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Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 421
Opening and Closing Dates
Passes for the maze cost 1,000 SimuCoins each. Players who are attending Hollow Eve receive some complimentary passes to the maze.
Instance | Opens | Closes | Box Office |
Prime | November 4 | TK | SimuCoin Store |
Plat | November 4 | TK | SimuCoin Store |
Fallen | November 5 | TK | SimuCoin Store |
Official Description and Announcement
The Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze is a massive labyrinth set up in the corn fields of Arthe Dale to celebrate a bountiful harvest! It's fun for both adventurers and commoners, with spooky delights and haunted passageways. The maze becomes considerably spookier at night! With a small token entry fee, you can explore the enormous maze and gain prizes!
Like many other recent events, there's no box office scheduling to deal with! Runs through the maze are individual, and you can go anytime you want, with whoever you want! One ticket in will give you an hour within the maze to explore and even help out the people of Arthe Dale if you like! And if you've managed to get all the way to the end of the maze in one hour, you will get an extra prize!
The Corn Maze is sponsored by the guilds of Crossing, and thus is set up specifically with adventurers in mind. But to keep it more open to the general population, only certain parts of the corn maze are really dangerous, and it's usually quite obvious where. That being said, there is an element of real danger everywhere in the maze, due to some circumstances beyond Arthe Dale's control.
- Protect the harvest by fighting off blight locusts in the northeast part of the corn maze
- Also protect the harvest by fighting off murder crows in the southwest part of the corn maze
- Find people (or animals!) who are lost in the maze and need to be escorted out
- Find specific landmarks inside the maze
- Treasure hunt!
- Keep your wits about you as the haunts inside try to frighten you!
- Watch out for the Scarecrow!
- And more!
Aside from items found inside the corn maze, there will be weapons, armor, clothing, and more!
Outfit Glamours
Outfits are a new kind of magical glamour that work in a very similar way to the item hiders. However, instead of just hiding your existing items, it will also take on the appearance of items that you do want to show, without needing to actually wear them! This does NOT harm the original item in any way, and an item can be glamoured to more than one outfit at once. Up to fifteen items can be applied to a fully unlocked outfit, and there are three kinds: Normal clothing and trinkets, jewelry, and armor.
- Outfits hide everything you're wearing except what is in the outfit. You can still use the 'always show' mechanics to make a hidden item you're wearing visible again, though.
- NOTE: For F2P folks, an outfit will still show the stored item appearances, but will not hide the other things you are wearing.
- Unlike black shadowsilk cloaks or moonsilver pendants, these do not hide or change your features in any way.
- Outfits are generally worn, but you do need at least one item saved to the outfit in order to wear it. You can't wear an empty outfit!
- Outfits also show your item appearances in the order that you stored them. You can make sure you store them in an order that you like by using TURN to select which of your spaces you save each item appearance to.
- The main reason to have jewelry and armor outfits is that you can wear one shimmering outfit, one jewelry outfit, and one armor outfit all at the same time, so if you have an outfit in mind that has more than the allotted slots in it, you can create it. However, you cannot wear two of the same kind of outfit together.
- Province
- Zoluren
- Town
- Arthe Dale (down a path at the hilltop outside entrance)
All mobs flex to your skill level.
- (adjective) blight locust
- (adjective) murder crow
- Harawep's Spider
- The Scarecrow
You can ask the halflings or the gor'tog farmer found within the maze for tasks. Some tasks teach skills. The first ten tasks completed while in the maze reward 10 kernels each. Tasks beyond that reward 2 kernels each.
You may cancel a task using ASK HALFLING FOR TASK CANCEL, but a cooldown timer will be applied preventing you from getting a new task for a short while.
Exploring the Maze
- "Okay, we'd like you to find and touch some of the landmarks in the maze! It'll be fun!"
- "Okay, we'd like you to go find my fellow Halflings working in the maze and give them a good poke in the ribs for me! There are five of them."
- "Okay, we'd like you to go to each section of the maze and let out a good scream! It'll make the corn maze extra spooky. There are nine sections of the maze, but if you scream in five that'll be enough."
Search Tasks
- "Okay, we'd like you to search out some of the grasshoppers that are running around in the maze, snag them and bring them back to us. About ten will do." (Perception)
- "Okay, we'd like you to forage some corn in the maze and bring it to me. Make sure it's ripe! Ten pieces will do." (Outdoorsmanship)
- "Okay, we'd like you to search out some golden tokens in the maze. About ten pieces will do!" (Perception)
Maintaining the Maze
- "Okay, we'd like you to make some scarecrows in different sections of the maze! To do this, find a good spot and BUILD it until it's done. Five total should do it." (Mechanical Lore)
- "Okay, we'd like you to go pull some weeds out from between the corn. It's pretty thick in some areas. Clearing out ten areas will be appreciated." (Athletics)
- "Okay, we'd like you to disarm some of the traps that have been put around the maze by some mischief-makers. Five will do." (Search/Perception Disarm/Locksmithing)
- "Okay, we'd like you to chase out some of the mice that are hiding in the maze. I know they might be cute, but they're pests. You just have to WAVE your hands at them until they run from the maze. If you chase away about ten that'll be great!" (Performance)
Defeating Enemies
- "Okay, we'd like you to kill some of the locusts in the green growth area of the maze. Ten of them will do."
- "Okay, we'd like you to kill some of the murder crows in the ripened field area of the maze. Ten of them will do."
- While not tasks themselves, finding and killing The Scarecrow (rare spawn in locust area) or Harawep's Spider (rare spawn in crow area) can reward you with kernels.
Messaging for Too Many Tasks
"You've done an awful lot of tasks really quickly. You can still take tasks, but they're not going to be worth as much. If you want you can leave the maze and come back in again."
Incidental Loot
- bedraggled tutu with attached leggings
- carmine homespun linen cloak trimmed with chocolate brown ribbon
- enveloping web-patterned pall of lace layered with gauze
- faded red and green kerchief
- glossy crow wings with long satin feathers
- pair of faded blue cotton pants with frayed hems
- neatly made straw hat with a wide blue band
- pair of faded blue cotton pants with frayed hems
- pale golden sash embroidered with "The Corniest" along the back
- plum colored veil embroidered with a tiny shariza in one corner
- woven straw belt dangling sinew-strung fingerbones
- colorful bag appliqued with harvest images
- fiery orange canvas backpack clasped with a cedar button
- pale yellow belt purse shaped like a kernel of corn
- bright copper locust earcuff enameled with gleaming black eyes
- dried cornsilk circlet braided with dried locusts
- pair of glossy obsidian cufflinks banded in silver
- pair of yellow quartz cufflinks shaped like kernels of corn
- round orange hair comb carved with a goofy grinning face
- cambrinth blight locust pendant dangling from a woven grass chain
- cambrinth murder crow pendant strung upon a dark chain
- cambrinth pumpkin pendant strung upon silken vines
- cambrinth scarecrow pendant strung upon suede
- chakrel amulet carved to resemble a bonfire
- dried gourd rattle wrapped in a mesh of beaded cords
- gold and chakrel amulet crafted to look like a flaming skull
- hammered bronze torque capped in soulstone
- soulstone-set armband shaped like a dragon protecting an egg
- thick cambrinth armband carved with a pattern of blight locusts.
- thick cambrinth armband incised with a winding maze-like pattern
- thick cambrinth armband set with a medallion depicting crossed scythes
- thick cambrinth armband shaped like braided stalks of wheat
- bright yellow carved corn kernels
- corn husk poppet with a head of straw hair decorated by bows
- corn husk poppet with crudely painted facial features
- featureless corn husk poppet
- scowling scarecrow doll wearing a tiny straw hat
- smiling scarecrow doll with a large fuzzy mustache
- tattered finger puppet painted like a scarecrow
- tiny brown felt mouse clutching a carved kernel of corn
- whimsical scarecrow doll arrayed with miniature felt flowers instead of hair
- booklet bound in black and white
- fat orange book with clouds painted on the cover
- night black book dotted with bats
- oversized green diary painted with horses
- pale blue book with butterflies painted on the cover
- petite violet notebook engraved with knotwork
- rainbow-hued booklet trimmed in silver
- rounded yellow book displaying a chubby calf on the spine
- small red notebook embroidered with a golden sun
- snow white diary with a ruby rose on the spine
- corn maze pass
- corncob pipe with multicolored gem kernels
- ear of unripe corn (found if you FORAGE by itself anywhere in the maze)
- short-stemmed pipe with a glossy red apple bowl
- simple paper fan painted with a white chicken
- small ankle knife of snowflake obsidian
End Treasure
- Weapon and armor tiers are based on common expectations of durability stats. Please appraise all items in game before purchasing.
- There is now "a wide trail that leads around to the end of the corn maze" that can take you to the original prize room without having to redeem a pass and go through the maze.
- 30 kernel prize weapons and armor are tier 5 durability.
- 60 kernel prize weapons and armor are tier 6 durability.
- 90 kernel prize weapons and armor are tier 6 durability and may have rare materials, special verbs, or other mechanics.
- The kernel cost listed is for Prime. Platinum costs are reduced by 1/4.
Light armor arrangement (30 kernels)
Wide armor display (30 kernels)
Slender weapon rack (30 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
fine niniam appraisal loupe banded with ice-blue thealstone | (added November 25) | |
blowgun darts | ammo | 10x (added November 25) |
bone blowgun with a leather grip | weapon: brawling | (added November 25) |
glaes spider set with a large libger's eye stone | weapon: light thrown/medium edged | 30 stones |
blackened steel machete inset with spectrolite along the grip | weapon: medium edged | 30 stones |
gold-inlaid steel scythe with a carved oak haft | weapon: halberd | 50 stones |
Flat bale of hay (60 kernels)
Large wooden barrel (90 kernels)
Body armor stand (90 kernels)
Long wooden table (200 kernels)
These weapons are tier 5 durability and have special mechanics for magic users.
Item | Type | Details |
darkened steel scythe affixed to a twisted cambrinth haft | weapon: halberd | T5 weapon and holds 200 mana (50 stones) |
wheaten-hued staff incised with myriad runes | weapon: quarterstaff | T5 weapon and a universal ritual focus (50 stones) |
Makeshift counter (250 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
shimmering outfit | hider/glamour | displays any item |
jewelry outfit | hider/glamour | displays jewelry |
armor outfit | hider/glamour | displays armor |
Promotional Prizes November 11 through November 13
Rickety wagon (450 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
thick imperial weave cloth | crafting material | 15 yards |
large tyrium bar | crafting material | 4 volumes |
large silversteel bar | crafting material | 4 volumes |
large icesteel bar | crafting material | 4 volumes |
diamondwood limb | crafting material | 4 volumes |
Promotional Prizes: November 18 through November 22
Small curio that looks slightly larger than it did before (100 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
golden Gnomish gadget | magic | embiggening device |
Silver tray (150 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
sturdy aformosia wristcuff shaped like a baguette | magic | creates food |
Crooked rack (275 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
elongated black haversack clasped with a grey button | container | 18 x 13 x 8 (1500 stones) + Rebecho ties |
cloth-of-gold baldric clasped with an onyx scorpion | container | can hold up to five weapons of any size |
elongated black backpack clasped with a grey button | container | 18 x 13 x 8 (1500 stones) + Rebecho ties |
Large cloth-covered table (500 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
silversteel mesh dagger harness banded with ice sapphires | container | weight-reducer/comes with T5 throwing dagger |
cloudy glass bottle with a leather-clad cork | magic | captures and releases a creature |
Promotional Prizes: November 25 through November 27
Lopsided Wagon (450 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
gigantic vardite bar | crafting material | 40 volumes |
diamond-hide leather | crafting material | 4 volumes |
diamondique stone | crafting material |
Parchment Holder (14 kernels - needs confirmation)
Item | Type | Details |
yellow parchment | title | Corniest |
cornsilk-hued parchment | title | Kernel |
pleated parchment | title | Stalk Stalker |
speckled parchment | title | Corndog |
tattered parchment | title | Corn Fed |
Crooked rack (275 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
elongated black haversack clasped with a grey button | container | 18 x 13 x 8 (1500 stones) + Rebecho ties |
cloth-of-gold baldric clasped with an onyx scorpion | container | can hold up to five weapons of any size |
elongated black backpack clasped with a grey button | container | 18 x 13 x 8 (1500 stones) + Rebecho ties |
Leaning shelf (3,500 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
wide diamond-hide belt covered in oversized pouches | ||
soft grey shadesatin pouch with a clasp of silversteel | ||
spiritwood repair kit with mottled windsteel fixtures | repair kit | repairs weapons and armor (needs confirmation) |
cow-herd's badge |
Silver tray (150 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
arm pouch painted with a sandwich | contains sturdy aformosia wristcuff shaped like a baguette | Creates food |
arm pouch painted with a teapot | contains leather fob bearing a small pewter teapot | Creates tea |
arm pouch painted with a coffee pot | contains stained leather fob bearing a small copper coffee pot | Creates coffee |
Wobbly table (500 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
viscous yellow potion | stat-reroller | reduces all stats by 1/4 |
sturdy claymore sheath of leather painted with a battle scene | ||
dull serpent ring of mottled steel | jewelry | anti-poison ring |
simple scabbard with a golden lion buckle |
Dusty display (5,000 kernels)
Item | Type | Details |
T'kashi mirror coresca | weapon: halberd | T6 T'Kashi mirror weapon |
T'kashi mirror flail | weapon: heavy blunt | T6 T'Kashi mirror weapon |
a tall Gor'Tog
Towering high above the tops of the corn, the Gor'Tog really sticks out in the field. Dressed in purple leather overalls fastened with yellow buttons, the Gor'Tog wanders the cornfield with a book in his hand and a stoic look on his face.
a carefree Halfling
Dressed in green leather overalls fastened with black buttons, the Halfling wanders the cornfield with a single playing card in his mouth and an apathetic look on his face.
a cheerful Halfling
Dressed in brown leather overalls fastened with large silver buttons, the Halfling wanders the cornfield with a stalk of grass in his mouth and a cheerful look on his face.
a grumpy Halfling.
Dressed in black leather overalls fastened with white buttons, the Halfling wanders the blighted area of the cornfield with a pipe in his mouth and a very sour look on his face.
a tiny Halfling
Dressed in orange leather overalls fastened with green buttons, the Haflling wanders the field with a doll in his hand and a neutral look on his face.
a tired Halfling
Dressed in grey corduroy overalls fastened with blue buttons, the Halfling wanders the cornfield with a half-eaten apple in her hand and an exhausted look on her face.
The tall Gor'tog and the Halflings share the same responses.
- corn: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "You're standing in the corn now. We basically have the harvest from one of our bigger fields and left most of it up for now! Feel free to explore as much as you want, it's lots of fun!"
- maze: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "It's huge! I don't know how they did it. But there are several sections to it. About nine, I'd say! The green growth and the ripened field have some aggressive crows and an infestation of locusts inside, but the rest of the maze is pretty safe. Though it gets pretty spooky at night!"
- crows: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "The murder crows are huge pests. Literally. They're in the ripened field, stealing the corn. It's so aggravating."
- fun: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "There's lots of fun to be had in the corn maze! Just ask me if you want a task to do while you're in it, or start exploring!"
- outfits: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "The outfits are great, and the perfect thing for Hollow Eve! See, what they do is magically remember when you APPLY items to them, and then you can wear the outfit all at once! The best part is, you don't need to keep the original item in order for your outfit to have it, it'll save it until you replace it with something new!"
- dragon: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "Yeah, the corn maze is in the shape of a sleeping dragon! It's pretty cool."
- arthe: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "Arthe Dale is our village! It's nice and quaint and quiet. This is the most exciting thing to happen to it in years!"
- dale: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "Arthe Dale is our village! It's nice and quaint and quiet. This is the most exciting thing to happen to it in years!"
- hollow: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "Yep! We're running alongside Hollow Eve this year. So when you get tired of shopping, or dying in their games, you can come here!"
- eve: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "Yep! We're running alongside Hollow Eve this year. So when you get tired of shopping, or dying in their games, you can come here!"
- spider: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "Do you mean Hollow Eve's Giant Spider, or the Spider in the corn maze? Yeah, both of them are pretty creepy."
- scarecrow: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "The Scarecrow is said to haunt the ripened field. It's really spooky!"
- locusts: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "The locusts are terrible! They're all in the green growth. They already wrecked part of the field and then they moved over there."
- blight: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "The blight was caused by the plague locusts. They basically ate most of the corn and poisoned what was left. That entire part of the field is a total loss."
- help: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "You'll need to go back into the maze to help out more."
- escorts: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "Yes, the maze is massive! Sometimes people get lost in there. If you spend too long in the maze, we'll escort you out of there."
- prizes: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "We have lots of nice prizes at the end! We'll give you some silver corn kernels for doing things in the maze, and you can exchange those for the prizes."
- kernels: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "Yes, the silver corn kernels will go in a little bottle that we can give you. Make sure you're wearing the bottle while you're in the maze so that we can easily give you the kernels! They're way too small to just carry around. The bottle's got a little pin so you can stick it on your clothes."
- bottle: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "I can give you a bottle if you don't already have one!" You get handed a tiny glass bottle, which you quickly pin onto your clothes.
- task: A tiny Halfling looks at you and replies, "You're already on a task. I'll repeat it to you! So we'd like you to search out some golden tokens in the maze. About ten pieces will do!"