Property:Ability effect is

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Description: A property used for the short effect of a spell.
Type: string

There are currently 602 items in this property, 116 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
+Perception skill, +Reflex (stat)  +
+Defending skill, +Shield Usage skill  +
Very strong integrity magic barrier. Drains inner fire on block. Increases roar cost.  +
Makes enemies flee the room.  +
latent triggered immobilization, mental link to PC  +
Creates a Shaderald to announce arrival.  +
Creates a mirror that scries on a PC (continuous)  +
living vault  +
+No buffs, -No debuffs, AOE webbing  +
+Attunement pool, Attunement heal, Lunar magic users only  +
+Stealth skill  +
shape moonblade to Small Edged, Large Edged, Twohanded Edged, or Staves forms  +
-Shield Usage skill, possibly disable shield defense entirely  +
stunning ward vs. all spells including caster's  +
+Shield Usage skill, Conjures a shield  +
moves moonbeam  +
Create elemental weapons that do electric damage.  +
Slice damage, Cold damage, AoE damage. May knock back engaged targets or push them out of the room entirely.  +
Changes the look and stats of the basic moonblade  +
No stun teleport to hiding using Katamba moonbeam  +

Showing 1 related entity.