Lick command

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Role-playing command to lick yourself, another person or an item. May also be used with facial hair.
LICK <self>

You see: You lick your lips.
Others see: <Person> licks <his/her> lips.

LICK <person> - neutral demeanor
You see: You lean over and lick <Person>!
Target sees: <Person> leans over and licks you.
Others see: <Person1> leans over and licks <Person2>.

LICK <person> - friendly demeanor
You see: You lean over and lick <Person>, getting an amiable poke in the ribs in return.
Target sees: <Person> leans over and licks you. You give <him/her> an amiable poke in the ribs in return.
Others see: <Person1> leans over and licks <Person2>, getting an amiable jab in the ribs in return.

LICK <person> - warm demeanor
You see: You lean over and lick <Person>, getting a warm smile in return.
Target sees: <Person> leans over and licks you. You give <him/her> a warm smile in return.
Others see: <Person1> leans over and licks <Person2>, getting a warm smile in return.

LICK <person> - cold/reserved demeanor
You see: <Person> draws back to avoid your tongue.

LICK is additionally used as a custom command on many verbed items.

See Also