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* [[aspen|Aspen tree]]
* [[aspen|Aspen tree]]
* [[birch|Birch tree]]
* [[birch|Birch tree]]
* [[cherry|Cherry tree]]
* [[cherry (wood)|Cherry tree]]
* [[elm|Elm tree]]
* [[elm|Elm tree]]
* [[hickory|Hickory tree]]
* [[hickory|Hickory tree]]

Revision as of 02:19, 15 June 2015

Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.

The logging or lumberjack system is used to produce wood for engineering and other crafts.

Currently this system is only LIVE in DR TEST and Platinum and is live in DR Prime as of 6/13/15.


Grove Location Tree Types
NTR Wilderness Zoluren coniferous
Dragoon Camp Zoluren 2 tropical rooms west side of brook tropical
Cougar Hunting Area Zoluren directly west of the tropical forest at Dragoon Camp deciduous
Leth Deriel Grove of the White Laurel - estate holder toad hunting area deciduous
Seordav Telga Ker'Leor - Gypsy Marauder hunting area over the felled tree boreal
Gallows Woods Ker'Leor - estate holder Foest Geni hunting area boreal
North Road, Beech Grove road between El Bain's Stop & Langenfirth, aka Danduwen Forest boreal
Mistwood Forest Mistwood Forest - North Road to the rope bridge deciduous
Mistwood Forest Deer Trail Mistwood Forest - warcat & bandit hunting area deciduous
Mistwood Forest Mistwood Forest - north of the river by Rossman's deciduous
Mistwood Forest Road Mistwood Forest - Haven west gate to Nightreaver Unyns coniferous
Haven Castle Riverhaven - path out the north gate deciduous
Obsidian Pass Obsidian Pass
The Gash The Gash - snowbeasts north of the gondola coniferous, deciduous
Undergondola Dark Woodlands - red leucro hunting & Bulen Ond Alcas coniferous, tropical, deciduous
Dragon's Spine Dragon's Spine - estate holder Frostweaver hunting area boreal
Dragon's Breath Forest A Dark Path - Near Jademist River, north of Shard coniferous
Wyvern Forest Wyvern Forest
Whistling Woods Whistling Woods - rock trolls south of Shard deciduous, tropical
Whistling Woods Whistling Woods - adan'f hunting area tropical
Wylder Spring Wylder Spring - past the east gate gap deciduous
Southern Trade Route Edge of the Wood & Dragon's Breath Forest - along the road from the gondola to Shard coniferous
Western Road Wyvern Wood - out the Shard west gate towards Horse Clan coniferous
Darkling Wood Darkling Wood - eidolon steed hunting deciduous, tropical
Fang's Shadow Fang's Shadow - area between serpents and gremlins tropical
Also: See Category:Groves.

Forest Groupings

There will be 4 types of forest found, with the following wood types included in each. As per GM Kodius, the materials that can be found are entirely dependent on the climate of the area. So while a wood may be included in a grouping, province & location influence actual availability.

  • Boreal forests tend to be found in the coldest of climates where snowfall can be substantial. Only the heartiest of trees can survive there. Larch and Tamarak are two species of tree found there.
  • Coniferous forests tend to exist nearer areas with warm summer and cold winters. This includes drier inland areas and coastal areas seeing heavy rainfall. Many coniferous trees feature needle-like leaves that provide greater protection from the varied climate.
  • Deciduous forests are often centrally located, between the frigid boreal forests and the sweltering tropics. These forests are distinct due to the trees' leaves exhibiting a renewal cycle in time with the four seasons.
  • Finally there are tropical forests that reside in areas of high heat and rainfall. Some of these trees even live partially or completely submerged in water. Often rarer and somewhat exotic, the wood from these trees can be quite beautiful.





  • note: this table information may be merged with different pages at the moderators' discretion.


  • Axes: Any weapon with the noun "axe" should be usable to fell trees. The higher the slice of the axe, the greater chance of an RT reduction.


Survey the Grove

The first step to logging is to find an appropriate area and WATCH FOREST to determine what trees can be found there.

WATCHing will also allow seeing how much material is left to be logged in a given room.

WATCH FOREST DANGER will allow an attempt to make a dangerous situation safer in any single room.

WATCH FOREST CAREFULLY will allow an attempt to locate more material.

The materials that can be found are entirely dependent on the climate of the area. Currently there are no rare tree types. (this cannot be true in Prime, please verify)


Once you have located suitable area, hold your axe in either hand (other hand must be empty), simply proceed to CHOP TREE.

Trees take a number of chops to fall, after which they can produce several pieces of wood on subsequent chops. You can receive various sizes of wood pieces which include:

  • wood stick - 1 piece
  • wood branch - 2 pieces
  • wood limb - 3 pieces
  • wood log - 4 pieces
  • thick wood log - 5 pieces

Material Storage

Once a material is found that is worth keeping, either pick it up by hand, or PUSH it to the side to have a nearby attendant store it for a small fee. If attendants are not available in the logging location, deed packets purchasable from either crafting society allows deeding of materials by PUSHing the material with the packet. Note that deed packets will require ten minutes to pass before the material becomes available for use within any crafting society.

Attendants charge 10% of the material's appraised value, while deeds from a packet cost a flat 1 silver lirum per deed. For more valuable materials, it's cheaper to use a packet even if attendants are available.


The more activity in a given area, the greater the chance of a mishap. The type of dangers is practically dependent upon the stone type of the area.

The dangers have a variety of results, such as either direct damage, outright death, or just destruction of all chop-able materials in the area.

"Mining and Lumberjacking are dangerous. But you can completely avoid the danger 100% of the time if you slow down.

The danger messaging occurs a number of seconds after the danger spawns. If you immediately chop back-to-back, you may miss it and trigger the disaster (or make it worse)."


  • Room Message: You notice an unusual smell drifting through the area.
  • WATCH FOREST Message: Studying the forest, you are certain that continued lumberjacking will be slightly dangerous because an unusual smell hints at an explosion danger.
  • Fail message: Chopping towards the tree, your hurling axe accidentally collides with nearby stone, setting off a blast that launches debris flying in all directions. The shatterd tree clips your head as it falls, sending the whole world black!
The world slowly comes into focus again, followed swiftly by a throbbing headache.
End up prone with an internal head bleeder/external head cuts & bruises

--- Also ---

  • Room Message: Unknown
  • WATCH FOREST Message: Studying the forest, you are certain that continued lumberjacking will be slightly dangerous because an unusual smell hints at an explosion danger.
  • Fail message: >chop tree

You swing your {axe} towards the tree and and are rewarded with a detonation of sharp wood fragments! Jagged wood lodges into you, leaving bloody gashes and quickly deepening bruises, while the force of the impact knocks you clear off your feet. It would appear you missed some caustic fungus growing around the trunk. Roundtime: 16 sec.

Short stun, External and internal bleeders


  • Room Message: A loud cracking sound resonates from somewhere closeby.
  • WATCH FOREST Message: Studying the forest, you are certain that continued lumberjacking will be slightly dangerous because the trees look unsound and in danger of collapse.
  • Fail message: The trunk suddenly snaps and begins to topple towards you. Your footing gives way as you stumble backwards and right into its path. The loud thud of the tree bouncing against your the ground seems other-wordly loud. The peaceful sound of the forest that replaces it would be comforting, if only you were able to move! Although unharmed, the rolling trunk has you pinned solidly in place.
The thick tree trunk shifts, further constraining your movement.
The weight of the trunk pressing in seems to squeeze the air out of your lungs.
The remaining air seems stale and your labored breathing rasps loudly in your own ears.
You can feel your vision narrowing.
Breathing becomes continually more challenging. If someone doesn't help you soon, you may be in serious trouble.
And then death...
  • note: you are able to talk when pinned, but not yell or do any actions.

Dangerous Flora & Fauna

  • Room Message: A monotonous buzzing sound fills the air.
  • WATCH FOREST Message: Studying the forest, you are certain that continued lumberjacking will be slightly dangerous because odd noises reveal potentially dangerous insects or plants nearby.
  • Fail message: Your <axe> crashes into the wood and punches through with surprisingly little resistance. A blanket of warmness creeps up your legs and interrupts your inspection of the hollow trunk. You suddenly have trouble standing up, and notice flames teasing your kneecaps. A blanket of fire ants marches steadily higher, consuming more of your body with each step. Frantically you paw at them with now-melting hands. Like an inch-worm, you wiggle your torso away from the log. Exhausted, your prop your back up against a log and find yourself unable to breath. The whole interior of your chest sizzles and pops as though atop a bonfire. A pinprick of light is all that remains of the world before it too extinguishes entirely.
And death...


Please use this space to document any logging system bugs. This is not an official page on which to report bugs; it is intended to be a central list for the convenience of the DR community.
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watch forest danger used in a room where it was already used

If you successfully remove a danger via WATCH FOREST DANGER, if another danger appears in the same room it can't be removed.

--TEVESHSZAT (talk) 17:43, 3 May 2015 (CDT)

Appears to no longer be an issue. --MCBRIDEJ (talk) 17:56, 14 June 2015 (CDT)

watch forest danger not working

You look at the forest around you.
You see evidence of mature trees and are certain a decent number remains to be found.
Studying the forest, you are certain that continued lumberjacking will be slightly dangerous because odd noises reveal potentially dangerous insects or plants nearby.
This area contains a deciduous forest.
You are certain that oak trees can be harvested here.
Loggers stand ready to trade wood in for deeds. Just PUSH any lumberjacked wood, and they'll take care of the rest.
Roundtime: 9 sec.

>watch forest danger
You watch the surrounding trees for signs of danger.
You scan the area for danger and find nothing of concern lurking within the nearby forest. Roundtime: 5 sec.

--TEVESHSZAT (talk) 17:43, 3 May 2015 (CDT)

Appears to no longer be an issue. --MCBRIDEJ (talk) 17:56, 14 June 2015 (CDT)

Deeds of Lumber Not Showing Volume

Shows all the unique lumber stats but not how much lumber there actually is. --TEVESHSZAT (talk) 18:45, 6 May 2015 (CDT)

Fixed when released to prime. --MCBRIDEJ (talk) 17:54, 14 June 2015 (CDT)

Use drawknife typo

The log is ready to be carved with a drawknife to scrape off the bark to/and smooth its surface. Sawing it further wouldn't be productive.

Missing a "to" or an "and" or something in this sentence. --MCBRIDEJ (talk) 20:52, 14 May 2015 (CDT)

Can't deed sticks/branches/limbs

Fixed when released to prime. --MCBRIDEJ (talk) 17:43, 14 June 2015 (CDT)

Cutting wood inside a container.

> cut limb with saw

You begin sawing the ends of the limb, removing the jagged edges from where it was chopped down.

Roundtime: 9 sec.

R> tap my limb

You tap a partially-cut bamboo limb inside your zaulguum-skin backpack.

I can cut up a limb while it is in my backpack. --MCBRIDEJ (talk) 21:52, 14 May 2015 (CDT)

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