Enchanting Guide
For those that don't know a burin from a fount.
Enchanting is a craft that consists of three disciplines: Artificing, Binding, and Invoking. (Only Artificing has been released; the other two have yet to be implemented.) Artificing itself consists of five areas: Utility and Fluff, Magical Foci, Fount Creation, Artificing Tools and Wands and Runestones.
Required Instructions and Tools
The first thing you need is a book of artificing instructions from the enchanting society. The book contains the recipes, ingredients, and instructions for each of the Artificing products you can make. There are three, only the master artificing instructions contain all of the projects. The smaller books contain subsets. All three books are for sale in the local Enchanting Society's Bookstore.
Below are the tools used in artificing.
Tool | Used In | Crafted by | Item Crafted From |
Enchanter's burin | Artificing | Shaping and Carving | Burin |
Fount | Artificing | Shaping and Carving | Sphere |
Loop | Artificing | Shaping and Carving | Pole |
Imbuement rod | Artificing | Shaping and Carving | rod |
Enchanter's brazier | Artificing | Blacksmithing | brazier |
As soon as you are able to make a mastercrafted tool, make one of each for yourself and use it. Then work your skills up for the next tier of tool. You will always craft better end-products with master-crafted tools. The best available crafted tools have not been sold yet.
Raw Materials
Now Artificing consists of sigils and capacity so you can work the items you need to work at the quality needed. Most folks including starting folks can use the society-bought sigils and base items, but you should go hunt your own sigils down. Enchanting uses base items from all different crafts. Below are some of the capacity for the different materials.
Material | Type | Capacity |
Silver | Metal | 50 |
Electrum | Metal | 55 |
Niniam | Metal | 60 |
Niello | Metal | 60 |
Indurium | Metal | 70 |
Orichalcum | Metal | 80 |
Belzune | Rock | 90 |
Marble | Rock | 50 |
Granite | Rock | 50 |
Quartzite | Rock | 45 |
Zeltfish-bone | Bone | 70 |
Deer bone | Bone | 50 |
Reaver bone | Bone | 50 |
Alder | Wood | 55 |
Larch | Wood | 62 |
Balsa | Wood | 70 |
Alerce | Wood | 60 |
For a complete list of all the marterials' properties, see Crafting Materials
Sigils come in Primary and Secondary sigils. They have two aspects to them to judge their strength and how easy they are to use. clarity (quality) and precision (hardness).
- CLARITY is the quality rating, like a material's quality property. It determines how pure the Sigil is.
- PRECISION is the strength. Like the hardness property is to weapons, the greater the precision, the more powerful the enchant from the sigil will be. In some cases for instance tools, the precision is what gives your tool speed to do the its particular task, so its also involved in tool speed.
As Kodius stated for all of us - Master-crafted is the quality (Clarity). Potency is how (quality, precision, enchantment capacity of material, imbue mana used, etc) all translate into oomph for that given enchantment. More potency = more damage, charges, effect, etc. One of the challenges with enchantments is they do so much. With weapons or armor its just quality and hardness = P/S/I. Or quality and protection stats = absorb/protect. But each enchantment does vastly different things and so we had to abstract this out a bit into a potency metric.
When you farm sigils you are looking for them in any room in the realms. They are supposedly separated by different seasons and rural and city areas. This has thus far not shown to be the case. They also tend to be the same ones in the same rooms. This means if you find a rare sigil in one spot you can continue to farm them at that same spot in the future. There are currently 5 primary sigils. These are normally the first sigils you find. If you harvest that sigil you should get that sigil. If instead you continue to look for sigils after finding a primary you then usually find a secondary sigil. So make sure you note where you found a specific sigil and you can always go back there for more.
Sigil Harvesting trains the skills Outdoorsmanship, Arcana and Scholarship. I have some idea it may also be using the basic CONCENTRATION you have as well. Concentration is based on the following stats - Discipline, Stamina, Intelligence. With most gain through Discipline and Stamina. You can see concentration when you use INFO.
Sigils are very imporant to the enchanting process. To create masterful items you need high clarity. Getting high precision gives you a few extra little things. For instance in making tools the higher precision is the more speed you tend to get in the tool. If all you have is clarity all you get is a masterful item with no ability to speed up the process. Precision also helps you get more charges in the tool for the item you make. It also makes the item more potent as far as power is concerned. I do suggest however you concentrate on clarity to start with. You want to make at least masterful tools for yourself even if you dont get speed for the craft out of it.
Sigil Types
Sigil Name | Sigil Type | Location/s Found | Season | Notes |
abolition | Primary | city | spring, winter | |
congruence | Primary | city, rural | spring, winter | |
induction | Primary | city, rural | spring, winter | |
permutation | Primary | city | spring | |
rarefaction | Primary | city, rural | spring, winter | |
antipode | Secondary | city | winter | |
ascension | Secondary | city | spring | |
clarification | Secondary | city, rural | spring | |
decay | Secondary | city | spring | |
evolution | Secondary | city, rural | spring | |
integration | Secondary | city, rural | spring | |
metamorphosis | Secondary | city | spring, winter | |
nurture | Secondary | city | spring, winter | |
paradox | Secondary | city | spring, winter | |
unity | Secondary | rural | spring |
First to understand how you do do Sigil Harvesting I suggest you use PERC HELP. This will produce the following information generally:
- > perc help
- As a magic user, you can type PERCEIVE, CONCENTRATE or POWER to determine the mana available for your spells. As you get more skill, you'll also be able to sense mana in neighboring areas.
- As a sigil harvester, you can type PERCEIVE SIGIL to try and locate sigil patterns in the area. Your skill with arcana, perception and outdoorsmanship will help with this effort. Multiple attempts will be required to identify primary and secondary sigils for you to further clarify or scribe.
- Options Available (most are skill dependant):
- PERCEIVE AREA - Checks the room for spells in effect.
- PERCEIVE SELF - Checks the spells in effect on you.
- PERCEIVE MANA - Checks the mana available to you.
- PERCEIVE ALL - Checks everything you are able to sense.
- PERCEIVE SIGIL - Checks the area for enchanting sigils to harvest.
- PERCEIVE SIGIL INFO - Clarifies what sigils have been identified in the area.
- PERCEIVE SIGIL IMPROVE - Attempts to improve a discovered sigil.
- - Opportunities to improve the sigil's stats after a successful perception.
- PERCEIVE SIGIL DISTORT - Potential to change sigil found in location.
THe last five are the key to sigil harvesting. You use PERC SIGIL to start off finding your first primary or secondary sigil and you use PERC SIGIL IMPROVE to improve clarity (quality) or precision on your sigil before you harvest it. Also pay special note on PERC SIGIL DISTORT. This can change the sigil found in your location.
Make sure you have a scribing burin and blank scrolls ready, (means on you when you do this). You can make a burin or buy one in the enchanting society and you buy the blank scrolls in the enchanting society as well. Sigils are pretty ephemeral, and can disappear on you while you rummage around finding the right burin, etc. The sigil will not be there when you return if you have to leave the area to get something.
Here are the steps with a few notes to consider:
- Step 1. PERCEIVE SIGIL until you see the first sigil. It will be a primary sigil.
- Step 2. Decide if you want the primary sigil if so go to step 4, if you want a secondary sigil go to step 3.
- Step 3. PERCEIVE SIGIL again until you see the next kind of sigil, this will be a secondary sigil.
- Step 4. Now we want to upgrade the sigil clarity or precision. Start this by using PERCEIVE SIGIL IMPROVE.
Note - if you want to just train the 3 skills, I suggest you just find the primary and secondary sigil and move to the next room and repeat the process. Turns out the Improvement process does not train all that much but really gets some much better sigils. So you have to decide if you are training or gathering sigils.
Also Note - You will see a small chart that shows you the actions to take to increase your sigil's precision (hardness) and clarity (quality), using your sanity, resolve, and focus. You can even increase your own sanity, resolve, or focus at the cost of one of the other criteria. You do this by doing PERCEIVE SIGIL <Command - make sure to capitalize the first letter>. For instance - perceive sigil Process (Examples of the process are further down in this document). The goal is to keep your sanity, resolve, and focus from reaching zero stars, and to keep your danger from reaching full stars. When one of those conditions happens, you will lose that sigil and possibly die at some point.
- Step 5. Once you have your sigil ready you get your blank scrolls in hand and your burin in the other hand and you simply SCRIBE SIGIL. You now have a new sigil-scroll!
- Step 6. Stow the sigil-scroll and get scrolls (they get put at your feet once you SCRIBE SIGIL). Continue to SCRIBE SIGIL until you no longer get a message about remnants lingering. Note - Scribe them quickly, sigils do not hang around long at all.
BIG NOTE: You sometimes run across the ability to DISTORT. This will allow you to get a random sigil from chosen sigil you decided to work in. So if you are trying to improve a primary sigil, you will get a different primary sigil.
Now I want to point out when you use PERC SIGIL IMPROVE you do not need to do all the improves that appear. Do the ones you want, then use PERC SIGIL IMPROVE again if you want to continue to try to improve the sigil you are currently working on. As long as you dont run out of stars on the sanity, resolve and focus mental stats and dont completely fill up the stars on the danger item you can do as many Improves as you want. You will find a number of difficulty types that show up when you are doing improves. Ive been able to note that trivial ones can move stars by 1 to 3 stars and difficult ones can move 6 to 8 stars. Each difficulty can change by a range of numbers. Till we figure out what those can be use the ones I have here to guide yourself somewhat. I have a feeling we are going to need to figure out how much these can change.
Important NOTE: If you blow a sigil in the improve process or loose it somehow. It will then take 5 Roisaen or 5 minutes before you can find a sigil in that room again. Anyone else can come in and find one there but you wont be able to till 5 min has elapsed.
I also noted that for the three mental states if the stars go to zero you might not loose the sigil but if it goes below zero it will most certainly loose the sigil (and oddly enough it does not show you it went below zero stars). I had one go from 8 stars to 0 stars on a difficult one and I did not loose the sigil. I just happened to note I had 8 stars when it happened. I suspect this means it dropped 8 stars which is no stars left and did not reach the point of removing the sigil yet.
Ok in showing the improve process I am going to show you what you look for as you are doing the whole process. This particular version shows you going after the primary (first sigil) you find. I suppose at this point I should point out that you can get Round Times of between 5 and 12 seconds doing this. However, if you get the first two SIGIL techniques you cut this down to 3-5 seconds (usually 3). These Techniques are as follows: Inspired Sigil Comprehension and Enlightened Sigil Comprehension. There are currently 4 sigil techniques and it does not appear the last 2 are completely turned on at this point. But I suspect they are going to be completely worth getting at some stage.
Step 1 - perc sigil Whorls of dust upon the ground catch your eye. You get closer to study them in more detail. Roundtime: 7 sec.
Step 1 - perc sigil (Notice you see the induction sigil at this point, it could have taken you 2-3 more tries at perc sigil to actually see it.) The sky holds your interest and you wander about scanning it for sigil clues. Though the seemingly mundane lighting you focus intently on an lurking induction sigil. Roundtime: 8 sec.
perc sigil info (Ok notice clarity is 37 and precision is 9. This is how you see what the sigil is if you want to decide if you will just train or go on to improve.) You have perceived a simple (Clarity:37) induction sigil comprised of broad strokes (Precision:9) in the area. You are unable to perceive any opportunities for improving the sigil. Roundtime: 2 sec.
Step 4 - (Now you try to see how you can improve the sigil, note the attempt to check lowers clarity by 1 and keeps precision 9. This does not always happen but it can reduce the clarity. Notice you have no stars in danger and sanity, resolve and focus each have 15 of 20 possible stars. This particular improve has given you 7 possible improves. Note you have 3 that improve precision and 1 that improves quality. The others allow you raise a mental ability at the expensive of another if you want to try to even them out so that you can do more improves.) perc sigil improve You have perceived a simple (Clarity:36) induction sigil comprised of broad strokes (Precision:9) in the area. Focusing all of your mental acumen, you strain to reveal more precision from the sigil. Your perceptions reveal several interesting opportunities, including... ...a challenging, sanity destroying PROCESS for recovering your resolve. ...a trivial, sanity destroying RITUAL to elevate the sigil precision. ...a straightforward, resolve taxing METHOD for recovering your focus. ...a straightforward, focus disrupting TASK for enhancing the sigil precision. ...a challenging, sanity destroying FORM to elevate the sigil quality. ...a challenging, focus disrupting APPROACH for recovering your resolve. ...a trivial, resolve taxing TECHNIQUE for improving the sigil precision. You also take the opportunity to take stock of your mental health. Danger: -------------------- Sanity: ***************----- Resolve: ***************----- Focus: ***************----- Roundtime: 10 sec.
Step 4 - (Now you are attempting to improve the FORM of the sigil that can destroy sanity and will raise the quality of the sigil. Notice this improve has also disappeared from the list now that you have used it. But you raised clarity to 63 and precsion stays at 9. The real key is you lost 6 stars off the Sanity stat on your mental health, so we know a challenging improve can at least remove 6 stars. Really wish they would use numbers here but the stars can be dealt with.) perc sigil form Your mind survives a chaotic break induced by the challenging FORM, and you improve the sigil's quality. You have perceived a detailed (Clarity:63) induction sigil comprised of broad strokes (Precision:9) in the area. Your perceptions reveal several interesting opportunities, including... ...a challenging, sanity destroying PROCESS for recovering your resolve. ...a trivial, sanity destroying RITUAL to elevate the sigil precision. ...a straightforward, resolve taxing METHOD for recovering your focus. ...a straightforward, focus disrupting TASK for enhancing the sigil precision. ...a challenging, focus disrupting APPROACH for recovering your resolve. ...a trivial, resolve taxing TECHNIQUE for improving the sigil precision. You also take the opportunity to take stock of your mental health. Danger: -------------------- Sanity: *********----------- Resolve: ***************----- Focus: ***************----- Roundtime: 7 sec.
Step 4 - (Now you try the TECHNIQUE improve which is trivial to try (means easy), and it will improve precision. Notice TECHNIQUE does not show up again and you clairity
remains at 63 and you improve precision from 9 to 11. It also reduced your stars on the resolve stat by 2.) perc sigil technique You successfully resolve a trivial TECHNIQUE for improving the sigil precision. You have perceived a detailed (Clarity:63) induction sigil comprised of broad strokes (Precision:11) in the area. Your perceptions reveal several interesting opportunities, including... ...a challenging, sanity destroying PROCESS for recovering your resolve. ...a trivial, sanity destroying RITUAL to elevate the sigil precision. ...a straightforward, resolve taxing METHOD for recovering your focus. ...a straightforward, focus disrupting TASK for enhancing the sigil precision. ...a challenging, focus disrupting APPROACH for recovering your resolve. You also take the opportunity to take stock of your mental health. Danger: -------------------- Sanity: *********----------- Resolve: *************------- Focus: ***************----- Roundtime: 7 sec.
Step 4 - (Now you try to improve it with RITUAL another trivial (easy to do) item that will lower your sanity score again and should improve precision once again. You see RITUAL does not show up again and yes clarity remains at 63 and Precision goes from 11 to 13. Note also you lost 2 more stars on the Sanity stat. Good part is the danger level is still not affected.) perc sigil ritual Your mind survives a chaotic break induced by the trivial RITUAL, and you improve the sigil's precision. You have perceived a detailed (Clarity:63) induction sigil comprised of broad strokes (Precision:13) in the area. Your perceptions reveal several interesting opportunities, including... ...a challenging, sanity destroying PROCESS for recovering your resolve. ...a straightforward, resolve taxing METHOD for recovering your focus. ...a straightforward, focus disrupting TASK for enhancing the sigil precision. ...a challenging, focus disrupting APPROACH for recovering your resolve. You also take the opportunity to take stock of your mental health. Danger: -------------------- Sanity: *******------------- Resolve: *************------- Focus: ***************----- Roundtime: 7 sec.
Step 4 - (Now you try the TASK improvement which is straightforward and not difficult but will hit focus but again raise precision. Notice TASK does not appear again, and clarity is still 63 and your precision has gone from 13 to 16. Note your focus dropped 2 stars but you still have not changed the danger stat.) perc sigil task Your focus successfully weathers a straightforward TASK for improving the sigil's precision. You have perceived a detailed (Clarity:63) induction sigil comprised of broad strokes (Precision:16) in the area. Your perceptions reveal several interesting opportunities, including... ...a challenging, sanity destroying PROCESS for recovering your resolve. ...a straightforward, resolve taxing METHOD for recovering your focus. ...a challenging, focus disrupting APPROACH for recovering your resolve. You also take the opportunity to take stock of your mental health. Danger: -------------------- Sanity: *******------------- Resolve: *************------- Focus: *************------- Roundtime: 7 sec.
Step 5 - (Now you could still try some of the 3 remaining improves but none of them really actually help you. At this point you can try to do another improve process using PERC SIGIL IMPROVE, or you can scribe the sigil. For this explanation we are going to scribe the sigil.) get scr You get some blank scrolls from inside your rucksack.
get bur in my ruc You get a simple burin from inside your rucksack.
scribe sigil (Notice you can scribe it again cuz the pattern still lingers) You carefully scribe the sigil of induction onto one of the scrolls, then place the remainder at your feet. Remnants of the sigil pattern linger, allowing for additional scribing.
put sigil in bag You put your sigil-scroll in your traveling bag.
get scr You pick up the scrolls lying at your feet.
scribe sigil (Second scribe the sigil is gone. So you got 2 Sigil-scrolls of induction from that one effort.) You carefully scribe the sigil of induction onto one of the scrolls, then place the remainder at your feet.
This is the basic process you go through to do what folks call the improve game. You play with your mental states to try to even them or raise one at the expense of another and hope you can do more improvements. Personally I have gotten clarity to 99 and 54 on precision but not much over that so far. Any clarity from 91-99 should be able to allow you to make a masterful item in artificing as long as the item you are making is in your skill level. There is no limit to the number of improves you can use if you can manage to keep manipulating your mental states with other improves, though eventually each new improve starts to bring out danger and I have yet to see a way to lower the danger score until one of the last two SIGIL Techniques is actually turned on.