scale galleon.
Nilme beams at Vixonia!

Vixonia says, "Thank you, Nilme! And thank you all for coming tonight! It is quite an honor to be invited to participate in the Arthe Dale concert series and I hope you all enjoy the event."

Aetheline gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Ruecolle closes her oilcloth moneybelt.
Aetheline whistles a merry tune.
Ruecolle gets a hot toddy from atop a polished wooden bar.
Nilme smiles.
Aetheline whistles at Nilme.
Vixonia flashes a quick grin.
Aetheline giggles.
Allye sits down on the stool.
Tirost shakes his head at Almarius.
Aetheline takes a sip of her fizz.

Vixonia exclaims, "When I was a young kit, I heard such wonderful stories about the Arthe Dale Concert Series that Daerlynn produced. I was very excited to hear that they had started up again, and to be invited to participate is quite honestly a dream!"

Ruecolle's shadow seems to shrink in on itself, cowering at her heels.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Tirost gazes at Vixonia.
Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia.

Vixonia exclaims, "For tonight I would like to share a variety of different pieces for you... some songs, some dances, and even a bit of a story!"

Kaedan puts his tomato in his traveler's pack.
Baelor gets some Burdock's ale from atop a polished wooden bar.
Nilme smiles at Vixonia.
Kaedan takes a sip of his fizz.
Allye grins at Kaedan.
Aetheline beams at Vixonia!
Kaedan puts his fizz in his traveler's pack.
Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Vixonia.
Tirost takes a sip of his brandy.

Vixonia exclaims, "So without further delay, let's get started with a dance!"

Kaedan gets a compact recliner upholstered in lapis bluefire velvet over an e'erdream frame from inside his traveler's pack.
Kaedan settles into the compact recliner and reclines comfortably.
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Allye applauds.
Raising his Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Baelor gives her a toast.

Vixonia smiles with a playful twinkle in her eye. A quick nod of her head brings the deep *thump* of a heavy temple drum. A slow and steady rhythm starts from that simple beat that builds around you as she starts to sway.

Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

(Vixonia starts to dance around the room to the steady pulse, her shoulders and abdomen rotating sinuously. With a gentle roll of her wrists she raises her arms up and starts to clap out an intricate syncopated beat.)

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ruecolle takes a sip of her toddy.

Vixonia smiles softly as she closes her eyes and loses herself for a moment within the beat of the drums and the motion of her own internal rhythms. Suddenly she snaps her eyes open and looks over at you with a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Elurora cocks her head at Vixonia.
Tirost smiles at Ruecolle.

Vixonia quietly says, "Ever since I was a young kit, I've been fascinated with blades..."

Vixonia draws forth a steel throwing dagger etched with musical notes along the blade.

Aetheline glances at Stelling.
Ruecolle smiles at Tirost.
Iryta grins impishly.

(Vixonia gazes reverently down at the dagger in her hand, very lightly running her finger up the blade to the tip. A sudden flip of her wrist sends the blade spinning into the air as it flashes end over end.)

Tirost smiles at Vixonia.
Stelling glances at Aetheline.
Miskton takes a sip of his cider.

Vixonia kicks one foot out in a graceful arc, and with a dip of her shoulders and a tinkling of toe bells, she pirouettes in a dazzling spin!

Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Ishimmer tilts his ears forward playfully.
Aetheline whispers something to Stelling.
Elurora quietly asks, "Am I old enough for this?"

Vixonia smiles as she reaches out to pluck the plunging dagger out of the air. The steady beat of the drum starts to pick up, drawing you in with an insistent pulse.

Elurora shifts her weight.
Stelling shakes his head at Elurora.
Tirost laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Aetheline grins at Elurora, her dimples flashing into view.
Tirost nods at Stelling, obviously agreeing with his views.

Vixonia pulls a slender silver dagger with intricate knotwork along the hilt from her mane, letting it fall to its normal style.

(Vixonia reaches behind her and wields another dagger that was secreted away, though it's not quite clear where she'd had it hidden.)

Aetheline beams at Stelling!
Iryta appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Useff raises an eyebrow.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Gridaksma glances at Elurora.

Vixonia coyly asks, "A girl's gotta have a few secrets... right?"

Nilme grins.
Tracker of the Wind Halari just arrived.

Vixonia winks and flashes a sly grin.

Aetheline giggles at Vixonia.
Ruecolle gestures.
Iryta snickers.
Allye grins.

(Vixonia's hips sway seductively to the heavy music as she tosses one of her daggers up with another quick flip of her wrist. Following that movement, she sends the other two airborne as she dances around. The light glitters off of the cascading daggers as she catches them only to send them soaring again with a practiced ease.)

Almarius giggles at Vixonia.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Kethrai looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Aetheline gazes at Vixonia in awe.

Vixonia throws her throwing dagger high into the air as she spins around in a full circle. Extending a hand behind her back, Vixonia deftly catches the dagger then flips it up over her shoulder, picking it once again out of the air by the tip of its blade with a final flourish.

Aetheline says, "My hero."
Tirost nods at Ruecolle, obviously agreeing with her views.

Vixonia smiles with a subtle challenge in her eyes as she ups the tempo, causing the drums that are following her to increase their pounding, pulsing beat as well. As the music swells, she sends the daggers into a particularly high arch for a moment.

Kethrai trills softly at Halari.
Almarius hugs Kethrai, getting a smile in return.
Tirost glances at Allye.
Halari's body is dripping water everywhere.

In a single lissome motion, Vixonia goes high on her toes to whirl in a pirouette that sends her nightsilk skirt flashing out in a gossamer circle all around her.

Halari hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Halari with a warm smile.
Kaedan gets a hefty omnibus almanac with a sturdy indurium cover from inside his traveler's pack.
Kaedan studies his omnibus almanac closely.
Miskton takes a sip of his cider.
Kaedan puts his almanac in his traveler's pack.

(Vixonia reaches out and grabs the daggers mid-spin one by one, tucking them safely away as she turns back towards you, her mane a silken waterfall that flows gracefully around her shoulders.)

Saslisena gawks at Vixonia.
Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia sheathes her throwing dagger.

Saslisena beams at Almarius!
Allye beams at Vixonia!

Vixonia arranges her mane until it is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a slender silver dagger with intricate knotwork along the hilt.

Almarius grins, revealing her dimples.

(Vixonia sashays around gracefully. Her skirts flair up dramatically as she twirls around the area and looks over at you with a wink and a grin.)

Tirost smiles at Ishimmer.
Halari appears calmer than she did a moment ago.
Aetheline gazes at Vixonia in wonder.
Almarius spins around!

Vixonia smiles softly to herself and moves back to stand before you, swaying elegantly as the pounding pulse of the drums subsides a bit, transforming into a gentle heartbeat that envelops you completely.

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Almarius exclaims, "Soooo amazing!"
Halari's body is soaked.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.

Vixonia playfully says, "I guess I should say that I've always been obsessed with blades of all sizes..."

Sonatina lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Almarius exclaims to Allye, "I wish I was as graceful and amazing as Bell Buddy!"
Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Vixonia.

Vixonia gets a curved silvery scimitar with a nightsilk-wrapped hilt from inside her sword belt.

Elurora glances at Gridaksma.
Almarius grins at Vixonia, her dimples flashing into view.

You hear a loud "Swoosh!" as Vixonia cuts a graceful arc through the air with her silvery scimitar.

Tirost quietly asks Ishimmer, "She's a gifted dancer, no?"
Almarius gawks at Vixonia.
Nilme beams at Vixonia!

(Vixonia gazes down at the polished blade, her reflection catching her eye for a moment before she draws it high over her head. Raising her other arm up, she carefully cradles the pommel in one hand while resting the tip of the blade in the open palm of her other hand.)

Iryta nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.
Ishimmer says, "And scary with the blades."

Vixonia smiles impishly as she lowers the blade slowly until the inner curve of the blade is perfectly balanced on her head. Letting her hands drift away from the scimitar, she gazes steadily at you as her hips start to roll gently side-to-side, keeping her torso perfectly motionless.

Tirost laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Iryta quietly says to Tirost, "Honored to get to dance with her on occasion."
Nilme gazes at Vixonia.
Iryta smiles at Vixonia, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Vixonia's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Tirost smiles at Iryta.
Aetheline quietly says, "All these beautiful knives and yet no stabbing..."

(Vixonia lifts up on her toes as her movements start to increase in scale along with the pounding of the drum. She drifts around the room with a lilting step, always facing forward, keeping the balanced blade completely still.)

Aetheline sighs deeply, looking very depressed.
Elurora pats Aetheline on the back.
Ishimmer tilts his ears forward playfully.
Elurora quietly says to Aetheline, "I can take you to stab things after if you want."
Allye nods at Almarius, obviously agreeing with her views.

(Vixonia pauses in her graceful dance for a moment, then with a playful wink she pirouettes so quickly that the scimitar never has a chance to move before she's facing you once again. The swirling skirts and the gentle chime of her jewelry are the only signs of her movements.)

Aetheline beams at Elurora!
Allye grins at Almarius.

(Vixonia lets her shoulders and torso undulate gently keeping the blade motionless as it rests on her head, lowering to her knees in a pool of flowing skirts. The rhythm of the drums grows slower yet more intense. Raising her hands back up above her head, she cups each end of the scimitar in her open palms.)

The dark stripes upon Halari's fur fade away.

(Vixonia lifts the blade from her head and holds it out in front of her, she starts to arch backwards from where she kneels before you, nestling back until she is almost lying on the floor. Resting the inner curve of the scimitar on her abdomen this time, she balances it carefully before letting her arms fall gracefully to the side.)

Aetheline leans forward.

(Vixonia holds herself still, arched just a hair's width above the floor as she breathes deeply to match the quietly insistent tempo of the drum. She starts to undulate the muscles of her bare abdomen in a smooth wave causing the scimitar to rise and fall.)

Iryta gets some modwyn wine from atop a polished wooden bar.
Alshabi Kamisama's group just arrived.
Aetheline's jaw drops.
Aetheline beams at Shaylynne!
Aetheline pulls Shaylynne to her in a tight hug.

(Vixonia closes her eyes in concentration as she increases the rolling motion, each wave causing the balanced scimitar to leap slightly into the air. After a few rotations, a sharp exhalation shifts the continuous motion of her stomach causing the blade to do a complete flip before landing again with the blunt curved side down.)

Halari gazes at Vixonia.
Shaylynne hugs Aetheline, who wraps her arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.
Ylixia shifts her weight.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Tirost smiles irtya

(Vixonia opens her eyes again as a sudden crescendo of drumming rings through the air, sweeping the scimitar off of her abdomen and executing an acrobatic leap to her feet. As part of the flowing movement, she flicks the scimitar high into the air, sending it cascading end over end in an elegant arch above her head.)

Several Halfling men stride purposefully up to the fireplace. They deftly climb atop one another to form a tower of Halflings. The man at the top grabs a beer mug from the mantel and passes it down. They tumble off of each other and proudly walk back to their table.

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.
Saslisena blinks.
Ishimmer covers his eyes with his hand.
Nilme observes Vixonia with fascination.

Arms outstretched, Vixonia fans her nightsilk skirt wide, fluttering like the wings of some brilliant silver and ebony butterfly.

Useff grins at Vixonia.
Aetheline fixes Vixonia with an acute, keen-witted stare.
Iryta grins impishly at Baelor.
Kamisama gently rubs the surface of his liquor cabinet, a slight smile crossing his face.

Vixonia smiles with a twinkle in her eye as the pommel of the blade lands precisely in the palm of her outstretched hand. The rhythm of the drums continues to build around you, immersing you in the heady swell of the steady beat as she energetically spins and leaps with the curved blade.

Allye beams at Vixonia!
Aetheline gawks at Vixonia.
Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

(Vixonia whirls like a dervish, growing ever faster as she matches the pulsating music. As the drums crash out a final triumphant beat that rings through the air, she finishes the dance in a striking pose, brandishing the weapon in an elegant flourish as the fabric of her skirts swirls around her.)

Vixonia pants, trying to catch her breath.

Aetheline gasps!
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Halari glances thirstily at Vixonia.
Miskton applauds.
Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia puts her scimitar in her sword belt.

Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia smiles softly as she tucks a wisp of her mane behind her ear and regains her composure. Drawing out the silks of her skirt she dips into an elegant curtsy.

Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Ruecolle applauds.
Kethrai looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Allye perks her ears up in delight.
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ruecolle takes a sip of her toddy.
Stelling says, "Always amazing to see that one, every single time."
Saslisena applauds.
Nilme beams at Vixonia!
Raising your hot toddy to Vixonia, you give her a toast. Cheers!
Saslisena says, "Wow."
Nilme nods at Stelling, obviously agreeing with his views.
Elurora grins at Stelling.
Tirost nods at Stelling, obviously agreeing with his views.
Halari looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Almarius gawks at Vixonia.

Vixonia beams!

Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ylixia looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Almarius exclaims to Vixonia, "You're sooooooo amazing!"
Nilme says to Vixonia, "One of my favorites."

Vixonia says, "Thank you! You're very kind..."

Nilme smiles.
Baelor exclaims, "Skills!"
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Elurora nods to Baelor.

Vixonia flashes a quick grin.

Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Iryta gives her a toast.
Iryta beams!

Vixonia says, "One of the things that I have always been obsessed with, even as a little kit, was the history of my kin's culture. Historically, Prydaen lore was passed through a verbal tradition rather than written and I love collecting those songs and stories."

Tirost nods to Vixonia.
Aetheline gazes at Vixonia with a dreamy look on her face.
Nilme smiles.

Vixonia says, "I also love turning those tales into songs that are easily shared with others. The next two pieces are examples of that."

Miskton exhales involuntarily and shifts his stance, as if now under a heavy burden.
Allye grins at Vixonia.
Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.
Nilme leans on Useff.
Dallylia smiles at Vixonia.

Vixonia gets a well-crafted beribboned tambourine painted with the image of a Prydaen hub from inside her musician's case.

Vixonia says, "I'd like to sing about Cizayu, an ancient ceremony that heralds the transformation from kit to hunter... child to adult."

Saslisena grins at Vixonia.
Dallylia bows her head and chants a mantra.
You decipher the signs of an Arcane utility spell.
Ishimmer beams at Vixonia!
An inquisitive "Meow...?" originates somewhere near Ruecolle.

(Vixonia smiles softly to herself as she gazes fondly at the image of the hub detailed out on her tambourine. Sighing wistfully for a brief moment, she looks up and starts to beat out a strident rhythm.)

Aetheline asks, "Will there be more blades?"
Kethrai gazes thoughtfully at Vixonia.
Aetheline rubs her hands together.
Kamisama gets a twisted brass astrolabe from inside his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama holds his astrolabe up and focuses on it.
Kamisama puts his astrolabe in his bourbon barrel.
Tirost grins at Aetheline.
Iryta says to Aetheline, "There are always more blades."
Halari says, "Oh I hope so..."
Dallylia gestures.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"The bonfire burning, flames raging bright...
I stand here waiting in the flickering light,
The Elders watch as my nerves are frayed
It's time to show them of what I'm made."

Aetheline nods at Halari, obviously agreeing with her views.
Aetheline giggles at Iryta.

Vixonia's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"I seek my place within the pride,
From these searching eyes I will not hide.
Circling around me the Elders then walked,
'Who here taught this young kit to stalk?'"

(Vixonia gazes intently at you with almost a predatory stare, her voice suddenly carries out over the staccato beats of her druming.)

Aetheline shivers.
Ishimmer's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:

"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
When young I learned how to hunt and move,
But a kit no more now I seek to prove!

With a roar, I join the hunters of my pride!"

Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Kethrai brushes the surface of his sraeth earcuff and begins to reel! He clutches his head in pain!
Saslisena cocks her head.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"'To stand beside me my teacher came,
A series of questions too numerous to name.
Shifting under the pressure of this onslaught,
He proudly told them of what I was taught."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"He told of my strengths, how I learned my skills,
And then of my failures when I lost my kills.
The Elders gazed at me with proud ears held high
'Now let this kit's teacher of the gods draw nigh!'"

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:

"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
When young I learned of the gods and lore,
But I will show I'm a kit no more!

With a roar, I join the hunters of my pride!"

Nilme gazes at Vixonia in admiration.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Lessons of Eu, I studied with attention and care
My teacher stepped forward, prepared to share.
She spoke in depth of my passionate yearning,
Fielding those questions of my religious learning."

Iryta observes Vixonia with fascination.
Aetheline takes a sip of her fizz.

Vixonia hesitantly sings in a soprano voice:

"A grueling session, 'twas query after query,
Trying not to fidget and not to look wary.
Would they find me worthy to join the rest?
Would they allow me to complete the test?"

Vixonia twitches an ear nervously.

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:

"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
I stand here before you to prove my worth,
It's the chance I've sought after since my birth!

With a roar, I join the hunters of my pride!"

Elurora leans against a polished wooden bar.
Elurora gazes at Vixonia.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Eyes aglow with recognition and respect,
A serious disposition I did not expect.
Looking for assistance was not allowed.
The Elder's voice rang out across the crowd."

Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Miskton takes a sip of his cider.
You notice a pair of bright eyes watching you from within Ruecolle's shadow.
Kamisama gets an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.

Vixonia sternly sings in a soprano voice:

"'Now turn from this child as she leads this quest,
To enter the land alone to complete this test.'
'Discard your weapons, start as you were born...
In a natural state to face the beast that you've sworn.'"

A faint growl echoes from the depths of Ruecolle's shadow.
Kamisama puts his almanac in his bourbon barrel.
Ishimmer's ears stand up proudly for a moment.

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:

"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
Only basic equipment to take down my prey
With Demrris in mind, I seek my way.

With a roar, I join the hunters of my pride!"

(Tirost takes a sip of his brandy, entranced by the song of Vixonia.)

Vixonia cautiously sings in a soprano voice:

"I had until the blood moon had cycled and set
To kill a bear without weapon or net.
I stalked and prowled, a snarl on my face
I had to prove an asset to my race."

Vixonia's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on her face.

Vixonia confidently sings in a soprano voice:

"A triumphant return, my ears are held high
Around the bonfire I heard a bold cry.
Presenting my trophies to the Elders there
A proud glance my family and I then did share."

Saslisena beams at Vixonia!

(Vixonia smiles with a feral gleam in her eyes as she bends over her tambourine, casting a flourish of beats out to the winds.)

Iryta grins sheepishly at Tirost.

Vixonia chants in a soprano voice:

"It's time to hunt! Off to the kill!
It's time to show them my strength and will.
I've shown my mettle, I've met my goal,
Today I present to my hub, my whole.

With a roar, I AM a hunter of my pride!"

Tirost smiles at Iryta.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.

(Vixonia roars fiercely as she finishes off the song with a cascade of rapid beats. With ears held high she sinks into a deep curtsy, the air echoing with the remains of her performance.)

Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Iryta gives her a toast.

Vixonia gently sets a well-crafted beribboned tambourine into her musician's case.

Elurora quietly says to Aetheline, "I think that means stabbing happened."
Useff gives Vixonia a wide, ear-to-ear grin.
Miskton applauds.
Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Aetheline gasps!
Useff lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Aetheline beams!
Iryta grins at Elurora, her dimples flashing into view.
Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Tirost beams at Vixonia!
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Aetheline looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Saslisena looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Almarius yells, "RAWR!"
Sonatina lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ishimmer praises Vixonia.
Dallylia lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Aetheline exclaims, "BLOOD!"
Dallylia throws her head back and howls!
Miskton takes a sip of his cider.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Halari looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia flashes a quick grin.

Useff grins at Aetheline.
Nilme begins chortling at Aetheline.
Elurora giggles at Aetheline.
Tirost glances at Aetheline.
Ylixia looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Tirost appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Aetheline grins at Tirost, her dimples flashing into view.
Nilme beams at Vixonia!

Vixonia exclaims, "Thank you!"

Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Halari says, "Hey, my cizayu didn't involve any actual bloodshed..."
Raising her Recluse tea to Vixonia, Shaylynne gives her a toast.
Aetheline pats Halari on the back.

Vixonia says, "So next up... is a story I was told since I was a young kit and I decided to put it to song."

Almarius exclaims, "Tree Mom!"
Tirost blinks at Shaylynne.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Elurora hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Elurora with a warm smile.
Iryta beams at Shaylynne!
Tirost smiles at Shaylynne.
Kethrai says, "Nah, that's false, I shed some cause of that stupid cat."
Aetheline puts her skeleton in her leather rucksack.
Kamisama gets a drunken Ranger doll carrying a whiskey bottle in each hand from inside his libation caddy.
Kamisama loops the Ranger doll through a convoluted series of gestures. A crispy cornmeal shell stuffed with beef and fillings appears in his left hand!

Vixonia gets a laurel lap harp resplendent with gold-edged jade ivy leaf inlay from inside her musician's case. Vixonia smiles softly as she reaches up and tucks a wisp of her mane behind her ear. Gazing out towards you, she focuses and then starts to play a wandering melody on her lap harp.

Elurora giggles at Kethrai.
Aetheline blinks at Kethrai.

Vixonia says, "This tale is about five members of the Claw of Tenemlor, and I call it 'Those Left Behind'." (Vixonia's music shifts as she continues to play into an intricate melody that heralds the start of her song.)

Raising his Rissan brandy to Vixonia, Tirost gives her a toast.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Listen my kin as I tell you a tale
Of those left behind, not to travel with Vael.
Courageous Prydaen sworn to the gods,
Tenemlor's chosen, they fought against odds.
Against undead Lyras... her followers of death
They fought and they battled till their last breath."

Halari gazes at Vixonia.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Stalwart and vigilant they each pledged a life
To end this true horror... this valiant five.
Each with a weapon that was Tenemlor blessed
They battled abomination until final rest.
Behind the barrier there was no reprieve
Champions of our goddess, t'was no time to grieve."

Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.

(Vixonia leans forward with an intense look as the melody shifts and she moves into the chorus, a haunting tune that rings throughout the room.)

Iryta gazes at Vixonia in admiration.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"These Five left behind... these five bathed in strife
These Five bravely fought, though it cost them their life
Starborn and Slow-Rage, Ghoul-Blight, then Darkklaw...
Death-Walker... they fought all undead they saw."

Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
(Ruecolle presses her lips into a thin line as she regards the rat on the bar.)

(Vixonia lets the final note ring through the air for a moment before shifting back to the original melody.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"The Starborn, she glowed with a furious light
Always ready and willing to fight the good fight.
Claimed by the Moon Goddess, her knowledge was key
From her blood-red scythe, the enemy did flee.
Once protector of kits, her focus did shift
To battle the undead, her vengeance was swift."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Slow-Rage was aloof, an emotionless soul
He fought with precision, never counting the toll.
T'was not for revenge or anger did he slay
It was simply because She had shown him the way.
When finally enraged, all restraint was let go...
His Bastard Sword was bathed in the gore of his foe."

(Vixonia's fingers dance across the strings as the mood shifts again, heralding the chorus.)

Aetheline lets out a sigh of contentment.

Sonatina's soprano and Stelling's baritone join with Vixonia's soprano as she sings:

"These Five left behind... these five bathed in strife
These Five bravely fought, though it cost them their life
Starborn and Slow-Rage, Ghoul-Blight, then Darkklaw
Death-Walker... they fought all undead they saw."

Iryta leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Vixonia smiles softly to herself as she sits back and looses herself in the music, her soft voice working its way through the room as she continues to sing.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Ghoul-blight's bright magic would conquer her foe
She studied dark powers, laid her enemies low
At one with the elements, her powers were strong
They swirled all around her as she fought along.
Her mace finely crafted from the leg of a ghoul
Added force to her fight, studded, wicked and cruel."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Darkklaw was different, loved to slay, loved to kill
Death was her passion, so they focused her will.
"Stay behind, that's your mission" the Claw did then state,
For they feared she would kill kin if not left to that fate.
Ripped and shredded with glaes claws, she reveled in war
Hand to hand was her way, to the Goddess she swore."

(Vixonia pauses for a moment as she once again moves into the chorus. Head tilted slightly to the side, she captures your gaze as she sings strongly.)

Elurora furrows her brow.

Sonatina's soprano and Stelling's baritone join with Vixonia's soprano as she sings:

"These Five left behind... these five bathed in strife
These Five bravely fought, though it cost them their life
Starborn and Slow-Rage, Ghoul-Blight, then Darkklaw
Death-Walker... they fought all undead they saw."

Halari scratches one ear, looking bemused.
Tirost takes a sip of his brandy.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Finally Death-Walker chose his path, chose to stay.
His sole purpose in life was the undead to slay.
He swung his war hammer, double headed and spiked
His kin feared him, he cared not, didn't wish to be liked.
Many tried to kill him, tried and failed... he survived
When death should have claimed him, he was still alive."

Almarius smiles at Vixonia, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.

(Vixonia looks thoughtfully for a moment as her voice softens and the tone of the song grows more stirring. The melody seems to flow around you and infuse you with energy for the last verse.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"These Five bravely battled, gave their lives, gave their all
These Five fought and fought till the Barrier did fall.
Gave us time to escape, travel East and rebuild.
Now it's our turn to fight, just as Tenemlor willed.
Grab your weapons my kin, find your courage, dig deep
True to Their honor and our faith we must keep."

Vixonia smiles as she lets the last notes of the song ring proudly through the area. Tucking her harp under her arm, she drops into a deep and graceful curtsy.

Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Miskton applauds.

Vixonia gently sets a laurel lap harp into her musician's case.

Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Almarius says, "Awwwww."
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Aetheline lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Miskton takes a sip of his cider.
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Useff quietly says, "Wow."
Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Vixonia.
Allye beams at Vixonia!
Shaylynne lets out a hearty cheer for Kamisama!
Saslisena applauds.
Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Useff looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Baelor applauds.
Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia's ears stand up proudly for a moment.

Dallylia applauds.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Nilme smiles at Vixonia.
Baelor moves some Burdock's ale to his right hand.
A shout of laughter comes from a nearby table.
Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Ylixia applauds.
Almarius pulls Nilme to her in a tight hug.
Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Nilme hugs Almarius, who wraps her arms around Nilme with a warm smile.
Iryta beams at Vixonia!
Kaedan adds to Vixonia's praises.

Vixonia says, "I am proud of my kin... and perhaps there may be a bit of blood sprinkled through out."

Almarius exclaims to Nilme, "Gotta hug you cause Bell Buddy is busy!"
Iryta moves some modwyn wine to her left hand.
Almarius nods to Nilme.
Vixonia winks at Aetheline.
Iryta looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Useff grins at Vixonia.
Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!
Aetheline beams at Vixonia!
Nilme grins at Almarius.
Aetheline gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia.
Ishimmer grins at Vixonia.
Tirost smiles at Almarius.

Vixonia says, "But for those who are less enthusiastic with battle..."

Kamisama looks at Shaylynne and shrugs.
Aetheline grins at Kamisama, her dimples flashing into view.

Vixonia grins impishly.

Iryta chortles softly at some secret joke.
Iryta leans on Baelor.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Almarius exclaims, "OHhhh, gonna tell a story about Kaldar!"
Baelor winks.

Vixonia says, "I often like to tell stories than have a moral behind them... and this next tale is one I tell so that hopefully other youngsters learn from my mistakes. It's called 'The Nightingale'."

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Aetheline begins pouting.
Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Vixonia.
Dallylia gets a Taffelberry fizz from atop a polished wooden bar.
Kamisama rummages through a padded treasureweave cylinder with no visible seams with a frantic look of loss.

Vixonia grins sheepishly.

Nilme smiles at Vixonia.
Dallylia gets a mushroom and bacon tart from atop a polished wooden bar.
Almarius just hugged Kamisama.

Vixonia gets a gilt-edged leather book embossed with the word "Stories" on the cover from inside her shoulder bag.

Saslisena smiles.
Almarius hugs Aetheline, who wraps her arms around Almarius with a warm smile.

Vixonia opens her leather book.

Dallylia takes a bite of the tart.
Aetheline hugs Almarius, who wraps her arms around Aetheline with a warm smile.

(Vixonia flips through her book until she finds a nightingale feather tucked within the pages.)

Vixonia gets a dark blue nightingale feather from inside her leather book.

Kamisama rummages about his person, looking for something.

Vixonia smiles softly as she looks at the timeworn feather and then starts to read.

Kamisama puts his doll in his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama looks faintly uncomfortable, as if gagging on something.

Vixonia recites:

"Once upon a time on a beautiful starry night, a young kit sat by her window as she had every night for weeks. She was listening to the song of the nightingale nested in the tree outside."

Aetheline guzzles down some of her fizz and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Kamisama gets a giant party sack bedazzled with countless glitterstars and shadowstars from inside a whiskey-hued eddy of light swirling in an oversized rocks glass.
Aetheline giggles at Kamisama.
Ruecolle takes a sip of her toddy.
Tirost leans against a polished wooden bar.
Kamisama rummages through a giant party sack bedazzled with countless glitterstars and shadowstars, pausing once in a while and then quickly resuming the search.

Vixonia recites:

"It was a beautiful song that carried crisp and sweet on the cool night air. The lovely notes echoed out around the courtyard of the simple home."

Vixonia smiles as her ear twitches back listening for a hint of the sweet song.

Vixonia recites:

"Gazing into the branches the young prydaen wistfully listens to the nightingale's song."

Vixonia recites:

"She says, "How I wish I could take that song with me where ever I might be.""

Vixonia recites:

"As the bird ended it's song and settled down into it's nest, the kit got an idea...
She spent the next day gathering and braiding reeds into a beautiful cage."

Aetheline winces.

Aetheline quietly says, "I don't think this is gonna end well..."

Vixonia recites:

"That night she lay in wait and after the little bird fell asleep for the evening, the kit lowered her cage over the nest and caught the nightingale."

Iryta glances at Baelor.
Elurora grins at Aetheline.
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.

Vixonia recites:

""Now she belongs to me and will sing whenever I want!", the little girl crowed."

Iryta begins chortling at Baelor.
Aetheline frets.

Vixonia recites:

"As she sat the cage on the table, the little bird cocked it's head to the side and stared at her.

And stared...
And stared...

But it would not sing."

Kamisama examines a giant party sack bedazzled with countless glitterstars and shadowstars.
Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Vixonia just left.

Iryta ponders.
Aetheline gasps!
Iryta winces.
Ishimmer undulates his tail through the air, a sly smirk on his face.
Saslisena says, "Oh dear."
Iryta takes a sip of her wine.
Gridaksma says, "Very dramatic."
Ishimmer says, "She does that."
Gridaksma nods.
Stelling says, "So sad she couldn't carry on."
Iryta says, "THAT is talent."

Vixonia arrives, grinning broadly.

Aetheline nods to Gridaksma.
Kamisama seems to be trying to figure out how to turn a giant party sack bedazzled with countless glitterstars and shadowstars.

Vixonia blinks.

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Tirost nods.
Ishimmer appears to be trying to tickle Vixonia with his tail.

Vixonia coughs.

Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Kamisama puts his sack in a whiskey-hued eddy of light swirling in an oversized rocks glass.
Allye grins.
Saslisena beams at Vixonia!
Kamisama gets an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.
Raising his Rissan brandy to Vixonia, Tirost gives her a toast.
Useff adds Vixonia to his group.
Halari looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme grins at Useff.
Iryta says, "Phasing in and out in the 3rd act, inspired."
Iryta looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Kamisama puts his almanac in his bourbon barrel.
Aetheline nods at Iryta, obviously agreeing with her views.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Stelling grins at Vixonia.
Aetheline exclaims, "Keep the audience on their toes!"
Stelling nods at Aetheline, obviously agreeing with her views.
Stelling says, "Always leave them wanting more."
Nilme gazes at Vixonia.
Aetheline nods at Stelling, obviously agreeing with his views.
Nilme smiles.
Ishimmer smiles at Vixonia.
Iryta chuckles.

Vixonia asks, "Let's see, where was I?"

Iryta takes a sip of her wine.

Vixonia flashes a quick grin.

Ishimmer says, "But it would not sing."

Vixonia recites:

""Why will you not sing for me?" the kit fretted."

Ishimmer grins.
Aetheline nods to Ishimmer.
Allye nods at Ishimmer, obviously agreeing with his views.
Nilme gazes at Vixonia.
Aetheline takes a sip of her fizz.

Vixonia recites:

"The nightingale blinked her bright eyes at the little girl but would not sing."

Vixonia recites:

"The more the bird stared at her, the more frustrated the kit got until all of a sudden...
In a fit of pique...
She grabbed the little bird from the cage and shoved it in her mouth."

Nilme winces.
Ishimmer chuckles.

Vixonia smiles as she looks up from her book and stares at you for a moment before saying, "Now for some that may seem disturbing, but it's perfectly normal, though perhaps rash behavior for a young prydaen..."

Saslisena gasps!
Stelling chuckles.
Stelling takes a sip of his mead.
Ylixia frowns.

(Vixonia gazes back at the rest of the audience as she continues with her story.)

Elurora chortles softly at some secret joke.

Vixonia recites:

"As the young kit watched a single, beautiful feather flutter to the floor, she realized how foolish she had been."

Aetheline giggles.
Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.

(Vixonia sighs longingly as she absently traces the delicate feather across her cheek.)

Halari trills softly at Vixonia.

Vixonia recites:

"As she sat by the window that night looking at the empty nest, she listened quietly to the stark, empty, silence."

Aetheline gazes down at the floor.

Vixonia puts her feather in her leather book.

Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Iryta looks at Vixonia and applauds!

With a graceful flutter of her hands, Vixonia sinks down in a formal curtsy.

Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Almarius says, "Awww."
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Stelling takes a sip of his mead.
Baelor applauds.
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Ruecolle applauds.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Aetheline looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Kethrai looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Miskton applauds.
Sonatina lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Saslisena looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Miskton takes a sip of his cider.
Tirost spins the mourning band about his finger for a moment.
Sonatina praises Vixonia.
Nilme gazes at Vixonia.
Shaylynne moves a large goblet of Five-Spike Recluse tea to her left hand.
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Shaylynne looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia exclaims, "That taught me that music has to be free. And inspired me to be the song for the world!"

Iryta beams at Vixonia!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Allye beams at Vixonia!
Tirost nods to Vixonia.
Halari perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia.
Kethrai perks his ears up happily as he gazes at Vixonia.
Saslisena smiles at Vixonia.
Aetheline praises Vixonia.
Ishimmer leans on Shaylynne.
Dromond asks, "And eat nightingales?"
Almarius gawks at Dromond.

Vixonia chuckles at Dromond!

Almarius giggles.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Tirost glances at Dromond.
Iryta cringes.

Vixonia says, "Actually I refuse to eat songbirds now."

Vixonia winks at Ishimmer.

Iryta hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.
Ishimmer licks his lips.

Vixonia exclaims, "Much to some folks surprise!"

Dromond smiles.
Ishimmer says, "I got her covered."
Ishimmer winks.
Iryta says, "Yes please... you'd upset Berliosz if she heard that."
Stelling chuckles at Ishimmer.
Aetheline giggles at Ishimmer.
Iryta begins nagging Vixonia unmercifully.

Vixonia says, "Not everything I write though is related to my kin, I also adore writing love songs! And in some cases I am known for writing love songs that just might have a bittersweet edge to them."

Nilme grins at Vixonia.
Tirost smiles at Vixonia.

Vixonia scratches one ear, looking bemused.

Vixonia quietly says, "I have one friend who refuses to listen to me sing without a handkerchief handy to make sure his kohl doesn't smear around his eyes."

Kamisama gets a twisted brass astrolabe from inside his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama holds his astrolabe up and focuses on it.
Kamisama puts his astrolabe in his bourbon barrel.
Nilme grins at Vixonia.
Elurora grins at Vixonia.
Kethrai asks, "There are songs that aren't bittersweet?"
Ishimmer chuckles.

Vixonia chuckles.

Aetheline giggles at Vixonia.
Almarius giggles at Kethrai.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.

Vixonia says, "I was wandering through the snow, one winter's day and my muse snuck up behind me and I had to write this song."

Almarius asks Kethrai, "Yeah! Bunches and bunches of songs! Didn't you hear the RAWR! Song?"

Vixonia smiles as her eyes sparkle and she absently reaches up to tuck her mane behind her ear.

Vixonia says, "It's a ballad that I like to call 'Winter's Gifts'."

Tirost grins at Vixonia.
Ruecolle takes a sip of her toddy.

(Vixonia closes her eyes for a moment and prepares herself before letting them snap open again. Gazing out, almost lost in thought, a soft and wistful expression flows across her face.)

Aetheline observes Vixonia with fascination.

Vixonia softly sings in a soprano voice:

"There is wonder to be found
In the first snowfall upon the ground
Soft fall those lovely winter flakes
Crisp chill air, the weather makes"

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"As breath escapes with little puffs
Keeping warm with mitts and muffs
Landscapes covered in deepest freeze
Chilled wind whispers through the trees"

(Vixonia's sweet sorprano carries out like swirls of wind, the delicately haunting tune ringing through the area.)

Vixonia endearingly sings in a soprano voice:

"The wonders of winter
So beautifully free

The wonders of winter
bring you back to me..."

Vixonia smiles to herself as she shifts from the chorus back to the main melody line, her eyes sweeping across her audience as she leans closer and continues to sing.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:
"A crackling fire makes a comfy spot
A moment of time so carefully caught
Memories of you curled up next to me
Outside the snow falls down effortlessly"

Ylixia sighs.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"The laughter and company filled me with glee
Curled up in your lap, sitting on bended knee
The heat of your breath against my soft skin
The care of your touch always drew me in"

(Vixonia's eyes glow with the warmth of memory as her hand absently traces across the curve of her neck. The soft emotion swirls across her visage and out through the dulcet tones of her voice.)

Vixonia lovingly sings in a soprano voice:

"The wonders of winter
So beautifully free

The wonders of winter
bring you back to me..."

Allye gazes at Vixonia.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Moments turn hours and then further on
Time fully treasured, time onward spun
The hushed race of hearts tempestuous and strong
Knew it was ending, this lovers last song"

Elurora cocks her head at Vixonia.

(Vixonia lets her eyes raise over the audience, a distant look in them as she continues to sing. Her head held high as the sweet tune fills the area.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Spring soon would blossom and spread her warm gaze
Leaving cold winds of winter, a memory's haze
I tried hard to keep you but it was in vain
As frost soon retreated from yon window pane"

Vixonia hauntingly sings in a soprano voice:

"The wonders of winter
So beautifully free

The wonders of winter
bring you back to me..."

(Vixonia wraps her arms around herself, the soft curls of her mane shifting with the passing breeze as she gazes into the distance. Her voice grows softer though still crisp and clear as it carries out to you.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"I knew time was fleeting, but winter seemed long
I hoped when you left that my heart could be strong
Your nomadic ways meant that you could not stay
Oh how I wished even for one more day"

Iryta sighs wistfully.
Iryta gazes at Vixonia.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Perhaps when the season grows cold once again
And crystalline snowflakes descend on the glen
Once more to my cottage you'll steal through the drifts
And share with me further, of winter's warm gifts"

Vixonia smiles as she seems to come back from being lost in the memory, gazing back in your direction, you can see the hope and wonder blossom deep within her eyes as she moves into the last chorus.

Nilme gazes at Vixonia.

Vixonia hopefully sings in a soprano voice:

"The wonders of winter
So beautifully free

The wonders of winter
bring you back to me..."

Vixonia smiles as her song ends, the last note ringing out wistfully until silence returns. Then giving a playful wink, she drops into a deep curtsy.

Halari gazes at Vixonia with a mournful expression on her face.
Useff smiles at Vixonia.
Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme continues to praise Vixonia.
Kethrai looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Miskton looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia flashes a quick grin.

Iryta beams at Vixonia!
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Iryta looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia's eyelids droop as she trills briefly in warm content.

Useff says, "That is a fine song."
Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Saslisena looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Useff applauds.
Iryta nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.
Nilme nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.
Sonatina lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Sonatina praises Vixonia.
Ylixia smiles at Vixonia.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Ylixia applauds.

Vixonia says, "Up next is a piece that spent many years meandering around in my subconscious before I was finally able to put it to words. It started out as a short poem until I felt the need to flesh it out into a full song."

Saslisena cocks her head.
Kamisama gets an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.

Vixonia quietly says, "This is a song that I simply have titled 'Almost...'."

Iryta leans forward.
Kamisama puts his almanac in his bourbon barrel.

Vixonia smiles softly and gazes off into the distance, her entire demeanor seemingly lost to time.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"I can almost see you in my dreams.
Shrouded in the misty haze of longing
My heart yearning in that delicate state,
While raising from the depths of sleep."

Aetheline leans against a polished wooden bar.
Aetheline takes a sip of her fizz.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"I can almost smell the scent of you.
An overwelming aroma in the dark of night,
An alluring cologne that seduces my senses.
I'm enchanted with the lure of this desire."

(Vixonia sways softly to the music as she continues to sing.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Who is my dream lover...
Lost forever in the night?
Are you the ever-elusive lover...
Banned forever from my sight?"

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"I can almost hear your musical laugh.
The devastating tone that makes me drown...
Your siren song just pulls me closer,
Those enticing notes captivate my soul."

Elurora furrows her brow.
Iryta shifts her weight.
Almarius blinks.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"I can almost feel you in my arms.
The gentle pressure of your body against mine,
The intoxicating heat of your sensitive touch...
Fingers of longing trickle down my spine."

Baelor leans back.

(Vixonia tucks a wisp of her mane behind her ear as the dulcet tones of her voice carries out over the still room.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Who is my dream lover...
Lost forever in the night?
Are you the ever-elusive lover...
Banned forever from my sight?"

Iryta rubs her left arm.
Iryta shifts her weight.
Tirost gazes at Vixonia.
Sonatina nods.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"I can almost taste your essence on my lips.
A deep hunger craving to be unleashed.
The electric pull... the hesitant sigh,
Of a thirsting kiss that never is fulfilled."

Aetheline takes a sip of her fizz.
Iryta gazes at Vixonia.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"I can almost see the seduction of your smile.
You awaken a desperate need long lost to me.
But as I open my eyes in the pale morning light...
You vanish into the lingering mists of the night."

Kamisama takes a bite of the shell.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Who is my dream lover...
Lost forever in the night?
Are you the ever-elusive lover...
Banned forever from my sight?"

(Vixonia whispers softly to herself, "When I wake, will I ever find you there?")

(Vixonia lowers her head in a moment of silence then raises it as she drops into a graceful curtsy.)

A faint growl echoes from the depths of Miskton's shadow.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Saslisena begins to weep softly.
Aetheline looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Sonatina lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Useff looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Sonatina praises Vixonia.
Nilme gazes at Vixonia in awe.
Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.
Dromond applauds.
Allye beams at Vixonia!
Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia gets a lacy white handkerchief mottled with tear stains from inside her shoulder bag.

Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Ylixia looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia offers Saslisena a lacy white handkerchief mottled with tear stains.

Allye applauds.

Vixonia grins impishly.

Sonatina applauds.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Iryta wipes one of her eyes.
Baelor whistles a merry tune.
Saslisena smiles at Vixonia.
Iryta coughs.
Saslisena accepts Vixonia's white handkerchief.

Vixonia giggles.

Iryta gets some mulled sicle cider from atop a polished wooden bar.

Ishimmer trills softly at Vixonia.

Saslisena says to Vixonia, "Thank you."

Vixonia exclaims, "I carry an extra, just in case!"

Iryta guzzles down some of her cider and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.

Vixonia grins impishly.

Stelling takes a sip of his mead.
Stelling grins at Vixonia.
Tirost smiles at Vixonia.
The thorns adorning Ishimmer fall out and crumble into reddish ash.
Ishimmer chuckles.
Saslisena rubs a lacy white handkerchief mottled with tear stains.
Baelor gets some Burdock's ale from atop a polished wooden bar.

A young Halfling lad, holding a large mug of ale, leaps in front of the fireplace, lets out a big whoop and bursts into a spontaneous song.

"Old Woolly Tanglefoot, he has no teeth!
He's a furball on his head that defies all belief!
But you won't see me singing this when he's around
Cuz old Woolly can still chase me from town!"

You chuckle.

Vixonia exclaims, "But enough of love songs! Let's explore something a bit more cheery!"

Kethrai snickers.
Aetheline giggles.
Tirost chuckles.

Vixonia giggles.

Kethrai says, "Everyone wants to join in the concert..."
Stelling chuckles at Vixonia.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Tirost nods to Kethrai.
Almarius happily exclaims, "I love cheery!"
Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Ishimmer chuckles.
Tirost takes a sip of his brandy.

Vixonia says, "This next piece was choreographed for a spring concert up in Theren. I wanted something joyous and playful to present to fit the season. This is my 'Butterfly Dance'."

Nilme smiles at Vixonia.

Elurora cocks her head at Vixonia.
Saslisena leans forward.

Vixonia gets a colorful dancing fan trailing a swath of silken ribbons from inside her shoulder bag.

Iryta beams at Vixonia!

(Vixonia pulls out a second fan and opens her them both with a flick of her wrists, snapping them taut as she raises them before her in an elegant pose and waits for the music to start.)

Ishimmer whistles loudly for a moment.
A young wolf scrambles in.
Ruecolle gazes intently into her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.
A young wolf begins to whimper.
Ruecolle takes a sip of her toddy.
Iryta takes a sip of her cider.
A young wolf sits down.

(Vixonia spins in a slow circle as she slowly flutters her fans and draws them up, the long ribbons swirling around her body in trails of sweeping color as she begins to move.)

A young wolf looks around suspiciously.

Vixonia pushes her nightsilk skirt tight against her waist, making it flutter like the wings of some brilliant butterfly.

Allye smiles at Tirost.

(Vixonia draws one fan up before her face, eyes twinkling as she peers over it at you, her other fan sweeping wide along the side of her body and up over her head. A playful cascade of jingles comes from her toe bells as the tempo of the dance starts to build.)

A young wolf paws at the ground.
Nikabi Tokaru Ishimmer climbed down some wooden stairs.
A young wolf stands back up.
A young wolf pads off.

Vixonia's tail undulates lazily through the air.

(Vixonia sweeps a toe to the side, pointing it elegantly as she draws it in a delicate circle over the floor. Stepping forward, she mirrors the action with her other foot as the fans start to dart and flutter around her body like colorful butterflies flitting through the air.)

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia.
Halari gazes at Vixonia with a dreamy look on her face.

(Vixonia twirls smoothly as she starts to leap and spin, the soft fabrics of her outfit swirling around her body as the fans continue to flitter and float independently in a maelstrom of color and motion.)

Saslisena beams at Vixonia!
Tirost looks at Allye and blushes.

(Vixonia raises up again on pointe, turning to leap playfully and dance away. Her body is once again a frenzy of motion and movement as her fans twirl and chase each other overhead. They take turns leading as she spins and sways through the open space.)

Nikabi Tokaru Ishimmer climbed up some wooden stairs.

In a single lissome motion, Vixonia goes high on her toes to whirl in a pirouette that sends her nightsilk skirt flashing out in a gossamer circle all around her.

In one sinuous motion, Vixonia arches her back and kicks high, then executes a little leap, landing catlike in a jingle of toe bells.

Almarius blinks at Tirost.
Aetheline gawks at Vixonia.

(Vixonia's fans continue to flutter about as her feet move in a continuous succession of slow, soft, lyrical movements. Her arms slowly rotate, her fans sweeping from side to side as they simulate the carefree dance of her two butterflies.)

Almarius exclaims, "Ooohhhh sooooo pretty!"

The cascade of melodic sound from Vixonia's toe bells subsides as she moves to a slower tempo.

(Vixonia draws her fans closer and closer together. She dances with slow, sweeping movements from one side of the performance space to the other. Her skirts flow around her graceful form as she moves back to the center. She slowly sinks into the silken pool of her skirts, her wrists finally touching as the fans come together and rotate back and forth high above her head.)

Halari dreamily says, "She sure is..."
Aetheline grins at Halari, her dimples flashing into view.

(Vixonia lowers the fluttering fans to the ground where they come to rest. She ends the dance laying prostrate, arms stretched in front of her, her body an arched, elegant line across the ground.)

Iryta grins at Halari, her dimples flashing into view.
Kethrai just nudged Halari.
Iryta takes a sip of her cider.
Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Almarius giggles at Kethrai.
Drudg offers Kamisama a rugged safari pack clasped with a piece of drake's heart amber.
Useff grins at Vixonia.
Aetheline looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia smiles serenely as she raises to her feet in one graceful movement. Snapping her fans shut she drops into a deep curtsy, nodding gracefully before standing back up with a flourish.

Kamisama accepts Drudg's safari pack.
Kethrai looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia puts her fan in her shoulder bag.

Ishimmer wiggles his toes.
Useff applauds.
Iryta takes a sip of her cider.
Miskton looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Saslisena applauds.
Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Halari looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme beams at Vixonia!
Kamisama puts his pack in a whiskey-hued eddy of light swirling in an oversized rocks glass.
Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Saslisena exclaims, "So lovely!"
Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Saslisena beams at Vixonia!
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Aetheline praises Vixonia.

Vixonia suddenly gives voice to a fast, thrumming purr.

Vixonia exclaims, "Thank you!"

Baelor says, "Get the bibs out."
Raising his pear mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Sonatina trills softly at Halari.
Raising his Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Baelor gives her a toast.
Almarius exclaims, "Graceful!"
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Ylixia looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Ishimmer chuckles.
Kamisama gets an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.
Iryta gives Baelor a playful poke in the ribs.
Baelor grins.
Iryta takes a sip of her cider.
Ishimmer lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Kamisama puts his almanac in his bourbon barrel.

Vixonia flashes a quick grin.

Almarius exclaims, "I'd go and fall on my face!"
Almarius giggles.
Ylixia pats Almarius on the back.
Kaedan chortles softly at some secret joke.

Vixonia exclaims, "Alrighty! The staple of many a bard's repertoire is often related to drink. So I hope you don't mind if I spend the last little bit that we have together, sharing a couple of drinking songs with you!"

Allye grins at Kaedan.
Elurora nods to Almarius.
Elurora says to Almarius, "Me too."
Iryta beams at Vixonia!
Useff gets some Burdock's ale from atop a polished wooden bar.
Iryta takes a sip of her cider.
Nilme grins at Vixonia.
Almarius giggles at Elurora.
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Raising his Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Useff gives her a toast.
Iryta looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Stelling takes a sip of his mead.
Ishimmer chuckles at Stelling.
Stelling gets a cup of iceberry mead from inside his oilcloth rucksack.
Sonatina looks around at something that you can't see, laughing softly in amazement.
Iryta stands up.
Dallylia grins at Vixonia.

Vixonia exclaims, "I was sitting over at Taelbert's and having a drink, when I started watching the barmaid ply her trade. Made me wonder what it would be like to be a barmaid... and then suddenly 'The Tipsy Barmaid' was born!"

Dallylia applauds.
Iryta giggles.
Iryta leans against a polished wooden bar.
Iryta waves to Dallylia.
Nilme smiles at Vixonia.
Tirost laughs happily.
Aetheline grins at Vixonia, her dimples flashing into view.
Shaylynne opens up a leather vault book embossed with a field of flowers and studies it for a moment.
Saslisena cocks her head.
Halari gets some Burdock's ale from atop a polished wooden bar.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"A barmaid's job is never done
'Cause serving drinks can be so fun!
A playful wink, a saucy smile
Please come and sit and drink a while!"

Kethrai gets a hot toddy from atop a polished wooden bar.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Here they come... a thirsty bunch
With hungry eyes, it's just a hunch.
Serve them drinks with a cheeky grin
Hope that they'll come visit again!"

(Vixonia twirls away from reaching hands, a tray of drinks held high.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Another round, spirits are high
Boisterous voices raise to the sky!
I sashay though as drinks are served
Though tipsy patrons sure have nerve..."

Iryta grins, revealing her dimples.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Salacious calls, "Come sit my girl!"
Heady comments make thoughts swirl.
Trying to soothe the savage beast
Pot roast makes a wholesome feast."

Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.
Saslisena giggles.

(Vixonia twirls away from reaching hands, just an inch to spare.)

Shaylynne puts her book in her box hive.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Food's not all they hunger for
A friendly grin, sometimes much more!
They're often hard to keep at bay
Those roaming hands that fill my day."

Halari casually observes the area.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"How can I keep my cheery grin
When serving ale, whiskey, and gin?
Who would begrudge a stolen sip
As through the crowd I weave and skip?"

Elurora frowns thoughtfully.

(Vixonia twirls away from reaching hands, almost dropping drinks.)

Raising her Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Halari gives her a toast.
Drudg rummages about his person, looking for something.
Nilme grins at Vixonia.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"A little drink and then one more
Heated liquid makes spirits soar.
Giggling and twirling, I make my way
So many folks need drinks today!"

Halari guzzles down some of her ale and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.
Drudg gets a fragrant three-strand lei composed of lovely pink and yellow plumeria flowers from inside a stylish traveler's valise covered in vibrantly patterned camlet.
Ishimmer grins.
Elurora quietly says, "Just punch a few of 'em in the nose, that'll stop the hands."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Another drink, was that too much?
Hey, alcohol is not a crutch!
Though it may never be 'enough'
It makes folks smile when life is tough."

Drudg offers Kamisama a fragrant three-strand lei composed of lovely pink and yellow plumeria flowers.
Stelling chuckles at Elurora.
Kamisama accepts Drudg's three-stand lei.
Allye grins at Vixonia.

(Vixonia twirls away from reaching hands, tripping along the way.)

Saslisena giggles at Elurora.

Aetheline giggles at Elurora.

Vixonia fondly sings in a soprano voice:

"Fond farewell to folks who roam
Weaving drunkenly towards their home.
Now it is time to sit and rest
Having finally served my best."

Kamisama puts his lei in a whiskey-hued eddy of light swirling in an oversized rocks glass.
Iryta grins at Elurora, her dimples flashing into view.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"A barmaid's job is never done
'Cause serving drinks can be so fun!
Tomorrow is another day
Another chance to drink and play!"

Drudg gets a pale blue Dragon Spine orchid lei from inside a sturdy black backpack.
Drudg offers Kamisama a pale blue Dragon Spine orchid lei.

(Vixonia blows a misplaced wisp of hair out of her eyes as she stops twirling and grins impishly. Bobbing a quick curtsy she gives a little wink.)

Kamisama accepts Drudg's orchid lei.
Iryta says to Elurora, "I couldn't even best you at armwrestling."
Kamisama grins at Shaylynne.
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Shaylynne chortles softly at some secret joke.
Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Raising his iceberry mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling takes a sip of his mead.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Elurora quietly says to Iryta, "I bet you could punch someone in the nose if you wanted."
Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Miskton applauds.
Shaylynne looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Iryta grins, revealing her dimples.
Iryta looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Nilme grins at Elurora.
Raising his Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Useff gives her a toast.
Saslisena lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Vixonia flashes a quick grin.

Nilme looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Kamisama puts his lei in a whiskey-hued eddy of light swirling in an oversized rocks glass.
Iryta says, "Damned straight."

Vixonia exclaims, "Alrighty!!"

Useff takes a sip of his ale.
Iryta strikes a heroic pose.
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Nilme grins.
Drudg rummages about his person, looking for something.

Vixonia says, "And for my final song of the evening... well I guess it was also inspired while people watching at various taverns across the realms..."

Ishimmer beams at Vixonia!
Ruecolle takes a sip of her toddy.
Drudg gets a spherical poke fashioned from a hollowed out coconut shell from inside a stylish traveler's valise covered in vibrantly patterned camlet.

Vixonia winks.

Drudg offers Kamisama a spherical poke fashioned from a hollowed out coconut shell.

Vixonia gets a tall pewter tankard labeled "Bard Juice" from inside her shoulder bag.

Vixonia flips open the lid on her pewter tankard.

Vixonia raises her tankard, drinking deeply from the mulled wine inside.

Kethrai takes a sip of his toddy.
Ishimmer chuckles.

Vixonia playfully exclaims, "Alrighty all! Feel free to raise a glass and toast with me with this song... it's all about one of my favorite past times. Drinking!"

Kamisama accepts Drudg's spherical poke.
Almarius grins at Vixonia, her dimples flashing into view.
Raising his hot toddy to Vixonia, Kethrai gives her a toast.
Raising his Rissan brandy to Vixonia, Tirost gives her a toast.
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Kamisama puts his poke in a whiskey-hued eddy of light swirling in an oversized rocks glass.
Raising his iceberry mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Nilme gets some modwyn wine from atop a polished wooden bar.

(Vixonia gives a saucy wink as she raises her tankard high and starts to sing a rousing ballad. Her foot taps, the toebells giving a merry jingle with the beat.)

Raising her cloudy absinthe to Vixonia, Sonatina gives her a toast.
Ylixia gets a goblet of Bardic blue wine from inside her royal blue haversack.
Kamisama gets a twisted brass astrolabe from inside his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama holds his astrolabe up and focuses on it.
Kamisama puts his astrolabe in his bourbon barrel.
Halari holds some Burdock's ale high into the air for all to see.
Raising his Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Baelor gives her a toast.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Now some may say I'm a typical bard
Because I like to drink...
But oft when I watch folks in the bar
It tends to make me think."

Shaylynne holds a large goblet of Five-Spike Recluse tea high into the air for all to see.
Almarius gets some mountain mineral water from atop a polished wooden bar.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Folks drink to get happy
They drink because they're sad.
For me I think I like to drink...
Because there is fun to be had!"

Ishimmer gets a Taffelberry fizz from inside his traveler's pack.
Almarius giggles.

Vixonia smiles as she starts to dance from foot to foot, swishing playfully from side to side as she starts into the chorus.

Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Raising his Burdock's ale to Iryta, Baelor gives her a toast.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"So raise your glass
Or tip your stein
Do a shot with me
And sing...

Find a drink that brings you joy
That's sure to be the thing!"

Iryta just nudged Baelor.
Allye moves a Taffelberry fizz to her right hand.
Shaylynne takes a sip of her tea.
Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Almarius takes a sip of her water.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Some drink to boost their confidence
Others drink to meet their mate.
Just choose your drink wisely
Before you seal your fate!"

Sonatina suddenly blinks and then bursts into laughter!
Almarius blinks at Sonatina.
Almarius giggles at Sonatina.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Sonatina!
Sonatina blinks.
Aetheline gets a shiny blue xibaryl runestone marked with a symbol for Calm from atop a polished wooden bar.
Tirost laughs!

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Drinking wine and feeling fine
Though sometimes it makes you sleepy.
Just be careful not to drink too much
Because then you might get weepy!"

Iryta appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Vixonia exclaims, "Here comes the chorus again... feel free to join in if you want!"

Aetheline puts her runestone in her leather rucksack.
Aetheline gets some modwyn wine from atop a polished wooden bar.
Aetheline takes a sip of her wine.
Allye giggles at Vixonia.
Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!

Sonatina's soprano, Nilme's soprano, Useff's baritone and Stelling's baritone join with Vixonia's soprano as she sings:

"So raise your glass
Or tip your stein
Do a shot with me
And sing...

Find a drink that brings you joy
That's sure to be the thing!"

(Dallylia claps along.)
Raising his iceberry mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Kethrai takes a sip of his toddy.
Stelling takes a sip of his mead.
Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Aetheline nods to Dallylia.
Ylixia grins.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"A gin drunk can be a silly drunk
It's that funny little berry...
For juniper can get you into the mood
And bring out your inner merry!"

Tirost takes a sip of his brandy.

Vixonia's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Nilme grins at Vixonia.
Ishimmer takes a sip of his fizz.
Iryta chuckles.
Kethrai laughs!

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"Be cautious with the angry drunk
A drink or two might be alright...
But more than that and you may find
That all they want to do is fight!"

Aetheline grins, revealing her dimples.
Aetheline glances at something on top of a polished wooden bar.

Sonatina's alto, Nilme's soprano, Useff's baritone and Stelling's baritone join with Vixonia's soprano as she sings:

"So raise your glass
Or tip your stein
Do a shot with me
And sing...

Find a drink that brings you joy
That's sure to be the thing!"

Raising his iceberry mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Almarius exclaims, "Ohhh this is about wobbly water!"

Vixonia kicks one foot out in a graceful arc, and with a dip of her shoulders and a tinkling of toe bells, she pirouettes in a dazzling spin!

Almarius giggles.
Stelling takes a sip of his mead.
Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Nilme gives her a toast.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Allye giggles at Almarius.
Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Aetheline gives her a toast.
Aetheline takes a sip of her wine.
Miskton gets some Burdock's ale from atop a polished wooden bar.
Raising her Taffelberry fizz to Vixonia, Allye gives her a toast.

Vixonia drunkenly sings in a soprano voice:

"Drunken philosopher, one of my faves
Can be both quiet and shy...
But a few drinks in and he then opens up
To be a fun, intellectual guy!"

Dallylia giggles at Almarius.
Ylixia takes a sip of her wine.
Miskton takes a sip of his ale.
Kamisama puts his shell in his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama gets a drunken Ranger doll carrying a whiskey bottle in each hand from inside his bourbon barrel.
Kamisama twirls the Ranger doll through a simple series of gestures. A pink rum punch with emulsified clouds of cream and floating strawberries appears in his left hand!
Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!
Aetheline giggles at Vixonia.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

"If you're in the mood to be surprised
Absinthe is bound to be your choice.
Fairies, hippos, and mystical things
Are given an illusory voice."

Kamisama guzzles down some of his punch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Kamisama takes a sip of his punch.
Aetheline gasps at Kamisama!
Tirost nods to Vixonia.
Nilme grins.

Vixonia exclaims, "Here we go again, for the very last time!"

Baelor grins.

Sonatina's alto, Nilme's soprano, Useff's baritone and Stelling's baritone join with Vixonia's soprano as she sings:

"So raise your glass
Or tip your stein
Do a shot with me
And sing...

Find a drink that brings you joy
That's sure to be the thing!"

Kamisama grins at Aetheline.
Raising his iceberry mead to Vixonia, Stelling gives her a toast.
Stelling takes a sip of his mead.

(Vixonia twirls suddenly and then drops into a deep curtsy, the fabric from her garments swirling around her. Amazingly she hasn't spilled a drop of her drink. She gives you a wink.)

Tirost lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ishimmer lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Raising her Bardic blue wine to Vixonia, Ylixia gives her a toast.
Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Nilme gives her a toast.
Kethrai lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Elurora looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Raising her Taffelberry fizz to Vixonia, Dallylia gives her a toast.

Vixonia guzzles down some of the wine in her tankard and then smacks her lips and wipes them with the back of one hand.

Raising her cloudy absinthe to Vixonia, Sonatina gives her a toast.
Raising his Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Miskton gives her a toast.
Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Kamisama guzzles down some of his punch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Vixonia holds a tall pewter tankard labeled "Bard Juice" high into the air for all to see.

Ishimmer looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Miskton takes a sip of his ale.
Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Aetheline gives her a toast.
Useff stands up.
Ylixia beams at Vixonia!
Iryta lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Useff applauds.
Aetheline lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Ylixia takes a sip of her wine.
Raising his Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Baelor gives her a toast.
Almarius exclaims, "Soooooo amazing!"
Stelling grins at Vixonia.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Kamisama whirls the Ranger doll through a labyrinthine series of gestures (showoff!). A generously poured glass snifter of Bootlegger's bourbon appears in his left hand!
Saslisena grins at Vixonia.
Allye grins at Tirost.
Saslisena looks at Vixonia and applauds!

Vixonia says, "Thank you all so much! I hope there was a little something in there for everyone..."

Sonatina lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

Almarius chants in a sopranino voice:

"Encore! Encore! Encore!"

Useff applauds.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Useff applauds.
Vixonia giggles at Almarius.
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Almarius!
Dallylia gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Vixonia!
Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!
Almarius applauds.
Elurora says to Vixonia, "You did amazingly, Miss Vixonia."
Kamisama puts his doll in his libation caddy.
Tirost exclaims to Vixonia, "That was an amazing concert, Vix!"
Ishimmer says, "Absolutely wonderful performance my dear."
Raising his plum brandy to Vixonia, Gridaksma gives her a toast.
Iryta nods emphatically at Tirost.
Almarius exclaims, "MOOOOOOORE Please!"

Vixonia exclaims to Almarius, "Oh come now... they've listened to quite enough of me already!"

Aetheline exclaims, "Incredible!"
Kaedan gets a black oak beam mottled by weathering from inside his traveler's pack.
Ruecolle applauds.
Nilme stands up.
Almarius lets out a loud "Huzzah!"
Ishimmer gives Vixonia a smooch.
Stelling says to Vixonia, "Excellent as always."
Iryta hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.

Vixonia winks at Almarius.

Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Nilme gives her a toast.

Saslisena chants in a mezzo-soprano voice:

"Sing off with that halfling from earlier!"

Ruecolle takes a sip of her toddy.
Saslisena grins mischievously.
Almarius exclaims to Vixonia, "Nooo way!"
Kaedan loops the oak beam through a labyrinthine series of gestures. A raw troll leg appears in his left hand!
Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Ruecolle gazes intently into her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.
Iryta laughs!
Iryta grins at Saslisena, her dimples flashing into view.
Kaedan puts his leg in his traveler's pack.
Kaedan weaves the oak beam through a convoluted series of gestures (showoff!). A field mouse appears in his left hand!
Kaedan puts his mouse in his traveler's pack.
Kaedan swirls the oak beam through a complicated series of gestures. A small finch appears in his left hand!
Vixonia giggles at Saslisena.
Iryta folds up her chair, causing it to collapse into a more compact bundle.
Kaedan moves a black oak beam mottled by weathering to his left hand.
Kaedan moves a small finch to his right hand.
Aetheline giggles at Saslisena.
Kaedan offers Vixonia a small finch.
Kaedan puts his beam in his traveler's pack.
Allye says to Vixonia, "That was fantastic! Such an amazing list and so beautifully performed, as always."
Almarius exclaims to Vixonia, "There's nevah enough of Bell Buddy!"

Vixonia exclaims, "Again, thank you ALL so much for coming! A special thank you to Nilme and TART for hosting these wonderful events. I know she works hard to make sure that they are such a delightful success!"

Iryta winces.
Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia.
Useff says, "Thank you, Vix. That was a great selection."
Almarius chants in a sopranino voice:

"Encore! Encore! Encore!"

Vixonia accepts Kaedan's small finch.

Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!
Kamisama gets an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside his bourbon barrel.
Dallylia gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Kamisama studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.
Almarius gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!

Vixonia giggles at Kaedan.

Iryta says, "Finches are songbirds."
Useff applauds.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Saslisena!
Iryta stands near Vixonia.
Saslisena beams at Nilme!

(Nilme leaves her seat and moves to join Vixonia, continuing to applaud. She gives Vixonia a hug and a huge smile, gazing at her with admiration.)

Saslisena looks at Nilme and applauds!
Useff grins at Iryta.
Kaedan says to Iryta, "And delicious."
Iryta begins pouting.
Aetheline pulls Nilme to her in a tight hug.

Vixonia flips the lid on her pewter tankard closed.

Kamisama puts his almanac in his bourbon barrel.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Iryta holds a single finger up to her closed lips and gives her head a slight shake while leveling a firm stare at Kaedan.

Nilme warmly exclaims to Vixonia, "Thank you, Vixonia, for sharing your talents with us! Your performances are always amazing!"

Aetheline catches Vixonia up in a fierce embrace, swinging her around exuberantly.

Nilme recites:

"Let's give another round of applause for Vixonia!"

Iryta grins at Nilme, her dimples flashing into view.
Halari says, "The songs were lovely but I have to admit I was more captivated by the dancing."
Dallylia applauds.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Shaylynne smiles at Nilme.
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Iryta looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Useff applauds.
Raising her modwyn wine to Vixonia, Aetheline gives her a toast.
Almarius applauds.
Baelor applauds.
Saslisena looks at Vixonia and applauds!
Raising her Burdock's ale to Vixonia, Halari gives her a toast.
Raising his Rissan brandy to Vixonia, Tirost gives her a toast.
Kamisama applauds.
Sonatina lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Stelling grins at Halari.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Shaylynne lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!

(Vixonia deftly hands the little bird to Ishimmer.)

Almarius exclaims, "Soooo amazing!"
Vixonia offers Ishimmer a small finch.
Ylixia puts her wine in her royal blue haversack.
Aetheline wraps her arms around Shaylynne, giving Shaylynne a great big bear hug!
Ylixia applauds.
Vixonia beams!

Nilme recites:

"Thank you, everyone, for joining us today! We hope to present another concert in the coming weeks featuring someone well known in the realms for her friendliness and for being an unmatched catering guru! Allye Karayilma is a valued member of the Tavern Troupe, and has a multitude of talents beyond event planning! She has agreed to perform some of her works for us!"

Aetheline catches Almarius up in a fierce embrace, swinging her around exuberantly.
Ishimmer accepts Vixonia's small finch.
Almarius exclaims, "Ohhhhhhhhhh!"
Halari takes a sip of her ale.

Vixonia bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

Kamisama guzzles down some of his bourbon and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Shaylynne hugs Aetheline, who wraps her arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.
Aetheline wraps her arms around Elurora, giving Elurora a great big bear hug!
Ishimmer puts his finch in his traveler's pack.
Shaylynne reaches down and rubs Aetheline's head.
Useff says, "Wooot."

Nilme recites:

"See you next time!"

Shaylynne reaches down and rubs Almarius's head.
Elurora catches Aetheline up in a fierce embrace, swinging her around exuberantly.
Aetheline hugs Useff, getting a smile in return.
Almarius quietly exclaims to Ishimmer, "I think she likes you!"
Tirost grins at Allye.
Aetheline giggles at Elurora.

(Nilme gives you a brilliant smile and a quick wave as she steps into the crowd.)

Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Useff lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!
Nilme smiles.
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Aetheline hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.
Ylixia grins.
Nilme pulls Vixonia to her in a tight hug.
Vixonia lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!
Aetheline catches Nilme up in a fierce embrace, swinging her around exuberantly.
Allye giggles.
Nilme beams at Vixonia!
Raising his Burdock's ale to Nilme, Useff gives her a toast.
Almarius hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.
Allye hugs Aetheline, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.
Aetheline just hugged Gridaksma.
Ishimmer says, "I think she might."
Nilme smiles at Useff.

Vixonia exclaims, "Let's hear it for Nilme!"

Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Aetheline.
Aetheline just hugged Ishimmer.
Aetheline lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Nilme chuckles.
Miskton lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Useff lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Ruecolle gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Nilme blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Kamisama guzzles down some of his bourbon and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.
Kamisama takes a sip of his bourbon.
Saslisena exclaims to Nilme, "Thank you for hosting these!"
Iryta lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Ishimmer hugs Aetheline, who wraps her arms around Ishimmer with a warm smile.
Aetheline just hugged Kamisama.
Saslisena beams at Nilme!
Vixonia puts her tankard in her leather carryall.
Halari praises Nilme.
Allye lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme!
Aetheline hugs Iryta, who wraps her arms around Aetheline with a warm smile.
Vixonia looks at Nilme and applauds!
Elurora looks at Nilme and applauds!
Nilme beams!
Aetheline pants.
Iryta hugs Nilme, who wraps her arms around Iryta with a warm smile.
Shaylynne praises Nilme.
Iryta hugs Aetheline, who wraps her arms around Iryta with a warm smile.
Aetheline hugs Saslisena, who wraps her arms around Aetheline with a warm smile.
Iryta chortles softly at some secret joke.
Ruecolle gestures.
Nilme hugs Iryta, getting a smile in return.
Iryta puts her chair in her enshrouding clouds.
Saslisena hugs Aetheline, who wraps her arms around Saslisena with a warm smile.
Raising his plum brandy to Nilme, Gridaksma gives her a toast.
Raising his iceberry mead to Nilme, Stelling gives her a toast.
Kaedan stands up.
Stelling takes a sip of his mead.
Gridaksma takes a sip of his brandy.
Aetheline hugs Stelling, getting a smile in return.
Kaedan puts his recliner in his traveler's pack.

Nilme exclaims, "Thanks for attending everyone!"

Vixonia slinks up to Ishimmer with fluid grace, curling her tail lazily in the air.

Nilme stands near Useff.
Ishimmer flicks his amethyst rose with the tip of his finger.
Kethrai exclaims, "Thank you for putting it on!"
Aetheline giggles at Stelling.

Vixonia exclaims to Almarius, "I can always do an encore for you later!"

Ishimmer taps something inside his traveler's pack.
Baelor takes a sip of his ale.
Stelling chuckles at Aetheline.
Nilme flashes a wide grin.
Useff pulls Nilme to him in a tight hug.
Gridaksma says, "I haven't been to one of these in quite some time, it was fond to remember those times and be entertained anew."
Aetheline waves.
Nilme wraps her arms around Useff in a loving hug.
Useff puts his popcorn in a leather haversack embossed with a pattern of musical notes.
Ishimmer grins at Vixonia.
Almarius exclaims to Vixonia, "One about bells, or with bells please!"
Saslisena exclaims to Vixonia, "That was wonderful, thank you!"
Almarius begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!
Nilme beams at Gridaksma!
Saslisena beams at Vixonia!
Iryta smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Vixonia perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Gridaksma.
Iryta gets some silvery moonsilk gloves fit with starstone buckles from inside her enshrouding clouds.
Aetheline waves.
Stardust Aetheline scampers out.
Vixonia hugs Saslisena, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.
Kethrai asks Halari, "Join for drinks?"
Ishimmer gets a dozen long-stemmed flame roses which glisten with tiny dewdrops from inside his traveler's pack.
Vixonia exclaims to Saslisena, "Thank you!"
Nilme exclaims to Allye, "You're next!"
Ishimmer offers Vixonia a dozen long-stemmed flame roses which glisten with tiny dewdrops.
Nilme beams at Allye!
Miskton says, "Thanks for a great performance."
Stelling lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!
Allye giggles at Nilme.
Saslisena hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.
Vixonia beams at Ishimmer!
Miskton takes a sip of his ale.
Saslisena grins at Vixonia.
Ishimmer gets a small box labeled "Pryd Bonbons" from inside his traveler's pack.
Vixonia accepts Ishimmer's flame roses.
Saslisena says, "You're welcome."
Tirost laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Halari says to Kethrai, "Nah, I gotta get out of the city. Itches."
Almarius says, "Ohh."
Gridaksma says, "It's been nearly seventy years since Donalisa unveiled her song about me right here during one of these concerts."
Ishimmer moves a small box labeled "Pryd Bonbons" to his right hand.
Ishimmer offers Vixonia a small box labeled "Pryd Bonbons".
Vixonia exclaims to Ishimmer, "Ooh... oh my... thank you!"
Sonatina praises Vixonia.
Allye asks Nilme, "You said no to zombie Klineklaus, right?"
Allye ponders.
Nilme grins at Gridaksma.
Vixonia wraps her arms lovingly around Ishimmer, snuggling close.
Stelling looks at Ishimmer and applauds!
Kaedan says to Allye, "I say yes."
Vixonia gives Ishimmer a light kiss.
Nilme nods emphatically at Allye.
Ishimmer kisses Vixonia on the nose.
Iryta begins chortling at Allye.
Vixonia accepts Ishimmer's box.
Allye beams at Kaedan!
Almarius asks Kaedan, "Hiiiii Faux Mom! I'm soooo glad you made it! You're late though! WHend you get in?"
Nilme squints at Allye.
Stelling grins.
Vixonia giggles.
Ylixia ponders.
Allye says to Kaedan, "So supportive."
Iryta laughs at Almarius.
Iryta just tickled Almarius, who laughs and returns the favor.
Almarius waves to Kaedan.
Ishimmer grins.
Vixonia raises her voice in merry laughter.
Nilme smiles at Gridaksma.
Allye giggles at Almarius.
Almarius hugs Kaedan, who wraps his arms around Almarius with a warm smile.
Kaedan says to Almarius, "Never, I'm a figment of your imagination."
Miskton gets an austere scholar's tome from inside his scholar's valise.
Allye waggles her fingers mystically at Nilme. How nice.
Miskton studies his scholar's tome closely.
Halari waves.
Vixonia exclaims, "I love my bon bons!"
Iryta leans on Stelling.
Ruecolle pokes her finger at a kitchen rat.
Nilme grins at Allye.
Useff grins at Vixonia.
Stelling grins at Iryta.
Vixonia grins impishly.
Halari hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Halari with a warm smile.
Iryta shakes her moonsilk gloves at Stelling.
Ears tilted forward, Ishimmer curls his tail around Vixonia's waist loosely.
Miskton puts his tome in his scholar's valise.
Alshabi Kamisama goes out, leading his group.
Miskton nods politely.
Nilme smiles.
Philomath Miskton strolls out.

(Vixonia tucks her roses away for a moment.)

Halari puts her ale in her traveler's pack.
Ishimmer says, "Im so happy toy do."
Vixonia puts her roses in her leather carryall.
Vixonia gets a field mouse from inside her box.
Almarius lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia!
Vixonia hums happily to herself.
Iryta puts her gloves in her enshrouding clouds.
Tracker of the Wind Halari goes out.
Allye giggles at Vixonia.

Vixonia holds a little mouse by the tail, dangling it above her briefly before dropping it into her mouth. It lets out a muffled squeak as Vixonia sinks her fangs into the tidbit then swallows it whole.

Ylixia stands up.
Ishimmer says, "Im so happy you do."
Elurora rubs her nose.
Ylixia shudders.
Ishimmer slinks up to Vixonia with fluid grace, curling his tail lazily in the air.
Vixonia gives a small box labeled "Pryd Bonbons" a hug!
Vixonia closes her box.
Iryta chuckles at Vixonia.
Vixonia puts her box in her leather carryall.
Kethrai says, "I'll be off back to Crossing myself."
Nilme leans on Useff.
Vixonia gets a dozen long-stemmed flame roses which glisten with tiny dewdrops from inside her leather carryall.
Sonatina grins.

What Everyone Was Wearing

Stardust Aetheline va'Kenaz, Ice Crafter of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Gnome

Aetheline has an oval face, a lurid green sundew clinging by glistening incarnadine tentacles to one of her ears, glittery amethyst eyes, a freckled nose and dimples. Her rainbow ombre hair is long and thick and has been shaved at the sides, and is worn in a simple, pulled-back style held in place by a miniature pair of palladium knives inset with pink sapphires. She has smooth skin and a sylphlike figure. She is pint-sized for a Gnome. She appears to be young. Her forearm has a tattoo of a cute cotton candy pink heart with the word "NOPE" stamped at its center, the letters written in bold black ink and underlined three times.

She is holding a miniature skeleton wielding a rusted scimitar in her right hand and a Taffelberry fizz in her left. She is wearing a fleece-lined leather cap topped with a pair of thick-framed tinted goggles, a hooded fur-lined sheepskin jacket affixed with razaksel-framed clockwork wings, a rope belt woven from rainbow-colored nemoih strands, a rainbow-colored skirt and some black knee-high combat boots with spun glitter laces.

Moon Warrior Allye Karayilma, Treasurer of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Prydaen

Allye has a set of mischievously twitching whiskers accenting a square face, pointed ears and bright cat-slitted turquoise eyes. Her raven mane is very long and glossy with stark white streaks at the temple, and is worn braided in a regal coronet threaded with some strands of snow opals. She has tawny fur, a black-tipped tail and a limberly agile figure. She is petite for a Prydaen. Her left wrist has a tattoo of a blooming peony tinted in softly blended shades of lavender and rose, the showy blossom framed in a swirl of jade-green foliage.

She is wearing a striking lavaliere dangling a snow opal ensconced in delicately draped chains, an ermine-trimmed capelet of rich cashmere pinned with a snow opal brooch, an indigo winter gown with voluminous shireli lace underskirts, a triple-strand blue gold ring displaying a solitary Eu's promise crystal and a pair of shireli lace-trimmed slippers with lofty windsteel heels.

Little Howler Almarius Kendialahle, Candy Apple of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Gnome Bard

Almarius has a set of mischievously twitching whiskers accenting a round face, a pair of black penguin-hide goggles with white ironwood buckles over glittery crystal green eyes, a freckled nose and dimples. Her golden-streaked red hair is very long and wavy, and is worn in a tangled mass with a delicate velvet vine blooming with soft white strawberry blossoms dangling above one ear. She has tanned skin and a plump figure. She is pint-sized for a Gnome. She appears to be young. Her cheekbone has a tattoo of a few fancifully floating fluffy fairy floss fluffs.

She is wearing a knit cobalt cap adorned with fuzzy wolflike ears, a brushed silver locket gypsy-set with duskbloom sapphires, a deep blue gown stitched upon its full skirt with a flurry of snowflakes, a slender rose gold friendship ring with spiral pastel glass beads, a snowflake tulle tutu adorned with smooth shadesatin ribbons and a pair of midnight blue slippers tipped at the toes with tiny white snowflakes.

Nizaye vaz Nason Baelor Arumizbulin, a Kaldar

Baelor has a stern face and hawkish crystal green eyes. His dark brown hair is short and thick, and is worn in a tousled, finger-combed style. He has fair skin and a broad-shouldered build. He is statuesque for a Kaldar. A stoic snow hawk carved from a white sapphire with piercing blue eyes floats lazily around his neck, glowing with a lustrous sheen against his skin. He appears to be in his prime. He has a thick bushy mustache that droops heavily on his upper lip and a long shaggy beard. He has a tattoo of a silver clenched fist over a black circular background on his back.

He is wearing a Dwarven iron bracer wrought into the form of an Imperial star, some coarse mammoth-hide greaves sealed with protective wax, an anthropomorphic cuirass forged from beaten bronze, a massive dolomar carapace shield reinforced with steel braces, an Imperial livery badge, a damascened steel greatsword scabbard with a sinuous chiseled-gold dragon wrapped down its length, a matte green serpent ring of polished muracite, a crimson moonsilver band centered with a cabochon moonspun ruby and an ice-veined leather weapon belt secured by heavy steel buckles.

Pack Sister Dallylia Undergrove, a Rakash

Dallylia has an oval face, wide-set amber eyes and a straight nose. Her grey hair is long and curly, and is worn braided. She has pale skin and a lean figure. She is average height for a Rakash. She appears to be an adult.

She is wearing a platinum jadeite gwethdesuan, a bright orange vela'tohr flower, a soft white hat braided with a rainbow of colored ribbons, a light chain balaclava with an interlinked basketweave pattern, a black amber pilgrim's badge carved in the shape of a howling wolf, a divine charm, a bandolier adorned with heavy white ironwood beadwork, a cobalt silk duffel bag accented with a silver decoration, a pale yellow linen blouse with bright taffelberry appliques daintily stitched on the pockets, a lumium brigandine vest crafted from tempered bands, a grey leather armband adorned with onyx carvings, a polished agonite ceremonial shield embellished with eventide moonstone chips, an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps, some lumium light plate sleeves, a pair of Katamba-black zills, a set of silver-edged claws, a lumium ring tasset crafted from tempered links, a rippled asini spiral etched with minute Rakash symbols, a red gem pouch, some taffelberry-black trousers trimmed with pale yellow ribbon, some stylish black diamond-hide leather pants belted with a swathe of dreamweave, a simple cambrinth anklet and some Katamba-black boots.

Doctor Dromond Revelstone, Student of Elanthia, an Elf

Dromond has pointed ears and crystal blue eyes. His golden brown hair is long and thick, and is worn shaggy. He has tanned skin. He appears to be an adult. He has a large, thick, bristling mustache on his upper lip and a long fuzzy beard.

He is wearing a pair of mangled spectacles, a tarnished silver amulet engraved with odd symbols, a torn black tie with the loop label sticking out, a dung beetle, an ale-stained oak keg, a dirty beggar's shroud of faded black material splotched with unidentifiable stains, a dingy linen shirt missing several buttons, an ornate gloomwood ring, a rusty tin lunch pail with a mismatched steel handle, a deep blue pair of muddy trousers shredded at the left knee, a striped thigh bag sewn from mismatched old socks and some scuffed boots with holes in the toes.

Drudg Awa, a Gor'Tog Ranger

Drudg has jade eyes. He has jade skin. He appears to be aged.

He is wearing a pair of knee-high white leather boots clasped with cambrinth ravens, a sturdy leather saddlebag painted with stylized horses, a purple silk sack with a battered lead clasp, a sturdy black backpack, a large mesh gamebag dangling togball charms, a light spidersilk hip pouch stitched with a dragon ouroboros, a hooded shadow black cloak clasped at the neck with a small diamond dagger, some soft green woolen socks trimmed in gold embroidery and some crimson breeches.

Lady Knight Elurora Wavengam, an Elf

Elurora has a round face, pointed ears, large expressive ultramarine eyes and a small nose. Her honey hair is hip length and silky, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a miniature plum tree flourishing with dark marquisette leaves and pale blooms. She has fair skin and a willowy figure. She is petite for an Elf. She appears to be young. Her shoulder has a tattoo of an Ilithic apple sapling sheltered beneath the branching, brown boughs of a stately tree with a lush canopy of silvery leaves.

She is wearing a fragile pendant of intertwined acenite and sungold curled around a glistening aquamarine rivertear, an Elamiri sapphire caught within a wirework pendant dangling from a narrow ribbon choker, a sungold livery badge molded into a multi-rayed sunburst, a sweeping thornweave greatcloak clasped with a double chain of darkstone, a black damask kimono embroidered with butterflies against an orange tree, an austere love token band formed from sungold, a heavy tyrium oath ring bezel-set with an Elamiri sapphire and a pair of taper-heeled black slippers with silver button closures.

Lord of Elamiri Gridaksma Wavengam, Court Historian of Huldah, an Elf

Gridaksma has pointed ears and hazel eyes. His blue-black hair is very long and fine, and is worn arranged in an intricate Elven braid. He has fair skin and a sleekly muscled build. He is very tall for an Elf. He appears to be mature. His forearm has a tattoo of neatly printed lines of alchemical script colored blue-black and outlined in effulgent gold ink.

He is wearing a weasel skeleton, a formal Elven silk suit, an Elamiri rose, a stormsilk sash clasped with a platinum weasel grasping at a haze sapphire and a pair of tall leather boots with silver side buckles.

Tracker of the Wind Halari, a Prydaen Ranger

Halari's flesh is covered by a magical coat of protective scales. They shift through all the known colors, seemingly at random. She appears to be young. Halari has unnaturally dark tiger stripes criss-crossing her fur.

She is wearing a burnished copper hoop earring adorned with a sleeping arzumos along the inner curve, a road-worn traveler's cloak, a snug spidersilk bandeau wrapped around the chest, some warcat suede fighting pants with narrow leather lashings and bronze buckles and some soft brown calf-high forester's boots.

Folk Researcher Iryta of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, an Elf

Iryta has a triangular face, some small-gauged hoops wrought from ghostly mistglass ascending the helix of both pointed ears, electrifying amber eyes, a classical nose and dimples. Her bright green-streaked deep blue hair is very long and wavy, and is worn pulled back on one side by a sharktooth blossom framed by copper leaves set with bloodmist garnet teardrops and left to flow over the shoulders. She has some whimsical will o'wisps accenting fair skin and a limberly agile figure. She is average height for an Elf. She appears to be young. She has a tattoo of a triptych depicting a playful dolphin with bejeweled eyes, a sleek shark displaying bloodstained teeth, and a regal albatross with its outstretched wings. Wispy white clouds and frothy cerulean-blue waves encircle the trio of images on her back.

She is wearing a white satin headband, a fur-trimmed white velvet cloak, a cobwebby silver lace stole adorned with tiny crystal beads along the edges, a leaf-green silk kirtle with a deep amber surcoat edged with snowbeast fur, a silver shark-shaped ring, a wide brocatelle belt fastened with an octagonal steel buckle and a pair of vibrant malachite silk slippers.

Nikabi Tokaru Ishimmer A'nova of Elanthia, a Prydaen Ranger

Ishimmer has tufted pointed ears and cat-slitted amber eyes. His black-streaked russet mane is shoulder length and wavy, and is worn loose. He has rust-colored fur with black stripes and a curving tail. He is a bit over average height for a Prydaen. He appears to be elderly. He has a tattoo of a white rose encircled by a blood-stained thorny vine on his chest.

He is wearing a coil of supple blood-red rope of plaited twill, a pugilist's armguard of layered black steel plates, a diamondwood shield reinforced with silversteel spikes, a light lumium plate mask, a lumium ring helm, some lumium scale gloves, a desert shaman's robe embroidered with an elaborate serpent motif, a heavy silk haversack, some weathered leather sandals with burnished brass buckles, a black top hat accented with a niniam gear, an electroweave eyepatch, a swirling midnight-black viperskin cloak clasped with a carved black opal, a belted viper-skin baldric fastened with a chiseled iron dragon buckle, a blackened silver ring forged in the shape of a dragon, a simple haralun ring, a scorched iron ring bearing a faded Estate Holder's crest, a silver band set with a dragon's scale sapphire, a cut silver friendship ring, a glossy blue enamel ring set with black opal chips, an oilcloth moneybelt with leather straps, a tight bundle, some glittery haledroth knee spikes bedazzled with rainbow enameling, a plain tomiek anklet, a twisted leather anklet, an ankle pouch with a silversteel lock and some steel-toed footwraps with dark steelsilk straps.

Kaedan Nethral, True Bard of Ilithi, a Prydaen

Kaedan has an aristocratic face, pointed ears and fathomless cat-slitted ultramarine eyes. His silver mane is short and peppered with stark white streaks at the temple, and is worn pulled up in a topknot. He has somber sea-grey fur, a slender tail and a gaunt build. He is slightly under average height for a Prydaen. He appears to be elderly. He has a tattoo of four great bridges providing passage to a prodigious crystal spire on his left palm.

He is wearing a grey Imperial weave cloak, a shimmering grey Imperial weave kimono scattered with daggers, a polished aldamdin neithrel band and a hammered band of blue gold flecked with Eu's promise crystals.

Alshabi Kamisama, Vice-Speaker of the Order of the Black Fox, a Human

Kamisama has slightly pointed ears, leaf-green eyes and a scale-etched ka'hurst nose ring resembling a viper hooked through the left side of the nose. His golden hair is long and wavy, and is worn pulled up in a topknot. He has tanned skin and an athletic build. He appears to be in his prime. His forearm has a tattoo of a tiny green fairy perched on the lip of a lurid green absinthe bottle.

He is wearing a two-button formal waistcoat made from shiny silveress and shadesatin, a golden button set with a glitterstar, a charcoal-grey longcoat dyed with a shadowy bark-like silhouette, a tailored petalette shirt adorned with haralun buttons, a shadowstar-eyed serpent charm, an abyssal black bootlegger's bag of lustrous shadesatin dusted in rivertears and some formal black-tinged trousers made of silveress with a silver stripe down each leg.

Heart Tender Kethrai, Legendary Empath, a Prydaen Empath

Kethrai has an oval face, cat-slitted moss-green eyes and a narrow nose. His deep purple-streaked lavender mane is shoulder length and curly, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a lifelike Elven silver rose haircomb set with tiny emerald chips. He has sandy fur with brown points, a thick tail and a lissome build. He is short for a Prydaen. He appears to be young. He has a tattoo of a slim razor-edged dagger on his hand.

He is wearing a delicate silver choker set with deep green gems, an indigo armure capelet trimmed in pristine white ermine fur, an off-white tunic wrapped with a wide leather belt, a well-fitted pair of indigo aniline leather pants and some thick hiking boots with soft desumos fur lining.

Philomath Miskton Ramahk, Seer of the Ilithi Court, a Human

Miskton has an angular face, hawkish steel blue eyes and an aquiline nose. His dark brown hair is short and straight, and is worn loose. He has fair skin and a rangy build. He is very tall for a Human. He appears to be middle-aged. He has a sleekly groomed beard elegantly framing his face. A soft, glistening shine adorns the hairs. His shoulder has a tattoo of a diminutive form of the blue moon Xibar.

He is wearing some mahogany-hued leather boots stitched with runelike symbols along the toes, a slouched russet felt hat with a Xibar-blue lotusweave band, some round spectacles with silversteel wire frames, a rugged safari shirt made from chestnut-hued Velakan linen, a rugged taupe leather utility belt with a multitude of thornweave pouches and some heavy titanese work pants with leather knee patches.

Langen Esturi Nilme Iondu'il, Dreamweaver of Fayrin's Rest, an Elven Bard

Nilme has an oval face with pouting lips, slightly pointed ears and sparkling violet eyes. Her silver-streaked black hair is very long and silky, and is worn pulled back by some twilight-hued glass charms swaying from darkened silver filigree chains and allowed to flow over the shoulders. She has pale skin and a gracefully slender figure. She is slightly under average height for an Elf. A lute-shaped sapphire engraved with the Bards' Guild crest rests on her forehead, just above her eyes. She appears to be an adult. Her left ankle has a tattoo of a school of silver-flecked violet dancerfish swimming through a rippling musical staff.

She is wearing a silversteel pendant centered with a sparkling heartstone, a strapless Elamiri sapphire icesilk gown swathed in Elven snowlace, a polished Elven silver neithrel band with an amethyst wren caught in mid-song and some dainty sapphire blue spun glitter slippers fit with polished glitvire heels.

Darkling Ruecolle Heleiond, Snow Herald of Asketi, an Elf

Ruecolle has an aristocratic face, pointed ears, cold blue eyes and a small nose. Her platinum hair is long and wavy, and is worn in an elegant upswept arrangement threaded with some scrimshawed ivory hairbeads inlaid with blood rubies. She has pale skin and a thin figure. She is short for an Elf. She appears to be young. She has a tattoo of a stylized eye with an enlarged pupil on her wrist.

She is wearing some Elven silver filigree earrings threaded with adderstone beads, a thick frostweyr bearskin with gleaming iceblink peridot eyes, a sweeping mantle of charcoal grey cashmere, a silk haversack, a heavy animite shackle engraved with intricate knotwork, a simple silver ring, a tin ring, a wide leather war belt with an agonite-inlaid gargoyle buckle, an oilcloth moneybelt with leather straps, an electrum anklet and a pair of classy ebony evening slippers emblazoned with tiny silver eyes.

Saslisena Echoya, a Rakash

Saslisena has sparkling crystal blue eyes. Her golden hair is long and wavy, and is worn in an artfully tousled style threaded with a dark gold starlight velvet ribbon edged with black. She has pale skin and a svelte figure. She appears to be middle-aged. A luminous orb of coruscating rainbowed light hovers like a will-o-wisp, following her diligently.

She is wearing some gold hoop earrings gilded with copperleaf, a weathered oak keg banded with beaten bronze bands, some delicate lace wings accented in gold glitter butterflies, a deep black pirate shirt clasped at the throat with a large blood ruby pendant, a gold ring, a layered skirt of bright firesilk scarves and some knee-high boots covered in black lace.

Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne Kendialahle, Emerald Knight of Ilithi, a Human Ranger

Shaylynne has an aristocratic face with elegant arched eyebrows, slightly pointed ears, dreamy gold-limned hyacinthine eyes and a refined patrician nose. Her smoky lilac hair is hip length and silky with a zig-zagging part line, and is worn in a careless, windblown arrangement. She has snow white skin and a handful of different-sized ivy leaves scattered down one side of a gracefully slender figure. She is petite for a Human. She appears to be an adult. Her thigh has a tattoo of a purple-eyed horned owl perched upon a twisted branch of smokewood.

She is wearing a celery green jade ball cradled in the claws of a gold dragon pendant, a lustrous evening gown sheathed in imbricated gold scales, a beribboned golden hip-chain with a large golden dragonvein agate and some serpentine-hide boots with dragon's head-shaped poleyns.

Sonic Sonance Sonatina, Sonnetist of Elanthia, a Prydaen

Sonatina has a set of cute little whiskers sprouting from a triangular face, tufted ears accented by some viper's eye sapphire earrings carved to resemble dangling snakes, electrifying cat-slitted blue-grey eyes and a small nose. Her blue-black mane is very long and fine, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by an elegant white-gold rose-shaped haircomb sprinkled with sapphire stars. She has black fur accented by some glittery platinum stars, a slender tail and a gracefully slender figure. She is very tall for a Prydaen. She appears to be young.

She is wearing a luminous blue gold shariza flanked by crescent moonsilver moons, a lustrous ice-veined leather bodice edged in frost opals, a dainty blue silk chmir (dress) embroidered with golden blossoms along the hem, a knotted songsilk wristlet dangling a Syrin's heart musical note, a silver charm bracelet danging shariza charms limned in blue gold, some glittery fluttering tail ribbons, a shimmery black songsilk garter covered in kaleidoscopic sequins and a cheerful pair of puddle-stomping boots with songsilk laces.

Stray Stelling Constalon, True Bard of the Order of the Theren Guard, an Elf

Stelling has pointed ears and gold eyes. His blue-black hair is short and thick, and is worn in a careless, windblown arrangement. He has tanned skin. He appears to be mature. He is clean shaven.

He is wearing a blue-grey steelsilk cloak trimmed black braid, an antiqued filigree clasp overlaid with a crimson shield bearing the embossed gold image of a rearing silvery gryphon, a stormy grey steelsilk fighting shirt, a wide leather Therengian war belt riveted with decorative pewter plates, some dark leather fighting pants fastened with ebony studs and some deep ebony leather boots with engraved silver toe caps.

Knight of Meraud Tirost Armagna, Telo'Getha of Zoluren, a Human Warrior Mage

Tirost has an oval face, silver-flecked crystal blue eyes and a straight nose. His dark brown hair is short and wavy, and is worn loose. He has tanned skin and an athletic build. He is a bit over average height for a Human. He appears to be an adult. He has a tattoo of ominous black symbols on his shoulder.

He is wearing a sharply cut longcoat of black Elven wool with ornate silversteel buttons, a pure white vela'tohr flower, a frost-white swordsman's shirt of fine lotusweave, a black steel mourning band inlaid with ivory lilies, a dark leather sheath inlaid with silversteel, some dark leather fighting pants fastened with ebony studs and a pair of black leather boots with white meshor fox fur cuffs.

Fala Sorgin Useff Budna, Protector of Ilithi, an Elven Bard

Useff has slightly pointed ears and mismatched eyes, one gold and the other hazel. His brunette hair is long and thick, and is worn pulled back in a multitude of beaded braids. He has dark skin accented by some glittery platinum stars and an athletic build. He is a bit over average height for an Elf. He appears to be an adult. His forearm has a tattoo of a silver dragon with fierce talons and blood red eyes.

He is wearing a storm-grey linen shirt with carved ivory buttons, a gold neithrel band fastened by matching lightning bolt chains, a black gold thumb ring inlaid with shadowy black jet, a dergatine locksmith's strand fastened with a black diamond solitaire, a sandalwood case crafted to hold a conductor's baton, some jet black leather pants and some pale black leather fleece-lined boots.

Dancer Vixonia Toryan, Speaker of the Tavern Troupe Performing Order, a Prydaen Bard

Vixonia has a triangular face, tufted ears, cat-slitted crystal blue eyes and a narrow nose. Her raven mane is long and wavy, and is worn in a tousled mass of locks that tumbles over her shoulders. She has silver fur accented by a cascade of delicate blue gold sharizas, a deceptively fragile-looking tail guard of mistglass mail sheathing a curving tail and a gracefully slender figure. She is a bit over average height for a Prydaen. She appears to be young.

She is wearing a fine platinum necklace etched with an elaborate triquetra pattern, a shimmering nightsilk blouse designed to be tied around the midriff, an elaborate multi-tier hip chain dangling delicate triquetra charms, a sinuous nightsilk skirt fitted to drape low on the hips and some cut silver toe bells with an intricate knotwork pattern.

Ylixia, an Elf

Ylixia has an oval face, pointed ears, tilted grey eyes and a small nose. Her red hair is very long and wavy, and is worn arranged in ringlets. She has tanned skin and a slender figure. She is short for an Elf. She appears to be young.

She is wearing a gwethdesuan, a polished jade eyebrow ring wrapped in thin silver briars, a floor-length spidersilk cloak embroidered with bands of steely grey, a utilitarian royal blue oilcloth haversack, a rich sable cashmere dress, a dark steel ring, a tight bundle, a black silk garter with a delicate lace fringe and some stormy grey slippers laced with windstorm gossamer ribbons.