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ItemSource isRare item
Ebony-hafted scythe of polished steel inset with a deep red blood ruby
Elaborately dressed puppet with eyesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Feathery seaweed fronds dappled with swirlsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes
Ferocious sungold finger claws tipped with molten-core diamondsItem:Rapacious lion cloak with savage sungold fangs Limited Treasures (4)
Fire-blackened ceremonial dagger etched with the word "Widowmaker"Harawep Shrine 425 Harawep Shrine 421
Flowing robes flecked with tiny dropletsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizestrue
Fulginode key set with a single blood rubyDrathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblage Drathrok's Duskruin 442/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 435/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 430/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Fuzzy dolphin slippers with large eyesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Glittery parry stick with faceted endsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Green gold armband inset with a trail of tiny blood rubiesDroughtman's Challenge 426/Incidental loot
Handful of narrow bone chipsLimited Treasures (5)
Heavily embroidered sash with gemstone fractalsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizestrue
Heavily faceted blood ruby roseDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loot
Hollow Eve 439 giftSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End loot Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End lootIcheaHollow Eve Festival 439true
Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes/Material options
Incurvated blood ruby comet hung from a loimic chainFocus on the Past (3)true
Interlocking miniature tridentsHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Iridescent filaments strung with starsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Item:Burnished oravir flask studded with blood rubies
Item:Midnight black dergatine evening gown adorned with shrike's bounty blossoms
Jaunty fedora accented with a small sharkHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Lacquered abacus strung with polished beadsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Lacquered band set with a tiny clownfishHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Large yellowed vulture skull with blood rubies set into the eye socketstreasure maptrue
Latticed picnic basket tied with sea ottersHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizestrue
Luxurious sanguinai longcoat fastened with blood rubiesItem:Shadowbark wardrobe with a blood ruby rose latch Drathrok's Duskruin 438/Raffletrue
Midnight black dergatine evening gown adorned with shrike's bounty blossomsNatural Beauty (1)
Miniature polar bear with round eyesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes
Miniature tyrium-wrought Uwresari figurine that appears melted at the baseSiegery Shop (2)
Miniature winged boggle wielding a tiny elder wood staffDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 435/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 430/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 426/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loottrue
Oily black steel trident decorated with pitch pearls and blood rubiesPiralpa Tridents (3)
Ornate cambrinth chain interspersed with beadsHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Pair of dagger-shaped cufflinks hilted with blood rubiesFiner Things (5)
Pair of gemfire velvet trousers elaborately belted with diamond-hide and kertigItem:Ruby-hued box topped with a kertig raven Natural Beauty (2)
Polished medal encircled by tiny sea turtlesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Polished wand topped with a starfishHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizestrue
Red-scaled wyvern with firestained indurium and blood ruby eyesSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/Incidental loot Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 439/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 436/Incidental lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 432/Incidental loot
Round green bota in the shape of a turtle with eyesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizes
Scrimshawed ivory hairbeads inlaid with blood rubiesDrathrok's Duskruin 435/Incidental lootDrathrok's Duskruin 448/Incidental loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Incidental loot
Segmented black riftstone centipede with blood ruby jawsLimited Treasures (2)
Set of tiny blood rubiesTurialo's Haven (9)
Shadowbark wardrobe with a blood ruby rose latchDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Raffletrue
Silver daggers inlaid with blood rubiesAll Tressed Up (2)true
Slender eyebrow ring dangling a sigilHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizestrue
Slender glass phial fitted with a blood ruby stopperDrathrok's Duskruin 442/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 438/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 435/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 430/Drathrok's AssemblageDrathrok's Duskruin 448/End Loot Drathrok's Duskruin 446/Drathrok's Assemblagetrue
Slender steel skinning knife with a gemstone pommelHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes
Small blood rubyMusical Chairs of Doom
Small treasure chest set with embellishmentsHollow Eve Festival 443/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizes