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This list includes visions from the [[Moon mage]] [[Prediction#Other prediction types|event prediction]] ability experienced in 2014.
This list includes visions from the [[Moon mage]] [[Prediction#Other prediction types|event prediction]] ability experienced in 2014.

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{{Visions|date=01/10/2014|vision=A chill suddenly travels down your spine as your sight is seized by prophecy, and the sound of leathern wings fills the air. The city of Shard lies in flames, its streets and walls set upon by massive wyverns ranging in size from a horse to a house. One breathes a huge jet of flame at the sturdy gates, filling your sight with fire. Suddenly the vision abruptly ends, leaving you a bit shaken.
{{Visions|date=01/10/2014|vision=A chill suddenly travels down your spine as your sight is seized by prophecy, and the sound of leathern wings fills the air. The city of Shard lies in flames, its streets and walls set upon by massive wyverns ranging in size from a horse to a house. One breathes a huge jet of flame at the sturdy gates, filling your sight with fire. Suddenly the vision abruptly ends, leaving you a bit shaken.
|sub=Shard, Wyvern |rep= False}}
|sub=Shard, Wyvern |rep= False}}


Latest revision as of 01:08, 22 April 2021


This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2014.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 11/21/2014
A vast view from a high cliff overlooking a small community built upon a beach flows up before you. A dark-skinned Human woman stands at the top as a bald, amber-eyed Gnome approaches.

"What news is there, Witch?"

"The consciousness is nearly complete. I've begun communications. It is primative."

"They didn't ask for anything complex. I won't expend the time, materials or funds to develop something more than what was asked and paid for."

The Gnome mutters. "Not my concern. We'll need to position it in a secure location so that it can observe the comings and goings. Have you found such a place?"

"Allow me a few days to notify the Council. Unless you hear from me again, move it into place and activate it."

"Of course. I can move it when you're ready."

"Are we going to tell the Estate Holders? It might come as a shock for them to suddenly hear its thoughts."

"Again, not my concern. If the Council wishes to explain it, they can do so. It poses no threat, merely to observe and report. Unless that changes, our role was to construct and activate it. We have done so. Our part is done."

The Witch flashes a mischievous grin. "So grumpy! It is an interesting experiment. I wonder what sort of future projects it could lead to."

"Very well." The Gnome turns and departs, leaving the Witch alone once again. She turns and gazes down at the locals going about their daily business, each oblivious to the changes ahead. "Such a small thing, but the potential for so much more. Where will it lead?"

She pulls a milky stone from a ring on her finger and gazes intently at it. "And you shall record this moment for everyone..."

Possible Subjects: Keishalae, Fang Cove Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/02/2014
A red haze clouds your vision, warping and distorting the world around you. As it begins to clear somewhat, you feel overcome with a sense of indignant rage that is not your own, and yet guides your every motion, pushing you ever forward.

Far now from your home waters, still you go on. You will not stop, you CAN not stop -- not until every last one of them trembles in His name!

Regaining your own senses, the sanguine film dissolves from your sight, leaving you only with a profound hunger that lingers in its wake.

Possible Subjects: Drogor Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/02/2014
A creeping dread seeps into your psyche and permeates your thoughts, leaving you with the feeling of damp ocean air tinged with squamous remains clinging not only to your body, but also your very soul.
Possible Subjects: Drogor Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/02/2014
With a waft of briny air, your senses warp and shift, leaving you consumed with fury, though you are not sure of the cause.

The Captain is arguing with you, telling you to change back to his original course, threatening you with the lash, telling the others that they will have your share of the platinum coins when he dumps your ungrateful corpse into the drink when he is through. He does all of this, and yet they don't cheer and holler for him to have at you, but simply gaze at you both with unblinking eyes.

The eyes of the deep.

You stop talking, stop trying to explain why the course must change. With a single thrust, the dagger finds its mark. He lays bloody on the deck for only moments before the others rush forward, drawn to the smell.

The vision recedes from you, leaving you back in the here and now.

Possible Subjects: Drogor Repeat: False

Date and Time: 09/13/2014
A series of visions assaults your senses, rendering you numb to your actual surroundings for what seems an eternity!

First, three scales gleam in the Sun, wet and smooth and sinuous in their movements all the same, yet each differing in colour -- pearled white, placid green, and darkest grey. Next, you feel neglect leading to despair, leading to rage, leading to vengeance. A coldness unmoved by pain or reason. Finally, rivulets of blood intertwine then coalesce, massing themselves into a rough approximation of life! Just as you begin to think you can make out the shape of what the new being has become, the visions leave you.

You feel drained and utterly empty as you realize that but only the briefest moment has truly passed.

Possible Subjects: Drogor Repeat: False

Date and Time: 08/02/2014
An old man sits in darkness. Alone. In his hands rests a cracked crystal that softly glows with a sterile light, illuminating his frosty eyes.

He remains silent, his mind bent inward.

The crystal shatters.

Possible Subjects: Tiv Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/02/2014
Fate hangs heavy on you, almost tangible as it drags at your thoughts and actions. Your existence sends infinite ripples into the world about you, chaotic and unpredictable. Imperfect.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/02/2014
The world darkens and you find yourself watching a bustling crowd in monochrome hues. Interspersed among them, seemingly unnoticed by the crowd, are a handful of beings swathed in vivid purples. Delicate chains of smoldering silver thread through the crowd, binding the interlopers together.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/01/2014
You find yourself shivering on a frozen landscape, the air thin and inhospitable. Snow piles several feet deep about you and rough stone walls rise in every direction. You trudge thoughtlessly through the snow seeking warmth and therefore life.

You eventually reach a cave that offers sparse shelter, however it is currently occupied by a shaggy donkey. Perhaps it will offer enough warmth for you to survive the night. Or at last meal.

Fortunately the vision fades as night sets in.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/01/2014
You glimpse a gigantic shell swarmed by living shadows. Magic crackles in the air though the vision fades before you can properly orient on the source.

Your vision pulls back revealing utter pandemonium. Mage battles mage and massive arcane constructs crash through towering wards.

Around them all the shadows grow closer.

Possible Subjects: Taisgath Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/01/2014
A voice, tired yet powerful whispers through the air, "He will pay for that. Prepare yourself, this will not end without more sacrifice - but I do not intend to splay myself across an altar for that beast."

A youthful echo, "I will not disappoint you."

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/01/2014
A figure floats before you, draped with a a pleated robe formed of overlapping blue, crimson and black triangles. It clasps its sleeves before its chest and the hem of its robe trails along the ground. Where a head might be expected, it has none instead a featureless disk of fuliginous cambrinth bobs gently above its stiff collar.

It carries no badge of office or coat of arms, but nevertheless it radiates order and absolute authority.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 08/01/2014
Soft grey mist fills the air and you find yourself facing an ancient human, her cropped hair whited by age but her cat-slitted eyes remain alert.

Addressing the mist she says, "I have no fear of you, but I am tired. Do what you've come to do, it is my time. On that we agree." As if in afterthought she adds, "And give her my regards."

The mists ignite and as the woman slumps lifelessly.

  • Demosel's fate has unravelled.

An elderly Halfling sits in a stone-walled study, squinting over a gilded scroll through thin silver spectacles. An errant breeze draws her attention as it tussles her hair. She gazes upwards, "She wasn't enough for you? No, I suppose not. Nor will I be. I've seen it in the cards, that and so many other things. But that's just the problem, isn't it?"

  • Amiss's fate has unravelled.

You find yourself gazing out over a forest, your arms draped casually on the balcony rail. Next to you is an elderly human with long snowy hair that frames a sleepless face.

He argues passionately with an unseen opponent, his words muddled but his intent and frustration clear. Apparently, he is losing the argument as he flinches slightly before lashing the air with sickly purple energy. An unearthly howl breaks the silence in response, ramping in intensity as the arcane forces dance through the air.

He topples over the rail.

  • Ealuik's fate has been torn asunder.

Fate hangs heavy on you today, almost tangible as it drags at your thoughts and actions. Your existence sends infinite ripples into the world about you, chaotic and unpredictable. Imperfect.

Possible Subjects: Demosel, Amiss, Ealuik Repeat: False

Date and Time: 05/17/2014
An elderly S'Kra Mur gazes towards you, his empty eye sockets burning with arcane power. Your unconscious mind screams out a warning, pulling you away from these threads of fate before you can examine them further.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 05/17/2014
Halls of marble surround you and shattered crystal panes fill the sky above. An eerie silence hangs over the halls, broken only by the soft flutter and twitter of tropical birds. Indistinct mutterings you're your attention and you turn to find an emaciated gnome wandering the halls. His grey eyes are continually downcast dull, and scant wisps of black hair remain to him.
Possible Subjects: Tozu, Shard Repeat: False

Date and Time: 05/17/2014
An obelisk stands before you, crafted of some translucent material and shimmer slightly with an internal light. Square at the base, it tapers as it rises to height of nearly fifteen feet. Shadows swirl within the monument, slowly drowning out the light. As the final glimmer is extinguished the obelisk explodes into a hail of molten shrapnel.
Possible Subjects: Taisgath Repeat: False

Date and Time: 05/17/2014
Fragments of prophecy slide into your mind unbidden A grey haired man stands on the field of battle. Bodies surrounding him and his crimson robes hide much of the blood and viscera shed this day. A handful of mages rally behind him, none entirely hale, but the shadows are approaching for another assault.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
Chanting filled the air, as dozens of voices overlapped into a faint rhythm of muddled words.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
I found myself amidst a small gathering of dusty scholars clad in purple robes. They huddled about a modestly large excavation in the sunbaked ground chattering animatedly. Several brass spokes jutted from the dig, each capped with a differently colored sphere.
Possible Subjects: G'nar Pethian, Su Helmas, brass orrery Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
The world darkened and I found myself watching a bustling crowd in monochrome hues. Walking among them, seemingly unnoticed by the crowd, was a sharp featured woman swathed in vivid purples. As the crowd carried her away I noticed several more figures awash with purple.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
An elderly Halfling sat in a stone-walled study, squinting over a gilded scroll through thin silver spectacles. An errant breeze drew her attention as it tussled her hair. She gazed upwards, "She wasn't enough for you? No, I suppose not. Nor will I be. I've seen it in the cards, that and so many other things. But that's just the problem, isn't it?"
Possible Subjects: Amiss Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
Soft grey mist filled the air and I found myself facing an ancient human, her cropped hair whited by age but her cat-slitted eyes remained alert.

Addressing the mist she said, "I have no fear of you, but I am tired. Do what you've come to do, it is my time. On that we agree." As if in afterthought she added, "And give her my regards."

The mists ignited as the woman slumped lifelessly.

Possible Subjects: Demosel Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
An old man sat in darkness. Alone. In his hands rested a cracked crystal that softly glowed with a sterile light, illuminating his frosty eyes.
Possible Subjects: Tiv Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
A voice filled my mind, "I see you Defiler. I claim you."
Possible Subjects: Pelag ai Aldam Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
I saw nothing of the future. No visions formed. No knowledge flooded my mind. It was only after several long moments of observation that I realized the shadows about me were lengthening, deepening and a persistent unease burrowed into me.

Moments after I became aware of the phenomenon it faded away.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
I glimpsed a gigantic shell swarmed by living shadows. Magic crackled in the air though the vision faded before I could properly orient on the source.
Possible Subjects: Taisgath Repeat: True

Date and Time: 04/25/2014
I found myself soaring through the air, a crow accompanying me on each side. The wind tugged at my clothing as a sense of freedom filled me. I heard a cry to the left causing me to look towards the crow on that side. Crimson dribbled from its peppered brown feathers as its flight grew increasingly erratic.

It fell in silence.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/03/2014
Silvery threads stretch delicately in every direction forming an impossibly complex web. A thin haze of smoke overlays the vision as several nodes slowly smolder.
Possible Subjects: Web of Fate Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/02/2014
An elderly Elf, angular of face with silver-flecked eyes, gazes out over a forest landscape. His vision seems locked on a distant mountain peak. "I will need to answer this, you know. They won't. They lack the resolve."

A quiet voice behind you replies, "They'll blame us. They've never understood, even the few who try."

"Let them. It changes nothing."

Possible Subjects: Karosti, Children of Kalestraum Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/02/2014
Five towers of light spring into being about you. They are aglow with chilly starlight, solid and seemingly eternal. Yet as you watch, fissures, dark as the void, spiderweb through each of them, causing one to explode in a shower of searing fragments.

The remainder resist. For a time. Until the top of another tower implodes, leaving naught but a ragged stump behind.

The remaining three continue to struggle, though the fissures are now a vast network of absolute darkness, until, they too, can stand no more and crumble into motes of dying light.

Possible Subjects: Moon Mage Repeat: True

Date and Time: 02/02/2014
A figure suddenly appears before you that of a skinny Human with pale skin and short red hair. His hands are awash with blood that slowly pools around his feet as he stands motionless. His eyes slowly focus on you and a slight sneer creeps onto his face.

"So easy. So foolish. One has fallen already and we've barely begun. Go ahead, look towards your prophecies. This only ends one way."

Possible Subjects: Pelag ai Aldam Repeat: True

Date and Time: 01/14/2014
Your vision shifts, and you find yourself soaring high above your mountaintop home. Lights sparkle in a large circle somewhere to the east, proven to be fine hunting grounds filled with fat and delicious creatures. Though many strange holes in space have been opening to other lands, you consider this home. The pale but delicious creatures begin to climb up your home, some of them wielding sharp metal sticks and strange magic. You turn to release your flame upon them to char them to cinders, when your vision suddenly returns to normal.
Possible Subjects: Wyvern Repeat: False

Date and Time: 01/12/2014
Your senses spin and warp as a vision fully overcomes you. Unsteadily, you lurch forward upon the unnaturally smooth ground, your talons marring it with deep furrows as you do. The creatures make soft mewling noises as they rush past you, disintegrating into sweet, wet squishes and sharp crunches between your jaws. The food comes right to you here! You stretch your still-weak wings, testing them once more. Not yet. Soon. Eat more. Eat more. Eat more. Eat more. A sharp pain disrupts these thoughts, and, as you regain your senses, the vision dissipates, though faint echos of a great hunger linger.
Possible Subjects: Wyvern Repeat: False

Date and Time: 01/11/2014
Wind rushes past your wings, warmed by the blasts of fire you let loose upon the tiny, squirming, pale things far below. Your young ones squeal as they bite into the toasted remains. Soon they will be the ones soaring as you do, and for them you venture out like this. Every mother must teach her children! You swoop in low, modeling the hunter's form as you snap off a warm bit of flesh from some being you barely register as having been alive. Its blood fills your jaws, hot and metallic, and you know deep within you that this is your purpose. Suddenly the euphoric blood-lust is ripped from you and your vision snaps back to the mundane, though a faint iron-like tinge still clings to your tongue.
Possible Subjects: Wyvern Repeat: False

Date and Time: 01/10/2014
A chill suddenly travels down your spine as your sight is seized by prophecy, and the sound of leathern wings fills the air. The city of Shard lies in flames, its streets and walls set upon by massive wyverns ranging in size from a horse to a house. One breathes a huge jet of flame at the sturdy gates, filling your sight with fire. Suddenly the vision abruptly ends, leaving you a bit shaken.
Possible Subjects: Shard, Wyvern Repeat: False