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Post:Moon Mage Conclave of 419 Event Log - 05/01/2016 - 14:22
Re: Moon Mage Conclave of 419 Event Log · on 05/01/2016 02:22 PM EDT | 3 |
~Time: Around 9:00pm EDT
You see Stargazer Mistanna Redivas, Battlefield Scribe, a Human. Mistanna smiles at Miskton. Mistanna slowly empties her lungs. Zindelo just found a lacquered teak telescope with swirling moabi inlay in a simple box of gifts! Mistanna says, "Greetings, colleagues. I am Mistanna Redivas of the Nomads and the Lorethew Mentor Society. Presenting with me today is Miskton Ramahk, Celestian and Seer of the Ilithi Court." Miskton nods politely. Mistanna says, "Thank you each for joining us today, the congregation of such a conclave truly pronounces our desire for knowledge and community." Mistanna flashes a wide grin. Mistanna says, "Please settle in and respectfully minimize your distractions and fidgeting for ease of listening during our lectures as best as you can. We do have them planned to run fairly quickly, with time for discussion before we wrap up with trivia." Mistanna mutters something into the air about hopefully without extraplanar distractions this time. Mistanna hums to herself. Mistanna says, "Starting off, I'd like to visit some of our fundamental history within the Lunar Accord." Mistanna says, "Over a thousand years ago, in the days of the legendary Empire of the Seven Pointed Star, the Moon Mage Guild was officially formed upon the signing of the Lunar Accord. This agreement between several sects, individually strewn far across Kermoria, gave us the united presence required to establish a formal guild." Mistanna says, "The history and traditions of these different factions of mages and diviners were very important to each, and when approached by the Celestial Compact to form this alliance, many were reluctant or fearful that their lore would become lost in the mixing pot. After sharing their knowledge for three days in congress, they finally agreed that greater triumphs of the magical arts could be achieved in unity than individually." Mistanna smiles. Mistanna says, "Each branch brought unique knowledge and skill to the newly founded guild, some with forms of divination, or skill in various stellar or geometric arts, or even charts of the stars and planets. While these sects have opened to accepting newcomers into their numbers, they have each still retained much their individuality and traditions even as eras have come and gone." Mistanna says, "As our skill grew, so did our understanding of the various planes. Yet still in their infinitum, we might know of only seven. Of primary interest is the Plane of Abiding, upon which I speak to you now." Mistanna casually observes the area. Miskton begins to listen to Ryoukai teach the Targeted Magic skill. Mistanna flashes a quick grin. Mistanna says, "The other planes that are of particular interest to Moon Mages, and part of my lecture today, are the Astral Plane, and the Plane of Probability." Mistanna says, "The Astral Plane is not made of matter and substance as it is here, but seems to be composed entirely of psychic magic and thought. Using extremely complex amounts of lunar mana and enlightened geometry, a Moon Mage can aspire to transition the Planar Void that separates all planes, transferring themselves wholly into the Astral Plane itself." Mistanna says, "Through certain Naming Rituals, pathways have been made so that we are able to travel across far distances with little passage of time, here on the Plane of Abiding. To falter in any way from your path, to fail to keep efficient mana fed into the pattern of your new essence, will prove lethal. The journey is perilous even for the most experienced mage, should Fate turn their hand." Mistanna says, "There are only a few sentient entities that we have been able to record from the Astral Plane thus far. They have been named: Pelag ai Aldam, the Servant of Fate, Cashek gand Aldam, the Fighter against Fate, and The Arbiter in Darkness." Mistanna says, "Pelag ai Aldam, The Servant, sees Moon Mages as defilers of Fate, some even say he embodies fatalism. Often described as a lanky man with red hair and sporting a malicious grin. If he finds you within the Astral Plane, there is only a narrow window to escape before he will claim your life. He can even reach here, into the Plane of Abiding, as unfortunately witnessed during our last conclave." Mistanna frowns. Mistanna says, "Cashek gand Aldam, The Fighter, is sometimes seen as the embodiment of free will. When she finds you within the Astral Plane, she will bestow a blessing to speed your passage. In turn she asks that we be careful with our judgements, for her people struggle as ours do. Little else is known of her, there is not even a record of semblance for how she might appear, other than how her voice seems distinctively feminine." Mistanna says, "The Arbiter in Darkness is the last prominent entity that we have record of involving the Astral Plane. According to Bardic visions, The Servant seems indentured to show The Arbiter a measure of respect, so we may assume that it is similar in nature to The Servant and The Fighter in some way, at least." Mistanna says, "Believed to be an embodiment of starlight, The Arbiter has appeared as vectors of light in a humanoid shape, revealing neither face nor gender. Historically, it seems to be a literalist of sorts, rewarding one who summoned it and asked to be granted strength to lift his village above all others... by turning him into a mountain." Mistanna grins wryly. Mistanna says, "It is unknown whether these entities originated from the Astral Plane, or the Plane of Probability, but they obviously have some abilities to influence the Plane of Abiding. We can not yet understand the extent of their abilities to transverse these planes, or even our own." Mistanna says, "In contrast, we have cataloged far greater variations of creatures from the Plane of Probability, though likely still only a fraction of what may exist." Mistanna says, "It in this plane that Fate is manifest in substance, although it's influence surely must touch all of the planes, the Void, even to the Immortals themselves. Within the Plane of Probability, shadow and light are as solid as Fate, not simply an illumination or lack thereof that we so rely upon on while upon our own plane." Atazai squints. Mistanna says, "From this Plane we scry our fates and futures, and with enlightened geometry, are able to summon shadowlings, shaderalds, devourers and shadow servants." Mistanna says, "It is also from here that creatures such as eviscerators, colossi, nimbi, voidspawn and tenebraelings originate. Mainly believed to be lesser embodiments of concepts like fury or anger, these creatures seem to only have a will to attack anything within reach. These conceptual creatures, however, cannot choose to be anything else. They represent the concepts as we define and create them." Mistanna says, "Some entities, such as umbramagi and shadow masters, can speak but have not yet been recorded as ever humoring negotiations or peace. Once upon this Plane they seem to have purely violent tendencies, even using powerful magics to summon more creatures from their own home to come their aid." Atazai nods in agreement. Mistanna asks, "But perhaps these are the people that the Fighter speaks of, for who is to say that where there are breaches between The Plane of Abiding and the Plane of Probability, we are not invading them in turn. How can we understand what they encounter as we casually gaze into the future? Or when we pull them from their Plane into our own? Or if we go to the extreme of attempting to warp the very threads of Fate to our own prejudice?" Mistanna smiles slightly and gazes out over the congregation for a moment. Mistanna says, "So I leave you with those thoughts, and open the floor to any questions or opinions before we transition onto Miskton's presentation." Miskton praises Mistanna. Atazai applauds. Miskton takes a sip of his wine. Mistanna grins sheepishly. You ask Mistanna, "I have a question, if I may?" Mistanna says, "Certainly." Mistanna smiles at you. You say to Mistanna, "To what extent has communication been attempted with these beings? Clearly, the violence they demonstrate upon arrival here make that challenging, no doubt. However, I remain curious what we have tried to do to better understand them." Melisandra nods to you. Mistanna says, "In stories I have heard of nomadic shamans that would perform certain rituals in order to commune with what they called spirits, though by description we can compare them to shadow masters or sorts that we still see today." Mistanna says, "I do not know if that lore is lost, or if our own actions have created a barrier of hostility between they and us." Atazai nods. You ponder. Melisandra gazes at Mistanna. Atazai says, "There were shadow beings coming through a breach within Taisgath, for a loooong time." Atazai asks, "But about what, ten years ago?" Miskton nods to Atazai. Atazai says, "They vanished." Miskton says, "It's been a while." Verrek smiles. You ask Mistanna, "So is it fair to say that in contemporary times, no organized attempts have been made to study or communicate with them, then?" Mistanna says to you, "Not successfully, nae."
You nod to Mistanna. You nod to Klejotogars. You say to Mistanna, "Thank you." Miskton says, "Well, there are limited opportunities to interact with beings from that plane without summoning them, and the ones that we could potentially converse with seem to greatly resent being summoned." Klejotogars says, "But, I did communicate with some type of spirit in the mountains. I think many of us have." You nod to Miskton. Miskton says, "Which is understandable, of course." Ysaye nods to Klejotogars. Klejotogars says, "If that counts then, we have." Mistanna says, "Occasionally a shadowling seems to be pleasant enough, but they do not seem to speak a language we can comprehend." Sepherus says, "I'm willing to expect that if we can summon them, than somebody has studied them, and against their will most likely. I'm assuming nothing good came out of the study." Miskton says, "No, studies of that sort have tended to go poorly." You say, "One wonders how a study might progress if it were done, without summoning them against their will." Sepherus chuckles. Mistanna says to Klejotogars, "If you've a mind to attempt a group effort sometime, I know of a few that would welcome a chance to communicate in a beneficial manner with those from the Plane of Probability as well." Miskton says, "Well, there are areas where the boundaries between the planes are weakened, and creatures have come through. But they seem to be hostile then, too." You nod to Miskton. You ask Mistanna, "I would certainly be interested, yeah?" Klejotogars says to Mistanna, "Oh certainly. I would be curious if we could communicate peacefully." Mistanna smiles. Mistanna nods in agreement. You say to Mistanna, "I appreciate you answering my questions. I will turn the floor over to another, then." Mistanna nods to you. Mistanna asks, "Were there any other questions?" Klejotogars says, "But a war was started with the spirits of fate long ago." Klejotogars says, "I think we are intended to finish it. I would hate to thing of what would happen if we were to lose." Atazai chuckles. Mistanna nods at Klejotogars, obviously agreeing with his views. Klejotogars says, "I personally will not give up my ability to choose how my future is charted. I will not give up to fate." You nod at Klejotogars, in complete agreement with his views. Atazai ponders. Lirethion quietly says, "Nor would any of us I beleive." Ysaye nods to Klejotogars. Atazai laughs! Atazai says, "I might." Miew asks, "Maybe that's the problem?" Klejotogars smiles at Atazai. Mistanna says, "I think we can try to arrange something at a later time to try, perhaps." Mistanna nods to Klejotogars. Atazai says, "If that's even how it is." You ask Miew, "That's an interesting thing you just said, yeah?" Ysaye cocks her head at Miew. Miew says, "Well, I mean. There's to many variables to actually find an end results but. They are animated for a reason." Atazai squints. Mistanna says, "It is impossible to deny that free will exists. I think it is the feedback from knowing a portion of fate, and then still being able to act, that causes some sort of turmoil." Atazai says, "We have had visions..." Klejotogars says to Miew, "They have been defined as the spirits of fate. It is that definition that sets them against us. You as a moon mage look into the future to change event that alone raises their ire." Atazai says, "Of a battle with Shadows." Kiluminati says, "Fate rears its head." Miew says, "Well, it's like I keep hearing. Some believe that bringing shadowlings here is actually harming others on their plane. But how would we know unless we took that varible out and seen if there's a positive result." You nod at Miew, in complete agreement with her views. Ysaye hesitantly says, "I always send the unruly ones home, but the happy shadowlings don't seem to mind lingering here. They don't seem to be in pain." Klejotogars says, "Maybe pulling things across the planes damages the boundries. The very thing that gives us our powers is a very weak point." You say to Ysaye, "A good point." You say to Klejotogars, "One would think that if that were the case, they would attempt to tell us that as opposed to simply lash out at us violently." Miew says, "Maybe they have." Margeaux says, "That would be applying our logic to them though." Miew says, "You said they come through and attack for no reason, without saying nothing." Lirethion quietly says, "Not exactly. Some beings act violently out of Nature." You nod to Margeaux. You say to Margeaux, "A fair point." Ysaye says, "But they also come through, crawl into my lap, and fall asleep purring." Atazai says, "Well, not all of them,." Mistanna says to Klejotogars, "I think that teleologic sorcery damages the weave in more of a fashion. A summoning seems more like a pin passing through the fabric. When removed, the weave will return to it's shape, but not if burnt and warped." Atazai says, "Shadow servants and shaderalds, and yeah some shadowling, all seem very content here." Margeaux says, "Seem." Atazai says, "Shaderalds can speak common, or can perhaps imitate it." Klejotogars says, "Nera mentioned in the bardic vision that it was her that damned us." Mistanna ponders. Klejotogars says, "She is the one that named fate and set us on this path." Melisandra asks, "Mistanna?" You ask, "I would think it is dangerous to assume, one way or the other, whether they are happy, in pain, or being harmed. Similarly, without further study I think it is dangerous to assume what damage may, or may not, be occurring to the fabric of the Plane. I think we can all agree that the topic requires more observation and study, yeah?" Mistanna says, "Perhaps by naming the Servant and Fighter, giving them more substance than they had prior." Mistanna cocks her head at Melisandra. Miew nods to you. Melisandra asks, "What do you know of the Y'Shai?" Ysaye says, "Names -do- have power to them." Ysaye furrows her brow. Ysaye says, "Or, well, that's what my mother told me." Ysaye blushes a bright red color. Melisandra grins at Ysaye. Klejotogars says to Ysaye, "To be defined it to be known." Mistanna says, "The Y'Shai? That they willingly give up their souls to protect the future of the Moon Mage's Guild." Atazai asks, "Underneath all of this, would the Guild give up that side of our abilities if they found out we're hurting something?" Miew asks, "So there is a battle here on our plane, but a war on theirs?" Melisandra ponders. Melisandra says, "Interesting." Sepherus says, "I think the guild already knows that much." Mazrian dryly asks Atazai, "You have to ask?" You ask Atazai, "That would be the ultimate question, yeah?" Ysaye quietly says, "I would. I don't want to intentionally hurt anything." Atazai looks at Mazrian and shrugs. Ysaye tilts her head down. Melisandra asks, "I think most of our spells are powered by Grazhir?" Klejotogars says, "I believe I saw the future at the Planar telescope." Melisandra nods to Ysaye. Atazai says, "Grazhir..." Klejotogars says, "The result of the war so to speak. I do not want to see the world without our ability." Klejotogars says, "It showed the tribes at war again." You ask Klejotogars, "When did you see this?" Mistanna says, "Please do hold some questions for the end, we have more lectures yet." Mistanna grins sheepishly. Klejotogars says to you, "When I learned to astral travel." Mistanna says to Klejotogars, "Could you bring this up again in awhile, perhaps? I am curious to hear, but I would also like to give Miskton the floor." Klejotogars nods to Mistanna. Mistanna smiles at Klejotogars. Miskton nods to Mistanna. Mistanna says, "Thanks kindly, some very good questions and discussion. I should have expected more with so many of our guildmates present." Mistanna appears to be trying hard not to grin. Mistanna says to Miskton, "The floor is yours sir. Thank you for sharing with us today." Mistanna smiles at Miskton. (Miskton pulls a set of notecards from the sleeve of his robe and flips through them for a moment.) Miskton says, "Okay. Good evening, all. Clearly there's still much you'd like to talk about. Perhaps this will just add some more questions." Miskton grins. Miskton says, "Although there have been many individual events of enough significance to make an impression on the Web of Fate, this lecture is going to focus on a chain of events which have been making their presence felt since at least the year 408. Though there are still gaps in our knowledge, these events seem to relate to the plans of Pelag ai Aldam, the "Servant of Fate"." Miskton says, "These visions began with an appearance of the Servant himself, as well as an ominous vision of six towers of light being destroyed, generally considered to represent a threat to the Moon Mage guild. These two visions continued to be seen until fairly recently, though both underwent some changes over time, which we'll get to later." Atazai nods. Miskton says, "Around the same time, the constellation of The Wolf began to be overtaken by a mysterious plume of some substance, colored red and purplish-brown. To date, no one has found any previous records of an omen corresponding to such a thing, though I know Guildleader Mortom has been researching it. The plume has increased in size over time, to the point at which it is now growing difficult to actually see the constellation through it." Miskton says, "In the year 410, visions began surfacing related to something called "the Akul'tiz Prophecy". The specific details of the prophecy remain mysterious, but the gist of it has been worked out. In the year 399, a prayer vigil dedicated to Dergati was held at her shrine in Ker'Leor. At the height of the ceremony a number of mole-like creatures ran rampant through the crowd, and then the attendees had their spirits sapped by the goddess' power, resulting in numerous deaths." Miskton says, "The combined spiritual essence was drawn to the space above the altar, condensing and forming into a large chrysalis. Anyone touching it found more of their spirit sapped, and would sometimes hear or see things, messages from the creature inside. People continued to observe and feed the chrysalis for a considerable time afterwards, until eventually the Therengian military sealed off the altar." Miskton says, "Years later the chrysalis opened, although the precise details of the event are not known. To my knowledge, none of the Therengian soldiers who would have been present survived. It can be surmised that what emerged was the first of the beings known as the Akul'tiz, who went by the name Xitoccanemun the First. After increasing their numbers, the Akul'tiz began launching massive assaults, also making attempts at recruiting those who had fed the chrysalis with their spirit. Though not ones that many found persuasive, given that they were largely demands to serve Dergati or die." Miskton says, "At the same time, visions of massive destruction afflicting the Moon Mage guild were being seen, and more direct addresses from the Servant. Most of the guild halls were shown in varying states of destruction, while a shapeless horror oozed down the stairs of the palace in Throne City." Miskton says, "Visions of Peri'el and the World Dragon were also seen at this time, foreshadowing Dergati's plot to silence the goddess and wake the dragon. I'm sure many of you remember the earthquakes that coincided with the Akul'tiz attacks." Atazai nods in agreement. Miskton says, "The turning point came when Guildleader Tiv made what we believe was a deal with the entity known as the Arbiter in Darkness. If he has told anyone the exact parameters of that deal it has not been widely shared, so we can only speak of what is known. A number of us were at the Crystal Hand fortress just before the end, and observed something taking possession of Tiv, then speaking to us shortly before the volcano erupted." You gaze down at the floor. Miskton says, "Today is a day of Gods and men." Miskton clears his throat. Ysaye leans over and whispers, "Um. How many years ago was all of this? What Miskton is talking about now?" Miskton says, "Today is a day of Gods and men not of us. He overreaches himself." Miskton says, "He cannot change, those who came before you made that truth manifest." Miskton says, "I will not undo what has been done, I will not ape his crimes." Miskton says, "I give this vessel what is sought, I will not be thanked for it." Melisandra ponders. Miskton says, "The future is of your own making, for he sees only one, I will intervene no more." Mistanna frowns. Miskton says, "At which point he stepped through a moongate into the hall of relics, just before the volcano erupted. Later, a vision was seen of a man resembling Tiv approaching a woman resembling Peri'el, accompanied by a nightingale. A shrike attempted to drive them off. Meanwhile, adventurers were taking glass shards magically charged with sunlight and bringing the fight to the Akul'tiz. By those combined efforts the threat was defeated, allowing us to all still be alive today." You whisper to Ysaye, "You know, I don't recall the precise date." Atazai waves her hand distractedly. Miskton says, "Pelag was not done, however. Even quite recently he has still to us directly in visions, or we might reach for the future and find nothing but shadows. And we until recently still saw visions of towers of light being destroyed, but one fewer now that the Fortress of the Crystal Hand is no more." You whisper to Ysaye, "Apaprently, 277 AV." You whisper to Ysaye, "OOC: Or sometime in October of 2013 actually." Miskton says, "We also began seeing visions of the deaths of two women who were identified as the moon mages Amiss and Demosel. They were stalked by some creature invisible to us, but which they could apparently sense. Even with that knowledge available, though, their deaths could not be prevented. After seeing the vision for some time, seers were suddenly struck by them again, but as they were actually happening, and then feeling the fates of Demosel and Amiss being unravelled. At the same time, a new vision appeared of Ealuik, from the Children of Kalestraum, being attacked by an invisible opponent. Unlike the women he fought back, striking with sorcery that appeared to harm, or at least anger his opponent, but did not save him in the end. Seers then felt his fate being torn asunder." Atazai rubs a polished stone symbol etched with an elaborate glyph. Miskton says, "Between the time those visions first occurred and the actual deaths, a conclave of moon mages was held, and an attempt at group prediction was held. New visions were seen. A grey haired man on a field of battle, an exploding obelisk, the Shard guildhall with shattered crystal panes, an elderly S'Kra Mur with empty eyes burning with power and then what may not have been a mere vision, but actually seeing into the Plane of Probability itself. At which point Pelag ai Aldam struck, enraged, and unleashed an umbral colossus on the conclave." Mistanna frowns. Atazai nods. You nod to Miskton. Atazai says, "The first recorded one." Miskton nods to Atazai. Miskton says, "These visions, along with others, all seem to speak of a coming magical battle at the Taisgath obelisk. My current theory is that the Children of Kalestraum are seeking the power of the artifact to use against Pelag, and their attempts to seize it will eventually lead to a major conflict. From what we've seen in visions, I believe Karosti intends to use some sort of sorcery to strike at Pelag, and caring about possible consequences is not something the children are known for. They've not shared their plans, however." Miskton says, "This is where we currently stand. Pelag has taken the fight to us, rather than merely waiting for those who venture into the Astral Plane. The Children of Kalestraum are preparing to strike at him, most likely using tools that will have serious side effects. And in order to carry out their plans they may launch a full scale attack. Even if not them, somebody seems to be planning on assault against Taisgath, and we need to be prepared for it." Miskton says, "On a more uplifting note, Tiv has since returned to us, albeit changed. I was not there for his actual return, but some experienced a taste of what he had undergone, which was exposure to everything. To see the entire web of fate at once is not something that a mortal mind is built to handle, but Tiv was somehow able to survive the experience. To the best of my knowledge he remains in convalescence, but is at least coherent. The most recent word on the matter came from Heritage Keeper Raelyka, who confirmed that he is recovering, though not without lingering effects." Mistanna smiles softly. Miskton nods to Mistanna. Miskton asks, "Well then... I suppose I should ask, any questions about any of that?" Miskton smiles. Aluriaz grins at Miskton. Atazai laughs! You say to Miskton, "I actually, have a question." You grin. Miskton nods to you. Aluriaz says, "Amazing presentation." Sepherus says, "I envy the children's resolve." Mistanna nods in agreement. Atazai nods to Sepherus. Melisandra says, "I'm curious about these weapons to fight Pelag with.." You ask Miskton, "You mentioned preparing for a potential attack on Taisgath. I don't suppose the Guild leadership has given any advice as to how we might prepare?" You nod to Melisandra. Ysaye gives Melisandra a slight nod. Klejotogars shows Melisandra his auroch bones. Miskton shakes his head at you. You ask Miskton, "As she says, fighting an entity such as Pelag seems...daunting, yeah?" Miskton says, "Yes. I would imagine that the Children are looking into some sort of sorcery, as I can't see conventional weapons or magic being of much use." Atazai says, "Taisgath has upped their own security. Light spells will probably be your best bet?." Atazai hiccups. Miskton says, "And yes, security on Taisgath has been considerably improved since one of the Children was discovered near the obelisk." Miskton nods to Klejotogars. Melisandra asks, "Is Pelag considered on the level of the gods?" You ask Miskton, "Is there any general feeling with regard to when this might happen?" Sepherus chuckles. Klejotogars says, "We fight fate the same way we do everyday. See into the future to change events." A wicked grin flashes across Klejotogars's face as he waves his bones threateningly. Atazai says, "The Pelag seems to have free reign on the Astral Plane." Atazai asks, "So, there, yes?" Klejotogars says, "These are my weapons against fate." Melisandra ponders. Miskton says to you, "Nothing that seems to point to a timeline, I'm afraid." Atazai says, "He can follow you out of the Astral and kill you." Scuttlebutton meekly asks, "Does seeing it change the event, or solidify it?" Atazai nods to Scuttlebutton. Klejotogars says to Scuttlebutton, "Master G'nar Peth teaches a very important lesson here." Miskton says, "I'm not certain if Pelag is, though he's certainly very powerful. The Arbiter in Darkness probably is on a level with the gods, though." Xyngleburt frowns at Klejotogars. Mistanna says to Scuttlebutton, "Such is a topic long debated, I think." Klejotogars says, "It is sometimes more important what is not seen than what is seen." Melisandra says, "But how can anyone fight fate? to change the future is to bend causality and make of mess things..." Klejotogars peers quizzically at Xyngleburt. Xyngleburt says, "You presume too much to speak in his voice." Sepherus says, "The gods have their place, others are out there, and control different aspects of the planes." Lijarna chuckles. Ysaye says, "He speaks of the teachings, not in his voice." Ysaye looks thoughtfully at Klejotogars. You say to Miskton, "I wonder if the visions we have seen as of late, the vision I believe to be of the Heralds, relates in any way." Klejotogars says to Xyngleburt, "I will let you speak if you have clearer knowledge than I. I would think me advancing his teaches would be welcomed by a phrophet." Melisandra asks, "If the Astral plane is just the collection of our thoughts, couldn't we just think different thoughts about Pelag... basically ignore him to death?" Miskton says to you, "Quite possibly. Both of the vision that are being most seen at the moment seem to be potentially related to sorcery." You nod to Miskton. Ysaye smiles at Klejotogars. Atazai says, "It's our thoughts in his world. The rules are there, we're just visiting." Mistanna says, "Pelag is not restricted to the Astral plane, we don't know his relations between that and the Plane of Probability, or his abilities to even reach into our own Plane." You say to Miskton, "I must admit that vision does cause me a measure of anxiety. The last time the Heralds appeared..." You shake your head. Melisandra sighs. Ysaye glances at Klejotogars. Atazai says, "We have to concentrate just to exist in the Astral. Haven't seen anyone able to affect the Astral yet." Melisandra says, "Oh well if Pelag does come we can just ask the Warmages to deal with him." Miskton says, "To address a couple points... What we see in visions is not necessarily what must be, and there can be opportunities to keep them from coming to pass. But, on the other hand, simply by seeing those visions we can end up causing them to happen, because they are what we expect. It's complicated, but then that's being a moon mage." Miskton grins. Klejotogars says to Melisandra, "I sencerly doubt the warrior mages would have any effect on Pelag." Atazai says, "He'll be coming to implode a Lunar Guildhall." Atazai shrugs. Mistanna nods at Miskton, obviously agreeing with his views. You say to Miskton, "Well said." Lirethion shakes his head. Mistanna says, "The floor is quite open for discussion and debate, please feel free to speak up if you'd like." Melisandra asks, "But why is Pelag targetting us specifically? Does he not like us moon mages snooping around in his realm?" Klejotogars says, "And what happens before the visions and after the visions are full opportunity. Those things have not yet been defined so can be changed." Atazai says, "Defilers, he calls us." Klejotogars says to Melisandra, "I can explain a bit of what makes Pelag hate us." Miskton says to Melisandra, "A few reasons, though we don't necessarily know all his motivations. He likely resents us for having been Named, and the ripples we cause in the web of fate." Sepherus says, "Perhaps its seen as we leech into other planes like other entities do ours." Klejotogars says, "Nera named him Servant of Fate then gave a prediction." Melisandra asks, "Perhaps we can come to some sort of bargain with Pelag.... maybe no astral travels on the second week of the month?" Mistanna chortles softly at some secret joke. Klejotogars recites: "The spirits wish to wage war on the children of Grazhir. So be it, your course will not be changed today. But if you insist on blaming them, then remember the fallacy of the seer! Fate is meaningless without the living moment the future is judged by the past"
Sepherus says, "Or maybe its just we're visitors with no visa." Miew says, "Small ripples in the ocean can create title waves." Atazai nods. Atazai says, "That last bit is right." Mistanna says, "I've still the inclination to believe teleologic sorcery enrages him more than our travel through the remnants of Grazhir." Klejotogars says to Melisandra, "The greatest transgression is prophecy." Klejotogars asks, "Would you give that up?" Klejotogars asks, "Nera claimed to start a war on our behalf? Shall we shy away from it?" Atazai says, "Fate, meaningless without the moment. Future judged by the past." Atazai nods. Lijarna says, "Tracing our fingers along the threads is one offense... yanking sharply upon the threads one more severe." Klejotogars says, "She showed us what the price was." Klejotogars asks, "What visions did you see at the planar telescope those that have journyed there?" Miskton says, "I'm afraid it's been quite some time, and I don't recall the details offhand. I probably have it written down, but that would be back at home." Melisandra ponders. Atazai says, "Dancing shadows, lots of math, dancing lights." Atazai nods. Klejotogars smiles at Atazai. Klejotogars says, "We are given such sights and yet we forget them." Klejotogars frowns. Mistanna gives Klejotogars a half-hearted grin. Atazai asks, "Why does Astral access have to do with Grazhir?" Mistanna says, "Such are the constraints of our mortal minds." Mistanna cocks her head at Atazai. You peer at Atazai over the rim of your monocle. Klejotogars says to Mistanna, "Hopefully it does not lead to our failure." Klejotogars says to Mistanna, "I do not want the future I was shown." Mistanna says to Atazai, "I am not sure there is a difference, or perhaps the residual psychic energy within Grazhir is the meat of the Astral Plane? In any case, it is by the Naming of the shards that we are able to make our way through at all." Sepherus asks, "Isn't Grazhir the focal point because of its remnants on our planet?" Lirethion quietly says, "Aside from save a few I don't think any of us would like future we are shown." Atazai scratches her head. Utamael says, "Indeed. Perhaps the other moons would also grant access, if only we could break off a few pieces..." Utamael grins. Atazai says, "Mmm." Atazai nods. Sepherus says, "I would assume while disrupting some other forms of travel, it would grant us easier access." Mistanna says, "Perhaps, but lets us not forget that Grazhir housed a very powerful entity inside of it. I am not so sure the rest of the moons have such." Klejotogars says to Lirethion, "We are give two visions. One ruled by free choice and boundless options. And one bound entriely by fate." Melisandra asks, "I say we can in touch with the Warmages and have them builds us a bomb, we'll have the gnomes construct us a slingshot and we'll fling it at Yavash?" Mistanna begins chortling at Melisandra. Utamael cackles at Melisandra! Sepherus says, "A celestial beacon being a form of harnessed energy to a focal point." Atazai says to Klejotogars, "I am both." Klejotogars says, "Grazhir was shattered by some foul magic. Or so I am lead to believe." Litrel tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly. Klejotogars nods to Atazai. Klejotogars says to Atazai, "Both are active in the world today." Atazai nods. Atazai says, "It's life's fantasy, to be locked away and still think you're free." Lirethion quietly says to Melisandra, "Why Yavash Why not Xibar I don't like that moon anyways." Klejotogars says, "And there is a battle bewteen those that would choose their path, US. And those that would have every action predetermined. Pelag and the entities of fate." Melisandra grins. Melisandra asks, "I believe the World Dragon cracked Grazhir?" Lirethion nods to Melisandra. Atazai says, "So they say." Atazai nods. Klejotogars says to Melisandra, "A dragon has nothing to do with Mrod." You ask Melisandra, "I suppose that would depend on if one subscribes to secular or religious doctrine, yeah?" Klejotogars says, "It was shattered by our actions." Kiluminati says, "That was one of the tales." Sepherus nods. Mistanna says, "It is told by lore that it might have been Huldah or others of the dark aspects that placed or incubated it there." Miskton says, "It happened so long ago that there are plenty of stories, but not much in the way of evidence." You nod at Miskton, in complete agreement with his views. Melisandra says, "I bet the dragons themselves know the true story of what happened to Grazhir and the World Dragon... they're just not telling us." Mistanna chortles softly at some secret joke. Sepherus says, "Its a nice tale that it was cracked by a dragon hatching, but thats most likely just what it sounds like." Klejotogars says to Miskton, "You can look at the form I in now for evidence. It is a constant reminder of that time." Klejotogars says, "I see a constant theme." Klejotogars says, "One of unity." Klejotogars says, "This guild survives by us working together." Atazai says, "Well." Klejotogars says, "The tribes united and prosper. The sects united and prosper." Atazai says, "Sects of individuals." Atazai asks, "Working together?" Klejotogars looks at Atazai and shrugs. Klejotogars says, "One would hope." Atazai says, "My Sect is not as solid as some, not as unified." Atazai says, "Lots of drama." Klejotogars says, "And yet I would not cast it out." Atazai shakes her head. Klejotogars says, "We work towards unity even if we struggle with it." Sepherus asks, "This meeting was supposed to consist of the current state of the guild as well right?" Atazai hums to herself. Atazai says, "Oooo." Sepherus says, "Because, i'm wondering what folks think of the current state of the guild." Klejotogars asks, "Is the guild master in earshot?" Mistanna says, "I think the Monks of the Crystal Hand need a new guildhall..." You nod at Mistanna, in complete agreement with her views. Sepherus nods to Mistanna. Sepherus says, "I would like a new guildhall." Jaesyn dryly says, "We need Tiv better first." Atazai asks, "No one else could step up?" Mistanna says, "If he still wishes such a mantle." Kiluminati says, "He'll return at some point." You say to Mistanna, "A good point." Miskton says, "I would not be surprised if he chooses to take a less demanding role, but I think he would probably still want to help students in some fashion." Sepherus says, "Tiv is in recovery, and i'd be interested in hearing from him when he gets there." Mistanna nods at Sepherus, obviously agreeing with his views. Lirethion quietly says, "As would I." Miskton says, "Taramaine apparently has some task for Tiv once he's recovered, but I don't know anything beyond that." You say, "I think we should all be prepared for the likely possibility that he would not wish to speak about his experiences." Sepherus says, "I think the rest of the moon mage guild may be putting undo pressure on him." Sepherus frowns. Mistanna says, "We are curious sorts." Lirethion quietly says, "If he has seen what i fear he may have i doubt he will speak on it." Melisandra asks, "Where is Tiv currently? Is he in the Crossing guild?" Mistanna says, "Or that he can, even." Sepherus says, "Which will make others, want to hear him talk all the more." Mistanna says, "He is resting in the guildhall in Riverhaven." Kiluminati says, "If it is of importance to everyone's well being he will speak of it." Melisandra asks, "Our headquarters is the Crossing guildhall yes?" Sepherus says, "And if its of nobody's well being, people will surely want him to speak of it." Mistanna says to Melisandra, "There are guildhalls in many cities, but our Guildmaster Prime resides in the Imperial Palace in Throne." Sepherus says, "I would rather Tiv be back in a new Monk guildhall." You say to Sepherus, "I do not think that is for us to decide though, yeah? The choice should be his." Sepherus says, "And be surrounded by others of his sect." Mistanna says, "I would agree, but he has been through more than we can even comprehend, I think. His path is his own." Sepherus says, "That it should." Litrel says, "Thank you both for your lecture, it appears to be winding down and Ive a bit of travel ahead." Mistanna says, "Once our discussions do seem to be exausted I yet have some trivia and prizes to give away." Mistanna says, "Thank you each for joining us, however. I know it can be hard for us to stay still for long sometimes." Mistanna appears to be trying hard not to grin. Miskton chuckles. Utamael says, "Especially with no windows..." Mistanna asks, "Were there any more questions, then? Or should I start pulling out some of my stashed treasures?" Mistanna asks Klejotogars, "I think you spoke of the subject I asked you to pause on, yes?" Miew says, "I have plenty of questions. But I think I have more questions that some of peoples lives and they might want to get out of here." Mistanna says to Miew, "You are, of course, welcome to pester me anytime." Mistanna asks, "Alright so, lets get into giving some more things away, aye?" Mistanna says, "So, here are our rules. You are allowed to win one prize from each prize bracket. There are telescopes, sigilbooks, weapons, jewelry, apparel, and more." Mistanna says, "If you've won something recently, perhaps still be courteous to some of our colleagues. Anyone winning too many prizes may be subject to silent judging." Mistanna smirks. Ynvi laughs! Seraphael chuckles. Miskton chuckles. Mistanna says, "Alright, lets start with my present favorite... These one of a... er... four of a kind... telescopes." Mistanna gets a replica Emperor's Eye telescope from inside her haversack. Mistanna holds a replica Emperor's Eye telescope high into the air for all to see. Ysaye says, "Oo." Mistanna asks, "What is the 'Emperor's Eye', and where is it found?" Mistanna says, "Xyngleburt has gotten both answers first. It is a telescope, and it is in the Observatory in Throne City." Mistanna offers Xyngleburt a replica Emperor's Eye telescope. Xyngleburt beams! Xyngleburt accepts Mistanna's replica telescope. Miskton says, "And that telescope is a scale replica of it." Xyngleburt says, "I should hope it's scale." Aluriaz says, "Nice." Mistanna says, "Next question..." Mistanna asks, "What current anomaly appears within the constellation of the Wolf?" Atazai says, "Hopefully a crystal spike spell." Xyngleburt says, "For those who were paying attention." Xyngleburt chuckles. Mistanna says, "Aha, Klej has the answer I was looking for." Miskton grins. Mistanna says, "It is a canvas that smolders against the constellation, the colors are red, and purple-brown." Mistanna offers Klejotogars a replica Emperor's Eye telescope. Klejotogars accepts Mistanna's replica telescope. Klejotogars grins at Mistanna. Mistanna asks, "What did this anomaly first appear as?" Mistanna says, "Klines has it, A plume." Mistanna says, "Alright, last chance for this model though I do have a few more telescopes, from quests or... other sources I forget now." Mistanna asks, "Where is Phelim's Aegis and what has it helped our guild accomplish?" Mistanna grins. Mistanna says, "Tis a tough one." Mistanna says, "And where it is... a few close answers..." Mistanna says, "Ah." Mistanna nods. Mistanna says, "Jaesyn has it. It is located in Throne City, it has furthered out knowledge in enchanting several-fold." Mistanna offers Jaesyn a replica Emperor's Eye telescope. Atazai says, "Mm." Aluriaz glances at something on top of a ruby-inlaid round table crafted to resemble Yavash. Ysaye says, "I think I'm too slow for this sort of thing." Ysaye chortles softly at some secret joke. Mistanna says, "There will be easy ones too." Kiluminati grins. Kiluminati wobbles, looking a bit faint. Mistanna winks at Ysaye. Mistanna gets a crude bamboo telescope dangling strands of vibrant beads from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "What was the guildhall located in Leth Deriel called?" Atazai says, "That one is nice." Atazai nods. Mistanna nods at Atazai, obviously agreeing with her views. Ysaye hesitantly asks, "We had a guildhall in Leth Deriel?" Xyngleburt nods. Mistanna nods at Ysaye, obviously agreeing with her views. Kiluminati chuckles. Xyngleburt says, "The dwarf wanders its ruins now I believe." Unzew says, "History is the right answer." Mistanna nods to Verrek. Mistanna says, "The Ankis Dir Observatory." Mistanna offers Verrek a crude bamboo telescope dangling strands of vibrant beads. Verrek beams! Atazai says, "Ooooo." Aluriaz says, "Oh yeah." Aluriaz looks at Verrek and applauds! Mistanna gets a blue lacquered telescope with inlaid obsidian scrollwork from inside her haversack. Verrek says, "It pays to be old as hell." Verrek chuckles. Zoi grins. Mistanna asks, "Who was the guildleader of the Ankis Dir Observatory while it was yet a guildhall?" Atazai says, "There's a nice pool in Leth." Atazai nods. Mistanna says, "Demosel Dez'Madielle." Mistanna offers Lijarna a blue lacquered telescope with inlaid obsidian scrollwork. Aluriaz says, "Ahh." Mistanna gets a battered brass cartographer's spyglass from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "Which unlearnable shard reaches the Planar Telescope, where moon mages learn to travel the Astral Plane, marking themselves as Children of Grazhir?" Xyngleburt exclaims, "Easy!" Aluriaz grins. Verrek grins. Mistanna tweaks Xyngleburt's nose! Lijarna flashes a wide grin. Klejotogars asks Mistanna, "Aren't we children before we enter the plane?" Mistanna nods to Ysaye. You let out a hearty cheer for Ysaye! Mistanna says, "Teloish." Mistanna offers Ysaye a battered brass cartographer's spyglass. Xyngleburt says to Ysaye, "See, easy ones." Lijarna grins at Ysaye. Mistanna says to Ysaye, "I'm not sure why it's battered, I might take it to the repair shop in Throne just to make sure it's supposed to be like that. It is an old one." Mistanna frowns. Ysaye says, "It's just well loved." You nod at Ysaye, in complete agreement with her views. Ysaye says, "Maybe a shadowling gnawed on it." Mistanna says, "Alright we've a new catagory. Lets do... jugglies, because I feel like it." Mistanna hums to herself. Mistanna gets some furry wolves from inside her haversack. Ibakha just wandered through a golden arch leading to the audience gallery. Mistanna asks, "What was the guildhall once located in the crater of the Lesser Fist known as?" Mistanna smiles at Ibakha. Miskton nods politely to Ibakha. Xyngleburt says, "You speak as though that was a long time ago." Ysaye says to Xyngleburt, "It was before I was born." Mistanna says, "It may be for some of our gathered." Ysaye innocently says to Xyngleburt, "Not all of us have your aged wisdom." Kiluminati says, "Or have to mention it quite so often." Kiluminati grins. Mistanna says, "Ibahka is going to get this one! It was the Crystal Hand Fortress, specifically." Mistanna offers Ibakha some furry wolves. Mistanna says, "Just to review some of the rules, you can win once per prize category." Aluriaz says, "All I knew was fortress." Ibakha says, "Ah, I see." Ibakha says, "Perhaps I should have waited then." Mistanna says, "Alright if you people have to think hard about this one..." Mistanna raises an eyebrow. Mistanna asks, "Who was the guildleader of the Fortress of the Crystal Hand?" Mistanna says, "Jaesyn gets it first! It was Tiv, of course." Mistanna offers Jaesyn some small glass eyeballs. Jaesyn dryly says, "She keeps asking Crystal Hand questions. I can't help it." Scuttlebutton cackles! Jaesyn grins. Mistanna asks, "Which shard, now lost, was once located at the Fortress of the Crystal Hand?" Ibakha knits her eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown. Mistanna says, "Xyngleburt has this one, it was Emalerje." Mistanna offers Xyngleburt some clay pottery fragments. Xyngleburt says, "I used to use that shard all the time." Xyngleburt sighs. Aluriaz looks at Xyngleburt and applauds! Mistanna gets a set of miniature moon mages wearing black and red robes edged in blue from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "These were just cute." Mistanna hums to herself. Aluriaz laughs! Jaesyn chuckles. Mistanna asks, "Which famous S'kra Mur Moon Mage is attributed with the founding of the Goldcaps?" Mistanna says, "Sanyrsen Astoshe Zsikiel." Klejotogars laughs! Aluriaz says, "Oh I was way off." Klejotogars says, "Long name." Ysaye looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf! Mistanna gets a set of miniature moon mages wearing black and red robes edged in blue from inside her haversack. Verrek says, "My next guess was Skaen." Mistanna exclaims, "One more chance for some!" You grin at Verrek. Mistanna grins at Verrek. Verrek appears to be trying hard not to grin. Xyngleburt says, "He's also famous for mak... erm. Maybe that'll be the next question." Xyngleburt ponders. Mistanna asks, "What lunar enchantment is Sanyrsen known for creating?" Aluriaz says, "I thought it was the bone dancer." Xyngleburt says, "I'll hold." Mistanna gives Xyngleburt a good pinch! Xyngleburt laughs! Verrek chuckles. Mistanna nods to Margeaux. Aluriaz says, "Who's name I canna pronounce anywho." Mistanna says, "Astoshe's Eclipse, a ring of invisiblity." Mistanna offers Margeaux a set of miniature moon mages wearing black and red robes edged in blue. Margeaux accepts Mistanna's moon mages. Kiluminati says, "Indeed." Mistanna exclaims, "Alright new category!" Mistanna says, "The next round of prizes will be sigilbooks. Empty though." Mistanna gets a sigilbook embossed with the image of Yavash on the cover from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "Here we are." Mistanna asks, "Which shard of Grazhir is unknown in exact location and is used to reach the pillars of the other shards?" Mistanna nods to Ysaye. Ysaye chortles softly at some secret joke. Mistanna exclaims, "The Axis! Quick one Ysaye!" Mistanna offers Ysaye a sigilbook embossed with the image of Yavash on the cover. Ysaye says, "Well, at least I know my Grazhir shards if nothing else." Ysaye accepts Mistanna's Yavash sigilbook. Ysaye says, "Thank you." Ysaye snuggles a sigilbook embossed with the image of Yavash on the cover in her arms. Mistanna gets a sigilbook embossed with the image of Xibar on the cover from inside her haversack. Jaesyn nods to Ysaye. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Ysaye! Mistanna asks, "Having disbanded Jares Braun's legacy of the High Council in favor of a dictatorship, who is presently Guildmaster Prime of the Moon Mage's Guild?" Mistanna hums to herself. Aluriaz grins. Mistanna nods to Ibakha. Miskton casually observes the area. Xyngleburt asks, "Do I want a sigilbook or not?" Xyngleburt ponders. Mistanna says, "Taramaine Ennis-Braun." You let out a hearty cheer for Ibakha! Mistanna offers Ibakha a sigilbook embossed with the image of Xibar on the cover. Ibakha accepts Mistanna's Xibar sigilbook. Mistanna gets a sigilbook embossed with the image of the Sun on the cover from inside her haversack. Ibakha says, "Ah, and Xibar too." Ibakha smiles. Mistanna says, "This one might be tricky... maybe." Mistanna says, "Maybe not." Mistanna asks, "What was the previous name of the shard of Grazhir upon Taisgath that was transformed when three others were subject to the naming ritual?" Mistanna says, "The old name." Aluriaz chuckles. Mistanna nods to Margeaux. Mistanna says, "Undarverjah." Mistanna offers Margeaux a sigilbook embossed with the image of the Sun on the cover. Ysaye beams at Margeaux! Aluriaz says, "Aye, that one." Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Margeaux! Mistanna asks, "What is this shard called now, AND which pillar within the Astral Plane leads to it?" Margeaux says, "Hard to pronounce." Mistanna gets a sigilbook embossed with the image of Katamba on the cover from inside her haversack. Mistanna nods to you. Mistanna says, "Erekinzil, via the Pillar of Fortune." Aluriaz looks at you and applauds! Mistanna says, "Alright, new category! Jewelry and Cambrinth." Aluriaz fidgets nervously. Mistanna gets a cambrinth orb shaped like a pumpkin from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "Which terrorist faction is nemesis to the Moon Mage Guild and known for sorcerous magic and attempting to destroy what they cannot possess?" Aluriaz grins. Mistanna nods to Margeaux. Mistanna says, "The Children of Kalestraum." Mistanna offers Margeaux a cambrinth orb shaped like a pumpkin. Mistanna gets a platinum and ruby ring from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "By what symbol are Kaelstraum's Children usually known?" Mistanna says, "The shrew, or flying shrew." Ibakha mutters something into the air about flying shrews. Aluriaz says, "Oh nice." Mistanna gets an undulating cambrinth goldfish from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "Which guildleader counsels students on the island of Taisgath, and what sect are they part of?" Mistanna nods to Zafritz. Mistanna says, "Lomtaun Nedorath of Fortune's Path." You let out a hearty cheer for Zafritz! Mistanna gets an emerald and xibaryl wristband from inside her haversack. Mistill joins Unzew's group. Mistanna says, "Of this runestone jewelry, no promises any of it does more than look pretty." Mistanna asks, "The shard Auilusi is located where, and reached by which pillar within the Astral Plane?" Aluriaz ponders. Zafritz licks his lips. Ysaye cocks her head at Mistanna. Mistanna says, "Aesry and the Pillar of Tradition, in the Per'iel grove. You win for specificness." Mistanna offers Jaesyn an emerald and xibaryl wristband. Aluriaz grins. Unzew says, "Aesry Surlaenis'a, for specificity." Unzew smirks. Jaesyn nods amiably at Mistanna. Mistanna says, "This armband was one of the gifts at the last conclave." Mistanna nods at Unzew, obviously agreeing with his views. Mistanna rubs a blackened cambrinth armband with contrasting claws of onyx and platinum. Mistanna says, "Oh this will be a fun question." Mistanna asks, "What entity, long thought dead upon the Plane of Abiding, was actually behind the Mirror Wraith Prophecy?" Ysaye squints at Mistanna. Miew says, "You said the others were going to be easy so I don't believe you." Mistanna smirks at Miew. Mistanna points at Aluriaz. Mistanna says, "Tezirah." Aluriaz blinks. Mistanna offers Aluriaz a blackened cambrinth armband with contrasting claws of onyx and platinum. Kiluminati says, "Fun times." Aluriaz accepts Mistanna's cambrinth armband. Kiluminati grins. Aluriaz exclaims, "Thankee!" Mistanna gets a polished gold necklace made from interlocking seven-pointed stars from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "I forget what this does off the top of my head but it's magical." Mistanna says, "Oh invisibility." Mistanna says, "Alright so..." Mistanna asks, "Which of the sects of the Moon Mage guild was not present, and did not sign the Lunar Accord, and why?" Lijarna cocks her head. Mistanna nods to Miew. Miew blinks. Mistanna says, "The Heritage House, as it was founded in in the chaos following the Mirror Wraith Prophecy." Mistanna offers Miew a polished gold necklace made from interlocking seven-pointed stars. Miew accepts Mistanna's gold necklace. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Miew! Jaesyn looks at Miew and applauds! Miew smiles. Mistanna gets a brushed silver badge from inside her haversack. Scuttlebutton takes a sip of her whiskey. Mistanna says, "This badge switches moons upon examination." Mistanna turns the wheel on her badge. Mistanna turns the wheel on her badge. Aluriaz says, "Neat." Mistanna asks, "Which guildhall does Gylwyn preside over?" Mistanna nods to Ryonia. Scuttlebutton sighs. Mistanna says, "The Black Spire in Riverhaven." Mistanna offers Ryonia a brushed silver badge. Ryonia accepts Mistanna's silver badge. Ryonia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Mistanna says, "This is one of those changing rings that affects your eyes." Mistanna rubs her right eye. Mistanna asks, "What invisibility spell is the so-called 'Ivory Mage of Aluandi famous for creating?" Mistanna points at Xyngleburt. Mistanna says, "The Steps of Vuan." Mistanna offers Xyngleburt a crimson glass ring. Xyngleburt grins. Xyngleburt accepts Mistanna's glass ring. Mistanna gets a dark cambrinth dragon set with a carved fire-opal flame from inside her haversack. Xyngleburt says, "I wonder if I disguise my eye when locating now." Mistanna asks, "I thought eyes were just with shadewatch mirror and distant gaze?" Mistanna ponders.
Xyngleburt says, "Yeah, that." Jaesyn dryly says, "Not locating but maybe distant gaze." Xyngleburt waves his hand distractedly. Mistanna asks, "What is the name of Konezu's apprentice who repaired the Weer telescope in Crossings, and what spell did she use?" Jaesyn dryly says, "The mirror shows your whole face." Mistanna says, "Ahh." Aluriaz says, "Oh wow." Mistanna says, "Banii, she used Clarify Gem." Mistanna offers Ysaye a dark cambrinth dragon set with a carved fire-opal flame. Aluriaz exclaims, "Good one! I had no clue!" Mistanna asks, "The shard Asharshpar'i is located where, and reached by which pillar within the Astral Plane?" Ysaye says, "I forget who told me the telescope story. It might have been Terlockin." Ysaye furrows her brow. Mistanna says, "Leth Deriel, in Oshu'Ehhrsk Manor, via the Pillar of the Heavens." Mistanna offers Scuttlebutton an emerald scarab medallion with a delicate gold inlay. Scuttlebutton accepts Mistanna's scarab medallion. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Scuttlebutton! Scuttlebutton meekly says, "Oooo." Kiluminati grins. Mistanna gets an onyx and azurite amulet from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "Before the fall of Grazhir, what color was Katamba said to be?" A nervous tic starts up around Aluriaz's eye. Mistanna begins chortling at Klejotogars. Mistanna nods to Ibakha. Mistanna says, "Golden." Xyngleburt nods. Mistanna offers Ibakha an onyx and azurite amulet. Aluriaz looks at Ibakha and applauds! Ibakha accepts Mistanna's azurite amulet. Cosmina says, "I was goin' to say fuschia." Mistanna asks, "Where is the shard Dor'na'torna located and which pillar in the Astral Plane leads to it?" Cosmina snaps her fingers. Ibakha hangs an onyx and azurite amulet around her neck. Mistanna begins chortling at Cosmina. Mistanna gets a blue sapphire Xibar pendant hanging from a fragile platinum chain from inside her haversack. Ibakha says, "Aahh, that is much prettier." Ibakha says, "And... the question very relevant." Mistanna nods to Ynvi. Mistanna says, "The Arid Steppe, via the Pillar of Tradition." Mistanna offers Ynvi a blue sapphire Xibar pendant hanging from a fragile platinum chain. Aluriaz says, "Ahh more specific than I woulda been." Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Ynvi! Mistanna asks, "What was the name given to the S'lai Guardsman that previously kept watch outside of the Crossing Observatory?" Mistanna appears to be trying hard not to grin. Aluriaz says, "Hehe." Kiluminati says, "Gah that was so long ago." Xyngleburt laughs! Kiluminati ponders. Scuttlebutton meekly asks, "Fluffy?" Mistanna tweaks Scuttlebutton's nose! Aluriaz gasps at Scuttlebutton! Scuttlebutton shrugs. Cosmina says, "Hubert." Cosmina nods. Klejotogars says, "You're supposed to whisper the answers." Xyngleburt says, "You're supposed to whisper it." Xyngleburt chuckles. Scuttlebutton meekly says, "Never been there.." Mistanna chortles softly at some secret joke. Scuttlebutton meekly says, "I didn't expect to win.." Mistanna says, "Ah we'll let this one pass." Mistanna says, "It was indeed, Fluffy. He was killed though, releasing him from service." Mistanna offers Scuttlebutton a shiny Elven silver charm bracelet. Miew says, "Wow, maybe I should have been asnwering half of these." Mistanna says, "Lets see, three left in this category." Scuttlebutton gasps! Scuttlebutton accepts Mistanna's charm bracelet. Miew laughs! Jaesyn looks over Scuttlebutton very closely. Mistanna gets a scalloped copper chain anklet with dangling stars from inside her haversack. Scuttlebutton meekly says, "But I already wond the medal." Mistanna asks, "Which Immortal has been venerated with an altar outside of the Crossing Observatory?" Xyngleburt exclaims, "I can tell'em!" Aluriaz grins at Xyngleburt. Mistanna nods to Cosmina. Xyngleburt lets out a hearty cheer for Cosmina! Mistanna says, "Phelim, the Nightingale." Cosmina chortles softly at some secret joke. Mistanna offers Cosmina a scalloped copper chain anklet with dangling stars. Cosmina beams at Mistanna! Cosmina accepts Mistanna's copper chain anklet. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Cosmina! Miew says, "Oh good grief, I was getting schooled on that subject just the other day." Mistanna looks at Miew, obviously trying not to grin. Mistanna gets a silver barrette accented by a white silk raven's feather with trailing dark satin-edged ribbons from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "Two left, I'm going to open these up for whoever would like to answer, I think we're running out of people who haven't won this category." Mistanna chortles softly at some secret joke. Aluriaz grins at Mistanna. Mistanna asks, "What is the name and profession of Guildmaster Taramaine's half-sister?" Cosmina shakes her feet, ringing the bells on her anklet. Ynvi ponders. Aluriaz says, "I dunno this one, thankfully I have no hair." Mistanna nods to Ibakha. Kiluminati nods to Aluriaz. Kiluminati chuckles. Mistanna says, "Sherella Ellion-Braun, the Court Seer of Zoluren." Mistanna offers Ibakha a silver barrette accented by a white silk raven's feather with trailing dark satin-edged ribbons. Kiluminati rubs his head. Ibakha accepts Mistanna's silver barrette. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Ibakha! Aluriaz says, "Good one." Mistanna gets a fan-shaped rose-colored iris speckled with tiny glimmering crystals from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "Ah, this changes color to go with your outfits." Mistanna flashes a quick grin. Mistanna exclaims, "Last question!" Mistanna says, "For this category..." Mistanna asks, "Where is the shard Besoge located and which pillar in the Astral Plane leads to it?" Mistanna nods to Kiluminati. Mistanna says, "Mer'Kresh in the Caress-of-the-Moons Manor, via the Pillar of Secrets." Mistanna offers Kiluminati a fan-shaped rose-colored iris speckled with tiny glimmering crystals. Kiluminati accepts Mistanna's rose-colored iris. Kiluminati bows to Mistanna. Mistanna lets out a loud "Huzzah!" Mistanna says, "Lets see, only three categories left..." Klejotogars says, "Lots of prizes." Mistanna says, "Lets get rid of these weapons and such." Scuttlebutton chortles softly at some secret joke. Mistanna nods at Klejotogars, obviously agreeing with his views. Kiluminati ponders. Scuttlebutton meekly says, "Weapons.." Mistanna gets a broad-bladed dagger wrapped in cracked leather from inside her haversack. Klejotogars says, "Must be alot of daggers in there." Mistanna says, "There's an emerald eye in this one." Ibakha bows. Mistanna taps a broad-bladed dagger wrapped in cracked leather that she is holding. Mistanna asks, "Which shard of Grazhir, reaching Fang Cove, is most recently named and which pillar within the Astral Plane leads to it?" Mistanna nods to Zafritz. Aluriaz grins. Mistanna says, "Vellano, via the Pillar of Unity." Mistanna offers Zafritz a broad-bladed dagger wrapped in cracked leather. Zafritz accepts Mistanna's broad-bladed dagger. Aluriaz looks at Zafritz and applauds! Mistanna gets a crossbow crafted from fine Katamba-black wood that has been carved to suggest the shapes of long bones from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "Who discovered (the Grazhir shard on the beaches of Fang Cove) and performed the naming ritual on the shard Vellano?" Mistanna nods to Margeaux. Mistanna says, "Tozu Ayochi." Mistanna offers Margeaux a crossbow crafted from fine Katamba-black wood that has been carved to suggest the shapes of long bones. Aluriaz exclaims, "Nice!" Margeaux accepts Mistanna's Katamba-black crossbow. Jaesyn applauds. Mistanna gets a lozenge-shaped leather shield tooled with the image of Katamba from inside her haversack. Mistanna begins to carefully examine a lozenge-shaped leather shield tooled with the image of Katamba. Mistanna says, "This is a small shield." Mistanna nods. Mistanna asks, "Which guildleader presides over the Moon Mage Guild in Shard, and what sect do they belong to?" Mistanna nods to Klejotogars. Mistanna says, "Mortom Saist, a Tezurite." Mistanna offers Klejotogars a lozenge-shaped leather shield tooled with the image of Katamba. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Klejotogars! Klejotogars accepts Mistanna's leather shield. Mistanna gets a thin steel dagger etched with the insignia of the Moon Mage Guild from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "Three of these to give out..." Mistanna flashes a quick grin. Mistanna asks, "What are two prerequisites to learning the moonblade spell?" Kiluminati ponders. Mistanna says, "Shadows, and either Dazzle or Dinazen Olkar." Mistanna offers Jaesyn a thin steel dagger etched with the insignia of the Moon Mage Guild. You let out a hearty cheer for Jaesyn! Mistanna gets a thin steel dagger etched with the insignia of the Moon Mage Guild from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "In what location, now reclaimed by the Moon Mage guild, was the Lunar Accord signed?" Mistanna nods to Kiluminati. Mistanna says, "The Imperial Palace in Throne City." Mistanna offers Kiluminati a thin steel dagger etched with the insignia of the Moon Mage Guild. Kiluminati accepts Mistanna's steel dagger. Aluriaz grins. Mistanna gets a tarnished crescentic sickle from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "I don't think this is terribly special, but still cool looking." Mistanna asks, "Where is the shard Marendin located and which pillar within the Astral Plane leads to it?" Mistanna nods to you. Mistanna says, "Shard, via the Pillar of Secrets." You accept Mistanna's offer and are now holding a tarnished crescentic sickle. Mistanna says, "Two left in this category." Mistanna gets a celestial blue carving knife displaying the Moon Mage Guild crest from inside her haversack. Jaesyn applauds. Mistanna asks, "Who was the founder and first Guildmaster Prime of the Moon Mage guild?" Aluriaz ponders. Mistanna nods to Scuttlebutton. Mistanna says, "Jares Braun." Scuttlebutton grins. Mistanna gets a silver-edged sunblade with an agate hilt from inside her haversack. Aluriaz grins. Jaesyn applauds. Mistanna asks, "Which shard is located in Riverhaven and what pillar within the Astral Plane leads to it?" Mistanna nods to Ynvi. Mistanna says, "Taniendar, via the Pillar of Introspection." Mistanna offers Ynvi a silver-edged sunblade with an agate hilt. Ynvi accepts Mistanna's silver-edged sunblade. Mistanna says, "Alright, last two categories. Lets do aparrel next, and containers last." Aluriaz says, "Eeeeee." Mistanna gets a beaded crimson silk corset with tightly drawn ivory laces from inside her haversack. Ynvi grins at Aluriaz. Mistanna rubs a beaded crimson silk corset with tightly drawn ivory laces. Mistanna says, "This one should be easy if you were paying attention." Mistanna hums to herself. Mistanna asks, "What are the souless guardian warriors of the Moon Mage guild that live to protect and promote the will of the guild and leaders?" Aluriaz grins. Mistanna nods to Margeaux. Mistanna grins. Mistanna offers Margeaux a beaded crimson silk corset with tightly drawn ivory laces. Mistanna says, "Y'shai Guardians." Klejotogars says to Margeaux, "You're quick with your answers." Klejotogars lets out a hearty cheer for Margeaux! Margeaux ponders. Mistanna gets a flamboyant crimson mage's robe appliqued with silver-spangled comets from inside her haversack. Jaesyn applauds. Margeaux asks, "I like trivia?" Mistanna asks, "What two things are the Y'shai famous for having equipped or carried at all times?" Mistanna nods to Xyngleburt. Mistanna says, "Cambrinth armor and a permanent moonblade." Aluriaz says, "Ahhh." Mistanna offers Xyngleburt a flamboyant crimson mage's robe appliqued with silver-spangled comets. Jaesyn flails his arms about. Scuttlebutton meekly says, "Ooo." Aluriaz beams at Xyngleburt! Jaesyn applauds. Xyngleburt accepts Mistanna's mage's robe. Mistanna gets a moonspun silk robe dyed dark purple with a sun-shaped golden clasp from inside her haversack. Xyngleburt says, "Ysaye will be... pleased." Mistanna asks, "What spells are prerequisites for learning the Moongate Spell?" Mistanna says, "I'm looking for three total." Scuttlebutton sighs. Mistanna nods to Zafritz. Cosmina says, "I'd try, but I alread have that robe..." Aluriaz says, "Hmm." Cosmina says, "I'm wearin the reverse side." Mistanna says, "Partial or whole displacement, focus moonbeam and teleport." Mistanna offers Zafritz a moonspun silk robe dyed dark purple with a sun-shaped golden clasp. Zafritz accepts Mistanna's silk robe. Mistanna gets a moonspun silk robe dyed nightmare black with a red moon-shaped clasp from inside her haversack. Aluriaz says, "Hmm." Mistanna asks, "What are the first five celestial bodies that a Moon Mage learns to observe?" Mistanna nods to Klejotogars. Mistanna says, "Sun, Katamba, Xibar, Yavash, and the Heart." Mistanna offers Klejotogars a moonspun silk robe dyed nightmare black with a red moon-shaped clasp. Kiluminati says, "Heart has some history." Xyngleburt nods. Mistanna says, "These little things also hold a small dagger or blade." Mistanna nods at Kiluminati, obviously agreeing with his views. Kiluminati asks, "Where is that worn?" Mistanna says, "Holds." Kiluminati ponders. Mistanna coughs. Mistanna begins to carefully examine a light cyan batiste ascot fastened with a gold pin. Mistanna says, "Around the neck." Kiluminati nods. Mistanna asks, "Which shard of Grazhir, named "White Fire" in Gamgweth, was lost during an attack by Kalestraum upon the turtle previously located on Taisgath?" Mistanna says, "Someone guessed this one incorrectly earlier..." Mistanna hums to herself. Zafritz chuckles. Kiluminati grins. Mistanna nods to Jaesyn. Mistanna says, "Aliaes." Scuttlebutton pats Jaesyn on the back. Mistanna offers Jaesyn a light cyan batiste ascot fastened with a gold pin. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Jaesyn! Mistanna gets a dusky rose damask ascot fastened with a silver pin from inside her haversack. Jaesyn grins. Jaesyn gets a thin steel dagger etched with the insignia of the Moon Mage Guild from inside his batiste ascot. Mistanna flashes a wide grin at Jaesyn. Mistanna asks, "Where does the shard Tabelrem reside on the Plane of Abiding and which pillar within the Astral Plane leads to it?" Xyngleburt says, "Pretty much a process of elimination at this point." Xyngleburt chortles softly at some secret joke. Mistanna smirks at Xyngleburt. Jaesyn chuckles. Mistanna nods to Ynvi. Mistanna says to Xyngleburt, "Shhhh." Mistanna says, "Muspari, and via the Pillar of Nightmares." Mistanna offers Ynvi a dusky rose damask ascot fastened with a silver pin. Ynvi accepts Mistanna's damask ascot. Aluriaz looks at Ynvi and applauds! Mistanna gets a gossamer blue-grey sarrak (robe) belted with a sterling-blue cord from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "I think this is a Prydaen robe? It has a hood and drapes from shoulder to ankle." Mistanna asks, "Which of your skills will the spell 'Artificer's Eye' augment?" Xyngleburt flashes a wide grin. Zafritz smiles. Xyngleburt ponders. Xyngleburt gestures at Ryonia. Zoi nibbles her lip thoughtfully. Mistanna gives Xyngleburt a good pinch! Xyngleburt grins at Mistanna. Cosmina blinks. Xyngleburt says, "Someone has to get it now." Cosmina rubs her eyes. Aluriaz grins. Zafritz gestures at Xyngleburt. Scuttlebutton grins. Ynvi laughs! Mistanna says, "Arcana and enchanting. A trick question of sorts." Zafritz chuckles. Mistanna offers Scuttlebutton a gossamer blue-grey sarrak belted with a sterling-blue cord. Mistanna says, "Alright, this is the last question before our last category." Mistanna gets a sunset red marblesilk tunic shot through with wide strands of white gold from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "In what year was construction on the Ponthilas Imperial Observatory begun?" Aluriaz shakes her head. Mistanna says, "592 Before Lanival." You let out a hearty cheer for Cosmina! Cosmina grins sheepishly. Mistanna offers Cosmina a sunset red marblesilk tunic shot through with wide strands of white gold. Cosmina accepts Mistanna's marblesilk tunic. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Cosmina! Mistanna says, "Alright, we are nearing the end! Thank you all for sticking around for the extent of this trivia." Mistanna appears to be trying hard not to grin. Aluriaz pants. Margeaux says, "It's a compulsion, i think." Jaesyn dryly says, "I've learned quite a bit. Thank you for hosting the trivia." Mistanna says, "Lets start with... glitter! Because... glitter." Aluriaz nods to Jaesyn. Mistanna gets a clear glass vessel painted to resemble the sky at dusk from inside her haversack. Mistanna appears entranced by her sunset red glitter vessel in her hand. She turns the vessel from side to side, completely mesmerized by the sparkling glitter. Scuttlebutton covers her eyes with her hand. Mistanna asks, "Which shard is located within one of the temples of the Dragon Priests, and what pillar within the Astral Plane leads to it?" Kiluminati asks, "Is this to spread glitter to the needy?" Kiluminati grins. Mistanna nods at Kiluminati, obviously agreeing with his views. Mistanna says, "Sunset-red glitter, specifically." Zafritz gets an itty bitty heart-shaped glass bottle from inside his dark red haversack. Zafritz shakes a handful of crimson glitter over Kiluminati's head, causing a flurry of crimson sparkles to swirl around him! Mistanna nods to Aluriaz. Aluriaz says, "Oo hoo hoo." Mistanna says, "Tamigen, via the Pillar of the Heavens." Mistanna offers Aluriaz a clear glass vessel painted to resemble the sky at dusk. Aluriaz accepts Mistanna's glass vessel. Aluriaz exclaims, "Thankee!" Mistanna gets a mirror-plated belt canister swirled with gold leaf from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "This nifty little canister is so shiny, you can look at your reflection." Mistanna studies herself carefully in her mirror. Mistanna asks, "What is the name of the emperor of the Dragon Priest Empire?" Mistanna says, "I mostly like making people pronounce it." Mistanna hums to herself. Margeaux grins at Zafritz. Ynvi grins. Mistanna says, "He's very very tall. And... red." Aluriaz scratches her head. Ynvi gnaws on her lip. Ryonia ponders. Mistanna nods to Jaesyn. Mistanna says, "Ael'tharaxus, the dragon." Jaesyn nods politely. Mistanna offers Jaesyn a mirror-plated belt canister swirled with gold leaf. Cosmina lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for Jaesyn! Jaesyn smiles. Aluriaz asks, "Now how did he pronouce it?" Aluriaz giggles. Ynvi asks, "Ailing thorax says what?" Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Jaesyn! Mistanna chortles softly at some secret joke. Mistanna says, "Lets see, what do we have left..." Mistanna gets a leather enchanter's haversack embellished with gemstone constellations from inside her haversack. Mistanna asks, "Located in Throne City and linking the turtle to Theren, which shard means 'Silver Sky' and which pillar leads to it within the Astral Plane?" Mistanna nods to Kiluminati. Mistanna says, "Mintais, via the Pillar of Fortune." Mistanna offers Kiluminati a leather enchanter's haversack embellished with gemstone constellations. Kiluminati accepts Mistanna's enchanter's haversack. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Kiluminati! Kiluminati bows to Mistanna. Mistanna exclaims, "Alright, three left!" Mistanna gets a chainsil-wrapped claymore sheath embossed with a tokka card from inside her haversack. Mistanna rubs a chainsil-wrapped claymore sheath embossed with a tokka card. Mistanna asks, "Which student of Demosel displayed and created Tokka Cards, and recently had her fate unraveled with her praeceptor?" Mistanna nods to Margeaux. Mistanna says, "Something was... Amiss." Margeaux says, "Gypsy, guilty as charged." Mistanna ducks her head. Mistanna offers Margeaux a chainsil-wrapped claymore sheath embossed with a tokka card. Margeaux accepts Mistanna's claymore sheath. Mistanna hums to herself. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Margeaux! Ryonia lets out a hearty cheer for Margeaux! Mistanna says, "Alright, these last two items are a two-in-one, and I'm opening them up for anyone to answer." Mistanna gets a colorful velvet costume bag with a wide shoulder strap from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "This bag contains a costume of Lomtaun." Mistanna rubs a colorful velvet costume bag with a wide shoulder strap. Aluriaz grins. Mistanna asks, "Which two spells have come about from excavations of the fabled city of Su Helmas?" Mistanna says, "This should prove a hard one." Mistanna hums to herself. Aluriaz says, "Mmmm." Kiluminati ponders. Aluriaz shakes her head. Aluriaz says, "I only know one." Mistanna chuckles at Klejotogars. Mistanna nods to Kiluminati. Mistanna exclaims, "Kiluminati got it!" Ryonia gasps! Klejotogars lets out a hearty cheer for Kiluminati! Ynvi applauds. Jaesyn applauds. Mistanna says, "Artificer's eye and Invocation of the spheres." Mistanna offers Kiluminati a colorful velvet costume bag with a wide shoulder strap. Aluriaz exclaims, "Good one!" Ryonia says, "That was tough." Mistanna says, "Oh I missed a dagger." Jaesyn nods in agreement. Kiluminati says, "Spheres changed a bit since I remember it though." Kiluminati chuckles. Mistanna says, "Well lets do this first." Mistanna gets a stiff leather costume carrying case from inside her haversack. Mistanna says, "This case contains a costume of Kssarh." Ynvi winces. Zafritz chuckles. Jaesyn cackles! Xyngleburt says, "Throw it out the window." Mistanna chortles softly at some secret joke. Cosmina laughs! Ynvi grins at Xyngleburt. Scuttlebutton covers her mouth with her hand. Aluriaz grins. Zafritz says, "I bet he'd love it if you show up there wearin git." Scuttlebutton meekly says, "Oh dear." Mistanna says, "I'm afraid I don't have as good of questions as my last though." Ryonia says, "I wonder what he'd do if you came to him dressed up as him..." Mistanna asks, "Which skill is needed to have achieved at least a Dilettante's mastery of in order to break a moonblade?" Zafritz says, "Maybe make it a dare." Ryonia laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Mistanna nods to Xyngleburt. Mistanna says, "We get to dare Xyngleburt to do it." Mistanna offers Xyngleburt a stiff leather costume carrying case. Ryonia chuckles. Xyngleburt accepts Mistanna's carrying case. Mistanna says, "Arcana is correct." Zafritz lets out a hearty cheer for Xyngleburt! Xyngleburt pats a stiff leather costume carrying case. Mistanna gets a thin steel dagger etched with the insignia of the Moon Mage Guild from inside her haversack. Aluriaz says, "Fast one." Xyngleburt nods. Xyngleburt says, "Easy one." Mistanna exclaims, "One last chance for a dagger!" Mistanna asks, "Who is the creator of the highly sought precious metal, moonsilver?" Aluriaz laughs! Mistanna tosses her steel dagger from hand to hand. Mistanna nods to Margeaux. Mistanna says, "Garnaal Arnskeg and possibly his companion, Mister Mouse." Xyngleburt says, "Nifty." Aluriaz says, "Was it.. oh I wasna close." Mistanna offers Margeaux a thin steel dagger etched with the insignia of the Moon Mage Guild. Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Margeaux! Aluriaz lets out a hearty cheer for Mistanna! Mistanna exclaims, "Phew, that was a lot of stuff. Thank you all for coming out and sticking around!" Xyngleburt gets a Kssarh costume with attached mask from inside his carrying case. Xyngleburt carefully settles his Kssarh costume around his shoulders, pulling the hood and attached mask down over his face. Ryonia looks at Mistanna and applauds! Kiluminati bows to Mistanna. Kiluminati says, "Thank you for hosting." Mistanna beams! Aluriaz exclaims, "Thankee fer good informations, an' game an' prizes!" Mistanna asks, "Did everyone get a gift or do I need to bring the box back?" You exclaim to Mistanna, "I for one would like to say I greatly appreciate all the effort you put in to organizing the Moon Mage Conclave of 419. Thank you for all you did, I am confident we all greatly enjoy ourselves!" Zafritz asks Xyngleburt, "Can you teach me a new spell yet?" Xyngleburt scowls at Mistanna. Mistanna laughs at Zafritz. Ynvi exclaims to Xyngleburt, "Throw someone out a window!" Aluriaz appears to be trying to break open their glitter vessel. Weird. Mistanna smiles at you. Cosmina says, "Aye, thanks for all your work organizing this." Klejotogars says to Mistanna, "Yes thank you for your work." Suddenly, Xyngleburt loudly shouts "Throw em out the window!", although oddly enough his lips don't move. Scuttlebutton laughs! Zafritz cackles! Margeaux exclaims, "Defenestrate!" Scuttlebutton falls over. Cosmina snickers. Ynvi giggles. Scuttlebutton rolls around on the ground laughing hysterically! Zoi beams at Fenaro! Jaesyn chortles softly at some secret joke. Kiluminati gets a Lomtaun costume with attached mask from inside his costume bag. Aluriaz says, "Vera fun stuffs." Kiluminati begins to carefully examine a Lomtaun costume with attached mask. Kiluminati slips out of a deeply cowled scholar's robe embroidered with small platinum sigils along the sleeves. Kiluminati carefully settles his Lomtaun costume around his shoulders, pulling the hood and attached mask down over his face. Fenaro grins at Zoi. Kiluminati yanks and pulls on his Lomtaun costume, fussing with it until it is once more back in its proper place. Suddenly, Xyngleburt loudly shouts "What in the name of the skies above are you talking about?", although oddly enough his lips don't move. Mistanna says, "Quite glad to, especially as you've all had fun." Mistanna nods in agreement. Ynvi exclaims, "Thank you, Mistanna. This was really great!" Mistanna looks at Xyngleburt, obviously trying not to grin. Ynvi beams at Mistanna! Mistanna says, "Thankfully without extraplanar invasions this time." Suddenly, Kiluminati loudly shouts "And so the tapestry is rewoven!", although oddly enough his lips don't move. Mistanna chortles softly at some secret joke. Ryonia laughs at Kiluminati. Jaesyn nods at Mistanna, obviously agreeing with her views. Aluriaz says, "Take care all, I must to Shard and sleep." Aluriaz says, "An' thankee fer teachins." Mistanna waves to Aluriaz. Zafritz smiles. Aluriaz curtsies to Jaesyn. Suddenly, Xyngleburt loudly shouts "Throw em out the window!", although oddly enough his lips don't move. Aluriaz stops listening to Jaesyn. Jaesyn bows. Aluriaz waves. Kiluminati says, "It now costs 1000 plat per circle. Payable to your guildleader me of course." Mistanna waves. Kiluminati rubs a Lomtaun costume with attached mask. Suddenly, Kiluminati loudly shouts "Fate has led you here!", although oddly enough his lips don't move. | |
This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ Guild Events, by MYREK2 on the forums. |