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[[:Category:Ulf%27Hara|< Return to the Keep]]

The Ruins of Ulf'Hara [[page type is::event|Quest]] is a [[Simutronics]]-run paid quest that was announced in March 2016.
The Ruins of Ulf'Hara [[page type is::event|Quest]] is a [[Simutronics]]-run paid quest that was announced in March 2016. A variation of this event was run, with an expanded loot table, in July 2017 as the [[Return to the Keep]] event.

On Monday March 14, 2016 the Ruins of Ulf'Hara were announced to players via email. <br> <br>

:;Ulf'Hara's Secrets

As March draws to a close and April dawn's, a new quest is coming to [[DragonRealms]]! [[Alret]]'s [[Elpalzi]] forces have been quiet since the construction of [[Drathrok's Duskruin]] on their doorstep, but all signs are indicating increased activity within the [[Sorrow's Reach|Reach]] once again. Small scouting parties have been spotted near [[RanikMap8|Fort Motte]] and the ruins of [[Ulf'Hara Keep|Ulf'Hara]].

What treasures were left behind when [[Ulf'Hara Keep]] was destroyed? What secrets remain buried in the vaults? And who is returning to coordinate the efforts to secure and protect [[Zoluren]]'s treasures from the Elpalzi?

Keep an eye out for more information, coming soon!

;Q - What's different about this event?
:A - This is another evolution of our [[quest]] system. Similar to [[Duskruin]], this event requires a pass that's purchased from the [[Simucoin]] store. However, unlike Duskruin, this event is more like our historical quests such as [[Akigwe's Legacy]] or the [[Quelling the Riot|Prison Riot]] quests where you have missions to complete in a given time.

:But! There's no Box Office scheduling to deal with! You don't need to coordinate with your friends in advance for which run you want to go on together. You don't need to hope you all get into the same run, or that everyone shows up on time. You can go anytime you want, 24/7, with whoever you want! Your missions are individual-based, but many of them complement one another!

:A single pass will grant you one hour within the quest area to complete as many missions as you can. Completing more missions allows you to claim greater rewards, and you can wait to select your treasure until a later run if you want to save up!

;Q - When can I go?
:A - A good question! '''Zukir''''s guardsman will take up positions at the common portal locations in the game '''Wednesday evening, March 23'''rd. We're tentatively aiming for around 8-9PM Eastern!

;Q - How do I go?
:A - Head on over to the Simucoin store and purchase an '''Ulf'Hara summons'''. This grants you one hour of access to the quest area. These passes do NOT bond, and they do NOT auto-redeem upon delivery. You can sell or trade them for in-game coins and items if you like!

:To redeem your summons, seek out the NPC guardsman at the common portal locations -- check {{tt|NEWS 4 1}} or {{tt|PREMIUM 3}} (if you're a Premium subscriber). Once you {{tt|REDEEM}} the summons, {{tt|ASK}} the guard for {{tt|ACCESS}}, and he'll move you in!

;Q - What do I do while I'm there?

:A - Recover and protect [[Zoluren]]'s treasures, of course! You'll start in the staging area with Lord Zukir, who hands out all {{tt|TASK}}s needing to be done. Just {{tt|ASK ZUKIR FOR TASK}} to be given your first mission. There's a wide variety of missions, and [[Empath]]s aren't forced into combat missions either!

:Here's a handful of the potential missions:

::Kill the invading Elpalzi, undead and bandits!
::Disarm traps and claim the treasures inside!
::Solve tricky combination lock puzzles!
::Escort disoriented guardsmen and adventurers to safety!
::Recover treasures from creatures or the ruins!
:::And more!
:Keep an eye out for named bosses, too!

;Q - How should I prepare?
:A - Don't bring anything you don't want to lose -- death is possible! You will {{tt|DEPART}} to an area within the quest zone, so be sure you have plenty of favors! Don't forget to {{tt|DEPART ITEMS}} or {{tt|FULL}} to keep your stuff! Bring some herbs for healing!

;Q - How long does this event last?
:A - The Ruins of Ulf'Hara will run from '''Wednesday, March 23rd through Sunday, April 17th''', but the Simucoin store will stop selling the summons on '''Saturday, April 16th'''!
:The event lasts for over 3 weeks, and you can go any time you want, 24/7, but don't wait too long! It may be a while before this event returns! Use your summons while you can, or sell them to other adventurers eager to go!

{{Special:Prefixindex|prefix=Ruins of Ulf'Hara/|hideredirects=1|stripprefix=1}}

==Quest Gifts==
==Quest Gifts==
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*{{sloot|i|agate signet ring with a stylized gladiolus}}
*{{sloot|i|agate signet ring with a stylized gladiolus}}

===Incidental Loot===
See [[Ruins of Ulf'Hara/Incidental_loot]].

==Incidental Loot==
===End Loot===
* Completing a {{com|task}} adds one task credit to a per-account pool.
*{{sloot|w|steel boarding axe with a driftwood handle}}

*{{sloot|s|golden warrior's shield embossed with massive dragon's head design}}

*{{sloot|a|gleaming platinum cuirass trimmed with channel-set garnets}}
*{{sloot|a|heavy plate greaves stamped with a stylized ivy pattern}}

*{{sloot|i|elegant black gossamer gown with a floral beaded bodice}}
*{{sloot|i|sapphire blue satin gown with a lace chiffon overskirt}}
*{{sloot|i|pale grey Elven wool cloak secured with an opal brooch}}

*{{sloot|i|delicate gold necklace displaying a magnificent Gemfire ruby}}
*{{sloot|i|elegant ivory cameo pendant}}
*{{sloot|i|pair of glistening flame opal chandelier earrings}}

*{{sloot|i|crimson glass ring}}
*{{sloot|i|platinum ring shaped like a coiled snake holding a cambrinth orb in its mouth}}
*{{sloot|i|rot-brown glass ring}}

*{{sloot|i|little black book embossed with a tiny rose in the corner (2)|little black book embossed with a tiny rose in the corner}}
*{{sloot|i|water-filled crystal sphere}}
*{{sloot|i|finely grained osage picnic basket}}

==End Treasure==
* Completing a {{com|task}} adds one task credit to a per-character pool.
* You can use multiple summons build task credits for the treasure you like.
* You can use multiple summons build task credits for the treasure you like.
* You can {{com|read}} the painted sign in the treasure room to find out your score.
* You can {{com|read}} the painted sign in the treasure room to find out your current credits.
* Spent task credits will be subtracted from your pool.
* Spent task credits will be subtracted from your pool.
* Task credits cannot be transferred to other characters or accounts.
* Task credits cannot be transferred to other accounts.
* Each tier requires one less task credit in the [[Platinum]] instance (so 2/5/8).
* Each tier requires slightly fewer credits in the [[Platinum]] instance (so 2/5/8/18).
See [[Ruins of Ulf'Hara/End loot]] for prizes and prices.

===Flat-topped trunk (3 task credits)===
*{{sloot|w|ebony nightstick with platinum bands}}
*{{sloot|a|small plate armor engraved with a bold thunder ram upon the chestpiece}}
*{{sloot|w|ironwood quarterstaff with platinum bands}}
*{{sloot|w|reinforced longsword decorated with an inlaid wrecked castle}}
*{{sloot|i|long steel-framed aquarium}}
*{{sloot|i|wide glass terrarium with carved ebony sides}}
*{{sloot|i|tall glass terrarium with carved mahogany sides}}
*{{sloot|i|black velvet sack trimmed with silver satin piping (2)|black velvet sack trimmed with silver satin piping}}
*{{sloot|w|iron two-handed sword with an ox-skull grip (2)|iron two-handed sword with an ox-skull grip}}
*{{sloot|i|folding camp stool with a canvas seat}}
*{{sloot|w|elm-shafted spear}}
*{{sloot|i|plain white cloth doll}}
*{{sloot|i|crimson crystal-inset ring}} (eye changer)
*{{sloot|i|supple black leather satchel embossed in silver with a raven clutching a wheat sheaf}}
*{{sloot|w|spiked steel hammer with a mahogany handle}}
*{{sloot|w|steel warring axe with a teak handle}}
*{{sloot|w|steel schiavona with a gilded brass hilt}}
*{{sloot|w|folded-steel short sword with a polished ebony hilt}}
*{{sloot|a|blackened chain hauberk}}
*{{sloot|i|black silk sack}}
*{{sloot|i|white jade comb carved with sinuous dragons}}
*{{sloot|i|golden silk sack}}
*{{sloot|i|potency crystal}}
*{{sloot|i|infuser stone}}

===Simple shelf (6 task credits)===
*{{sloot|i|satinwood lute case with a braided leather strap}}
*{{sloot|i|scarlet silk sack}}
*{{sloot|w|elaborately engraved war sword with a brass knuckle guard}}
*{{sloot|w|belaying pin carved from a block of mahogany}}
*{{sloot|w|copperwood maul with a head shaped like a snarling bear}}
*{{sloot|w|short sword with a hammered bronze handguard (2)|short sword with a hammered bronze handguard}}
*{{sloot|w|iron-hafted mace with a brass snarling boar's head}}
*{{sloot|i|wide steel-framed aquarium}}
*{{sloot|a|skull helm formed from segmented bone plates}}
*{{sloot|i|small portable scale}}
*{{sloot|i|supple leather telescope case}}
*{{sloot|i|cerulean silk sack}}
*{{sloot|i|sea-blue moneybelt of thick leather worked with a cresting wave pattern}}
*{{sloot|w|watered steel spatha set with a frost opal pommel}}
*{{sloot|w|polished steel gladius with a lapis lazuli hilt}}
*{{sloot|w|ash pilum with a steel tip}}
*{{sloot|w|steel pugio with an ivory hilt}}
*{{sloot|a|lamellar hauberk with large steel plates fastened horizontally around the torso}}
*{{sloot|s|curved tower shield painted with a rayed sun on a deep crimson background}}
*{{sloot|w|gilt scepter with silver inlaid handle}}
*{{sloot|w|triple-headed iron chain flail with a heavy mahogany haft (2)|triple-headed iron chain flail with a heavy mahogany haft}}
*{{sloot|w|steel kaskara with an ebony hilt}}
*{{sloot|w|steel-banded gavel with an ironwood handle}}
*{{sloot|w|steel hara with an ebony handle}}

===Treasure table (9 task credits)===
*{{sloot|i|enruned bone staff}} (4x runestone holder)
*{{sloot|i|coral-pink glass ring}} (eye changer)
*{{sloot|a|horned helm covered with red enamelled plates}}
*{{sloot|w|steel scythe with a pure white spiritwood handle}}
*{{sloot|i|small book bound in crimson fabric titled "In Freedom's Name"}} (can make a lockpick every 6 hours)
*{{sloot|i|garnet-eyed enamelled mermaid grasping a tiny brass conch shell}} (lighter)
*{{sloot|i|smoky glass pin shaped like a miniature goat}} ([[item:Wooden_pin_with_a_silver_goat_charm_suspended_within|goat pin]], looks like)
*{{sloot|i|tinker's tine}} (25 charges)
*{{sloot|i|delicate platinum armband hung with a constellation of tiny stars}} (adjustable [[constellation]] shapes, '''not''' a [[Luckstone]])
*{{sloot|i|onyx-eyed viper charm}} (snake charm)
*{{sloot|i|small red salamander meticulously crafted from red gold}} (lighter)
*{{sloot|i|crystal wand}} (changes the color of certain items?)
*{{sloot|i|wool cloak}} (changes appearance based on the weather)
*{{sloot|w|windsteel battle axe with an ebony handle}}
*{{sloot|i|watered steel sigilated ring ensconced with pure white spiritwood}} (Warrior Mage sigilated ring, water-attuned)
*{{sloot|w|elaborately engraved windsteel cinquedea with long brass guards}}
*{{sloot|w|deep blue brass-capped rod}} (frost rod that immobilizes target)
*{{sloot|i|mask voucher}} (2 feature alterations)
*{{sloot|i|blue quartz ring with a platinum band}} (Creates soul shield)
*{{sloot|w|twisted ironwood staff topped with a piece of cambrinth carved into the shape of a destroyed castle}}
*{{sloot|w|elaborately engraved back-sword with a brass knuckle guard}}
*{{sloot|i|Vatari voucher}}
*{{sloot|i|Rebecho voucher}}

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*[[Inavia]]: A hint of pride and amusement plays across Zukir's features as he says, "A bit of a spitfire and beautiful like her mother. Reminds one of her grandfather."
*[[Inavia]]: A hint of pride and amusement plays across Zukir's features as he says, "A bit of a spitfire and beautiful like her mother. Reminds one of her grandfather."

===Lost Adventurer===
The lost adventurers can either be default NPCs or players who ask to help Zukir.

Default adventurers wear the following:
*He/She is wearing standard guardsmen clothing -- a cloak, armor, a sheath and worn boots. A crest of the local authorities adorns some items, but otherwise nothing particularly stands out in the attire.

Adventurers based on volunteer PCs wear the following:
*He/She is wearing typical adventurer attire -- a mix of utilitarian armor and weaponry with minimal embellishments along with a smattering of jewelry and loose clothing tucked on, in and around the armor.

*[[Elpalzi]]: Doroth says, "They've been menacing Zoluren for decades. First with Lord Sorrow, and now they're back with Alret and his goons. They're the ones who destroyed this Keep. They've been making moves on the old Fort Motte ruins, even trying to restore it, but Zukir will see to it that they don't keep it."
*'''undead''': She sighs. "Many died in the explosion -- prisoners in the dungeons, friends and family of the royal family, servants and so many more. Now, many of them have risen up in undeath, no doubt the handiwork of some necromancer or another. It's just another wound the Elpalzi have inflicted on Zoluren."
*'''bandits''': She shakes her head and says, "The Middens is a rough place to live. People scrounge for enough scraps of food just to see another day. Many valuables and treasures of Zoluren are still buried amid the rubble. A piece of jewelry worn by the royals could change the life of any one of these louts, and so they swarm in, seeking anything they can find."
*'''task''': Doroth gazes at you, confused. "I sure hope you know your way around, because I'm in no condition to be leading myself."
*[[Zukir]]: Doroth rubs at her head and says, "He sent me in to complete a mission, like you, but there weren't enough of us. My team was overwhelmed, and I barely escaped. I know not what happened to my friends, or where I am. In my haste to get away, I must have whacked my head...or THEY did. It smarts, and it's hard to think straight."

{{cat|Ulf'Hara, Microtrans events}}

Latest revision as of 17:50, 16 September 2023

< Return to the Keep


The Ruins of Ulf'Hara Quest is a Simutronics-run paid quest that was announced in March 2016. A variation of this event was run, with an expanded loot table, in July 2017 as the Return to the Keep event.


Quest Gifts

For Entering the Instance

For Helping Zukir

TIP: You can ASK ZUKIR ABOUT HELP to dedicate yourself to the effort, even when you're not there!


Incidental Loot

See Ruins of Ulf'Hara/Incidental_loot.

End Loot

  • Completing a TASK adds one task credit to a per-account pool.
  • You can use multiple summons build task credits for the treasure you like.
  • You can READ the painted sign in the treasure room to find out your current credits.
  • Spent task credits will be subtracted from your pool.
  • Task credits cannot be transferred to other accounts.
  • Each tier requires slightly fewer credits in the Platinum instance (so 2/5/8/18).

See Ruins of Ulf'Hara/End loot for prizes and prices.



You see Lord Zukir Dyth Sanyu Blarstil of Zoluren, a Human Paladin.
He has piercing hazel eyes. His liberally grey-streaked russet hair is worn tied back with a leather cord. He has a deformed left ear with a scar running from his temple to left shoulder.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a polished steel helm, a deep azure cloak bearing the crest of the Zoluren, a sable leather harness, some polished ceremonial steel full plate chased with silversteel gladiolus scrollwork, a crisp white linen shirt, a cambrinth armband, a heavy steel heraldic shield emblazoned with a stylized mother-of-pearl gladiolus, some polished steel gauntlets with articulated steel knuckles, a wide silver ring bearing the crest of Zoluren, a dark silk sash embroidered with the crest of Zoluren, an albredine crystal ring, some black buckskin pants and some heavy black leather boots clasped with silver buckles.


  • Ulf'Hara: Zukir mumbles something under his breath then exclaims, "It's where you're standing, you daft fool!"
  • Ughtensgard: Lord Zukir mutters, "Who calls it that? That's what it was called in the history tomes. It's been Ulf'Hara Keep as long as I've been alive." He winces as he gazes towards the rubble and adds, "The ruins of Ulf'Hara Keep, now."
  • supplies: Zukir glances at the nearby supply wagon and those gathered about it. Some unload crates and barrels while others open them and disperse their contents into sacks. "They assemble them. Each contains food, torches and more to support the activities taking place inside. If you're in need of supplies, ask for them."
  • escorts: Guardsman, folks of the Middens and even other adventurers such as yourself have gone into the ruins and not come back out. The problem with bringing in inexperienced individuals is they don't know what to do when things go awry! Don't be one of them fools!"
  • mercenaries: Lord Zukir remarks, "Needed at times, I suppose. Although I find good, honest guard-work more rewarding for myself."
  • guards: Lord Zukir says, "I started as one. I was proud of my work, too. It's why I'm back now, to serve Zoluren again in a time of need."
  • Grishnok: Zukir scrunches his face into a scowl and stares at you.
  • Zoluren: Zukir impatiently scowls. "You're here, in it. Look around. Its value is high and worthy of the utmost protection and sacrifice."
  • Therengia: Zukir simply states, "The Baron is a good man who maintains a confident loyalty in his people."
  • Ilithi: Zukir replies, "I hear the city is nice, but I wouldn't know."
  • Qi: Zukir scowls. "Nothin' but Traders and Pirates...if there is a difference."
  • Forfedhdar: Zukir grunts. "That General Bazrid, he knows his stuff."
  • Outcasts: Lord Zukir tugs at his deformed ear and scowls.
  • Jomay: Lord Zukir just stares at you, his left hand absently moving to his malformed left ear and along the scar that runs the length of his face.
  • Necromancers: Zukir's eyes narrow as he focuses on you. "What about them? You have something to confess, Gnome? I can summon High Priestess Tallis."
  • Cdaisa: Zukir responds, "I'm very happy with my beloved, thank you. Not that it's any of your business! Get back to work! More Elpalzi are coming!"
  • thieves: With a sharp look in your direction, Zukir grunts, "I routed the vermin and good riddance to 'em!"
  • Elpalzi: "Prince Vorclaf was a kind and fair man," Zukir says. "He gave them land and a place of their own, and they live peacefully for the most part. It's a shame these young hooligans of Alret's don't appreciate what they have. It seems that feeling that someone owes you something can be a very powerful driving force." He shifts his gaze over the ruins and sighs.
  • Alret: "Prince Vorclaf was a kind and fair man," Zukir says. "He gave them land and a place of their own, and they live peacefully for the most part. It's a shame these young hooligans of Alret's don't appreciate what they have. It seems that feeling that someone owes you something can be a very powerful driving force." He shifts his gaze over the ruins and sighs.
  • Arilana: With pride and emotion, Zukir says, "May the Immortals bless Her Highness for the rest of her days. She's done her best to keep the province running and Prince Belirendrick safe, despite what the naysayers spew."
  • Vorclaf: With profound sadness, Zukir says, "Never will we see a better man in our time."
  • Belirendrick: Lord Zukir sternly responds, "That would be His Highness, Prince Belirendrick to you. Grown into a fine young gentleman, so much like his father."
  • Inavia: A hint of pride and amusement plays across Zukir's features as he says, "A bit of a spitfire and beautiful like her mother. Reminds one of her grandfather."

Lost Adventurer

The lost adventurers can either be default NPCs or players who ask to help Zukir.

Default adventurers wear the following:

  • He/She is wearing standard guardsmen clothing -- a cloak, armor, a sheath and worn boots. A crest of the local authorities adorns some items, but otherwise nothing particularly stands out in the attire.

Adventurers based on volunteer PCs wear the following:

  • He/She is wearing typical adventurer attire -- a mix of utilitarian armor and weaponry with minimal embellishments along with a smattering of jewelry and loose clothing tucked on, in and around the armor.


  • Elpalzi: Doroth says, "They've been menacing Zoluren for decades. First with Lord Sorrow, and now they're back with Alret and his goons. They're the ones who destroyed this Keep. They've been making moves on the old Fort Motte ruins, even trying to restore it, but Zukir will see to it that they don't keep it."
  • undead: She sighs. "Many died in the explosion -- prisoners in the dungeons, friends and family of the royal family, servants and so many more. Now, many of them have risen up in undeath, no doubt the handiwork of some necromancer or another. It's just another wound the Elpalzi have inflicted on Zoluren."
  • bandits: She shakes her head and says, "The Middens is a rough place to live. People scrounge for enough scraps of food just to see another day. Many valuables and treasures of Zoluren are still buried amid the rubble. A piece of jewelry worn by the royals could change the life of any one of these louts, and so they swarm in, seeking anything they can find."
  • task: Doroth gazes at you, confused. "I sure hope you know your way around, because I'm in no condition to be leading myself."
  • Zukir: Doroth rubs at her head and says, "He sent me in to complete a mission, like you, but there weren't enough of us. My team was overwhelmed, and I barely escaped. I know not what happened to my friends, or where I am. In my haste to get away, I must have whacked my head...or THEY did. It smarts, and it's hard to think straight."