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Guardian Dragons

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The Guardian Dragons

Three powerful dragons that aided Lanival as recounted in Lanival's Tale.


Glacis is best known for saving the life of Lanival the Redeemer. He is likely to have inspired Lanival's plan to reforge the broken Empire, and that association is why the Five Provinces we know today are sometimes referred to as the Dragon's Realms.

Glacis is thought to make his home in a remote cavern among the Dragon Spine Mountains even today, but search parties sent by Warrior Mage Guildleader Augrym have met only frustration.


There is little public knowledge about the mysterious "Dragon of the East". It is commonly believed that she lives on a continent across the Great Ocean, though the occasional sailor reports seeing her winging across the skies of Qi early in the morning.

Rumors abound that such figures as High Lord Daervlan, Ferdahl Kukalakai, and Erzebet Crowther enjoy infrequent but regular correspondence with Eerayn. They, of course, do not confirm or deny these rumors.

Eerayn has golden eyes and rainbow-colored scales.


Of the three Guardian Dragons, Sildua is the only one who deliberately chose to closely emulate the terrifying form of the World Dragon. His name is from the Gerenshuge "silduaalyo", or "coal".

Sildua has been the most active -- or else, the least discreet -- of the three. His motives are unfathomable, his actions unpredictable. He has been known to save a city from destruction one week, only to hire a band of mercenaries to attack it the next. In fact, mercenaries fascinate him. Several years ago, he hired two bands to make war on each other, until both captains realized what had happened and walked out on their contracts.

He has one lair behind the falls of the Erlinilaya southeast of Shard, and another in the hills above Knife Clan. He can occasionally be seen flying directly over the Crossing, and once used a gwethdesuan to mock the tiny people below.

Sildua has clear-colored eyes and shadowy black scales.

Letter believed to be written by Eerayn

Carrier Pigeon Letter

On 87 Lirisa 351 (10 June 1997), a Carrier Pigeon was shot down by a mysterious stray arrow and landed dead on the Town Green. As soon as the letter it was carrying was opened, mean creatures began invading the area. For the full story, see the Wren's Nest Tavern's News Archives. I received the text of the note it carried from Seugallus:

To the Northeastern Sentinel, from She of the Winds:

I have been to That Place to observe, unfortunately neither undetected nor unwounded. I am once more in my abode, healing very slowly as my kind do; if you write back with "I told you so" I shall eat your grandchildren. I still believe the risk was worth the reward -- it is no boast that my shadow passing over their citadel has stricken fear into their hearts.

The Fool Son, as old Uthmor was wont to call him, is quite literally unearthing an ancient evil -- not, however, the one we feared. I so despise this need to be circumspect, but if you recall anything of Wellsmarch where we first found you, you will have some idea of the threat our people face.

It may interest you to know that I saw none of Dzree's brood during my reconaissance. I would give much to know their part in this madness.

I apologize for the brevity of this message, but I must sleep now. My healing may take many years and you may not hear from me again before your mortal span (may it be long!) reaches its end. Either way, we shall meet upon the Starry Road and share a cup at Glythtide's table.


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