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Category:Finesse tree

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Taught by Ivitha.

Summary of Finesse Tree Information

Ability Type Skill Tier Slots Cost Tree Prereqs Effect
Hasten khri utility Tier 1 8 + 2/pulse Finesse Chance for a -1/-2 second reduction of roundtime for melee and thrown attacks, disarming traps, picking locks (creature boxes only), and removing/wearing armor in combat
Avoidance khri augmentation Tier 2 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Hasten +Reflex (stat)
Adaptation khri warding Tier 2 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Hasten Reduces damage from multiple strikes in a short period of time. Each subsequent strike within the time frame is reduced more than the last.
Safe khri augmentation Tier 2 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Hasten, 14th circle +Locksmithing skill, Gives user a chance to dodge a blown trap while opening boxes.
Plunder khri augmentation Tier 2 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Hasten +Thievery skill, +Discipline (stat)
Elusion khri augmentation Tier 2 12 + 3/pulse Finesse Avoidance +Brawling skill, +Evasion skill
Muse khri augmentation Tier 3 16 + 4/pulse Finesse +Alchemy Skill, +Engineering Skill
Flight khri augmentation, warding Tier 3 16 + 4/pulse Finesse Elusion +Athletics, Balance heal, chance to catch and return throw a weapon thrown at you
Cunning khri augmentation, utility Tier 3 16 + 4/pulse Finesse Elusion +Tactics skill, +Charisma (stat), pulsing anti-web/immobilization
Credence khri debilitation, area of effect Tier 4 20 + 5/pulse Finesse Cunning Calm all engaged targets.
Guile khri debilitation, area of effect Tier 4 20 + 5/pulse Finesse Plunder -Evasion skill, all engaged targets.
Slight khri utility Tier 4 20 + 5/pulse Finesse Plunder Reduces chance of getting caught shoplifting (can reduce to zero)

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