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Property:Pretty name is

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Description: This is a property for declaring the name to be used for display. Needed due to disambiguous title names needing multiple pages. Generally, will be populated directly from templates.
Type: string

There are currently 10003 items in this property, 1191 of which are incomplete, and 80 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Aalar  +
Aatuska  +
Abandoned Heart  +
''<metal>'' abassi  +
Abbess  +
Abbot  +
Aberration  +
Gembuyer Abira Sohrac  +
Abomination Annihilator  +
Abra  +
Abreya  +
Absolution  +
Absolved  +
Abyss Doctor  +
Abyssal Apogee  +
Academian  +
Academic  +
Accept  +
Accidental Arsonist  +
Accompanist  +

Showing 1 related entity.