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 Messaging is
Bid command
Bite command
Blame command

BLAME <player>
You see: You point at <Player> and blame <him/her> for all your problems.
Target sees: <Name> points at you and blames you for all <his/her> problems.
Others see: <Name> points at <Player> and blames <him/her> for all <his/her> problems.

BLAME <self>
You see: You blame yourself for all your problems.
Others see: <Name> blames <himself/herself> for all <his/her> problems.

Blanch command

You see: You blanch.
Others see: <Person> blanches.

BLANCH <self>
You see: Your skin takes on a pasty color.
Others see: <Person>'s skin turns a pasty shade.

BLANCH <Person>
You see: You look at <Person> and blanch.
Target sees: <Name> looks at you and blanches.
Others see: <Name> looks at <Person> and blanches.

Blaze command
Bless command
Blink command

You see: You blink.
Others see: <Name> blinks.

BLINK <self>
You see: You cross your eyes.
Others see: <Name> crosses <his/her> eyes.

BLINK <Person>
You see: You blink at <Person>.
Target sees: <Name> blinks at you.
Others see: <Name> blinks at <Person>.

BLINK <item>
You see: You blink at <item>. Others see: Nothing.

Block command
Bluff command
Blush command

You see: You blush a bright red color.
Others see: <Name> blushes a bright red color.

BLUSH (if Elf)
You see: You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.
Others see: <Name> blushes, the tips of <his/her> ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

BLUSH (if Gor'Tog)
You see: You blush a deep green color.
Others see: <Name> blushes a deep green color.

BLUSH (if Prydaen)
You see: You shift uncomfortably for a moment.
Others see: <Name> shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

BLUSH (if Rakash in moonskin)
You see: Nobody can see you blush through your fur.
Others see: Nothing.
Note: This messaging is for all blush syntaxes

BLUSH (if S'kra Mur)
You see: You blush a splotchy, mottled color.
Others see: ?

BLUSH <self>
You see: You blush furiously!
Others see: <Name> blushes furiously!

BLUSH <self> (if Prydaen)
You see: You shift uneasily, gazing fixedly at your claws.
Others see: <Name> shifts uneasily, gazing fixedly at <his/her> claws.

BLUSH <Person>
You see: You look at <Person> and blush.
Target sees: <Name> looks at you and blushes.
Others see: <Name> looks at <Person> and blushes.

BLUSH <Person> (if Prydaen)
You see: You shift uneasily, avoiding eye contact with <Person> .
Target sees: <Name> shifts uneasily, avoiding eye contact with you.
Others see: <Name> shifts uneasily, avoiding eye contact with <Person>.

BLUSH <item>
You see: You look at <item> and blush.
Others see: <Name> looks at <item> and blushes.

BLUSH <item> (if Prydaen)
You see: You shift uncomfortably, darting a glance at <item>.
Others see: <Name> shifts uncomfortably, darting a glance at <item>.

Bob command
Boo command

You see: You let out a resounding "Boo!"
Others see: <Name> lets out a resounding "Boo!"

BOO <self>
You see: You feel your face flush with irritation.
Others see: <Name> flushes slightly and looks highly irate.

BOO <self> (if Prydaen)
You see: Your ears flatten against your head in irritation.
Others see: <Name>'s ears flatten against <his/her> head in irritation.

BOO <Person>
You see: You loudly boo <Person>.
Target sees: <Name> loudly boos you.
Others see: <Name> loudly boos <Person>.

Bop command

You see: You bop around like a silly teenager.
Others see: <Name> bops around like a silly teenager.

BOP <self>
You see: You bop yourself over the head.
Others see: <Name> bops <himself/herself> over the head.

BOP <Person>
You see: You bop <Person>over the head.
Target sees: <Name> bops you over the head.
Others see: <Name> bops <Person> over the head.

BOP <item>
You see: You thump <item> lightly with your fist.
Others see: <Name> thumps <item> lightly with <his/her> fist.

Bounce commandBOUNCE
You see: You bounce around happily.
Others see: <Player> bounces around happily.
Bow command

You see: You bow.
Others see: <Name> bows.

BOW <Person>
You see: You bow to <Person>.
Target sees: <Name> bows to you.
Others see: <Name> bows to <Person>.

BOW <self>
You see: You bend over and touch your toes.
Others see: <Name> bends over and touches <his/her> toes.

BOW <item in the room> (The item cannot be on your person.)
You see: You bow to <item in the room>.
Others see: <Name> bows to <item in the room>.

BOW <creature>
You see: You bow to a <creature>.
Others see: <Name> bows to a <creature>.
Empath guardian spirits have additional messaging when bowed to:
You see: The gracile alfar warrior curls its lip in a slight sneer before schooling its face to stillness. It gives you an almost imperceptible nod in return.
Others see: The gracile alfar warrior curls its lip in a slight sneer before schooling its face to stillness. It gives <Name> an almost imperceptible nod in return.

BOW <emote>
BOW <target> <emote>
There are many additional emotes to alter the flavor of your bow, some of which are specific to Elotheans.
Messaging for these emotes can be found in the emote section of the bow command page.
Everyone: alert, bob, courteous, eyeroll, fall, head, kneel, meek, slight, smirk, and sneer.
Elotheans: contrite, deep, neutral, prostrate, respect, retreat, and shallow.

Braid command



Brawl command
Break command
Breathe command

You see: You take a deep breath.
Others see: <Name> takes a deep breath.

You see: You sharply inhale and exhale a heavy breath in annoyance.
Others see: <Name> sharply inhales and exhales a heavy breath in annoyance.

You see: You watch in breathless anticipation.
Others see: <Name> watches the surroundings in breathless anticipation.

You see: You hold your breath until you nearly turn blue!
Others see: <Name> holds <his/her> breath until <he/she> looks like <he/she>'s going to turn blue!

You see: You breathe heavily, bored.
Others see: <Name> breathes heavily, looking bored.

You see: You pant, trying to catch your breath.
Others see: <Name> pants, trying to catch <his/her> breath.

You see: You let out a long breath of alcohol-laden air.
Others see: <Name> lets out a long breath of air which reeks of alcohol.

You see: You breathe rapidly, your nostrils flaring.
Others see: <Name> breathes rapidly, <his/her> nostrils flaring.

You see: You gasp a quick breath in fear and surprise!
Others see: <Name> gasps a quick breath, obviously terrified!

You see: You inhale a deep breath through your teeth, snarling!
Others see: <Name> inhales a deep breath through <his/her> teeth, snarling!

You see: You hold your breath.
Others see: <Name> holds <his/her> breath.

You see: You snuffle and gasp, making an enormous production out of simply breathing.
Others see: <Name> snuffles and gasps, making an enormous production out of the simple matter of breathing.

You see: You let out a long, contemplative breath.
Others see: <Name> lets out a long, contemplative breath.

You see: You rapidly suck in air through your teeth in pain.
Others see: <Name> rapidly sucks in air through <his/her> teeth in pain.

You see: You breathe as quietly as you can.
Others see: <Name> breathes almost without making a sound.

BREATHE SELF (Note: the word SELF, not your name.)
You see: You try desperately to catch your breath.
Others see: <Name> tries desperately to catch <his/her> breath.

You see: You breathe in slightly.
Others see: <Name> breathes in slightly.

You see: You breathe very slowly and deliberately, calming yourself.
Others see: <Name> breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.

Brush command

BRUSH HAIR (Untangled hair)
You see: You pull your hairbrush through your <hair/mane>, brushing it out.
Others see: <Name> brushes <his/her> <hair/mane> out.

BRUSH HAIR (Tangled hair)
You see: You pull your hairbrush through your <hair/mane>, wincing as it drags on the tangles.
Others see: <Name> pulls <his/her> hairbrush through <his/her> <hair/mane>.

You see: But you have no <hair/mane> to brush!

BRUSH <Person> HAIR (Untangled)
You see: You brush out <Person>'s hair.
Target sees: <Name> brushes out your hair.
Others see: <Name> brushes out <Person>'s hair.

BRUSH <Person> HAIR (Tangled)
You see: You yank your hairbrush through <Person>'s hair. That's gotta hurt!
Target sees: <Name> yanks a hairbrush through your hair. Ow!
Others see: <Name> yanks a hairbrush through <Person>'s hair.

BRUSH <Person> HAIR (Bald)
You see: You rub <Person>'s scalp.
Target sees: <Name> rubs your scalp.
Others see: <Name> rubs <Person>'s scalp.

Bug command
Bundle command
Burgle command
Butt command
Buy command
Cackle command

You see: You cackle!
Others see: <Name> cackles!

CACKLE <self>
You see: Oooooooh, you're so evil!
Others see: <Name> cackles to himself!

CACKLE <Person>
You see: You cackle at <Person>!
Target sees: <Name> cackles at you!
Others see: <Name> cackles at <Person>!

CACKLE <item>
You see: You cackle at <item>!
Others see: <Name> cackles at <item>!

Cancel command
Cards command
Carve commandCARVE <Person>
You see: Somehow, I don't think <Person> would find that amusing.
Target sees: <Name> is looking you over, much like a butcher might examine a piece of meat.
Others see: <Name> is looking over <Person> like <he/she> wants to carve <him/her> up.
Cast command
Center command
Challenge command

You see: You puff out your chest and strut around!
Others see: <Name> puffs out <his/her> chest and struts around!

You see: You raise your chin slightly, bolstering your courage.
Others see: <Name> raises <his/her> chin slightly in a show of defiance.

CHALLENGE <creature>
You see: You look hard at <creature> and challenge it to do its worst!
Others see: <Name> looks hard at <creature> and challenges it to do its worst!

CHALLENGE <creature> (Barbarian, no weapon)
You see: ??
Others see: <Name> stares coldly at <creature> and grunts, flexing <his/her> muscles slowly.

CHALLENGE <creature> (Barbarian, with weapon)
You see: ??
Others see: <Name> stares coldly at <creature> and waves <his/her> <weapon> in challenge.

CHALLENGE <creature> (Barbarian, with weapon and shield)
You see: ??
Others see: <Name> stares coldly at <creature> and bangs <his/her> <weapon> against <his/her> <shield> in challenge.

You see: You stare coldly at <item>.
Others see: <Name> stares coldly at <item>.

Chant commandCHANT <text>
Charge command
Charisma command
Chatter command
Check command
Cheer command

You see: You just feel so pleased with yourself, you can't help letting out a hearty cheer.
Others see: <Name> gets an impish expression on <his/her> face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

CHEER <Person>
You see: You let out a hearty cheer for <Person>!
Target sees: <Name> looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!
Others see: <Name> lets out a hearty cheer for <Person>!

Chirr command

You see: You chirr contentedly.
Others see: <Name> makes a chirring noise in the back of <his/her> throat.

CHIRR <self>
You see: You chirr contentedly to yourself, your tail undulating gently back and forth.
Others see: <Name> chirrs contentedly to <himself/herself>, <his/her> tail undulating gently back and forth.

CHIRR <Person>
You see: You chirr contentedly at <Person>.
Target sees: <Name> makes a chirring noise in your direction.
Others see: <Name> makes a chirring noise in <Person>'s direction.

CHIRR <item>
You see: You chirr contentedly at <item>.
Others see: <Name> makes a chirring noise at <item>.

Choke command

You see: You gag, desperate for air!
Others see: <Name> gags horribly and gasps for air!

CHOKE (while grappled)
You see: <Target> struggles helplessly in your strong grasp.

Instant Death Neck Break
You see:
With a loud CRACK! you snap the arthelun cabalist's neck and toss it aside.
An arthelun cabalist's eyes flare one last time before snuffing out forever. The flames reluctantly withdraw from their host forming an ephemeral wisp that rapidly flees.
The shimmering ethereal shield fades from around a charred husk.

This was working as of 12/5/2017. There were reports of it working on various ranges of brawling, as low as 130.
Working as of 16/04/2023- Circle 1 Barbarian 16-Str 15-Brawling 3 chokes to kill a shipyard rat.

Choose command
Chop command
Chortle command

You see: You chortle softly at some secret joke.
Others see: <Name> chortles softly at some secret joke.

CHORTLE (while hiding)
You see: You chortle.
Others see: You hear someone chortling.

CHORTLE <Person>
You see: You chortle at <Person>.
Target sees: <Name> starts chortling at you!

Chorus command
Chuckle command

You see: You chuckle.
Others see: <Name> chuckles.

CHUCKLE (while hiding)
You see: You chuckle.
Others see: You hear someone chuckling.

CHUCKLE <self>
You see: You chuckle to yourself.
Target sees: <Name> chuckles to <himself/herself>.

CHUCKLE <Person>
You see: You chuckle at <Person>.
Target sees: <Name> chuckles at you!
Others see: <Name> chuckles at <Person>.

Circle command
Claim command
Claw command
Clean command

CLEAN <self>
You see: You dust yourself off.
Others see: <Player> dusts her/himself off.

CLEAN <Person>
You see: I think that's a personal thing.

Clench command

CLENCH <self>
You see: You ball up your fists stiffly at your side.
Others see: <Name> balls up <his/her> fists stiffly at <his/her> side.

CLENCH <self> (while prone)
You see: You roll yourself into a ball.
Others see: <Name> rolls <himself/herself> into a ball.

CLENCH <Person>
You see: You reach your shaking hands out to <Person> and imagine wadding <him/her> up into a little ball.
Target sees: <Name> reaches <his/her> shaking hands out toward you, face twisted in an odd grin.
Others see: <Name> reaches <his/her> shaking hands out toward <Person>, face twisted in an odd grin.

CLENCH <item>
You see: You clench your <item> tightly until your knuckles go white.
Others see: <Name> clenches <his/her> <item> tightly until <his/her> knuckles go white.

You see: You clench your fist.
Others see: <Name> clenches <his/her> fist.

CLENCH FIST (Barbarian)
You see: Your muscles ripple and your veins begin to stick out as you clench your fist.
Others see: <Name>'s muscles ripple and <his/her> veins begin to stick out as <he/she> clenches <his/her> fist.

You see: Your body grows taut and ready as you clench your fist.
Others see: <Name>'s body grows taut and ready as (he/she) clenches (his/her) fist.

You see: You grit your teeth.
Others see: <Name> grits <his/her> teeth.