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  • Howl command

    You see: You throw your head back and howl!
    Others see: <Person> throws <his/her> head back and howls!

    HOWL <hidden>
    You see: From your hidden location you howl!
    Others see: From somewhere close, you hear a howl!

  • Hug command

  • Hum command

    You see: You hum to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums to herself.

    You see: You hum happily to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums happily to herself.

    You see: You hum sadly to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums sadly to herself.

    You see: You hum cheerfully to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums cheerfully to herself.

    You see: You hum mournfully to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> hums mournfully to herself.

    HUM <hidden>
    You see: You hum to yourself.
    Others see: You hear someone humming from the shadows.

    HUM <hidden> <emote>
    You see: You hum <emote> to yourself.
    Others see: You hear someone humming to <himself/herself>.

  • Hunt command

  • Hurl command

  • Huzzah command

    You see: You let out a loud "Huzzah!"
    Others see: <Person> lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

    HUZZAH <self>
    You see: You mutter a sour "Huzzah" to yourself.
    Others see: <Person> mutters a sour "Huzzah" to herself.

    HUZZAH <person>
    You see: You let out a loud "Huzzah!" for <Person>!
    Target sees: <Person> lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for you!
    Others see: <Person1> lets out a loud "Huzzah!" for <Person2>!

  • Ignore command

    You see: You ignore the world around you.
    Others see: <Person> appears to completely block out the world about <him/her>.

    IGNORE <self>
    You see: You must really hate yourself.
    Others see: <Person> takes on a haughty countenance.

    IGNORE <person>
    You see: You pointedly ignore <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> pointedly ignores you.
    Others see: <Person1> pointedly ignores <Person2>.

  • Infamy command

  • Info command

  • Infuse command

  • Inhale command

    You see: You take in a great breath of air.
    Others see: <Person> inhales a great swallow of air.

    INHALE <smoking item>
    You see:
    Others see:

    INHALE (hidden)
    You see: You take in a great breath of air.
    Others see: You hear some heavy breathing.

  • Instruct command

  • Intelligence command

  • Intone command

  • Inventory command

  • Invfix command

  • Invoke command

  • Jab command

  • Join command

  • Juggle command

  • Jump command

    You see: You bounce up and down like a little kid.
    Others see: <Person> begins bouncing up and down like a little kid!

    JUMP (while sitting)
    You see: You bounce in your seat!
    Others see: <Person> bounces from where <he/she> is sitting!

    JUMP <person>
    You see: You jump back from <Person>!
    Target sees: <Person> jumps back from you!
    Others see: <Person1> jumps back from <Person2>!

    JUMP <self> - This varies and gives 5 second Roundtime

    JUMP (in water)
    You see: You jump up in the air and land with a colossal *WHOOOOSH*, spraying water everywhere!
    Others see: <Person> jumps up in the air and lands with a colossal *WHOOOOSH*, spraying water all over you!

  • Justice command

  • Kick command
    KICK <self> (while standing or lying down)

    You see: Kicking yourself? can't be that bad, can it?
    Others see: <Person> looks like <he/she> could kick <himself/herself>.

    KICK <person>
    You see: You kick <Person>!
    Target sees: <Person> walks over and kicks you in the shin!
    Others see: <Person1> kicks <Person2>!

    KICK <person> (while lying down)
    You see: You throw a glorious temper tantrum!
    Others see: <Person> throws a bit of a temper tantrum!

    KICK (in water)
    You see: You lean back and kick your feet, churning up water that sprays out in all directions.
    Others see: <Person> churns up water with her feet, spraying you thoroughly.

    KICK <person> (in water)
    You see: You kick water at <Person>, spraying <him/her> thoroughly.
    Target sees: <Person> kicks <his/her> feet, churning up water that sprays you thoroughly.

    KICK <item> (not worn or held)
    You see: Now what did <item> ever do to you?
    Others see: <Person> just tried to kick <item>.
    Additional custom usage available for many verby items.

  • Kill command

  • Kiss command
    KISS <self>

    You see: You lick the tip of your nose.
    Others see: <Person> licks the tip of <his/her> nose.

    KISS <Player>
    You see: You kiss <Player>.
    Others see: <Person> just kissed you.

    KISS <Player> HAND
    You see: You take the hand of <Player> and kiss the back of it.
    Others see: <Person> takes your hand and gently kisses the back of it.

    KISS <Player> NECK
    You see: You gently kiss <Player> on the neck.
    Others see: <Person> gently kisses you on the neck.

    KISS <Player> FOREHEAD
    You see: You gently kiss <Player> on the forehead.
    Others see: <Person> gently kisses you on the forehead.

    KISS <Player> NOSE
    You see: You kiss <Player> on the nose.
    Others see: <Person> Catrin kisses you on the nose.

    KISS <Player> CHEEK
    You see: You gently kiss <Player> on the cheek.
    Others see: <Player> gently kisses you on the cheek.

    KISS <Player> SLOW (unmarried)
    You see: <Player> seems a little reserved for that. / You kiss <Player>.
    Others see: <Player> just kissed you.

    KISS <Player> LIGHT
    You see: You give <Player> a light kiss.
    Others see: <Player> gives you a light kiss.

    KISS <Player> TENDER (unmarried)
    You see: <Player> seems a little reserved for that. / You kiss <Player>.
    Others see: <Player> just kissed you.

    KISS <Player> PLAYFUL
    You see: You grin at <Player>, blowing her a playful kiss.
    Others see: <Person> grins at you, blowing a playful kiss in your direction.

    KISS <Player> LOVING (unmarried)
    You see: <Player> seems a little reserved for that. / You kiss <Player>.
    Others see: <Player> just kissed you.

    KISS <Player> GENTLE
    You see: You give <Player> a gentle kiss.
    Others see: <Person> gives you a gentle kiss.

    KISS <Player> AIR
    You see: You lean forward, your lips not quite touching <Player>'s as you make little kissy noises.
    Others see: <Person> leans forward, her lips not quite touching yours as she makes little kissy noises.

    KISS <item>
    You see: You kiss <item>!
    Others see: <Person> just kissed <item>!

  • Knee command

  • Kneel command
    KNEEL <standing>

    You see: You kneel down upon the ground.
    Others see: <Person> kneels down.

    KNEEL <sitting>
    You see: You kneel.
    Others see: <Person> kneels.

    KNEEL <prone>
    You see: You rise to a kneeling position.
    Others see: <Person> rises to a kneeling position.

    KNEEL <person> <standing>
    You see: You kneel down upon the ground before <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> kneels down before you.
    Others see: <Person1> kneels down before <Person2>.

    KNEEL <person> <sitting>
    You see: You kneel before <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> kneels before you.
    Others see: <Person1> kneels before <Person2>.

    KNEEL <person> <prone>
    You see: You rise to a kneeling position before <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> rises to a kneeling position before you.
    Others see: <Person1> rises to a kneeling position before <Person2>.

  • Knit command

  • Knock command
    KNOCK <item>

    You see: You knock upon <item>.
    Others see: <Player> knocks on <item>.

  • Lace command

  • Language command

    Displays the help menu.

    Displays a list of languages that you know, and highlights the one you are currently speaking

    LANGUAGE {tongue}
    Switches to the chosen language

  • Latch command

  • Laugh command

    You see: You laugh!
    Others see: <Person> laughs!
    If hidden others see: You hear someone laugh.

    LAUGH <self>
    You see: You laugh at yourself.
    Others see: <Person> laughs at <himself/herself>.

    LAUGH <person>
    You see: You laugh at <Person>!
    Target sees: <Person> laughs at you!
    Others see: <Person1> laughs at <Person2>.

    LAUGH <creature>
    You see: ?
    Others see: ?

    You see: You laugh happily.
    Others see: <Person> laughs happily.
    If hidden others see: You hear someone laughing happily nearby. </ br>

    You see: You laugh in maniacal glee!
    Others see: <Person> cackles like a lunatic!
    If hidden others see: You hear someone cackling like a lunatic! </ br>

    You see: You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
    Others sees: <Person> laughs softly, trying to hide <his/her> amusement.
    If hidden others see: You hear someone laughing softly nearby. </ br>

    You see: You burst out in loud, raucous laughter.
    Others see: <Person> bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.
    If hidden others see: You hear loud, raucous laughter nearby. </ br>

    You see: You raise your voice in merry laughter.
    Others see: <Person> raises <his/her> voice in merry laughter.
    If hidden others see: You hear someone laughing merrily. </ br>

    You see: You force yourself to laugh through your pain.
    Others see: <Person> laughs through her pain, grinning stoically.
    If hidden others see: You hear someone laughing nearby. </ br>

    You see: You snort a derisive laugh, sneering in mockery.
    Others see: <Person> snorts a derisive laugh, sneering in mockery.
    If hidden others see: You hear a snort of derisive laughter. </ br>

    You see: You laugh, your eyes reflecting barely hidden sorrow.
    Others see: <Person> laughs, <his/her> eyes reflecting barely hidden sorrow.
    If hidden others see: You hear someone laugh nearby. </ br>

    You see: You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter.
    Others see: <Person> cackles deep in <his/her> throat, <his/her> voice rising in chilling laughter.
    If hidden others see: You hear a dark, chilling cackle of laughter nearby. </ br>

    You see: You burst out in triumphant laughter!
    Others see: <Person> bursts out in triumphant laughter!
    If hidden others see: You hear a triumphant laugh nearby! </ br>

    You see: You hiccup and giggle with drunken laughter.
    Others see: <Person> hiccups and giggles with drunken laughter.
    If hidden others see: You hear someone giggling drunkenly nearby. </ br>

    You see: You begin to giggle, then burst out in a silly laugh.
    Others see: <Person> begins to giggle, then bursts out in a silly laugh.
    If hidden others see: You hear a silly giggle and a laugh nearby. </ br>

    You see: You burst into a fit of insane laughter!
    Others see: <Person> cackles insanely, wild-eyed and drooling.
    If hidden others see: You hear a wild, cackling laugh nearby. </ br>

    You see: You force a grin and laugh nervously.
    Others see: <Person> forces a grin and laughs nervously.
    If hidden others see: You hear someone laughing nervously nearby. </ br>

    You see: You hold your sides and let out a rumbling belly laugh.
    Others see: <Person> holds <his/her> sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.
    If hidden others see: You hear a rumbling belly laugh nearby. </ br>

    You see: You throw back your head and roar with laughter!
    Others see: <Person> throws back <his/her> head and roars with laughter!
    If hidden others see: You hear a roar of laughter. </ br>

    You see: You laugh with delight!
    Others see: <Person> laughs with delight, <his/her> eyes full of merriment.
    If hidden others see: You hear a laugh of delight nearby. </ br>

    You see: You rear back your head and let out a guffaw that would inspire envy in a donkey.
    Others see: <Person> rears back <his/her> head and lets out a honking guffaw that would inspire envy in a donkey.
    If hidden others see: You hear a loud, honking guffaw nearby. </ br>

    You see: You burst out in a sudden snort of laughter.
    Others see: <Person> bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
    If hidden others see: You hear a sudden snort of laughter. </ br>

    You see: You give a muffled laugh.
    Others see: <Person> gives a muffled laugh.
    If hidden others see: You hear a muffled laugh. </ br>

    You see: You hold your hand up before your lips, trying desperately not to laugh. Maybe your choking noises will be mistaken for a swallowed fishbone.
    Others see: <Person> holds her hand up before her mouth and begins to cough, <his/her> shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!
    If hidden others see: You hear a strangled, choking noise, but can't see who made it! </ br>

  • Lead command

  • Lean command

    You see: You shift your weight.
    Others see: <Person> shifts <his/her> weight.

    LEAN <forward/back/left/right>
    You see: You lean <back/forward/to your left/right>.
    Others see: <Person> leans <back/forward/to his/her left/right slightly>.

    LEAN <self>
    You see: You fold your arms across your chest.
    Others see: <Person> folds her arms across her chest.

    LEAN <person>
    You see: You lean on <Person>.
    Target sees: <Person> leans on you.
    Others see: <Person1> leans on <Person2>.

    LEAN <object> (in this case, a tree)
    You see: You lean against a towering linden tree.
    Others see: <Person> leans against a towering linden tree.

  • Leap command
    LEAP (outdoors)

    You see: You leap up into the air, your hand outstretched to the sun!
    Others see: <Player> leaps up into the air, <his/her> hand outstretched to the sun!

    LEAP (indoors)
    You see: You leap up into the air, your hand outstretched to the ceiling!
    Others see: <Player> leaps up into the air, <his/her> hand outstretched to the ceiling!

    LEAP (while sitting)
    You see: You try to leap up from your sitting position, but only manage to propel yourself on to your back!
    Others see: <Player> suddenly flings herself on to her back from a sitting position! How very strange.

    LEAP (while kneeling, non-Ranger)
    You see: You leap from your knees to your feet, taking on a readied stance.
    Others see: <Player> leaps from her knees to her feet, taking on a readied stance.

    LEAP (while kneeling, Ranger)
    You see: You rise to your feet fluidly, like a large graceful cat.
    Others see: <Player> rises to her feet fluidly, like a large graceful cat.

    LEAP (while lying down)
    You see: You kick your legs wildly into the air, lashing out at the ceiling!
    Others see: <Player> kicks her legs wildly into the air, lashing out at the ceiling!

  • Leave command

  • Lecture command
    LECTURE <message>

    You see: You lecture, "<message>"
    Others see: <Player> lectures, "<message>"
    Example: LECTURE Both of you, knock that off!

  • Lick command
    LICK <self>

    You see: You lick your lips.
    Others see: <Person> licks <his/her> lips.

    LICK <person> - neutral demeanor
    You see: You lean over and lick <Person>!
    Target sees: <Person> leans over and licks you.
    Others see: <Person1> leans over and licks <Person2>.

    LICK <person> - friendly demeanor
    You see: You lean over and lick <Person>, getting an amiable poke in the ribs in return.
    Target sees: <Person> leans over and licks you. You give <him/her> an amiable poke in the ribs in return.
    Others see: <Person1> leans over and licks <Person2>, getting an amiable jab in the ribs in return.

    LICK <person> - warm demeanor
    You see: You lean over and lick <Person>, getting a warm smile in return.
    Target sees: <Person> leans over and licks you. You give <him/her> a warm smile in return.
    Others see: <Person1> leans over and licks <Person2>, getting a warm smile in return.

    LICK <person> - cold/reserved demeanor
    You see: <Person> draws back to avoid your tongue.

    LICK is additionally used as a custom command on many verbed items.

  • Lie command

    You see: You lie down.
    Others see: <Person> lies down.

  • Lift command

  • Light command

  • Link command

  • Listen command

    You see: You listen intently to the sounds around you.
    Others see: <Person> appears to be listening intently for something.

  • Load command

  • Loan command

  • Lock command

  • Look command

  • Loot command

  • Lower command