Property:Pretty name is

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Description: This is a property for declaring the name to be used for display. Needed due to disambiguous title names needing multiple pages. Generally, will be populated directly from templates.
Type: string

There are currently 9897 items in this property, 1191 of which are incomplete, and 79 of which are outdated.
Showing 100 pages using this property.
Gireza  +
Giromu Vedri  +
Gishen Siran  +
Githdem  +
Gizgo  +
Gizzbolf's Luck  +
Glade Seeker  +
Gladiator  +
Gladiator Agent  +
Granny Gladise  +
''<metal>'' gladius  +
''<metal>'' glaive  +
Glamour Seeker  +
Glance  +
Glare  +
Glassus  +
Glath  +
Glazhn Ofnor  +
Glinska  +
Glitter Dragon  +
Glitter Fairy  +
Glitter Witch  +
Glitterbug  +
Glittering Delight  +
Gloifenen  +
Gloriadara Tredo  +
Glower  +
Glyph Warden  +
Bonding  +
Dueling  +
Ease  +
Light  +
Mana  +
Renewal  +
Warding  +
Glythtide's Gift  +
Glythtide's Joy  +
Glythtide's commune  +
Gnash  +
C. Filorux  +
Gnome workman  +
Gnomish workman  +
Gobble  +
God-Touched  +
Godspeaker  +
Godsworn  +
Goi Hairybreeks  +
Gold-clad priestess of Tamsine  +
Goldcap Aspirant  +
Golden Tongue  +
Golyaem  +
Goon  +
Gorathrumal  +
Gorbesh Sympathizer  +
Gordaer Sib'Meliyge  +
Gore Enthusiast  +
Gorgrin Karnreld  +
Mother Gorin  +
Gortik  +
Gorund  +
Goshawk  +
Govutku  +
Grace  +
Gragna  +
Gragna II  +
Graimi Gechifacha  +
Graimi Rure  +
Graimi Vayato  +
Grand Dame of Justice  +
Grand Inquisitor  +
Grand Inquisitress  +
Grand Master Empath  +
Grand Master Moon Mage  +
Grand Master Paladin  +
Grand Vizier  +
Grandfather  +
Grandmaster  +
Grandmaster Evaluator  +
Grandmaster Examiner  +
Grandmistress  +
Grandmother  +
Granzer Wothhome  +
Grappler  +
Grathhkep  +
Grave Berserker  +
''<sigil>'' common material lesser fount  +
''<sigil>'' common material major fount  +
''<sigil>'' common material minor fount  +
''<sigil>'' common material greater fount  +
''<sigil>'' Ultra rare material lesser fount  +
''<sigil>'' Ultra rare material minor fount  +
''<sigil>'' gray thin fount with a grooved surface  +
''<sigil>'' gray thin fount with a rough surface  +
Grayhair  +
Grayroot  +
Grazhirean  +
Great  +
Great Lion of Justice  +
Great Lioness of Justice  +
''<metal>'' great helm  +

Showing 1 related entity.