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  • Moor command

  • Motion command

  • Mount command

    You see: You look around for someone to give you a piggyback ride.
    Others see: N/A

    MOUNT <self>
    You see: Taking a deep breath, you throw back your shoulders and harden your resolve.
    Others see: <Person>'s features take on a look of resolve as <he/she> takes a deep breath and throws back <his/her> shoulders.

    MOUNT <person>
    You see: You bounce up and down, pointing at <Person> and chanting "I want a piggyback ride!"
    Target sees: <Person> bounces up and down, pointing at you and chanting "I want a piggyback ride!"
    Others see: <Person1> bounces up and down, pointing at <Person2> and chanting "I want a piggyback ride!"

    MOUNT <item>
    You see: You try to climb on top of an unfinished home-made oak chair, but you slip and fall. How undignified!
    Others see: <Person> tries to climb onto an unfinished home-made oak chair, but slips and falls -- how undignified!"
    Message may vary based on the item. Some items are designed to be mounted and have custom messaging or mechanics.

  • Move command

  • Mumble command

    You see: You mumble something under your breath.
    Others see: <Person> mumbles something under <his/her> breath.
    If hidden others see: You hear someone mumbling under their breath.

  • Muss command

    See Arrange below for full messaging.

  • Mutter command

    You see: You mutter to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> mutters to <himself/herself>.

    MUTTER <self>
    You see: You mutter something to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> mutters something into the air.

    MUTTER <person>
    You see: You mutter something to <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> mutters something to you.
    Others see: <Person1> mutters something to <Person2>.

    MUTTER <text>
    You see: You mutter something into the air about <text>.
    Others see: <Person> mutters something into the air about <text>.

  • Mychar command

  • Nag command
    NAG <self>

    You see: Don't you get enough of that from your mother?
    Others see: <Person>'s shoulders bow as if under some great burden.

    NAG <person>
    You see: You nag <Person> unmercifully.
    Target sees: <Person> starts nagging you unmercifully.
    Others see: <Person1> begins nagging <Person2> unmercifully.

  • Name command

  • News command

  • Nibble command
    NIBBLE <self>

    You see: You nibble your lip thoughtfully.
    Others see: <Name> nibbles <his/her> lip thoughtfully.

    NIBBLE <self> lips
    You see: You nibble your lip thoughtfully.
    Others see: <Name> nibbles <his/her> lip thoughtfully.

    NIBBLE <self> <ear/neck/nose>
    You see: Only if you're a contortionist!
    Others see: <Name> contorts <himself/herself> oddly for a moment.

    NIBBLE <self> shoulder
    You see: You drop your head to one side and nibble on your shoulder.
    Others see: <Name> drops <his/her> head to one side and nibbles on <his/her> shoulder.

    NIBBLE <self> arm
    You see: You raise your arm up to your face and nibble on it.
    Others see: <Name> raises <his/her> arm up to <his/her> face and nibbles on it.

    NIBBLE <self> fingers
    You see: You nibble on your fingers in contemplation.
    Others see: <Name> nibbles on <his/her> fingers in contemplation.

    NIBBLE <item>
    You see: You nibble on a <item> thoughtfully.
    Others see: <Name> nibbles on a <item> thoughtfully.

    NIBBLE <Person>
    You see: You nibble on <Person>.
    Target sees: <Name> nibbles on you.
    Others see: <Name> nibbles on <Person>.

    NIBBLE <Person> <ear/neck/lips/nose/shoulder/arm/fingers>
    You see: You nibble on <Person>'s <body part>.
    Target sees: <Name> nibbles on your <body part>.
    Others see: <Name> nibbles on <Person>'s <body part>.

    NIBBLE <food>
    You see: You nibble on your <food>
    Others see: <Name> nibbles on <his/her> food.

  • Nod command

    You see: You nod.
    Others see: <Person> nods.

    NOD <self>
    You see: You study the ground for a moment.
    Others see: <Person> studies the ground for a moment.

    NOD <person>
    You see: You nod to <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> nods to you.
    Others see: <Person1> nods to <Person2>.

    NOD <person> COURTEOUS
    You see: You give <Person> a courteous nod.
    Target sees: <Person> gives you a courteous nod.
    Others see: <Person1> gives <Person2> a courteous nod.

    NOD <person> POLITE
    You see: You nod politely to <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> nods politely to you.
    Others see: <Person> nods politely to <Person2>.

    NOD <person> FRIENDLY
    You see: You nod amiably at <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> gives you an amiable nod.
    Others see: <Person> nods amiably at <Person2>.

    NOD <person> EMPHATIC
    You see: You give <Person> an emphatic nod.
    Target sees: <Person> gives you an emphatic nod.
    Others see: <Person1> nods emphatically at <Person2>.

    NOD <person> SLIGHT
    You see: You give <Person> a slight nod.
    Target sees: <Person> gives you a slight nod.
    Others see: <Person1> gives <Person2> a slight nod.

    NOD <person> GRACIOUS
    You see: You nod graciously at <Person>, giving <him/her> a polite smile.
    Target sees: <Person> nods graciously at you, giving you a polite smile.
    Others see: <Person1> nods graciously at <Person2>, giving <him/her> a polite smile.

    NOD <person> MEEK
    You see: You nod meekly at <Person>, agreeing with anything <he/she> says.
    Target sees: <Person> gives you a meek nod.
    Others see: <Person1> gives <Person2> a meek nod.

    NOD <person> AGREE
    You see: You nod at <Person>, in complete agreement with <his/her> views.
    Target sees: <Person> nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.
    Others see: <Person1> nods at <Person2>, obviously agreeing with <his/her> views.

    You see: You give a courteous nod.
    Others see: <Person> gives a courteous nod.

    You see: You nod politely.
    Others see: <Person> nods politely.

    You see: You nod amiably.
    Others see: <Person> nods amiably.

    You see: You nod emphatically.
    Others see: <Person> nods emphatically.

    You see: You give a slight nod.
    Others see: <Person> gives a slight nod.

    You see: You give a gracious nod.
    Others see: <Person> gives a gracious nod.

    You see: You nod meekly, not meeting anyone's eyes.
    Others see: <Person> gives a meek nod, not meeting your eyes.

    You see: You nod in agreement.
    Others see: <Person> nods in agreement.

  • Notch command

  • Note command

  • Nudge command
    NUDGE <person>

    You see: You elbow <Person> in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
    Target sees: <Person> just nudged you.
    Others see: <Person1> just nudged <Person2>.

  • OOC command

  • Observe command
    - shows room as if you did a LOOK

    You see: You look around, trying to appear nonchalant.
    Others see: <Person> casually observes the area.

    OBSERVE <self>
    You see: You look yourself over.
    Others see: <Person> looks <himself/herself> over.

    OBSERVE <person>
    You see: You observe <Person> with fascination.
    Target sees: <Person> observes you with fascination.
    Others see: <Person1> observes <Person2> with fascination.

  • Offer command

  • Open command

  • Order command

  • Overboard command

  • Pace command
    PACE (non-Rangers)

    You see: You pace back and forth.
    Others see: <Player> paces back and forth.

    PACE (non-Rangers, in shallow water)
    You see: You wade back and forth in the water..
    Others see: <Player> wades back and forth.

  • Panic command

    You see: You shriek in panic, trembling as you flail around on the ground!
    Others see: <Player> shrieks in panic, trembling and flailing on the ground!

    Note: Careful! You will become prone on the ground with this command.

  • Pant command

    You see: You pant.
    Others see: <Player> pants.

  • Parry command

  • Pat command
    PAT <self>

    You see: You rub your tummy and pat your head.
    Others see: <Player> rubs her tummy and pats her head.

    PAT <player>
    You see: You pat <Player> on the back.
    Target sees: <Player> pats you on the back.
    Others see: <Player1> pats <Player2> on the back.

    PAT <item>
    You see: You pat <item>.
    Others see: <Player> pats <item>.

  • Pathway command

  • Pay command

  • Peer command
    PEER <self>

    You see: Peer at yourself? A little vain, no?
    Others see: <Player> is admiring herself again.

    PEER <player>
    You see: You peer quizzically at <Player>!
    Target sees: <Player> peers quizzically at you.
    Others see: <Player> peers quizzically at <Player>.

    PEER <item>
    You see: You peer closely at <item>, but see nothing of interest, maybe if you EXAMINEd it closely, you would see more.
    Others see: Nothing.

  • Perceive command

  • Perform command

  • Pick command

  • Pin command

  • Pinch command

    You see: You crack your knuckles.
    Others see: <Player> cracks her/his knuckles.

    PINCH <self>
    You see: No, you're not dreaming.
    Others see: <Player> just pinched her/himself!

    PINCH <player>
    You see: You give <Player> a good pinch!
    Target sees: <Player> gives you a good pinch!

    PINCH <item>
    You see: You idly pick at <item>.
    Others see: <Player> idly picks at <item>.

  • Plant command

  • Play command

  • Played command

  • Plead command

    You see: You plead for forgiveness!
    Others see: <Player> pleads for forgiveness!

  • Poach command

  • Point command

    You see: You cross your arms and point in opposite directions.
    Others see: <Player> crosses her arms and points in opposite directions.
    Note: this has a RT of 2 seconds.

    POINT <self> You see: You point at yourself.
    Target sees: <Player> points at her/himself.

    POINT <direction> - point in any direction of travel
    You see: You point <direction>.
    Target sees: <Player> points <direction>.

    POINT <player>
    You see: You point at <Player>.
    Target sees: <Player> points at you.

    POINT <player> / <creature> (while hidden)
    You see: You point at <Player>, ruining their hiding place.
    Target sees: <Player> points at you.
    This will pull the player out of hiding.

    POINT <item>
    You see: You point at <item>.
    Others see: <Player> points at <item>.

  • Poke command
    POKE <self>

    You see: Do you poke yourself often?
    Others see: <Player> appears to be poking herself.

    POKE <player> - Demeanor toward player is warm
    You see: You give <Player> a gentle poke in the ribs.
    Target sees: <Player> gives you a gentle poke in the ribs.

    POKE <player> - Demeanor toward player is friendly
    You see: You give <Player> a playful poke in the ribs.
    Target sees: <Player> gives you a playful poke in the ribs.

    POKE <player> - Demeanor toward player is neutral
    You see: You poke <Player> in the ribs.
    Target sees: <Player> pokes you in the ribs.

    POKE <player> - Demeanor toward player is reserved
    You see: You give a faint frown, poking <Player> in the ribs.
    Target sees: <Player> gives a faint frown, poking you in the ribs.

    POKE <player> - Demeanor toward player is cold
    You see: You frown, giving <Player> a sharp poke in the ribs.
    Target sees: <Player> frowns, giving you a sharp poke in the ribs.

    POKE <player> - While player is dead
    You see: You poke <Player> to see if he/she'll move. He/She doesn't.
    Target sees: Need the messaging

    POKE <item>
    You see: Going around poking things isn't going to get you far.
    Others see: <Player> pokes her finger at <item>.

  • Policy command

  • Ponder command

    You see: You ponder.
    Others see: <Player> ponders.

    PONDER <self>
    You see: You ponder the meaning of life.
    Others see: <Player> gets an odd expression on his/her face.

    PONDER <player>
    You see: You ponder the meaning of <Player>'s existence.
    Target sees: <Player> > looks thoughtfully at you.
    Others see: <Player> looks thoughfully at <Player>.

    PONDER <item>
    You see: You gaze thoughtfully at <item>.
    Others see: <Player> gazes thoughtfully at <item>.

    PONDER <message>
    You see: You ponder <message><item>.
    Others see: <Player> ponders <message>
    Example 1: PONDER the meaning of life.
    Example 2: PONDER whether there are any tarts left in the picnic basket.

  • Port command

  • Portrait command

  • Pose command
    POSE (standing)

    You see: You strike a heroic pose.
    Others see: <Player> strikes a heroic pose.

    POSE (kneeling)
    You see: You place your hands beneath your chin and turn your eyes up to the heavens.
    Others see: <Player> places <his/her> hands beneath <his/her> chin and turns <his/her> eyes up to the heavens.

    POSE (sitting)
    You see: You lean forward and rest your chin in your hand, a thoughtful expression on your face.
    Others see: <Player> leans forward and rests <his/her> chin in his hand, a thoughtful expression on <his/her> face.

    POSE (lying down)
    You see: You stretch one arm along your side and prop up your head with the other hand.
    Others see: <Player> stretches one arm along <his/her> side and props up <his/her> head with the other hand.

    POSE <self>
    You see: Placing one hand on your hip and the other behind your head, you strike a sultry pose while batting your eyelashes.
    Others see: Placing one hand on her hip and the other behind her head, <Player> strikes a sultry pose while batting her eyelashes. - (Same messaging for males?)

    POSE <player> (standing)
    You see: You flash a grin at <Player> and strike a heroic pose.
    Target sees: <Player> > flashes a grin at you and strikes a heroic pose.

    POSE <player> (kneeling)
    You see: You place your hands beneath your chin and turn your eyes toward <Player>.
    Target sees: <Player> > places her hands beneath her chin and turns her eyes toward you.

    POSE <player> (sitting)
    You see: You lean forward and rest your chin in your hand and direct a thoughtful expression at <Player>.
    Target sees: <Player> > leans forward and rests her chin in her hand and directs a thoughtful expression at you.

    POSE <player> (lying down)
    You see: You stretch one arm along your side and prop up your head with the other hand in order to look at <Player>.
    Target sees: <Player> > lstretches one arm along her side and props up her head with the other hand in order to look at you.

    POSE <item>
    You see: Glancing at <item>, you quickly shift into a basic fencing pose, as if preparing to engage in battle with the chair.
    Others see: <Player> suddenly turns to face <item> and shifts into a basic fencing pose, as if preparing to engage in battle.

  • Pound command

  • Pour command

  • Pout command

    You see: You pout.
    Others see: <Player> pouts.