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Divination charts

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< Prediction Tools


A collection of star maps, charts, calculations and algorithms, together they are used by Moon Mages to divine the future. Most often used by those of the Celestial Compact, the charts take an unusually logical and direct approach to fortunetelling. By studying the current positions of heavenly bodies and plotting out their course, mages are able to determine how the movements of the stars will affect the immediate future.

The content of the charts, combined with astrological observations, are used by a prophet to calculate the imminent future. In broad terms, the prophet seeks deviations from the expected lay of the stars caused by resonance with the Plane of Probability. Once found, these perturbations are ultimately placed into context by relative positions of the planets.

Many prominent members of the Celestial Compact claim that the rigid, mathematical nature of celestial charts make them uniquely suited for foretelling the arcane arts. As might be expected, this claim is hotly disputed by the other sects though the empirical evidence seems to be on the Compact's side.


  • Sect Affinity: Celestial Compact.
  • Domain: Magic. Charts grant a slight bonus to potency and duration when predicting on the Magic skillset.
  • Prediction Affinity: Duration. Divination charts have a slightly higher base physical quality for duration than other tools.

Note: Divination charts are very easy to decipher for all aspects of prediction, and so are recommended for anyone who only wants to dabble in prediction or doesn't want to bother with the more complicated messaging of other tools.


The following table includes all known reliable (or semi-reliable, in the case of auctions) sources of charts, with some example wares. Any other wares from the same source will be of the same quality as the example(s). The quality listed in the table is overall craftsmanship, so take care to shop around. In particular, The Future is Now is known for offering charts that are strong on one quality and weaker on others.

Source Location Restriction Example Price Currency Quality
Dwarf Leth Deriel rolled vellum charts 5000 Kronars 1) Below Average
Celestial Garden Shop Crossing Moon Mage guild Celestians pristine white vellum charts inked in silver 250000 Kronars 2) Average
The Future is Now Hollow Eve Festival festival black celestial charts foiled with brass 5000000 Dokoras 3) Above Average
4) Very Good
The Future is Now Hollow Eve Festival festival opulent celestial charts sprawled with metallic diagrams 50000000 Dokoras 5) Spectacular
auction 6) Masterful


Note:See Prediction for complete details on the general process of prediction. Only details specific to divination charts will be covered here.


  • A set of charts that have been INVOKEed to bond them to you.


  • REVIEW CHARTS to perform a prediction on yourself. (10 seconds)
  • REVIEW CHARTS WITH <TARGET> to perform a prediction on another player. (10 seconds)


ANALYZE charts to see their qualities.
See Prediction for detailed general information about divination tool qualities, how they relate to each other, and how they increase or decrease.

Physical qualities

Physical quality is indicated by the condition of each chart. Potency damage is determined by the condition of the "Zodiac Map," duration damage by the "Table of Astronomical Algorithms," alignment damage by the "Anomalous Discourse," and polarity damage by the "Diagram of Configurations." All four charts use the same messaging for their condition:

  • The "<chart>" is an exceptional document.
  • The "<chart>" is a very good example of its kind.
  • The "<chart>" is a good example of its kind.
  • The "<chart>" is a mundane example of its kind.
  • The "<chart>" is an unspectacular example of its kind.
  • The "<chart>" is marred by several minor creases.
  • The "<chart>" is dog-eared.
  • The "<chart>" is folded and tattered.
  • The "<chart>" is starting to tear along the folds.
  • The "<chart>" is torn, tattered and practically illegible. (Completely ruined at this point?)

Bond qualities

Bond quality is indicated by the how experienced you are with the chart. Potency bond is determined by your experience with the "Zodiac Map," the duration bond by the "Table of Astronomical Algorithms," the alignment bond by the "Anomalous Discourse," and the polarity bond by the "Diagram of Configurations." All four use the same messaging for your experience with them:

Anomaly Level
You are completely inexperienced with the "<chart>" 0
You are quite inexperienced with the "<chart>" 1-3
You are inexperienced with the "<chart>" 4-7
You are somewhat experienced with the "<chart>" 8-11
You are experienced with the "<chart>" 12-15
You are very experienced with the "<chart>" 16-19
You have a budding mastery of the "<chart>" 20-23
You have partial mastery of the "<chart>" 24-27
You have near total mastery of the "<chart>" 28-29
You have complete mastery of the "<chart>" 30

Age and construction qualities

These are identical for all types of tools. See Prediction for a list of both.


The "Zodiac Map" is dog-eared.
The "Anomalous Discourse" is dog-eared.
The "Diagram of Configurations" is dog-eared.
The "Table of Astrological Algorithms" is marred by several minor creases.
The charts are at least a couple of years old.
They appear to have seen some use.
The overall craftsmanship is below average and the charts should prove slightly susceptible to damage.
Recognizing the investiture as your own, you cautiously probe the charts with your prophetic talent.
You are quite inexperienced with the "Zodiac Map."
You are completely inexperienced with the "Anomalous Discourse."
You are quite inexperienced with the "Diagram of Configurations."
You are quite inexperienced with the "Table of Astrological Algorithms."

These charts have been used a small amount and are not in great condition, nor were they likely well-made to begin with. Each of the charts is rather below average in quality, which means they are not as likely to grow your experience with them any further. Your experience with them is almost nothing, meaning the charts will not perform as well at predicting.

Prediction interpretation


Potency is indicated by the severity of the anomaly when comparing the "Zodiac Map" with a constellation. The more severe the anomaly the greater the potency. The constellations appear to be random.
Disclaimer: The power cap is known to be 20% of the ranks of the predicted skill. However, beyond that all ranges listed are estimates only.

Comparing the "Zodiac Map" with your own recent observations you note a <anomaly> within the <constellation>.
Comparing the "Zodiac Map" with your own recent observations you note a convergence of the <constellation>, the <constellation>, and the <constellation>.
Anomaly %
trivial anomaly 1-???
minor anomaly ???-???
modest anomaly ???-???
major anomaly ???-???
convergence ???-???


Unlike most tools, divination charts give an exact duration in roisaen/minutes when viewing the "Table of Astrological Algorithms."

With the aid of the "Table of Astrological Algorithms" you conclude this event will hold sway for .


The "Anomalous Discourse" chart will in most cases quite clearly list the skill affected.

Consulting the "Anomalous Discourse" you discover that this occurrence holds sway over your <skill phrase>.

Defensive skills

Skill Phrase
Brigandine maneuverability in brigandine armor
Defending ability to defend yourself
Chain Armor maneuverability in chain armor
Light Armor maneuverability in light armor
Parry ability to parry
Plate Armor maneuverability in plate armor
Shield Usage skill with shields

Lore skills

Skill Phrase
Alchemy skill with alchemy
Appraisal ability to assess objects and people
Engineering skill with engineering
Forging skill with forging
Mechanical Lore skill with mechanical devices
Outfitting skill with outfitting
Performance ability to perform
Scholarship scholarly abilities
Tactics tactical ability
Bardic Lore Bardic skill
Empathy empathy
Trading ability to turn a profit

Magic skills

Skill Phrase
Arcana aptitude with magical devices
Attunement aptitude for channeling mana
Augmentation aptitude for augmentation magic
Debilitation aptitude for debilitation magic
Primary Magic aptitude for magic
Targeted Magic aptitude for targeted magic
Sorcery aptitude for blending different mana types
Utility aptitude for utility magic
Warding aptitude for warding magic
Astrology astrological aptitude
Summoning summoning skill
Theurgy ability to call on the Immortals

Offense skills

Skill Symbol
Bow accuracy with bows
Brawling ability to brawl.
Crossbow accuracy with crossbows
Heavy Thrown accuracy with heavy throwing weapons
Large Blunt skill with large blunt weapons
Large Edged skill with large blades
Light Thrown accuracy with small throwing weapons
Melee Mastery ability with melee weapons
Missile Mastery accuracy with ranged weapons
Offhand Weapon ability to wield an offhand weapon
Polearms skill with polearms
Slings accuracy with slings
Small Blunt skill with small blunt weapons
Small Edged skill with small blades
Staves skill with staves
Twohanded Blunt skill with twohanded blunt weapons
Twohanded Edged skill with twohanded blades
Expertise his expertise in combat

Survival skills

Skill Symbol
Athletics athletic ability
Evasion ability to evade attacks
First Aid your medical skills
Locksmithing skill with locks
Outdoorsmanship ability to survive in the wild
Perception perception
Skinning ability to skin game
Stealth ability to conceal your actions
Thievery illicit activities
Backstab ability to ambush others
Scouting ability to scout his/her surroundings
Thanatology n/a


Polarity is determined by the planet that is the dominant influence when referencing the "Diagram of Configurations." Planets closer to the sun indicate a bonus and the planets further from the sun provide a curse. The only exception is Dawgolesh, the 12th planet, which provides a bonus. This is the only aspect of divination charts the requires a bit of extra deciphering, and can easily be circumvented by using EXP MODS to determine polarity.

Referencing the "Diagram of Configurations" you determine that <planet> is the dominant influence.
  • Bonus: Durgaulda, Dawgolesh, Estrilda, Penhetia, Verena, Yoakena
  • Curse: Ismenia, Merewalda, Morleena, Szeldia, Er'qutra, Amlothi

Special messages

Special messages usually indicate either damage to a physical quality or an increase to a bond quality, although it can also indicate a polarity inversion or a prediction averaging.

  • The threads of prophecy respond sluggishly to your efforts, as if already strained.
You already have a prediction on that skill. Your two predictions are now averaged.
  • You feel this prediction has enhanced your understanding of the "<chart>".
The bond strength of the chart has increased.
  • Unfortunately you notice some new wear on the "<chart>".
Damage to the given chart.
  • ???
Critical success. All bond qualities have a chance to increase slightly, and guaranteed to be a potent bonus.
  • ???
Critical fumble. All physical and bond qualities have a chance to decrease slightly, and guaranteed to be a nasty curse. Capped bond values are immune.
  • You hesitate a moment, mentally correcting a calculation before referencing the "Diagram of Configurations."
Polarity inversion prevented due to prediction pool.
  • Referencing the "Diagram of Configurations" you notice a past correction on the chart which you almost forgot to account for. Given this, you determine that <planet> is the dominant influence.
Polarity inversion prevented due to polarity bond.


Comparing the "Zodiac Map" with your own recent observations you note a modest anomaly within the constellation of the Cow.
Consulting the "Anomalous Discourse" you discover that this occurrence holds sway over your skill with small blades.
You hesitate a moment, mentally correcting a calculation before referencing the "Diagram of Configurations" you determine that Estrilda is the dominant influence.
With the aid of the "Table of Astrological Algorithms" you conclude this event will hold sway for twenty-one roisaen.
Unfortunately you notice some new wear on the "Zodiac Map".

This is a moderately weak positive prediction on the Small Edge skill that will last for twenty-one roisaen. The "Zodiac Map" was damaged as a result of this prediction. There was a polarity inversion from a bonus to a curse that was prevented by the observations in your prediction pool.



Creation of divination charts is not yet possible. Presumably it will use the Enchanting skill.


Black celestial charts foiled with brassFuture is Now (3)
Future is Now (2)
Future is Now (1)
Black celestial charts with haralun foil around the edgesFuture is Now (4)
Bright celestial charts carefully illuminated with darkstone-glittered inkFuture is Now (4)
Celestial charts filled with inky-black kitten paw-printsFuture is Now (3)
Celestial charts of dusky ialalhe illuminated by moonsilver leafSu Helmas: Seeds of Entropy/End loot
Su Helmas 444: Make Haste!/End loot
Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/End loot
Su Helmas 438: The Forbidden Temple/End loot
Su Helmas 434: The Forbidden Temple/End loot
Aesthene's Close 449/End Loot
Celestial charts scribed in golden inkFuture is Now (2)
Future is Now (3)
Future is Now (2)
Future is Now (1)
Coarse paper celestial chartsMoon Mage Pavilion
Essential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Crimson celestial charts detailed in black inkMoon Mage Pavilion
Essential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Delicate onionskin starchart with cramped writingEssential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Elegant parchment starchart with beautifully flowing inscriptionsEssential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Flamboyant celestial charts pressed with clockwork metallic foilsFuture is Now (4)
Icy-blue celestial charts detailed in dark blue inkMoon Mage Pavilion
Essential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Item:Black celestial charts foiled with brass
Item:Celestial charts scribed in golden ink
Item:Coarse paper celestial charts
Item:Crimson celestial charts detailed in black ink
Item:Icy-blue celestial charts detailed in dark blue ink
Item:Katamba-black celestial charts detailed in gold ink
Item:Lavish celestial charts crawling with metallic diagrams
Item:Luxurious celestial charts marred by assorted stains
Item:Onionskin celestial charts
Item:Parchment celestial charts bearing the seal of the Celestial Compact
Item:Rolled vellum charts
Item:Vellum celestial charts
Katamba-black celestial charts detailed in gold inkMoon Mage Pavilion
Essential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Lavish celestial charts crawling with metallic diagramsHollow Eve Festival 410/Auction
Luxurious celestial charts marred by assorted stainsEssential Sects Shop
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Luxurious paper starchart scribed with a bold handEssential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Machine-printed celestial chartsFuture is Now (1)
Future is Now (2)
Future is Now (3)
Future is Now (2)
Future is Now (1)
Metallurgic foil celestial charts scrawled with algorithmic axiomsSu Helmas: Revealed!/End loot
Su Helmas 424: The Forbidden Temple/End loot
Nomlas celestial chartsCleric wrapped tightly in dark robes
Onionskin celestial chartsMoon Mage Pavilion
Essential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Opulent celestial charts sprawled with metallic diagramsFuture is Now (1)
Future is Now (2)
Future is Now (3)
Future is Now (2)
Future is Now (1)
Pale blue celestial chartsFuture is Now (1)
Future is Now (2)
Future is Now (3)
Future is Now (2)
Future is Now (1)
Papyrus starchart illustrated with block letteringEssential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Parchment celestial charts bearing the seal of the Celestial CompactMoon Mage Pavilion
Essential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Parchment celestial charts hastily copied in silver inkFuture is Now (4)
Printed celestial charts stamped with a coralite foil sealFuture is Now (4)
Pristine white vellum charts inked in silverCelestial Garden Shop
Rolled vellum chartsDwarf
A (prediction tools)
Simple vellum starchart with utilitarian diagramsEssential Sects Shop (3)
Essential Sects Shop (2)
Essential Sects Shop (1)
Vellum celestial chartsa Dwarf

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