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==Khri Thri==
==Khri Thri==
{{:Thief/Ability Tree}}
File:Thief Khri Tree Colored by Magic skill.png|frameless|upright=4
rect 220 680 380 720 [[Khri Adaptation]]
rect 220 620 380 660 [[Khri Avoidance]]
rect 220 740 380 780 [[Khri Plunder]]
rect 420 620 580 660 [[Khri Elusion]]
rect 220 800 380 840 [[Khri Safe]]
rect 620 620 780 660 [[Khri Cunning]]
rect 620 680 780 720 [[Khri Flight]]
rect 1020 740 1180 780 [[Khri Slight]]
rect 1020 800 1180 840 [[Khri Guile]]
rect 1020 620 1180 660 [[Khri Credence]]
rect 620 800 780 840 [[Khri Muse]]
rect 220 180 380 220 [[Khri Silence]]
rect 220 60 380 100 [[Khri Dampen]]
rect 420 430 580 470 [[Khri Insight]]
rect 220 120 380 160 [[Khri Harrier]]
rect 620 520 780 560 [[Khri Intimidate]]
rect 620 400 780 440 [[Khri Endure]]
rect 620 340 780 380 [[Khri Serenity]]
rect 1020 460 1180 500 [[Khri Eliminate]]
rect 620 460 780 500 [[Khri Prowess]]
rect 820 520 980 560 [[Khri Fright]]
rect 820 400 980 440 [[Khri Steady]]
rect 1020 340 1180 380 [[Khri Sagacity]]
rect 220 240 380 280 [[Khri Strike]]
rect 620 120 780 160 [[Khri Shadowstep]]
rect 620 60 780 100 [[Khri Sensing]]
rect 620 180 780 220 [[Khri Vanish]]
rect 1220 180 1380 220 [[Khri Evanescence]]
rect 20 710 180 750 [[Khri Hasten]]
rect 20 430 180 470 [[Khri Focus]]
rect 20 150 180 190 [[Khri Darken]]
rect 220 520 380 560 [[Khri Terrify]]
rect 220 430 380 470 [[Khri Sight]]
rect 220 340 380 380 [[Khri Calm]]
rect 1430 230 1590 270 [[Ambush Slash]]
rect 1430 160 1590 200 [[Ambush Stun]]
rect 1430 90 1590 130 [[Ambush Choke]]
rect 1630 230 1790 270 [[Ambush Ignite]]
rect 1630 160 1790 200 [[Ambush Clout]]
rect 1630 90 1790 130 [[Ambush Screen]]

==Combination Khri==
==Combination Khri==

Revision as of 16:07, 28 December 2024

General information

Khri (pronounced 'kree') is a group of Thief abilities that entail heightened concentration to increase awareness and body control. The term "khri" is used for both singular and plural. As per Gonk on 02/06/2019, The word Khri itself was actually a riff/nod to Ki/Chi/Qi.

  • Khri is considered an in-game secret, but Simutronics forum policies allow it to be discussed openly on the Forums.
  • Each guild leader teaches the full list of khri
  • All khri can be stacked together with no limit to how many can be stacked at once. There is no extra concentration cost for stacking multiple khri at once. Starting multiple khri at once has a skill check. The difficulty of activating a khri is affected by the Urban status of the area, and current confidence level. Positive confidence levels will make khri easier to start while a negative confidence level will make it more difficult.
  • Generally speaking, you will be able to stand and start tier one at 50 ranks in magic, tier two at 100, tier 3 at 150, tier 4 at 250.
  • With 0/5 confidence (neutral, not positive, not negative), tier 3 is able to be started while standing, outside town with just 80 ranks
  • Slot progression is the same as other Magic tertiary guilds, 1 slot at 1st circle, 1 slot at 2nd circle then 1 slot every two circles through 102nd circle. After 102nd circle, you will gain 1 slot every 3 levels starting with 105th circle. You will gain a total of 68 slots from circling with an additional bonus slot at 1st circle for Premium subscribers or for Basic (standard) subscribers an additional bonus slot at either 50th circle or 500 ranks of Inner Magic, whichever comes first. With a total of 74 slots required for all Khri and Ambushes, you will not be able to learn every single one.

Khri Thri

Khri AdaptationKhri AvoidanceKhri PlunderKhri ElusionKhri SafeKhri CunningKhri FlightKhri SlightKhri GuileKhri CredenceKhri MuseKhri SilenceKhri DampenKhri InsightKhri HarrierKhri IntimidateKhri EndureKhri SerenityKhri EliminateKhri ProwessKhri FrightKhri SteadyKhri SagacityKhri StrikeKhri ShadowstepKhri SensingKhri VanishKhri EvanescenceKhri HastenKhri FocusKhri DarkenKhri TerrifyKhri SightKhri CalmAmbush SlashAmbush StunAmbush ChokeAmbush IgniteAmbush CloutAmbush ScreenThief Khri Tree Colored by Magic skill.png
About this image

Combination Khri

When khri were rewritten in 2018, all combination effects were moved to individual khri instead. There are no longer combination style effects.


To see what khri you know simply type KHRI by itself.

Starting Khri

There are a few ways and options for how to start khri:

  • KHRI START <KHRINAME> - Starts the khri immediately.
  • KHRI <KHRINAME> <KHRINAME> - Starts the khri immediately.
  • You can simultaneously start (Inner Magic/150)+1 khri. However, a limitation of the parser prevents more than 8 arguments to a single command, meaning there is a hard limit of starting 8 khri at once (or 7 in the case of adaptation since it requires a damage type as an argument)
  • KHRI DELAY <KHRINAME> <KHRINAME> <KHRINAME> - Starts the khri after a brief delay, but will enhance the ability in most cases.

Unsure if there is a skillcheck involved with delayed start of multiples.

If you are unable to start a particular khri due to it being too difficult, you can kneel/sit/lie down to make it easier. Even when you are able to start a particular khri while standing, you may find that starting it sitting/kneeling still enhances the power of the ability. Most khri require an upfront cost in concentration and a smaller maintenance cost. Some, such as Eliminate require a large upfront cost but no maintenance.

Stopping Khri

Khri will end naturally after some period of time determined by your skill and the difficulty of the khri. They might also end if you no longer have the concentration to power them. If you want to end a khri manually you can:

  • KHRI STOP - Will end all khri.
  • KHRI STOP <KHRINAME> - Will end just the specified khri.

Once a khri has ended it will be on a cooldown for a period of time. This can range from 5 seconds to 3 minutes based on your skills and the difficulty of the khri.

Khri that do not continually drain concentration cannot be stopped, but generally the effects of those khri are instantaneous.

Forgetting Khri

It is possible to forget a khri once you have learned it. This ability can be used at a Guildleader and only once every 30 RL days.

The command to forget a khri is:


Teaching Khri

Player Thieves have the ability to teach khri to other player thieves:


Misc Khri commands

There are a few additional commands associated with khri that add additional functionality:

  • KHRI CHECK - Will display which khri are running, and which are on cooldown.
  • KHRI MEDITATE - Can be used to increase the learning rate of any active khri.
  • KHRI MEDITATE - When no khri are active it will reduce any cooldowns.
  • KHRI HELP - Will bring up this information to read again.


There are 5 tiers of difficulty, and then Special Khri which have a larger one time concentration cost.

  • Tier 1 (8 startup, 2 pulse) : Darken, Focus, Hasten
  • Tier 2 (12 startup, 3 pulse): Adaptation, Avoidance, Dampen, Elusion, Harrier, Insight, Plunder, Safe, Sight, Silence, Strike, Sensing, Terrify
  • Tier 3 (16 startup, 4 pulse): Cunning, Endure, Flight, Fright, Intimidate, Muse, Prowess, Serenity, Shadowstep, Steady
  • Tier 4 (20 startup, 5 pulse): Credence, Guile, Sagacity, Slight,
  • Tier 5 (25 startup, 6 pulse): Evanescence
  • Special (One time cost): Calm (25), Eliminate (35), Vanish (30)

Khri pulse every 12 seconds. To calculate the Concentration Per Minute (CPM) of the various Khri, multiply the X/pulse cost by 5. i.e. Darken has a startup cost of 8, and a cost-per-pulse of 2. Darken's CPM = 10.

Summary of khri information

Ability Type Skill Tier Slots Cost Tree Prereqs Effect
Hasten khri utility Tier 1 1 8 + 2/pulse Finesse Chance for a -1/-2 second reduction of roundtime for melee and thrown attacks, disarming traps, picking locks (creature boxes only), and removing/wearing armor in combat
Adaptation khri warding Tier 2 1 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Hasten Reduces damage from multiple strikes in a short period of time. Each subsequent strike within the time frame is reduced more than the last.
Avoidance khri augmentation Tier 2 1 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Hasten +Reflex (stat)
Plunder khri augmentation Tier 2 2 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Hasten +Thievery skill, +Discipline (stat)
Elusion khri augmentation Tier 2 2 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Avoidance +Brawling skill, +Evasion skill
Safe khri augmentation Tier 2 2 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Hasten, 14th circle +Locksmithing skill, Gives user a chance to dodge a blown trap while opening boxes.
Muse khri augmentation Tier 3 2 16 + 4/pulse Finesse +Alchemy Skill, +Engineering Skill
Cunning khri augmentation, utility Tier 3 3 16 + 4/pulse Finesse Elusion +Tactics skill, +Charisma (stat), pulsing anti-web/immobilization
Flight khri augmentation, warding Tier 3 3 16 + 4/pulse Finesse Elusion +Athletics, Balance heal, chance to catch and return throw a weapon thrown at you
Slight khri utility Tier 4 2 20 + 5/pulse Finesse Plunder Reduces chance of getting caught shoplifting (can reduce to zero)
Guile khri debilitation, area of effect Tier 4 2 20 + 5/pulse Finesse Plunder -Evasion skill, all engaged targets.
Credence khri debilitation, area of effect Tier 4 2 20 + 5/pulse Finesse Cunning Calm all engaged targets.
Focus khri augmentation Tier 1 1 8 + 2/pulse Potency +Agility (stat)
Sight khri augmentation Tier 2 1 12 + 3/pulse Potency Focus, 14th Circle +Perception skill, darkvision
Calm khri utility Tier 2 2 25 Potency Focus, 14th Indiscriminate self dispel.
Terrify khri debilitation Tier 2 2 12 + 3/pulse Potency Focus Single target immobilize.
Insight khri augmentation Tier 2 2 12 + 3/pulse Potency Sight +First Aid, +Outdoorsmanship
Intimidate khri debilitation Tier 3 1 16 + 4/pulse Potency Terrify Prevents engagement
Fright khri augmentation Tier 3 2 16 + 4/pulse Potency Intimidate +Debilitation skill, +Intelligence (stat)
Steady khri augmentation Tier 3 2 16 + 4/pulse Potency Prowess +Bows skill, +Crossbows skill, +Heavy Thrown skill, +Light Thrown skill, faster aim
Endure khri augmentation, utility Tier 3 2 16 + 4/pulse Potency Calm +Stamina (stat)
Serenity khri warding Tier 3 2 16 + 4/pulse Potency Calm, 30th SvS barrier vs Will.
Eliminate khri, shield ignoring, armor ignoring debilitation Tier 3 2 35 Potency Prowess, 60th Attacks using Small Edged weapons ignore enemy's armor and shield. Lasts about 10 seconds.
Prowess khri debilitation, area of effect Tier 3 2 16 + 4/pulse Potency Focus, Circle 14 -Tactics skill, -Reflex (stat), -Offensive Factor, Tactics is PvP only, OF is PvE only
Sagacity khri warding Tier 4 1 20 + 5/pulse Potency Serenity, Level 40 Non-ablative, percentage barrier to physical damage.
Vanish khri utility Special 2 30 Subtlety Silence, 45th Instant invisibility and retreat
Darken khri augmentation Tier 1 1 8 + 2/pulse Subtlety +Stealth skill
Harrier khri augmentation Tier 2 1 12 + 3/pulse Subtlety Darken +Strength (stat)
Dampen khri utility, warding Tier 2 2 12 + 3/pulse Subtlety Darken Decrease stealth hindrance, anti-locate barrier, blocks hunt
Silence khri utility Tier 2 2 12 + 3/pulse Subtlety Darken Pulsing invisibility.
Strike khri augmentation Tier 2 3 12 + 3/pulse Subtlety Darken, Circle 13 +Backstab skill, +Large Blunt skill, +Large Edged skill, +Polearms skill, +Small Blunt skill, +Small Edged skill, +Staves skill, +Twohanded Blunt skill, +Twohanded Edged skill, held weapon only
Shadowstep khri utility Tier 3 2 16 + 4/pulse Subtlety Dampen decrease advance time while hidden, 0RT sneaking in town
Sensing khri utility Tier 3 3 16 + 4/pulse Subtlety Dampen remote view of neighboring room, passive spot on hidden
Evanescence khri utility, warding Tier 5 2 24 + 6/pulse Subtlety Invisibility on receiving a sufficiently damaging strike

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