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  • Practice command
    PRACTICE <sing> (non-Bards)

    You see: You clear your voice repeatedly. You think you sound pretty good.
    Target sees: <Player> coughs repeatedly and clears her throat -- maybe she needs a drink.

    PRACTICE <sing> (Bards)
    You see: You clear your voice repeatedly, then run through a few short scales to warm up. Whoa do you sound good!
    Target sees: <Player> clears her throat, then runs through some notes on a vocal scale. Wow, she sounds good!

    PRACTICE <stretch> (non-Bards)
    You see: You gently crack your knuckles while taking a deep breath, readying yourself.
    Target sees: <Player> pops her knuckles and breathes deep, trying to look calm.

    PRACTICE <stretch> (Bards)
    You see: You gently crack your knuckles while taking a deep breath, readying yourself.
    Target sees: <Player> smoothly cracks her knuckles and exhales with a new-found confidence.

    PRACTICE <area> (everyone)
    You see: You look around for a comfortable spot to settle in before practice.
    Target sees: <Player> glances around, looking for a place to sit.

    PRACTICE <parched> (Bards only)
    You see: You briefly run a few vocal scales to warm up -- feels like a good drink is in order!
    Target sees: <Player> coughs repeatedly and clears her throat -- maybe she needs a drink.

    PRACTICE <voice> (Bards only)
    You see: You gently crack your knuckles while taking a deep breath, readying yourself.
    Target sees: <Player> smoothly cracks her knuckles and exhales with a new-found confidence.

  • Praise command

    You see: You mumble a word of general praise.
    Others see: <Player> mumbles a word of general praise.

    PRAISE <self>
    You see: You give yourself a well deserved pat on the /> Others see: <nothing>'

    PRAISE <player>
    You see: You praise <Player>'s efforts, supporting her/him with your approval.
    Target sees: <Player> clooks at you, praising you and supporting you with her/his approval.

    PRAISE <item>
    You see: You praise <item>.
    Others see: <Player> praises <item>.

  • Pray command
    PRAY (non-Clerics)

    You see: You kneel down and begin to pray.
    You see: You pray fervently.
    You see: You beseech your god for mercy.
    You see: You continue praying for guidance.

    Others see: <Player> kneels down and begins to pray.
    Others see: <Player> prays fervently.
    Others see: <Player> continues praying fervently.
    Others see: <Player> continues praying.
    Messaging may be any of the above.

    PRAY (in water)
    You see: You lie back against the water, offering up a silent prayer as you drift upon the currents.
    Others see: <Player> lies back against the water and shuts her eyes, offering up a silent prayer.
    Note: you will become prone through this action.

  • Preach command

    You see: You try to preach a sermon, but you really don't have any idea what you're doing.
    Others see: <Player> begins to flail her arms and talk loudly, but mostly just looks like she has no clue what she's doing.

  • Predict command

  • Preen command

    You see: You preen!
    Others see: <Player> preens. Someone's pleased with herself!

  • Premium command

  • Prepare command

  • Procrastinate command

    You see: You realize there are some important matters you should tend to . . . later.
    Others see: <Player> looks thoughful for a moment, then shrugs.

  • Prod command
    PROD <self>

    You see: You prod yourself in the ribs with your thumb.
    Others see: <Player> prods herself in the ribs with her thumb.

    PROD <player>
    You see: You give <Player> a little prod between the shoulder blades.
    Target sees: <Player> gives you a little prod between the shoulder blades.

    PROD <item> (in environment)
    You see: You prod <item> with the tip of your finger.
    Others see: <Player> prods <item> with the tip of her finger.

    PROD <item> (in your hand or worn)
    You see: You give your <item> a little prod with the tip of your finger.
    Others see: <Player> gives his/her <item> a little prod with the tip of his/her finger.

  • Project command

  • Prospect command

  • Protect command

  • Pry command

  • Pucker command

    You see: pucker your lips.
    Others see: <Player> puckers her/his lips.

  • Pull command
    PULL <self>

    You see: You pull your hair.
    Others see: <Player> pulls her hair

    PULL <self> (Prydaen)
    You see: You pull your mane.
    Others see: <Prydaen> pulls on her/his mane.

    PULL <self> (bald?)
    You see: ?.
    Others see: ?

    PULL <player> (player is standing)
    You see: You pull <Player> towards you!
    Target sees: <Player> pulls you towards her/him!

    PULL <player> (player is not standing)
    You see: You strain to pull <Player> to her/his feet, but cannot.
    Target sees: <Player> tries to pull you to your feet, but cannot.

    PULL <item>
    This usage will have a wide range of results depending on the specific item that you pull.

  • Pummel command

  • Punch command

  • Punish command

  • Purr command

  • Push command
    PUSH <self>

    You see: You twitch.
    Others see: <Player> twitches.

    PUSH <Player>
    You see: You push at <Player>, to no avail.
    Target sees: <Player> pushes at you, to no avail.

    PUSH <item>
    Custom messaging for many verby items and for select items in the environment.

    PUSH <Player>
    You see: You push at <Player>, to no avail.
    Target sees: <Player> pushes at you, to no avail.

    PUSH <item>
    Custom messaging for many verby items and for select items in the environment.

    PUSH <self> (in water)
    You see: You try to push yourself around, but just end up getting wet.
    Target sees: Nothing.

    PUSH <Player> (in water)
    Possibility #1 - You see:You tackle <Player>, trying to shove her underwater, but she manages to stay afloat.
    Possibility #1 - Target sees: <Player> tackles you and tries to drag you down under the water, but you manage to stay afloat.
    Possibility #2 - You see: You tackle <Player>and shove her down under the water. She quickly emerges, coughing up water.
    Possibility #2 - Target sees: <Player> tackles you and drags you down under the water. You quickly emerge, coughing water.

  • Put command

  • Puzzle command

    You see: You act puzzled.
    Others see: <Player> acts puzzled.

    PUZZLE <self>
    You see: You feel rather puzzled at the moment.
    Others see: <Player> seems puzzled.

    PUZZLE <player>
    You see: You puzzle over <Player>
    Target sees: <Player> looks at you, puzzled.

    PUZZLE <item>
    You see: You puzzle over <item>.
    Others see: <Player> puzzles over <item>.