Item:Memory orb
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This is a consolidated page that describes the mechanics of an item with many cosmetic variations, such as Hollow Eve gifts. Please document functionality, verbs, and other important information here instead of posting it on individual item pages. This ensures that all of the documentation is on one page instead of having it scattered across multiple pages; it also simplifies collaboration.
Orb Name | Skill | Notes |
medium-sized silver memory orb | Stealth | STUDY before use; multiple skills possible? |
opalescent memory orb etched with a cage of slender lines | Warding | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a coin | Thievery | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a cowering figure | Debilitation | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a dark cloud | Stealth | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a drop of blood | First Aid | |
opalescent memory orb etched with several linked rings | Chain Armor | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a signet | Guild-only Skill (varies depending on user) | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a sling | Sling | |
tiny copper memory orb etched with an ear of corn | Large Blunt Outdoorsmanship Primary Magic |
STUDY before use; multiple skills possible |
small bronze memory orb | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with an acrobat | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with an anvil | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a arrows and a spear | Missile Mastery | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a crossbow | Crossbow | |
opalescent memory orb etched with an eyeball | Perception | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a flask | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a gemstone | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a greataxe | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a lock | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a longsword | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a maul | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a moongate | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a morning star | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a mountain | Athletics | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a musical note | Performance | |
opalescent memory orb etched with an open book | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a paintbrush | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a pair of parallel daggers | Offhand Weapon | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a pauldron in front of a shield | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a piece of leather | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a prism | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a rune | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with several tiny scales | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a small sword | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a spellbook | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a suit of armor | Plate Armor | |
opalescent memory orb etched with three figures surrounding a fourth | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a tiny shield | ? | |
opalescent memory orb etched with two crossed swords | Parry Ability | |
opalescent memory orb etched with a wand | ? |
- STUDY ORB: :You believe you could INVOKE the memory orb for a <lot of/little> enlightenment on <skill>.
- You focus your magical senses on <a memory orb>.
- The memory orb has a definite magic pattern which you recognize as a Holy enchantment.
- The pattern seems to involve Spirit Manipulation, a variant of the Rejuvenation spell for accelerated consciousness and memorization.
- You focus intently on your memory orb, and it pops like a soap bubble leaving you feeling enlightened on <skill>.
- You've gained a new rank in maneuvering in <skill>. x 1 to multiple ranks depending on the "size" of the orb
- On the invocation of the opalescent memory orb etched with several linked rings, which occurred with a full field experience pool (34/34) in Chain armor; the field experience pool drained to (0/34) for a total of 12 ranks gained. One rank of Chain armor was learned prior to invoking the orb.
- On the invocation of the tiny copper memory orb etched with an ear of corn , which occurred with a full field experience pool 542 (34/34) in Outdoorsmanship; the field experience pool drained to (31/34).
- On the study of the tiny copper memory orb etched with an ear of corn, You believe you could INVOKE the copper memory orb for a little enlightenment on Large Blunt.