Category:Atmospheric items: Difference between revisions

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(remove sorting by 'rare' property because items without that set won't show)
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{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|sort=rare item|order=asc|format=table}}
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|format=table}}
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]][[item type is::drifter]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|sort=rare item|order=asc|format=table}}
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]][[item type is::drifter]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|format=table}}
===Snake Charms===
===Snake Charms===
{{#ask:[[atmo is::true]][[item type is::snake charm]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|format=table}}
{{#ask:[[atmo is::true]][[item type is::snake charm]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|format=table}}

===[[Flower charm|Flower Charms]]===
===[[Flower charm|Flower Charms]]===
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]][[item type is::flower charm]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|sort=rare item|order=asc|format=table}}
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]][[item type is::flower charm]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|format=table}}
===[[:Category:Whisper charms|Whisper Charms]]===
===[[:Category:Whisper charms|Whisper Charms]]===
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]][[item type is::Whisper charm]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|sort=rare item|order=asc|format=table}}
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]][[item type is::Whisper charm]]|?worn in slot=Worn Location|?source is=Source|?rare item=Rare|?is incomplete=Incomplete|format=table}}
===[[:Category:Forehead gems|Forehead Gems]]===
===[[:Category:Forehead gems|Forehead Gems]]===
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]][[item type is::forehead gem]]|?source is=Source|sort=rare item|order=asc|format=table}}
{{#ask:[[has item property::atmo]][[item type is::forehead gem]]|?source is=Source|format=table}}
{{cat|Atmospheric items,Magical items,Items,Definitions}}
{{cat|Atmospheric items,Magical items,Items,Definitions}}

Revision as of 21:05, 25 April 2022

An atmospheric (or "atmo" for short) item is one that periodically emits messaging to the entire room without any action on the player's part. Common examples include Planetary Gems, certain forehead gems, "floaters"/"drifters," snake charms, flower charms, bird charms, and "shimmer" garments.

Role-playing Considerations

The terms "atmospheric item" and "atmo item" are often regarded as OOC. A more IC alternative is to describe what the item is doing, such as "animated," "flashy," "shimmering," or "noisy" (if the item makes noise).

To reduce scroll and/or lag during major events, common etiquette is to turn off atmospheric items. This can be done by either removing the item or by holding it and using the Atmosphere command.


Many players regard atmospheric item messaging as unnecessary spam. When several players in a crowd are wearing such items, the screen can scroll by very quickly, making it more difficult to follow events. To mitigate this issue, GMs have been working to route all atmospheric item messaging to the Atmospherics window instead of the game window. (Depending on settings, this may completely remove such messaging from the game window.)

If you see an atmospheric item that is not being sent to the Atmospherics window, please use the Bug command to report it. If you are not holding the item, include the messaging that you see so that GMs can figure out which item you're reporting.

Technical Issues

In extreme cases, the use of atmospheric items can cause game-wide lag and/or instability. For example, during the Hollow Eve Festival 414 Auction, which had dozens of players in the same room, the game did not stop crashing until those who were attending the auction turned off their atmospheric items and stopped teaching classes.


 Worn LocationSourceRareIncomplete
Bale of small turtlesgenericDarsam's Drifters (4)true
Bat-winged boots with rubbery morgawr tentacle solesfeetHouse of the Revenant Fang 429/Shadowy Safehousetrue
Battle-scarred bronze wyverngenericWyvern Trials gifts and prizestrue
Black knee-high combat boots with spun glitter lacesfeetPuffs of Glitter (2)
Puffs of Glitter (1)
Bleached cotton haversackshoulderOdiferous Ornamentstrue
Blown-glass ElanthiagenericQuest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Brown boots caked in dried mudfeetDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 430/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 426/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot
Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loot
Brushed platinum and gemstone ring bearing the crest of the Moon Mage GuildfingerCurse of the Ghost Ship/End Loottrue
Burnished gold viper charmgenericSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 421/End loot
Carved bone buttongenericHollow Eve Festival 410/Auctiontrue
Carved ke'nag triquetragenericBeyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras/End loottrue
Carved lapis lazuli that resembles XibarQuest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Carved rhodonite that resembles YavashgenericQuest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Ceramic puppy pin wearing a bib labeled "Scraps"genericSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 428/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loot
Chartreuse spidersilk cloakshouldersSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loot
Hollow Eve Festival 403/Auction
Chic black and white striped tunic accented with vibrant peony bloomsshirt (with armor)Puffs of Glitter (3)
Puffs of Glitter (2)
Chubby bear pin seated on a ceramic honey potgenericSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 428/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loot
Circle of obsidiangenericExtreme Shop
Curse of the Ghost Ship/End Loot
Cloak depicting a proud unicorn standing in a field of jadice flowersshouldersWeather Beaters (2)
Weather Beaters (1)
Clockwork clown holding a bottle of boozegenericLimited Treasures (2)true
Cloisonne butterfly with large rose-patterned wingsgenericTildi's Blooms (2)true
Clowder of sparkling kitties dappled in starry-bright huesgenericSplit Personalities (3)
Item:Puffy lipka cotton duffel bag shaped like an oversized star-spotted kitty cat
Cluster of wrymouth eelsgenericDarsam's Drifters (4)true
Coiling blued moonsilver finned imenkagenericStolen from the Moons (3)true
Crusty flannel socksgenericOdiferous Ornamentstrue
Crystalline dragon tear (2)genericBeyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras/End loottrue
Dainty spun glitter slippers adorned with star-cut twilight sapphiresfeetPuffs of Glitter (3)true
Damp gingham bonnetheadOdiferous Ornamentstrue
Dark armure sash crafted into the shape of a firebirdwaistDamsel In This Dress (5)
Damsel In This Dress (3)
Dark gold dress shoes buttoned with trilliant-cut smoke rubiesfeetPuffs of Glitter (3)true
Dark hairy horned beastie with vicious clawsgenerictrue
Dark moonstone that resembles Katambageneric
Quest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Deep brown marnet fur cloakshouldersHollow Eve Festival 392/Auctiontrue
Delicate flower spider wrought from spun glass tinted in faded eventide hues-Tildi's Blooms (4)
Item:Abyssal black bag webbed in fragile silver-tinged wildlace
Diminutive platinum toadgenericSquat Bungalow (2)
Squat Bungalow (1)
Item:Dusky black velvet pouch slung from a shining platinum cord
Item:Dusky black velvet pouch slung from a shining platinum cord
Dirty cotton aprongenericOdiferous Ornamentstruetrue
Discolored felt beretheadOdiferous Ornamentstrue
Disintegrating floral circletheadOdiferous Ornamentstrue
Double-mantled formal cloak of crimson firesilk and trilliant-cut smoke rubiesshouldersPuffs of Glitter (3)true
Dragon-blood rubygenericSquat Bungalow (1)true
Dusky dewberry glittergenericTildi's Blooms (4)
Tildi's Blooms (3)
Dysfunctional green gold orlog displaying an intricate mass of gearsgenericSmaller Side of Life (3)
Smaller Side of Life (2)
Earth tarina-true
Elaborately wound bone white chestwrap oozing with bloodshirt (with armor)Droughtman's Challenge 433/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 430/Incidental loot
Droughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental loot
Electrical tarina-true
Emerald-eyed asp charmgenericGuildfest 416/Auctiontrue
Extravagant spun glitter capelet fastened with a massive silveress bowshouldersPuffs of Glitter (3)true
Fanged zombie goat pin with patchy green furgenericSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loottrue
Fetid suede journey packbackOdiferous Ornaments
Filthy brocade bodiceshirt (with armor)Odiferous Ornamentstrue
... further results


 Worn LocationSourceRareIncomplete
Battle-scarred bronze wyverngenericWyvern Trials gifts and prizestrue
Blown-glass ElanthiagenericQuest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Carved lapis lazuli that resembles XibarQuest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Carved rhodonite that resembles YavashgenericQuest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Dark moonstone that resembles Katambageneric
Quest for Kanton's Daggertrue
Ghastly jawless skullsgenericDarsam's Drifters (1)true
Glittery baby dragonsgenericUnsourced rafflestrue
Haphazard assortment of fractured glaes bones leaking blood-red glittergenericLimited Treasures (4)true
Haze sapphire weaselsgenerictrue
Heart-shaped vengeance rubies wrapped in blackened moonsilver chainsgenericItem:Provocative black dress flaunting elaborate blackened moonsilver beading
Limited Treasures (4)
Herd of brawny Zeharca horses carved from chaos chalcedoniesgenericLimited Treasures (4)true
Iridescent bouquet of swirling charoite hummingbirds limned in blue goldgenericLimited Treasures (4)true
Item:Blown-glass Elanthiagenerictrue
Item:Carved lapis lazuli that resembles Xibartrue
Item:Carved rhodonite that resembles Yavashgenerictrue
Item:Dark moonstone that resembles Katambagenerictrue
Item:Ghastly jawless skullsgenerictrue
Item:Gleaming crystalline ghoulsgenerictrue
Item:Glittery baby dragonsgenerictrue
Item:Ten copper Dokorasgenerictrue
Item:Ten copper Kronarsgenerictrue
Item:Ten copper Lirumsgenerictrue
Item:Trio of ivory spiritsgenerictrue
Peacock jasper feathersgenerictrue
Pride of sungold lions with fiery lava sphalerite eyesgenericItem:Rapacious lion cloak with savage sungold fangs
Limited Treasures (4)
Series of rose-quartz petalsgenericDunshade: Echo of Tears/End loottrue
Starlit galaxies created from eerie spectrolite and dazzling ulhari prismsgenericLimited Treasures (4)true
Swarm of kelpzyte horseflies with dark amber antennaegenericLimited Treasures (4)true
Ten copper DokorasgenericIllwind & Sons Lucky Disaster Salvage Co. (2)true
Ten copper KronarsgenericIllwind & Sons Lucky Disaster Salvage Co. (2)true
Ten copper LirumsgenericIllwind & Sons Lucky Disaster Salvage Co. (2)true
Trio of ivory spiritsgenericDarsam's Drifters (1)true
Trio of multihued moonsgenericSu Helmas: Seeds of Entropy/Incidental loot
Su Helmas: Revealed!/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 444: Make Haste!/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/Incidental loot
Su Helmas 434: The Forbidden Temple/Incidental loot

Snake Charms

 Worn LocationSourceRareIncomplete
Bloodgem-eyed albino anaconda charm crafted from oravirgenericSnake Pit
Citrine-eyed magma viper charmgenericMagma Falls Mini-Festival Auctiontrue
Citrine-eyed piruati serpent charmgenericRuins of Ulf'Hara/Supply Wagon
Return to the Keep 423/Supply Wagon
Jade-eyed tel'athi night adder charmgenericSnake Pit
Jasper-eyed kashaka serpent charmgenericRuins of Ulf'Hara/Supply Wagon
Return to the Keep 423/Supply Wagon
Moonstone-eyed grass eel charmgenericRuins of Ulf'Hara/Supply Wagon
Return to the Keep 423/Supply Wagon
Onyx-eyed darkstone mamba charmgenericSnake Pit
Snake charmgenericSquat Bungalow
Armida Abab
Squat Bungalow (2)
Squat Bungalow (1)
Hollow Eve Festival 392/Auction
Auction Tent - Ice Festival
Armida Abab
6th-Year Estate Holder Token Auction

Flower Charms

Whisper Charms

 Worn LocationSourceRareIncomplete
Grey goshawk charmgenericOwirvald Riverhaven Auction 427true
Grey pygmy owl charm displaying swirling charoite eyesgenericBeyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras/End loottrue
Tiny azure t'deri charmgenericGuildfest 409/Auctiontrue
Tiny black corvus charmgenericGuildfest 409/Auctiontrue
Tiny black magpie charmgenericSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loottrue
Tiny brown wren charmgenericSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 428/End loot
Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loot
Tiny green nadira charmgenericGuildfest 409/Auctiontrue
Tiny grey owl charmgenericSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loot
Guildfest 409/Auction
Tiny purple martin charmgenericGuildfest 409/Auctiontrue
Tiny ruby-throated hummingbird charm with purple and green wingsgenericGuildfest 405 Auction
Guildfest 405/Auction
Tiny scarlet tanger charmgenericGuildfest 409/Auctiontrue

Forehead Gems

Carved ke'nag triquetraBeyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras/End loot
Circle of obsidianExtreme Shop
Curse of the Ghost Ship/End Loot
Crystalline dragon tear (2)Beyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras/End loot
Dragon-blood rubySquat Bungalow (1)
Item:Circle of obsidian
Item:Dragon-blood ruby
Item:Web-patterned pearly white howlite
Oval of silver-clad iniskimSquat Bungalow (2)
Shimmering black sapphire (2)Akigwe's Legacy: Secrets of the Tower/End loot
Triangular smoke grey diamondPrison Riot: The Aftermath/End loot
Curse of the Ghost Ship/End Loot
Web-patterned pearly white howliteQuelling the Riot/End loot
Prison Riot: The Aftermath/End loot

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