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Pray command
Pray allows a player to sacrifice appropriate offerings on a compatible altar for favor orbs. There are also roleplaying functions of the verb, particularly for Clerics. The god-specific prayers they can use are:
With renewed purpose you offer up a prayer to Chadatru for the strength to follow the righteous path.
Cleric seems to strengthen in resolve as he offers a brief prayer to Chadatru.
Drawing your fist to your heart, you mutter sternly, "May Rutilor's wisdom and justice guide my dealings with others, keeping me honorable and true to myself."
Cleric draws his fist to his heart, and mutters a stern prayer.
Glancing furtively at the comforting shadows, you mutter, "Botolf, keep me safe from detection and help me escape from the heavy hand of the law."
With a furtive religious gesture and an inaudible litany, Cleric steps back toward the shadows.
You bow your head and say in a hushed voice, "Damaris, guard and protect the children this night."
Cleric bows his head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising his head, he glances to the shadows with a knowing smile.
You murmur softly to yourself, "May Phelim send me sweet dreams and true visions."
Cleric dreamily murmurs a brief prayer to himself.
A faint susurration comes from Cleric's direction, "All honor and reverence be given unto Dergati, that she may be patient with our foolishness and spare our souls from her vengeance."
Cleric offers a prayer to Eluned for safe journeys.
You pray quietly, "Lemicus, guide those who sail on the sea, and bring them back safely to those who wait upon the shore."
Cleric gazes to the distance with a wistful expression and prays quietly.
Cleric throws his head back and howls, "The enemies of Lord Drogor shall drown as the sharks tear them apart limb from limb, and their blood shall feed the lightless depths!"
Cleric raises his fist to the heavens and says, "Everild, may my strength be unwavering against my foe."
Cleric lifts his chin proudly and says, "May Kuniyo guide my steps in the wilderness and my blade in the midst of battle."
Feeling your blood boiling, you bellow, "Mighty Trothfang! I shall strip off heathens' skins to decorate the temple walls as their still-beating hearts feed your high altar."
Cleric raises his fists and bellows ferociously, "Mighty Trothfang! I shall strip off heathens skins to decorate the temple walls as their still-beating hearts feed your high altar."
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, silently beseeching Faenella for your hands to be steady and your touch true.
Cleric takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, seeming to gather energy from a silent prayer.
You recite fervently, "Murrula, protect me as I travel, and grant me inspiration in my music. May my singing fall pleasantly upon your ears, and win approbation from my audience."
Cleric fervently recites a low, melodic canticle.
With an exultant grin, Cleric proclaims, "May Idon's glory shine on us, his charm and wit inspire us and his wrath fall far from our doorstep!"
With a mirthful laugh, Cleric offers up a thankful prayer to Glythtide for his many blessings.
Smiling joyously, Cleric chants, "May Saemaus' blessing be upon your love, that it will bring happiness, joy and laughter to you forever."
Cleric chants solemnly, "May Be'ort's gaze not fall upon your love, nor his ire upon your family. Do not offend him, lest you die in anguish, madness and pain."
You mutter a prayer to Hav'roth to steady and strengthen you.
Cleric mutters a prayer and appears to grow calm.
Aligning your thoughts with the song of the inner earth, you intone, "Softly sing out praises to Peri'el, whose gentle voice lulls the World Dragon in its eternal slumber."
Closing his eyes in utter tranquility, Cleric intones, "Softly sing out praises to Peri'el, whose gentle voice lulls the World Dragon in its eternal slumber."
Cleric grumbles ominously, "May Ushnish's ire not focus on me, nor on my family, that disease and famine may pass us by. May he spare our town from his wrath, lest lava flow and floods strike down."
You murmur under your breath, "Lady of healing, if you get me out of this I'll be good for the rest of my days!"
Cleric murmurs something under his breath you cannot quite hear, and seems to gain strength from it.
Cleric proclaims cheerfully, "Praise be to Berengaria, bringer of the dawn light, queen of the morning!"
Cleric raises his voice in reverent praise, "Honor be to Asketi of the Northern Wind. Spare our fields, and our souls."
You offer a quiet prayer of thanks for handsome reward of hard effort.
Cleric places his hands together in silent prayer. A smile passes his lips and you can't help but notice how he begins to rub his hands together.
Clasping your hands humbly, you murmur, "Good Divyaush, guide my work and don't withhold your vast indulgence from my family."
Clasping his hands humbly, Cleric murmurs a hearty supplication.
You hum under your breath, "Lord Zachriedek, make the lives of my enemies miserable. May their luck shatter and crumble at your touch!"
Cleric hums a foreboding prayer, a saturnine sneer curling his lips.
You glance heavenward and murmur to yourself, "Meraud strengthen my magic that it not fail me in my time of need!"
Cleric glances heavenward a moment, and utters a desperate prayer.
You quietly go over the mantra you learned as an acolyte. "May Firulf's foresight guide my path, and may my magic be the bane of accursed abominations."
Cleric chants a quiet mantra to himself a few times.
Immersing yourself in your faith you murmur, "Lady of supreme beauty, swat others out of my path as I quest for arcane wisdom... for if I cannot have the knowledge, no one will."
With a callous smirk, Cleric murmurs a brisk prayer.
You roll your eyes heavenward and murmur a soft prayer to Tamsine, asking for patience.
Cleric gazes heavenward with a long-suffering look and murmurs a prayer to Tamsine for patience.
Cleric intones serenely, "Albreda send us peace and prosperity, and grant long life to our nation. May her gentle blessings bring healing to our lands."
You narrow your eyes and rasp tenebrously, "May my life not be tangled in Harawep's weaving, and her wrath not sweep like fire across the lands."
Cleric narrows his eyes and rasps tenebrously to himself.
You sigh and say softly, "Truffenyi forgive me for my failings."
Cleric sighs and says a soft prayer to himself.
Cleric opens his arms in a benevolent motion as he chants, "May Alamhif grant us his protection and guidance on our journey back from death's void."
You glance at your surroundings before snarling, "Master Huldah, separate me from all these pathetic mortals." Cleric glances about in disdain and snarls a bitter prayer.
You close your eyes and slow your breathing. Clearing your mind you begin chanting a prayer to the god of the void.
Cleric closes his eyes and begins to chant quietly, his lips quivering with each word as his skin pales noticeably.
You still your thoughts and whisper pleadingly, "Lady Eylhaar, may your frigid caress meet my skin before the vicious sting of Aldauth's beak."
Cleric's eyes become abyssal as he whispers a pleading prayer in a sonorous voice.
You prepare to take lives for the Lord of Torment, grating in an icy voice, "Blood... for... Aldauth..."
Cleric curls his twitching fingers into claws, grating in an icy voice, "Blood... for... Aldauth..."
Rakash Gods
You tap the center of your forehead as you utter a prayer to the Rakash God, "Mrod guide."
Cleric taps the center of his forehead as he prays, "Mrod guide."
With a pat you double check your armor and pray to Coshivi to aid you in battle.
Cleric checks his armor and prays that Coshivi will protect him in battle.
You whisper your prayer into the wind so it will be carried to Enelne's ear.
Cleric whispers a prayer from his mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.
Syralon's Guide to Praying for Clerics
Why Prayer?
Prayer is a free ritual that bestows respectable devotional gains on the cleric. You can pray to any of the Kermorian pantheon of 39, with different messaging (both personally and room-based) for each. Simply >pray immortal, wait out the brief roundtime, and carry on. The timer is approximately ten minutes long. Additional prayers within this interval will carry no RT but will not provide devotion either. Prayer is valuable in combat as well, assuming you're not being zerged by death squirrels or goblins and need every second to survive.
Much has been made of devotion drift as some sort of penalty, but with the removal of ritual devotion caps and the modest speed at which devotion declines, it is not a noticeable hardship to the prepared Cleric. Prayer is quite possibly the best tool we have to slay this evil devotional beast, so take advantage of the kindness/pity of GMs.
Who do I pray to?
As mentioned before, all of the 39 are workable targets. For you wacky clerics that have fur and shed on the carpet, additional gods such as Mrod and Garfield are also options.
You may be inclined simply to pray to the god you get favors from and be done with it. This is certainly an option, and if you can't remember how to spell Kerenhiphopbebop or get confused by the S'Kra and their bloody overuse of ap'ost'rop'hes it is probably the way to go. Still much of the fun of a polytheistic pantheon like we have is the fact that there are gods for everything, ranging from combat to knowledge to more esoteric things like lawn care and after-dinner mints. Additionally, and not to make a value judgment here, most of you worship the wrong Immortal anyway (the proper answer is Albreda).
Many of the day-to-day situations we encounter in Elanthia fall under the domain of one of these many gods, and it makes sense (both from a RP perspective and an evil powergamey one) to pray to the appropriate immortal as the situation dictates. A refresher on The Immortals (whether by visiting a library, using >recall immortal, or sending your pidgeon to the great wizard Google) can help you make the most of these opportunities.
Trader about to sell some gem pouches to you? Pray to Kertigen or Hav'roth to thank them for the bounty.
Corpse get dropped on your feet and about to start playing with it? Pray to Urrem'tier to ease their trip back to the land of the living, or to apologize to him for bothering him yet again.
Hiding your alcoholism? Pray to Glythtide in thanks for that flask of goblin brandy you liberated from that ghoul (and don't think about where it was keeping it, please).
About to visit the inn with that attractive empath you've had your eye on? Pray to Idon in thanks.
Have a strange rash the next day? Pray to Ushnish in thanks.
Too lazy to be spontaneous with your prayers? That's OK too! Unless you're some freakish mutant with titanium wrists and can maintain a constant typing rate of 120 WPM, you probably have scripts for many mundane activities. These too are ripe for prayer, and a simple pray command inserted into your script can not only take care of those pesky devotional issues, they make you look vaguely roleplayish! Try a Damaris prayer before a stealing run, a Meraud prayer before studying a spellbook, a Faenella prayer before practicing an instrument, or a prayer to Kraelyst before making the 30 second sprint from Crossing to the Haven ferry. You may wish to monitor your newfound scripts before unleashing them on the wild, particularly if they involve loops - there's nothing wrong with praying lots, but if you do it wrong you may make people wonder if you've got some sort of Elanthian variant of Tourette's syndrome.
In conclusion, prayer is our friend, and theoretically so are the Immortals. Make them happy and you'll be happy too.