Spell scrolls

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Spell Scrolls are items found in the treasure system or sold in magic stores such as the one on Ratha. They contain a spell that may be learned either permanently (STUDY) or temporarily (INVOKE). Scrolls from the treasure system are found in varying states of disrepair, with more decrepit scrolls being harder to learn. One's scholarship skill affects the success of being able to read the scroll and INVOKE it. You generally need around 100 Scholarship to be able to invoke a scroll, although boosts such as Faenella's Grace and Scholarship Constellation Jewelry can aid in invoking.

IC Lore

The spells are stored as both written notation on the mental contortions necessary to shape it and as technical drawings of the spell pattern. In addition, the scrolls themselves are magical items that act to confir a measure of understanding that would otherwise be impossible through purely mundane script, which is not only why the scroll will become ash eventually, but also why a level of attunement is required to maintain the spell.[1]



A magic user can permanently learn a spell by STUDYing it if the caster meets the below criteria:

  • You have an empty spell slot.
  • The spell falls within one of the guild-sanctioned spellbooks (i.e. the ones your Guildleader will tell you about) even if the spell itself does not.
  • You have enough TDPs (generally 65 for lower-tier spells and 125 for more complex ones) if the spell is not taught by your Guild. There is no TDP cost if it's something you could learn from a Guildleader.

While Teleologic Sorcery is not sanctioned by the Moon Mage Guild, Moon Mages are able to permanently learn Teleologic spells. It has been promised for many years that Warrior Mages will eventually be able to memorize Blackfire Sorcery spells in a similar manner, but has yet to come about.


A magic user can temporarily learn a spell by INVOKEing it if:

  • The spell is first tier (has no other spell requirements).
  • You have permanently learned all of the required spells. IE: Invoking a Fire Shard scroll will not make it possible to then invoke a Fire Ball scroll.
  • You are a Bard and meet certain requirements.

Moon Mages can also cast Unleash at some scrolls (not all) to gain a fleeting ability to cast the spell on it. There is a chance that the scroll will be destroyed in the process.

Attunement Requirements

If you temporarily memorize two scroll spells at once, the attunement requirements will be added together.

You will lose the spell if your mana attunement falls below a certain level or if you depart upon dying. If you had two scrolls memorized, the second one may be lost even if you are resurrected.

The following are the known attunement requirements for Invoked spells:

Glythtide's Gift - Very Low
Seal of Deflection - Low
Strange Arrow - about half
Manifest Force - about half
Mana Disruption - about half? (more than half when stacked with SoD)

  • These are recorded with 450 harnessing if harness skill is relevant.


The material that a scroll is made of will affect its difficulty. From hardest to easiest they are:

  • hr'lav'geluhh bark
  • smudged parchment
  • tattered papyrus
  • wax tablet
  • faded vellum
  • moldering scroll
  • tattered scroll
  • yellowed scroll
  • clay tablet
  • papyrus roll
  • fine scroll
  • illuminated scroll
  • ostracon
  • seishaka leaf

A list of scroll-exclusive spells may be found here. The rarity of spells dropping is:


Also See

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