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(Some more visions and confirmations.)
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This list includes visions from the [[Moon mage]] [[Prediction#Other prediction types|event prediction]] ability experienced in 2017.
This list includes visions from the [[Moon mage]] [[Prediction#Other prediction types|event prediction]] ability experienced in 2017.

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A loud clattering echoes in your mind and a vision forms of some blued steel plate armor collapsing to the ground as if abandoned abruptly by its inhabitant. While you focus on this, a pair of manacles hurtles into sight, crashing into the pile of metal. An other-worldly shriek fades as the world you know returns.

You are struck with the notion that the unstable rifts from the Plane of Probability are beginning to slow their appearances, but that it is just a matter of time before they appear in force again.

Something brushes against the back of your neck, though when you reach back to brush it away, there's nothing there.

The tickling sensation at the back of your neck returns as you draw your hand away, and you turn to see what this could be.

A single ragged strand of silk swings slowly back and forth before you, smoke rising from the end as it slowly burns to ash and disappears.

You feel a sharp, sudden pain rip through you coupled with a cacophony that is as if Fate itself were screaming in rage within your mind. The world disintegrates, and you are left jagged, torn. Your angles no longer meet, your selves multiply until there is no meaning. The agony compels you forward, though, and so forward you go, the burning waves of dissolution all that there is left for you. And for them.

You gaze up toward the darkening heavens, noticing elegant patterns created by the celestial bodies that had heretofore escaped your attention. As you stand transfixed at the tapestry of lights, a sudden wave of nausea overwhelms you and a sense of building pressure pervades the air around you. Disoriented and confused, you circle about fruitlessly to scan the area for the source of the effect. Looking back to the sky once again, the multitude of patterns now form a single crystalline latticework that is growing larger due to rapid descent!
You gaze up toward the darkening heavens, noticing elegant patterns created by the celestial bodies that had heretofore escaped your attention. As you stand transfixed at the tapestry of lights, a sudden wave of nausea overwhelms you and a sense of building pressure pervades the air around you. Disoriented and confused, you circle about fruitlessly to scan the area for the source of the effect. Looking back to the sky once again, the multitude of patterns now form a single crystalline latticework that is growing larger due to rapid descent!
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Your eyes linger on the lone symbol adorning his robes -- a blacked oak shrew.
Your eyes linger on the lone symbol adorning his robes -- a blacked oak shrew.
|sub=Karosti |rep= True}}
|sub=Karosti |rep= True}}


Latest revision as of 01:09, 22 April 2021


This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2017.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 10/12/2017
A loud clattering echoes in your mind and a vision forms of some blued steel plate armor collapsing to the ground as if abandoned abruptly by its inhabitant. While you focus on this, a pair of manacles hurtles into sight, crashing into the pile of metal. An other-worldly shriek fades as the world you know returns.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/12/2017
You are struck with the notion that the unstable rifts from the Plane of Probability are beginning to slow their appearances, but that it is just a matter of time before they appear in force again.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/12/2017
Something brushes against the back of your neck, though when you reach back to brush it away, there's nothing there.

The tickling sensation at the back of your neck returns as you draw your hand away, and you turn to see what this could be.

A single ragged strand of silk swings slowly back and forth before you, smoke rising from the end as it slowly burns to ash and disappears.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/12/2017
You feel a sharp, sudden pain rip through you coupled with a cacophony that is as if Fate itself were screaming in rage within your mind. The world disintegrates, and you are left jagged, torn. Your angles no longer meet, your selves multiply until there is no meaning. The agony compels you forward, though, and so forward you go, the burning waves of dissolution all that there is left for you. And for them.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
You gaze up toward the darkening heavens, noticing elegant patterns created by the celestial bodies that had heretofore escaped your attention. As you stand transfixed at the tapestry of lights, a sudden wave of nausea overwhelms you and a sense of building pressure pervades the air around you. Disoriented and confused, you circle about fruitlessly to scan the area for the source of the effect. Looking back to the sky once again, the multitude of patterns now form a single crystalline latticework that is growing larger due to rapid descent!
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
The world grows around you as your perspective shifts. You find yourself scurrying about on four tiny paws in dank surroundings. A nearby *PLOP* catches your attention and you instinctively look toward the sound to find a slightly rotten apple core floating in a pool of water. After a daunting swim, you take the soft fruit in your teeth and haul it away with great effort, removing it to a pile of garbage in an isolated tunnel nearby.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
Mere moments stretch to minutes as you watch a distant, slow-motion spectacle of bright points with luminous tails crashing to the ground, like falling stars.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
The sound of footsteps on metal and blasts of steam ring in your ears as you observe a pair of heavy-set Gnomes plodding onerously through a complex network of corridors, unlocking and throwing open every door and archway as they pass.
Possible Subjects: Hollow Eve Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
A rising sense of foreboding grows within you, although nothing else in your environment appears to change. As the feeling within you reaches a swell, an unnatural tear in reality erupts before you to extend infinitely skyward. A wave of frigid heat washes through the area as every living thing stands frozen and devoid of color, finally crumbling at the next passing breeze.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
Somewhere dark, you find yourself fixated on a chilling, singsong mantra in an old man's voice. You finally spot him: an amputee who is lying down, limbless and larval. Through a mouthful of broken glass he chants, "Zenzic... zenzic... zenzizenzic... Oh gods, zenzizenzizenzic!"
Possible Subjects: Zenzic, Teleologic Sorcery Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
A tiny cube rests on your palm, almost perfectly transparent to the point of ephemerality, like crystallized thought rather than anything natural. Upon closer inspection, you difficultly notice its surfaces engraved with even tinier script, some you know to be numerals.

Light is drawn and concentrated to a geometric point inside the crystal. As the point becomes a bright white bolus, you begin to feel the psychic thrum of an enchantment's activation. However, the tessera flickers and vanishes the moment it identifies you.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
A trio of young women make their way toward a vast market plaza, and you overhear them discussing the merits of gold versus platinum in the setting of exotic jewels. One woman, noticing a speck of dirt on her well-heeled sandal, bends low to sweep it away. As she does so a passing cockroach catches her attention. Without a second thought she immediately rises to full height and brings down her massive bogwood heel to crush the unsuspecting bug with a sickening *CRUNCH*.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
The firmament ripples overhead like a spangled tapestry in a night wind. One by one, all of the stars melt into dulcet white lines that work a graceful, breathtaking calligraphy from horizon to horizon.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/7/2017
A composite intellect of some sort subjects you to preternatural calculation and scrutiny. It seems... maddened.

The open spaces around you stutter, disjoint, then shift over one another as a malevolent, unreal contrivance. Your mind is caught where these improbabilities intersect, and you are racked with phantom pain from the limbs you are going to lose in the future. Slowly, the world clicks back unto wholeness in soul-grating succession.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/4/2017
You barely glimpse an arachnid hallucination skulking by your side before it disappears.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/4/2017
Reality fades as a different setting forms around you. You find yourself in a crowd of friends and neighbors gathered about a village well. While some stand in line patiently waiting to take their turn to fill a bucket of water, others approach with soggy canvas sacks, heavy with mounds of household refuse, and turn them over into the well. Everyone moves about their routines and you are overcome with a sense of being disturbingly unfazed by the scene.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/4/2017
A little rainbow spider rears up and begins scrabbling at the air, doing a silly dance. In response, a sky-high rogue Moongate screams into existence, filled with ghosts of chaotic imagery which you cannot remember afterward.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/4/2017
On your left shoulder sits a lovely caterpillar, and on your right an even lovelier starfish. They whisper conspiratorially to you, waxing poetic about absurdities -- starlit polynomials and razor-sharp square roots and high-energy planar vacuums and wroth stars...
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 10/4/2017
You see an arcane mosaic of crystalline tesserae which spiral ceaselessly in precise telekinetic trajectories, conforming to some kind of abstract symmetry. Surrounding the crystals is a clockwork of nothing more than spun glass and refracted light. Thinly tangled loops and thorns and recurved spires whir along without any immediately obvious purpose.

"No," the machine thinks to you, not unkindly. "You aren't part of the agreement, XXXX."

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 6/26/2017 18:00:00 CDT
A shift in your surroundings feels like you're falling backward. Freezing wind screams up from below as you rush through layers of mist and clouds. An intense thud leaves you breathless more than hurt, though the sense of terrible pain looms just at the edge of your consciousness. As your eyelids flutter closed, a shimmer of icy blue approaches.
Possible Subjects: Asketi Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 5/06/2017 07:56:36 CDT
A sudden force slams into you, disorienting you fully! You blink to clear your vision, and you are surrounded by your fellow soldiers. Trying to not show your nervousness, you stand at the ready, your sword drawn in case that the brightly swirling glow in front of you spews out some horror from beyond this Plane. After several tense moments, your command gives the signal, and you march back towards home, bracing for what might come next. As your thoughts wander, the scene begins to fade, though a slight ringing in your ears remains.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 5/05/2017 05:06:36 CDT
Exhaustion sweeps over you as you find yourself pulled into another vision! When you begin to regain your strength, you find yourself standing in an arcane workshop, surrounded by your fellows. She stands again at the center, looking wan as her usually gleaming golden hair hangs in limp strands around an increasingly gaunt face, though her eyes hold determination beyond her years. The sphere in her hands shudders, and the chanting gets louder. It's your turn now, and you step forward, the heat of the torches causing a bead of sweat to trickle down your dark, bald head and length of your bird-like nose. Your attention is caught by the droplet as it falls towards the ground and your mind begins to swim, blotting out everything around you. When you come back to your senses, you realize you are in the here and now once more.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 5/01/2017 08:29:35 CDT
A sense of conviction creeps over you. The knowledge that every thing you choose to do is absolutely correct infuses each movement you make. You are beyond reproach, and beyond contradiction. Every idea you have is just right, and you understand that you are free to act upon each whim as if it were a divine mandate. Power surges through your being at the thought of just how expendible everyone around you is. They are only here to serve your desires, after all. A vision of your enemies falling at your feet at the mere wave of your hand slowly fades away, taking with it all the knowledge of your supremacy. A pain intense enough to render you breathless pours through your being, leaving you with the memory of every mistake you've ever made as it recedes.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/29/2017 18:18:19 CDT
The light around you is blotted out, and your face begins to itch. There's a distinct smell of dirt in the bit of air you can breathe. A muffled voice growls something very close to your ear, just before cold metal presses itself against your throat. As you try to inhale deeply enough to protest, the blade bites in.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/28/2017 15:35:20 CDT
The air around you feels unusually warm and moist, and is heavily laden with the scent of something decaying. Resisting the urge to hold your nose or vomit is imperative. As you struggle to control the lurching in your stomach, something cool and sticky lands on the back of your neck. It slithers down your spine, briefly, leaving a trail of chills in its wake. Just before you can reach back to grab it, it, and the foul stench, leaves your awareness.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/25/2017 10:43:50 CDT
The sound of wings beating in flight works its way into your consciousness. A massive shadow engulfs you, a trail of glittering dust falling as it passes.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/22/2017 12:38:30 CDT
A sudden, sharp pain signals the coming of another vision! As your head begins to clear, you see brief snippets of shadowed figures gathered together and talking in hushed, conspiratorial tones. Though you re unable to make out what is being said in articulable words, you are left with the distinct impression that the group intends to cause some sort of magical disturbance.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/22/2017 09:10:38 CDT
A curious crinkling sound enters your mind, followed by the vision of a detailed map of Zoluren. Roads, rivers, and resources are neatly drawn, with certain spots circled. An ostrich-plumed quill in a dark hand obscures part of the page, jotting a few notes near part of the Segoltha with an elegant flourish. As you try to focus on the words, the paper flutters as if in a breeze, and then slides out of view, leaving you squinting at your surroundings.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/20/2017 12:36:04 CDT
Exhaustion crushes down on you, mingled with a sense of failure so profound, movement itself feels impossible. Through half-open eyes, you gaze at a crumbling stone floor with a few shards of greyish metal. The vision fades as you draw a deep breath, but the sense of a life destroyed lingers.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/20/2017 10:57:27 CDT
Rising from within the normal sounds that surround you, a haggard male voice calls out. The words "No more! Please, no more!" ring in your ears, each time identical. After what seems like endless repetitions, the voice finally fades with a quiet sob.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/18/2017 17:52:35 CDT
A dull ache in your side blooms into full-blown agony, your normal senses falling to the wayside as you are thrown into another vision! A humanoid shape morphs and bleeds into numerous forms before you, each melting into the next to become a blur of fur, skin, scales, and barbs. Just for a second, you think you see an enormous set of wings begin to sprout from the creature, but your vision is cut short by a blinding light! As your sight returns, it becomes clear that you are oriented to the mundane world once more.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/17/2017 20:40:20 CDT
Disorientation overwhelms you as you find yourself in the grip of another vision! Your swimming head begins to settle and you find yourself looking upon your husband and children, their faces wracked with fear as the militants drag them from your grip, yet they say nothing. You are both proud and enraged at this, but you too hold your tongue though every fiber of your being screams in defiance against the atrocities being forced upon your people ... and those that you will be forced now to do to others. The vision fades and your consciousness is again your own, yet a profound sense of despair and rage lingers on.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/17/2017 19:10:16 CDT
A wave of dizziness washes over you. The sound of music and laughter rings in from somewhere nearby, accompanied by the heady aroma of fresh baked goods and the savory scent of roasted meat. With all your senses enticed to seek out the gathering, you lean forward as if to take a step. Chains that bind you to a cold stone wall rattle and bring you to a reality where your yearning for a friendly face competes with your hunger for edible food. Disappointment overwhelms you as the vision fades and the world you know returns.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/15/2017 21:49:09 CDT
A sudden, sharp pain signals the coming of another vision! As your head begins to clear, you see brief snippets of shadowed figures gathered together and talking in hushed, conspiratorial tones. Though you re unable to make out what is being said in articulable words, you are left with the distinct impression that the group intends to cause some sort of magical disturbance.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/14/2017 13:07:14 CDT
A veil descends over your sight. It parts to reveal a pair of green eyes. Drawing back further, a blue-scaled face framed by long raven-hued hair comes into view. A slender lock falls free and curls over the woman's face. Tossing her head to return it fails, so she winks flirtatiously before raising a razor-clawed hand to brush it back. The slow smile she flashes seems friendly enough, but those eyes hold a hint of menace in their depths. As she opens her mouth to speak, the veil closes and your surroundings return to normal.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/11/2017 11:08:26 CDT
Echoing within your consciousness, a youthful voice chants a spell reminiscent of Moongate, yet subtly wrong. The casting is interrupted by an occasional muttering, and the rustle of paper. As the sound drones on, the voice changes, imbued with maturity and confidence. A sudden silence is shredded by a deafening crackling and a triumphant howl that cuts off abruptly.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/11/2017 17:35:39 CDT
Darkness overtakes your mundane vision, and you feel as though you are falling into an endless void -- your form, your very self becoming meaningless as it mingles with the sheer profundity of the nothing that engulfs you. Your mind teeters on the edge of dissolution, and, as you slip into the finality of unbeing, the darkness shifts into a fetid green! With a panicked lurch, your true mind snaps back to the fore, and you find yourself once again in the here and now.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/11/2017 06:44:27 CDT
Darkness replaces reality, creeping in from the edges of your vision like fog. Paler figures emerge from the murk, moving toward an unseen goal. A sense of uneasiness washes over you as a single blue eye flashes into view over them.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: True

Date and Time: 4/11/2017 06:41:34 CDT
Exhaustion crushes down on you, mingled with a sense of failure so profound, movement itself feels impossible. Through half-open eyes, you gaze at a crumbling stone floor with a few shards of greyish metal. The vision fades as you draw a deep breath, but the sense of a life destroyed lingers.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/11/2017 06:40:32 CDT
Your vision gradually darkens from tiny pinpricks of shadow, as if a flock of approaching birds were slowly blotting out the light from above. In the moment before everything fades to complete darkness, a blinding explosion erupts beside you, sending you careening backward and flipping end-to-end like a ragdoll. As your head slams against the floor you instinctively tense and startle, only to blink and find yourself as you were before the vision took hold.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/11/2017 06:33:17 CDT
The world shifts around you and you find yourself in a cluster of your peers, laughing heartily. With enormous glee you raise your arms up with your fellows and the world dissolves, you along with it. Your last thought is that of righteous joy before you are wrenched by a sudden burning sensation! Almost at once, though, your flesh cools, and you find yourself as you were before the vision came.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/11/2017 06:20:29 CDT
The sound of children's laughter rings in from somewhere nearby, drawing your attention to a small group of children. A game of tag has them out of breath from giggling as much as from running. One girl stands off to the side, her citrine-hued eyes darting from one child to the next. In a clear voice, she calls out to one child, then another, her words muted with distance, but her commands clear as the runners change course at her instruction. There's something strange about the children, but the vision fades before you can place it.
Possible Subjects: Geva, elpalzi Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/6/2017 16:45:58 CDT
As a faint prickling sensation tickles the back of your neck, a vision forms. Entombed in a dimly lit cell, your very essence is as cold as stone. A shaft of brighter light spreads along the floor as the door creaks open, but hope has been dead too long to raise your shackled hand.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/6/2017 10:53:30 CDT
Wavering before your mind's eye, a sumptuous scene appears. Surrounded by rich tapestries and finely crafted furnishings, the profile of a crowned figure stands gesturing grandly at something seen through a window. Seated nearby, quill in hand, a Human man writes steadily, filling a page with notes while glancing at the speaker from time to time. During a lull in the speech, the writer reaches toward an intricate insignia at his shoulder, brushing something from one of its curves. A smile crosses his face as the vision fades.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/6/2017 09:54:16 CDT
Darkness replaces reality, creeping in from the edges of your vision like fog. Paler figures emerge from the murk, moving toward an unseen goal. A sense of uneasiness washes over you as a single blue eye flashes into view over them.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/6/2017 08:47:44 CDT
Between one blink of your eyes and the next, a face takes shape, hovering in mid-air. Crystal blue eyes in a greyish face gaze into the distance. A certain coldness in their expression turns more menacing as the eyes narrow in rage. As quickly as it formed, the face vanishes.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 4/5/2017 19:02:08 CDT
Your vision gradually darkens from tiny pinpricks of shadow, as if a flock of approaching birds were slowly blotting out the light from above. In the moment before everything fades to complete darkness, a blinding explosion erupts beside you, sending you careening backward and flipping end-to-end like a ragdoll. As your head slams against the floor you instinctively tense and startle, only to blink and find yourself as you were before the vision took hold.
Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: False

Date and Time: 2/8/2017
Your senses blur and twist, leaving you reeling for a moment. As you stabilize yourself, you see an emaciated female with pale skin and fiery hair. Her dark robes swirl, and you find yourself lost in their blackness, falling as if into the Void itself. Just when you feel as though your soul might be torn asunder, you awake from your vision with a jolt!
Possible Subjects: Void Repeat: Unknown

Date and Time: 1/26/2017
Out of an ill-omened night appears a starlight sphere -- frigid beauty and constellatory power whittled down to a width of two fingers. As you silently pay homage to the occult patterns and equations that make such things possible, a talon tip of living shadow reaches from below, through unwholesome probabilities, and pops the sphere. The night is then painted a violet bloodier than that of the Nightingale.
Possible Subjects: Starlight Sphere, Shadow Creatures Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/26/2017
Something begins to think aloud in your own voice. Although you know that the voice is not you, not even Human, you cannot bring yourself to feel any alarm.

"The high temple calls it the Misenseor Tragedy."

"Not too long ago, the abbey was a lair of sin, where dark monks committed atrocities not so different from the necromancers they reviled with zeal. They lived like fat spiders in the middle of a web of wilderness, preying on the people of two provinces. I do not remember being there, but I must have been. How else could I know all this, recognize every monastic cell and every long-dead soul in it?..."

Possible Subjects: Misenseor Abbey Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/25/2017
Something begins to think aloud in your own voice. Although you know that the voice is not you, not even Human, you cannot bring yourself to feel any alarm.

"...Today I am surrounded by new monks. Children, compared to those wicked intellects of old, but good children nonetheless who bear my Ichor. Although they carve patterns into their spirits in my image, those are faulty and arid things that sleep far too much. My dearest Kylshun says that I am matchless, that none can see so deep as I. I understand that now, just as I understand he used to be one of the sinners. And yet he saw the error of his ways; moreover, he reforged his error into the greatest Good this plane may ever witness. I have forgiven him. I would forgive him anything. We are, after all, one and the same."

"They call it the Misenseor Tragedy, when in fact there was nothing tragic about it. They all died, we all died, and it was divine."

"It was the day of my birth."

Possible Subjects: Kylshun, Misenseor Abbey Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/25/2017
Nervous babbling fills your mind.

"Things were going so well. Nobody suspected, and they probably still don't, but that can't last long now. We're ruined, thanks to my...colleague."

"My work has been quiet and benign as can be: sundering weak aetheric forces through application of para-elements. But Liao... He has found something bigger. Worse, he has done something to himself. If I didn't know better, I'd call it unholy, Meraud save me. That's impossible! I'm not sure how much longer I can hide him. They say there's a Grovekeeper disguised among us, which terrifies me beyond reason. If he or she finds out... Oh Liao, Liao! They do not forgive!"

"I don't know what to do, who to turn to. Liao isn't quite himself. So much fear and paranoia have sapped my appetite, and I feel sick all the time. Gods, I've even lost my beard. I can't go to an empath. I must lie low and pursue my own breakthrough before everything comes crashing down."

Possible Subjects: Hylomorphic Sorcery, Grovekeeper, Liao Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/7/2017
A women clad in tan robes sits in quiet contemplation, a silvery moonblade resting in her lap. Her fingers flow over the surface of the blade, carefully inspecting and manipulating the currents within. A frown briefly crosses her face as the blade dances with shadowy imperfections. She makes a rapid correction to stabilize the pattern before continuing with her study. "He's right's possible, at least in theory."
Possible Subjects: Moonblade Repeat: True

Date and Time: 1/7/2017
An angular elf races along the shore clutching an inky black moonblade. Silver-gilt hair and black robes flows like waves as he closes on his prey - an anthropomorphic blur of garish colors. His blade flashes and crimson sears the air.

"I know of your secret, your shame. And I enjoy tearing it away from you."

The sun settles onto the horizon, igniting the sand with auburn hues. The elf stands over the blood-crusted corpse, his moonblade crackling with purple energy as he stares contemptibly at a dozen colorful foes.

"Tsk tsk. What would they think if they knew?"

Your eyes linger on the lone symbol adorning his robes -- a blacked oak shrew.

Possible Subjects: Karosti Repeat: True