The First Land Herald/436-01-18: Difference between revisions

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|subject=Ashunara,Aesry Surlaenis'a,Bard,Black Spire,Dragon Priest,Peri'el,Raven's Point,Ru'atin Peri'el,World Dragon
|headline=Assault on Dragon Priest Spire
|headline=Assault on Dragon Priest Spire

Latest revision as of 19:32, 31 October 2021

Article Number: 41
Dateline: 436-01-18

Recently, Yraggahh the Black led a party of adventurers in an assault on the forbidding Spire known to house worshippers of the World Dragon. I was fortunate enough to sit down with Yraggahh to hear in his words about his aims and the outcomes.

He informed me, first of all, that he had previously led a small group to visit the Ru'atin Peri'el on Aesry Surlaenis'a, in order to learn from them — but while there, they were viciously attacked by Dragon Priests. The Priests opened an unstable moongate in order to field their attackers. Two of the visiting party, Qihhth and Sorhhn, bravely leapt through it, only to be seized and sacrificed to the Dragon. A friend to the group, Ashunara, was seriously injured and quickly taken in by the Sisters, who once again closed their doors to the outside world. Yraggahh says he has had no contact with the Ru'atin since, although he did inform them about his plan of attack.

When I asked him why he wanted to attack the Spire, he said, "We sought to bleed the Dragon Priests for renewing their attempts to end the Ru'atin Peri'el. To teach them that for every sister harmed, a hundred of them will die."

The group formed at Raven's Point, then advanced to the Black Spire, where Asherasa performed a prayer to Peri'el, which was joined by many of those present. A cackling could be heard in response, though none of the fell Priests were drawn out. Yraggahh led his team inside.

He told me, "We succeeded in decimating their forces with only a few deaths incurred, mostly thanks to our triage and the quick movements of Lagu and others who could ensure instant travel to the triage location. We have also learned that the Dragon Priests are employing machinery of unknown origin and purpose within the Spire, and appear to be led by an old crone."

When I asked further about this machinery, he described a series of sounds he heard, stone grinding and metal screeching, the distant rumble of gears and chains spinning. The voice of the ancient crone echoed through the area, "Your blood will feed the stones!" There was then a loud thud, and a number of stones in the floor and walls suddenly receded. The stones shifted around with a loud rumble, and a series of clicks emanated from behind the masonry. After that, though, there was only silence.

Yraggahh concluded, "There may be a need for future attacks, as the Dragon Priests did not seem to bend to the lesson. My smolgan and I intend to meet with the other adventurers and discuss plans for the future."

Dragon Priests are the ancient enemy of Bards and, indeed, most of the world. If you have any interest in assisting this party, I'm told you may seek out Yraggahh, Asherasa, or Sorhhn for more information.

In solidarity,

Navesi Daerthon
True Bard, Zoluren's Herald
Editor in Chief of the First Land Herald

Real Date: Unknown Date

Aesry Surlaenis'a


Black Spire

Dragon Priest


Raven's Point

Ru'atin Peri'el

World Dragon