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Hollow Eve Festival 417

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Opening Dates

  • Plat: October 23, 2015 (33 Dolefaren 417) - November 15 (6 Ka'len 418)
  • Prime: October 30, 2015 (21 Nissa 417) - November 16 (7 Ka'len 418)
  • Fallen: November 7, 2015 (10 Akroeg 418) - November 22 (34 Ka'len 418)

Optional Upgrades

Optional upgrades are additional purchases made via Simucoins.

  • A bundle of 50 festive tickets - 300 Simucoins Obtain a random assortment of 10 grab bags containing dyes, collector cards or the Imperial diras. Festival access is not necessary to redeem these; see the Festive barker outside the fest grounds.
  • clockwork shark catch up - 3000 Simucoins Obtain a tier 2 shark without having one from 2014. Important Note: Purchased in game near the Gnome inventor and not via the web store. In order to use this purchase, you must have a ticket to the fest.
  • God Totem - 6700 Simucoins Obtain the original Hollow Eve Gift featuring the Immortal of your choice. Important Note: In order to use this purchase, you must have a ticket to the fest.

Official Description

Having discovered a knack for taming beasts and a flair for showmanship years prior, the stout Dwarf known as Plokks took to the road with his Performing Pivuh Panorama, pouring his life's savings into the show and hoping to secure investors to make his true dream come to life -- a full circus of his very own.

After many years filled with scraping and bowing, wheeling and dealing, and more long, cold nights spent traveling through hostile terrain than a Dwarf can count, that dream was poised to become reality! Sure, some of the investors along the way were less than totally savory, but such is carny life.

And then it happened.

So close he could taste it and now this! The supplies, the costumes, the food for the animals -- all stolen in the night! On the brink of utter despair, Plokks gathered his performers, man and beast alike, and broke the news …

He'd have to go with them now, of course, those Gnomes and their Captain with his offers of financial backing and access to his connections. There simply wasn't enough money or investors left to go forward alone, and he had far too many employees these days to fold for the season while he regrouped. People and creatures who depended on him. They needed this as badly as he did.

Just this one time was the Captain’s only request, almost too good to be true. Just hold his first performances in Forfedhdar in the days before the giant mechanical spiders came and the Gnomes put on their festival, and Plokks would be his own man again, free to keep the new supplies and a modest payment for him and the performers on top.

Of course, the stench of disaster clinging to Kurmin was impossible to miss -- falling stars, shadowy worlds, murderous dolls, giant flying eels and watery sharks that swam through the very earth, floods and storms, volcanic eruptions, the very sun being blotted from the sky and monstrous creatures trying to wake the World Dragon itself! Will this, too, turn into chaos?

The thoughts were too much to bear, so he did what any man in his position would do. Then, with the flasks empty and the performers’ worries deferred by his ever-silvered words, Plokks took a deep breath, exhaled, and set himself to work.

The show must go on! Plokks’ Perspicacious Performing Panoply will have its audience, no matter the circumstances!

Are Plokks' worries founded? Will his glorious circus face some terrible fate?

Location and Map


From Crossing bank go sw, bridge, se, se, go path leading toward a caged spider (takes several seconds) then go bridge. If your account purchased a ticket then you'll be able to enter. Enjoy!


  • The Gnome workman inside the festival portal gives Tickets for Shark Teeth.

Events and Gifts

Festival Greeters will be wandering the grounds and giving out gifts!
a colorfully costumed Gor'Tog wearing a bright pink wig will give you something if you ask the right question!
Ticketed items
Stores with items for HE tickets.
emerald pivuh-shaped bag with a strap of connected plush caravans containing painted mask and pigment jar
An elderly Human woman has a Kitten for you!
Raffle Results
Hollow Eve 417 Raffle List
Hollow Eve 417 Alteration List
Prime: Friday, November 13, at 9 p.m. EST (38 Akroeg 418)
Plat: Saturday, November 14, at 9 p.m. EST (2 Ka'len 418)



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