Wayerd pyramid

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A Wayerd pyramid is used to dry herbs as the first step in preparing a potion. To use the standard pyramid you must be outside with the sun visible.

Pyramids will not work when tied to your body or placed inside a container. As long as it is in the sun the pyramid will emit a low humming noise as the sun's rays shine down on it a couple times a minute. Pyramids will continue to hum as long as there is sun (or mana for cambrinth pyramids) to power them; even after completion of drying. It is recommended you set a highlight string for the messaging that signifies completion. The messaging reads: After several moments a high-pitched humming resonates from the <name of your particular pyramid>.

When you see the completion messaging it's time to OPEN your pyramid. If you haven't set the highlight string, or you missed it, you'll have to check the contents of the pyramid after a few minutes. The total number of parts in your pyramid and the quality of the sun (how bright it is and how cloudy the sky is) influences how quickly your pyramid will dry your herbs.

Cambrinth Wayerd pyramids

Wayerd pyramids also come in the cambrinth variety, although these are rarer. Cambrinth Wayerd pyramids may be used at any time, in any weather and even indoors. In order to use a cambrinth Wayerd pyramid, you must CHARGE <PYRAMID TYPE> <#>, while it is in your hand or at your feet. Do not INVOKE your pyramid. If you INVOKE the pyramid it will function as cambrinth to power your spells rather than drying it's contents. Each kind of cambrinth pyramid, no matter what it looks like, can hold a maximum of 10 mana, and each hum of the pyramid uses one mana stream. Like mundane Wayerd pyramids, a cambrinth Wayerd pyramid must be closed to function.


>charge pyramid 10
You harness some energy and attempt to channel it into your Wayerd pyramid.
The Wayerd pyramid absorbs all of the energy.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
>drop pyramid
You drop a Wayerd pyramid with a cambrinth capstone.
>guard pyramid
You move into position to guard a Wayerd pyramid with a cambrinth capstone.
>invoke pyramid
The Wayerd pyramid pulses with (mana) energy. You reach for its center and forge a magic link to it, readying all of its mana for your use.
The Wayerd pyramid emits a low humming noise drawing power from its cambrinth capstone.


Pyramids are extremely difficult to transport due to their size. There are a few options available.

Common containers:

Uncommon containers:

Rare containers:



Battered Wayerd pyramidfalsevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Bone-trimmed wayerd pyramidfalsevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Sand dune molded from cloudy yellow glassfalsenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
Silver-edged Wayerd pyramidfalsevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Wayerd pyramid (1)falsevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Alabaster-trimmed Wayerd pyramid carved in relief with ivytruevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Angular Wayerd pyramid inlaid with cambrinth moonstruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Bamboo-edged wayerd pyramidtruevery ineffective4appreciably susceptible7well-crafted7
Battered Wayerd pyramid with long gouges down the sidestrue
Blood-red Wayerd pyramid embedded with shards of bonetruenot very effective5average construction9masterfully-crafted12
... further results


Pocket glass greenhouse framed by cambrinth vinestruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Miniature treehouse with a cambrinth-veined trunktruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Stout glass halfling accented with cambrinth featurestrue
Large glass pumpkin set with a wide cambrinth grintruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Pudgy glass pig with large cambrinth piecestruetrue
Wayerd pyramid with a cambrinth capstone (2)truerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Wayerd pyramid wrapped by a lithe tursa serpent with cambrinth eyestrue
Wayerd pyramid with a cambrinth capstone (1)truerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Miniature greenhouse edged in cambrinthtruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Wayerd pyramid enclosed in a wire cage with a cambrinth doorknobtruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Angular Wayerd pyramid inlaid with cambrinth moonstruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Large crystalline apple set with a cambrinth stem and leavestruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12
Large crystalline egg set with cambrinthtruerather effective7quite guarded12masterfully-crafted12

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