Museum of Imperial History

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The Museum of Imperial History, also known simply as the Throne City Museum, is located in Throne City, which was once the capital of the Empire of the Seven Pointed Star. The museum has 7 exhibits, each with several locked cases containing artifacts. When you first enter the door there is a tour desk where you may TAKE TOUR and receive a guided tour through the museum.

The museum itself was created by GameMaster Rigby, as well as the stand-alone stealing system used by Thieves to burglarize the museum (see below). Other than changes in skill and experience for lockpicking, disarming, and stealing from the exhibit cases, no other changes have been made to the museum since its creation.


There are 3 levels to the musuem:
  • Ground Floor: where one enters
    • Theories on Pre-Empire Life Exhibit
    • The Young Empire Exhibit
    • Glory Days of the Empire Exhibit
    • The Fall of the Empire Exhibit
  • Top Floor
    • Dragon Priest Exhibit
    • Ancient Magic Exhibit
    • The Might of the Empire Exhibit
    • Donation Box
  • The Roof: accessible only by Thieves


See Museum of Imperial History Secrets.

Exhibits and Artifacts

Room Flr Difficulty Class Artifact Notes Look
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Alchemy dull red clay jar The clay jar displays small chipped engravings of two men engaged in a boxing match, their red hair flowing in long trails behind them.
Pre-Empire Life 1st 1 Alchemy blue-flecked clay jar Much of the blue paint on the clay jar has long since faded, but enough remains to reveal a partial scene of several men playing some sort of game with a ball.
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Alchemy greenish clay jar Though faded from time, the paint on the clay jar depicts a series of green dolphins leaping out of an ocean.
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Alchemy dull clay pestle
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Alchemy cracked sandstone mortar
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Alchemy chipped clay mortar
Pre-Empire Life 1st 1 Juggling clay pottery fragments 5 Stones
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Juggling sandstone pottery fragments
Pre-Empire Life 1st 1 Bottomless assorted pottery fragments 2 stone jugglies in Mahogany Case
Pre-Empire Life 1st 1 Misc simple stone spoon Verbs: rub, tap, clean
Pre-Empire Life 1st 1 Misc weathered sandstone tablet Verbs: rub, tap, clean This tablet is shaped more or less like a wedge. The only thing indicating it was ever anything more than a random rock is the barely detectable pattern of cows and piglets bordering its thickest edge.
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Misc obsidian arrowhead Can be used to fletch arrows.
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Misc rusted shovel blade The entire blade is covered by red-brown rust.
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Misc ceramic centaur figurine Fine cracks run down the length of the tiny centaur's front, though these are not easy to see with the stylized spirals that cover the figurine completely.
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Alchemy rusty iron bowl Beneath the layer of rust are engravings that show a line of dancers. Details are lost, so it is impossible to guess what is really being depicted.
Pre-Empire Life 1st 2 Misc rusted hilt
Young Empire 1st 9 Magic crude cambrinth amulet Neck-worn 32 mana cambrinth
Young Empire 1st 2 Clothing dull bronze ring inset with a small jade chip Verbs: rub, tap, clean Engraved in the center of the ring is a simple design which looks superficially similar to the crest of the Warrior Mage guild.
Young Empire 1st 2 Misc chipped ceramic seal In a circle on the ceramic seal are enigmatic and perhaps random assortments of letters. Some are upside down, while others are stylized to look like various animals.
Young Empire 1st 4 Container lion-headed bronze situla Shoulder-worn Though normally used to hold beverages, this particular situla was likely designed for use as a makeshift quiver, and bears a single arrowhead emblem set squarely in its lion's head.
Young Empire 1st 6 Misc delicate gold chain fastened with silver rosettes
Young Empire 1st 3 Magic(?) jade scorpion ring
Young Empire 1st 4 Clothing ivory bracelet shaped like a curled sleeping cat The tail of the cat is yellowed from age, but this only adds to the realism. Along one side is engraved a small, stylized rosette.
Young Empire 1st 2 Misc broken wax seal The seal has small specks of gold suspended in its semi-transparent surface. Partial words trail along the circular edge, ending abruptly after, "Irodio Vene."
Young Empire 1st 3 Misc gold-on-iron helm crest Verbs: rub, tap, clean Whatever feathers or hair had been in the helm crest are now long gone, leaving only the twisted and bent wires which would have held them in place.
Young Empire 1st 2 Weapon walnut table leg (MB: n/n/h p/r) Carved into the wooden leg are elegant designs incorporating diamonds, triangles, hooks, and rosettes.
Young Empire 1st 2 Misc limestone rabbit statuette Verbs: rub, tap, clean In a choice of color that only the original artist could fathom as reasonable, the rabbit statuette is a painted in faded shades of green and purple.
Young Empire 1st 2 Misc stone stela fragment Verbs: rub, tap, clean Of the small carvings remaining on the fragment, one is a stained blue owl-headed figure sending lightning bolts at a simplified citadel
Young Empire 1st 2 Weapon flat iron spear-tip (LE: L/P/P/W/D)
Young Empire 1st 2 Juggling rusted chain lengths
Glory Days 1st 10 Wall Hanging large oil painting depicting a stern-looking Elf sitting in a red velvet chair The Elf's eyes are narrowed and his lips betray no humor or emotion, though the subject does manage to exude the air of aristocracy. A small copper plaque on the walnut frame says simply, "Emperor Arcadius -- Est. 485 BL."
Glory Days 1st 9 Wall Hanging oval willow-framed painting Prominently centered on the canvas, the Throne City Palace is displayed in a showy and creative use of color. Even though the painting is not large enough to contain much detail, the building appears in much better condition than it does today, restorations aside. A small copper plaque on the oval frame denotes the estimated date as 640 BL.
Glory Days 1st 9 Wall Hanging deobar-framed map The years have not been kind to the faded writing on the map. It is still possible to see where the map indicates areas of conquest marked in a dull brownish-red ink, though the provincial borders do not match the modern day locations. A small copper plaque on the deobar frame reads, "Emperor Hermothius' battle plans for HighHold, ~497 BL."
Glory Days 1st 7 Wall Hanging small oak-framed portrait An unidentified Dwarf is featured in the portrait, his gaze cheerful and his smile pleasant despite the deep scars running across his forehead and left cheek. A small copper plaque on the oak frame is labeled, "Unknown Subject -- Est. 554 BL."
Glory Days 1st 9 Wall Hanging colorful tile mosaic depicting a pod of leaping dolphins Chips of blue and green make up the body of each dolphin, contrasting with the creamy white tiles of the splashing surf. Unnatural yet pleasant smiles curl the faces of the dolphins.
Glory Days 1st 9 Wall Hanging alabaster tile mosaic CJ for Light Crossbow skill Most of the tiles are cracked, but the depiction of a charging stallion is still clear.
Glory Days 1st 5 Clothing small gold brooch At the center of the brooch is a single crown-cut ruby, surrounded by an engraved spiral pattern.
Glory Days 1st 2 Clothing blue-grey tasseled tunic bearing a distinctive seven-pointed star A small tag on the tunic notes that this is a reproduction of typical Imperial era clothing.
Glory Days 1st 2 Clothing red checkered tunic stitched with a repeated prancing stallion motif A small tag on the tunic notes that this is a reproduction of typical Imperial era clothing.
Glory Days 1st 4 Clothing gold lapel pin shaped like a seven-pointed star
Glory Days 1st 3 Drinks flask of Imperial-age brandy Though not labeled, the contents are easily visible through the flask's mostly clear glass.
Glory Days 1st 6 Drinks bottle of Imperial-age wine There is only the faded and torn remnant of a label still attached to the bottle that indicates it ever was wine at all.
Glory Days 1st 2 Drinks blue-green glass bottle The bottle is stoppered with a large cork.
Glory Days 1st 2 Juggling blue/red/green/gold-hued/orange mosaic tiles 2 Stones
Glory Days 1st 2 Bottomless assorted gems in the Jewelry Case
Fall of the Empire 1st 11 Misc well-crafted elaborate gold telescope with small dents along its casing A small copper plaque notes that this particular kind of telescope is believed to be typical of those owned by members of the Phelim Club.
Fall of the Empire 1st 8 Magical hematite serpent charm The serpent charm pulses with pathetic, nearly non-existent lines of a strangely feral yet wholly unidentifiable magic. You can tell nothing else about the charm. Not only is the center figure of the coin-shaped charm a two-headed ophidian, but its border is a stylized serpent devouring its own tail.
Fall of the Empire 1st 3 Misc rusted iron bell Verbs: tap, ring A small goose-like icon is engraved into the bell, barely visible beneath the rust.
Fall of the Empire 1st 3 Misc fragment of a sandstone amulet The upper bust of some unidentifiable Emperor remains just above the amulet's fracture, though enough of his hair is intact to determine that he was either Human or Elven.
Fall of the Empire 1st 3 Misc thin yellowed parchment Faded by time, the parchment is littered with odd symbols and esoteric characters. The only recognizable one is a circular ophidian, devouring its own tail.
Fall of the Empire 1st 3 Clothing copper shark-tooth charm Verbs: rub, tap, clean The edges of the copper charm are trimmed with an oval of real shark teeth, slightly browned by age.
Fall of the Empire 1st 2 Misc half-torn papyrus parchment The language is an archaic variation of gamgweth and the ink is faded by time, but what is still readable implies that this was an Imperial ship's registry.
Fall of the Empire 1st 2 Clothing faded grey ribbon stained with dots of dusky maroon Although some of the stitching is missing, the remainder indicates the shape of an Admiral's hat atop a crest of faint blue waves.
Fall of the Empire 1st 2 Misc tattered flag remnant The lower corner of a field of faded red is still visible, though the design is otherwise undeciperable.
Fall of the Empire 1st 2 Misc ruined Tokka cards
Fall of the Empire 1st 1 Juggling handful of rusted nails
Fall of the Empire 1st 9 Clothing platinum medal affixed with a bright red tassel Verbs: rub, tap, clean The medal is engraved with the image of a mangonel. From outside the display case, though, you can't do anything but admire the medal.
Fall of the Empire 1st 6 Clothing gold medal affixed with a bright blue tassel Verbs: rub, tap, clean The etching of the all-capitalized word "FEAS" floats above a Captain's hat in the center of the medal.
Fall of the Empire 1st 3 Clothing brass medal affixed with a red tassel Verbs: rub, tap, clean The etching of a small frigate cutting through ocean waves is centered on the medal
Fall of the Empire 1st 6 Clothing gold-on-iron medal affixed with a faded yellow tassel Verbs: rub, tap, clean A mighty dragon, wings outstretched, arches over a frigate in the miniature engraving on the medal.
Fall of the Empire 1st 3 Bottomless sets of jewelry Pine Case Randomly pull chains, necklaces, bracelets, tailbands, earrings, etc.
Dragon Priest 2nd 11 Clothing grotesquely misshapen gold mask affixed with rows of multicolored feathers The features are a distorted caricature of a S'Kra Mur, with exaggerated fangs and whimsically squinting eyes. A small wooden placard half-buried in the feathers notes that this was likely the burial mask of a popular S'Kra comedian.
Dragon Priest 2nd 2 Magic painted conch shell Verbs: rub, tap, clean Focus: The conch shell pulses with weakly glowing lines of Holy magic. You can tell nothing else about the shell. Painted along the largest surfaces of the conch shell is the grim decoration of a Dragon Priest placing a skull atop an altar.
Dragon Priest 2nd 3 Magic serrated snake icon with tiny onyx eyes Elemental Magic Fluff Sharp, serrated edges run down one third the length of the icon, though they are too small to be useful as a knife.
Dragon Priest 2nd 3 Magic serpentine copper ring inset with small scales of onyx Lunar Aura Device Though polished, the copper is still slightly discolored.
Dragon Priest 2nd 7 Weapon obsidian-tipped bricklebranch spear wrapped with aged bands of leather Heavy Thrown/Pike Most of the thorns natural to bricklebranch wood have been sanded down, leaving only a handful of nasty looking spines near the spear's obsidian tip.
Dragon Priest 2nd 3 Weapon wood-handled hirdu'lata etched with a faint serpentine design LT/LE l/p/p r/d The serpentine design coils along the two curved blades that gracefully arc from the centralized wooden handle.
Dragon Priest 2nd 2 Clothing sash of green cloth Destroyed by rubbing, tapping, etc Although most of the tattered cloth is missing thread, the faint design of a dragon is still barely visible.
Dragon Priest 2nd 2 Clothing ebony feather tipped with faded red dye Hair worn A small lapis lazuli seal depicting a dragon in flight is attached to the widest section of the feather.
Dragon Priest 2nd 2 Gem small serpent-shaped emerald The shape of the emerald is crudely serpentine, but makes efficient use of the gem's limited space by careful placement of the coils, head, and fangs.
Dragon Priest 2nd 2 Gem iconic carved bloodstone The egg-like shape of the bloodstone bears a fair amount of tiny carvings along its surface. Some appear to be dragons, but all are too small to make out fully.
Dragon Priest 2nd 2 Gem carved yellow topaz The carvings on the topaz are half animal, half humanoid. A number of them have two heads, though none of the shapes are recognizable.
Ancient Magic 2nd 10 Magic papyrus scroll Shape Moonblade Spell
Ancient Magic 2nd 9 Magic tattered yellow scroll Seal of Deflection Spell
Ancient Magic 2nd 3 Magic hairless rabbit's foot Lunar Aura Device
Ancient Magic 2nd 3 Magic ice-blue glass pin in the shape of a turtle Lunar Aura Device Several chips are evident, each a chronicle of abuse from passing years. The eyes of the turtle are missing, but the gaps may have once held tiny gemstones.
Ancient Magic 2nd 2 Magic cracked mother-of-pearl icon Holy Magic Fluff Small unicorns of lapis lazuli are caught in eternal prances along the front, though there is a distinctive horse-shaped gap where the line of animals crosses the damaged portion of the icon
Ancient Magic 2nd 3 Magic bear-claw necklace Life Magic Fluff Only a few brittle strips of cloth and leather hold the assortment of variously sized claws together.
Ancient Magic 2nd 2 Magic bleached bone amulet painted with faded purple scorpions Necromancer Fluff The main piece is clearly the frontal portion of a skull, though since it is only partially intact, the race and gender are a complete mystery.
Ancient Magic 2nd 3 Magic ebony pebble CJ boosts Light Edged skill An enigmatic "H-Da" has been awkwardly engraved on the pebble's curving surface.
Ancient Magic 2nd 3 Magic thin gold token CJ boosts Stealing skill One side bears the engraved visage of a Human wearing a crown, though his identity isn't readily apparent. The other side is home to an etched dragon coiling in wild glee about a crooked tower of stone.
Ancient Magic 2nd 3 Magic darkened ram's horn CJ boosts Quarter Staff skill On either end, the remains of a small ring imply that the horn could be worn at one time, but no longer.
Ancient Magic 2nd 2 Magic small ivory scorpion CJ boosts Multi Opponent skill
Ancient Magic 2nd 3 Magic tiny pink seashell CJ boosts Swimming skill
Ancient Magic 2nd 2 Magic chipped rhodonite ring holds Fire Shard Spell Though lacking in detail, small angular lines engraved along the ring most likely represent a blazing fire.
Ancient Magic 2nd 2 Magic inscribed calavarite brooch holds Arc Light Spell A tiny bird holding a lightning bolt in its beak has been inscribed on the brooch, but time has weakened the clarity of the work.
Ancient Magic 2nd 2 Magic jadeite gwethdesuan
Ancient Magic 2nd 3 Bottomless Jewelry Case Pulls random gweth stones:kyanite, jadeite, sjatmal, lasmodi, Lantholite, or Waermodi stones
Might of the Empire 2nd 10 Weapon steel-plated ironwood crossbow with a sculpted dragon-head cranequin Heavy Crossbow Flakes of pale brown ivory create faux scales along the ornamental cranequin. Though the working parts are somewhat pitted with age, the crossbow looks completely functional.
Might of the Empire 2nd 9 Weapon slightly rusty crossbow mounted with a ironwood goat's foot cocking handle Light Crossbow The handle is permanently bolted to the crossbow's body, which likely makes it a bit awkward to manipulate.
Might of the Empire 2nd 9 Weapon polished ash crossbow with walnut overlays Light Crossbow A copper plate affixed to the tiller notes this is a reproduction of an Imperial crossbowman's speciality weapon.
Might of the Empire 2nd 9 Weapon iron-gripped mahogany crossbow with an oxen-horn prod Light Crossbow This particular crossbow has a long, flat tickler rather than a normal trigger. A small copper plate on the tiller notes this is a reproduction of an Imperial crossbowman's heavy duty light crossbow.
Might of the Empire 2nd 10 Weapon brass-hilted broadsword engraved with flames along the hand guard Heavy Edged The bottom of the hilt is etched with a row of tiny skulls which may be kill markings.
Might of the Empire 2nd 6 Weapon curve-bladed sword engraved with a pair of seven-pointed stars LE: l/l/p r/p One of the stars is set just above the other, below the curve of the blade but above the hilt.
Might of the Empire 2nd 8 Weapon copper-gripped dagger with a flame darkened blade Light Thrown/Light Edged: l/p/p r/d Flames of beaten copper lick the blade from atop the hand guard. From a distance, and in the correct light, the weapon might almost seem to be on fire.
Might of the Empire 2nd 9 Weapon Double-edged blade inset with a small ruby on the pommel

448 Additions

For Tuesday Tidings #214 (March 2024), the following items were added to the displays.

Further information about rooms and skill tiers TBD. Once location information is determined, they can be moved to the proper location above.
Room Flr Difficulty Class Artifact Notes Look
TBD TBD TBD TBD gleaming steel dagger inlaid with stylized onyx flames Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD Imperial officer's rapier with a seven-pointed basket hilt Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD ceremonial dueling iltesh with a filigree-covered cage guard Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD steel Imperial cavalry sabre with a brass basket hilt Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD steel Imperial longsword with a curved crossguard Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD notched Imperial bastard sword with a faded leather grip Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD throwing blades shaped like a seven-pointed star Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD round sipar fire-gilded with a seven-pointed star Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD great helm fashioned to resemble a monstrous black dragon Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD jaggedly slashed breastplate bearing the Dragon Priest crest Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD leather baldric clad in imbricated scales Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD aged clay bowl painted with faded vipers Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD elegant Musparan silk gamantang trimmed in cloth-of-gold Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD opalescent mistsilk veil fringed with damaryn pearls Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD graceful crystal flute etched with a pattern of flowers and vines Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD silver barrette etched with three moons Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD segmented cambrinth ring shaped like a striking scorpion Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD roughly carved stone cobra Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD gold mehath bracelet set with softly shimmering rubies Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD fragile gold por'nidrel arrayed with a wealth of sapphires Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD vintage leather ice skates Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD nightsilk tail drape scattered with constellations Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD brass ring engraved with a dragon coiled inside a rose Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD tarnished silver signet ring with a scratched Imperial crest Added in 448
TBD TBD TBD TBD healer's manual decorated with a goldleaf herb Added in 448


Throne City, Map 35


All information on this page was personally gathered by Kraelyst The Hand.