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Property:Messaging is
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Description: A property for messaging, such as verb syntax outputs or spell messaging.
Type: Text
There are currently 272 items in this property, 25 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated. |
'''ACCEPT''' (used with GIVE)<br/>
''You see'': <Name> has accepted your offer and is now holding <item>.<br/>
''Target sees'': You accept <name>'s offer and are now holding <item>.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> accepts <name>'s <item>.<br/>
'''ACCEPT TIP''' (used with TIP)<br/>
''You see'': <Name> accepts your tip and slips it away with a smile.<br/>
''Target sees'': You accept <name>'s tip and slip it away.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> accepts <name>'s tip and slips it away.
'''ACCEPT CONFIRM''' (used with BARTER)<br/>
''You see'': <Name> has accepted your offer and hands you <item> as you hand <him/her> <item/coins>.<br/>
''Target sees'': You accept <name>'s offer and hand <him/her> <item/coins> as you accept <item>.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> accepts <name>'s <item> and hands <name> <item/coins>. +
'''ACCUSE <name> TO CLERK''' +
'''ACTION <act>'''<br/>
''You see'': (<Name> <act>)<br/>
''Others see'': (<Name> <act>)<br/>
'''ACTION , <act>'''<br/>
''You see'': (<Name>, <act>)<br/>
''Others see'': (<Name>, <act>)<br/>
'''ACTION 's <act>'''<br/>
''You see'': (<Name>'s <act>)<br/>
''Others see'': (<Name>'s <act>)<br/> +
'''ADJUST SHIELD'''<br/>
''You see'': You adjust the straps of your shield, lengthening them so that it can be worn across your shoulder.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> adjusts the straps of <his/her> shield, lengthening them so that it can be worn across <his/her> shoulder.<br/>
''You see'': You adjust the straps of your shield, tightening them so that it will fit securely upon your left arm.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> adjusts the straps of <his/her> shield, tightening them so that it will fit securely upon <his/her> left arm.<br/>
'''ADJUST BUNDLE'''<br/>
''You see'': You adjust your lumpy bundle to make it neat and compact, although too tight to quickly fit in additional skins.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> adjusts part of <his/her> lumpy bundle. <br/>
''You see'': You adjust your lumpy bundle so that you can more easily and more quickly fit in additional skins.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> adjusts part of <his/her> lumpy bundle. <br/>
'''ADJUST <object>'''<br/>
''You see'': You adjust your <object> into place. <br/>
''Others see'': <Name> adjusts <his/her> <object> into place. <br/> +
''You see'': You begin to advance on <target>.<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> begins to advance on you!<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> begins to advance on <target>. <br/>
'''ADVANCE <target>'''<br/>
''You see'': You begin to advance on <target>.<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> begins to advance on you!<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> begins to advance on <target>. <br/> +
'''AFT''' +
''You see'':<br/>
Your base Agility is <number>(<#>).<br/>
It will cost you <#> TDPs to raise your Agility from <#> to <#+1>.<br/>
Agility helps you hit with weapons, improves manual tasks such as skinning or disarming. It contributes to defensive Reflex contests, among other things.<br/>
Use INFO to view all your statistics at once. +
'''AIM <target>'''<br/>
''You see'': You begin to target <target>.<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> appears to be aiming at you with <his/her> <weapon>.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> appears to be aiming at <target> with <his/her> <weapon>.
'''AIM <body part>'''
''You see'': You begin to target <target>.<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> appears to be aiming at you with <his/her> <weapon>.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> appears to be aiming at <target> with <his/her> <weapon>.
'''AIM <target> <body part>'''
''You see'': You begin to target <target>.<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> appears to be aiming at you with <his/her> <weapon>.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> appears to be aiming at <target> with <his/her> <weapon>. +
<u><b>Moon Mage</b></u><br/>
'''ALIGN <skillset/skill>'''
'''ALIGN MOON <Yavash/Katamba/Xibar>'''
'''ALIGN MOON Grazhir'''
''You see'': You are currently aligned to <Immortal>, the ebb and flow of your spirit in accord with her divinity.<br/>
Your skill in Augmentation <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.<br/>
Your skill in Warding <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.<br/>
Your skill in Debilitation <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.<br/>
Your skill in Targeted Magic <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.<br/>
Your skill in Utility <has fogged over/is at a zenith of enlightenment>.
'''ALIGN <immortal>'''
<u><b>Warrior Mage</b></u><br/>
'''ALIGN <elemental>'''
<u><b>Other Guilds</b></u><br/>
''You see'': ALIGN helps Clerics, Moon Mages, Rangers and Warrior Mages to call upon their relevant extraplanar or godly powers. No other guilds currently have a use for the verb. +
'''AMBUSH <target>''' +
'''ANALYZE <weapon/armor/crafted item>'''
'''ANALYZE (<engaged enemy>)'''
'''ANALYZE <type>''' +
'''ANSWER <npc>'''
'''ANSWER <guild liaison>'''
'''ANSWER <survey>''' +
'''APPLAUD''' <br/>
''You see'': You applaud. <br/>
''Others see'': <Name> applauds. <br/>
'''APPLAUD <self>''' <br/>
''You see'': You strut around, preening and patting yourself on the back. Not shy, are we?<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> struts around, tooting <his/her> own horn. Call an Empath, <he/she>'s going to hurt something trying to pat <himself/herself> on the back like that!<br/>
'''APPLAUD <item>''' <br/>
''You see'': You turn <item> in the light, admiring it.<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> turns <item> in the light, looking at it admiringly.<br/>
'''APPLAUD <creature>''' <br/>
''You see'': You applaud <creature>, cheering it on! <br/>
''Others see'': <Name> applauds <creature>, cheering it on!<br/>
'''APPLAUD <Person>'''<br/>
''You see'': You gaze into <Name>'s eyes and applaud <him/her> heartily.<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> looks at you and applauds!<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> looks at <Person> and applauds!<br/>
''You see'': You applaud enthusiastically and flip a <coin> Kronar in <Person>'s direction. <He/She> snatches it nimbly from the air!<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> applauds enthusiastically and flips a <coin> Kronar in your direction. You snatch it nimbly from the air!<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> applauds enthusiastically and flips a <coin Kronar in <Person>'s direction. <He/She> snatches it nimbly from the air!<br/>
'''APPLAUD <Person> <food>''' WARNING! Food item will destroyed<br/>
''You see'': Taking careful aim, you huck the <food> in <Name>'s direction. Oooo, near miss!<br/>
''Target sees'': Squinting at you, <Name> takes careful aim and throws <food> at you. Duck!<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> squints at <Person>, then throws <food> in <his/her> direction. Oooo, near miss!<br/>
'''APPLAUD <Person> <drink>''' <br/>
''You see'': Raising your <drink> to <Person>, you give <him/her> a toast. Cheers!<br/>
''Target sees'': Raising <his/her> <drink> to you, <Name> gives you a toast. Cheers!<br/>
''Others see'': Raising <his/her> <drink> to <Person>, <Name> gives <him/her> a toast.<br/>
'''APPLAUD <Person> <certain flowers>''' <br/>
''You see'': You throw your <flower> with a deft flick of the wrist, sending it to land neatly at <Person>'s feet.<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> gently tosses <his/her> <flower> with a deft flick of <his/her> wrist, sending it to land neatly at your feet. Bravo!<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> gently tosses <his/her> <flower> with a deft flick of <his/her> wrist, sending it to land neatly at <Person>'s feet.<br/>
'''APPLY <healing herb> (<body part>)'''
'''APPLY <healing herb> ON <person> (<body part>)''' +
'''APPRAISE <item>'''<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> begins to carefully examine an <object>.
'''APPRAISE <weapon> / <armor>'''<br/>
''Others see'': <Name> begins to carefully examine an <object>.
'''APPRAISE <player>'''<br/>
''You see'': (The targets worn inventory.)<br/>
''Target sees'': <Name> is looking at you very closely.
'''APPRAISE <creature>'''
You are certain that the <creature> is <health>.<br/>
You are certain that the <creature> has an incredible spirit that is healthy.<br/>
You are certain that the <creature> is slightly fatigued.<br/>
The <creature> has a serious wound.<br/>
You are certain that it is rather weaker than you are.<br/>
You are certain that it is somewhat less agile than you are.<br/>
You are certain that it is significantly less disciplined than you are.<br/>
You are certain that it is rather less quick to react than you are.<br/>
You are certain that it is quite a bit less conditioned than you are.<br/>
Taking stock of its offensive abilities, and defending with a <shield> and a <parry stick>, you are certain that the <creature> is a relatively easy opponent (-7).<br/>
Taking stock of its defensive abilities, and attacking with your fists, you are certain that the <creature> is a creature completely beneath your notice (-10).
'''APPRAISE <direction> (In Swimming Areas)'''
'''APPRAISE <climbable object>'''
'''APPRAISE <object> QUICK'''
'''APPRAISE <object> CAREFUL''' +
'''ARRANGE <creature>'''<br/>
'''ARRANGE <Person> HAIR <style number>'''<br/>
See below for specifics.<br/> +
'''ASK <self> ABOUT <anything>'''<br/>
''You see'': Questioning yourself? That's scary!<br/>
''Others see'': ''<Player>'' stops briefly and it looks as if ''<he/she>'' is holding a serious debate in ''<his/her>'' mind. Then goes about ''<his/her>'' way as if nothing happened.<br/> +