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{{Player character |
{{Player character
Player Name = Kohab Iani|
|Player Name=Kohab Iani
Race = Human |
Gender = Female |
Guild = Unknown |
Instance = Prime |

Kohab has recently been seen around the city of Crossings in Zoluren. Having disappeared for a time, she has returned to the public eye appearing in the city libraries and conducting studies in the field. Her status with the Order of the Black Fox is unknown.

A confrontation with an entity matching Kohab's description was had on the island of Ratha following the Hollow Eve festival of 425. The entity was forced to walk the red spiral and it is beleived to have been Kohab herself.

==Public Records==
==Public Records==
Kohab has gone by several aliases in the past, such as: the Historian, the Queen of Storms, the Fallen Princess, and others that have yet to be documented.

* Confirmed Necromancer.
* Born on one of the islands in the Province of [[Qi'Reshalia]].
* Born on the islands of [[Qi'Reshalia]].
* One known relative, an older brother [[Teuthida]].
* One known relative, an older brother [[Teuthida]].
* Spent several years in a hospital for unknown injuries.
* Frequently seen around [[Crossings]] and [[Leth Deriel]] in the Province of [[Zoluren]].
* Frequently seen around [[Crossings]] and [[Leth Deriel]] in the Province of [[Zoluren]].
* Current Speaker of the [[Order of the Black Fox]].
* Former Speaker and Historian of the [[Order of the Black Fox]].
* Suspected owner of a demonic fox creature.
* Suffers frequent dizzy spells and has been known to faint during moments of great fatigue.
* Currently wanted for questioning by the [[Zoluren]] Temple.
* Loves to read and write, spending anlas doing both behind the comforts of her desk at home and in the Order offices.


You see Historian Kohab Iani, Speaker of the Order of the Black Fox, a Human.
You see Kohab Iani, Scholar of Elanthia, a Human.<br />
Kohab has a heart-shaped face with pouting lips, thick-lashed dark eyes and a small nose. Her black hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty platinum crescent moon haircomb set with tiny onyx chips. She has pale skin.<br />
She is short for a Human.<br />
She appears to be an adult.<br />

She has a heart-shaped face with pouting lips, thick-lashed dark eyes and a small nose. Her dark brown hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty silver rose haircomb set with tiny onyx chips. She has pale skin.
You see Kohab Iani, Scholar of Elanthia, a Human.<br />
Kohab has an angular face, thick-lashed dark eyes and a small nose. Her white hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty platinum crescent moon haircomb set with tiny onyx chips. She has pale skin.<br />
She is short for a Human.<br />
She appears to be an adult.<br />

She is short for a Human.
You see Kohab Iani, Scholar of Elanthia, a Human.<br />

Her features are hidden behind a black xenomite mask bearing a featureless visage.<br />
Skillfully applied cosmetics accent her natural beauty, giving her artfully darkened lashes with a hint of chocolate-brown along her lids to emphasize her eyes. Her skin has a youthful glow, with a delicate peach blush highlighting her cheekbones. A pale pink tint stains her lips.
She is short for a Human.<br />
She appears to be an adult.<br />


She is wearing a staghorn archer's ring, a pair of silver-framed spectacles inlaid with damite, a hooded parka crafted from lush black fox fur, a pair of light cotton house slippers, a black spidersilk backpack and a supple black leather saddlebag embossed with the crest of the Order of the Black Fox.
'''Standard''': <br />
She is wearing a pair of reading spectacles with matte black frames, a spiked iron earcuff crafted to resemble a tangled hedge of thorns, a storm-grey shawl overlaid in lace accented by dangling coins with a banded stormsilk hem, a dark leather bodice cinched with silver cord dangling at the ends with dark crystal beads, a modest black dress with long sleeves and a high collar, a polished black leather garter secured with a shining silver buckle and some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs.

'''Black Fox''': <br />
She is wearing some onyx hairbeads interwoven with a couple of long dark feathers, a pair of silver-framed spectacles inlaid with damite, an enameled-iron black fox pin with bright amber eyes, a hooded parka crafted from lush black fox fur, a modest black dress with long sleeves and a high collar, and a pair of sheared silver fur boots adorned by a row of dangling fox tails.

'''Formal''': <br />
She is wearing a pair of silver-framed spectacles inlaid with damite, a firestained silver band intricately engraved with whorls of storm clouds, a twilight-hued gown of soft watersilk draped over black damask and some twilight purple nightsilk slippers with platinum-worked onyx heels.

'''Standard''': <br />
She is wearing a spiked iron earcuff crafted to resemble a tangled hedge of thorns, a tattered nightsilk shroud, a black cambrinth bracer set with silver studs, a simple patchwork dress sloppily stitched together, a scratched black leather tool belt affixed with several hooks and pouches, a brass mortician's tool trunk and some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs.

As she has made more of a public name for herself, small details concerning Kohab's activities (both past and present) have been documented by those who have interest in such matters.
As she has made more of a public name for herself, small details concerning Kohab's activities (both past and present) have been documented by those who have interest in such matters. Her birth and childhood on the island of [[M'riss]] are somewhat of a mystery due to the isolation of her family home.

====Early Years====
====Early Years====
Kohab has had a very rough life. Orginally she was trained by her family to continue the traditions of the Barbarian guild. She was often careless and impulsive at a young age, her brother being a willing partner in crime. Nobody is sure how it happened, but at 12 years of age she was hospitalized for severe injuries. After spending three years in the care of medical professionals she was removed from their care by her brother who had given up the Barbarian ways to follow those of the Empaths. They rode a vessel to the mainland and have been there since. Despite the frequent spasms of pain, Kohab has never been happier. Though many whom knew her before can tell that something has changed within her, her former dedication to the warrior path has all but faded. Those who know the girl wonder what devices she has found to occupy her time.
Kohab had a very rough life. Originally, she was trained by her family to continue the traditions of the [[Barbarian|Barbarians']] Guild but sometime during that training something happened which forced them to halt her teachings. She was often careless and impulsive at a young age, her brother being a willing partner in crime. Nobody is sure how it happened, but at 12 years of age she was hospitalized for severe injuries. After spending three years in the care of medical professionals she was removed from their care by her brother who had given up the [[Barbarian]] ways to follow those of the [[Empath|Empaths']]. They rode a vessel to the mainland and have been there since.

Despite the frequent spasms of pain, Kohab was said to have appeared to be happy. Though many whom knew her before can tell that something has changed within her, evidenced by her former dedication to the warrior path having been tossed aside for more scholastic studies.

====A Year in the Crossings====
====A Year in the Crossings====
Kohab was approached as being one of few surviving decendants, albeit far removed, of the orignal founders of the [[Order of the Black Fox]]. Being that her family clan lives an isolationist existance on the islands, Kohab never knew much of the old history. This knowledge rekindled her thrist for a social structure in her life and she has embraced the Order, including all that might come with it. She has the stigma of being the youngest Order Speaker, and has already begun to experience much opposition to her position. Despite this, she remains dedicated to the ways of the Order and will continue to serve the best way she knows how.
Kohab was approached as being one of few surviving descendants, albeit far removed, of the original founders of the [[Order of the Black Fox]]. Being that her family clan lived an isolationist existence on the islands, Kohab never knew much of the old history and their roots in both the [[Barbarian]] Guild and the Order. This knowledge rekindled her thirst for a social structure in her life and she embraced leadership of the Order, including all that might come with it.

Doing so placed on her a stigma of being the youngest Order Speaker, which forced her to experience much opposition to her position. This reluctance to follow and frequent interrogation made her re-think her placement as Speaker several times. However, despite this, she remained dedicated to the ways of the Order and made steps to serve the best way she knew how.
====Leth Deriel: A New Home====
As these times have just begun, little can be noted in this area. However it can be said that Kohab shares living quarters with a roomate from the region and can be seen frequenting the forests surrounding the legendary city.

These years are also where Kohab begun to display a greater interest in her studies, often being seen carrying a book of some sort. She spoke often of looking through the history of the Order and it's roots in the forests to the South. Attempting to gleam some sort of information from texts long forgotten about. Her face was a frequent sight in many of the libraries throughout the provinces and her name became common among the clerks who were forced to accompany her in the depths of the basement storage rooms.
Little details about Kohab and her life have been placed here for your viewing pleasure.

====Kohab's Memoirs====
====Leth Deriel: A New Home====
While adjusting to her role as the Speaker of one of the [[Zoluren]] Provincial Orders, she purchased a home just south of the River near [[Leth Deriel]]. These times were short and ended with her disappearance from the public eye so little can be noted about her stay there.
An avid writer, Kohab has published several papers through various writing associations. Containing mostly loose thoughts and observational commentary, these works have been collected and placed here. Plainly titled "Kohab's Memoirs" and contantly updated with new material, the collection is nothing short of an in-depth look at her mental labors.

However, it was documented that Kohab shared those living quarters with a roommate from the region and could be seen traveling the forests surrounding the legendary city. Kohab was suspected to have joined either the [[Ranger]] Guild under the guide of Guildmaster [[Tomma]], or perhaps even the [[Thieves]] Guild. It was also during this time that she relinquished control of the [[Order of the Black Fox]], though later it was confirmed that she had remained in the Order under General Membership.
''[[Kohab's Memoirs|Kohab's Memoirs: The Collected Works]]''

====The Returning====
After spending several years away from the public eye deep in the [[Forest of Night]], Kohab once again returned to civilization. At first, she appeared to be unchanged by her time in the cursed grove and continued her fervent dedication to her studies. She had claimed that she held no affiliation to any guild or organization, and maintained that she was a scholar in search of knowledge.

During this time she bore the title of Historian and displayed an avid interest in the tombs of long dead mages, leading some to suspect her of being a grave robber or raider. Many of her activities were unknown during this time, as well as any details surrounding her involvement with the [[Order of the Black Fox]].
This is the home shared by [[Kohab]] and her roomate [[Jachelle]].

Although it should be noted signs started to appear that things were not right with the young lady. She began to withdraw from society and even the library clerks began to notice that she spoke less frequently during her visits, often just pointing the way to the basement rooms. She also started to hide her face from sight, first with a hood, then finally a full mask devoid of features. Her clothes, likewise, shifted from exotic silks to darker and more ragged fabrics which were obviously more for utility than fashion.

====The Truth Revealed====
[Chelsea Overlook, Blacksilt Beach]
Several sightings of a demonic fox-like creature begin flooding in from across the province. Before long many of the local townspeople had joined in the hunt to identify the monster and eradicate it. Their search bringing them to an uncharted section along the outskirts of the [[Forest of Night]], where the hunting party uncovered a horrific sight. The outline of a complex series of ritual circles was burned into the ground surrounding a black [[neitrice]] altar. Laying upon the altar was the body of a human girl covered with ghastly scars in the shape of some runic language. It was noted that the body upon the altar bore a strong resemblance to Kohab, though it looked withered and strange.

The hunting party approached cautiously, unsure if any magic still remained in the blackened lines, and as they slowly worked their way forward the fox sprung from the shadows. Seeming to form from the heavy mist of the forest itself, the fox stared forward at the hunters with a malevolent look in its piercing eyes. It stood defiantly for a moment then proceeded to walk forward, curling its body around something invisible before sitting one more. Suddenly, the cloaking magic dropped and a figure was revealed to be standing in front of the altar, wearing ragged black clothing and a featureless mask.
The breeze blows the dark silt across plank walkways weaving among the shorefront homes and plays the wind chimes hanging from pylons in the water that keep boats from the stony shallows. Insects chirp and hum from the clumps of cattails and reeds growing along the river. You also see a pink sandstone cottage, and ''a cozy stacked stone house with a crisp and well-maintained flag of Zoluren hanging near it''.

The hunters twitched nervously as the figure rose its hand towards its face and removed the mask, unveiling the visage of Kohab behind the covering. Confused, the hunters lowered their weapons and stared forward with complete awe of the girl standing over her own body. That moment was all it took for the hunters to lose their lives that day. Kohab's lips parted as she uttered a single phrase, "Awaken, Kohab." With that simple command the body laying on the altar rose from its place and slaughtered the small party of monster hunters.
Obvious paths: east, west.

Only one person managed to escape, speaking to the guards before going into hiding for fear of revenge from the shadows.

====The Future====
At this time Kohab is considered to be an extremely dangerous criminal and a practitioner of the dark art known as Necromancy. Adventurers are advised to approach her with extreme caution.

[Jachelle's Home]

A sailcloth mat adorns the smooth driftwood floor of this small room. A circular riverstone firepit, with a ship's wheel hanging above it, rests between a narrow rotted boat and a bulky pine desk pushed up against the salt-stained driftwood walls. The room holds a very faint scent of fresh water. You also see a thick port hole window, a driftwood sea chest etched with nautical symbols with a calendar on it, a notched dark pine weapon rack with some stuff on it, a polished dark pine armor stand with some stuff on it, a heavyweight dark pine bench and a gold-spotted Rissan cliff piltala.

Kohab is an avid shortbow user, and also enjoys the use of a katar she found while raiding ancient tombs and burial mounds. She has a fondness for magical runes and charms, which she carries on her person at all times.
Obvious exits: none

Latest revision as of 16:15, 30 November 2017

Kohab Iani
Status Dead
Race Human
Gender Female
Guild Necromancer
Instance Prime

Kohab has recently been seen around the city of Crossings in Zoluren. Having disappeared for a time, she has returned to the public eye appearing in the city libraries and conducting studies in the field. Her status with the Order of the Black Fox is unknown.

A confrontation with an entity matching Kohab's description was had on the island of Ratha following the Hollow Eve festival of 425. The entity was forced to walk the red spiral and it is beleived to have been Kohab herself.

Public Records

Kohab has gone by several aliases in the past, such as: the Historian, the Queen of Storms, the Fallen Princess, and others that have yet to be documented.



You see Kohab Iani, Scholar of Elanthia, a Human.
Kohab has a heart-shaped face with pouting lips, thick-lashed dark eyes and a small nose. Her black hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty platinum crescent moon haircomb set with tiny onyx chips. She has pale skin.
She is short for a Human.
She appears to be an adult.


You see Kohab Iani, Scholar of Elanthia, a Human.
Kohab has an angular face, thick-lashed dark eyes and a small nose. Her white hair is long and straight, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a dainty platinum crescent moon haircomb set with tiny onyx chips. She has pale skin.
She is short for a Human.
She appears to be an adult.


You see Kohab Iani, Scholar of Elanthia, a Human.
Her features are hidden behind a black xenomite mask bearing a featureless visage.
She is short for a Human.
She appears to be an adult.



She is wearing a pair of reading spectacles with matte black frames, a spiked iron earcuff crafted to resemble a tangled hedge of thorns, a storm-grey shawl overlaid in lace accented by dangling coins with a banded stormsilk hem, a dark leather bodice cinched with silver cord dangling at the ends with dark crystal beads, a modest black dress with long sleeves and a high collar, a polished black leather garter secured with a shining silver buckle and some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs.

Black Fox:
She is wearing some onyx hairbeads interwoven with a couple of long dark feathers, a pair of silver-framed spectacles inlaid with damite, an enameled-iron black fox pin with bright amber eyes, a hooded parka crafted from lush black fox fur, a modest black dress with long sleeves and a high collar, and a pair of sheared silver fur boots adorned by a row of dangling fox tails.

She is wearing a pair of silver-framed spectacles inlaid with damite, a firestained silver band intricately engraved with whorls of storm clouds, a twilight-hued gown of soft watersilk draped over black damask and some twilight purple nightsilk slippers with platinum-worked onyx heels.


She is wearing a spiked iron earcuff crafted to resemble a tangled hedge of thorns, a tattered nightsilk shroud, a black cambrinth bracer set with silver studs, a simple patchwork dress sloppily stitched together, a scratched black leather tool belt affixed with several hooks and pouches, a brass mortician's tool trunk and some knee-high black leather boots with thick cuffs.


As she has made more of a public name for herself, small details concerning Kohab's activities (both past and present) have been documented by those who have interest in such matters. Her birth and childhood on the island of M'riss are somewhat of a mystery due to the isolation of her family home.

Early Years

Kohab had a very rough life. Originally, she was trained by her family to continue the traditions of the Barbarians' Guild but sometime during that training something happened which forced them to halt her teachings. She was often careless and impulsive at a young age, her brother being a willing partner in crime. Nobody is sure how it happened, but at 12 years of age she was hospitalized for severe injuries. After spending three years in the care of medical professionals she was removed from their care by her brother who had given up the Barbarian ways to follow those of the Empaths'. They rode a vessel to the mainland and have been there since.

Despite the frequent spasms of pain, Kohab was said to have appeared to be happy. Though many whom knew her before can tell that something has changed within her, evidenced by her former dedication to the warrior path having been tossed aside for more scholastic studies.

A Year in the Crossings

Kohab was approached as being one of few surviving descendants, albeit far removed, of the original founders of the Order of the Black Fox. Being that her family clan lived an isolationist existence on the islands, Kohab never knew much of the old history and their roots in both the Barbarian Guild and the Order. This knowledge rekindled her thirst for a social structure in her life and she embraced leadership of the Order, including all that might come with it.

Doing so placed on her a stigma of being the youngest Order Speaker, which forced her to experience much opposition to her position. This reluctance to follow and frequent interrogation made her re-think her placement as Speaker several times. However, despite this, she remained dedicated to the ways of the Order and made steps to serve the best way she knew how.

These years are also where Kohab begun to display a greater interest in her studies, often being seen carrying a book of some sort. She spoke often of looking through the history of the Order and it's roots in the forests to the South. Attempting to gleam some sort of information from texts long forgotten about. Her face was a frequent sight in many of the libraries throughout the provinces and her name became common among the clerks who were forced to accompany her in the depths of the basement storage rooms.

Leth Deriel: A New Home

While adjusting to her role as the Speaker of one of the Zoluren Provincial Orders, she purchased a home just south of the River near Leth Deriel. These times were short and ended with her disappearance from the public eye so little can be noted about her stay there.

However, it was documented that Kohab shared those living quarters with a roommate from the region and could be seen traveling the forests surrounding the legendary city. Kohab was suspected to have joined either the Ranger Guild under the guide of Guildmaster Tomma, or perhaps even the Thieves Guild. It was also during this time that she relinquished control of the Order of the Black Fox, though later it was confirmed that she had remained in the Order under General Membership.

The Returning

After spending several years away from the public eye deep in the Forest of Night, Kohab once again returned to civilization. At first, she appeared to be unchanged by her time in the cursed grove and continued her fervent dedication to her studies. She had claimed that she held no affiliation to any guild or organization, and maintained that she was a scholar in search of knowledge.

During this time she bore the title of Historian and displayed an avid interest in the tombs of long dead mages, leading some to suspect her of being a grave robber or raider. Many of her activities were unknown during this time, as well as any details surrounding her involvement with the Order of the Black Fox.

Although it should be noted signs started to appear that things were not right with the young lady. She began to withdraw from society and even the library clerks began to notice that she spoke less frequently during her visits, often just pointing the way to the basement rooms. She also started to hide her face from sight, first with a hood, then finally a full mask devoid of features. Her clothes, likewise, shifted from exotic silks to darker and more ragged fabrics which were obviously more for utility than fashion.

The Truth Revealed

Several sightings of a demonic fox-like creature begin flooding in from across the province. Before long many of the local townspeople had joined in the hunt to identify the monster and eradicate it. Their search bringing them to an uncharted section along the outskirts of the Forest of Night, where the hunting party uncovered a horrific sight. The outline of a complex series of ritual circles was burned into the ground surrounding a black neitrice altar. Laying upon the altar was the body of a human girl covered with ghastly scars in the shape of some runic language. It was noted that the body upon the altar bore a strong resemblance to Kohab, though it looked withered and strange.

The hunting party approached cautiously, unsure if any magic still remained in the blackened lines, and as they slowly worked their way forward the fox sprung from the shadows. Seeming to form from the heavy mist of the forest itself, the fox stared forward at the hunters with a malevolent look in its piercing eyes. It stood defiantly for a moment then proceeded to walk forward, curling its body around something invisible before sitting one more. Suddenly, the cloaking magic dropped and a figure was revealed to be standing in front of the altar, wearing ragged black clothing and a featureless mask.

The hunters twitched nervously as the figure rose its hand towards its face and removed the mask, unveiling the visage of Kohab behind the covering. Confused, the hunters lowered their weapons and stared forward with complete awe of the girl standing over her own body. That moment was all it took for the hunters to lose their lives that day. Kohab's lips parted as she uttered a single phrase, "Awaken, Kohab." With that simple command the body laying on the altar rose from its place and slaughtered the small party of monster hunters.

Only one person managed to escape, speaking to the guards before going into hiding for fear of revenge from the shadows.

The Future

At this time Kohab is considered to be an extremely dangerous criminal and a practitioner of the dark art known as Necromancy. Adventurers are advised to approach her with extreme caution.


Kohab is an avid shortbow user, and also enjoys the use of a katar she found while raiding ancient tombs and burial mounds. She has a fondness for magical runes and charms, which she carries on her person at all times.