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User talk:TRAIGA

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Magical Tattoos

Just a heads up, there's a pre-set item type of "magical tattoo" now, you don't need to add it manually under advanced. --TEVESHSZAT (talk) 13:22, 26 September 2020 (CDT)

Thanks, Skaen pinged me that these new tattoos were not showing up on and when I looked at the query it was filtering by `itype` so that's why we made the update. Should the query on the tattoo page have been updated instead? TRAIGA (talk)
I think the search listings just take time to catch up with the updates. If it shows up in the auto-generated part of the listings at the bottom of the page, it should show up in any user-created queries. --TEVESHSZAT (talk) 15:05, 26 September 2020 (CDT)
Ah, I see what's happening. Let me tweak some more code on the back end so folks can actually search for items tagged as magical tattoos in the non-manually entered way. --TEVESHSZAT (talk) 15:57, 26 September 2020 (CDT)
Thanks! TRAIGA (talk) 15:58, 26 September 2020 (CDT)
Okay, all fixed now! Can now search ItemQuery for the magical tattoo tag and it'll show that item property. Searching for item type wont work anymore, mainly because I removed the references to magical tattoo from under advanced options. Main reason I did this was to help prevent confusion over where someone is meant to tag magical tattoos so they all show up under the same space. Using the pre-set field option further up on the page will also populate it under the magical tattoo category listing (outside of the item query table itself) and display the line about the inkpot having a magical tattoo that casts X in the special properties of the item fields. Let me know if anything else causes any issues! --TEVESHSZAT (talk) 16:44, 26 September 2020 (CDT)
Sounds good, thank you for making those updates! TRAIGA (talk) 17:23, 26 September 2020 (CDT)


Hey, quick question: What font do you use for the creatures on the map update and what program do you use to edit the Maps? --CALLEK (talk) 18:33, 29 May 2021 (CDT)

Great question! I actually didn't make the map update to Map7a.gif, I got that file from Hiinky#9789 on Discord. --TRAIGA (talk) 18:41, 29 May 2021 (CDT)