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Charisma (stat)
- Reduces prices in shops with shopkeepers
- Extends spirit health and therefore the time before auto-depart after death
- Used in various magical 'spell vs statistic' contests
- Reduces amount of fines from being arrested
- Teaching System:
- The more charisma your students have, the more teaching experience you will earn
- The more charisma your teacher has, the faster you will learn the skill you are trying to learn
- The more charisma you have, the more scholarship you will learn as a teacher or student.
- Used by Empaths in shifting and manipulating
- Used by Paladins for leading, among others
- Used by Thieves to more quickly reach higher levels of Confidence and to be able to attain the highest level of Confidence.
- Used by Traders to increase sales profits in pawn shops, tanners, and gem shops.
- Used by Bards for spell songs.
- Charisma will work to grant a modest increase to the multi opponent penalty a player poses against a foe.
Training Locations
- a stone cottage
- (can use DIR charisma)
[Woodruff's Recitation Room]
A smattering of applause greets you when you enter the cottage. Several seated youths are listening attentively to an Elothean lad at a podium who is addressing them. He speaks animatedly with eloquent gestures, and his audience leans forward in their seats, captivated by his speech. A Halfling instructress studies him carefully, occasionally jotting down a notation in her book. You also see a painted sign mounted on the podium.
- Academy, Lecture Hall, go gate, n
- (can use DIR charisma)
[Academy, Lecture Hall]
A small lectern set upon a table stands alone and exposed at the front of the room, facing rows of high-backed chairs where students sit, each waiting their turn to speak. Aside from the front podium which is flanked by 4 glowing lanterns, the room is poorly lit, with shades covering all of the windows. You also see a notice tacked to the classroom wall.
[Faenella's Temple, Priest's Quarters]
This cluttered room is filled with rolls of sheet music and instruments. A S'Kra Mur priest, his black scales painted with silver wrens, sits beside a large harp, humming a hymn to his goddess.
Aesry Surlaenis'a
[Aesry Surlaenis'a, Chui'mysanda Shyrel'nor Fundisoli]
Lush rose bushes fill the air with a heady fragrance in the garden at the center of the school's courtyard. Young men and women of good families stroll the soft mulched pathways, accompanied by stern duennas to chaperone their behaviour. A mischievous young man gives you a wink from his perch atop the garden wall.
- Traders' Guild, Sales Returns
[Traders' Guild, Sales Returns]
This small, cramped room is warm all season round due to the press of bodies that fill it. A few traders in the back handle the complaints that enter here in a neverending stream, their weary faces fixed with happy smiles. You can feel a twinge of sympathy for the poor souls who handle all that the unhappy world of customer service has to dish out, and marvel at the patience with which the clerks handle their situation.
- Academy of Grunting
[Academy of Grunting]
This cavern is very deep, and the slightest sound sets off an impressive series of echoes. A cart to one side holds a tray of cheeses along with large pitchers of milk and ale. In front of the food and drink are a stern-faced Dwarf and a hulking Gor'Tog who shoo away anyone trying to grab freebies. You also see a moldy banner, a copper-banded door.